the Omega Strikers review you didn't ask for

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i decided i had a lot more i wanted to say about omega strikers after making the video on my main channel, so let's talk! also, let me know your own thoughts on funny air hockey game and this new video format :)
also in case the youtube algorithm cares, hey it's me, yakkocmn! y'know, the indie games guy?

Пікірлер: 252
@yaggo Жыл бұрын
JOIN TEAM YAKKO! JOIN TEAM YAKKO! After making two videos on Omega Strikers, I still wasn't able to cover everything, so I wanted to quickly mention a few things I left out here. First off (and most importantly), the discussion surrounding the RNG of the awakening system. I'm gonna be real, I don't care much for pure skill-based twitch-reaction video games, and I think the slew of problems that comes from trying to appeal and balance for vastly different skill levels can damage a game, especially for casual audiences. You can never please everyone, nor should you ever simply trust the vocal minority. Games like TFT are still "competitive" because the RNG adds an element of strategy in using your game knowledge to play around the hands you're dealt. In Omega Strikers, the awakening draft offers exciting variety, and a feeling of "overcoming the odds" if you triumph over an enemy that got a better build than you. Ignoring that you had to buy the beta trainings with in-game currency, I also don't think it truly offered the variety some players think it did, especially compared to the current system. I just wish the matches weren't quite as long. Second, I've seen a subset of players complain about not having text or voice chat, but I'm not totally sure how I feel about this one. I fully agree with a Steam review that said "if this game had chat it would be more toxic than League of Legends," and if a goalie doesn't know how to play goalie well, I don't think the average player is gonna be able to communicate meaningful tips and strategies to them, with or without the use of... choice language. I think a better ping system could somewhat remedy this situation, and honestly... I just like the fun of communicating with teammates and opponents casually through emotes. Finally, I considered mentioning the absence of a training mode, but the devs did add Co-op vs. AI as a middle ground while they try to figure out a full-fledged practice system. A lot of these issues ultimately come down to the fact that Odyssey picked a tough road here - their dev team is a lot smaller than many live-service games nowadays, and the game launched without certain features players are used to seeing. Training modes take resources, a chat system would need moderation and reporting features, etc. As with any live-service game, I'm sure my thoughts will continue to evolve over time just as the game will, and I'm excited to see where things go. So if it isn't abundantly clear by now, I recommend this game wholeheartedly.
@ymous9109 Жыл бұрын
Btw, love this format. Your slickly edited reviews and more structured thought out video essays should definitely stick around, but this great as well, and allows for a greater variety of smaller topics. It's kinda similar to how Razbuten uses his second channel. Also more yakko content is just good
@D4Bandit Жыл бұрын
I'd personally love a vc or text one, but having it toggleable. A more complex ping system could remedy a lot of comms issues but idk, I still would like one. At the very, very least having it in-between rounds, in the middle of choosing another awakening. But I understand why it is not in the game/will not be in the game, so no biggie. Just a personal "want" of mine (but a honor/like/heart/reinforcement system for both mates and foes is what I need in my life)
@ashref2222 Жыл бұрын
I was gonna join but then I saw the emote face, nah lol
@Typw Жыл бұрын
my liege, I have alotted 80 wins for our cause
@FishyFishy_ Жыл бұрын
I also played the closed beta test + the public beta later and I really dont see some of the critiques with text chat (emotes are totally fine and chat is usually toxic) and awakenings being "too rng" (its just a fun addition with some pros and cons) The game always had a ton of unique charm and even more so now, I just hope that they stay true to what they wanted to make with this game. Instead of catering too much and making the game too generic etc. I played a good amount, but didnt think id stay there long term, but ive recently gotten into it again and just enjoy it for some casual fun now. It does have competitive potential, but it should probably stick with the casual fun first, because its the majority of the community. And as you said, they cant please everyone.
@F41nt13 Жыл бұрын
I really like this format. Please keep the highly edited videos, but for quick opinions and responses it is a good format. Btw, when will you talk about darkest dungeon?
@yaggo Жыл бұрын
this entire video is clearly about darkest dungeon
@tatzooism Жыл бұрын
@@yaggo no, the first one, this video is clearly about darkest dungeon 2
@mistyless7431 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't really call this "highly edited"..
@herothemaster6577 Жыл бұрын
@@mistyless7431 He's referring to Yakko's normal content with that. Everything after "but" refers to this video's format.
@dotColin Жыл бұрын
ok but how is yakko playing the game without moving his mouse and keyboard somethings not adding up
@mrwaffleman8732 Жыл бұрын
yakko gold crossover
@Terrabyte13 Жыл бұрын
He just has a really good gaming chair
@rycftxdhfsdyftgdxuuhgjfgzx1925 Жыл бұрын
He's telepathic
@bazinga5674 Жыл бұрын
You don't?
@fayaaz4eyes422 Жыл бұрын
It's a recording...
@jensennwong Жыл бұрын
I like this casual format. In case you were worried about this being too long or needing to hold back and cut it short, I could personally continue to hear you talk and express your opinions, no matter how niche it got.
@ghostietoastie6643 Жыл бұрын
I gotta say, as someone who recently picked up the game and is constantly trying to get my friends to play it. it's always nice to have reviews like this that actually talk about the game from both sides. You somehow also made me want to play the game more as well, thanks, loved the video format too
@OldRuinTV Жыл бұрын
This video helped clear a lot of things up. As you said, you didn’t have time to cover everything on your main channel, so hearing (and reading your own comment) helped better understand your points. I like this format, seems like many others do as well. Looking forward to seeing what you got coming out next!
@xraenon1664 Жыл бұрын
I’ve never seen anyone mention this, but can we talk about how insane this game’s OST is? 45 minutes of music and every single track slaps. And also the fact that they got A PROFESSIONAL ANIMATION STUDIO to do a music video?
@godlyvex5543 Жыл бұрын
I think dubu and juno's themes are a bit lackluster, but the rest are good
@BattlerGamer158 Жыл бұрын
It Trigger Studio who make art of music video!
@absentlogic4683 Жыл бұрын
8:09 LOOK MA! THERE I AM! Jokes aside, that game was really fun and it's great to hear your thoughts on omega strikers as someone who has come from the beta. My only experience has been the full release and I can definitely agree. With friends, this game is a blast. Funny core go brr. This game absolutely needs a surrender option though. This game just has very tiny issues that hold it back from being a phenomenal live service game. For now, it's hella fun and a GREAT live service game
@SunfishV Жыл бұрын
Big love Yakko. You're definitely doing this with much love, I hope this game breaks through the mold, beta was fun but I for one had been tired of the samey-ness of meta, but now the time I'm having is so much fun with how release launched. True enough the issues are prevalent but at this point we can just hope everything is steered in the right direction. Odyssey is really trying to find the sweet spot so I hope we'll be able to play this game for many patches to come.
@enr4g3dhippie Жыл бұрын
Love the new video format, Yakko! I really enjoyed hearing you talk about game design in a more calm and analytical format.
@iaingilmore5199 Жыл бұрын
i love the game, its a nice twist on many game formats that makes it appetizing to play for everyone. i agree that the pacing could use a little work but i think that is its only real downside. amazing art direction and hidden complexity make me keep coming back to it. it would definitely benefit from LTMs and more maps though. solid 8.3/10 highly recommend for causals and competitive people.
@KungPooFighting Жыл бұрын
One thing I would give them credit for is that if you miss the battle pass cosmetics they add them to the store. Which for me is way better then games like Fortnite where once it’s over you can’t get them ever again.
@Zeboki Жыл бұрын
I mean, that video made play despite me agreeing most of your concerns. Also you got the best emote to portray how I'm feeling when there's an afk in my team.
@Lumowolf Жыл бұрын
I'm really glad you talked about omega striker. easily one of my new favorite games. Its been a while since I've played a game that my friends wouldn't lose their shit over. also love the more freeform vibe of this video and your content in general.
@lonejohnwolf Жыл бұрын
I haven't seen a video from your channel before this one, but I kept seeing this video constantly... So I finally watched it. Pretty good content, especially for a review. I think Omega Strikers is THE MOST HYPE GAME I have EVER seen... Literally when I was new I had to stop myself from screaming at the top of my lungs in excitement on a regular basis, it's just SO COOL!
@arishkhan-jw6qu Жыл бұрын
Ive been watching your youtube video's for a few years now and although we both dont know eachother, and will probably never meet eachother, you feel like a great friend or maybe even family. Keep up the good work as many people are rooting for ya kay?
@Spyder_V Жыл бұрын
As someone who loves you main channel videos and was unaware of your second channel, I really enjoyed the format and listening to your points. I actually just downloaded the game to join your team, so hopefully I don't sandbag too hard.
@beef5943 Жыл бұрын
The original video you posted made install the game and have had a great time but when you mentioned the lack of surrender system i instantly verbally agreed despite the fact that this is a video and you can't hear me i have had too many games where the rando on my team leaves and we just have to sit and wait as our opponent trys to slap the core into the goal for 5 more minutes cause we can't just leave (also i joined your team im fighting the good hopeless fight)
@heynavi8368 Жыл бұрын
Love this simple format where you can sort of just TALK about whatever you missed from a main channel video or wanted to expand or just deserves a more "loose" discussion. NakeyJakey did a video like this similarly where on his second channel, he just gave himself up to an hour to just go off about why he loves Resident Evil 4 and how the Remake just fucking KNOCKS it out of the park as a game that took the original - which was beloved and aged like fine wine - and created both a unique experience and recaptures that "lightning in a bottle" feeling the original game captured. This format I feel like incentivizes conversation and brings together people to talk about a topic that they care enough about to critique, gush, or vent about (Like RE4 fans coming together to gush about it in said video by Jakey and also players both new and from beta of Omega Strikers coming together to propose ideas or share similar concerns your video brought up)! So yeah, I definitely would enjoy seeing you bring back this format for future videos cause it's fun, laid back, and cool way to come together on a topic.
@yaggo Жыл бұрын
haha jakey's re4 video was my main inspiration to make this type of video
@LunGreenStar Жыл бұрын
I really like this format, it feels a lot more down to earth in a way :D Also as someone who played very briefly in the beta, and then took 1 game on release, I knew something was off with the ball and the goals but I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but now I realized they added the goal bars and also that matches was longer which felt a bit exhausting when I kind of just wanted to go in for a quick match to see how the release was but oh well :^)
@Labergemusic Жыл бұрын
OMG! The mention of Battlerite and how it... just died... is too funny and a lot sad. One of my favourite games of all time.
@lilfroctel6172 Жыл бұрын
Your video got me extremely hooked into this game. after not playing league for so long, I've been looking a for a game that has the same feeling as it, but that wasn't a MOBA. I got 20 hours into it and I got to say I see myself playing this for at least 100 hours. some stuff that annoys me tho, they let you pick awakenings that do nothing with your characters, idk why they didn't make the missions auto-claim when you finish them. I agree with you that the quick play needs to be changed, and should let you pick your own awakenings, since this is a for fun mode, everybody would want to try to make their own combos. Overall, thanks for the video! and I hope this game prospers
@SeaWoelf Жыл бұрын
They allow you to pick awakenings that don't help your character to steal it from the other team that might benefit way more from it.
@coolbeansgaming1081 Жыл бұрын
I am going to be honest after playing Omega Strikers I completely feel you man and yes the game might have a grasp on me but you do make some very good points Enjoy playing
@Danakun Жыл бұрын
Really enjoyed this style of video. Loved hearing a less "entertainer" side of your thought processes on things. And you aren't wrong, you have to stay dialed in so long in games (competitive mode for me) that I was actually physically exhausted after a long 5 set game. I don't think its inherently bad but it is a bit much when you're trying to jam. Though I do really like the power draft system. But yea, really enjoyed the vid, keep up the good work!
@neoace7933 Жыл бұрын
I think one thing Yakko mentioned on the diversity of characters builds when comparing to Battlerite reminds me of a comparison I've made with friends between 2 MOBAs I play, League and HOTS. While both are MOBAs, the mechanics of HOTS focus on different things, more team fight focused due to constant objectives and the presence of mounts for fast map movement, with characters having few distinct different builds using character specific talents that upgrade certain abilities. In League, at least for me, characters aren't as diverse in game to game usually, but have more small piece agency in determining builds to upgrade base stats based on situation with items, with a slower more deliberate tempo on how you go about doing things on the map. All this to say, I appreciate the kind of smaller decisions you make in Omega Strikers in picking awakenings for your character that don't necessarily drastically alter their abilities, but give incremental advantages that still lend creativity to what you choose to prioritize.
@friedgreens Жыл бұрын
Big fan of the chill-er videos, it’s like an audiobook, where I can comprehend something, without a bunch of pop-ups on screen that I can look at, if that makes sense.
@Sm1ttyBoyTellEm Жыл бұрын
There's an indie game called ClusterPuck99, from the mid 2010s I think. It's basically Omega Strikers, but you control a non descript circle, the puck sticks to you, and it has a map editor. Most importantly, it kept lifetime stats per profile. Goals, assists, hits, win/loss. My group of 6 friends played that game almost every time we hung out. It was super sweaty and competitive. We loved it. But if you don't have that very, very like minded group, of very competitive "anything can be an esport" players, that game is gonna be a bust for you. I can definitely see Strikers going that way.
@lucayaki Жыл бұрын
You made me change from Team Alpharad to Team Yakko. You didn't dissuade me at all from the game
@Eli-akad Жыл бұрын
I might do the same
@dqflynn Жыл бұрын
Honestly, this was really nice to just kick back and listen to. More of these sorts of videos, please.
@_Cotton Жыл бұрын
I liked the part where he reviewed Omega Strikers
@uselessgoblin Жыл бұрын
@troyoo Жыл бұрын
Very refreshing format ! I just heard about this secondary channel through your community tab and I'll be looking forward to more casual content like this
@lesty66 Жыл бұрын
spamming yakko emotes against the behemoth creators is the best thing about omega strikers
@lesty66 Жыл бұрын
also at the start i cant tell if yakko voicing over the clip or if the syncing is just trash
@ShadyBone 8 ай бұрын
Rip omega, it was actually pretty fun during summer and spring, too bad it wasn't as popular as it should of been
@asdf-ix8jw Жыл бұрын
Omega strikers is surprisingly easy to get into.
@gaben9224 Жыл бұрын
I love yaggo, he's so chill. he should upload more
@colbyboucher6391 Жыл бұрын
There's been so many "fantasy sports" games like this that have popped up, it's interesting that this one actually got people playing for whatever reason.
@dingusgoober Жыл бұрын
The one thing I hope they add is a section where the tutorial teaches the players TO AIM. I just played a match where both of my teammates hit it directly into our goal. This wasn't like some small accident where there was tons of chaos. There was one enemy left and he was on the other side of the map. The core slowly went to our goalie. They hit it into our goal.
@maxrosefoxanime7225 Жыл бұрын
I agree but I think at time's even with aiming it feel like at times it doesn't work properly but that could just be me
@azelynhirano Жыл бұрын
They just need a disclaimer at the settings section to recommend new players to play with the WASD settings instead of the MOBA settings.
@awesome19ssbb Жыл бұрын
one thing agree is that it does need a surrender system or some kind of pentaliy for leaving, it maybe possible to win 2v3 but it really depends on both player and characters so it does feel really long just to get steam rolled or to somehow win it.
@pancakerabbit3889 Жыл бұрын
I love how you really talked to us an explain every point of your opinion and how to take it with a grain of salt. I'd love for you to do more videos like this !
@teutonicknight5664 10 ай бұрын
Well the game was fun while it lasted
@erikfleurant8561 Жыл бұрын
I like this casual review format, especially for smaller or newer games. I still think long form videos are needed for bigger games or ones that need a larger discussion but this is a good sandwich to eat while the beef continues to slow roast for a few more hours if this makes sense.
@Tuskingan Жыл бұрын
I wasn’t dissuaded to play after I watched your video, I in fact went to go try it right off the bat and do agree with your criticisms and believe it needs some work certainly. Like some major changes could do the trick but the style and gameplay at their core are promising. Btw proud member of Team Yakko all the way
@heiho9029 Жыл бұрын
As a proud team Yakko member I continue to have my decision reinforced by your likening to Battlerite, the 3v3 fast paced nature of Omega Strikers really reminded me of it when I first started playing.
@mrwhatcanido4942 Жыл бұрын
awesome video yakko. i actually prefer this style of casual talking much more than the highly edited main channel videos.
@colbyboucher6391 Жыл бұрын
"They can feel fun or lackluster based on your level of seriousness" I love sweating it up but _keep it this way._ Nothing kills games harder than impenetrable competitive scenes with no room for people to just goof around and, y'know, play a video game.
@kostamajstorovic3543 Жыл бұрын
In my humble opinion the quickplay mode is great for hanging out with my friends, cause the random awakenings feel good enough on every character that i still can play whoever i want and they still feel really impactful, but it always feels better to chose your own “build”. So i think it strikes a good balance of fun, random and time investment. I personally love the game and you bet i will be grinding for team yakko :)
@dustinmongold5870 Жыл бұрын
i honestly heard about omega strikers from necrit. i downloaded it and had fun until i unlocked juno and omg. the plays you can do with her blobbos as a goalie is so much fun. now i still havent played ranked since i dont have any friends that are enthusiastic about omega like i am so just quick pllay but even with upgrades that dont necessarily work with juno i still most of the time get mvp because of the mind games i can play with blobbos.
@lucayaki Жыл бұрын
I will say, though: I play in South America and the servers were *struggling* on the first few days. Last time I played, I had no issues, but that was the main reason I was hesitant to keep playing
@ItsFist Жыл бұрын
Most of the issues described here (regarding game length, rage quits, etc) kinda gets thrown out the window if you only play quickplay (these issues WILL still affect ranked play, but for the casual gamer its not noticable. Been playing for 12 hours so far with my friends and the fact that quickplay doesnt really go over 10 minutes and you can immediately go next like in battle royales is just so much fun.
@vastayanvixen685 Жыл бұрын
I think “time warp” like lethal league would looks super cool as a core flip.
@rh0dr1 Жыл бұрын
One change i would like to see regarding Quickplay, as you mentioned, the random set of awakenings really does feel rough if you want to play a specific character that match, but the awakenings offered just dont synergize well with them, plus everyone having the same awakenings can get kind of boring in Quickplay. I think a better way to do it, while keeping things fast paced, is hopefully there are 2-3 sets of awakenings to choose from at the start of the match, it would still be fast paced for Quickplay, but offers more variety in matches and lets every character feel viable in every quickplay match.
@ForTrueStory Жыл бұрын
Subbed because the Billy Hatcher music And you picked a good track too Good taste man
@BunsGlazing768 Жыл бұрын
I gotta say, me and my friends (all League players) just started playing, and the game has been a HIT. We didn't play League for an entire day in favour of fucking MOBA Air Hockey, and you know how hard it is to derail League night in a League group. Obviously that's just us but given how much of a resounding success Omega Strikers was for literally all of my closest friends- a group so picky that League was up to now our only common hobby- I'd say we're onto something. Also, I think the game has a lot of potential given how much the dev team cares about it. I do agree with many of the weaknesses you saw in the launch version but none of them have to be permanent- for example, Quick Play is still here and judging from queue times it's by far the most popular gamemode. Hopefully the devs catch on and compensate accordingly. Also I'd say give the game a bit longer to marinate before looking at the hours on Steam reviews. Of course a lot of players don't have many hours under their belt, it's a new game!
@aydum3846 Жыл бұрын
yakko youre one of my favorite tubers, keep it up brother :)
@RyanBeardy Жыл бұрын
Loved this extended yet still very casual review! Would love to see more!
@Nurambus Жыл бұрын
I think you've pretty much spoken on all the major issues I have with the game. It's extremely fun and I wanna support it, but I hope they really push themselves to evolve the gameplay and often. New maps and new build options will really make this game shine over time. And the characters and memes are awesome too. They have a good thing going, they just gotta commit to making it to something new without hesitating. Also the UI it runs like a mobile app and needs polish on PC.
@Eli-akad Жыл бұрын
I believe they always intended it to be cross platform so try design in line with mobile games so they would be less differences between versions
@Kry-Edge Жыл бұрын
Loved the new format, and agree with most of the things you said. Been having a lot of fun playing with friends
@yoshij.4497 Жыл бұрын
When you said that they should add the speed boosting of Leathal League I got flash backs of me not blinking for an entire clash. (Dear God I hope they don't do that 🙏🏽) What I would suggest though would be incresing the core's speed after overtime by 15-25% so that the game doesn't become longer than it should and it'll still provide that extra pressure in game. PS Love your videos and I hope you get some more players for your team, hopefully you can make it to top ten.
@GeckoTVtychovictor Жыл бұрын
plz use this format more often. me like a lot
@kodyrowe-manns6360 Жыл бұрын
Im glad that youre still uploading on this channel i thought it was dead
@Snulge Жыл бұрын
I LOVE the game and have been obsessed, in 3 days I put in 52 hours and in 42 wins got to gold rank. I come from a league of legends back ground, I also really loved Lost Ark PVP, and something about it has me feeling that league of legends addiction without having the 45 minute stress induced toxic games. That and the complexity of all the 150+ characters in league, abilities, 5 positions, this is like a super light moba sport game and it's complex enough to hold my competitive attention as well as keep my feeling like i want to hone my skilled edge. Personally I think this is a great start. And to your point of simplicity i hope they stick with it. Eventually it will just change due to feature creep but i hope it stays simple for a while.
@CromCruachTheElderK Жыл бұрын
"I would've played it a lot more if it hadn't died?!" - every Battlerite player :D RIP Battlerite T-T
@derpyderpz8668 Жыл бұрын
@cantrip7 Жыл бұрын
Agree with so much on what you said. I wish there was some way to select Awakenings mid match in Quick Play. Otherwise, I'm totally fine with the elements of randomness. My favorite games are between hardcore and casual, and this is one of the few online games that hits that sweetspot. I also hate live service junk. Not only does FOMO suck, but the battle pass rewards stink. It's funny how I hate battle passes but I also hate when they aren't very tempting, lol. I wanna support the game, just not through scummy stuff.
@jijigri9224 Жыл бұрын
Battlerite was my favorite multiplayer game, and Omega Strikers might be the first game since to scratch that same itch
@cariplays4095 Жыл бұрын
I may have not asked for this but i sure as hell welcome this new format.
@lumineglowstick2770 Жыл бұрын
Im having tons of fun with Omega Strikers and if it manages to survive I would absolutely love to play it even more than I already do
@MrFabricioSTH Жыл бұрын
Hey thank you for sharing this game on the other video, me anda my friend are having a great time
@archmagusofevil Жыл бұрын
It's really funny that people said your video was going to harm the game because it was too negative. Your video is the reason I decided to try it out.
@StudioYami Жыл бұрын
You make a lot of decent points. I've been addicted to this game, I almost have 100 hours in it and it just came out. (100 may not seem like a lot since its been out for a week or so now, but it is for someone like me who doesn't usually play one game a lot.) I've actually enjoyed every single change they made from the beta but I also see what you mean with a lot of points. I'd actually love if Quick Play just didn't have awakenings. Sometimes I want a quick game to play as any character without worrying about missing out on how optimal a certain other character would be. Also, you mention it has the battle-pass/FOMO thing going on, and I can see why you think that. But it's absolutely worth noting every cosmetic that was in the beta battle pass, is now in the store for purchase individually. So I think it's reasonable to assume that's how all their battle passes will be. Which, honestly, I feel like all BP's should be this way. 10 dollars to earn a bunch of cosmetics for a certain period, but if you miss out on that, you can still eventually get said cosmetics seperately, albeit costing more overall.
@spacemantoasty Жыл бұрын
I loved this format it’s great and cozy, also I joined your team so you can put the gun down please I want to live
@iyoka5790 Жыл бұрын
me who has 300+ hrs in omega strikers yeahhh you will get to that addiction if you play more
@texanmustache Жыл бұрын
Good review, personally I think the decision to do bo5 will end up killing the competitive interest for at least ranked. The idea of forcing players to play longer matches with teammates and opponents sometimes of vastly different skill ranges is definitely going to hurt it. Me and my few friends who are competitive in most of our games we play believe this was a seriously bad change. Just think about being forced to play longer matches with your lower skilled or toxic league of legends teammates. It definitely needs to be adjusted to at least bo3 or just back to how it was imo. I loved how I could just hop in and play quick matches and hop off and that was what kept me coming back, now I have little to no interest in ranked to be honest and quick play can be too quick and easy sometimes. I don't want to believe I'm the only one that feels this way but I do really hope they change this particular area. Also miss the faster core, made it feel more enjoyable and fast paced to go with the fast game times.
@doofs Жыл бұрын
i dont got much to say other than banging video, but i really hope team yakko makes it to the top 20 at least no other creator's emote captures that potent blend of gaming ennui and im really here for it
@indigo7898 Жыл бұрын
One can dream
@MistyWasHere Жыл бұрын
my friend introduced me to the game when it came out on PS5 and it’s the only thing i’ve been talking about
@brothbone Жыл бұрын
I would love more casual yakko, especially if it means more yakko overall
@mrzima723 Жыл бұрын
I played 20 hours of beta, and now I think the game is much more fun honestly, at least as a solo player. So I spend 25 more hours into the game, and I will spend even more hours, because I really am having fun, and I am getting better at the game. I just hope the game won't die too fast. I think now the game have more players than It had in beta, but we will see in 1 or 2 seasons how it will look like... Depends on what devs will do, but they are doing great things for now imo. My favorite change are those "Gate locks", that you need to destroy first in order to open a goal. In beta, I scored a lot of goals in like first second after the core spawned just because I'm good with my skill shots, now I can't do that, and It's more fun to "Work hard for a reward" for me at least. So yeah, I like Omega Strikers, and it's a fun game I play daily for an hour or two ^^
@koid Жыл бұрын
format slaps, would love to see more of it!
@eduardoserpa1682 Жыл бұрын
My one concern (length aside, I'd prefer ft2 rounds with ft3 sets) is that skins are VERY expensive in my country. The 1300 ones are half as expensive as AAA releases on Steam, and just as expensive as everything else.
@bananabike279 Жыл бұрын
Really digging this video format! Sometimes you just gotta jot down some thoughts without editing. Gotta try Omega Strikers sometime soon!
@ajch22 Жыл бұрын
As someone who didn't tried out the beta and my only experience with the game has been the final release, I can say, the main reason I play it is because quickplay exists. Competitive matches are way too long for my liking, but the gameplay itself is really fun, just in smaller bursts, though.
@Karanthaneos Жыл бұрын
I've had a game I had to save because I had 1 afk guy and one that clearly had been playing for less than a couple days, but I turned it around and beat it 2 sets down.
@CrisisghostOM Жыл бұрын
Great format! Would love to see more of your opinions on top of the more worked on videos on the main channel Also almost at 80 wins for the Yakko team, I'm doing my part 🫡
@vasilijemx Жыл бұрын
please post more on yaggo, gaming videos/stream highlights/less edited reviews are awesome!! all of your content is amazing!!!!
@taba1506 Жыл бұрын
The one thing I don't like that changed from the beta was the time it took to play a full competitive match. Right now losing a match 2-3 feels way to bad rn compared to winning. I would of liked seeing best of 3 instead of 5
@swigswig8964 Жыл бұрын
For me i love this game. I played the beta and have a whole bunch of hours in it. Playing it competitive and with my friends. It's just a great time all around if you ask me. I do think the Ft5 is a bit much. And i feel like the core is a Lil to slow. And everyone's walk speed is to slow. But over all i love this game and i hope it stays around for a long time.
@Adamski- Жыл бұрын
I've been playing the game for almost a week now, a total of 18 hours so far.. And i gotta say, sometimes, there are literally no masteries that fit how you'd like to play. BUT those games are usually really rare.. Then when the game becomes "boring" is when you're always last pick and actually can't pick whatever masteries you want. But that usually results in skill issue.
@bookmulch7379 Жыл бұрын
I like casual. Also I like your emote, it is great for when you goal
@tomoko1700 10 ай бұрын
Game was fun while it lasted, are you going to make a video about the recent anoucment
@mufaya Жыл бұрын
Og battlerite player reviewing Omega Strikers 👌
@viniciusmoura1310 Жыл бұрын
As someone who played the beta version quite a lot, I don't dislike the new awakening system, but I think the devs could've presented them in a more intuitive way. I mean, a lot of the icons and names for the awakenings have nothing to do with their effects and they're all mixed together. Also, somehow, the new system of sets feel more dragged out to me than the endless matches I had in the old system where none of the teams were able to get a two score advantage over the other and the games would just keep on going forever.
@Raman-jz8dz Жыл бұрын
I love the format! But I also love that mic. The audio quality is so crisp. What’s the name?
@yaggo Жыл бұрын
blue yeti, still rockin the usb mic baby
@werm3437 Жыл бұрын
I've pretty much played exclusively Quick Play up to now because even if I have long play sessions, I just don't want to play long sets. The assigned augments can make it frustrating sometimes however, since they usually stack the same buff. This leads to situations like a team with a Dubu, Era, and Ai.Mi all having projectile size stacking, making them impossible to get through, and playing Asher goalie is more difficult when her dash sends her halfway across the map.
@ThatSkiFreak Жыл бұрын
this format works well as a follow up or random opinion upload
@MaliciousBadger01 Жыл бұрын
Quick Play just needs to be BO1 (maybe with 3 awakening drafts right at the start), Normal needs to be BO3 (Add 1 awakening draft to the first round), and Ranked is where BO5 should live.
@ultimatemacchia Жыл бұрын
On the awakenings system I just think that it being both very random and a zero sum game it's not the way to go, like I get it that stealing powerups from the oppo gives depth to the game but the fact that your team can also steal your powers and there is only one random power each round that can't be stolen means that some games your character feels like it's just getting marginally better if different at all
@freetory Жыл бұрын
Change will cause people to cry without fail. They want everything to be the way they want it.
@nothingtoseehear5012 Жыл бұрын
It's air hockey with power ups and team mates. So, yeah, how often did you turn your air hockey table on when you had one? But, seriously, the game actually IS fun. But I share all your same concerns. I have other concerns, mainly the absence of any way of punishing people who troll the game. In the cases of; a troll hitting into own goal, of a troll standing still while spamming commands or emotes, of a troll standing afk, of a LEAVER/ have no recourse. There is no kick/ban. There is no time or ban penalty for leavers so you could do that all day, and there is no replacement AI for when someone leaves. That is really quite wild to think about. If someone leaves early then you have to play the rest of the matches a man down or leave yourself. How simple would it be just to code in at least a decent bot/AI to help even things out? How simple would it be to code in a kick vote for someone who is clearly deflecting shots at your own goal. But even after overlooking these flaws and trying to squeeze as much fun out of the game as I could, I only got about 20 hours out of it until I felt there really wasn't any need to come back. People can call it negative or trying to hurt the game or whatever. Why don't they just call it 'being honest'?
@redwolfplayz996 Жыл бұрын
It's great to see more people getting into this game I love it so much and I hope it does well :D
@AxolotlDreams-u- Жыл бұрын
This is a nice format
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