The Origins of Russian Colonialism: From Pushkin to Putin by Prof. Dr. Ewa Thompson

  Рет қаралды 4,137

European Resilience Initiative Center

European Resilience Initiative Center

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@5ty717 4 ай бұрын
Deeply knowledgeable and eloquent guest. Sophisticated questions and clear pace … wot not to like…? Excellent… ask this professor back!
@andresha9391 4 ай бұрын
The biggest threat to contemporary civilization is the lack of honesty and conscientiousness - especially among the people who are supposed to inform and enlighten the masses. It's a pity when often the dishonest ignoramuses with an insufficient brain power are trying to "educate" the public on the subject of our - i.e., of the former USSR nations' - reality and history [especially when it is coupled with a strong intention to divide the union of Russian people (i.e., Russians-Ukrainians-Belorussians-Rusyns) - this is the scammers' old colonial trick "divide and conquer"]. Ukraine, being in the Russian state and in the USSR, became the founder of the USSR and of the UN, increased its territory around seven-fold, population - in around 22 times, and finally became the third power in the world by the main civilization characteristics in 1980-ths! As a Ukrainian, I state that the distorting Ukrainian history and reality media personalities and the instigating ethnic strife criminals should be brought to the future Ukraine Nation's Military Tribunal (in the way as it was done for the Nazis by the Nazi-hunting Wiesenthal Institute) - together with the creators and supporters of the scabies/короста on the body of our nation - current puppet néonazi anti-Ukrainian regime in Ukraine. The Hitler collaborators are the main heroes of this regime, the elite force of its army is "Azov" - which was recognized as a néonazi organization even by the US Congress, the slogans and greetings of this regime are copied from the ones of the Hitler collaborators, the anti-nazi are killed by the "death squads" or imprisoned, the national thinker Oles' Busina is demonstratively killed and his killers are funded by the government! The people who really care about the civilization on the planet Earth and the free-thinking Ukrainians will always remember and hunt (again, to bring to the justice - as Wiesenthal did) the war criminals who have brought and/or supported puppet néonazi regimes in Ukraine and started the Civil war in our country ⚡
@EuroResilience 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! Prof. Dr. Thompson is amazing!
@Dr.Dawson 4 ай бұрын
Great chat Sergej. That was a really good one.
@EuroResilience 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! We wanted to interview Prof. Dr. Thompson since longer time, so happy that we finally have managed it!
@LA-ph2nc 4 ай бұрын
Fantastic guest, thank you for this program! 👏👏👏
@EuroResilience 4 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@ImperatorSomnium 4 ай бұрын
Now this is a topic, that I'm really interested in, really good 👍
@andresha9391 4 ай бұрын
The biggest threat to contemporary civilization is the lack of honesty and conscientiousness - especially among the people who are supposed to inform and enlighten the masses. It's a pity when often the dishonest ignoramuses with an insufficient brain power are trying to "educate" the public on the subject of our - i.e., of the former USSR nations' - reality and history [especially when it is coupled with a strong intention to divide the union of Russian people (i.e., Russians-Ukrainians-Belorussians-Rusyns) - this is the scammers' old colonial trick "divide and conquer"]. Ukraine, being in the Russian state and in the USSR, became the founder of the USSR and of the UN, increased its territory around seven-fold, population - in around 22 times, and finally became the third power in the world by the main civilization characteristics in 1980-ths! As a Ukrainian, I state that the distorting Ukrainian history and reality media personalities and the instigating ethnic strife criminals should be brought to the future Ukraine Nation's Military Tribunal (in the way as it was done for the Nazis by the Nazi-hunting Wiesenthal Institute) - together with the creators and supporters of the scabies/короста on the body of our nation - current puppet néonazi anti-Ukrainian regime in Ukraine. The Hitler collaborators are the main heroes of this regime, the elite force of its army is "Azov" - which was recognized as a néonazi organization even by the US Congress, the slogans and greetings of this regime are copied from the ones of the Hitler collaborators, the anti-nazi are killed by the "death squads" or imprisoned, the national thinker Oles' Busina is demonstratively killed and his killers are funded by the government! The people who really care about the civilization on the planet Earth and the free-thinking Ukrainians will always remember and hunt (again, to bring to the justice - as Wiesenthal did) the war criminals who have brought and/or supported puppet néonazi regimes in Ukraine and started the Civil war in our country ⚡
@EuroResilience 4 ай бұрын
Awesome, thank you!
@bozidarsicel3884 4 ай бұрын
@clear-vision 4 ай бұрын
What an excellent interview, Prof Thompson's analysis of central european history is most impressive.
@Namuchat 3 ай бұрын
I totally agree that, if you want to decolonize, you should not end with the colonisers, but you also have to go after the ideology! That means that one has to look deeply into philosophy, literature, arts, religion and even into applied sciences.
@hybridarmyoffreeworld 4 ай бұрын
"Everything is going according to plan." -Saddam Putsein
@hybridarmyoffreeworld 4 ай бұрын
«…Браты мае, мужыкі родныя. З-пад шыбеніцы маскоўскай прыходзіць мне да вас пісаці, і, можа, раз астатні. Горка пакінуць зямельку родную і цябе, дарагі мой народзе. Грудзі застогнуць, забаліць сэрца, - но не жаль згінуць за тваю праўду… Няма ш, браткі, большага шчасця на гэтым свеце, як калі чалавек у галаве мае розум і науку… Но як дзень з ноччу не ходзіць разам, так не ідзе разам наука праўдзіва з няволяй маскоўскай. Дапокуль яна ў нас будзе, у нас нічога не будзе, не будзе праўды, багацтва і ніякай наукі, - адно намі, як скацінай, варочаць будуць не для дабра, но на пагібель нашу… Бо я табе з-пад шыбеніцы кажу, Народзе, што тагды толькі зажывеш шчасліва, калі над табою Маскаля ўжэ не будзе. Твой слуга Яська-гаспадар з-пад Вільні»
@terjeoseberg990 4 ай бұрын
Your description of the genocide of the Circassians is very similar to the US description of the genocide of the Native Americans. It was a “hunting trip”.
@yurakrasnobaev8036 4 ай бұрын
Superb interview
@marinakralik1977 4 ай бұрын
Excellent.. excellent topic!! please move forward in this direction!
@anneli4441 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for this interesting interview! Best wishes from Norway 🇧🇻🇺🇦
@hybridarmyoffreeworld 4 ай бұрын
Безопасность Европы и мира в целом это развал MOSCOW Horde (орды 🇷🇺 ) . Свободу колониям орды! Карелия, Саха, Татария, Калмыкия, Чечня и тд
@stanislavstashchuk711 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely great conversation! Thank you very much for your job!
@philippreich 4 ай бұрын
Great interview, very important topic! Many thanks!
@EuroResilience 4 ай бұрын
Our pleasure!
@Dandelion-- 4 ай бұрын
Learned much from this - thank you!
@EuroResilience 4 ай бұрын
Glad it was helpful!
@hybridarmyoffreeworld 4 ай бұрын
13:50 She is 100% CORRECT , Muscovites are the Mongols ! "Let us begin with this evident fact: Muscovy does not belong at all to Europe, but to Asia. It follows that judging Muscovy and the Muscovites by our European standards is a mistake to be avoided."-gonzague de reynold, 19501 In methodological terms, one should de-Europeanise any analysis of Muscovy policy.- thomas gomart, 20062 "
@EPWillard 4 ай бұрын
this comment strikes me as race theory that ignores the significant developments and westernization which occurred under peter the great and all of the other significant developments over the last 300 years
@cmbergersct3492 3 ай бұрын
Actually she never once said anything about race. She was talking about Mongol culture. It's the culture of the Mongols the brutal culture that survives to this day.
@msmaryna961 3 ай бұрын
Refreshing intelligence and insights. Thank you.
@Mariupol_is_Ukraine 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for that interview. I learned a lot again. And of course I again think, while listening to the history of russian world, how many people will the western leaders throw into this creatures mouth, before it starts to act for its citizens, and for the citizens of the world, and decolonizes and demilitarizes russia completely. Besides your guests, you are always a source of great input for me too, Sergej. I will look at this painters work. Imagine that russians themselves, exhibit those paintings. Wow. Your question at 22:00 is absolutely on point, and it is something, that personally interests me. And about Poland: Polands problem is raging chauvinism. And that will be a continued problem for all of us. What you said at 34:00 is a so important question, that I think it should be highlighted somehow. The reaction of the western allies to the holocaust and the similarities to the situation of the Ukrainians now, is a sad and somehow psychological issue. How come that humanity is sick enough to basically ignore the visible ongoing attempt of destruction of a nation by a certain group of people? It makes me feel very uneasy to see it happening. To see it happening again and again.
@andresha9391 4 ай бұрын
The biggest threat to contemporary civilization is the lack of honesty and conscientiousness - especially among the people who are supposed to inform and enlighten the masses. It's a pity when often the dishonest ignoramuses with an insufficient brain power are trying to "educate" the public on the subject of our - i.e., of the former USSR nations' - reality and history [especially when it is coupled with a strong intention to divide the union of Russian people (i.e., Russians-Ukrainians-Belorussians-Rusyns) - this is the scammers' old colonial trick "divide and conquer"]. Ukraine, being in the Russian state and in the USSR, became the founder of the USSR and of the UN, increased its territory around seven-fold, population - in around 22 times, and finally became the third power in the world by the main civilization characteristics in 1980-ths! As a Ukrainian, I state that the distorting Ukrainian history and reality media personalities and the instigating ethnic strife criminals should be brought to the future Ukraine Nation's Military Tribunal (in the way as it was done for the Nazis by the Nazi-hunting Wiesenthal Institute) - together with the creators and supporters of the scabies/короста on the body of our nation - current puppet néonazi anti-Ukrainian regime in Ukraine. The Hitler collaborators are the main heroes of this regime, the elite force of its army is "Azov" - which was recognized as a néonazi organization even by the US Congress, the slogans and greetings of this regime are copied from the ones of the Hitler collaborators, the anti-nazi are killed by the "death squads" or imprisoned, the national thinker Oles' Busina is demonstratively killed and his killers are funded by the government! The people who really care about the civilization on the planet Earth and the free-thinking Ukrainians will always remember and hunt (again, to bring to the justice - as Wiesenthal did) the war criminals who have brought and/or supported puppet néonazi regimes in Ukraine and started the Civil war in our country ⚡
@EuroResilience 4 ай бұрын
Thank you very much for your supportive words! And the whole situation is indeed too grave and too sad to be described in one interview only...
@freakMasha Ай бұрын
This needs to be shared amongst every russian literature lover in the West
@EuroResilience Ай бұрын
@freakMasha, you might wanna check out this interview as well: Ukraine Unchained: From Shevchenko to Zelensky - by philosopher Dr. Volodymyr Yermolenko
@hybridarmyoffreeworld 4 ай бұрын
Багдан Хмяльніцкі, тыпу таго, падпісаў некалі "глыбокую" інтэграцыю з ардой ... Украінскія гісторыкі кажуць, што Хмяльніцкі нічога не падпісваў, і ўсё гэта хлусня! І папер ніякіх не было і няма! А маскоўцы кажуцуь, што Хмяльніцкі -- падпісваў, але паперы не захаваліся бо моль іх паела. А ў выніку што? Украіна-Русь на доўгія стагоддзі патрапіла пад маскоўскі бот. Маскоўская арда скрала назву Украіны -- Русь, усю яе гісторыю, міталёгію, культуру і выдае яе за сваю. Узяць бы таго князя Уладзіміра, які, нібыта, хрысціў маскавітаў, яшчэ і помнікі яму нахабна ставяць. А далей і згадваць не хочацца.... Бальшіцкі джыхад , акупацыя БНР , вайна з Польшай , Эстоніей , Фінляндыей, Галадамор, рэпрэсіі, Курапаты, генацыд, Новая эмпэрыя , алеграхі, карупцыя , эмперыялізм ...
@cmbergersct3492 3 ай бұрын
When you read Marco Polo's autobiography he talks about the techniques of the soldiers of the Mongol Khan and they are exactly what Russians do now. Now I don't know what other marauding groups such as Vikings did, I don't know if that is comparatively awful but yeah every time I read about the desecration of Ukraine nowadays I remember Marco Polo's description
@johncromwell2529 4 ай бұрын
Great interview thank you!
@larysarowland2958 4 ай бұрын
@hybridarmyoffreeworld 4 ай бұрын
Mongol - Muscovite horde´s war record :- 1856 defeated by Britain and France 1905 defeated by Japan 1917 defeated by Germany 1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states 1939 defeated by Finland 1969 defeated by China 1989 defeated by Afghanistan 1989 defeated in the Cold War. 1996 defeated by Chechnya 2022 defeated by Ukraine WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :- a) Hungary 1956 b) Czechoslovakia 1968 c) Moldova 1992 d) Georgia 2008
@dwl3006 4 ай бұрын
Defeated by Ukraine in 2022? Lol, are you high? in 2022 Russia occupied 20% of Ukraine's territory while Ukraine occupies none of Russia's. The war is still going, and it's going decisively in Russia's favor. You posting your wishful fantasies as if they were fact is quite bizarre. As for WW2, 80% of Nazi deaths were on the Eastern front, which means Soviet Union did 80% of the workload (not to mention losing 27 million people compared to America's 400 something thousand).
@babs420th9 4 ай бұрын
Soviet Russia defeated Adolf Hitler, the greatest evil the world has ever seen, while the english and americans were taking their sweet time.
@hangaris 6 күн бұрын
14:21 Kiev and Galicia were also under the Mongol yoke so I don't see why the same could be said of today's Ukraine. Also wouldn't be being under Muscovite-Mongol rule also further reduce Europeanness of everybody that it once occupied for hundreds of years?
@vadymrud4462 4 ай бұрын
In all Russian writers one can find this showinistic taste. Great Russian writer Astafiev testified in his books and conversations that Russian literature has ever served the oppression with extremely rare exceptions. Prohibiting and killing no less grater and unique Ukrainian literature that is awaiting its world recognition was approved by Russian writers who served tsars and then Stalin. Talented? Yes. This makes it even worse.
@EPWillard 4 ай бұрын
the word you're looking for is chauvinistic. can you recommend some ukrainian books to me
@vadymrud4462 3 ай бұрын
@@EPWillard thank you for the correction. I would recommend anything written by the group of Ukrainian writers called "Shot Rebirth" or "Killed Revival" whatever the translation of the original term " Росстріляне Відродження" is. It is so radically other than Russian literature that there is no doubt why Russia quickly killed all of them - it simply different culture... BTW, I always was wondering why guerrillas-peasants in "Peace and War" speak Russian. They all were Belorussian and their language was quite different from Russian. Tolstoy didn't bother... that is show..chauvinistic.
@MeatyTF2Mercs 4 ай бұрын
So, we Mongols are to blame for Russian aggression? Also, we didn't have a culture because we didn't build? What the hell kind of argument is that? I could make a similar argument that America is a colonizer, inherited from Britain in the same vain to this. Not that I hate America or anything, quite the opposite but, still.
@EuroResilience 4 ай бұрын
No, as it is clearly said that the Mongols have moved from Middle Age era towards modern democracy. But out of some reason, Moscovy stuck in their 1200s - 1300s.
@JustcallmeKathi 4 ай бұрын
True, the suggestion that today's autocratic regime in Russia derives from the rule of the Mongols during the Middle Ages is not helpful at all. Besides enforcing stereotypes it is much too simplistic and ahistorical. In order to analyze the roots of the current Russian regime and the fact that it is apparently supported by a majority of its citizens, one doesn't have to go back centuries.
@hybridarmyoffreeworld 4 ай бұрын
Свободу колониям орды! Карелия, Саха, Татария, Калмыкия, Чечня и тд
@joek600 4 ай бұрын
@@EuroResilience take your pills
@EPWillard 4 ай бұрын
@@EuroResilience i find that explanation to be lacking given the considerable developments that happened after peter the great through to the present. not to say that russia isn't backwards in a number of respects but it's plain silly to say they are still culturally in the 1300s, especially when your only support is a vague "out of some reason".
@ruthwolfer4154 4 ай бұрын
Fantastic = love this
@andresha9391 4 ай бұрын
The biggest threat to contemporary civilization is the lack of honesty and conscientiousness - especially among the people who are supposed to inform and enlighten the masses. It's a pity when often the dishonest ignoramuses with an insufficient brain power are trying to "educate" the public on the subject of our - i.e., of the former USSR nations' - reality and history [especially when it is coupled with a strong intention to divide the union of Russian people (i.e., Russians-Ukrainians-Belorussians-Rusyns) - this is the scammers' old colonial trick "divide and conquer"]. Ukraine, being in the Russian state and in the USSR, became the founder of the USSR and of the UN, increased its territory around seven-fold, population - in around 22 times, and finally became the third power in the world by the main civilization characteristics in 1980-ths! As a Ukrainian, I state that the distorting Ukrainian history and reality media personalities and the instigating ethnic strife criminals should be brought to the future Ukraine Nation's Military Tribunal (in the way as it was done for the Nazis by the Nazi-hunting Wiesenthal Institute) - together with the creators and supporters of the scabies/короста on the body of our nation - current puppet néonazi anti-Ukrainian regime in Ukraine. The Hitler collaborators are the main heroes of this regime, the elite force of its army is "Azov" - which was recognized as a néonazi organization even by the US Congress, the slogans and greetings of this regime are copied from the ones of the Hitler collaborators, the anti-nazi are killed by the "death squads" or imprisoned, the national thinker Oles' Busina is demonstratively killed and his killers are funded by the government! The people who really care about the civilization on the planet Earth and the free-thinking Ukrainians will always remember and hunt (again, to bring to the justice - as Wiesenthal did) the war criminals who have brought and/or supported puppet néonazi regimes in Ukraine and started the Civil war in our country ⚡
@EuroResilience 4 ай бұрын
Thank you!!!
@hybridarmyoffreeworld 4 ай бұрын
Безопасность Европы и мира в целом это развал MOSCOW Horde (орды 🇷🇺 ) ...
@ramon_803 4 ай бұрын
The bit about some deep friendship between today’s Germany and Russia is a rather distasteful distortion. Nor are Germans out to colonize Europe economically. Germany plays by the EU’s rules, what’s wrong with that?
@bertiballermann5812 4 ай бұрын
I agree, this seems to be very subtle Russian propaganda. Besides, this guy seems to morse-code by blinking his eyes constantly 😂
@georgenelson7891 4 ай бұрын
From Hitler to Habeck. And from Napoleon to Macron.
@stephenhill545 4 ай бұрын
You forgot Piglet and Pooh's frienship without limits.
@joek600 4 ай бұрын
Just by the title of the channel you understand what kind of hysterical drivel you can expect.
@EPWillard 4 ай бұрын
the first three chapters are fairly interesting but i find the section talking about the mongol origins and greek origins to be reductive because there was a very long time in western europe where democracy was effectively dead for centuries on centuries under the medieval and ancien regimes until the last couple hundred years. i also feel it doesn't really address the interconnection of russia and western europe. maybe she would have something to say on that but i find that the given explanation lacks nuance as presented and i would need an expanded explanation. the short version of the given explanation strikes me as oversimplification verging on race-science. perhaps that is a weakness of the video format but the general lack of citation outside of the literature section has me wary.
@hybridarmyoffreeworld 4 ай бұрын
Свободу колониям орды! Карелия, Саха, Татария, Калмыкия, Чечня и тд
@alexanderhildermann9761 4 ай бұрын
Свободу Юрию Деточкину!
@hybridarmyoffreeworld 4 ай бұрын
@@alexanderhildermann9761 У сына Ротенберга гражданство Финляндии и живут они там, дочь Лаврова в Нью Йорке , дочь Пёскова в Париже- Лиза живёт и учится во Франции, сын Николай был судим в Великобритании и более года провёл в английской тюрьме, супруга владеет квартирой в США площадью 126 м 2. Внук золотова в англии ,У соловья (телепропагандист) - вилла на озере Комо (недалеко от Милана), Италия, и вид на жительство там же... у Малышевой в США. Владимир Жириновский имеет гражданство Испании, Игорь Лебедев (сын Жириновского) имеет грин-карту США, гражданство Испании и ПМЖ Швейцарии , Михаил Берулава имеет ВНЖ Чехии , Ирина Роднина имеет гражданство США . Геннадий Тимченко друг Путина, (один из «королей госзаказа» и крупнейший экспортёр российской нефти) - гражданин Финляндии, жена и дочь - тоже. С 2014 года под санкциями, вынужден проживать в РФ. Этот список можно продолжать до бесконечности... Не поленитесь посмoтрите в интернете список чиновников с иностранным гражданством. Волосы дыбом встают!! все патриоты Московской орды ? Или иностранные агенты?
@alexanderhildermann9761 4 ай бұрын
​@@hybridarmyoffreeworldНа своих щирых правителей посмотри...
@hybridarmyoffreeworld 4 ай бұрын
@@alexanderhildermann9761 Безопасность Европы и мира в целом это развал MOSCOW Horde (орды 🇷🇺 ) ...
@hybridarmyoffreeworld 4 ай бұрын
@@alexanderhildermann9761 Безопасность Европы и мира в целом это развал MOSCOW Horde (орды 🇷🇺 ) ...
@mitchyoung93 4 ай бұрын
Ukraine literally means borderland. The Ukraine was about as much of a Russian 'colony' as Bavaria is a 'colony' of Berlin/Prussia. Also areas that may actually fit a 'colonial' narrative were, you know, inhabited by peoples that attacked Russia repeatedly and eventually lost. Tatarstan and Lithuania come to mind
@Pani_mavka 3 ай бұрын
according to Russians they are "attacked" all the time
@insaneclownponies9599 3 ай бұрын
Ukrainian identity traces it's roots back centuries. Your argument regarding Bavaria falls apart when you consider that Bavaria had always spoken German, but the Ruthenian languages like Belarusian and Ukrainian share about as much commonality with Polish as with russian.
@mitchyoung93 2 ай бұрын
@@insaneclownponies9599 Only in vocabulary, which is just one aspect of linguistic similarity and which is why both those languages, like Russian and Russyn, are classified as east Slavic. And the reason they have so much Polish...or often German via that they *were* colonized by the Poles/Lithuanians. And that's not even getting dialect situation and the fact that half the country doesnt speak what is now considered standard Ukrainiam.
@RavnFM 4 ай бұрын
@georgenelson7891 4 ай бұрын
Another peace of Western hypocricy and daily Russia-bashing propaganda. Thinkin of American literature about native indians and blacks.
@hybridarmyoffreeworld 4 ай бұрын
"Let us begin with this evident fact: Muscovy does not belong at all to Europe, but to Asia. It follows that judging Muscovy and the Muscovites by our European standards is a mistake to be avoided."-gonzague de reynold, 19501 In methodological terms, one should de-Europeanise any analysis of Muscovy policy.- thomas gomart, 20062 "
@stephenhill545 4 ай бұрын
We confront it, you don't, well, memorial tried, but they closed it down.
@hybridarmyoffreeworld 4 ай бұрын
@@stephenhill545 Багдан Хмяльніцкі, тыпу таго, падпісаў некалі "глыбокую" інтэграцыю з ардой ... Украінскія гісторыкі кажуць, што Хмяльніцкі нічога не падпісваў, і ўсё гэта хлусня! І папер ніякіх не было і няма! А маскоўцы кажуцуь, што Хмяльніцкі -- падпісваў, але паперы не захаваліся бо моль іх паела. А ў выніку што? Украіна-Русь на доўгія стагоддзі патрапіла пад маскоўскі бот. Маскоўская арда скрала назву Украіны -- Русь, усю яе гісторыю, міталёгію, культуру і выдае яе за сваю. Узяць бы таго князя Уладзіміра, які, нібыта, хрысціў маскавітаў, яшчэ і помнікі яму нахабна ставяць. А далей і згадваць не хочацца.... Рэвалюцыя, Грамадзянская вайна, Галадамор, рэпрэсіі, генацыд... І нaрэшце вайна на Дамбасе, анексія Крыма, вайна, вайна .
@alexanderhildermann9761 4 ай бұрын
GB - From Sheakespeare to Boris Johnson...😂
@alexanderhildermann9761 4 ай бұрын
Where did you unearth this old maiden?😂😂😂
@hybridarmyoffreeworld 4 ай бұрын
"Let us begin with this evident fact: Muscovy does not belong at all to Europe, but to Asia. It follows that judging Muscovy and the Muscovites by our European standards is a mistake to be avoided."-gonzague de reynold, 19501 In methodological terms, one should de-Europeanise any analysis of Muscovy policy.- thomas gomart, 20062 "
@alexanderhildermann9761 4 ай бұрын
@@hybridarmyoffreeworld Who cares about Ukrainian inferiority complexes?
@hybridarmyoffreeworld 4 ай бұрын
@@alexanderhildermann9761 She is 100% CORRECT , Muscovites are the Mongols ! "Let us begin with this evident fact: Muscovy does not belong at all to Europe, but to Asia. It follows that judging Muscovy and the Muscovites by our European standards is a mistake to be avoided."-gonzague de reynold, 19501 In methodological terms, one should de-Europeanise any analysis of Muscovy policy.- thomas gomart, 20062 "
@alexanderhildermann9761 4 ай бұрын
@@hybridarmyoffreeworld How much do you earn as an employee of a Kewer Botofarm?🤣
@hybridarmyoffreeworld 4 ай бұрын
@@alexanderhildermann9761 Когда ДЕД Вова сказал про войну с Нато и показал миру фотку орденоносца Шайги в боевом раскрасе, плывущего на адмирале Кузнецове, натовские генералы отправились в реанимацию от смеха. Кому он угрожает то? это все равно что плыть на плоту с рогаткой и угрожать американскому линкору. )))
@boogerie 4 ай бұрын
Jesus Christ! Is she still alive???
@EPWillard 4 ай бұрын
given her presence in the video i would say, yes.
@lawyer4233 4 ай бұрын
Please be correct. It is not russian "colonialism", it is pure russian nazim
@EPWillard 4 ай бұрын
Nazim is Arabic not Russian
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