All things are good when used for their purposes. God cannot build mortal understanding without exposure to materials useful to purposes other than he intends. Mortal understanding is critical to building a relationship with God other than viewing him as a caretaker of livestock. Thought experiment: would you rather whittle with a child or an artist? Can whittling be accomplished without a blade? Can that blade be used to harm others? Can you make whittling artists without giving a child a blade?
@philonew9 ай бұрын
I think that your comment evinces a limited imagination. Curiously, your analogy is self-defeating. Think about the miserable existence of livestock. Farm animals are raised for food. They are miserable prisoners on factory farms, then they are murdered in the end to become cheap food. Thus, you did not realize that your analogy is more pertinent with humanity. After all, like farm animals, we suffer, get hurt, and die. Therefore, your assumption that mortal life is essential for building a relationship with God is interesting, but it is just an arbitrary assumption. Think about it, no mortal/physical/terrestrial experience is useful in heaven-unless you think that heaven is the continuation of Earthly existence. Nice try, but you need a more sophisticated argument to refute HAIC.