The Promise Season 2 Episode 214

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@melocoton1659 4 жыл бұрын
Capítulo 214 Español Cavidan: cómo lo descubrió, Emir: cómo le digo, años después, la encontraste y la abrazaste como hermana, pero la persona no es tu verdadera hermana, el hombre que hizo el examen tenía un diploma falso, Zafer: pero habían muchas pruebas que demostraban que era su hermana. Emir: tienes razón, la prueba fue hecha para convencer a mi madre, Zafer: no puedes ocultar algo así, Emir: por su hermana fue a prisión, no se lo puedo decir, no en su estado, Zafer: si no se lo dices no te perdonará, creo que debes hablar con ella primero, Cavidan: si habla cantará, debo tener un plan, Narin: no lo hagas tu problema es con migo, no con tu hermano, Oya: tu no me interesas, trato de proteger a mi hermano y a Masal, llaman a las personas a que entren al juicio, Narin: te lo ruego, no lo hagas, Zafer: si se lo cuentas con detalle quizá llegue a un final agradable, Emir: no reaccionará bien, yo quede sorprendido cuando lo supe, es decir todo será nada, cuando consideramos las dificultades de la vida que ha vivido hasta este momento, descubra que no son hermanas, Gülsüm se irá y luego todo será peor, fui yo quien la puso en su vida, ahora recién nos hemos reencontrado, casi la pierdo Zafer: estamos hablando de alguien que fue a la cárcel por su hermana Emir, son realmente hermanas ahora, Gülsüm no ha molestado ni dañado a nadie, Emir: tienes razón, hablaré con Gülsüm, Cavidan: no pueden hablar. Comienza el juicio, Kemal: parece que el de la sorpresa no ha llegado, llega el juez y comienza el juicio, Cavidan: si habla y se entera, esta vez me alejará, qué miras, estás contento verdad, pero esa maldita no hablará, Zafer: voy a una reunión importante pero sabes lo que tienes que hacer, Emir: lo se, primero hablaré con Gülsüm, gracias, Cavidan: estaba cuidando a tu padre y las úlceras en la espalda han crecido un poco más y dije que conduciría a Melike, pero no pude ayudarme. ¿Puedes ayudarme? Emir: tenía algo que hacer pero yo me encargo, El abogado dice que en cuanto el abuelo pidió la custodia de Masal, Kemal y Narin se casaron inmediatamente, sin conocerse, en una estación de policía, y de seguro alguien recibirá una recompensa, el Abogado de Kemal protesta, y el juez dice que si habla sin esperar su turno deberá salir del salón, Kemal: esto no está bien, Gülsüm, trata de contactarse con una persona pero no puede, debe arreglar el problema lo antes posible, envía un mensaje que pide que se reúnan lo antes posible, que forma de entrar es esa, habla pronto tengo algo que hacer Cavidan: Melike y Nigar sacan cosas del sótano, debes ayudar, que esperas, no eres la dama de la casa, Gülsüm: piensa en el sótano, cierra la puerta y me cuelga, si están haciendo su trabajo que lo hagan, yo debo salir, Cavidan: no quiso ir al sótano pero regresará, Emir no dejará de perseguirla sin hablar con ella, ve a Emir salir de la habitación de su padre y dice que Gülsüm salió, Emir: te despertaste, me callo sigue durmiendo, Reyhan: no te vayas, no duermo descanso mis ojos, Emir: has tenido mucho sueño en los últimos días, Reyhan: qué crees que nos está ocultando, Emir: dile a tu madre, no te preocupes, deja que se vaya, Reyhan: incluso si lo niega, dígale que está claro que no tragamos cenizas, lo vemos en sus ojos, Emir: dile a tu madre escéptica que empezó a preocuparse de nuevo, dile que se concentre sólo en tí, ya lo conversamos, cuando voy a trabajar, es su deber. Reyhan: Inger está celoso quiere que lo mime, Emir: ninguno de ustedes olvidarán lo que dije, Siempre sonríe, luce así, mira tus ojos sonrientes, El abogado de Kemal dice que no es así que el reporte de la asistente social lo demuestra, Masal está creciendo en un ambiente tranquilo según sus profesores, Reyhan: Incer está enojado, quizá quiera estar contigo, Emir: me gustaría quedarme contigo, pero debo trabajar, Reyhan: me encargaré de Incer, no llegues tarde, Emir: No te canses, ¿de acuerdo? Reyhan: dormiré, cuando tenga sueño, comeré aunque no tenga hambre, memorice todo, no te preocupes, estas bien, me preocupo has estado diferente desde ayer, Emir: descansa, quiero ver mejor a mi esposa cuando vuelva. El abogado del abuelo dice que tiene un testigo que conoce la verdadera situación desde dentro, Oya Tarhun, El juez pide a Oya que pase a declarar, Gülsüm espera ansiosa a una persona, ya que tiene temor que Cavidan la encierre o la mande a asesinar, llega el hombre y Gülsüm dice que tiene un trabajo para él, contesta que lo hará si le paga 500 líras, Kemal: qué pasa, Oya te dijo de esto, Narin: piensa no lo hagas, por el amor de Dios, Oya: vivo en la casa y estoy acá para que el futuro de mi sobrina no sea afectado, conozco la verdadera cara de Narin y como este matrimonio afecta a Masal, su vida no ha sido fácil, Narin, después de ganar el corazón de mi hermano, supo ganar a Masal, creó un verdadero hogar, hizo que Masal creciera en un entorno familiar tranquilo, ellos tienen un matrimonio feliz, Sheriye se pregunta como irá lo del juicio, recibe una llamada de Hizir, pregunta si sabe algo del juicio, Sheriye contesta que no y que corte la llamada ya que no le interesa hablar con él, y espera noticias sobre el juicio, Kemal Oya que haces podías haberlo dicho, Oya pero no fue malo, el juez después de eso decide y entrega la custodia a Kemal, él se alegra mucho y abraza a Narin que llora, Reyhan mientras mira unos zapatos de bebé recuerda el paseo en yate y los deseos que pusieron en la botella, Emir: quiero 3 hijas sanas y hermosas, escucha ruidos piensa que es Emir pero es Gülsüm: te compré flores, Reyhan: mis favoritas cómo lo sabías, son muy hermosas, Gülsüm: tu me lo dijiste, no son tan hermosas como tú, eso es difícil, a veces te miro y me pregunto que si la cara de esta chica es mejor o es su corazón, no puedo decidir, Reyhan: me pregunto el porque de estos cumplidos, Gülsüm: no sé mucho de cumplido sólo digo lo que siento, Reyhan: me harás llorar, Gülsüm: tengo algo que hacer, vendré pronto, Cemre: yo no sé cocinar, si no pongo algo a la olla no hay comida, tocan a la puerta, Talaz : pediste pizza, Cemre: pizza , yo puedo hacer eso, Talaz abre la puerta es Cavidan, Talaz: tu maldad se está reflejando en tu cara, Cavidan: necesitamos hablar, quiere entrar pero Talaz no se lo permite, Cavidan: porque no contestas mis llamadas, es importante, Talaz: no quiero contestar y a la única persona que debes ver es a un doctor, Cemre pregunta con quien está hablando y Talaz responde que no le importa, Talaz: que quieres, Cavidan: Gülsüm, Emir descubrió, que no son hermanas, si habla con ella , le contara todo, debes salvarme del problema, Gülsüm: frente a Hizmet hace un video para Reyhan " no se como decirlo, cuando veas esto estaré en el extranjero, todos en el mundo deberían haber tenido un hermana, para compartir tristezas y alegrías, nunca te olvidaré, ¿podría olvidar a alguien como tu?, recordaré esa hermosa cara incluso si hay milla de distancia, perdóname, desearía que fuera real pero no lo es, no soy tu verdadera hermana, Cavidan pe pagó, sé que no hay excusa, nunca debí aceptar, inventamos lo del joyero, y sin pensar en ti ni por un momento fuiste a la cárcel, jamás lo pensé que sería así, su nuevo objetivo era matar a tu bebé así que cuídate, comenzó a amenazarme, tengo que huir, tengo miedo, tal vez después de ver este video me odies, pero siempre te amaré, aprendí una cosa se puede tener una hermana sin que sea de tu sangre. Talaz: no mi involucraré Cavidan: tu la encontraste, no puedes dejarme sola, no puedo lidiar con el barro sola, no es estúpida como Cemre, Talaz: que quieres que haga, no me involucraré, Cavidan: no se si entiendes , pero te daré el dinero que quieras, ni me importa lo que hagas, Melike llega a ver a Reyhan le dice que está bien pero que no puede dejar de pensar en Emir,que no ha dormido pensando en ello, Melike: no me he dado cuenta , pero mira te tejí algo para el bebé, Gülsüm termina el video y dentro de un relicario esconde la memoria en donde lo grabó, Emir llama a Reyhan para preguntar como se encuentra , ella contesta que está bien y le cuenta lo de la prenda de ropa y que Melike le dibujará un conejo, Emir: muéstralo si está contigo, no lo pude ver, Reyhan: lo veras cuando llegues aun no está terminado, cuando vendrás, Emir: pronto quieres algo, Reyhan: baklava la he estado deseando desde la mañana, Emir: desde la mañana, de verdad, en una hora y media estaré por ahí, con el baklava. Llegan a casa, Kemal abraza a su hija y le cuentan a Sheriye que todo termino, Oya: tomé la decisión correcta. separar al padre y la hija no es bueno para nadie, Narin recuerda que Oya le dice que testificará a favor sólo si promete divorciarse,si no Kemal perderá a Masal, se ti vas, ellos estarán tristes por un tiempo, pero no infelices de por vida, Oya: estoy esperando que le digas a mi hermano que quieres divorciarte, Reyhan: desearía no querer el postre, pero lo queremos mucho, llega Emir, que dice que llegó a la hora que prometió y que el postre está en la cocina, pero detente ni siquiera he podido ver bien el tejido, es hermoso, vamos a la cocina, Reyhan: que rico, se ven maravillosos, Melike: también tengo tus remedios, ya que en el almuerzo no comiste mucho, Emir: tengo que enviar un correo urgente, vuelvo: Reyhan: no yo lo llevo y comemos juntos en la sala de estudio, Emir: esta bien después de comer tanto dulce tu estómago, estará satisfecho, Masal: Narin, mira lo que dibujé, Narin: hermoso, recuerda las palabras de Oya "debes divorciarte rápidamente, Reyhan ordena el escritorio y toma el sobre con el resultado del ADN ...
@mausalt8207 4 жыл бұрын
A thousand THANKS x u outstanding COMMITMENT. You are de from 🇪🇦
@saragomezsanchez4608 4 жыл бұрын
Gracias melocoton infinitas gracias
@ernestinadupote624 4 жыл бұрын
Gracias Melocotón como siempre estás ahí para nosotras cuídate tú y familia también bendiciones
@solzin1980 4 жыл бұрын
melocoton siempre genial!
@anabelzamorano9215 4 жыл бұрын
Eres súper especial amiga 😘 Melocotón, muchísimas gracias por estar siempre pendiente de nosotras.👏👏👏
@fbstudio1777 4 жыл бұрын
Episode 214 English summary: Cavidan: how she discovered it, Emir: how do I tell her, years later, you found her and hugged her as a sister, but the person is not your real sister, the man who took the exam had a false diploma, Zafer: but there were many tests that they proved that she was his sister. Emir: you're right, the test was done to convince my mother, Zafer: you can't hide something like that, Emir: because of his sister he went to prison, I can't tell him not in his state, Zafer: if you don't tell him she will not forgive you, I think you should talk to her first, Cavidan: if she talks she will sing, I must have a plan, Narin: don't do it your problem is with me, not with your brother, Oya: you don't interest me, I try to protect My brother and Masal, call people to enter the trial, Narin: I beg you, do not do it, Zafer: if you tell them in detail, it may come to a pleasant end, Emir: it will not react well, I was surprised when I knew it, that is to say everything will be nothing, when we consider the difficulties of the life that has lived up to this moment, discover that they are not sisters, Gülsüm will leave and then everything will be worse I was the one who he put it in his life, now we have just met again, I almost lost Zafer: we are talking about someone who went to jail for his sister Emin they are really sisters now, Gülsüm has not bothered or harmed anyone, Emir: you are right, I will speak with Gülsüm, Cavidan: they cannot speak The trial begins, Kkemal: it seems that the one with the surprise has not arrived, the judge arrives and the trial begins, Cavidan: if he speaks and finds out, this time he will take me away, what are you looking at, are you happy true, but that damn will not speak, Zafer: I am going to an important meeting but you know what you have to do Emir: I know, first I will speak to Gülsüm, thank you, Cavidan: I was taking care of your father and the ulcers on his back have grown a little more and I said that I would lead Melike, but I couldn't help myself. You can help? Emir: I had something to do but I'll take care of it. The lawyer says that as soon as Grandpa asked for custody of Masal, Kemal and Narin got married immediately, without knowing each other, at a police station, and surely someone will receive a reward, the Kemal's lawyer protests, and the judge says that if he speaks without waiting for his turn, he should leave the room, Kemal: this is not right, Gülsüm, he tries to contact a person but he cannot, he must fix the problem as soon as possible, send a message asking you to meet as soon as possible, what way to enter is that, speak Soon I have something to do Cavidan: Melike and Nigar take things out of the basement, you must help what are you waiting for, you are not the lady of the house, Gülsüm: think of the basement, close the door and hang me, if they are doing their job they should, I must go out, Cavidan: he did not want to go to the basement but he will return, Emir will not stop chasing her without talking to her, go to Emir leave his father's room and he says that Gülsüm left, Emir: you woke up, I keep quiet, he sleeps, Reyhan: do not go, I do not sleep rest my eyes, Emir: you have been very sleepy in recent days, Reyhan: what Chees that he is hiding from us, Emir: tell your mother, don't worry, let him go, Reyhan: even if he denies, tell him that it is clear that we do not swallow ashes, we see it in his eyes, Emir: tell your mother skeptical who started to worry again, tell him to focus only on you, we already agreed, when I go to traboajan it is his duty Reyhan: Inger is jealous wants me to pamper him, Emir: none of you will forget what I said, Always smile, look like this, look at your smiling eyes, Kemal's lawyer says that it is not so, the report of the social worker shows it, Masal is growing up in a calm environment according to his teachers , Reyhan: Incer is angry, maybe he wants to be there Emir: I would like to stay with you, but I must work, Reyhan: I will take care of Incer, do not be late, Emir: Do not know, I agree? Reyhan: I will sleep, when I am sleepy, I will eat even if I am not hungry, memorize everything, do not worry, you are fine, I worry you have been different since ayen Emir: rest, I want to see my wife better when I return. The grandfather's lawyer says that he has a witness who knows the true situation from within, Oya Tarhun, The judge asks Oya to go to testify, Gülsüm anxiously awaits a person, since he is afraid that Cavidan will Lock her up or send her to murder, the man arrives and Gülsüm says he has a job for him, he replies that he will if he pays him 500 lire, kemal: what's up, Oya told you about this, Narin: think don't do it For the love of God, Oya: I live in the house and I am here so that my niece's future is not affected, I know the true face of Narin and as this marriage affects Masal, her life has not been easy, Narin, after winning my brother's heart, he knew how to win Masal, he created a real hogan, he made Masal grow up in a calm family environment, they have a happy marriage, Sheriye wonders how the trial will go, she receives a call from Hizir, she asks if he knows anything about the trial, Sheriye answers no and cut the call since she is not interested in talking to him, and awaits news about the trial, Kemal Oya what are you doing you could have said it, Oya but it was not bad, the judge after that decides and hands custody to Kemal, he is very happy and hugs Narin who cries, Reyhan while looking at 2 baby shoes remembers the yacht ride and the wishes they put in the bottle , Emir: I want 3 healthy and beautiful daughters, listen to foot noises that is Emir but it is Gülsüm: I bought you flowers, Reyhan: my favorites how did you know, they are very beautiful, Gülsüm: you told me, they are not as beautiful as you, that's difficult, sometimes I look at you and I wonder if the face of this girl is better or it is her heart, I can't decide, Reyhan: I wonder why of these compliments, Gülsüm: I don't know much about compliments, I just say what I I'm sorry, Reyhan: you'll make me cry Gülsüm: I have something they do I'll come soon, (not enough text space)look at reply section....
@fbstudio1777 4 жыл бұрын
Cemre: I don't know how to cook, if I don't put something in the pot there's no food, they knock on the door, Talaz: you ordered pizza,Cemre: pizza, I can do that, Talaz opens the door is Cavidan, Talaz: your evil is being reflected in your face, Cavidan: we need to speak, he wants to enter but Talaz does not allow it, Cavidan: because you do not answer my calls, it is important, Talaz: I don't want to answer and the only person you should see is a doctor, Cemre asks who he's talking to and Talaz responds that he doesn't care, Talaz: what do you want, Cavidan: Gülsüm, Emir discovered, that they are not sisters, If he talks to her, he will tell her everything, you must save me from the problem, Gülsüm: in front of Hizmet he makes a video for Reyhan, I don't know how to say it, when you see this I will be abroad, everyone in the world should have had a sister, to share sadness And joys, I will never forget you, could I forget someone like you? I will remember that beautiful face even if there is a mile away, forgive me,I wish it were real but it is not, I am not your true sister, Cavidan paid, I know that there is no excuse, I should never have accepted we invented the jeweler, and without thinking of you, you never went to jail for a moment, I never thought about it it would be like this, his new objective was to kill your baby so take care of yourself, he started to take me away, I have to run away I am afraid, maybe after watching this video you hate me, but I will always love you, I learned one thing you can have a sister without your blood. Talaz: I won't get involved Cavidan: you found her, you can't leave me alone, I can't deal with the mud alone, she's not stupid like Cemre, Talaz: what do you want me to do, I won't get involved, Cavidan: I don't know if you understand, but I will give you the money you want, I do not care what you do, Melike arrives to see Reyhan tells him that he is fine but that he cannot stop thinking about Emir who has not slept thinking about it, Melike: I have not noticed, but look I wove you something for the baby, Gülsüm ends the video and inside a locket hides the memory where he recorded it, Emir calls Reyhan to ask how he is, she answers that he is fine and He tells her about the item of clothing and that Melike will draw him a rabbit, Emir: show him if he is with you, I couldn't see him Reyhan: you will see him when you arrive he is not finished yet, when you will come, Emir: Soon you want something, Reyhan: I have been wanting baklava since morning, Emir: from morning, really, in an hour and a half I will be there, with the baklava. They arrive home, Kemal hugs his daughter and tells Sheriye that it is all over, Oya: he made the right decision, separating the father and the daughter is not good for anyone, Narin remembers that Oya tells him that he will testify in favor only if he promises divorce, if not Kemal will lose Masal, you go, they will be sad for a while, but not unhappy for life, Oya: I am waiting for you to tell my brother that you want to get divorced, Reyhan: I wish I did not want dessert, but we love him very much, Emir says, who said that he arrived at the time that he promised and that the dessert is in the kitchen, but stop I have not even been able to see the fabric well, it is beautiful, we are going to the kitchen, Reyhan: how delicious, they look wonderful, Melike: I also have your remedies, since in lunch you did not eat much, Emir: I have to send an urgent corheo, I come back: Reyhan: I do not take it and we eat together in the study room, Emir: it is fine after eating so much sweet your stomach, you will be satisfied, Masal: Narin , look at what I drew, Narin: beautiful, remember Oya's words "you must divorce quickly, Reyhan orders the desk and takes the envelope with the result of the DNA.............the end
@syedaftabsaeed5791 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for translation
@Ayeshakhan-rk5ru 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you 💞
@zoubidaramid2334 4 жыл бұрын
@43jayveersinhchhasatiya3 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you 😊
@sujathasridharan8245 8 ай бұрын
Finally kemal gets custody of masal.the way emir draws reyhan to him so that she rests her head on his chest and the expression on his face full of contentment fills our heart with joy...
@beelifebeauty4451 4 жыл бұрын
The best one is Melike sister😘! Angel, really appreciate her🤗!
@halilovasubkhiya1502 3 жыл бұрын
I like her character very much👍
@zminlsgrova5399 10 ай бұрын
@beelifebeauty4451 4 жыл бұрын
Reihan and Amir are very beautiful couple and well fit each other, Naryn & Kemal too!
@sarab647 4 жыл бұрын
Emir and reyhan ❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍
@lourdespineda1168 2 жыл бұрын
En español
@misanthrope.1386 4 жыл бұрын
Better life for reyhan🙏🙏♥️from Manipur(India)🇮🇳
@smilekillertaehyungv5808 2 жыл бұрын
I am also from india
@smilekillertaehyungv5808 2 жыл бұрын
Do you know turkish
@nazrinindunyas1987 4 жыл бұрын
Gözəl Narinim sən əsil Azərbaycan qızının saf ürəyini və təmiz eşqini, əxlaqını tərənnüm edirsən sənə vətən çörəyi halal olsun Kamalilə xoşbəxt olun sizi çox 👏👏😘
@fatihtut9860 4 жыл бұрын
Bu dizide corana virüs yok galiba cicekler sarılmalar devam ediyo😊
@nazrinindunyas1987 4 жыл бұрын
@@fatihtut9860 Rəbbim bu bəlanı dünyamızdan uzaq etsin🙏🇹🇷🇦🇿
@mehribangasimova8135 4 жыл бұрын
@@nazrinindunyas1987 Allahım herkese kömek olsun.Onlar çok calışırlar ALLAH QORUSUN🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@mehribangasimova8135 4 жыл бұрын
@@fatihtut9860 Devam etsin dizimiz. ALLAH HERKESE KÖMEK OLSUN🙏🙏🙏
@nazrinindunyas1987 4 жыл бұрын
@@mehribangasimova8135 🙏
@celikeksi7515 4 жыл бұрын
Reyhan 🧿Emir 😍Muhteşemsiniz💙❤️
@elciramejias7213 2 жыл бұрын
En Venezuela 🇻🇪 la vemos y nos gusta mucho 😘 pero no entendemos ni papa por favor traducir en español
@sevretozcan1016 4 жыл бұрын
Cavidan su perdeli şapkasıyla ortada dolaşiyorya gülmemek elde değil 😂😂😂😂😂
@brendavela4743 Жыл бұрын
@rayosx1imquir788 2 жыл бұрын
amo las series turcas soy una fanática. me encanta su cultura y la música, yermar y emir hacen una hermosa pareja transmiten tanto amor y ternura... los felicitos..
@storevip6720 4 жыл бұрын
Oya özünə ər tapa bilmir Narinlə Kamalı ayırmaq isdiyir allah bəlanı versin Oya Narin ❤❤Kamal inşallah ayrılmazlar
@g_g_m_k 4 жыл бұрын
Evvel deyirdim heçmi Gülsüm Reyhanı sevmedi, bucur oyun aparır, amma indi özüm çox istəyirəm onu, Gülsümü!!!
@arzubadalova1831 4 жыл бұрын
Emir cox gozel bir kalbi olan insandi bence Gulsumu saxliyacaq yeter ki,Gulsum giderse onu bula bilsinler
@sarvsahi2581 4 жыл бұрын
Emir is wondering how to tell the girls that they are not sisters when they have found each other after so many years. The doctor's name under the first test was fake. and they wonder who might have planned this. he says the doctor has said that Rey must not be made sad so how can he tell her that Gul is not her sis. Zef says that such a thing can not be kept hidden. Emir says they care about each other very much. one keeps talkinh about her abla (that means Gul) and the other one went to prosin for her little sis. he can't tell them. Zef says if the truth comes out somehow Rey will not forgive Emir so Emir must talk to Gul first. they might find a way together. Emir says Gul will be shocked as well. Gul is a proud girl. and she might leave if she finds out. then everything will be ruined. Zef says Gul will not do such a thing. she won't do somehting that makes Emir and Rey sad. And Emir decides to talk to Gul. Cavi tells Emir that she wanted to put some ointment on Hikmet but couldn't and asks Emir to do it and wants to send Gul out for some chores. Gul says she's not a servant and goes out herself ( probably to escape Cavi). Emir has put the ointment on hikmet and changed his clothes. cavi asks if he is looking for someone. he says Gul. Cabi says Gul has just left the house. Emir says he will go to work after checking on Rey. 00:16:36 E: (thinking to himself) What is it makes you sad. what of it hurts you both. I'd never forgive myself. Did I wake you up? I'll leave quietly. You sleep. R: Don't go! E: So it means I woke you up! R: I wasn't sleeping. I was just resting my eyes. E: Resting your eyes?! R: Yes! E: I think you look very sleepy! R: Look at you! It's not like that! You saw how much I studied last night. E: Are you ok? R: Uhum! I'm fine! It's just fatigue! Rey to baby: What do you think he's hiding from us? E: tell your mom to let go of her imaginations. Right now! R: tell him that it's clear from his face he's denying it. he can't fool us. E: tell your mom she's started making things up again! R: making things up?! E: Yes! tell your mom that she must only and only think about herself now. remember. after I went to work you need to look out for her. R: has Incir started being jeoulse? E: Incir? R: Do you want to join the conversation? E: she has her food and water... R: she needs love and care, too. E: you mean balance? Understood! I won't neglect any one!.... Smile at me always. ok? Look at me with smiling eyes. 00:21:32 R: She's angry! E: she can't be angry at me for cleaning her water. right? R: Incir, are you bored? E: I'll go out. You want me to go out. maybe what has made Incir angry would go away. I was joking! I'm going to the compnay. I'll be back soon. R: where did you say you were going? I didn't understand. E: isn't she overdoing her jealousy? R: maybe! she wants to be beside you all the time. she noticed you were leaving us. E: I want to stay with you, too, but, it's work. R: OK! I'll take care of incir. you don't delay going to work any longer. Rey gets out of bed E: Don't tire your self out. ok? R: Sleep, rest, eat when hungery, eat even if not hungry, .... , i know them all by heart. don't worry. R: there isn't any problem, is there? not to make me sad... Emir nods NO. R: But you have been nervous since yesterday. E: Don't think about me. ok? Sleep, rest. I want to see my wife feeling better when I came back home. ok? 00:33:19 Rey remembers the day she and Emir spent sailing around and she also remembers their wedding night. I guess her wish was about having a baby! :) Later when they talk on the phone. Rey tells Emir that she had craved for Baghlava since morning. Emir scold her for not telling him sooner. he says he will be home beside her in half an hour with baghlava. later when he comes, they decide to eat in the office since he needs to check some mail and Rey wants them to eat together. And she sees the test paper fortunately in its envelope on Emir's desk.
@murieljah5480 4 жыл бұрын
thank you
@ayeshaali9886 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@pramwattiesingh6626 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you lots of love God bless
@marucreyes5615 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@lovethiscouplefaialiadil2463 4 жыл бұрын
@mariamsylla9013 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks to you for the wonderful translation you are life saver
@raquelalcarazdiaz7132 3 жыл бұрын
33.52👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻 Me encanta la música Turca!!! La amo de verdad!!! Hermosa canción!!! Emir y Reyhan!!❤️❤️😘😘
@mehribangasimova8135 4 жыл бұрын
Oya Vallah yine Sen gideceksin Narin yok.Kemal bey Narin gitmesin
@marieg4739 4 жыл бұрын
Kemal is a lawyer and Narin a doctor,how was Oya allowed to run their lives and ruin their happiness? where is their backbone? This is getting to be ridiculous. Erhan is long dead and Oya can't get over it? They need to kick her out of the house!!
@milariestoro5890 4 жыл бұрын
Marie G this is a very lame script, I continue watching with fast forward.
@tarheel715 4 жыл бұрын
I agree. I don't think Narin should be hiding from Kemal the depths of Oya's despair. It's clear Oya needs professional mental health. Hell, she might even require hospitalization at this point given that she's already proven she's a danger to herself and others. Trying to appease her isn't going to work. Narin has bent over backward to be honest with Oya and even provided her with a third party witness, and Oya is still desperately angry and willing to use Masal to threaten and hurt Narin. Kemal needs to be made aware of what his sister is doing and thinking in order to protect himself and his child from her. Oya can't be trusted to be around Kemal and Masal right now, and instead of trying to shield Kemal from the truth, she should be telling him everything so that together they can figure out what to do about Oya's dangerous behavior.
@ruthdelacruz9011 2 жыл бұрын
@asliddinsoliev2680 5 ай бұрын
Кандай бахтли оила Рейхан❤ Эмир🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤
@nailquliyev8142 3 жыл бұрын
Reyhan 💓Emir Muhtesemsiniz♥️♥️
@romilaagard7621 11 ай бұрын
Wao wao que bien por Kemal, Mashal y Narin como familia🙋🏽‍♀️🧠❤🕯✍️💡🙂☺😉🔔👣👣👣💥💣💣💣💣👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👌👌👌👌👍👍👍
@gunes5553 4 жыл бұрын
Kemal Narin icin izliyorum.Sahneleri çokaltın. Şehriya ablamı Hızır amcanıda çok sevdik.Onlarada çok sahne verin👍😔😉
@terlanhesenov1696 4 жыл бұрын
Hardan izləyəcük narin yinə gidər ouanın istəyilə
@gunes5553 4 жыл бұрын
Terlan Hesenov Narin gitmiyecekde Oya gidecek redd olub
@ТаняИванова-г5й 4 жыл бұрын
Öfff be bü iki aşıklar cok güzel Önarı döymörüs bakma cok SEVİYÖRÜS BÜ İKİ GÜZELİE ❤R❤E❤"
@rhin_bhee1261 4 жыл бұрын
Might not be tonight, Tomorrow or the next day, But everything is going To be Ok.👌😊 #KeepSafe 🙏🌏 #StayAtHome 🏠
@hmdsukurov9678 4 жыл бұрын
Bu kinoyu sevdim
@zubeidahrahiman1422 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you. And same to you to We in lockdown in three hours for 21 days. Remember all in my duas
@deeptikhatana4655 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you and you too take care...
@rhin_bhee1261 4 жыл бұрын
@@zubeidahrahiman1422 we also have a curfew 7pm to 5am.
@zubeidahrahiman1422 4 жыл бұрын
@@deeptikhatana4655 Jazakallah..please take care
@marciaferreira8127 4 жыл бұрын
Parece mesmo que nunca saberemos quais foram os desejos que Reihan colocou dentro da garrafa...estou curiosa desde aquele capítulo❣️
@ЯсинаХусанова-щ6ъ 2 жыл бұрын
Chuchuc istiyorum deb yazan
@ЯсинаХусанова-щ6ъ 2 жыл бұрын
Reyhan chuchuc istiyorum yazmish belkim!
@leilamaria2530 2 жыл бұрын
Acredito que algo bem íntimo, pq ela fica mais envergonhada do que o costume
@jucenildedesouza9474 2 жыл бұрын
Acho que o desejo dela era ficar grávida 🤰 pois ,se a garrafa fosse encontrada o desejo se tornava realidade 🤔(a garrafa foi encontrada por Emir)
@joeliaalves8359 4 ай бұрын
Eu não acredito que o desejo dela tenha sendo esse eu acredito que o desejo dela tenha sendo outro
@anaclednabezerra6803 4 жыл бұрын
Narin e kemal porque não diz a verdade um pro outro que se amam e vive este amor lindo.. ❤️❤️♥️♥️♥️❤❤❤
@rosha575 4 жыл бұрын
#منقول ملخص الحلقة ( 214) ابتدأت الحلقة بسماع الأفعى لكلام ظافر وامير فقال له كيف سأقول لريحان أن كلثوم أنها ليست أخت ريحان فقال ظافر ولكن التحليل والسلسلة وصورة فقال أمير نعم ولكن الذي مضى على التحليل ليس طبيب فقال ظافر لبدا ان تحكي لريحان وإلا إذا عرفت من مكان آخر ستغضب منك وسمعتهم الأفعى قالت كيف عرف فقال ظافر إذا لم تريد أن تقول لريحان تكلم مع كلثوم فقال أمير كيف سأتكلم ووحدة تموندت اختي أخي والأخرى وحضنها كأختها أنهما يحبان بعضهما كثيرا فقالت الأفعى لازم أن امنعه من الكلام معها نارين ترجت أويا من أجل أن لا تشهد فقالت لها المحكمة ستبدأ لابد لي ان ادخل ولما دخلت كمال تفاجئ ولما جلست نارين سألها ماذا تفعل أويا فبدأت تبكي بدأت المحكمة محامي جد مسال بدأ يدلو بأدلة ويقول إن زواج كمال كان سريع بعد مدة وجيزة من قضية الوصاية وتزوج في المخفر وهذا ما يدل على أنه زواج مصلحة لا غير فقام محامي كمال وقال هذا ليس موضوعنا فقال له القاضي هذه ثاني مرة تتدخل دون إذن ستضطر على طردك من الجلسة أمير كان سيدخل عند كلثوم ليتحدث معها بعد توديعه لظافر والأفعى كانت تراقبه من غرفة حكمت ولما كان ذاهب اتجاه غرفة كلثوم قالت الأفعى لأمير كنت أريد أن اعالج ظهر حكمت ولم اقوى على رفعه هل يمكن مساعدتي فقال سأحلها أنا، فذهبت الأفعى لكلثوم وقالت لها اذهبي للبدروم لتساعدى مليكة و نيجار لتطلب اثات لك فقالت لا أنا أخت زوجه صاحب البيت وذهبت خارجا هاربة خرج أمير من عند حكمت وقال للافعى أنا اهتميت بابي غيرت له فقالت الأفعى كنت سأتي إليك فكان سيدخل لغرفة كلثوم فقالت الأفعى ماذا تريد فقال ساذهب إلى كلثوم فقالت أنا خرجت فقال سأذهب لارى ريحان واذهب للشركة كمال ونارين في محكمة القاضي نادى على الشاهد فقال الشاهد هو أويا تارهون فتفاجأ كمال فقامت وقالت إن زواج كمال ونارين افادة مسال من أجل صحتها النفسية بعد زواج اخي مسال صارت أفضل فقال لها القاضي شكرا لمكانك من فضلك فقال كمال ماذا فقالت ظللت خصم هل فعلت شيء سيء فقال القاضي قرار قررت المحكمة إسقاط دعوة جد مسال ضد كمال تارهون فاحتضن كمال نارين من الفرحه وذهبوا أمير ذهب لغرفة ريحان كانت نائمة وبيدها كتاب تربية الأطفال فأخد الكتاب فقامت ريحان فقال لها نامي أنا سأذهب بهدوء فقالت أبقى فقال تقليم أنني ايقضتك حاضر لا تتعبي نفسك فقالت ماذا يخبئ ابوك علينا فقال أمير ليس هناك شيء قل لانك لا تفكر كثيرا تفكر فقط في نفسها وانتبه لنفسها عندما لا أكون أنا وصفتك أن تنبهت في انتباه لنفسها ولا تشغل نفسها بمواضيع فارغة أنا بخير فبدأ يغرد إنجير فقالت إنه غار من كلامنا عنده مائه واكله طبعا غار من تكلمنا فذهب أمير غير ماء إنجير وقال لريحان أنا ذاهب للشركة لدي عمل كنت اريد البقاء معكم ولكن العمل ولا تنسي فقالت ريحان لم انسى ان أكل عند الجوع وساكل بدون جوع وسأرتاح حفظت كل هذا فقال حسنا سأذهب الأفعى ذهبت لعند تالاز فاستقبلها على الباب فقالت ألم ادخل فقال لا أنه بيت عازب مبعثر قولي ماذا ستقولين شرك بأن على وجهك وقبعتك رائعة فقالت تلك الفأرة خطيرة بدأت تكون تهديد لي فقال وماذا سأفعل أنا ماذا تريدين فقالت لماذا لا تجيب على اتصالاتي فقال لا اريد فجأت العمود فقفل الباب وقال لها اذهبي فقالت الأفعى هل عندك احد فقال وما شانك انت فقالت انت من ستخلصني من كلثوم لأن أمير عرف كل شيء أنها ليست كجيمري مجنونة انت من ستخلصني كمال أويا ونارين رجعو للمنزل كمال عانق مسال وشهرية قالت لهم هل مر كل شيء على مايرام فقالت نارين نعم فقالت ساحضر لكم سحلب فاويا قالت لنارين اظن انك لازلت عند وعدك فعملو فلاش باك عندما كانت ستدخل للجلسة ساومتها أويا وقالت يا سأدخل وان افرق اخي عن ابنته وإلا فقالت نارين ماذا تريدين فقالت ستطلبين الطلاق من أخي بمقابل لن افرق اخي عن ابنته فرجع فلاش باك وبدأت تبكي نارين ريحان كانت في الغرفة فسمعت صوت الباب فقالت هل اتيت بسرعة فقالت كلثوم اسفة ليس صهري بل انا جلبت لكي الزهور فقالت ريحان زهور الشتاء من اين عرفتي اني احبهم فقالت انت التي قلتها لي انسيتي في كثير من المرات أقل من أكثر جمال هل قلبك أو وجهك يا أختي أنا حاىرة فقالت ريحان ماهذه مجاملة فقالت كلثوم لا اعرف مجاملة أنا ذاهبة لدي عمل وذهبت لغرفة حكمت وسجلت فيديو وقالت لا اعرف كيف سأقولها لك ولكن هل يمكن لأحد قال لأحد اخر اختي هل يمكن ابتسامه عندما سترين هذا الفيديو سأكون برات البلد اعتذر لانني استاجرتني الأفعى ومثلنا لك فخ المجوهرات ونكدنا حياتك اعتذر فراها حكمت ريحان كانت في الغرفة وتذكرت يوم اليخت وبدأت أغنية عيد الحب وتذكرت قنينه الامنيات وليلتهم الاولى وبدأت تبتسم دخلت مليكة ومعها قميص صوفي لرضيع فقالت ريحان لمليكة شكرا وقالت لدالم يأتي أمير لا تعرفين أنه شارد هذه الأيام فقالت مليكة لم الاحظ فاتصل أمير بالفيديو فقال لها هل انت بخير قالت نعم فقالت متى ستأتي فقال انتهيت الان هل اشتهيت شيء قولي فقالت اشتهيت البقلاوة من الصباح وأنا مشتهيها فقال من الصباح وأنا عرفت الان تمام نصف ساعه وساتي بها فاتى بها وذهبوا للمطبخ فقال لدي عمل سأذهب لغرفة المكتب فقالت لناكلها نحن الاثنين في غرفة المكتب فجأة لأمير اتصال وريحان ذهبت للمكتب وبدأت ترتب فيه وكانت ورقة التحليل هناك فاخدتها ودخل أمير فانصدم انتهت الحلقة
@ZAzm-e3p 4 жыл бұрын
الحمدلله علي السلامه أيش اخباركم يارشا يارب تكون بخير 💞💞💞💞💞💞💝💝💝💝💝💝
@rosha575 4 жыл бұрын
@@ZAzm-e3p الله يسلمك حبيبتى الحمد لله بخير تسلمى ع سؤالك 😍😍😍
@sagghamdi7388 4 жыл бұрын
الله يجزاك خير ابله رشا تسلمين على الترجمة 😘
@rosha575 4 жыл бұрын
@@sagghamdi7388 😍😍😍
@بيتوتيتو-ل7ج 4 жыл бұрын
@andalibasad6465 4 жыл бұрын
Reyhan's wishes are still mistry😜
@andalibasad6465 4 жыл бұрын
@@mandydenzel no we dont
@nanash6756 4 жыл бұрын
لا إلاه إلا الله وحده لا شريك له رفع ألأذان في إسبانيا وبريطانيا وألمااااااانية الحمد لله على نعمة ألإسلاااااام
@houcinekendal2299 4 жыл бұрын
في المصيبة لا ملجأ للانسان إلا الله سبحانه وتعالى، فالحمد لله الذي انعم علينا بنعمة الاسلام ، اللهم ابعد عنا الهم والغم و الحزن وجميع الامراض ظاهرها وباطنها امين يا رب العالمين.
@nanash6756 4 жыл бұрын
Houcine Kendal إنا نحن نزلنا الذكر وإنا له لحافظون الحمدلله عدد خلقه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته
@lamotamina5247 4 жыл бұрын
للكورونا فوائد عظيمة لم نكن نعرفها😁😁😁😁
@نونونونو-ص6ك8ن 4 жыл бұрын
الاله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الحمد وله الملك يحيي ويميت وهو على كل شيء قدير اللهم ارفع عنا هذا البلاء وعن جميع عبادك يارب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله محمد وال محمد الطيبين الطاهرين وارزقنا شفاعتهم يوم لا ينفع مال ولا بنون الا من انا الله بقلب سليم
@nanash6756 4 жыл бұрын
نونو نونو سبحانك ربي واصبر لحكم ربك فإنك بأعيننا وسبح بحمد ربك حين تقوم
@فلسطينالجزائر-ش3ه 4 жыл бұрын
رمضان يقترب والقلب يرتقب اللهم بلغنا إياه بلوغ رحمة ومغفرة وعتق من النار أمين يارب العالمين 🙏⁦💙⁦❄️⁩💙⁦❄️⁩💙⁦❄️⁩
@الوردهالجوريه-ق7ت 4 жыл бұрын
اللهم امين 🙏🙏… دائما انتي وكلامك درر ماواحد يعرف وين يكتب لك عنجد انا معجبه فيكي 😍😍😘😘 تحياتي لك من بلاد بلقيس وسبأ حتى وان ما اكتب تعليق اسوي لك احلا لايك ❤️❤️❤️💐💐😊
@AliAli-wo5rh 4 жыл бұрын
امين يا رب العالمين مرحبا حبيبتي كيفك
@جزائريةحره 4 жыл бұрын
اللهم امين وارفع عنا هذا البلاء بجاه حبيبك محمد❤💕❤💕❤💕
@ربىدغش 4 жыл бұрын
امين يارب العالمين جمعا ان شاءالله واحنا في صحه وعافية 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
@beny6327 4 жыл бұрын
Bonsoir Amine ya Rabi a3lamine Allah yehefedek.
@БрилянтРокер 4 жыл бұрын
Очень красивая пара Эмир и Рейхан👍👍👍♥️
@elcinmehreliyev6028 4 жыл бұрын
Diziden Gulsumun yerine,Oyani cixardizda.bu hefte olan bolumleri beyenmedim.Bir tek Narkem sahneleri guzeldi.
@mehribangasimova8135 4 жыл бұрын
Narinen Kemalı,Emirnen Reyhanı koymadılarki mutlu olsunlar
@mariamusa5995 3 жыл бұрын
Songs and memories of reyhanemir are very much love 😍😘😊
@graceuniverse9522 3 жыл бұрын
javedhan is always living in fright, when she will be caught.
@sevretozcan1016 4 жыл бұрын
Cavidan'ın oyunları Cemren'in sayesinde ortaya çıkacak Cemre bu dizinin en iyi oyuncusu
@olgameier7662 3 жыл бұрын
Kako je moguce da u konsk Cawidan sve cujw sta se prica u jabinetu od Emir.Cemrw usto.xna dobto konak.ulazi ixlazi kad god hoce.kako ne otomecuhe rmir i rest u konaku su naivni ilitako dobri
@elsiedlembula3130 Жыл бұрын
Poor Hikmet. No time to sleep peacefully. They bring their stresses to his room. No Me Time for him. Reyhan doesn't visit more often to her uncle.
@نننن-ف9ن 4 жыл бұрын
For Oya i don't know what to say you're on my nervous now you want Narin to leave still not thinking what will happen if your brother comes to know the truth poor girl
@munoaxmed4060 4 жыл бұрын
You right that wannabe so called Oya since she started acting foolishly, she is on my nervous, I can't stand at her anymore however I didn't expecting narin to believed this Oya's nonsense. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 the ironic thing is that she keep saying out loud that erhan loved her. I wonder from where 🙄.
@murieljah5480 4 жыл бұрын
@@munoaxmed4060 she is delusional
@نننن-ف9ن 4 жыл бұрын
@@munoaxmed4060 exactly Narin wasn't this weak she has to fight for her love if she wants the man
@anamariaspadari9684 3 жыл бұрын
Louca a irmã do kemal, que sofrimento da Narin. Como tem gente ruim.
@joeliaalves8359 4 ай бұрын
@milylilymilylily9925 4 жыл бұрын
Bu bölümü Yağmur Şahbazova'nin doğum günü günü oynamışlar ANLAYANLAR 👍
@sevincsuleymanova3424 4 жыл бұрын
Emin sanki elini salıb uşağı ordan götürecek😂😂😂😂😂😂
@zorodark9284 4 жыл бұрын
Sufrí con la última parte del capítulo, sufro con la serie, sufro en la vida real, por lo que nos pasa, esta pandemia nos tiene abrumados, Melocotón gracias por tu tiempo, bendiciones para ti y la familia, cuidate, besos desde Argentina
@K.MBAPPE.AeP.10 4 жыл бұрын
Emir kimi koca hər kese qismət olsun İnşAllah 🤲
@dilsonsilva9354 4 жыл бұрын
De tanto pedir outra tradução e esperar , já estou quase aprendendo o q eles falam,as declarações de Emir para Reyhan deve ser linda😁😁
@reyes8744 2 жыл бұрын
@فلسطينالجزائر-ش3ه 4 жыл бұрын
ريحان تضحك وهي تردد التعليمات أمير حفظ الدرس جيدا ياريحان 😀😀 أموري صاير سرسري ينتهز الفرصة حتى يمسك بطنها ههههه 😂😂😂😂😂
@ربىدغش 4 жыл бұрын
ههههه 😁😁😁حلوة منك يا عسل
@houcinekendal2299 4 жыл бұрын
يا درا واش يدير يوم ما يجي هاذ الفصعون على قول اخواتنا في سوريا
@beny6327 4 жыл бұрын
C'est comme ça quand la femme est enceinte, elle est toujours gâtée surtout s'il s'agit du premier enfant.😉
@beny6327 4 жыл бұрын
Si on continue à regarder le feuilleton sans traduction, on finira par apprendre nous même la langue turque.D'ailleurs on a vraiment tardé
@فلسطينالجزائر-ش3ه 4 жыл бұрын
@@ربىدغش يحلي كلامك وأيامك كلها ياسكرة ✨✨💚💚💓
@reyhanehalil6345 3 жыл бұрын
Narin Kemali görmemezlik ten geçme.Sen Erhandan korkmadın Oyadan da korkma.Kemale herşeyi söyle . .
@ashinafasilvlogs1201 4 жыл бұрын
Emir ❤️ reyhan cok guzel 😘😘😘😘
@ruwiperera 2 жыл бұрын
Narin always wait for things to get out of hand to speak up.
@taniasheraz6012 4 жыл бұрын
Lot's of love from Pakistan 🇵🇰🤝🏻🇹🇷
@elsieobak9729 4 жыл бұрын
Love the show.. wanna see to the end
@anajosefinacastrourdaneta1622 3 жыл бұрын
Agradecida a Dios y a Melocotón Dios la Bendiga, porque gracias puedo entender tremenda Novela y me emociona Rayhan y Emir Dios permita que así sean en la vida real. Muchos artistas Rusos de Novelas que me han impactado.. los de Pájaro Soñador.. Amor y Venganza.Smor en el aire.. los dos jóvenes que trabajaron en Olor a Fresas,(muchachos) y esta hermosura de novela pido que tenga un feliz fin, unidos Emir y Rayhan + Nairin y Kemal.
@emanhamdi6848 4 жыл бұрын
شكرًا جزيلا🍀
@arzubadalova1831 4 жыл бұрын
Narin hec vaxt susan birisi deyil,Oyani dimelidi ki,bu da Erhanin gunune duwmesin
@מוניקדהן-נ9ס 3 жыл бұрын
Quelle est belle riyan même dans son sommeil comme une princesse même la voie dans ses conversations tellement douce
@Dipta12 11 ай бұрын
This Is The Marvelous Story Which Teaches Us The Importance Of A Loyal And Good Friend.The Friendship Between Emir And Zafar Is Incredible.Emir Loves Reyhan More Than His Life But He Can Easily Shares Every Burden With Zafar.And The Person Like Zafar Always Leads Him Towards A Solution ❤❤.
@adabeatriz4017 4 жыл бұрын
Que intensidad con Oya está peor de necia que Erhan que fastidio , hasta cuando le dan tantas vueltas ya cansa 😒, una persona tan insegura y tan manipulable vio 3 veces a Erhan y se enamoró perdidamente como para no ver la realidad😡😡😡
@rosagonzalezguijaperalta7856 4 жыл бұрын
me podrias contar como la vez en espanol yo la estoy viendo como cine mudo
@rosapadilla3256 4 жыл бұрын
Ada Beatriz Entrena Sanchez 🤣🤣🤣 Ese si fue amor a primer vista y la dejó loca más que el mejor lo hubieran dejado a él fastidiando al menos era guapo 🙈
@adabeatriz4017 4 жыл бұрын
Rosa Padilla no de verdad que fastidio ya de tantas trabas , es demasiado rebuscado , pongan color y dulzura , suficiente con lo que pasa en el mundo , 😔😔😔
@adabeatriz4017 4 жыл бұрын
Rosa Gonzalez Guija Peralta novelas en español en Google
@cristinatartabini3318 4 жыл бұрын
I await the kind translation of melocote into english thank you very much
@terlanhesenov1696 4 жыл бұрын
Allah oyaya nəhlət eləsin. Yenə ayırdı narkemi
@mehribangasimova8135 4 жыл бұрын
Oya hasta.Redd olub gitsede
@Flexyy190 4 жыл бұрын
Oyanin akilli dürüst biri olduğunu saniyordum ama yok aslında deli , gic, manyak qız imiş 🤨🙄
@simuzerhuseynova108 4 жыл бұрын
Qaratikan kolu kimi bitib ortada belə baldızı hec kimə arzulamazdım
@sarvsahi2581 4 жыл бұрын
Gonna watch now! So worried for my babies Emir and Reyhan!
@mehaksharma6272 4 жыл бұрын
Please translate as well after watching 🙏🙏
@ayeshaali9886 4 жыл бұрын
Are you going to translate today
@sarvsahi2581 4 жыл бұрын
@@mehaksharma6272 Just did some of the parts. :)
@sarvsahi2581 4 жыл бұрын
@@ayeshaali9886 I did some parts. :)
@dinorahsolis1512 4 жыл бұрын
I love your short clips translations!! It is highly appreciated 😊
@mdmaahinafroze6651 4 жыл бұрын
what is their in the paper .....I mean what did reyhan 's wish ? can anyone tell me plzzzz
@simuzerhuseynova108 4 жыл бұрын
Reyhanın xəyallarına baxmaq əsəbimi pozdu bu nə dönür təkrar bu seriyaya bir əvvəl birdə axırda baxdım Narinə görə
@nurkanurka494 4 жыл бұрын
Al bendende o kadar
@terlanhesenov1696 4 жыл бұрын
@Mariju_lpjb 4 жыл бұрын
how on earth the grandfather has the right to claim the granddaughter the biological father is alive?
@Onyebuchiify 6 ай бұрын
Same question I asked and how 🤔 come Talaz even had the audacity to sue him when he isn't related to him? Is this a cultural thing in Turkey? I mean no harm but curious to know how this could have been a thing in the first place? 🤔
@ПимаИсламова 4 жыл бұрын
Когда же Хикмет бей встанет на ноги?
@muhammabalanazarov1450 4 жыл бұрын
Вы пасматрили весь серия???
@fernande1172 Жыл бұрын
Cavidan’s bibi hat with pox marks on her face crack me up. As many of you have mentioned, the script writer and the wardrobe director are extreme. I can’t stop laughing.
@Kiraz1549 7 ай бұрын
Cevidan ist sehr hesliche Vogel scheuhe und dan noch diese Hut um zu sterben.
@zysheltatoy4425 3 жыл бұрын
Reyhan get divorced because of Cemre..Now Narim divorce kemal because Oya wants🙄🙄🙄😴😴😴😴
@livy5899 4 жыл бұрын
Me dan escalofríos esos recuerdos, se me imagina que viene algo malo... Espero no sea así, ya han hecho sufrir mucho a los protagonistas y de paso a nosotros...
@pilarcoromotogonzalezperez8920 3 жыл бұрын
Los guionistas son macabros
@ibragimova11 3 жыл бұрын
Oya tam bir cındırmış çox mundar
@ЯлчЗаманов 4 жыл бұрын
Cavidanin bu halindan memun olanlar
@hokumeqasimova7193 2 жыл бұрын
bundan beterini gözleyirem
@vusalacabrailova3353 4 жыл бұрын
Yaaaaa ağlamak tutdu beni Gülsümün videosuna😢😢
@papatya1838 4 жыл бұрын
Reyhanın yaşadıklarını şimdi de Narin yaşıyor ben söylüyorum zaten dizi 214 bölüm'e gelmiş halaaa aynı sahneler😥 Noldu ya Narin eski bölümlerinde bu kadarda yumuşak kalpli diyildi şimdi sevgi kelebeğinden farksız dizi çok saçma bi hale gelmiş👎
@gracielaelbablanco6490 4 жыл бұрын
Que buen actor Su personaje muy creíble
@anaclednabezerra6803 4 жыл бұрын
Reyhan é forte já sofreu tanto que vai ter este bebê e mais um dois nunca vim um mulher como ela . Emir a ama mais que tudo e eles serao feliz. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@savluktanas 4 жыл бұрын
Никак нарин не выйдет из замкнутого круга, хоть бы кто-нибудь,но нет такого человека сценарист не придумала,взяла бы нарин и плюнула на эту ойю, чтобы она сделала в случае неповиновения, ничего,опека уже есть
@Adminaska-hh5if 4 жыл бұрын
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Əmir Reyhan sizə görə baxırıq💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
@caslandecharles3938 3 жыл бұрын
@judithpulti1024 3 жыл бұрын
why are they feeding kemale daughter.she is old enough to feed her self 🍼🍼😄😄😄
@cavidali3078 4 жыл бұрын
@tarheel715 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I think Narin should tell Kemal the truth about Oya's blackmail not to protect herself, but to protect Kemal and Masal from Oya. It's clear that Oya needs help. She's clearly lost whatever sense she had and she's become dangerous in her thirst to alleviate her anger and humiliation. Today it's threatening Narin with Masal's custody, tomorrow who knows what she'll do in order to make herself feel better, to rationalize to herself her anger and desperation. What if she actually ends up causing some sort of physical harm to Kemal, Masal or someone else because she's so full of rage and self destructive? She's walking around with a broken wing because she deliberately hurt herself that's how emotionally disturbed she has become. Meanwhile, Kemal stupidly believes his sister is getting better when she's actually grown more vicious and obsessed. For the sake of Kemal and Masal's safety alone, Narin should tell the truth so Kemal knows to watch out for his sister.
@tanseelou806 4 жыл бұрын
You so right. I don’t get why Narin is not open with Kemel about things that are affecting them. I don’t understand the distance. There shouldn’t be any, they’ve through a lot to still not be comfortable to communicate. It’s just stupid...
@ruthdelacruz9011 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with you/ She should not commit the same mistake as to keeping secrets. After all she is not destroying anyone not even ova. Istead by telling Kemal the blackmail, they will be able to find a solution. she will get get the blame for being quiet. which she already has committed. I dont know why this story I sweeten in such a way that the characters look dumb . Reyhan from the start played dumb . disgusting story. but the cast are all good actors,
@premlatapatankar217 Жыл бұрын
you are true.
@banualiyeva3500 4 жыл бұрын
Dizi bana cok yorucu geliypr . Izlemek hevesim qalmayib. Her gün deyirem belki bu gün sirlar acilar . Yinede olmuyor
@نننن-ف9ن 4 жыл бұрын
I wish if Reyhan comes to know the truth she understands emir how he struggled to tell her the truth here i have seen he has no peace at all everything is out of his hands he doesn't know what to do or how to tell his darling wife ufff
@jaswinderkaur9165 4 жыл бұрын
what happened to reyhan ???why he is struggling to her truth ?? can you tell me please:-)
@edithmorales7532 3 жыл бұрын
Pobre Narin y Kemal❤❤
@bhrmmujik-ru6zv Жыл бұрын
Emir ❤ reyhan
@ferruxsuleymanov470 4 жыл бұрын
azerbaycandan herkese selam olsun🇦🇿🇦🇿 ❤🇹🇷🇹🇷
@abdullahkul114 4 жыл бұрын
Ve aleyküm selam cannn canannn kardeşim ..hayırlı cumalar🌹🌹🌹
@bikememmedzade2029 4 жыл бұрын
Azerbaycanlisan Azerbaycanligivi bil Turk olsan turkce yaz Amma Sen AZERBAYCANlisaannnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@bikememmedzade2029 4 жыл бұрын
Men Azerbaycanli
@madenesian85 4 жыл бұрын
💟love Reyhan and Emir💟Kemal and Nare x such amazing, talented actors and actresses. But can we get to their happy ending with baby soon please xo I dont want covid19 to stop filming this amazing show but I fear It will 😔
@vesilerasim8103 4 жыл бұрын
Hikmet bey de biturlu iyilesmedi.
@جزائريةحره 4 жыл бұрын
شفتو الاعلان ما حلقةباجر جافيدان👹 خوفت الكل بس احلا شي سفر صار يصيح امي 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@جزائريةحره 4 жыл бұрын
@على على الحمد لله ماني حامل جان رحت بيها جنها سعلوة 😂😂 تسلميلي يا احلا اخت .. بس ماقلتيلي يا عمري ايش اسمك يا وردة
@جزائريةحره 4 жыл бұрын
@على على كوليلها لا تدحك على المسلسل لما تولد لانو وجه جافيدان يسوي تعسر ولادة 😂. احلا ام زهراء نورتي ياحبي 😉😙😙
@الوردهالجوريه-ق7ت 4 жыл бұрын
😂😂 الله يبدع بها 🙏 جابت لي الفجيعه اول ماشفتها 😂😂
@جزائريةحره 4 жыл бұрын
@@الوردهالجوريه-ق7ت اللهم ا رنا فيها عجائب خلقك😂😂
@جزائريةحره 4 жыл бұрын
@على على تورطنا وما عاد نكدر نبطل 😒
@banualiyeva3500 4 жыл бұрын
Sezon finali yaklasiyor Cavidana bir sey oldugu yok.
@cavidan3877 4 жыл бұрын
İt ölər,Cavidən ölməz😀
@маруфносирвач 4 жыл бұрын
Sizle ra çök teşekkür etarim film çin bu kadar güzel film ben çök hoşuma getiyorum
@sahlata7511 4 жыл бұрын
Джавидан передала флаг Ойе чтобы мучат людей. Гульсум и Нарин надо будет подарить утюжок, а то у них нет 🤔
@izmirliboyta 4 жыл бұрын
17:33 : bu muzik (melodi) coktandir cikmiyordu dizide..
@sandraescobar4953 3 жыл бұрын
Bueno el Sr.Hismet se levantará de la cama cuando se esté terminado la novela por lo que veo
@ozberkinhikayesi9989 4 жыл бұрын
Galiba reyhanın dileyini öyrendik sizce arkadawlar 😄😄😄
@azizahuseynova7813 4 жыл бұрын
Olmaz bele narini ne kadar uzurler her defasinda agladirlar uzu gulsun artiq
@banualiyeva3500 4 жыл бұрын
Reyhan kolyeyi bir omur acmaz. Acsada icindekini Cavidan bular
@vuqartahirov4088 4 жыл бұрын
@allahadami3722 4 жыл бұрын
Aynen , aynen...
@sevretozcan1016 4 жыл бұрын
Aynen 😂😂😂😂😂
@susankenard10 4 жыл бұрын
Banu Aliyeva Instead of one crazy character this series has 4
@banualiyeva3500 4 жыл бұрын
Azerbaycandan selamlar 🇦🇿🇦🇿🇹🇷🇹🇷
@milkacalasan4501 4 жыл бұрын
@fatimakhdad5212 4 жыл бұрын
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi vous répétez tjs les même scènes cela montre que vous répétez tout le films
@tahirtahir1549 4 жыл бұрын
Azerbaycandan herkese salamlar🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿
@kirayagami7457 4 жыл бұрын
@РавшангульЮнусова 4 жыл бұрын
Милые мои актеры фильма клятва. Я вас обожаю.не хочу свами растоваться даже с тобой Джавидан в жизни наверное ты. хороший человек. Вместе с вами всё переживаю.
@mercyn5524 3 жыл бұрын
Talaz and Cemre, make my day.😁
@romilaagard7621 11 ай бұрын
Quien diria que Oya traicionaria al hermano Kemal y viviendo en Su casa. Durmiendo con el enemigo, como que quieria cambiar, una traicionera😶🙄🙃🕯✍️💡😐😑🤨
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