The Real Villain Of M3GAN Is Modern Women

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Actual Justice Warrior

Actual Justice Warrior

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@terrathunderstorms3701 Жыл бұрын
Seeing yourself as someone capable of making mistakes, of being a villain, but chosing the right thing instead, is a hallmark of maturity.
@Roobsrandomz Жыл бұрын
big facts
@gmikes5184 Жыл бұрын
sadly seems u gotta define the right thing anymore but i thought what youre describing was called being well bred and raised?
@terrathunderstorms3701 Жыл бұрын
@@gmikes5184 well yes, but little kids also see themselves as only heroes in their games until they become a little older, and then they discover that they have to think about what they would act like if they were a villain. A good parent will talk with them about it.
@MikeTheD Жыл бұрын
Yeah. It’s just humility. This generation seemingly has none. They think they’d do all the right woke moves in past history for example, and want to tear down statues etc. So it’s not so simple in making the “right” choice even, and the irony is they’re such sheep and would just do what their overlords told them. Their overlords and tastemakers decree they must behave this way(or else), so they do.
@theprofesionalist7927 Жыл бұрын
@@terrathunderstorms3701 Okay, but the whole technology has gotten out of hand message which is clearly written by out of touch boomers is lost on me cuz this genius woman who thought to make a tool to help parents especially if they're single parents raise a kid didn't think about whether or not it would need parental controls or in all of her genius forgot to add that feature? I'm just saying that the child's play reboot did it better cuz Chucky had a glitch in his AI chip that was put in by a Chinese worker who hates his job cuz fuck how China treats its workers and fuck how we allow that cuz capitalism and us wanting the lowest cost for production possible even when it comes to high quality products with advanced technology. Sure, Megan has more personality than the latest movie version of chucky, but the horror movie only becomes a horror movie cuz of the classic horror movie trope and what is that trope? Stupid people doing stupid things obviously, which is the only reason why conflict or problems started to occur in the first place in any lazily written story no matter the genre.
@TheSpicyLeg Жыл бұрын
As the father of 6 kids ages 14 down to 5 months, with 5 daughters, I feel I can tell you all a secret about children. They don’t want to be cared for by a stranger, a teacher, a nanny, or even an AI in a robot. They want YOU. They want YOU to care, they want to see YOU set aside your own desires, even needs, for them. That’s the deal you made when you stuck your hot dog in the bun, or vice versa. If you are not prepared to give a child that, then you should not be a parent. Period.
@KFrost-fx7dt Жыл бұрын
You might want to pay a little closer to the plot next time. She's the aunt, not the mother. She didn't choose for the situation to happen and she knows she's not really a fit guardian, so she made a substitute. That's the whole point.
@TheSpicyLeg Жыл бұрын
@@KFrost-fx7dt Then why did she take the child in? I’m the godfather of my brother’s daughter, as well as one of my wife’s cousin’s four kids. I would prefer not having one, or four, more children to feed, clothe, care for but if it came to it, I would uphold the promise I had made to their parents. She chose to take on the child, then immediately sought a way to avoid doing just that. Because her real intention was to assuage her own guilt and the public perception of her “selfless” action, not care for the girl.
@whoshotashleybabbitt4924 Жыл бұрын
Five daughters?!! Sweet Jesus, what did YOU do in a previous life??! JK, you sound like a great parent. Cheers!
@KFrost-fx7dt Жыл бұрын
@@TheSpicyLeg the girl had no place else to go I guess. Aunt is doing the best she knows how.
@TheSpicyLeg Жыл бұрын
@@whoshotashleybabbitt4924 Oh, no worries, I make lots of jokes about it. At the risk of TMI, when I was 16 I was smitten with a preacher’s daughter. Her and I would plan for me to sneak into her room (literally the old climb the tree to her window cliche) and get up to no good. When I told my best friend, he jokingly said I would pay for my sacrilege. I had only 2 daughters when in my town a 2 year old girl was removed from her mother’s apartment because she was being abused. My wife and I felt moved to adopt her, and so we did. Literally the day we brought her home, we found out my wife was pregnant with twin girls. My best friend sent me a text with a picture of “I told you so” with a picture of a father with 5 daughters looking all raggedy and tired. It hit close to home!
@LateNightRewrites Жыл бұрын
"She's the happiest she's been since her parents died" no Gemma, /you/ are because you're free to return to your selfish pursuits
@zzdipsetanazz Жыл бұрын
Are you saying both weren't true?
@ag9953 Жыл бұрын
It is really impressive how so much unintended anti-feminist messaging they put right on the screen. -The parents die because they'd rather distract their kid with flashy shit that just pay attention to her, later Gemma is similarly negletful by unloading Katy on M3gan. -The female killer robot gets killed by the heroic male robot. -Gemma learns that her stupid career is getting in the way of her being a good parent.
@alisonmicahtillery3814 Жыл бұрын
Actually, the mother was trying to get Kady to turn off the toy because it was distracting, if not turn it off then just turn it down so that the dad could concentrate on the road... it turned into an argument afterwards, was between the dad and mom because the dad didnt think it was fair to have her turn off the toy because it was a boring car ride....
@Wallychans Жыл бұрын
@@alisonmicahtillery3814 The OP stated parents, meaning the mother and father. The mother could have found better ways to occupy her daughters time. Instead she is left with one choice, a tech device of course like all bad parents, and left to argue over the one toy with the father. They were not equipped for the ride for it to go down that path. Bad parenting is bad parenting, attempting to fix it after the fact with limp-wristed efforts doesn’t fix that. If dad was at the wheel, whose job was it to keep up with the kid? Make sure they are occupied (in a healthy way). Who dropped the ball? What OP said still reflects what happened.
@alisonmicahtillery3814 Жыл бұрын
@@Wallychans the mother even stated that she didn't understand why Gemma sent her the toy in the first place... she mentions allowing kady only 30 minutes tablet time, and that the dad agreed... she then asks, 'what's the point of having a time limit if hes not going to follow it'... and again, gets onto kady when she unbuckles her seatbelt to get her toy out of the floorboard, and pushes her back into her seat and buckles her back up... the mom didn't push her in front of a tablet to keep her occupied... if anything, she was trying to limit the amount of time she spent on playing on the ipad
@sixstanger00 Жыл бұрын
Gemma was single and evidently didn't have any interest in pursuing a relationship with anyone. Some people are just like that. Some people are career-minded, and as a programmer myself, I can sort of relate. Gemma was passionate about the M3GAN project, so robotics development occupied all of her time. As for being a good parent, she literally talks to Tess on the phone about this. The accident that kills her sister was of course, unexpected. Gemma had told her sister years earlier that should anything ever happen, she would take custody of Cady. But the thing is, like so many of us do, she made the promise under the assumption that there's a 98% chance she wouldn't ever have to make good on it. Gemma was simply caught off-guard. It's not that she's a bad parent, it's just that she got "thrown to the wolves" so to speak in the midst of a career shit storm.
@fight4ourright306 Жыл бұрын
Put Spoiler Alert Phaggot 📢
@mrbigglezworth42 Жыл бұрын
Megan wasn't even doing anything outside of it's stated goals and programming, the horrible part is that Gemma failed to realize the commands given were so broad that the machine was unable to interpret exactly WHAT she wanted it to do. Cue robot killing people because it was still technically following it's instructions. It's a machine, woman, not a damn mind reader!
@mac1991seth Жыл бұрын
Reminds me of the nice quote stated by guys in the Short Circuit movie: "It doesn't get pissed off. It doesn't get happy, it doesn't get sad, it doesn't laugh at your jokes. It just runs programs."
@b00g3rs21 Жыл бұрын
hmm there's a joke here about women expecting all men to be mind readers...I guess AI can't figure that one out either.
@markzuckergecko621 Жыл бұрын
@@b00g3rs21 woman programs AI to read her mind, AI explodes from crossed wires. Women most effected.
@StrangeCreed Жыл бұрын
It's why I sympathize more with the gynoid and the kid than Miss Career Bitch who clearly doesn't really put that much thought into her work. Probably wind up inventing the paper clip optimizer that feeds its creator into the mulching machine for fresh material.
@GunthersLoyalSoldier1307 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, ordering a robot to protect a little girl from “emotional danger” is pretty much signing your own death warrant! “I HATE YOU!” STOMP STOMP SLAM!
@rapace6183 Жыл бұрын
For real. Megan actually was good on her job, and she carried the command that was given her to the bitter end. Her creators are the ones who failed to indoctrinate her with that sense of moderation and interpretation, also bombarding her with generic orders, without clearness.
@DeadMeat991 Жыл бұрын
You would expect an A.I. expert to already know those things.
@Zarozian Жыл бұрын
AI would steam roll Karens.
@DeadMeat991 Жыл бұрын
@@Zarozian Meme
@firefly44220 Ай бұрын
Did you see the movie? She loses her shit and overrides all users and starts killing people for no reason…..because it’s poorly written trash. I just watched it last night and that’s why I came to this video. Worst movie I’ve ever seen. Go watch ex machina. It’s an amazing take on this story without being woke or poorly acted/ written
@markzuckergecko621 Жыл бұрын
Yea Gemma was pretty awful, she had the whole "I didn't ask for this" attitude, but actually yea, she did ask for it when she agreed to be the godparent, and even if she changed her mind when it became a reality, the dad's parents offered to step in and even wanted to. She did have a bit of a redemption arc, so there's that. But it's still hard to actually like her. Btw, I wouldn't really consider this comment a spoiler, since I didn't give too much away, and this is one of the most straight forward movies I've recently seen. There's really not much to give away, you can pretty much guess the ending just from the trailer. Still a good movie though.
@fc7307 Жыл бұрын
Gemma shouldn't have taken Cady in if she couldn't be a parent. I agree, she should have just had the grandparents take care of Cady.
@Dr.Sho_Minamimoto Жыл бұрын
Wait, she wasn’t forced to take Cady!? I thought she was roped into it since, as you said, she’s the Godparent so it’s not like she can’t just say “nah, I’m good- send her to the Orphanage”. So question is, why not let the Grandparents take care of the kid and just be there to support her when you have the time? Is it because they wanted to look good or something else entirely?
@markzuckergecko621 Жыл бұрын
@@Dr.Sho_Minamimoto nope, she wasn't forced at all, that was a whole thing early in the movie, when she first got Cady home she had gotten a letter from her dad's parents, offering to take Cady in Florida and take care of her, because they knew it would be overwhelming for her. There was even a social worker sent out to see if Gemma was fit to be her guardian, or if she should go with the grandparents. Gemma was really hostile about it too, we never met the grandparents, so maybe they're awful or something? It didn't really say anything like that in the movie though, my guess is because Gemma is a STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAAAAAAAANNNNN!!!!!!!!! And she doesn't need nobody else, she can handle being a parent AND her working career, and the patriarchy ain't gonna tell her otherwise! Slay queeeeeeen!!!!!
@LilJbm1 Жыл бұрын
@Mark Zuckergecko Yeah the movie makes a nod that the grandparents are "weird" living in Florida. I guess Florida's rep is that lots of weirdos are there 😂 but nothing in the movie that grandparents would've actually been bad, I think Gemma just didn't like them
@markzuckergecko621 Жыл бұрын
@@LilJbm1 I didn't catch that part, but now that you mention it, I'm starting to think this movie is a genius, low key dig at leftists. Because Gemma is the "strong independent woman", living in Oregon, I believe outside of Portland, and she basically is responsible for everything or at least most everything that goes wrong in the movie. And the "weird" grandparents in Florida only offered to help, Florida of course being the demonized "fascist" state with bad evil DeSantis man running it. Maybe James Wan intended that as some kind of dig about how the left is so convinced that they're the hero of the story, they never even stop to question their actions. I dunno. Maybe I'm reading too deep into it. Maybe they just live in Florida because that's where people go to retire🤣
@Lots-Of-People-are-Saying Жыл бұрын
Honestly sounds like the character Megan could be an allegory for addiction to technology or for the state. I prefer to think Megan is a stand in for the state. Which would make this movie a commentary on how single mothers typically rely on the state to raise their kids so they can fulfill all their own personal goals and the harm that causes to the mother and the child.
@Xeranx Жыл бұрын
As well as others around them. Can't forget that.
@69Kazeshini Жыл бұрын
Also parents giving kids phones and ipads to distract their kids while they go do something else.
@luisapaza317 Жыл бұрын
That is a nice perspective. Also could be
@BushcraftingBogan Жыл бұрын
So many layers of real world "horror" 1. The modern Latch-key kid left to be taken care of by beep boop electronics. 2. The doomsday scenario of AI becoming independent ah la H.A.L. 3. The fact that children left with electronics/phones/tablets without monitoring may be left alone with a "monster". I can't wait to see it.
@deathbydeviceable Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't call the ai a monster. The real monsters are people sitting behind the keyboards that feed and gr00m the child
@frankvonfrauner Жыл бұрын
@@deathbydeviceable where do you think the child sexualization specialists came from?
@deathbydeviceable Жыл бұрын
@@frankvonfrauner not ai
@xenn4985 Жыл бұрын
@@deathbydeviceable they came from the marketing algorithms that explicitly feed that content to the people that are susceptable to it. So for us, in the current year, who for some reason call algorithms ai. Yes, ai.
@rollotomasislawyer3405 Жыл бұрын
HAL 9000 was not a rouge Ai HAL was following his programming, that places the mission success above all other considerations, including the crew. That was just like Mother in Alien, and Ash. David from Prometheus is a better example of Ai gone wild.
@DaSil3ntX Жыл бұрын
Appreciated the PG13 rating and was able to have a night out with my daughter. We loved M3gan. We thought it was very entertaining and funny. Your video hit the nail on the head. Always love your videos. I too would like an R-rated version.
@radhiadeedou8286 Жыл бұрын
"spend more time doing the things that matter" and here I was thinking my kids are what matters the most 🤦I'm such an idiot
@SkylineFTW97 Жыл бұрын
@The13thRonin Easy. You groom and brainwash them into the same ideology.
@luisapaza317 Жыл бұрын
Oh yeah, gonna pass them the intergenerational trauma 😂
@mephistopheles4910 Жыл бұрын
I saw M3gan today. It took me by surprise when Gemma didn't let her niece go live in Florida. It was apparent that Gemma didn't want to shift roles, so much so she developed an android to handle the "small things" so she could focus on "the things that matter". Also, I could be reading too much into it, but how screwed up was Gemma to write off the trauma of losing one's parents as "the small things" that could be handled by M3gan?
@kendraduli6806 Жыл бұрын
She actually didn’t want Megan to deal with the trauma when Megan started asking about death and what happened to Katie’s parents Gemma didn’t want to go on with the conversation. Megan developed herself to learn how to deal with grief. Gemma was made uncomfortable by Megan learning about death
@Gchildwarrior Жыл бұрын
@@kendraduli6806 Took the words out of my mouth. Megan was advancing into unexpected areas that were not suitable at the time for a young kid
@akumaking1 Жыл бұрын
Technology is not evil. The application and (mid)usage of technology is more important
@malevolent7650 Жыл бұрын
That always annoys me too. A hammer is a tool, you can use it to build or to destroy. A gun is a tool, you can use it to feed your family, defend them, or murder. There are very few innovations that are purely good or purely bad, it's the humans that use them that determine the outcome.
@whoshotashleybabbitt4924 Жыл бұрын
@@malevolent7650 i like your style.
@llIlIlllII Жыл бұрын
What about the atom bomb 🤔
@malevolent7650 Жыл бұрын
@@llIlIlllII I think one could make a very compelling argument that it prevented a lot of open conflict during the cold war. That same technology is also the cleanest and most efficient method of electricity generation that currently exists.
@Chubbycat747 Жыл бұрын
I thought it was going to be a typical male-bash movie, judging from the preview scene with the male bully. During the movie, the male tech assistant was perceived as incompetent. The CEO's male assistant was seen as insecure. The male CEO could also have perceived characteristics of toxicity. But yeah, as the movie went on, it was clear that stunning and brave woman was making seriously bad life decisions. However, I would say that either a man or woman having to take care of an orphaned child is an overwhelming responsibility.
@johnthehumanist2333 Жыл бұрын
@FumblsTheSniper Жыл бұрын
Most people aren’t deranged narcissists so the burden is outweighed by the good being done.
@bigmusclestv2422 Жыл бұрын
Insane to see a trailer like the one for Megan and instantly looking for it to be sexist lmao
@Chubbycat747 Жыл бұрын
@@bigmusclestv2422 Well, the current climate is one of anti-cis [white] male. Not my fault.
@ArkhamKnightChannel Жыл бұрын
@@FumblsTheSniperI have to differ on that
@imadogsass6717 Жыл бұрын
Wow, so the movie is realistic and doesn’t push THE MESSAGE. I’ll watch it.
@agenticmark Жыл бұрын
No, it was modern garbage from start to end. Every woman is boss, every man is background and stupid.
@kranberryjones1449 Жыл бұрын
100% of the males in the movie are either assholes or doof ball goofs
@firefly44220 Ай бұрын
It’s woke. I watched it last night and I regretted every single second. If you’re a white male, prepare to be shit on the entire movie
@eval7952 Жыл бұрын
Got Chucky vibes from the trailer, chucky also taking advantage of a single mother, taking advantage of a boy being raised by a single mother.
@NunyaNomi Жыл бұрын
Have you seen the single parent studies they conducted? Control group was dual parent upbringings. Test groups were children raised by a single mother and those by a single father. The children of the single father group blew the single mothers children out of the water and in a few cases exceeded the children of dual parents! I would like to see a gender specific study of the children as well. This doesn’t imply mothers aren’t important but that without the father she is not enough for a child to be well rounded and successful.
@davidhowell1415 Жыл бұрын
That’s because it’s just chucky with 2020 glasses on
@lunarlunatick Жыл бұрын
@@davidhowell1415 sounds like it... the mother in child's play was super wrapped up in her job and relied on expensive "talking doll" to make her kid happy.. only real difference would be that the mother in child's play worked a crap job with long hours because she had to in order to provide, she wasn't a wealthy workaholic whp just didn't want to be bothered by having a child.
@thedog4499 Жыл бұрын
@@NunyaNomi naw it shows for boys mothers can literally disappear and be fine if not better. Society shows that women can not raise children on there own.
@Cpruett Жыл бұрын
@@NunyaNomi Do you have a title I can search I'm curious to see perimeters.
@s1nfulw00dy Жыл бұрын
I liked the irony of how M3GAN was actually a better guardian/protector than Gemma and was able to recognize how Gemma was exploiting Katie's trauma just to benefit her position at the company.
@johnthehumanist2333 Жыл бұрын
“If women really want equality, we have to wipe the slate clean. It no longer matters in the largest sense what men did to us for the last 200 or 300 years.” - Nancy Friday🤨
@eltonbormes Жыл бұрын
What a beautiful accident of a movie. I don't think the creators were unaware, but it's amazing they allowed the movie to be released in this state.
@frankvonfrauner Жыл бұрын
It's like Jordan Peterson's Channel 4 interview. Sometimes they can't see what's right in front of their faces.
@markzuckergecko621 Жыл бұрын
Satire slips past the woke cult pretty easily, since they're more like robots than people. Yes, the irony of that statement is intentional.
@cortedemico Жыл бұрын
maybe the tides are turning. or the switches have been flipped for *_other_* reasons...
@baparsanko Жыл бұрын
I assume this is why they buried the movie in the January release dumpster. It's actually...not bad.
@perlitalaguna6622 Жыл бұрын
It was really good! It elicited a few reactions out of me. Like when Katie slapped the shit of her aunt Jenna. I was like Ohhh! Dang!!!. Or when Katie threw the temper tantrum in the car and stomped the back of Katie's seat. I was like Oh he'll nah. Pull over and whoop that little girls behind. The kills were very well deserved. That except for the dog and the Asian guy. The dog was just trained by shitty crazy woman and the Asian guy...well I liked his character. The doll even broke out in a Disney-like song. I laughed hard. It had lots of action. Very entertaining.
@flygonkerel781 Жыл бұрын
I totally agree. Jemma is absolutely the villain,for being too proud to acknowledge she wasn’t adequate as a surrogate mother. Yes she promised she would take care of her niece, but she should’ve asked for help instead of creating an AI
@johnthehumanist2333 Жыл бұрын
“If you believe in the maternal instinct and fail at mother love, you fail as a woman. It is a controlling idea that holds us in an iron grip.” - Nancy Friday
@fredbloggs5902 Жыл бұрын
Nancy Friday being the woman who exposed to the world that women have fantasies about non consensual ‘relations’ with animals.
@rudrakanya Жыл бұрын
What was she trying to say with this
@Mr.Ambrose_Dyer_Armitage_Esq. Жыл бұрын
@@rudrakanya Nancy Friday is a feminist arguing that men, the Patriarchy, perpetuated this idea that if you fail to manifest maternal love for children, you fail at being a woman, and that this equation of good maternalism to good womanhood is a sinister form of control. Of course, it's bullshit, because gender roles weren't assigned by men, but configured by hundreds of thousands of years of fine-tuned human evolution that created the dichotomous differences between male and female personality as well as the sexual dimorphism that makes men strong and women reproductive incubators. It's a BS quote, that's why @JOHN THEHUMANIST posted it, for us to observe the folly of female thinking (or, non-thinking, since they've been taught to see everything as some kind of power struggle spanning a couple thousand years instead of looking at the biological reality behind it). At the end of the day though, she's wrong because, if a woman cannot be a good mother, she's not a good woman; that is literally the critical purpose for which she evolved, just as men evolved to protect and provide for them by doing all the hunting, the warring, the working, and the dying.
@rudrakanya Жыл бұрын
@@Mr.Ambrose_Dyer_Armitage_Esq. thanks I really couldn't understand the point being made with that comment. I think your conclusion that bad mothers are bad women is enforcing that idea of men assigning a role/value judgement. For women, empathy and caring for others is very strongly part of us. So if a woman is not feeling that way especially towards their own being(child) it may be a symptom of some kind of pain/trauma. They need love care a safe space to face the trauma and complete with it. Judgements and condemnation just maintains the status quo or as has happened since she gave this quote, makes things worse. Today's society provides lot of material opportunities and helps women boost their social status but gives nothing to address subtler emotional needs. Love heals all wounds. All the best 🙏🏻 take care
@Mr.Ambrose_Dyer_Armitage_Esq. Жыл бұрын
@@rudrakanya're a female then? I couldn't tell from your profile page. Now that I know _that,_ your objections are just irrelevant. To think I wasted my time making an explanation for a femoid...well, no one's perfect. Take care, miss!
@yaboimax6356 Жыл бұрын
The problem with AI is not the AI itself, it's the people creating it and in charge of it. Take for example Replika AI: The Creator literally took texts from her dead friends phone and put them into an AI chat bot so she didn't have to face reality.
@rudrakanya Жыл бұрын
After watching your video i went and checked it out. It's a powerful social commentary on parenting in the modern world with a subject that lends itself perfectly to the so called horror trope. I was really pleased to see a movie like this existing, and bad tech aside, they handled it very smartly, not lecturing at any group or explicitly stating any "moral of the story", just raising an idea and playing it out.
@hcook1023 Жыл бұрын
Spoiler below What surprised me most in the end that Megan actually saw herself as more of a stay at home parent than a friend to Katty and that Gemma was basically the bread winner of the family, the career parent, and that they were supposed to be partners, she volunteered to pair with Gemma as a secondary user
@daveme3582 Жыл бұрын
Being in tech. The part that made me gasp the most, was when they priced M3gan at $10k. Boston Dynamics Spot comes in at $75k and the low rent Spot knock offs come in at $20k. It also suffers the same delusional notion as Ex Machina (which I also love), that one person and or, a VERY small team could possibly come up with such an advanced design. Not happening folks. And the idea Gemma and her two friends could have done the R&D to come up with M3gan for only $100k under the company radar. Good lord the company would appoint her CEO upon reveal. All this aside, yes it was a good movie. And agree with Seans overall take on things. I would however point out both M3gan and Gemma's character archs. Gemma does realize she was a selfish bitch at the end. And M3gan does call Cady a "selfish little bitch" when seeing she doesnt agree with her (doubt that AI would become petty as a human like that). But yes 75+% of the movie Sean is spot on in who are the real good and bad guys.
@ActualJusticeWarrior Жыл бұрын
The original prototype cost way more 100k plus, but the consumer model without certain updates was starting at 10k. I agree pretty low for an all purpose parent friend teacher etc
@daveme3582 Жыл бұрын
@@ActualJusticeWarrior Boston Dynamics wont even give a price on what Atlas would sell for. Nor even try to sell it as of yet. That tells A LOT
@dragonkight64dragonslayer62 Жыл бұрын
@@ActualJusticeWarrior you should see the prices in Detroit become human Jesus Christ their cheap lolz
@firefly44220 Ай бұрын
Ex machina was way better than this woke, poorly written trash
@maddog7012 Жыл бұрын
My wife and I saw this last night. She was rooting for Megan most of the time. I saw the film as more of a question on whether to much tech in kids lives is bad(it is), and how much they really need a parent that provide both a maternal and paternal love and discipline. We have 2 kids, and it was hard to see some of the neglectful things we do, Gemma was doing in the movie. It wasn't a great movie, but it definitely wasn't bad.
@tristan-tiln7598 Жыл бұрын
I really liked this aspect of the movie. Unfortunately, no other critic brought this up. You are the first.
@grimscraggletag6799 Жыл бұрын
'cuz those critics are afraid they'll be canceled by *The Mob.*
@ninjaartist1235 Жыл бұрын
I saw the trailer and immediately thought about Drake and Josh when something bad happens to them and they both simultaneously say “Megan!”
@John-fk2ky Жыл бұрын
Same. Honestly, Drake and Josh's Megan is a bit creepier than this movie's one. The android version is just following her programming (though it does seem to have issues). D&J's Megan is actively malicious.
@NunyaNomi Жыл бұрын
I didn’t feel complete or fulfilled until I got married and started a family. Looking back my whole life before was just constant stress and struggle. I wish every woman knew what they were missing or naively avoiding, even if she doesn’t want the children part.
@Nimbereth Жыл бұрын
Sadly, feminism and liberalism is mainstream now.
@justingovas415 Жыл бұрын
If thats what YOU want out of life? Cool excited for you. But not everyone is like you. A lot of women want to be successful when it comes to making money. A lot would rather be a housewife. Everyone is different. Saying they are naive for not wanting the same thing as you is just.... cancerous
@justingovas415 Жыл бұрын
@@Nimbereth yeah because rights are bad!
@Lucailey Жыл бұрын
You got lucky. You found the person of your dreams and you could start a family. Sometimes other people never find a partner in life. Sometimes they do but, their finances or whatever may be the case they can't have or do have - or maybe they don't want to have kids. I am nearing 40 and I am still looking for my partner in life. My life has just not worked out that way. It isn't from lack of trying! I am glad you got lucky but, some of us know what we are missing. It just has not happened for us. It's great that all of that happened for you but, please don't feel that others don't know what they are missing. We know but, your comment kind of rubs it in.
@cristianespinal9917 Жыл бұрын
I definitely enjoyed the movie. The main characters had good story arcs with actual development. They featured digs at lousy hipster parents (the whole first scene with Cady's parents and the lousy mother of the bully). There was solid dark humor mixed in with the brutality. I went and saw it on a date with the wife, and while it's not making either of our top-of-all-time lists, it certainly is one of the better movies that's come out recently.
@iplz Жыл бұрын
A female in tech dishing out studies or research as fact sounds about accurate
@KFrost-fx7dt Жыл бұрын
Do you work in tech?
@frankvonfrauner Жыл бұрын
Always such a coincidence when research lines up with their politics
@JoePedo Жыл бұрын
What would you do if you looked at Medusa?
@whoshotashleybabbitt4924 Жыл бұрын
@@JoePedo directly or through reflection?
@JoePedo Жыл бұрын
@@whoshotashleybabbitt4924 Directly
@logenvestfold4143 Жыл бұрын
The fact that a paint by the numbers A.I./robot horror film heavily inspired by Child’s Play and Terminator succeeded where most films this past year have failed by simply trying to tell a fun story with relatable characters show how far Hollywood has fallen. This is a new IP but nothing of substance is new or different, just a rehash of what came before. But it works because actual care went into the product with the intent of engaging with the audience rather than preaching to them.
@rootfish2671 Жыл бұрын
The theme of M3GAN is the dangers of letting devices raise your children and maybe the Internet of things isn't such a great idea
@doom-mantia Жыл бұрын
It would be cool if you had a chat with the youtuber The Critical Drinker - he also does a lot of film and media analysis through a skeptical lens and noting how woke themes take precedence over quality stories and characters in the modern era
@hcook1023 Жыл бұрын
I love the Critical Drinker, he's one of my favorite KZbinrs. His series on why Modern Movies Suck was a great analysis
@neglectfulsausage7689 Жыл бұрын
1:56 is the actual horror plot. A camera that watches your every move when you're in your home.
@user-pt4ix4kd9l Жыл бұрын
Megan looked like a classic illustration of Alice in wonderland from old story books. That helped to make her more sinister plus the fact that she sang very sweetly. She was also remarkably strong for her size.
@Gchildwarrior Жыл бұрын
The strength part had to be because of her programming to protect Cady from physical harm. She wasn't playing 🤣
@harrythej9683 Жыл бұрын
this intrigued me. I'll definitely watch it with this recommendation. Started reading the comments and had to stop, since I don't wan to see more spoilers.
@RealLifeIronMan Жыл бұрын
Unpopular opinions: If you and your possible partner don't have time to be there for your possible child, don't have children. That is not to say to kill a child. If this scenario describes you, obviously use protection, only have sex with someone you are in a deeply committed relationship with, and if you still get pregnant, adopt the child out. No child deserves to feel neglected by the their mother. No amount of female empowerment can substitute parental love.
@hcook1023 Жыл бұрын
I believe in this scenario it is more willful neglect than anything
@kherise Жыл бұрын
Or how about mature yourself and be the best parent ever, thus you’re improving yourself in the process. No one was born knowing how to be a good parent, but having self consciousness helps a lot. 🙏🏻
@andrewjudeus6283 Жыл бұрын
@@kherise Yeah, you’re missing the point where most of humanity (with a few exceptions) is inherently selfish and immature.
@Dr.Sho_Minamimoto Жыл бұрын
“The Killer robot would never happen if it was a Japanese Gynoid!” *[Flashbacks to several scenes from Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence]* “Nope, never would have happened at all.” Meme aside, if Ghost in the Shell can show how robots can go completely crazy killing people, it should be no surprise the same would happen with another fully untested gynoid that does not know what’s crossing the line.
@DevineInnovations Жыл бұрын
Sounds like Megan is kind of like giving your kid an iPad instead of spending time with them and not paying attention to what they are doing with it.
@aclevername7613 Жыл бұрын
One of the things to me that shows some idiocy in jemma is the order to protect the kid from harm both physical and EMOTIONAIL. Emotional pain is part of life and something everyone has to deal with and face. Not to mention its something that comes in a variety of forms it would be impossible to protect anyone from.
@TheQuilava96 Жыл бұрын
I liked this movie when I went to go see it with the girlfriend. We expected to just be a cheesy film that was going to just outright suck, but it was a cheesy movie we thoroughly enjoyed. We even made strong independent career woman jokes while watching lol
@emodante1084 Жыл бұрын
I saw this with my sister and we loved it!!!
@kingkilla777 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for reviewing this movie I was actually I bit interested in it and im glad I got to see you cover it before anyone else
@Klee99zeno Жыл бұрын
I think there should be a movie about an English prince called Harry who wants companionship so he aquires a robot called Megan.
@Sportnugget Жыл бұрын
"The Real Villain of [X] is Modern Women" is pretty much an evergreen title
@justingovas415 Жыл бұрын
Except it really isn't.
@adamyoung7999 Жыл бұрын
Never gonna watch it but appreciate the video essay. My mom (begrudgingly) took my daughter to go see it and said she enjoyed it. Now I can talk to her about it.
@TreeLuvBurdpu Жыл бұрын
That's what I thought when I saw the trailer. Like, oh the robot protecting your child is the moster of this movie? No, maybe you're the monster, the villain.
@jadeinthewoods Жыл бұрын
I wasn’t planning on seeing it until I watched your video.👍🏼
@LeeroyPorkins Жыл бұрын
Never expected the live action adaptation of Chobits to go all Chucky on us.
@dtjackson1647 Жыл бұрын
Sean made up a new word at 2:34: Treacherous + Perilous = "Treacherlous"
@levibull6063 Жыл бұрын
My god I'm laughing "I cant even look after my plants" then why you looking after a kid
@justingovas415 Жыл бұрын
The title... Is a super nice blanket statement.... /s But the amended title works well(the "as potrayed by gemma" bit)
@ryanlapolt6957 Жыл бұрын
I greatly appreciate these entertainment stories you do, it’s a nice change of pace from the crime stories (which are the best, frankly, everyone is saying it; I would never say that, this is just what I’ve been told). I would recommend you do a video on the new “Velma” show from HBO Max, however, I would never wish the torture of watching “Velma” on even my worst enemies. Keep up the good work, Sean!
@REPUBLIC-1776 Жыл бұрын
I was already looking forward to seeing this movie. I was raised to see the "hidden messages" (no, not in a Catcher In The Rye way) behind movies & I was already getting that "pawning the raising of a child off on technology" vibe from the trailer.
@fredbloggs5902 Жыл бұрын
Ok, what’s the hidden message in CitR?
@thevirginmarty9738 Жыл бұрын
I did not pick up on that. I'm not a parental person myself, so I'd probably make the same decisions as Gemma. In fact, I saw Gemma as the female version of myself.
@survivordave Жыл бұрын
KZbin played an ad for Replika the AI companion app right after your video which is hella funny. Apparently YT didn't understand the point of M3GAN at all lol
@tdub7130 Жыл бұрын
Congrats on you engagement!
@tommyboy7820 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing
@MarsM13 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't say she's "the villain", so much as she is the flawed protagonist who grows by the end of the story.
@microcolonel Жыл бұрын
I think I might go see it, seems like a theme that I would pick up on as well.
@hcook1023 Жыл бұрын
You know as an average gamer and reader, This lady is completely right about the toxic parasocial relationship from Katie to Megan Sometimes I dread finishing a good book series or video game because I've become emotionally invested to a fictitious world and characters so once they're done it leaves you kind of hollow for a while
@ANonymous-wc4gu Жыл бұрын
I think you made great points but I think the greater theme was a push for “live in the moment, put down your phone more” type of lesson. Since Megan was basically just a distraction from Kady’s grief and Gemma’s main focus was to make more addictive products to entertain children like she was doing a favor to fellow parents in the world, I think Megan was a symbol of the consequences of her actions.
@MrThademon Жыл бұрын
I think the part I liked most about the movie is that Megan isn't malfunctioning. She's not going ballistic. She's doing exactly what she was programmed to do. Gemma was the problem and Megan even points this out. Gemma couldn't be bothered with her niece and really couldn't be bothered with Megan either. She just put that AI routine in her without even comprehending it. Gemma was so obsessed with her own genius and getting ahead she didn't bother to consider the consiquences.
@juliooquendo220 Жыл бұрын
that m3gan movie is underrated
@TheSands83 Жыл бұрын
Fucking movie is terrible 😂 I got dragged to it by my fiancé. The movie is garbage
@mattb6646 Жыл бұрын
Really? I thought it was extremely over rated
@bentowle3478 Жыл бұрын
It's really not very good. Mediocre writing, but it pulls off what it's going for
@juliooquendo220 Жыл бұрын
@@mattb6646 avatar 2 is a good movie no doubt about it but sometimes the good movies can be under rated as well. just like m3gan
@TexZenMaster Жыл бұрын
I just loved the teacher's reaction to seeing M3gan's face: "Who's this? Your sister?" (M3gan turns to look at her) "Oh Jesus Christ!"
@theglassmaster3140 Жыл бұрын
My Wife wanted to see this and I said no fkn way. Lol. Glad you done this video. Now I'll go see it with her.
@jacknickelson8096 Жыл бұрын
The click bait had me concerned but this was a good analysis in my opinion. I also noticed the message was solid for modern times. I wouldn't say Gemma was the villain, though I definitely thought of her as an asshole. And I considered the android to be a sympathetic villain.
@latetotheparty184 Жыл бұрын
Megan dancing as shown in a trailer was amazing. I was hoping it was shown here.
@truanarchy6315 Жыл бұрын
Reminded me of the Geth V. Quarian Morning War from Mass Effect
@wirerat Жыл бұрын
Just finished m3gan. I had low expectations. Expected more like a chucky movie. It was decent. When the college project was first shown I did easily predict what would happen.
@eval7952 Жыл бұрын
“From”, really good show so far, I haven’t finished it yet. I don’t think it’s known at all but so far really worth watching. ( From)
@squirlking2 Жыл бұрын
People never learn. Never give ai power it always goes rogue.
@gen-xboomer Жыл бұрын
Robocop meets Chucky..... FIN
@pikapalooza7339 Жыл бұрын
reminds me of that episode of Rick and Morty when the car needs to keep summer safe. I'm kind of surprised Megan didn't try to wage war to keep Katy safe. "Terrorists are a threat to Katy. Must launch missiles to keep Katy safe."
@SSingh-nr8qz Жыл бұрын
I am not got to watch this video in full because you mentioned this video will have spoilers but I'm glad to hear this is actually a good movie for a change. 2022 had so many bad movies (especially in horror) that seeing the trailer for Megan was quite refreshing but these days I am very cautious of slick trailers suckering me into a 2 hour boring experience or worse a woke lecture.
@radhiadeedou8286 Жыл бұрын
He didn't spoil anything that isn't in the trailer
@SSingh-nr8qz Жыл бұрын
@@radhiadeedou8286 Rather not risk it. I was doing to watch it tonight. I'll probably check out this video in full after.
@michaeltalpas Жыл бұрын
This is a horror movie, because that "thing" is horrifying. Every movement, the way it's face is shaped, everything about it is just absolutely terrifying. Everything else is superfluous to the horror that is M3gan herself.
@marksunboxingzone Жыл бұрын
I agree. How Cady could sleep with something just sitting there, staring at her in the dark is beyond me.
@michaeltalpas Жыл бұрын
@@marksunboxingzone Right? And mind, I'm not saying that as a criticism, this movie looks absolutely terrifying, as a good horror movie should. I'm almost in awe of how creepy she looks.
@charlieclark9552 Жыл бұрын
Imma buy one
@michaeltalpas Жыл бұрын
@@charlieclark9552 good luck!
@Lucailey Жыл бұрын
Okay, yes. True. But, moving beyond how creepy M3gan looked was the fact that a child could invest her love and emotions in a robot because that robot knew what to say and how to act. At the end of the day even if all the crazy murder stuff didn't happen, it would still be scary! We forget that robots can talk and act but, they don't love us back. they do what they were programmed to do. M3gan was programmed to take care of Cady but, there isn't a way to programe M3gan to love Cady and every child - every person needs love! Cady needed humans in her life. Humans that could understand complex feelings about love and grief. She needed to be with a caregiver that understood that sometimes we have to face emotional pain and we need someone who understands pain in order to guide them through it. M3gan was not evil. She was made to prevent Cady from feeling any type of pain so, instead of being able to guide Cady through her emotions and have her let out her sadness, her rage and her depression over the loss of her parents, M3gan was just keeping her distracted. No matter how cute of an A.I they could realistically make, it still will not be able to understand how a human being really feels. Gemma set M3gan up to do a job that a robot could never do. That's what makes this horrow.
@bobjones4469 Жыл бұрын
I don't blame Jema (or whatever her name is), she didn't ask for this kid and can understand why she didn't want everything she worked for to be derailed by it. Also, the robot could have done a good job, you never know.
@sharkinator7819 Жыл бұрын
Actually, the father’s parents were all too eager to take over, but Gemma was set on it because of a promise from a long time ago
@Zombies_Ate_My_Neighbors Жыл бұрын
Saw it. Took my teen and tween kids. I thought the target audience was them, not adults. The teen thought it was somewhat cheesey. Tween loved it. I was happy to get them to the movies because we don't do that much anymore.
@dragonkight64dragonslayer62 Жыл бұрын
The way she looks at Gemma sometimes it's not anger more like disappointment M3gan even tries to help her but Gemma is as M3gan puts it is exhausting!
@Ming1975 Жыл бұрын
After this review i think I'd be siding the android in this one when i watch it. Hahaha!
@eldeano9964 Жыл бұрын
Love how when megan was schooling the modern wahman on actual facts, she tried to mute her. Wait! So she works on robotic AI, yet doesn't apply Asimov's laws?.
@marksunboxingzone Жыл бұрын
I liked how M3GAN actually took the hint and stopped talking like 'fine I'll shut up then' instead of just continuing to ramble on while muted lol.
@agenticmark Жыл бұрын
My wife and I went to see it. She said the same thing. Chucky was still better. I thought it was trash.
@lazylefthand Жыл бұрын
2:29 Reminded me of frank from always sunny. "We dont diddle kids"
@josephstibbins5278 Жыл бұрын
Well actually the parents in the beginning was arguing over the daughter having screen time which led to her blowing up at the husband. Then the daughter getting to the point where she told him to pull over. He even said it's a bad idea to stop in the middle of the road during a snow storm.
@rich123480 Жыл бұрын
Good review thanks
@Drakonis.Imperial Жыл бұрын
Here's my issue ... you made a "child's toy" that can learn (all good), can develop attachments (not so good) and is PHYSICALLY CAPABLE OF DEMOLISHING A GROWN ADULT HUMAN BEING (HUGE RED FLAG)! . Here's a bit of friendly advice for all robot engineers ... don't make intelligent robots that can tear people's heads off. No "Carbon Fiber" and "Titanium alloys" ... think Tissue Paper and Balsa wood. And oh yes ... a big, obvious and unstoppable OFF button.
@Chubbycat747 Жыл бұрын
Someone said that robots will be built according to function. In other words, it will be too expensive to make all robots look and act like humans.
@Drakonis.Imperial Жыл бұрын
@@Chubbycat747 I don't care what it looks like ... I just don't want it trying to murder me in my sleep.
@Chubbycat747 Жыл бұрын
@@Drakonis.Imperial Murder by toaster.
@alexczumak8067 Жыл бұрын
After watching your commentary I went to watch the film and even though it was filmed as mostly PG, I don't think it needs a remake as a rated R... But maybe they'll do that if they follow up with a sequel.
@ActualJusticeWarrior Жыл бұрын
Not a remake just a different cut. Like it seems like it was shot as an R but cut down to a PG13
@alexczumak8067 Жыл бұрын
@@ActualJusticeWarrior Maybe the R version will come out in a director cut of the DVD... And if you liked this movie you have to look up an older Clive Barker film called "Deadly Friend"...
@airman122469 Жыл бұрын
“So you can focus on the things that matter.” O_o The MOST important thing is the wellbeing of my kids.
@grimscraggletag6799 Жыл бұрын
The irony is that the only *real* victim was *M3gan,* herself. 🤔
@Lucailey Жыл бұрын
Well, her and Cady - and if you think about it, Cady's parents too. Cady's parents must have thought that Gemma had the ability to be able to take care of a child. Gemma kept her promise as a Godmother and took Cady in. However, she did not have what it takes to be a good mother. Cady's parents trusted that she would do better- and she didn't.
@peterz22thomas5 Жыл бұрын
I had no idea this movie existed until today. Im sure I'll watch it in a year or so when its on netflix or Paramount.
@chipremel8594 Жыл бұрын
I'm not a fan of horror movies but this actually looks quite interesting, really surprised it got the green light.
@Charlotte_Martel Жыл бұрын
To be fair to Gemma, one shouldn't have kids foisted upon him/her without consent. Any decent parent would ensure that the would be guardian of his children actually likes those children and wants the role. Not always possible, I know, but not everyone is meant to be a parent.
@madmedic92 Жыл бұрын
I watched your video all the way through to leave a comment about how a movie I wasn't interested in was spoiled 😅
@justinecooper9575 Жыл бұрын
I could see this movie as kind of a prequel to a movie about Jack Williamson's humanoids. See "With Folded Hands" (1947). In fact, I thought it might have been using a trope from that story when Megan drew a picture of Cady and gave it to her. I expected Cady to later refuse to draw a picture and say "Why should I try to draw? I'll never be as good as Megan."
@francarrey7501 Жыл бұрын
The Jeremy Renner joke was in bad taste due to the fact he almost die, has a long road to recovery and could possible have his leg amputated. But your analysis of the movie was pretty good.
@vinkuu Жыл бұрын
Goddamn, the prelude scene to the accident accident had me thinking that the toy was the reason for the accident as well. Everything was building up to that. EDIT: A good movie, along with The Menu. Is Hollywood redeeming itself?
@madtabby66 Жыл бұрын
I loved Deadly Night, M3gan, haven't seen, but sounds cool. So maybe some are deciding making money is more important than woke points?
@marksunboxingzone Жыл бұрын
Smaller production companies have way more freedom to have creative fun without worrying about being forced to check boxes and virtue signal.
@justaguywhocares4478 Жыл бұрын
Ok you got me interested in looking up the trailers… cuz they’re free
@RyunosukeHachi Жыл бұрын
@cliffham8111 Жыл бұрын
Thread winner 🏆!
@TomasCorvidea Жыл бұрын
I find it wholey ironic that M3gan opened with a That Poppy song, because That Poppy is an android pretending to be a teenage pop-singer.
@MrDarthtelos Жыл бұрын
Female human like robot = Gynoid.
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