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Grace Digital Network

Grace Digital Network

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@anthonydsouza9219 2 ай бұрын
Praise to our Lord Jesus Christ ✝️🙏Amen.
@mariejones3913 2 ай бұрын
People are NOT PREPARED 😢
@plainwhitepaper3898 2 ай бұрын
AMEN, Matthew I3:4I-43 Jude I:I4,I5 Let's get it on....
@jurellwashington1986 2 ай бұрын
babylon always been here it comes in different shapes and forms in different generations and different ages
@paulabutler3448 2 ай бұрын
Witchcraft total witchcraft! God bless Anerica praying for all of us!
@johnmitchell1955 2 ай бұрын
The 7 Archangels in Revelationswith 7 bowls are: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Chamuel, Jophiel, and Zadkiel
@edwardspence-fo8vt 2 ай бұрын
People will not realize it until it's to late
@trijntjejacoba 2 ай бұрын
There are some people who are noticing, but no one will listen
@danielque6890 2 ай бұрын
It’s 31:17 the Catholic Church brethren it’s all there the mix of Babylonian worship with the worship of saints and prayer to anyone but God the Bible says it’s forbidden!!!! The Catholic Church even changed the law of God when manipulating 2 of the 10 commandments of God and does not satan reverse every thing God says…… when did God tell us to worship him? 7th day right…. When does everyone else do it and why that’s easy look it up yourself London Catholic Record September 1 Catholic Church changes sabbath from Saturday to Sunday!!
@danielque6890 2 ай бұрын
VICARIUS FILII DEI,,,,, London Catholic record September 1 Catholic Church changes sabbath from Saturday to Sunday,,,,,, does not satan simply reverse everything God does
@danielque6890 2 ай бұрын
Scarlet and purple? Is that not the Catholic Church??
@danielque6890 2 ай бұрын
VICARIUS FILII DEI… is that not the Popes title and did the dark ages not happen…. Did napoleon not kill the pope as USA rose to power? Everything fits perfectly all the way through the changes of Gods law
@SmithsnMoz 2 ай бұрын
The TRUE Catholic Church is the BRIDE OF CHRIST! 🙏
@johnmitchell1955 2 ай бұрын
God's children are told to come out of her, not just Christians!
@johnmitchell1955 2 ай бұрын
United Nations and WHO!
@THE_ONE.hakim57 2 ай бұрын
@johnmitchell1955 2 ай бұрын
I am John!
@johnmitchell1955 2 ай бұрын
The One Worthy To Open The Book Revelations 5 Dear friends this morning's vision was 'something else' , I feel so very strongly to share it with you. Leading on from my vision revelation of yesterday I began focussing on today's wisdom message . I found myself hovering in space as it were , looking down upon our Earth . All of a sudden 13 great MERKABAHS began forming , one upon the Earth and 12 in the heavens around her but not just in a ring , no , they were each equi-distant from each other forming a do-decahedron of light . The radiance streaming forth from these merkabahs was truly amazing then out of this light rose a gigantic angel until they each stood on each one , they spread open their wings and their radiance encircled the entire planet in a translucent light including the one on the surface . At the spaces just in front of each angel a spiralling vortex began appearing growing in size until they were enormous , then out of the one on planet came forth first one rider, then many followed until I'd counted 64 all on winged horses wearing white from head to foot , all of them white as snow . And then out of all vortexes streamed forth archangels and angels , 144,000 archangels , 12,000 from each of the 12 portals and with each archangel 1,000 legions of angels . Don't ask me how I know the numbers , I just knew , and just then an angelic voice spoke saying ,'our lord rides forth and with him the warriors of the Sugmad , the Supreme Being and with them the Eloheim before the throne of the Almighty leading the host of heaven' . And their hoof beats on the earth were like thunder and the wind from their beating wings lifted them aloft and as they did the hoods of their cloaks were thrown back revealing the wonder of their faces . These horsemen and women were elves , and each were a crown of the most beautiful light , and now more winged horses and their magnificent riders streamed forth from the vortex on the planet . Again the voice spoke , 'and the warriors of the Paa-Tal are with him , they ride with their high-king ' . 'They ride until every last shade of darkness is vanquished from your world, my blessed brother' . Well my friends that's it , drink in the significance of it and ponder it as I most assuredly will , kindest regards , Peter Immanuel . The previous vision to the one above was this .Michael , early this morning I saw a very clear vision which I want to share with you , I think you'll really like it . I was deep in my morning focus when a bright light began to form before me , a brilliant MERKABAH was beginning to manifest in front of me . The light was blinding and yet gentle if you can grasp that idea . Anyway slowly materialising in front of me was a rider on horseback . Both rider and horse were white , the most pure snow white , a sleek purebred arabian by the looks of it, but with a difference this one had WINGS , yes a winged horse , and mounted upon the steed a man all in white . He was clad in fine attire like a king or something , a long cloak with fur edging , white boots too , and white tunic and pants and over them were vestments of some sort with the name of god written in flame upon them . The hood of his cloak was pulled down almost hiding his eyes but not quite . And those eyes , they were like hazel-blue fire yet not frightening at all but rather loving and kind which surprised me . When I asked who he was , he replied 'some call me the warrior of the supreme being , others lord of the host', but you can call me Manue . Emanating from him was the most radiant light and a very , very deep abiding love , he felt like the father of all . 'Why have you come' ,I asked? 'To bring a new dawn and usher in the new day my dearest son' , he said . 'Tonight the warriors ride , my son , and the world will shake at their passing' . And with that his light became more and more blinding and soon he was gone . Kindest regards , Peter . I began my focussing and started to glimpse the riders from earlier , they had ridden around the world and were now beginning to enter the inner earth . The angelic voice chimed in my ear once more ‘they ride for the dragon temple in Shamballa’ . And so they did , upon arriving at the temple they began to dismount , all of the 64 along with the lord , their high king , while the rest stayed mounted . He walked forward to the shining stone at it’s centre and drew his sword and plunged it deep into the centre of the stone then turned it as if it were one gigantic key , the crystal glowed and began to brighten more and more , I was perplexed . Once more the voice spoke ,’Only the high king can unlock a prime once it is sealed like this was , aeons ago when the Paa-Tal left this world they sealed the prime so as to keep it safe from being destroyed by the dark ones , and rightly so , for the dark ones did indeed try to do just that my friend’. ‘Now that it is unlocked it’s TRUE potential can be awakened’. And with that the lord removed his sword and a strange shimmering began to happen and as if by magic all manner of elemental beings began stepping forth into full view . There were , elves , faeries , sprites , every conceivable kind of being and all coming forward towards the elven group, with the most delighted looks on their faces . At the head of the group was an ancient looking faery , a male with a crown on his head , the lord took just one short glance at him and and said ‘Hello Oberon my dear old friend , you have done well in holding the fort here for so very , very long’ , and with that they hugged each other like long lost family . And with my head spinning somewhat , the voice explained ,’He’s king of the faeries and lord of all the elemental kingdoms here on Earth dear one’. ‘Well my friend , time waits for no man and we have much to do’, and he turned , re-mounted his steed and whirling around said ‘to horse my friends for we have much yet to do this day’. They rode again this time for the surface of our world , thundering as they went . On reaching the surface the lord raised his hand and cried aloud ‘Eloi , behold the seal is released and the prime awaits your awakening LOVE AND LIGHT , shine forth my dearest ones as you have never shone before, for this world is long overdue in it’s birthing’. And with that fiat as if of one mind and heart ALL 12 gigantic angels started moving their wings together and archangels and angels of the heavenly host began encircling each of them all with their wings beckoning forth in front of them and as they did, huge beams of divine light sprang forth from the wings of the massive angels before me bathing the planet’s centre with unbelievable amounts of LOVE AND LIGHT . And with that the vision ended . Additonal Information! The Sword spoken of is, “Excalibur” by name! What made that sword invincible was that it was forged in dragon blood and tempered with dragon fire and even it’s metal was of Elven Ancient Arts! I Immanuel called Manu placed the sword in the stone in the first place! We live many lives on earth incarnation after incarnation! Back than I was to be sworn in as King as the older brother, Yet I did not want that job so my younger Brother Arthur became King! My name was Myriddyn Emryss, aka Merlin and was actually true heir to the throne of Uthur Pendragon our father! I had become the crown prince before my fathers demise. So I devised the Sword in stoneTest! Knowing full well that only he and I were capable of drawing it back out of it’s stony sheith! Pendraggon was the royal Merorington bloodline, the Grail Blood! Peter Immanuel aka Jesus
@richarda1751 2 ай бұрын
7a) THREE GOTHIC KINGDOMS REBELLED AGAINST The Bishop of Rome. (Continued from 6c below) Daniel 7:8- “I considered the horns (ie the 10 horns of the fourth beast in verse 7), and behold there came up among them another LITTLE horn, before whom there were THREE of the first horns plucked up by the roots; and behold in this horn were EYES like the EYES of a MAN and a MOUTH speaking GREAT THINGS.” In 534 AD the Vandals and its king rebelled against the Bishop of Rome who used the military of some of the other 9 kingdoms to subdue it. Similarly with the Ostrogoths in 553 AD and the Lombards in 774 AD. (The Heruli had ALREADY been conquered by the Lombards back in the early 6th century and ceased to exist). The Dynasty of Bishops of Rome was LITTLE at first but WAXED into the Dynasty of Popes. The office of the Pope is called the “Holy SEE” and is in agreement with the EYES of the LITTLE horn. The popes blasphemed against God GREATLY. More to follow under post 7b above.
@THE_ONE.hakim57 2 ай бұрын
👑 🤴
@richarda1751 2 ай бұрын
8a) The IDENTITY of the 2 HORNED BEAST. (Continued from 7b below). Revelation 13:11- “And I beheld another beast coming out of the EARTH; and he has two horns like a LAMB, and he spake as a DRAGON.” The “EARTH” is Europe and the British Isles, the territory over which the Caesars and later the Popes ruled. This 2 Horned Beast is the Papal Ecclesiastical system. A horn stands for a KINGDOM/ king; see Daniel 7:24 and Revelation 17:12. This 2 Horned Beast has two kingdoms: the SECULAR clergy (priests, bishops, archbishops) and the REGULAR clergy (abbots, monks, mother superiors, nuns). The head of this beast represents the Pope. This beast is like a wolf in sheep’s clothing and is called the “False Prophet” in Revelation 19:20. This 2 Horned Beast CONTROLS the 7 Headed/ 10 Horned Beast whose deadly wound was healed (ie it was REVIVED; see verse 12), threatened God’s judgment on the disobedient (verse 13), did false miracles (verse 14), established an image of itself (verses 14,15) which was the Council of Trent. The Council of Trent spoke and enforced the laws of the Roman Church. True Christians refused to submit to it and were delivered to the military of the secular power of the REVIVED 7 Headed/ 10 Horned Beast to be killed. Hence the description “….like a lamb and he spake as a dragon.” A Banner used during the Portuguese Inquisition in the Indian Ocean island of Goa shows a LAMB holding in its mouth a piece of wood with FLAMES at both ends. It was painted by Picart in 1722 and can be seen on the internet. More to follow under 8b above.
@NikolaMihajlovic-wp5yv 2 ай бұрын
@Larry1164-lb8uv 2 ай бұрын
The beasts of Daniel and revelation are kingdoms, not a man. Through revelation 17 we know that the 7 heads are kingdoms (mountains), not men. The 7 kings are referring to the ruling bodies of these kingdoms, not specific kings because these kingdoms had many kings. So the deadly wound in Rev 13 is refering also to a past kingdom, not a man. And the scarlet colored beast has the NAMES of blasphemy, not the name of blasphemy.
@richarda1751 2 ай бұрын
6b) The REVIVED Roman Empire is the RELIGIO-POLITICAL Establishment of the Roman Church. Continuing from the 6a post below… Revelation 17:10- “And there are seven kings: five are fallen, ONE IS, and the other is not YET come: and when he cometh he must continue a short space.” The seven kings (which are the seven heads of the beast) are the seven systems of ruling governments over which the Pagan Roman Empire lasted. The first five which had passed were Kings, Consuls, Dictators, Decimvirs, Military Tribunals. The 6th was RULING when John was WRITING Revelation and was the Pagan Roman Emperors (ie Caesar Dynasty). The 7th head were the “Christian” Roman Emperors beginning with Constantine in 313 AD. Constantine claimed he saw a vision of a cross and declared himself a “Christian”. He used Roman Law to legislate this new religion. Bishops were installed throughout Roman Europe including in Rome. In 533 AD, Christian Roman Emperor Justinian gave SENIORITY to the Bishop in Rome over all the other bishops. The worship of pagan gods and goddesses now became the worship of Christian saints. The fertility festival of the goddess Ishtar became Easter; the birth of the sun god Sol celebrated on December 25th became the birth of Christ festival (Christmas). Pagan idols were renamed with Christian names from the bible. The unbloody sacrifice to Sol the sun god became the Sacrifice of the Mass. The Roman goddess Venus holding baby Jupiter now became “Christian goddess” Mary holding baby Jesus. This REVIVED 7 Headed/10 Horned Beast is ALSO described in Revelation 13:1,2 as having the features of a lion (Babylon), bear (Medo Persia), leopard (Greece) and is the same as the fourth terrible beast of Daniel 7. Revelation 13:3 says that one of its heads was WOUNDED UNTO DEATH but that the DEADLY WOUND WAS HEALED. The Pagan Roman Empire was not destroyed during the time of the first six heads, obviously! It was during the time of the 7th head, the rule of the Christian Roman Emperors, that the Goths SMASHED the empire using the SWORD in 476 AD, but it REVIVED in a “Christian” form. Out of the ruins of the Pagan Roman Empire rose the RELIGIO-POLITICAL ESTABLISHMENT of the Roman Church. It was the old Pagan Roman Empire REVIVED with a “Christian” appearance. The power of the Christian Roman Emperor was DECREASING, but that of the Bishop of Rome was INCREASING and in 606 AD, the last Christian Roman Emperor Phocas gave up his powers to the Bishop of Rome who now became the first Pope, Boniface III. More to come under 6c above.
@johnmitchell1955 2 ай бұрын
The 7 churches in revelations From Asia Actually it's Taoists , Buddhists, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Confucians and Sikhs.
@paulabutler3448 2 ай бұрын
The gift of tongues have ceased it was a languages and Mystery BABYLON still us Ameruca but Niahude law tget are trying ti bri g in tge last o n.v e wirkd religion wake up people God bless Americs praying for all of us!😊😊
@brooksellis3891 2 ай бұрын
My studies indicate that God is establishing a one world religion. I would rather believe God than Christian theologians.
@richarda1751 2 ай бұрын
10) GOD’S JUDGMENT AGAINST THE PAPACY.(This follows from 8b below). Revelation 17:16- “And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire.” God’s judgment against the Papacy was by the nations over which she ruled turning against her. It began with the French Revolution in 1789. Numerous Roman Catholic clergy and French nobility were guillotined. Catholic Church buildings were destroyed or used for housing livestock. This was followed by Napoleon’s capture of the Pope in 1798. Then came the Unification Revolutions of 1848 in Europe which resulted in further loss of the pope’s temporal power. In Italy, the Papal States were confiscated. The Spanish Civil War of 1936 resulted in heavy losses for the Roman Church in Spain with its properties confiscated, buildings destroyed, its clergy killed in their thousands.
@jodiebert3038 2 ай бұрын
No it's not, it's called catholism.
@maneevent1508 2 ай бұрын
You voted for it
@johnmitchell1955 2 ай бұрын
I am John and Yeshua is Sananda!
@johnmitchell1955 2 ай бұрын
Claus Schwab
@johnmitchell1955 2 ай бұрын
All humans are God's Children! The Christian church became very dark!
@metiss7402 2 ай бұрын
You lack the most important information... YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN. It's up to you how you gonna do it or how you won't. The choice is yours while you are still alive. No tomorrow promised to anyone.
@prebensvensson3078 2 ай бұрын
@NikZeDawn 2 ай бұрын
Why are some contents in your videos repetitive and why do you not stick to the point of discussion, it just makes your videos lengthier than necessary. Repetitive things just kills the interest with which I came to watch the video. You are just making lot of people turn away from your videos.
@SonOfManic818 2 ай бұрын
Speak for yourself
@franniea 2 ай бұрын
Nik That's your thoughts stop trying to rain on everyone's parade
@Woodstock-53 2 ай бұрын
@NikZeDawn Well probably because I'm new and never heard any before
@NikZeDawn 2 ай бұрын
If you are following and watching other videos on this channel you'll know what I meant by repetitive content, my comment was not meant to discourage anyone, people are different and I'm one of those people who lose interest when things get repetitive and don't stick to the point of discussion. If you guys are interested also watch videos on channels like "the beat" by Allen Parr, "Frank Turek", "daily does of wisdom" their videos are precise, to the point, nice relatable topics.
@michaelboros9834 2 ай бұрын
It’s been in place for over a thousand years it’s called Islam
@pearladams4817 2 ай бұрын
I don't agree with you. The whore of Revelation 18 is definitely the Roman Catholic Church.
@pearladams4817 2 ай бұрын
I don't agree with you. My first comment was deleted by KZbin. Islam is not the whore. It's another religious organisation that KZbin is protecting.
@danielque6890 2 ай бұрын
@@michaelboros9834 how much purple and scarlet does Islam ware? Have they ever controlled the world for 1260 years?? 538-1798 was Roman Catholic and they made war with the saint’s and over came them? Also because of the Roman Catholic Church 3 kingdoms have been exstinct heruli, vandals, and the Ostrogoths. Not only that Rome was never defeated but devided into 10 kingdoms I can go on. How about 666 VICARIUS FILII DEI, is this not a title of the pope? And there’s more that add up to 666 and did they not change times? Question what calendar do we go by today? And why does everyone go to church on Sunday instead of the sabbath? Which is Saturday. I’ll help you out look up the London Catholic Record September 1 1990 I’ll let the Catholic Church tell you why these things are happening. They even called it there mark! God has a mark too it’s his Sabbath he said that it’s a sign/mark to so that we are his and he is our God! Let no man deceive you is what Jesus Christ said yet 1 man deceives the entire world to worship “god” on Sunday instead of the day God commanded us to worship him on. Did Islam do any of the things that the Bible says the Beast would do maybe a few but not like the Catholic Church. And listen this does not mean that the Catholic people can not be redeemed Jesus Christ calls on us to call them out of this whore that pray to the dead and makes people believe that when you die you will have another chance to get it right, but what does the Bible say every man is appointed once to die and then judgment….. not purgatory
@paulabutler3448 2 ай бұрын
As America praying fir all of us this is ludicrous if you get things of God from this you obviously have missed the boar! God bless America praying for all of us!
@THE_ONE.hakim57 2 ай бұрын
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