The Replacement Theology & False Messianism of Chabad

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Machon Shilo

Machon Shilo

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Interview with the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim
לצפות בראיון בעברית:
• על הגאולה ועל התמורה: ...

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@tzadiko 3 жыл бұрын
I have heard the claim that "virtually all" Chabad chasidim believe this or that about the Rebbe, but if so, why do they not teach it openly? I have been to many Chabad shuls, even long term, and have never heard any of this taught. Instead they teach the things the Rebbe taught, many of which are not even related to moshiach
@brandonrumann3931 3 жыл бұрын
While I agree with many things the Rav says, it seems to me that while speaks about Chabad Chassidut he doesn't know much Chassidut and makes claims that aren't entirely factual.
@allmertalex 3 жыл бұрын
They don't all believe that
@MultiMb1234 8 ай бұрын
almost impossible to know, because many chasidim do believe that, but took the Rebbe seriously when he said not to make that belief public.... @@allmertalex
@ChonyMilecki 3 жыл бұрын
As a Chabadnik I was expecting to listen to this and disagree with everything the rabbi says. It turns out I agree with everything, except for his own personal conclusions. The facts as he lays them are this: Real Judaism was/is boring, uninspiring, broken, aimless (his words), and Chassidus infused meaning, excitement, purpose and pleasantness (his words again). Before Chassidus people who were disillusioned simply left the faith, assimilated or became secular zionists. Chassidus offered an alternative of hope, purpose and joy. So far I agree with it all. Where we disagree is (38:55) that he believes that the boring way is True Torah Judaism and that Chabad believes is mass hysteria, whereas I can tell you that Chabad is an intelligent, Torah and Mitzvot loyal, goal oriented return to the original Judaism based on Ahavat Yisrael, Ahavat Hashem, and Ivdu et Hashem Besimcha.
@jabujolly9020 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with what you say here and I'm not a Chabadnik at all. The nice thing about Chasidus is that it took the positive aspects of Kabbala and made them practical and expunged most of Kabala's negativity (most though not all). I wish the Alter Rebbe had not put in the Tanya's first chapter that whole thing about Gentile souls, because it turns off a lot of people with the result that they miss out on all the good stuff--the discussions of the animal and divine souls, the higher and lower loves and fears, the directing of the will toward proper mitzva fulfillment, and the excellent meditation and prayer techniques. Just because of one small bit of rubbish at the start, all the treasures that follow are not found.
@gojoe2833 2 жыл бұрын
Well stated Chony!
@danielmurray8560 2 жыл бұрын
And then we have Breslow happy, joyful and are eagerly awaiting the Meshiach! Full of life without the "Rebbe S" belief. Go figure!
@sysuiu4533 2 жыл бұрын
Chabad is warm and fuzzy, but has nothing to do with Torah Judaism
@Jl-lq5en Жыл бұрын
If you believe the Rebbe is Moshiach then you are not following authenetic Judaism at all. And actual real Chabad is not all fuzzy and tolerant neither is Breslov. In fact Rebbe Nachman was very intolerant towards many groups of Jews and wrote extensively on which people to avoid and when Kiruv on some people should be avoided. The issue is today you have a lot of people proclaiming to be Breslov and or Chabad who make a mockery of what their leaders actually wrote and said.
@vsebudethorosho647 Жыл бұрын
I live in the area with mostly assimilated Jews. Guess who is working hard to bring to Torah and mitzvot Jew after Jew? In my small and relatively new community- we celebrated tens of Jewish weddings, brits, we have educational programs for the kids and adults; families returning to full observance and becoming leaders. I see my own transformation- went to Israel to study in midlife age, learned how to read in ivrit (I was born and grew up in former ussr), now reading tehillim, praying for Israel. All the sparks are being ignited in entire world by Chabad, while being under scrutiny from their own people. Two points that Rabbi made- regarding Rebbe being seen as the Moshiach and low Aliah activity are true. But, this should not make all their achievements go unnoticed. Hashem created absolutely all of us for a particular role and imperfect. Don’t forget that.
@BeatrizMartinez-dy3oy 5 ай бұрын
ZECHARIAH 14,end of nations. At the end God will saved His remaining people, first they must go to Jacob's troubles 😢
@MichaelAbJ 4 ай бұрын
You're misleaded . They transform uneducated Jews into ovdei avoda Zara since Chabad is a cult is .it has nothing with torah even as the rav shah said it's the closest religion to Judaism . At the end they bring good uneducated jews straight to their master . The satan
@RemonD-m6b 3 ай бұрын
Don’t worry he is just full of jealous. This is all his story he’s in in minority. Doesn’t have nothing to offer to stay and do nothing.
@RemonD-m6b 3 ай бұрын
Don’t worry he is just full of jealous. This is all his story he’s in in minority. Doesn’t have nothing to offer to stay and do nothing.
@MichaelAbJ 3 ай бұрын
You don’t understand what chabad is ! as the ramchal explains in meilat yesharim about chassidut (the real one) it’s not about the actions it’s all about the result. It’s a destructions of neshamots and tickets to geinam to what you believe are good actions. It’s looks very good from the outside and for the ignoramus in Torah. The number of averots hamurots that each of these lost souls accomplish thanks to these idolaters missionaries is unlimited. It was better for them to stay in a state of non knowing and non observance than being turned into auxiliaries of avoda Zara! Chabad is the biggest spiritual holocaust for am Israel (and breslev follows and pretty much all the chassidut sheker). You need to learn lots of Torah to understand this question.
@DolfSmitler 24 күн бұрын
This video is full of true objective wisdom and is a gold mine for those who are willing to leave their emotionality and biases behind. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and wisdom with the world much appreciated!
@karenredgreene2498 Ай бұрын
"Replacement Theology" is a well known term describing those of the Christian faith whose purpose is to replace Judaism with their own 'superior religion'. it is shameful to use that term on Chabad.
@tzveeble1679 2 жыл бұрын
This shouldn't even be a topic, considering the huge global work and Jewish awakening the Rebbe and Chabad has accomplished. There'll always be those who go overboard with certain concepts. King Hizkiyahu was deemed Moshiach, as so many others. To view the term "Moshiach" through Christian eyes is a total distortion, and not something we should fall prey to.
@BertGraef 7 ай бұрын
Well who is the Moschiach then. Hezekiah? Cyrus? King Agrippa? The people? Seems like the sages knew the time had passed for Messiah and still not come. What happened? Was Daniel wrong? Or the sages who refused to recognize the Nazarene in their midst? So they had to make excuses for thier people had to know why Shiloh hadnt come and yet the temple lay in ruins before them? Surely Micah wasnt also wrong, was he? Messiah had to come to the Temple and now it lay in ruins and hasnt been seen since. A Mosque of all things is on Yahwehs temple site. What went wrong? Were the prophets wrong or the sages? Since the sages exonerated themselves, the prophets had to be wrong. So who is lying about Messiah? The prophets or the sages? The Tanakh or the Talmud?
@MsOnTheOtherHand 6 жыл бұрын
I echo many commentator's admiration for the tone and the scholarly approach of Rabbi David Bar-Hayim, and I appreciate his many videos. The question is: If Judaism is broken (he seems to say), and Chabad has in response rewritten a new Judaism (but he seems to say they did a bad job rewriting it), then what does he suggest is the proper Jewish response to a broken Judaism? [I, myself, am not asserting that Judaism is broken, I am saying that I think the Rabbi was saying it is broken and there have been several responses to its brokenness - and he singles out Chabad as being a NOT good response. So what does he suggest is the best response to a broken Judaism?]
@AllOtherNamesUsed 4 жыл бұрын
Comparing numbers has nothing to do with it, it was always only a remnant whom were considered God's people going all the way back to the exodus. Yeshua is the stone rejected by the builders but has become the capstone and the new covenant announced by Jeremiah was foretold to not be like the old covenant marriage -- but he was rejected and attacked by his own people as well. Hosea also prophesied that those who were not God's people would be, those who were would not be, etc, etc.
@MashiachTheReal1 4 жыл бұрын
​@Steve McQueen ​I used to firmly believe in Yeshua (better known by the "Christians" as Jesus...) and "gOd" of the Tanach, back in the 60s, as a teenager (my father, of blessed memories!!) was Pastor of the Waldensian Church, an he did a great job indeed!! I've been a good 'Christian' until 1970, when I discovered that the society has a secret language, the secret nonverbal communication, described by Shlomo HaMelech (King Solomon) in his Proverbs, Chapter 6, Verse 13, but this in the >>oldnew< KJV!) if I had the old one, I would have discovered the international, secret nonverbal communication, SEVEN YEARS EARLIER! Saving me 7 years of incredible stress, because I felt that society was hiding something vital from me! Since my dear father was of a very open mind, he told me I could choose whatever I wanted!! Now I regard myself as LAIC UR Rabbi, and Founder of the Ultra-Reform Judaism!! NOT Zebaoth, who politically belongs to the extreme right wing (and is on Mars right now, with his "dear" son Yeshua), created the universe, but our HEAVENLY MOTHER AND >>>COMRADE
@MashiachTheReal1 4 жыл бұрын
​@Steve McQueen I might be the reincarnation of King Solomon, since HE TOO didn't know the secret nonverbal communication of the sinners!! (I know only two signals out of that kind of language, making me way purer than most!!) Sabbatai Zevi? Jacob Frank? (I've heard about Sabbatai Zevi...) Names of people who have never broken the taboo described by Shlomo HaMelech! Did Yeshua (Jesus), Mohammed (of the Koran), the Buddha, and so on, break it? NOT ONE WORD ON IT! Why should I know about them? If COMMUNISM is literally from the Talmud and the Kabbalah, how's possible that the Jews follow that Zebaot, who, politically, belongs to the extreme right wing? The 1st Mitzvah is to do THE HOLY WILL OF OUR HEAVENLY MOTHER AND >>>COMRADE
@MashiachTheReal1 4 жыл бұрын
​@Steve McQueen Hmm, it looks to me that you didn't pay much attention to what I wrote! You named again a lot of names... none of those people ever mentioned the oldest and biggest taboo, ever! You're naming the Christ, again!! Good. But he's NOT the one that you think he is! I repeat: Jesus didn't even mentioned what King Solomon did, about 2000 years before him! The about 200 members of my party (if the fascistic P26 didn't stop the nonviolent global revolution and tabooed the nonviolent demonstration, they would have turned soon billions!!), obviously made the following reasoning: someone who doesn't know the sinners' language, is not a sinner!! Anyone not being a sinner, is a Saint!! A Saint who has received a REVELATION (as I did in 1977), is a Prophet!! A Prophet who has a plan for the salvation of the humanity, is the Christ himself!! (And I'm not saying they're wrong!!)
@mwatts-riley2688 2 жыл бұрын
@@MashiachTheReal1 hun take your meds. Twisted thinking is a bitch. When you can part the Atlantic Ocean or cause a bush to sing or get a bottle of Boone's Farm wind from a bottle of Avian, we'll talk.
@plonialmoni4232 3 жыл бұрын
The rebbe was all for making practical efforts to bring the geulah. I think your one conversation with the man in australia distorted your understanding of the rebbes authentic teachings
@allmertalex 3 жыл бұрын
Most Chassids from Chabbad know that the Rebbe wasn't actually the messiah, at least from my experience.
@debrapaulino918 2 жыл бұрын
This Rabbi is more intellectual than that.
@ainz65 2 жыл бұрын
His teachings are authentic his followers who think he is the messiah are not
@1982382 8 ай бұрын
​@@allmertalexyour wrong actually I'm a Lubavitcher and if someone considers themselves a Lubavitcher it's inconsistent for them to believe the Rebbe Is Not Moshiach. While many Lubavitchers don't believe the Rebbe is alive necessarily, they certainly believe the Rebbe is Moshiach!
@anthonyderosa7730 2 жыл бұрын
The issue is, even alot of the lubavitchers that don't believe the rebbe of blessed memory he is the second "yeshu" that he died and will rise again as moshiach, there is still questionable things that alot of non chabadniks find questionable, example, they will still go to his grave and write prayers for the the rebbe to stand infront of God for them as a mediary. This is identical to Christianity but with an orthodox blanket. Alot of Tenani and sephardic jews dislike alot of the ashkenazi traditions such as prayer to the dead rebbes to mediate before God for them thinking it gives them a sense of "having the upper hand" . again. This is Christianity. You don't need a mediary to talk to God. Hashem wants a relationship with you and for you to pray to him, not have one do it for you. The Rebbe was a GIANT on Torah. I don't think he would be pleased regarding what the chabadniks are slowly growing into a messianic branch.
@zvi81 2 ай бұрын
it shows how unknowledgeable you are . oh my. why embarass yourself like that?!?!?!
@bernardorodriguez4285 3 жыл бұрын
thank you rabbi. I can also say, having lived in turkey for 4 years, there are still followers of Zvi. they are called 'donme' meaning converts.
@stevenv6463 3 жыл бұрын
Aren't they Muslim now or only nominally?
@zenodotusofathens2122 2 жыл бұрын
@@stevenv6463 They are considered a sect of Islam
@nessus5016 2 жыл бұрын
Strange.. I am a Turkish Naqshibandi Sufi Muslim (for real, and I am not a Jew) and I do follow Hahambashi's weekly Parashah and Sephardic public media (Shalom newspaper and interviews) weekly. Only seen in an interview that one guy in his 60s mentioned encountering a couple of elderly Sabbateans in his childhood. I guess they are laying low then. Reason I am here I found striking similarities between Chabad and Naqshibandis including some Naqshibandi sub-branches peculiar belief that their Sheikh is Mahdi.
@element2138 Жыл бұрын
​@@nessus5016 Would you please define Sheikh and Mahdi? Where are they?
@element2138 Жыл бұрын
@Bernardo Thanks for telling about it. Where do you find these people? Do they have a community? A synagogue/ Mosque? A School?
@deavman 7 ай бұрын
My father was a shaliah for habad since the 50's. He was also avowed Zionist. The whole family eventually made aliah. His work in France and Israel helped many hundreds, possibly thousands of lost Jews to return to their roots. Yes, he probably believed that Menahem Shneersohn was the mashiah but he never ever claimed so. And when the Rebbe died, even though this was very traumatic to him, he kept doing his best for ahavat Israel and showed this to be his guiding light until the day he himself passed. His tombstone has the words "Veahavta lereakha camokha" engraved on it, not " we want mashiah now". I am agnostic myself but I will always have a place in my heart for Habad, mashiah or no mashiah.
@RabbiShlomoNachman 6 жыл бұрын
While I can not agree with his conclusions completely, his presentation, at least the first part of it, was pretty balanced in my opinion. The main problem I have here is that the only option he leaves is the observance of a meaningless dead Judaism of waiting devoid of experience. This state is what produced the BESHT. As he notes, this meaningless form leads many Jews to leave Judaism, forego observance, or worse, to complete assimilation. While there are issues in my opinion with Chabad's messianic views of the Rebbe, Breslov and other Chassidic sects, and even many in Chabad, have developed true Torah based joy and emunah. This is inspiring many many Jews to return to our Traditions. While some Chassids go too far in one direction (such as virtual "Rebbe worship"), others go too far the other way. Rebbe Nachman of Breslov noted that the Mitnagdim, such as this honorable rabbi, say: Study Torah! The Chassids say: Pray! But I [Rebbe Nachman] say Study Torah, Pray, Study Torah, Pray. In other words, we need balance. We need to be solidly rooted in Torah and yet our spirits need to be elevated through emunah to devekut (i.e. through active faith/trust to personal attachment to HaShem). This is possible without abandoning Torah Judaism.
@velvy3784 6 жыл бұрын
You would surely found out by now that in order to be a righteous gentile you should abstain from studying the Torah, right?
@RabbiShlomoNachman 3 жыл бұрын
@Breakfast with a stray dog I agree with you. My point is that Judaism is diverse. This is a strength not a weakness
@RabbiShlomoNachman 3 жыл бұрын
@@velvy3784 That is not so. The Sages encourage sincere B'nai Noachim to study Torah. It forbids others to use it against us.
@Isilzhatheta1 5 жыл бұрын
I remember when some of his followers started proclaiming his resurrection and how they used scriptures that they condemned Christians and Messianic Jews for using to justify Jesus as Messiah. Strange days. Don't know what percentage of Habad actually belied it but it can't be a very large number.
@allmertalex 3 жыл бұрын
It's a small number of crazies I think
@BigJFindAWay 3 жыл бұрын
I've no issue with it. I don't believe in it myself but those who do harm no one.
@anthonyderosa7730 2 жыл бұрын
The issue is, even alot of the lubavitchers that don't believe the rebbe of blessed memory he is the second "yeshu" that he died and will rise again as moshiach, there is still questionable things that alot of non chabadniks find questionable, example, they will still go to his grave and write prayers for the the rebbe to stand infront of God for them as a mediary. This is identical to Christianity but with an orthodox blanket. Alot of Tenani and sephardic jews dislike alot of the ashkenazi traditions such as prayer to the dead rebbes to mediate before God for them thinking it gives them a sense of "having the upper hand" . again. This is Christianity. You don't need a mediary to talk to God. Hashem wants a relationship with you and for you to pray to him, not have one do it for you.
@anthonyderosa7730 2 жыл бұрын
@@BigJFindAWay why is it okay for them but not Christians.
@anthonyderosa7730 2 жыл бұрын
@@BigJFindAWay at the main building in NYC they still praise and shout "long live the rebbe" on his empty chair and stage at the HQ.
@PatrickPease 3 жыл бұрын
I now understand the Rambam study, and I value it so much thank you rabbi! I've heard from several chabadnics that The Rebbe may not necessarily BE moshiach, even so he is still their Rebbe and I value that a great deal.
@rabbichaimmoshe 2 жыл бұрын
The purpose of the study of Rambam is from the Arizal that a Jew must learn all of the 613 Mitzvot and their pertinent Halachot in order to correct the level of Ruach. Without this learning there is no Tikkun! The only Sefer that has the 613 Mitzvot and their Halachot is the Sefer Mishneh Torah of the Rambam! How unlearned is this impostor?
@MShmei Жыл бұрын
Complete ignorance. The Rebbe explained himself MANY times why he instituted Rambam. It was: 1) To help Jews master the entire Torah. 2) To help Jews unite by studying together. But this "rabbi", in his desire to find more reasons to hate other Jews, is forced to give his own reasons. Shame.
@sigmanocopyrightmusic8737 Жыл бұрын
​@@MShmei no he is rational
@sigmanocopyrightmusic8737 Жыл бұрын
​@@MShmei if he criticizes the flaws in modern exilic Judaism you have a problem
@shlmel Жыл бұрын
CHABAD & LUBAVITCH are based on one MAJOR action...LOVE EVERYONE. This elemental action compels use to help where we can.
@MichaelAbJ Жыл бұрын
Hashem doesn’t love reshayims ! This is a false statement and not what the Torah says ! Chabad is Christianity and not Torat Moshé ! Stay away from these apikorsims
@shlmel Жыл бұрын
@@MichaelAbJ If you are not CHABAD, are you Christian? Are your Men and your Women known as Emissaries? What is your equivalent to Emissaries? Who are you? Your KZbin channel has nice Israeli music. But I still have questions about you.
@MichaelAbJ 8 ай бұрын
חב״ד ערב רב רשעים !
@reasonablyserious 8 ай бұрын
"Love everyone" in itself doesn't mean anything
@MichaelAbJ 8 ай бұрын
Chabad is a masse Satan !
@ProjectLife770 5 ай бұрын
If I take this shiur as the most demotivated hopeless perspective of Judaism… in 42 minutes all Jewish history was simple put in one word.. “we have no sense no hope “ wow thank you for helping our hopeless 😒
@liamsandal6360 5 ай бұрын
Gee, that's not a completely nonspecific generalization.
@andrewblank7100 5 ай бұрын
I wish Rabbi David and his family every blessing, but I disagree, not with his knowledge, but with his understanding of the heart of Judaism. Judaism is not solely an intellectual concept but a heartfelt all encompassing way to serve G-D.
@antonlevkovsky1667 Ай бұрын
God serving is mind stuff, one just needs to watch closely what's going on within. The mind is creating false reality(illusion). God is where the mind stops and undisturbed awareness is turned towards itself.
@micheleventuroni2080 Жыл бұрын
It sounds like " who is more jewish than who". Be brothers and sisters and be united in the differences.
@eliekurtz 8 ай бұрын
@retrain35yo87 Жыл бұрын
God bless the Rabbi. I greatly respect him and greatly appreciate and study Judaism and Jewish works. I don't understand exactly what period was this golden age that we are trying to go back to? We literally had King Shaul, David, and Shlomo. Then a civil war split the Kingdom. Half the kingdom- Judah- had 2 or 3 good Kings over 350-400 years. We were then exiled and subsequently had a minor re-institution of the state that was a quasi-independent vassal state but also filled with strife. Then we faced Hellenism, the harsh hand of the Hasmonean dynasty- itself rife with partisan politics between Seleucids, Parthians, and Romans, and a giant civil war, culminating with Herod, quite a vicious dictator, and then total destruction and a 2000-year exile. So while I admire and greatly appreciate Jewish thought, I don't see the wisdom of trying to go back to the "authentic Judaism," which barely worked for 3 generations in the iron age. I am honestly and earnestly trying to understand, I am not trying to be coy, or, God forbid insult anyone.
@dr.GetinFocus 7 ай бұрын
Funny, I doven at Chabad every Shabbat, and we say the Sh'ma and Amedah, read the Torah, do Musaf, and have a Kiddush. Just like every other Orthodox Shul I have ever been in!
@yaakovcoetzee8727 4 ай бұрын
My father was a Chabadnic and so am I and our view is different to that of this Rabbi and that does not make him right and us wrong.
@chodeshadar18 6 жыл бұрын
Yknow I can't see anything negative towards Chabad in this video. The version of replacement theology he ascribes to it it's actually positive and well, HOLY!
@rabbipinchoskurinsky5767 4 ай бұрын
To Yehoshua Winter - There has been a long and bitter legal struggle over the control of 770. It is not a " simple matter".
@1andyou2 2 жыл бұрын
It's so "imaginary" that thousands of Jews imagine themselves coming back to torah and mitzvot. I'll take this imagination and make it a reality.
@elskid206 2 жыл бұрын
The beginning of this video can be summarized by saying, "it's hard to remember your goal is to drain the swamp when you're up to your keister in alligators." The destiny of the Jew is to "drain ( illuminate )the swamp", but he's currently tangled up 24/7 with various "alligators", some of them in front, some of them in back, some of them walking alongside.
@AlexThomson-EasternApproaches Ай бұрын
What is Rabbi David Bar-Hayim's interpretation of Prophet Haggai's promise (2:9) that the glory of the latter temple would be greater than the glory of the former temple?
@vcab6875 Ай бұрын
Genius and Holy Man who represents what God intended for the Jewish people.
@jorgerabinovich2772 5 жыл бұрын
Rabino Yonatan d Galed lo Mejor de mi pueblo judío y para todas las personas estos conocimientos para un mundo MEJOR para TODOS el WAZE para vivir la MEJOR VIDA CON LA TORA LA ÚNICA VERDAD es el taller en you TUBE en el jardín de la fe del Rab Yonatan d Galed!!Shalom en todo el mundo y Saludos para todos desde bs AS ARGENTINA y MASHIAJ YA EL VERDADERO y por primera vez porque aún no llegó nadie!!
@rajivrajan3228 Жыл бұрын
No I'm sorry this is not the impression I have got from chassidus... Rebbe is not Mashiach. He at best is a herald for Mashiach.
@benavraham4397 5 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry to say that the rabbi has not done enough reserch into the internal workings of Chabad. It seems to me that until recent times, all Jews agreed that the Redemption would come from Above to a passive Jewish people. It seems to me that most of the Tora world continues that view to this day. The Baal Shem Tov was different. He said the Redemption is near and encouraged his followers to come to Eretz Yisrael. Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk, the leader Chasdim in Russia, lead in the year 1777 a group of about 300 who settled perminently in Tiberias. The Alter Rebbe of Chabad wanted to join the group, but Rabbi Menachem Mendel ordered him to remain in Russia to lead the Chasdim there. The Alter Rebbe of Chabad started the organization Kolel Chabad to collect money to support the Chasidic settlement in the Holy Land. Kolel Chabad still opperates today. At the outbreak of the First World War, Chabad was the single largest Jewish community in Hebron. Bet Ramano in Hebron (Yeshivat Shavé Hebron) Is Chabad property. The name of the Chabad Shaliach in Hebron is Rabbi Danny Cohen. Certainly you have heard of Kfar Chabad? I've seen a letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe saying that when someone makes Aliya, he should make a Farbrengen ( Hasidic gathering) to publicize it. Let's be honest, most Haredim would prefere to remain where they were born and not make Aliya. The Rebbe said they need not feel guilty for prefering life in America. The fact of the matter is, that Chasdim were settled in Eretz Yisrael decades before the Litvakers, and Chabad was a part it from the beginning. In the Haredi world, Chabad has always been at the forefront of settlement of the Holy Land. As for bringing Mashiach now, the Rebbe says to learn about Mashiach in general, to do ramdon acts of kindness, and to strengthen Mitzva observance among all Jews. At the Farbrengen on P' Pinchas 1984 (maybe 1985) the Rebbe specifically requested that the Chabad Chasidim stop all speculations in Chabad institutions as to whether the Rebbe is Mashiach. It was only after the Rebbe had a stroke in 1992 and stopped speaking, that the entire "Yechi" movement started. I hope the Rav will examine Chabad more carefully from RELIABLE sources and make a new video.
@Zevviews8 4 жыл бұрын
Well actually from 1991 on The Rebbe Encouraged Yechi as can be seen in many videos on youtube and this was bwfore his stroke. Next the Rebbe never excplicitly said the words I am Melech Hamoshiach however, he did encourage this beilief and its a perfectly Jewish non hertical thing to belive. Schinah mdaberet mgrona shel Moshe, The Schinah Speaks Through the throat of the Rebbe whatever he says is God's will on Earth as such he is the moshiach deal with it. Please look into this topic further before making statments that the rebbe was against it untill he had a stroke simply not true. Theirs a video of the Rebbe accepting a bix filled with pettions of chabad shluchus accepting him as Melech Ha Moshiach and he gave them a blessing to have continued hatzlacha in this endevor. Ie confirming himself as moshiach.
@ישעיהובן-תורה 4 жыл бұрын
The Rav is also a posek...he is not quick to speak. Chabad has both changed and evolved since it began. It is important to remember however, that when a Jew moves to Israel he should be careful to forget the Torah of Galuth and readopt the Torah of his ancestors who lived in Israel.
@benavraham4397 4 жыл бұрын
@@Zevviews8 I was living in Crown Hights from 1986 to 1996. I am writing about Yechi from what I personally witnessed. I was also at the Levaya on Gimmel Tammuz. Nobody sang Yechi before the stroke. Before the stroke nobody imagined that such a situation would ever arise. If you watch the video of the Rebbe encouraging singing Yechi, you will notice it's one short clip being played in an endless loop.
@benavraham4397 Жыл бұрын
​@@ישעיהובן-תורה In the time of the Talmud, they had a unbroken Tora tradition going back to the Sanhedrin. At that time, it would have been worth while for some Rabbis to relearn Tora in the Land of Israel. Today's Tora in the Land of Israel is ALL coming from some place else in exile. Rabbi Ovadya Yosef A.H. devised a way in Halacha that he said followed Rabbi Yosef Caro, and was the actual Tora of the Land of Israel. How many people accept Rabbi Ovadya Yosef's path?
@MichaelAbJ Жыл бұрын
Chabad is a cult and violates many laws of the shulhan aruch. It’s apikorsut and avoda zara ! Don’t follow Chabad idolaters
@Reporterreporter770 6 жыл бұрын
Heller is best known as the author of the commentary on the Mishnah titled Tosafot Yom Tov (1614-1617). He wrote this text as a member of the Prague Society for the Study of Mishnah, which had been established by Maharal. Tosafot Yom Tov summarizes medieval Talmudic interpretations of the plain meaning of the Mishnah, and has remained a staple of traditional study to the present day. Like Maharal, Heller was a proponent of an expanded curriculum of Torah study. In addition to the traditional study of Talmud and halakhah, he favored instruction in Bible and Hebrew grammar, Mishnah, agadah, and the Jerusalem Talmud. Medieval Jewish philosophy, geometry, natural science, and astronomy would also be included in the Torah curriculum. In Tosafot Yom Tov Heller quotes Euclid and refers obliquely to Aristotle. Heller was aware of the new astronomy of Tycho Brahe and endorsed aspects of it. He expressed opposition to the popularization of Kabbalah but later moderated that view. Heller’s second major work was Ma‘adane Yom Tov (1619, 1628), a commentary to sections of the fourteenth-century Talmudic commentary of Asher ben Yeḥi’el, mainly on the laws of kashrut and prayer. The text reflects Heller’s adherence to the school of Maharal, Shelomoh Luria, and Yo’el Sirkes in opposing the authority of the Shulḥan ‘arukh. His introduction to Ma‘adane Yom Tov includes a powerful affirmation of fidelity to the plain sense of the Talmud as the fundamental source of Jewish law. The work contributed to the development of local halakhic traditions in Prague. In Poland during the 1640s, however, Heller seems to have changed his views concerning the Shulḥan ‘arukh.
@mariekatherine5238 Жыл бұрын
Wear teffilin all day long? Does anyone do that?
@valerieseals329 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Rabbi. You are a reliable source for straight answers. Very much appreciated.
@yitzyzelenko9261 Жыл бұрын
I've spent my entire life in chabad yeshivos and I can tell you from the inside that Rabbi Bar-Chaim is not educated in chabad Torah. The understanding of chabad chassidus that Rabbi Bar-Chaim presents is actually alarmingly twisted and completely not in line with chabad Torah that I have studied for my entire life. There is really a lot to talk about but for the sake of being concise I'll just get to the bottom line: Rabbi Bar-chaim ACCURATELY mentions that chabad chassidus is VERY UNCOMFORTABLE with exile and strives exceedingly to fulfill as much of the Torah as possible in order to bring the redemption AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. This is a sentiment is certainly shared by anyone who has experienced the sorrow of illness, death, or other suffering. The yearning and striving to bring mashiach is present and justified by the Torah, Talmud, and later commentaries EXPRESSLY. The Rabbi INCORRECTLY relays a LOT MORE: The Rabbi says that Chabad's primary motivation for the study of Rambam is exclusively for the study of the sections that deal with mashiach while negating the importance of the study of the rest of the laws of the Torah. THIS IS COMPLETELY FALSE! The Lubavitcher Rebbe CLEARLY AND REPEATEDLY stated that the institution of the daily study of Rambam is in order to Fulfill the biblical commandment of studying the entire Torah. Although the Torah is certainly much larger than the rambam alone, there is a valid perspective among the sages that to fulfill this commandment one must study the entirety of the laws of the Torah. The rambam's mishna Torah was the first work to comprehensively contain the entirety of the laws of the torah without any additional legend based discussion. Therefore, to study the Rambam would be the most Effective way to fulfill the commandment of studying the entire Torah. This is only SUPPLEMENTED by the fact that the Rambam is the primary halachic source of mashiach based law. Another fallacy: The belief that the Lubavitcher Rebbe is mashiach is BY NO MEANS COMPULSORY by no in the vision of chabad. Rabbi Bar-chaim says that all chabad profess that the rebbe is certainly mashiach. in truth there is actually a significant percentage that do not profess certainty. The statement that the rebbe is alive is premised on the teachings of the Torah that: a) the life of a Tzadik is primarily spiritual and is therefore liberated from it's physical limitations when they are NISTALEK. b) the term NISTALEK does not G-d forbid mean that the Tzadik has ascended on high but rather that the Tzadik IS STILL PRESENT IN THIS LOWLY WORLD, although in a more lofty state, where it is actually able to excersize MORE spiritual influence than during their previous limited state. (This fact was mentioned in the Rebbe's very first public teaching! This teaching is sources explicitly and literally from the teaching of the mystical dimensions of the Torah.) Anyway, I've said a lot and I don't know of anyone is going to read this, but if you do, please comment what you think or ask questions on what you don't understand, I'd love to share what I can.
@valerieseals329 Жыл бұрын
@@yitzyzelenko9261 Thank you very much for your response. I made that comment, probably about a year ago. Rabbi Bar Chaim's teachings sounded a lot more sensible than much of what I've heard. I am pretty much of a neophyte to Judaism. Thanks for giving so much attention to my comment. Shalom v'Brachot
@yitzyzelenko9261 Жыл бұрын
@@valerieseals329 thank you for the thank you:) I agree that Rabbi Bar-chaim is a very intelligent, articulate and collected person. He is a good educator in matters of Judaism that he is familiar with. I just wish chassidus chabad would be one of those things. unfortunately it isn't.
@patriciaribaric3409 4 жыл бұрын
I was a little disappointed at the end. Although you described Chabadism as being different from Judaism's goal there was no explanation of the goal of Judaism. My goal is to discover how I can be of service to G-d. Any knowledge that can help me to discover what G-d needs from me I consider Messianic. I've been lost in a world of religion that has kept me in the dark. The Chabad Jews have awakened a spark within me to realize I am also important in G-d's plan. I appreciate all that you have shared, and I hope I will gain more understanding.
@zalmanrapoport3905 3 жыл бұрын
What he said is false
@zalmanrapoport3905 3 жыл бұрын
Pay what he said no attention or just ask a serious chabadnik to explain why the entire video is nonsense
@erickyanez6297 2 жыл бұрын
I certainly admire the humbleness you express with your words. Your own goal is certainly worthwhile lifetime endeavor.
@sysuiu4533 2 жыл бұрын
@@zalmanrapoport3905 what did he say that’s false?
@yitzyzelenko9261 Жыл бұрын
@@sysuiu4533 I've spent my entire life in chabad yeshivos and I can tell you from the inside that Rabbi Bar-Chaim is not educated in chabad Torah. The understanding of chabad chassidus that Rabbi Bar-Chaim presents is actually alarmingly twisted and completely not in line with chabad Torah that I have studied for my entire life. There is really a lot to talk about but for the sake of being concise I'll just get to the bottom line: Rabbi Bar-chaim ACCURATELY mentions that chabad chassidus is VERY UNCOMFORTABLE with exile and strives exceedingly to fulfill as much of the Torah as possible in order to bring the redemption AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. This is a sentiment is certainly shared by anyone who has experienced the sorrow of illness, death, or other suffering. The yearning and striving to bring mashiach is present and justified by the Torah, Talmud, and later commentaries EXPRESSLY. The Rabbi INCORRECTLY relays a LOT MORE: The Rabbi says that Chabad's primary motivation for the study of Rambam is exclusively for the study of the sections that deal with mashiach while negating the importance of the study of the rest of the laws of the Torah. THIS IS COMPLETELY FALSE! The Lubavitcher Rebbe CLEARLY AND REPEATEDLY stated that the institution of the daily study of Rambam is in order to Fulfill the biblical commandment of studying the entire Torah. Although the Torah is certainly much larger than the rambam alone, there is a valid perspective among the sages that to fulfill this commandment one must study the entirety of the laws of the Torah. The rambam's mishna Torah was the first work to comprehensively contain the entirety of the laws of the torah without any additional legend based discussion. Therefore, to study the Rambam would be the most Effective way to fulfill the commandment of studying the entire Torah. This is only SUPPLEMENTED by the fact that the Rambam is the primary halachic source of mashiach based law. Another fallacy: The belief that the Lubavitcher Rebbe is mashiach is BY NO MEANS COMPULSORY by no in the vision of chabad. Rabbi Bar-chaim says that all chabad profess that the rebbe is certainly mashiach. in truth there is actually a significant percentage that do not profess certainty. The statement that the rebbe is alive is premised on the teachings of the Torah that: a) the life of a Tzadik is primarily spiritual and is therefore liberated from it's physical limitations when they are NISTALEK. b) the term NISTALEK does not G-d forbid mean that the Tzadik has ascended on high but rather that the Tzadik IS STILL PRESENT IN THIS LOWLY WORLD, although in a more lofty state, where it is actually able to excersize MORE spiritual influence than during their previous limited state. (This fact was mentioned in the Rebbe's very first public teaching! This teaching is sources explicitly and literally from the teaching of the mystical dimensions of the Torah.) Anyway, I've said a lot and I don't know of anyone is going to read this, but if you do, please comment what you think or ask questions on what you don't understand, I'd love to share what I can.
@foxtrottingzombie 2 жыл бұрын
So you're saying I was encouraged to and have read the entire YAD just for hilkhot melakhim umilkhamot?
@goldengun9970 2 жыл бұрын
Ha funny comment especially with a large mishne torah set showing right behind him in this video
@yitzyzelenko9261 Жыл бұрын
@Severe_CDO_Sufferer 5 жыл бұрын
I was composing a tweet on twitter, and due to a limitation on the number of characters, I was looking for another term (preferably a single word) that means the same thing as "a Jewish sacrificial offering that is burned completely on an altar." Does anyone have any suggestions?
@pamtnman1515 4 жыл бұрын
@nandinibandhini 4 жыл бұрын
@John Smith Korban
@ChonyMilecki 3 жыл бұрын
Korban Olah is the Hebrew term
@element2138 Жыл бұрын
@John Did you finish your article? What's your goal?
@Severe_CDO_Sufferer Жыл бұрын
@@element2138 Yes, I did... years ago. The word I was looking for was Holocaust, which means; "a sacrificial offering that is burned completely on an altar." Goal = find out the true meaning of words that are commonly used, but rarely actually understood. (there are a lot of those words out there)
@BigJFindAWay 3 жыл бұрын
I usually love Rabbi Bar Haim's lectures and find he makes perfect sense. And when I started listening to this one I was sure it would make me more critical of Chabad. Instead the exact opposite happened. I became much more pro Chabad and much more critical of the Lata'i approach and of Religious Zionism. If indeed Chabad is replacement theology then it is so because as the Rabbi himself admits the old theology wasn't working. It needed to be replaced. And not by a Christian Jesus based theology that has brought massive wars and shed oceans of blood but by a kind gentle theology. That's what Chabad has done. They have generated a renewal of Judaism worldwide and taught us to think optimistically. Far from making Judaism effortless as the Rabbi wrongfully suggests they have made mitzvos more available and encourage people to put in more effort. And if they don't encourage Aliyah big whoop! Their idea of Eretz Yisrael spreading all over the world is meaningful and it makes a hell of a lot more sense than cramming all the worlds Jews into a tiny sliver of a country, covering that country with asphalt and totally ignoring the social, environmental and quality of life issues it leads to not to mention increased crowding pollution and etc. the whole pro Aliyah movement is stupid. And if they believe their Rebbe is Mashiach big whoop! I don't believe in Mashiach myself but if there is one it might as well be him. Far better it be him than it be Jesus who ushered in centuries of inquisitions, heresy hunting, religious wars, huge scale massacres, and genocides. Chabad has brought excitement to Judaism that the Rabbi himself admits is lacking elsewhere. They have made it possible to live as a Jew anywhere you want. My only problem with Chabad is that they don't encourage conversions to Judaism but hopefully Torah Judaism International will become a worldwide movement too and remedy that.
@jonathansamuel7033 5 ай бұрын
The greatest flowering of torah study took place in golus bavel. The works of the rishonim - the baalei tosfos , and the rambam - were created against the backdrop of extreme persecution . The Acheronim of Europe were also producing their classic works in a Jew hating golus environment. So what the rabbi is referring to as the golus Atzlut ( laziness ) is beyond my understanding. Spiritual vibrancy of the Jewish people continued even though they were outside the land .
@berelepstein2820 6 жыл бұрын
This is a misrepresentation of Chabad, though the historical account during the first 2/3 of the video is quite compelling and relevant. I was learning Mishneh Torah today in an excellent Chabad publication and encountered in it some Torah from Rav Kapach coincidentally
@debrapaulino918 2 жыл бұрын
Chabad is complicated but I do not mean that as bad. Their presence in the world has raised the consciousness of Jew and Gentile both. To quote a keeper from the Christian side of the book: All things work together for good to them who love G-d. Romans 8:28. The rest of that verse isn't needed although in 1982 it was.
@davidsuissa6247 Ай бұрын
watching this guy speak is like taking a sleeping pill.
@chassidustechanalogy8711 4 жыл бұрын
Yes. We should be joyous and practice Torah and Mitzvos with enthusiasm vitality and joy. As king Davis says in Psalms עבדו את השם בשמחה בואו לפניו ברננה. This is a core of Judaism. At the same time, we are crushed, shattered and miserable that this Galut is taking so long. You want to live in your boring sad, dull version of Judaism? Enjoy your stay. Don't judge the Tzadik the Rebbe, and Chabad based on your misguided bias. I hope someone shows this rabbi some love, and cheers him up.
@Josh-kd7uo 5 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with what you have to say. However I don’t think everyone can adapt to living in Israel. it’s not the safest place to live. And Many people barely make a living. I think Chabad need to be more honest. (Eg Zohar was mainly written from the 13th century on. Although it quoted earlier sources.) However having the Jews all in one place, Eretz Yisrael. Al Pi teva. Is not a good idea. And because we need to influence the world. And the ten lost tribes. ‘Mache da Eretz Yisrael.’ As the Rebbe said is a good advice. And they- Chabad were one of the first to make a settlement in the Holy land. Thanks for the reality check! Shalom.
@ישעיהובן-תורה 4 жыл бұрын
Israel is the safest place on Earth...its safety increases with the increase of Torah observance. That's what makes a Jew safe in this world.
@yitzyzelenko9261 Жыл бұрын
I've spent my entire life in chabad yeshivos and I can tell you from the inside that Rabbi Bar-Chaim is not educated in chabad Torah. The understanding of chabad chassidus that Rabbi Bar-Chaim presents is actually alarmingly twisted and completely not in line with chabad Torah that I have studied for my entire life. There is really a lot to talk about but for the sake of being concise I'll just get to the bottom line: Rabbi Bar-chaim ACCURATELY mentions that chabad chassidus is VERY UNCOMFORTABLE with exile and strives exceedingly to fulfill as much of the Torah as possible in order to bring the redemption AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. This is a sentiment is certainly shared by anyone who has experienced the sorrow of illness, death, or other suffering. The yearning and striving to bring mashiach is present and justified by the Torah, Talmud, and later commentaries EXPRESSLY. The Rabbi INCORRECTLY relays a LOT MORE: The Rabbi says that Chabad's primary motivation for the study of Rambam is exclusively for the study of the sections that deal with mashiach while negating the importance of the study of the rest of the laws of the Torah. THIS IS COMPLETELY FALSE! The Lubavitcher Rebbe CLEARLY AND REPEATEDLY stated that the institution of the daily study of Rambam is in order to Fulfill the biblical commandment of studying the entire Torah. Although the Torah is certainly much larger than the rambam alone, there is a valid perspective among the sages that to fulfill this commandment one must study the entirety of the laws of the Torah. The rambam's mishna Torah was the first work to comprehensively contain the entirety of the laws of the torah without any additional legend based discussion. Therefore, to study the Rambam would be the most Effective way to fulfill the commandment of studying the entire Torah. This is only SUPPLEMENTED by the fact that the Rambam is the primary halachic source of mashiach based law. Another fallacy: The belief that the Lubavitcher Rebbe is mashiach is BY NO MEANS COMPULSORY by no in the vision of chabad. Rabbi Bar-chaim says that all chabad profess that the rebbe is certainly mashiach. in truth there is actually a significant percentage that do not profess certainty. The statement that the rebbe is alive is premised on the teachings of the Torah that: a) the life of a Tzadik is primarily spiritual and is therefore liberated from it's physical limitations when they are NISTALEK. b) the term NISTALEK does not G-d forbid mean that the Tzadik has ascended on high but rather that the Tzadik IS STILL PRESENT IN THIS LOWLY WORLD, although in a more lofty state, where it is actually able to excersize MORE spiritual influence than during their previous limited state. (This fact was mentioned in the Rebbe's very first public teaching! This teaching is sources explicitly and literally from the teaching of the mystical dimensions of the Torah.) Anyway, I've said a lot and I don't know of anyone is going to read this, but if you do, please comment what you think or ask questions on what you don't understand, I'd love to share what I can.
@edhorn958 5 жыл бұрын
I thought that the TORAH was given to bring GLORY to THE MOST HIGH, not for the purpose of elevating Israel to a preeminate position amoung the nations, this would only happen when the promise of the blessings are realized when THE HIGH MOST IS GLORIFIED in earth, by the example of spiritual obedience by HIS Nation, and their example of FAITH as Avraheim displayed by trusting THE MOST HIGH
@AllOtherNamesUsed 3 жыл бұрын
You’re on the right track. *The Antichrist Kingdom for Dummies*
@adamgoldman9500 5 жыл бұрын
Hi, I’m an admirer of both Chabad and R Bar-Hayim. Was by the Rebbe a few dozen times, and also attended Rav BH shiurim back in the 90’s (when oddly enough I was in a small Chabad yeshiva in G’vat Shaul). At the time his lectures centered around a return to “Original-ism”. i.e. Tehilas (derived from the cuttlefish) and wearing Teffilin all day. So it would follow suit that he views Chabad even at it's best, as a kind of “Replacement Theology”. I appreciate the level of discourse here in this comments section, and would like to posit this: Isn’t all of “Torah Judaism” since the end of the Sacrificial era including the concept of Moshiach, Replacement Theology??
@pamtnman1515 4 жыл бұрын
evolved theology, according to the agreement of our sages at that time. t'filot in lieu of korbanot, until beit shlishi
@debrapaulino918 2 жыл бұрын
Is Moshiac a concept? I mean what about Isaiah? Jeremiah? ...
@debrapaulino918 2 жыл бұрын
Although there hasn't been a sacrificial system and it seems logical it was replaced by a sacrificed man, Tenak doesn't support that logic contrary to the accepted belief it was.
@MicahDamger 8 ай бұрын
⁠@@debrapaulino918They are supposed to ignore the Messiah to cover their shame. But maybe the persecutions they have suffered are evidence they need to repent. Even Isaiah, the Jewish rabbis changed much of the language and theological understanding, because they were Jews, they claimed a monopoly on biblical truth. This paradigm shattered when Dead Sea scrolls proved Jewish rabbinical leaders deliberately lied and deceived their own people when they blamed the goyim for “changing the script”. The Dead Sea scrolls, 200 years before Christ, proved the “lying pens of the scribes” as Jeremiah himself prophesied. They believe their messiah is a box of bones been there since 1994, and their pride lies to them. Messiah came 2000 years, and the sins of Jewish leaders, have cursed the Jewish people. Now they play in the dark kabbalahistic arts, sorcery, necromancy, all the forbidden sins. And they lie about Zevi, who deceived half European jewry to follow his path of “redemption through sin”, engaging in sexual deviancy and idol worship as a means to redemption. These fools. They watched him convert to Islam like the deceptive weasel he always was. And Khazar, most Jews like to ignore that kingdom ever existed, because mixing bloodlines with Slavs isn’t exactly helpful when claiming historical right to a far away land. Wake up Jews. The truth is obvious to anyone who has ever read the entirety of the scriptures. The Jews have brought about their own sufferings by way of sin, rebellion, and pride. The Good Lord said “How many times o Israel? Would I have gathered you under my wings, but you were not willing.”. So how many more times O Israel? Or will you need to have your knees continually crushed before you are willing to praise the true Messiah? If it were my mercy to give, I would struggle to forgive your betrayal. But it is not mine to give, it is His, and ISRAEL is his people. The gentiles have been grafted in, but the good Lord has not abandoned you and His covenants promises, it is ISRAEL that has abandoned him. Read Malachi, then Mark. See the continuity? Isaiah? Jeremiah? Has the Lord not declared the end from the beginning? Barasheet. Have you forgotten your mother tongue? Or have you remade paleo-Hebrew, like you remade the Torah and rabbinical wisdom of your forefathers? For what? Your shame will not be covered unless it is exposed and dealt with.
@computerhelpcc Жыл бұрын
A comparison table re appearances, practices and fundamentals of philosophy would be helpful. How it started and what it has practically become would also be illuminating. Walk past Orthodox on streets of Denver, rare do they even bother to reply to a simple hello despite there being no other humans for 25 yards. Reform Temple Emanuel nearby changed their services with major key tunes, singing and lots of Hebrew alongside English on large illuminated screens thus making attendance vastly more positive than what was common 70s through 2000s. If that was a response to happy, outgoing Chabad, gotta say they have accomplished practical results despite what appear to be embarrassing beginnings and hard-to-embrace Messiah values.
@jason-sk9oi Жыл бұрын
Power of positive thinking.
@RudydeGroot 2 жыл бұрын
It's interesting that this roav speaks about 'sect' as I've been to a Chabad (chanukah) celebration in the Netherlands once and I was flabbergasted by the fact that there were so many evangelical and messianic Christians in the stalls, presenting their Judaic goods. I've learned by now that Christianity can definitely be termed as sectarian, as they are a branch of an original faith system, they have one dogmatic leader (Paul) and they blindly follow what their leader writes. (Which is more than half of the NT, not to mention his obvious corruptions in the gospels.) So I guess sects actually attract each other ...
@KacperRybicki-v7t 9 ай бұрын
Christians have to be there to not be called antisemitic
@billducker7404 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your interesting and informative talk. What exactly happened at Yavne. How did Judaism change. Thank you. Bill. UK
@SketchyGhettoSpic 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent video. I used it to refute the teachings of Christian missionaries and the Messianic Movement, which is using misguided Chabad material to justify their belief that Jesus was the messiah.
@debrapaulino918 2 жыл бұрын
And they're everywhere. No JC and not spelled any other way. When you figure it out you know what Jews have been dealing with.
@yitzyzelenko9261 Жыл бұрын
I've spent my entire life in chabad yeshivos and I can tell you from the inside that Rabbi Bar-Chaim is not educated in chabad Torah. The understanding of chabad chassidus that Rabbi Bar-Chaim presents is actually alarmingly twisted and completely not in line with chabad Torah that I have studied for my entire life. There is really a lot to talk about but for the sake of being concise I'll just get to the bottom line: Rabbi Bar-chaim ACCURATELY mentions that chabad chassidus is VERY UNCOMFORTABLE with exile and strives exceedingly to fulfill as much of the Torah as possible in order to bring the redemption AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. This is a sentiment is certainly shared by anyone who has experienced the sorrow of illness, death, or other suffering. The yearning and striving to bring mashiach is present and justified by the Torah, Talmud, and later commentaries EXPRESSLY. The Rabbi INCORRECTLY relays a LOT MORE: The Rabbi says that Chabad's primary motivation for the study of Rambam is exclusively for the study of the sections that deal with mashiach while negating the importance of the study of the rest of the laws of the Torah. THIS IS COMPLETELY FALSE! The Lubavitcher Rebbe CLEARLY AND REPEATEDLY stated that the institution of the daily study of Rambam is in order to Fulfill the biblical commandment of studying the entire Torah. Although the Torah is certainly much larger than the rambam alone, there is a valid perspective among the sages that to fulfill this commandment one must study the entirety of the laws of the Torah. The rambam's mishna Torah was the first work to comprehensively contain the entirety of the laws of the torah without any additional legend based discussion. Therefore, to study the Rambam would be the most Effective way to fulfill the commandment of studying the entire Torah. This is only SUPPLEMENTED by the fact that the Rambam is the primary halachic source of mashiach based law. Another fallacy: The belief that the Lubavitcher Rebbe is mashiach is BY NO MEANS COMPULSORY by no in the vision of chabad. Rabbi Bar-chaim says that all chabad profess that the rebbe is certainly mashiach. in truth there is actually a significant percentage that do not profess certainty. The statement that the rebbe is alive is premised on the teachings of the Torah that: a) the life of a Tzadik is primarily spiritual and is therefore liberated from it's physical limitations when they are NISTALEK. b) the term NISTALEK does not G-d forbid mean that the Tzadik has ascended on high but rather that the Tzadik IS STILL PRESENT IN THIS LOWLY WORLD, although in a more lofty state, where it is actually able to excersize MORE spiritual influence than during their previous limited state. (This fact was mentioned in the Rebbe's very first public teaching! This teaching is sources explicitly and literally from the teaching of the mystical dimensions of the Torah.) Anyway, I've said a lot and I don't know of anyone is going to read this, but if you do, please comment what you think or ask questions on what you don't understand, I'd love to share what I can.
@danamarcotteseiler7423 2 ай бұрын
Yes they are misguided and Wrong the only way they gain power is by belittling weak spirited people and coercion if it weren’t for these points Christians would Still be Jews and Muslims would still be desert dwelling tribes; The only way they gained power was by Copying the Torah Teachings and Laws.
@suzanneguiho4882 5 жыл бұрын
So where does it take you the real Torah reality? Thank you for your program.
@Agora13 Жыл бұрын
This was an interesting video. But from what I can gather about Chabad: none of them claim their rebbi to be an angel or the son of HaShem like the notzrim eventually did, nor do they denounce the Talmud like the followers of Sabbatai Zevi or Jacob Frank. So even tho their minhagim differs from even other hassidic groups, they're still within the confines of mainstream judaism no? It doesn't seem to me that they're replacing anything, they're just adding/complimenting their own interpretation to what's already there.
@MitzvosGolem1 5 жыл бұрын
Take Rebbe's picture off ... Rebbe never claimed to be "the Moschiach"... enough!
@danielmurray8560 2 жыл бұрын
I've always felt that Chabad was the closest thing to Judaism I've seen.
@mohawk3371 Жыл бұрын
Exactly this!
@Sokrates1985 4 ай бұрын
25:07 Christians dont claim to replace judaism, or a special connection to god. As Moses took monotheism from egypts priest and made it public to his tribe, so christian took the concept from the tribe and made it universal. Muslims standing in the same tradition. When you refered to the zionists, who "declined judaism but wanted to stay jewish" i can not understand. Judaism is highly ethical, while zionism is focused in the profane.
@joanneceo6523 6 жыл бұрын
Wow, This Rabbi knows how to tell it like it is. Thank you.
@brucelevine6517 6 жыл бұрын
Joanne CEO he’s got an ego as big as Texas and he is a horses ass but his ego doesn’t let him see it
@akivatalansky 3 жыл бұрын
@@brucelevine6517 here we go again using foul language. Who taught you to talk like this?
@yitzyzelenko9261 Жыл бұрын
I've spent my entire life in chabad yeshivos and I can tell you from the inside that Rabbi Bar-Chaim is not educated in chabad Torah. The understanding of chabad chassidus that Rabbi Bar-Chaim presents is actually alarmingly twisted and completely not in line with chabad Torah that I have studied for my entire life. There is really a lot to talk about but for the sake of being concise I'll just get to the bottom line: Rabbi Bar-chaim ACCURATELY mentions that chabad chassidus is VERY UNCOMFORTABLE with exile and strives exceedingly to fulfill as much of the Torah as possible in order to bring the redemption AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. This is a sentiment is certainly shared by anyone who has experienced the sorrow of illness, death, or other suffering. The yearning and striving to bring mashiach is present and justified by the Torah, Talmud, and later commentaries EXPRESSLY. The Rabbi INCORRECTLY relays a LOT MORE: The Rabbi says that Chabad's primary motivation for the study of Rambam is exclusively for the study of the sections that deal with mashiach while negating the importance of the study of the rest of the laws of the Torah. THIS IS COMPLETELY FALSE! The Lubavitcher Rebbe CLEARLY AND REPEATEDLY stated that the institution of the daily study of Rambam is in order to Fulfill the biblical commandment of studying the entire Torah. Although the Torah is certainly much larger than the rambam alone, there is a valid perspective among the sages that to fulfill this commandment one must study the entirety of the laws of the Torah. The rambam's mishna Torah was the first work to comprehensively contain the entirety of the laws of the torah without any additional legend based discussion. Therefore, to study the Rambam would be the most Effective way to fulfill the commandment of studying the entire Torah. This is only SUPPLEMENTED by the fact that the Rambam is the primary halachic source of mashiach based law. Another fallacy: The belief that the Lubavitcher Rebbe is mashiach is BY NO MEANS COMPULSORY by no in the vision of chabad. Rabbi Bar-chaim says that all chabad profess that the rebbe is certainly mashiach. in truth there is actually a significant percentage that do not profess certainty. The statement that the rebbe is alive is premised on the teachings of the Torah that: a) the life of a Tzadik is primarily spiritual and is therefore liberated from it's physical limitations when they are NISTALEK. b) the term NISTALEK does not G-d forbid mean that the Tzadik has ascended on high but rather that the Tzadik IS STILL PRESENT IN THIS LOWLY WORLD, although in a more lofty state, where it is actually able to excersize MORE spiritual influence than during their previous limited state. (This fact was mentioned in the Rebbe's very first public teaching! This teaching is sources explicitly and literally from the teaching of the mystical dimensions of the Torah.) Anyway, I've said a lot and I don't know of anyone is going to read this, but if you do, please comment what you think or ask questions on what you don't understand, I'd love to share what I can.
@Khairuldean-vz4mp 6 ай бұрын
Very interesting. Why then do the Red Heifer Offering now in 5784 Jew Era? But where is the real Ark of the Covenant? Where is the Tent of Gathering? There is, however, the Assembly of the Sanhedrin under the Western Wall plaza; but what about the conditions stipulated in The Numbers Chapter 19? Psalm 15 Ezekiel 33:3-9 Shalom
@Livingmydreammm 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you❤❤❤
@johnhanson5943 Ай бұрын
Isn’t Torah based ‘of God’ and all else ‘of something sinister’? Isn’t God the most important one? He made His Torah and related Natural Law very clear and quite simple.
@aniyehudi2205 7 ай бұрын
It seems from all the comments that this is one video where your audience does not agree with you. I am happy to see there can be an intelligent dialogue about this. The Rebbe told Netanyahu under no circumstances is he to give away any land or put the Jewish people in danger. The Rebbe ztzl was a great proponent for life in Eretz Yisroel. I see now this was 6 years ago. I have a funny suspicion Rabbi Bar-Hayim would tell a different tale now. Only positive speech. Only Achdus and Ahavas Yisroel and Peace. beH
@efrzaltz3387 2 ай бұрын
Pure hatred, jealousy and a good dose of ignorance!!!
@lovemytechy 5 ай бұрын
Maybe rebbe had the potential to become mishloach but it didn't happen. If anyone believes we had mashiach already that is not a Jewish idea. I do not see chabad spreading that idea. Spreading actual Torah around the world is a very honorable.
@powerfulaura5166 5 жыл бұрын
While he was alive, didn't the Rebbe himself furiously reject Chabad followers' claims that he was the Messiah?
@Rajul_Jamil 5 жыл бұрын
No he didn't, I was there and saw how he encouraged the idea that he was the mashiach but the fact is he is dead and didn't do anything to make us think he could have been the mashiach so therefore he wasn't the mashiach.
@zalmanrapoport3905 3 жыл бұрын
He did! On multiple occasions he said he should leave the room because they were singing that he is Moshiach!
@liamsandal6360 Жыл бұрын
Oh, baloney. I learned in Morristown and Crown Heights as well as other Chabad yeshivos. The Rebbe says over and over again in the Sichos that he is the moshiach. He played games with the notarikon and gematria of his name to demonstrate his messiahship as well as by twisting many maamarei chazal. Let's stop lying to the world.
@TheMalka770 6 ай бұрын
Even rabbi akiva thought Bar Kochbah was moshiach. אני מאמין באמונה שלמה אמא בביאת המשיח
@eliyahugreenwald 2 жыл бұрын
todah raba rabbi,,,,
@alegrefeliz7579 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent clarification. Todah
@yitzyzelenko9261 Жыл бұрын
I've spent my entire life in chabad yeshivos and I can tell you from the inside that Rabbi Bar-Chaim is not educated in chabad Torah. The understanding of chabad chassidus that Rabbi Bar-Chaim presents is actually alarmingly twisted and completely not in line with chabad Torah that I have studied for my entire life. There is really a lot to talk about but for the sake of being concise I'll just get to the bottom line: Rabbi Bar-chaim ACCURATELY mentions that chabad chassidus is VERY UNCOMFORTABLE with exile and strives exceedingly to fulfill as much of the Torah as possible in order to bring the redemption AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. This is a sentiment is certainly shared by anyone who has experienced the sorrow of illness, death, or other suffering. The yearning and striving to bring mashiach is present and justified by the Torah, Talmud, and later commentaries EXPRESSLY. The Rabbi INCORRECTLY relays a LOT MORE: The Rabbi says that Chabad's primary motivation for the study of Rambam is exclusively for the study of the sections that deal with mashiach while negating the importance of the study of the rest of the laws of the Torah. THIS IS COMPLETELY FALSE! The Lubavitcher Rebbe CLEARLY AND REPEATEDLY stated that the institution of the daily study of Rambam is in order to Fulfill the biblical commandment of studying the entire Torah. Although the Torah is certainly much larger than the rambam alone, there is a valid perspective among the sages that to fulfill this commandment one must study the entirety of the laws of the Torah. The rambam's mishna Torah was the first work to comprehensively contain the entirety of the laws of the torah without any additional legend based discussion. Therefore, to study the Rambam would be the most Effective way to fulfill the commandment of studying the entire Torah. This is only SUPPLEMENTED by the fact that the Rambam is the primary halachic source of mashiach based law. Another fallacy: The belief that the Lubavitcher Rebbe is mashiach is BY NO MEANS COMPULSORY by no in the vision of chabad. Rabbi Bar-chaim says that all chabad profess that the rebbe is certainly mashiach. in truth there is actually a significant percentage that do not profess certainty. The statement that the rebbe is alive is premised on the teachings of the Torah that: a) the life of a Tzadik is primarily spiritual and is therefore liberated from it's physical limitations when they are NISTALEK. b) the term NISTALEK does not G-d forbid mean that the Tzadik has ascended on high but rather that the Tzadik IS STILL PRESENT IN THIS LOWLY WORLD, although in a more lofty state, where it is actually able to excersize MORE spiritual influence than during their previous limited state. (This fact was mentioned in the Rebbe's very first public teaching! This teaching is sources explicitly and literally from the teaching of the mystical dimensions of the Torah.) Anyway, I've said a lot and I don't know of anyone is going to read this, but if you do, please comment what you think or ask questions on what you don't understand, I'd love to share what I can.
@yosefzee7605 3 жыл бұрын
if this rabbi wasn't so extreme in his politics i would follow him on bare foot.
@TheBalterok 9 ай бұрын
Given such a categorization venerable rabbi in the video should question all those Gdolei Isroel that came to visit the Rebbe and receive his brochos. The list is much longer than the number of used up and refuted old age assumptions about Chabad and its Rebbes that venerable rabbi slowly squeezed into his venerable speech.
@davidmessulam 3 жыл бұрын
@YisroelAvrahm 9 ай бұрын
Rambam wrote 13 principles of faith to distinguish between a Jew and none Jew. One of these principles is that there is mashiah in every generation. If the generation becomes Torah observant then the mashiah of that generation will be revealed.
@UCJewish 6 жыл бұрын
Rabbi, you are a tremendous Talmid Hacham. However, your suggestion that Daily Rambam was instituted with the intention of “getting to Hilchoth Melachim is preposterous! The Lubavitch Rebbe could have instituted learning hilchoth Melachim weekly and his Hasidim would do that. Anyone with a half brain, going through all of Rambam once a year, will pick up on the Rambam's approach to Judaism. I thought that your only agenda was Torah. After hearing this specious argument I must think otherwise.
@sheikowi 5 жыл бұрын
If they don't follow the Alter Rebbe's own Shulkhan Arukh, but idolize his Tanya, and have divergent practices in miqven and sh'khitah, it strongly confirms their picky-choosy game with RMBM.
@1andyou2 5 жыл бұрын
sheik speak for your self. More ahavat israel and less sinat hinam will bring us closer to ultimate redemption!
@PYREministries 4 жыл бұрын
Only Yeshua can provide Ultimate Redemption. The wages of sin is death and those of the house of Jacob (Israel) shall not see our Father in Heaven until you confess, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. "29 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous, 30 And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. 31 Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets. 32 Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers. 33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? 34 Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city: 35 That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar. 36 Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation. 37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! 38 Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. 39 For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord." - Matthew 23: 29-39
@PatrickPease 3 жыл бұрын
@@PYREministries how do you know that?
@BigJFindAWay 3 жыл бұрын
The Alter Rebbe never intended for his Shulchan Aruch to be the final authority for the Chabad community. His intent was to clarify the original Shulchan Aruch and to make decisions concerning the various opinions of its commentaries. The Alter Rebbe wrote another Sefer called Piskei Siddur that contains his decisions for his followers. Chabadniks follow that.
@davidroberts3262 5 жыл бұрын
What the Rabbi spoke of here about Chabad's false version of Ge'ula sounds very much like a recent Christian doctrine called 'kingdom now' theology. They teach that instead of the Messiah fighting the wars of God and ruling from Jerusalem, that we ourselves are basically messiahs bringing the kingdom of God and we don't need to wait for God to do anything, but rather we bring the change ourselves, which of course encourages practical action, and has some positive benefits, but it's a perversion of what the prophets taught about the Messianic age. Basically many religious people are sick and tired of the current state of affairs and want to see things change, so are developing new belief systems to take God and the Messiah out of the equation.
@BertGraef 4 жыл бұрын
Talmudism is not Judaism. If your too damm lazy to build a temple and priesthood and offer sacrifice, you have no right to claim your the religion of Moses.
@chonidavidowitz4442 6 жыл бұрын
The unfortunate truth is that Chabad philosophy has wittingly and unwittingly prevented the aliyah of hundreds of thousands Orhodox Jews from the Diaspora.
@uriel7203 4 жыл бұрын
Not true. I know many who came to Aliya because of Chabad. Also, when Sadam Hussein was launching SCUD missiles into Israel, it was the Rebbe who told people NOT to leave. It was the Rebbe who urged the Israeli government not to give the Arabs an inch of Israel. He had cery right leaning views. Many of which I believe even you would say are too extreme. Tell me, what is your view of Israel participating in the Olympics?
@davidtoobian-kn2vx 4 жыл бұрын
Living in ertz Israel is not the kol hatorah kolah
@uriel7203 4 жыл бұрын
@@davidtoobian-kn2vx right. Its only one of the mitzvot. Also one mitzvah lo ta'aseh. But like all mitzvot, for some people its just not the right time. It could be time to say kriat shmah, but you might not be ready yet.
@VVVElijah 3 жыл бұрын
Theology is what it is "Theology" NOT FACT, says The Holy GOD of Israel!!! Replacement Theology is NOT supported by The Holy GOD of Israel, says The Holy GOD of Israel!!
@TheShoshie10 9 ай бұрын
This Rabbi's historical analysis is just plain wrong. And his characterisation of Chabad theology is plain wrong. He also forgets about Hashem,leaves His Divine Providence out of his warped view.
@mikeklein9923 Жыл бұрын
A Rabbi using the word 'salient' 😊
@Joeelectronicschematicsforauto Жыл бұрын
If you really believe that the Messiah is coming any minute now right now that you know what you should quit your job sell your house and just wait if you really think he's coming any minute obviously nobody does that so it's just words
@phillipgrey 10 ай бұрын
Excellent premise. I know of chabad rabbis that have taken this ideology too far; especially in Israel.
@polemeros 3 жыл бұрын
The unfortunate downside of the Rabbi's large English vocabulary is that he piles synonym on synonym. If there are three ways to say the same thing, he'll say it three times. He could use an editor.
@kittyraphael 8 ай бұрын
Rabbi, help me please. Below is my instinct regarding chabad. Please can you comment. If I hold misguided understandings, please correct me. Current events: we are being punished The nation of Israel suffers by the hands of the other nations according to the will of Ha'Shem, and is always as a response to OUR own actions against Ha'Shem. They are against us when we are against Ha'Shem. To direct our primary attention outwardly towards the other nations is in itself a Chilul Ha'Shem. We must turn to Ha'Shem in repentance, every jew at every level, and we must examine our hearts for our own iniquities. What happened at 770 is the biggest Chilul Ha'Shem in modern history. All the world is now laughing and hating ALL JEWS because Chabad has a messianic movement that is growing out of control. There are many more traits that Chabad are now obligated to examine and Chabad can only to do this successfully if they on taken themselves the criticisms of other Shabbat observant jews who are not part of the chabad ideology. Even the criticisms of secular jews must now be examined because even the secular jews are now suffering from this smite that the Lord inflicted on Chabad last week. The nations laugh at us. Blood liable narratives are back. Yet non-chabad jews are treated by chabad as outsiders who have no right to influence Chabad, even though non-chabad jews suffer the consequences of the chabad movement (example: secular jews laughter at modesty laws when they see rabbanita's flaunting their expensive wigs that originate from idol worship!!). I have much more to say, and even if in vain, I will do it. May Ha'Shem protect me from bloodguilt. Amen. Help, what are the references for the following end of times prophecy: Jews (Religious) will believe in the wrong Messiah Jews (Religious) will fight against the real Messiah Thank you, Rabbi
@mwatts-riley2688 2 жыл бұрын
I just came here for the accent. 😃 Surely, he's not a Midwestern. M. Illinois. 🇺🇸
@rockinbandit56 5 ай бұрын
He is Australian
@maxi4182 3 жыл бұрын
Rabbi bar hayim you have to speak to a chabad rabbi or read through some chabad sefarim this is the worst of all of your videos (I'm sorry to use harsh terms) which are great and of which I learnt a lot from but what chabad is are the 7 chabad Rebbe's and the maggid and the besht
@deafprophet Жыл бұрын
אתה צודק בהערכה שלך
@CPHSDC 8 ай бұрын
From God's lips to Moshe's ear. If what the Learned one is saying is Israel is not yet the Promised Land, but only the Iffy Land, then a foot in the Diaspora is very Jewish. Israel will grow up and fast, in spite of an evil cabal or a holy rabble. Or, not.
@Galuppi728 9 ай бұрын
My understanding on it: The wounding, & also the healing were both prophesied (Deut.32:39), & the resurrection of the lost will be like streams in the Negev, during the 3rd Temple period, more than during previous times (Ezek.37; Hos.6:2). Surely that time is now, soon. Isa.53 - suffering of Israel (perhaps hashoah) - is followed by Isa.54, the return of the barren woman with more children than the faithful with husband. The faithful will bring the lost back & be a light to the nations (Isa.46:6; 49:6; 60) Elders & childrens' hearts turning to each other, & observing Torah; and seeking the face of Yaaqov / Yisrael (Mal.3:22-24; Psa.24:6). We MUST turn our hearts to each other & Torah; it will come either way, but much better if we turn.
@AbeStone 7 ай бұрын
It would have been preferable that the good Rabbi not comment on Chabad or the Rebbe. I recommend that he view and listen to the youtube video of Prime Minister Menachem Begun OBM telling a journalist that the Rebbe is one of the greatest Jews of the 20th century.
@sl123sl 7 ай бұрын
Perhaps you should become familiar with the logical fallacy - "Appealing to Authority" ?
@AbeStone 7 ай бұрын
@@sl123sl Hundreds of Thousands. of Jews are eternally thankful that Hashem gave us the Rebbe in our generation to uplift the Jewish people after the horrific Shoah.
@sl123sl 7 ай бұрын
@@AbeStonenot sure what that has to do with my reply (re -Begin). I would highly doubt the hundreds of thousands number unless you have some proof
@AbeStone 7 ай бұрын
@@sl123sl there is today, 4,900 Chabad-Lubavitch emissary families, or shluchim, operate 3,500 institutions, in 100 countries and territories, with activities in many more. on University campus
@sl123sl 7 ай бұрын
With all due respect...and I mean that sincerely, this statement does not address the point of my comments in this thread.
@presidentglasylabolas8631 7 ай бұрын
Honest Brilliance! Thank you Sir.
@chayamiriamtaurog3678 8 ай бұрын
You make it sound like most of Chabadniks are Meshichist, which is not true. You also make it sound as if their avodah is somehow deficient because of this belief, which is also not true. Say what you mean, that Meshchistism is dangerous, DO NOT PUT DOWN THE WHOLE LUBAVITCH MOVEMENT.
@maratfiller972 3 ай бұрын
The shlita, navi, and masochist flag is prominent in 770 and crown heights. I recently saw my local chabad shul get outraged when a non chabad guest said "when the rebbe died." Nobody questions that David, Moshe, and Abraham died but in response to why they don't say he died they said "a tzadik never dies." We sing David melech yisroel chai chai vikayam, but not a soul thinks he didn't die.
@1andyou2 6 жыл бұрын
I thought they said there aren’t any real misnagdim left?!?
@ahwien 5 жыл бұрын
אל תאמר מתנגדים אבל תאמר בני תורה
@davidsavage6324 4 жыл бұрын
Technically Mitnagdim do not exist anymore, in that I would say after The Rapprochement between Chassidim and Mitnagdim in they reverted to normative traditional Litvaks. The Agudas Israel was an intellectual successor to this Rapprochement which was formed to provide a united front against Maskilim (those Maskilim who were not only not observant like their intellectual founder Moses Mendelsohn, but were outright blasphemous oftentimes such as Sunday Sabbatarian Assimilationist German Reform Jews.)
@yohannar.meister6013 4 жыл бұрын
@samuelbenitez4200 3 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with you rabbi.
@Shmalibek 3 жыл бұрын
The real question is how can you follow a teacher of you don’t think that he is worthy of being the Moshiach. Every student believes his rebbe is the Moshiach.
@OmarOsman98 3 жыл бұрын
R u Muslim?
@Shmalibek 3 жыл бұрын
@@OmarOsman98 no, I’m a religious Jew.
@OmarOsman98 3 жыл бұрын
@@Shmalibek Sad.
@Shmalibek 3 жыл бұрын
@@OmarOsman98 I don’t know what exactly you are sad about - I’m personally very very happy to belong to the holy People, the nation of priests and a beacon of light to the entire world. And to be on a mission of bringing the G-dly light down to this material world so that the whole world knows that G-d is one, thereby ensuring the speedily coming of our righteous Moshiach right now!
@OmarOsman98 3 жыл бұрын
@@Shmalibek You are among the most despised. I am not one to dislike the People of Israel. God gave you the Torah, so follow it. Unfortunately, their anti Torah practices have led to their cursing by almost the entire world.
@hankmobley 10 ай бұрын
@ezrielyehuda1641 3 жыл бұрын
The Guy is speaking nonsense for Hes so not familiar in Toirah And Chassidus he doesn't even know what Chabad is, judging it from is narrow mind,
@liamsandal6360 Жыл бұрын
Yes, keep telling yourself that...
@clivedytor2069 4 ай бұрын
Jesus is Risen.
@Johngalt613 2 жыл бұрын
As much as I agree with his teaching on torat Yisrael by know means is this Rabbí a tzaddik and a Nassi he speaks like all misnagdim. He isn’t a mekubal or a tzaddik but the baba salí Rav kaduri and many more held by the Rebbe so when Hashem makes this man a nassi then to me he is as reliable as pulp fiction
@woweetobago 10 ай бұрын
Rubbish, very superficial
@slavicgypsy5535 3 жыл бұрын
Wonderful information.
@yodidya 4 жыл бұрын
so you think יהוה is this boring? I think not
@RichardGMoss 6 жыл бұрын
Very astute observations. They take their own form of davening so seriously that they won't even go to another shul when their local Chabad house does not have a minyan even when in other circumstances they would be saying Kaddish.
@jabujolly9020 2 жыл бұрын
What???? I have never seen that EVER!
@adrianlee6446 Жыл бұрын
Not true. The Chabad nusach (the order of prayer) is almost identical to Ashkenaz or Sefard and Chabad/Ashkenaz/Sefard rabbis and congregants routinely attend services in each other's synagogues to make the required minyan (quorum) , especially in smaller communities.
@brandonrumann3931 3 жыл бұрын
Your replacement theology is entirely ignorant of Chassidut literature, you miss the point entirely of the Chassidic movement, what we do, what we claim, your inflammatory speech is mean spirited and I invite you to debate and learn from Chabadnikim who know and understand chassidut well. Your knowledge of Chassidut is scant at best. Perhaps you should learn about the subject better from several Chabadnikim other than one person. Disagreement is great and fine, however you come off as unlearned by sticking to one persons' view point lacks candor and realness. You should learn the works of the Rebbeim, namely the Tanya, and then speak about Chassidut.
@adellaadams8018 6 жыл бұрын
Amen! Agreed!
@fredharvey2720 2 жыл бұрын
How about an explanation why one can be a Jew with the messianism of Chabad but not that of Jesus? Historical anti Christian hate is the only rational answer.
@yitzyzelenko9261 Жыл бұрын
Jesus didn't fulfill any of the messianic prophecies.
@yitzyzelenko9261 Жыл бұрын
Also Christians have been killing Jews for a thousand years. Who hates who?
@fredharvey2720 Жыл бұрын
@@yitzyzelenko9261 Christianity doesn't teach members of other faiths are intrinsically inferior and should be treated like trash. Judaism does. Nobody hates a good neighbor, you know?
@fredharvey2720 Жыл бұрын
@@yitzyzelenko9261 You're just blindly parroting the opinions of the same rabbis who teach that it's okay to have sex with a 3 year old.
@yitzyzelenko9261 Жыл бұрын
@@fredharvey2720 the Lubavitcher Rebbe actually taught that it is wrong to wish bad on other peoples, and that we should actually pray for their wellbeing.
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