Рет қаралды 38
We need to understand the significance of the moment Jesus was facing the cross. The cost of saving everyone could mean not saving yourself, even when you have the power and authority to do it. Jesus, was faced the most significant moment in the history of mankind - championing the return of God's glory in God's people, for a price only He could pay. And He was up to the task.
Luke 23:34-38 ESV
[34] And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” And they cast lots to divide his garments. [35] And the people stood by, watching, but the rulers scoffed at him, saying, “He saved others; let him save himself, if he is the Christ of God, his Chosen One!” [36] The soldiers also mocked him, coming up and offering him sour wine [37] and saying, “If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!” [38] There was also an inscription over him, “This is the King of the Jews.”