I am proud of my country because foreign media always talks about it. We will be constantly (Great Saudi Arabia)💚🇸🇦 أنا فخور ببلدي لأن وسائل الإعلام الأجنبية تتحدث دائمًا عنه. سنكون باستمرار (المملكة العربية السعودية العظمى⚔️🇸🇦⚔️)
@吉-y7e4 жыл бұрын
Authoritarian state make any contribution? proud of a bunch dregs, you are really a cool patriotist.
Po-Ting Huang Milano 14萬億美元的資產,光放定存年利率1%就有1400億美元的利息,平均一天3.83億美元進帳(約600萬美元的63萬倍),王子揮霍的像是零錢,就像你在用你的薪水買玩具的感受,然後除了資產雄厚,還有挖不完的石油。至於賺錢,如果你能花錢請一堆人幫你工作,理財專家幫你理財,這輩子也只需要努力花錢,因為錢是花不完的
@@zack3409 下面是另一篇報導的引文,標題是Saudi Royal Family Is Still Spending in an Age of Austerity,即《在節約的年頭沙特皇室花費依舊》有時間可以一看: " Sustained low oil prices have strained the economy and forced questions about whether the family - with thousands of members and still growing - can simultaneously maintain its lavish lifestyle and its unchallenged grip on the country. “The people have less money than before, but the royal family have the same,” said Prince Khalid bin Farhan al-Saud" www.nytimes.com/2016/12/27/world/middleeast/saudi-royal-family-money.html