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#Our Lady of Loosening the Knots #The Rosary
(Catholic) Rosary to Our Lady who unties knots Mystery of Glory
order of prayer
(Initiation Prayer)
Song of the Holy Spirit 00:17
Apostles' Creed 01:33
Contrition Prayer 02:24
To Our Lady who unties the knot 03:02
(The Rosary)
Stage 1 06:19
dan 2 13:07
3rd dan 19:48
dan 4 26:39
dan 5 33:21
hymn 40:05
Prayer to Our Lady 41:18
(final prayer)
To the Mother of God who unties the knot 47:54
Prayer to Our Lady who unties the knot 52:49
Prayer of thanksgiving to Our Lady who unties the knot 53:52