Рет қаралды 6,137
相傳關公在世時,忠勇無私,武德崇高,深受百姓尊崇。因其道德品質符合佛教護法精神,故後世將他視為伽藍菩薩。天台宗高僧智者大師在閉關修行時,感召關羽顯靈。關羽表示願意護持佛法,守護道場,從此被納入佛教護法體系,成為伽藍菩薩。 大悲菩提寺 妙音法師開示
The Sangharama Bodhisattva is one of the Dharma Protectors in Buddhism. The primary role of this Bodhisattva is to guard temple grounds, support monastics in their practice, and protect the Dharma from any harm. The name "Sangharama" originates from the Sanskrit term "Sangharama", meaning the dwelling place of a monastic community, which is why the Sangharama Bodhisattva is regarded as the guardian deity of temples.
The association of Guan Gong with the image of the Sangharama Bodhisattva and his story originates in China. Guan Gong, whose original name was Guan Yu, was a famous general of the Shu Han kingdom during the Three Kingdoms period, renowned for his loyalty and righteousness. In Chinese folk culture and Taoism, he is revered as the "Martial Saint," while in Buddhism, he is venerated as the Dharma Protector Sangharama Bodhisattva.
According to legend, Guan Gong was admired during his lifetime for his unwavering loyalty, selflessness, and exemplary martial virtue, earning the respect of the people. His noble character aligned with the protective spirit of Buddhism, leading later generations to regard him as the Sangharama Bodhisattva.
It is said that during a retreat by the eminent monk Master Zhiyi of the Tiantai School, Guan Yu appeared in a spiritual vision. He expressed his vow to protect the Dharma and safeguard temple grounds. From that time on, Guan Yu was incorporated into the Buddhist pantheon as a Dharma Protector, becoming the Sangharama Bodhisattva.
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