The Scariest Scripture for a Gospel Musician

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Gospel Musicians

Gospel Musicians

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@nathanwilliams6892 4 ай бұрын
Amos 5:23 is the one that gets me. It basically says that worship music can be offensive to God if not done correctly--with a proper heart and without hypocrisy.
@rockkstah2550 4 ай бұрын
Decades ago a worship leader one’s said, GOD JESUS didn’t die on the cross and rise from the dead so you can be a musician. GOD JESUS rise from the dead so there’s forgiveness of sins and one can become a Christian, NOT a musician. Be a Christian first for GOD JESUS and musician last.
@edgartellez4394 4 ай бұрын
I agree totally. Amen.
@omega1845 4 ай бұрын
@Itz-All-Gud 4 ай бұрын
BLASPHEMY! Repent. Hear, oh Israel, Yah our Elohiym is ONE! His name is not JC! Psalms 68:4 Sing unto Elohim, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name YAH, and rejoice before him. Isiah 43:10. Read it!
* once.
@gospel-keys-academy 4 ай бұрын
Wow 😳 💯 🔥
@dirtypatwalsh 4 ай бұрын
I’m an old time Gospel blues musician who also plays original music and a few secular blues songs. I also play harmonica on the worship team at my church, which has me out playing 3 times a week. I don’t get paid for that and if I make more than $20 at a gig it was a stellar night. I know that none of this shall do anything for my salvation. When it comes to my more secular stuff, I’ve spoken with my pastor and he is very encouraging and tells me that as long as I’m playing to the glory of The Lord he says that I’m a witness for Jesus. That’s a good thing. It won’t save me tho. I know I’m right with God because I’m born again. I’m a gospel believing Christian. I don’t preach sinless perfection but I know the Holy Spirit has done great work within me, has changed and renewed my heart and opened my eyes to his truth and I’ll never be the same as I once was. I have spent about 30 years as a touring and recording musician but I’ll tell ya, playing for God is the best thing ever. I’m grateful The Lord has blessed me with the gifts he has. Hallelujah hallelujah! Praise The Lord!🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤🙏✝️❤️😀
@HI-lq4vl 4 ай бұрын
I hear ya. But ask the Lord, not your pastor. Man can and will steer you wrong, knowingly and unknowingly. Keep on grooving for Christ! 🥰
@braggfamily1123 4 ай бұрын
Secular music glorifies the devil
@officialpoa3171 4 ай бұрын
*You should be OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW THE REAL HISTORY! it is GOSPEL MUSIC that is **#SECUALR**! BLUES AND JAZZ came first! You are under a DEMONIC SPELL 1st **#Corinthian**'s **13:11** ..................! YOUR FREE & ACCEPTED MASONIC PASTOR also knows that both GOD, THE DEVIL AND JESUS are all lies! But he will never reveal that with out your Swearing upon a BLOOD OATH OF DEATH and riding that goat! .....THE MATRIX HAS YOU*
@AndamaJoel 4 ай бұрын
You will know the truth and the by truth will set you you free what's the truth Christ in you.
@officialpoa3171 4 ай бұрын
@@AndamaJoel #LMAO! 1 Corinthians 13:11 ....Son, you dont even know WTH Christ is!
@moseisaako 4 ай бұрын
I've held a grudge against my own uncle who is the Pastor for church for so many years that I left the church band and became very bitter towards him and the band leader. I continue to pray that the Lord gives me the courage to ask for forgiveness and heal my heart in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Thank you for this video brother. May God bless and watch over us all Amen.
@GospelMusicians 4 ай бұрын
Wow so glad you chimed it. Sometimes we never know if these type of videos are helping people, but be encouraged brotha!
@davepatterson4774 4 ай бұрын
Great message! I'm not a gospel musician. I'm a Christian who plays music. My walk with Christ is my first priority in life. This being the case, I've had to walk away from bands and playing situations that threaten to drag me back into my old life. It's tough, as I've been friends with a lot of those people for most of my life. This is a large part of why we're not to be unequally yolked with unbelievers. So, my focus is to be right with the Lord and trust Him to bring me together with other musicians who have the same mindset. I'm not the best at what I do, but I long to serve Christ to the best of my ability with what talent He's given me. Hopefully that all makes sense. God bless you.
@petediamonds3950 4 ай бұрын
It makes sense bro
@davepatterson4774 4 ай бұрын
@@petediamonds3950 thank you. Much appreciated.
@keithmiller6583 4 ай бұрын
This verses to which you are referring in Matthew 7:21-23 used to scare me to death until I realized two things: 1 Repentance is the required first step in receiving salvation. 2 Having a personal relationship with Jesus and knowing Him is required; we get to know Him by reading His Holy Word and prayer. If we do these things and abide in Him, good works will naturally follow, and then these verses will no longer terrify us.
@frederickweeksjr.1189 4 ай бұрын
BROTHER.....THIS SUBJECT brings me to tears!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for bringing us to this PERTINENT understanding. We are SERVANTS 1st........we DO this works BECAUSE we are saved,NOT to get saved.........blessings to you and your family brother 🙏............WE NEEDED THIS.
@GospelMusicians 4 ай бұрын
Well said brotha…..I have to remind myself this often.
@unclebuck1453 4 ай бұрын
Thanks man, I say a prayer every time I pickup my guitar. It makes me feel better about practice, even after a bad night. Sometimes I gosh and sin in general like everyone when practicing, but I repent. Trying to get better about that at least. Music I’ve made is mostly secular, I love Blues and right now have really been in to glam metal. But I think God is in everything. Right down to the microtonal and sonically inaccessible qualities of music. I know at the end of the day, God endowed me with music inclination and I just want to use it for good. I always pray in hopes, that with the power of music I could spread the power of His word. May not be the most stand up musician compared to the wonderful performers of the gospel. But I love and fear thine Lord, with all my heart.
@cecilhepburn7715 4 ай бұрын
You are so on point Sir. What I see with many church musicians is their lack of commitment to a relationship with God. Their playing is merely a gig for them or just a meal ticket. As you pointed out church musicians are exposed to the word of God more than the average church members. So there is no excuse to being complicit when it comes to knowing God and being totally sold out to Him. Thanks my brother for reminding us that we have an obligation to God, ourselves, and to the unbelievers to be true disciples of Christ. Even as church musicians.
@kimwestwood8840 4 ай бұрын
I love Gospel music . Matthew 7:21 can be very scary when read. To better understand to whom Jesus is referring to, we need to look at what He said to glean truth from this. This is to encourage all who are born again . Jesus said He never knew them in Matthew 7:21. If we are born again, He knows us. John 10: 14 " I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own. " Second point to better understand this passage is Jesus calls them " workers of iniquity" . Those who belong to God have the righteousness of Christ imputed to them, justified by faith, NOT by our works. In the bible, God's children are referred to as the brethren, saints, beloved. So to simply break it down, this group of people in Matthew 7:21 by todays standards would be " religious" folks, they were not born again. The will of God is this: John 6:40 Jesus said, “For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I Myself will raise him up on the last day”
@GLBJ260 4 ай бұрын
Thank you sir! This is a timely word! It's about a personal relationship with Jesus. He is not just savior, he has to be Lord, meaning ruler over our lives
@ThaLyricalLevite 4 ай бұрын
This video is absolutely 100% correct. as a musician, I definitely took heed to this video. I pray other musicians do the same.
@josephukwenya 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for this powerful message, it really needs to go viral. Luke 12:48 To whom much is given, much is expected of him/her.
@Thunder-Raw-am 4 ай бұрын
Amen brotha Jamal! When King Yeshua says, "depart from me I never knew you", it will apply to ANYONE who is not in Covenant relationship with Yah. Everyone is not a Bishop, Elder, Deacon, Apostle Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor or Teacher. So it can be applied to singers, musicians or any other office that has a function in the body of Christ, as well to any unbelievers. Obedience to King Yeshua is a kingdom principle for all, for he alone is LORD of lords. And the LORD is the owner, those that truly believe and worship Yahweh in spirit and truth belong to him, they are the ones who keep Covenant relationship with Yah. But believe what thou will. Peace be with you all, and Shalom 🔥🔥🔥🙏
@kimwestwood8840 4 ай бұрын
We are IN covenant relationship and abide in Him the moment we are born again. The righteousness of Messiah is imputed to him that believes, John 3 FOUR times Jesus tells us. John 6:40 . 1 John 3:8-9 ...Matthew 7:21 refers to non believers. Jesus knows His sheep. John 10:14
@TomiLoveless 4 ай бұрын
Brother, I'm Praying for you. For WE all have sinned and come short... I'm first, and I've sinned. I pray for OUR LORD FATHER to cleans me white as snow every time I pray. I've been a Christian since as long as I remember. I've worshipped in many Churches. I've been a member in churches that have fallen apart in schism and sin. I've been given much and I've had more taken away. Our Lord and Messiah lived a perfect life and was crucified, then rose from the dead and is in Heaven. But never once did Our LORD King wake in the morning as a sinner. He never once was under the threat of Eternal Death and Punishment. He says he knows how many hairs we have on our heads. I know that I don't know as much about him. Believe me I want to know, but the flesh is week. Only the Spirit is strong. I am Week and he is Strong. I pray He is forgiving and understands my weakness. The Enemy Against us is also strong. He beats us down time after time. I pray that HE our LORD AND SAVIOR continues to pick us up, again and again, Lifts us all into his grace forever out of this wicked place. BROTHERS AND SISTERS ALL FOR ETERNITY! in THE HOLY NAME OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, AMEN!
@M4rcLL 4 ай бұрын
The will of the Father is to believe on the Son. Christians have nothing to fear. If you believe in Jesus alone and not your works, nor your repenting of sins before or after being saved then you're saved forever and you have everlasting life. The moment you believe you're sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption. Being saved has nothing to do with your works and you can NOT lose your salvation.
@rebeccahermosillo6 4 ай бұрын
Yessir this is a good stuff. I think about this often, BUT lately, it has really been on my mind. Thank you SO SO SO much for this reminder. God help me to stay connected to YOU more than music or any "church routine"!! 🙏🏼 ❤
@TheShutterbug1968 4 ай бұрын
John 6:40 NKJV And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day." Jesus didn't focus on the skill of the disciples, but lead them in Truth to execute HIS COMMANDS. "The Flesh Profits Nothing", says Jesus. It is abiding in the WORDS of Jesus that brings salvation. Focus on the words of Jesus, and do not be lead down a path of focusing on our skill or what we can do. God gives us strength to work and function. Bless you.
@jmoosic 4 ай бұрын
This is so important for musicians to ask themselves and I'm playing for God or am I playing for me
@33markiss 4 ай бұрын
Scary for weak minded musicians maybe. Real musicians are for grown ups , not kiddies scared of a fake sky daddy. Once you grow up, the flower of life will open up properly for you. 🔥👀 Fairytales are for children to help them like training wheels along the path. 👀
@DaddyBooneDon 4 ай бұрын
He must increase and I must decrease
@turbulenttruth 4 ай бұрын
So glad to hear this word. I’ve been in Christian music since I was 3. I’ve seen it all and had it all and NOTHING MATTERS MORE THAN BEING CLOSE TO HIM!! Anything that clouds your view of Jesus is something to discard, no matter the consequences. Jesus is King and will accept no other position. Gary Chapman
@iengineer_247 4 ай бұрын
I don’t know of many people as musicians sharing this message you are for working in the church. Most argue about not getting paid and use scripture and sometimes no scripture to back up getting paid. You’re being a leader to hold musicians accountable for the sake of the gospel and their lives!!!!
@dedios03 4 ай бұрын
Brother I love you. But this scripture should not cause those who HAVE done the will of God any trouble at all. We have believed on the name of Jesus for eternal life so we HAVE done the will of the Father. Anyone who feels fear of salvation in the gospel is actually under law and not walking in the gospel at all. We jave been dooped my friend. There is no longer any condemnation for those of us who are in dwelt by Gods Spirit we are forgiven once for all never to return again to condemnation. We have oaet from death to life and Cannot be separated from the love of God. God is who justified who will accuse us? But rather we are more than Conquers. That's unfortunately a legalistic mindset that you have that brings you under fear and condemnation and that in itself is a sin against the gospel which says we have been made reconciled to God once for all by the blood of Jesus per Heb 10. The real motive that aught to push us forward is not fear, but grace and pove knowing the love of Christ towards us compels us to love others as God supplies the Spirit by faith per Galatians. Law and condemnation never made anyone holy.
@lanerussell7958 4 ай бұрын
Interesting thing...when Christ says "Depart from me," He's quoting the Psalms. Psalm 6:8, 119:115.
@vid4ia583 4 ай бұрын
The problem with church music and church bands is it's a distraction to the Word of God. It's music entertainment and gives people something else to focus on in church because they get bored since many are not being taught the Word nor may not be interested in it. It becomes a jam session but not necessarily a God session. You're here talking about the musicians but how about the people sitting there being distracted by the modern-man made music? Sure the lyrics are about God but the lyrics are at best interpretations of the Word so why not just go directly to the Word and have a real bible study? I guess that's not entertaining enough and just too boring. But the Word is the power and has all the uplifting within it required - not the music.
@DaleParkhurst92909 4 ай бұрын
Fantastic message. Thank you for this and what a great reminder for us. Hallelujah!
@timedwards5600 4 ай бұрын
I have played worship for over 40 years. I never got paid. Lord has made me sit down in seasons.
@Hugh_Manitee 4 ай бұрын
I concider it an offering and an honor to serve The Lord.
@Dadee3 4 ай бұрын
*Lol, you missed out 40 years of blessings. Foolish.*
@Dadee3 4 ай бұрын
​@@Hugh_Manitee*Considering an act doesn't make it biblical.*
@Hugh_Manitee 4 ай бұрын
@Dadee3 Not sure what your meaning is BUT, I never felt as if I should be paid to play instruments in church services. It is biblical to give of yourself to bless others.
@ThereIsHopeInJesusChrist 4 ай бұрын
There, you said it: "I have PLAYED worship..."
@SamVieiraGuitar 4 ай бұрын
You are one of my references for "worship" music. I really thank God for your life and you very balanced knowledge and discernment. Thank you for another great video, this is what we need.
@QueenLadySummer329 4 ай бұрын
I read a book back in 2016 that helped me greatly and it is called From Performance to Praise by Joe Pace. If you read this book, your life will change because you will understand who you are in God’s eyes.
@KJinTX 4 ай бұрын
I have been a worship leader for over 24yrs. You are speaking FACTS my brother.
@mikeconnor4736 4 ай бұрын
A worship leader rightly understood is the teaching elder who exposits with proper hermeneutics
@markhaney2884 4 ай бұрын
We are all saved "In Christ", none are saved in self!!!!!
@Itz-All-Gud 4 ай бұрын
Saved from what? Salvation is PHYSICAL, not a spiritual thing!
@markhaney2884 4 ай бұрын
@TIMMAY-jb4gi read the rest of the sentence, it tells you what you have to work out in your mind and heart. Saved by Him not your "works". Still not sure, try chapter 3 verse 3.
@markhaney2884 4 ай бұрын
@@Itz-All-Gud could say, saved from yourself, since the pride of self-righteousness is what separates people from The Truth (Jesus)
@dstrongcrowe432strong6 4 ай бұрын
Thanks Jamal. This was a mature Word to some, but should really be the norm if we truly are following scripture. Your instructional videos back in 2010 were my introduction to Gospel music as prior I knew nothing about playing Contemporary Gospel, but what kept me buying your stuff was not just being impressed musically, but seeing that you had the right heart about what the whole thing is about. I have since studied other styles of music to further develop using other instructors and youtubers, but at the core, my heart belongs to Christ and His will concerning how I use my gift. And that is something that will never change. I appreciate you posturing yourself and expressing openly for listeners right where I know I need to be and where my heart needs to be anchored, and anyone else who truly wants to live a life pleasing unto God and God alone. God Bless You and Yours, Brother! ❤🙏✝📖
@JohnsonkeyzMusicAcademy 4 ай бұрын
❤❤❤❤ Accurate Message for Gospel Musicians Thanks so much Papa Jamal You are one Big inspiration that I watched decades ago and inspired me to start teaching Gospel Musician around 2014/2015 till Date on my Channel ❤🎉 I celebrate you always sir
@damejames42 4 ай бұрын
EXACTLY my brothah...Awesome warning sound the alarm. To Yah be All the glory🙌🏾🙏🏾💪🏾
@rweyerukabuka5808 4 ай бұрын are blessed in Jesus name to tell the world the truth which is the word of God, let's be healed!
@tammycovington3288 4 ай бұрын
I hear you loud and clear but this message and conviction is NOT only for gospel musicians but for ANYONE WHO claims The Name of Christ and To them that believe in Jesus Christ… get right church and let’s go home💯👏👏👏👏👊🙌🙏
@Jay-TR909 4 ай бұрын
A good pointer is are you enduring daily conflict, capturing thoughts, wrestling with the flesh, asking God for help? If you are then that can be an indicator that you moving forward. It’s when you stand still and let go of the tension that there may be cause for concern. Essentially it’s about picking up the cross daily. I never think I’m right with God, but I ask Him to help each day. I just trust in Jesus and that He will see me through as He promised, after all I can do nothing meaningful without Him.
@damionhobson1852 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this Mr. Hartwell. I needed this to improve on my Christian life.
@erickcabreraofficial 4 ай бұрын
thank you for this word my brother, to be honest many people don’t want to hear this but it’s the truth! & i love the truth even tho this hurts. i know this message touched someone out there may God blesss you & your family alot
@SrLTpKs6425 4 ай бұрын
Thats a vital message. We should be examining ourselves daily. 2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?-unless indeed you [b]are disqualified. 6 But I trust that you will know that we are not disqualified.
@dmartires87 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for reminding me of this we get caught up in what we are doing and forget to humble and do his will in our lives. God bless you brother I enjoyed your video.
@jameshartzenberg5763 4 ай бұрын
I can relate to it. God places application of His Word in our daily lives ABOVE His Spiritual gifts given unto us.
@bobbybeast1000 4 ай бұрын
I think you're over thinking it, possibly causing wrongful fear, ppl doubting their salvation. Sometimes things get mudane from time to time people- DONT DOUBT YOUR SALVATION. If you truly believe Jesus died for your sins, you repent of your sins and you follow Him, YOU ARE SAVED. This guy seems to be fear mongering
@billwhite5853 4 ай бұрын
It sorta seems like a works message. We ALL fall short from time to time, but we should remember Romans 8:38-39 But I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels nor demons, neither the present,, nor the future. Nor any other powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
@bobbybeast1000 4 ай бұрын
@@billwhite5853 amen brother !!
@haroldLvaught 4 ай бұрын
thank you! It hit me that I at times am afraid to obey the Lord when it is inconvenient. It has been my on my heart to live in complete surrender, and it is definitely a process. Good word, we needed to hear it
@KellBailey 4 ай бұрын
Bro this is so needed thank you so much !!!!
@1masterfader 4 ай бұрын
I'm not a Christian or religious at all. I do play in church a lot. I grew up in the church so I know the music. I love the music. A lot of what I hear in the bible makes sense and even some of it I use in my spiritual life. I also play Reggae but I'm not inclined to be a Rasta. I get a lot out of music. I believe some of the best musicians I've ever heard are out of the church. But, Not all. Being immersed in Church or your religion does not make you a better musician or, a well rounded one. Some church musicians don't know how to swing, play Salsa, Jazz fusion, Classical or rock. They just play church. Growth comes from stepping outside the box.
@morningmeditationslu 4 ай бұрын
For ages I have heard the term Gospel Musician, but actually this is not a biblical term. The term is made up of two words Gospel and Musician and they have two different definitions. The gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ centers on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God, in His infinite love, created humans to have a relationship with Him, but sin caused a separation between us and God. To restore this relationship, God sent His Son, Jesus, who lived a sinless life and taught about God's kingdom. Jesus willingly sacrificed Himself on the cross, taking the punishment for our sins, and three days later, He rose from the dead, conquering sin and death. Through faith in Jesus, we can receive forgiveness for our sins, be reconciled with God, and receive the promise of eternal life. On the other hand, a Musician is one who plays an instrument - and not necessarily a piano. I am a musician myself and I love the piano, but, In the bible, there were people who played different instruments. To associate the gospel with a musician would imply that this musician is deliberately crafting the music so the message of the gospel is clear and understood so one can respond in faith to the message. However, you can play in church all your life and the gospel will never be proclaimed. Even songs that claim to be gospel songs, don’t even mentioned the name of Christ much less His death and resurrection. We need to understand that the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is explicit; it is the power of God for Salvation to everyone who believes (Romans 1:16). In my opinion, the correct term should be Church Musician or more Biblically - Worshipper. It is not a secular Job as is propagated in many churches today. Its purpose is not for entertainment as is seen in many churches today. The purpose, role, and meaning of the title Musician have been corrupted within the body of Christ. Many musicians do not see themselves as consecrated ministers who serve before the Lord. Whose life - like every other Christian, is a living sacrifice that should be holy and acceptable to God. Today, Musicians are holding congregations ransom when their demands are not met. Threatening to leave if they do not get a salary. Many of them act as if the work of the Lord revolves around them. While I am not opposed to any musician being compensated, what is happening in the church today is a little above disgusting and carnal. At the end of the day, when all the sophisticated chords are played, and the hype subsides, if the gospel is not proclaimed, there will be nothing to respond to. There will be no conviction of sin, and Salvation will never take place.
@VirginHolyFire 4 ай бұрын
Jesus Christ isn’t saving in the churches anymore. It is only through the word of God that Salvation is given unto us. “Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” God tells us if any man will say unto us, Lo here is Christ, or there, believe it not. It’s speaking of the many denominations of churches of our day.
@colonalklink14 4 ай бұрын
The good news is that Jesus is Lord God Almighty clothed in unsinful humanity and He is the author of *eternal life* to all who trust Him alone for salvation 💖💖🌹❤️. He paid for all the sins of all the world at the cross (past present, and future). 💕 That payment is put to your account when you have believed on Christ alone for salvation 💖💖💖💖💖. *This means that saving repentance is realizing that you are a sinner deserving of God's just punishment in Hell and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before, if indeed you trusted in anything; to trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation.* The will of the Father is found in John 6: 40. True, if we love God we will obey His Commandments. Thankfully we aren't saved by loving God but rather because He first loved us and gave Himself for us.
@RobSweigard 4 ай бұрын
Serving God is not an occupation/career choice. Loving God with all your heart is the first and great commandment. If you are called to be a musician the lyrics are the main point and financial reward should not be a focal point. Music is basically innocent noise until lyrics are added. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and words can bring life or death to yourself or others. Walk Close to God Everyday, and He will continue to lead you ! Walk On! ☺♥†♪♫ 5.21.24
@Znobyrd 4 ай бұрын
"I never knew you".... but He told us who He knows.... "He knows them that trust in Him. "Nahum 1:7
@ronkebarber6238 4 ай бұрын
Most importantly, you must be daily filled with and led by the Holy Spirit. John 14:26; Romans 8:9,14; Ephesians 2:12. Ask and you will receive Luke 11:13. He leads from then on, and you believe as you obey. The Bible and all the prophesies were shut Daniel 12:4, and no matter how you do it, you can never understand it. Isaiah 29:11-12, that's why those who don't have faith in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, neither His Holy Spirit, revert to teaching the precepts of men and their traditions verse 13; Matthew 15:3. The book was taken, Revelation 5 again, and opened, Revelation 6, so that the prophesies could be fulfilled in due time Luke 4:17-20; John chapters 10-17 ; 19:30; Isaiah 29:18 In Revelation 10 and11, it converts to oral prophesies and was proclaimed by the witnesses. There will no longer be a physical book, so everyone would hear the gospel or God's words, and will not have any excuses on judgment day. Even the spirits in hell got preached to 1 Peter 3:19-20. God will be Righteous and Just when He judges!
@freshlikeme383 4 ай бұрын
Here's the verse that reminds me that music is never the way the truth or the life. ‭1 corinthians [1] If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. He references a cymbal as noise because it does not bring worship to the Lord. It's not about love for the music It's about love for your neighbor.
@brandonhaynes9851 4 ай бұрын
The will of God is not to play instrumental music in worship. Nowhere in New Testament scripture is there authority given for instrumental music. If there is scriptural authority, please provide it.
@donaldcarter3393 4 ай бұрын
Amen, my brother, I'm not surprised I'm there with you. I appreciate you, Sir! I'm not knew to anything you're saying, I agree with all of what you're saying. 🙏🏾💧🌿🕊🔥🌹❤️🙏🏾
@ronkebarber6238 4 ай бұрын
The beginning of sin, the mystery of iniquity began in Eden, Genesis 4:8-15-24. Man didn't directly commit sin, but was led by a third party- the devil in the serpent, and was made to sin against God. In God's right, He killed a third party propitiation for their sins- the sinless Lamb. Thus God, to be Righteous and Just, must be the One to provide Himself a sacrificial Lamb, to atone for the sins which the third party- Adam, had committed, to be able to Righteously judge the other third party, the devil, satan, the dragon, to finally get punished. But there has to be opportunity on both sides to prove that God is Righteous and Just in His judgment, by giving man 1000 years to prove he can eventually hold his own and not succumb to peer or outside pressure, in order to be worthy of being redeemed, ransomed, regenerated, restored and reconciled, back to God- through Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 5. Then, man- Cain deliberately killed his brother, Abel, but this sin couldn't readily be judged simply because there was no preceding law about being one's brother's keeper that was to have been broken. (Thus, the whole system was destroyed by the flood, and the laws started with that Genesis 9:5-6, until finally judged and finished on the cross John 19:30) And in verse 15, a precedent was laid down for the time it would take to judge sin, 70x7 or 490 years. That generation was wiped out by the flood, but the precept remained: sin shall be avenged seventy and seven fold. (Matthew 18:21-23). This was the standard by which Israel also judged, as they also had to spend 70 sabbath years ( or 70x7= 490 years), in exile, outside of the promised land. When it was the 69th week year Daniel prayed to God, and fasted to remind Him of the imminent due date of the return of God's people to their promised land; but the sin of the Amorite was not yet full, Genesis 15:16, also, Israel was still in rebellion towards God, and the land cannot sustain rebellion- it was Holy! So, the Messiah had to come and make a way for grace and justification, and righteousness of God to be imputed, so Israel can get back their monarchy, through the house of David, and back to the kingdom of God, by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, as the Son of God, and the Son of man -the promised Son of David, the king of Israel to order His Kingdom Isaiah 9:6; who would ascend His throne as God had promised him. Romans 1:3; Acts 2:30, and come to bring them back to God, Jeremiah 16:16a; Luke 19:10; Matthew 10:5. Instead, they rejected and killed Him. Thus, from then onwards, the way to God was opened to whosoever would come to Him by grace through the shedding of His blood, by grace through faith in His sacrificial death, burial and resurrection. They were given the adoption of sons and daughters into the kingdom, which hitherto, they were not permitted Ephesians 2:13; John 1:11-14, becoming heirs and joint heirs of God and the Abrahamic covenanted promises an blessing (Genesis 25:6- the representatives of his other children by Hagar and Keturah, the Kings of the East, could now access and partake of the blessing, and they showed their allegiance and faith, by worshipping Jesus Christ, as a Child!) Jesus Christ gave His life for all who would simply believe in Him as Lord and Savior, in order to keep them from the wrath of God that will be unleashed upon the Amorite, until the end. Isaiah 63:18; Daniel 8:13; Zechariah 12:3; Luke 21:24; Revelation 11:2. And eventually, they will be rescued at the second coming of Christ Luke 21:13; Zechariah 14. He finished the work of salvation of the soul of man John 19:30 and this continues the "acceptable year of the Lord" which began as He took the sealed book of Daniel, 12:4, from God, as the Lamb of God, who alone is Worthy, and opened the seals Revelation 5, and fulfilled the first of the three part of Isaiah 61:2, in Luke 4:16-21, and He SHUT it again. This will run through this dispensation of preaching of the gospel of grace, (which ended the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom, which ended with the stoning of Stephen) by faith in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and He will return to gather His saints from the world, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15; and present them faultless before the presence of God the Father, with exceeding joy, Jude 24; with victory over sin, devil, death, hell and eternal damnation in the lake of fire and brimstone Isaiah 66:24. The second dispensation is nearly upon us, at this time Isaiah 63:4, which will usher in the tribulation period when the 70th and last year will be ushered in to finish all transgressions! Daniel 9:24. ( As the Messiah has become the sacrifice for sin, and was dead, buried and rose again from the dead! His shed blood sprinkled on the heavenly mercy seat for propitiation for sins for all who would go to God by and through Him, simply by faith! Ephesians 2:8). Then, the Lord will return the second time, complete with His body, as a new Creature resting upon the Mount of Olives Zechariah 14, to make a way of escape for the remnants of Israel Matthew 24:31. Then the battle of armageddon will ensue, and it will end up in total obliteration of this earth. Isaiah 24; Joel chapters 2 and 3, Jeremiah chapters 1-11...; 1 Peter 3 etc. This is the fullness and end, and judgment of the sin of the Amorite! Matthew 18:21-22; Psalm 75:8; 73:3-17. Then the new heaven and earth will be created after the conclusion of the millennium- to mark the expiration date of sin and death, like it was back in Eden. Now man will live out the 1000 year curse of death Isaiah 65, (Genesis 5). Then history will repeat itself when everything reaches full circle- the serpent will be released once again, Revelation 20:1-6, to tempt man as he did with Adam and Eve, those who follow him will get totally judged and cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, together with hell, death, the antichrist, false prophets and all whose portion is with them Isaiah 66:24. Revelation chapters 19-22. God has perfected the end from the beginning. But as it is written-"My people are destroyed for lack of Knowledge " Hosea 4:6, so, "With all thine getting, get understanding " Proverbs 4:7; Luke 24:45. Be filled with and led by the Holy Spirit, and abide in the fold, John 10, until He returns as promised, to take up His purchased possession! John 14:26; Ephesians chapters 1-2! Then He will set up His kingdom! Isaiah 9:6! Be encouraged!
@charlesamos-i6s 4 ай бұрын
Loads and Loads of professing Christians believe that, the music is the gospel...word of Christ Jesus. In the 1611 KJV, there is NO commandment nor evidence that the music and singing are the Doctrine, Reproof, Correction or Instruction in Righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). Jesus and the Apostles did not use music to rescue souls nor preach that, music was one of the works. Music also is Not a “preparation tool” for worship. Music is a result of those who are SAVED as they Praise, Worship and reveal their great Joy in the Lord...speaking to Him in song. is Not! Praising and Worshiping the Lord if money is being made. Instead...they are Praising the Devil.
@thefruitsoffaith7 4 ай бұрын
Salvation is not based on works, but there better be proof that you have faith. If you have faith you believe that every verse in the bible is the TRUTH and if Jesus said the TRUTH will set you free, you will be tempted to think otherwise because THAT AIN’T YOU NO MORE. So you give up your own way, pick up your cross, and you follow Him. Because He told you to, but also because it’s genuinely what you want to do… just as Paul had told us to test ourselves on. (2 Cori 13:5) if it that doesn’t sound like WORK(s). It is! God isn’t going to call you to walk through a door and slam it shut at you. He’s telling you to get up, pick up your bed, and walk. He called all these people that DID great works, I think that’s the evidence expected for faith, because James, in the same Holy Bible, said it so clearly, “Faith without works is dead.” I love the video, I agree with it, I felt like this needed to be said too, the Holy Spirit put it on my heart to spread some love and give comfort and understanding. God bless you!
@sking388 4 ай бұрын
Honey indeed :) God Bless All
@NuWurk 4 ай бұрын
👋🏽 do u write music to songs? I wrote some gospel songs but can’t find no one to sing them or play some music behind it
@kgamaseg 4 ай бұрын
Yes, THAT scripture is HEAVY! We must DO the will of the father. We someone bring a tongues interpretation today and the word was, "Obey." Yes, obedience is better than sacrifice.
@dochdodava 4 ай бұрын
Hooo God help, I'm a believer but when I understand that I had to be an example to those outside I really watch a lot... Friends are playing piano in church in the night his with a choir member!!! So let God do in us to be who he want
@ronkebarber6238 4 ай бұрын
Believers become dead to sin and the world, by faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ, as soon as they accept Jesus Christ as Messiah, Lord and Savior, Romans 6:3-10; Galatians 2:20, but because they're still in the world, they're still clothed with flesh, but He already breathed His Life into them John 20: 22, and the new man is birthed inside of them. This enables them to live in the world but not of the world. They now, as new Creation in Christ Jesus, are filled with and led daily by the Holy Spirit. They must always abide in the fold - not any of the churches or denominations, John chapters 10-17 till the end. Any attempt to live by the world standard will get them out of the fold and they must now be ruled by law or conscience, if Jew or Gentile Romans 2:15-29. That's where religion comes in, and many begin to follow different doctrines and regulations, not knowing they're already out of the fold. The way to salvation of their souls is very strait and narrow, and they will never taste of death in this fold Luke 9:27; John 9:51, until the Lord returns to take up His purchased possession-as members of His body, and He, the Head, redeeming them as they're caught up with Him in the air, regenerated, and changed in a twinkling of the eye, then, as the " CHURCH" (Complete with Head and Body), get presented faultless before the presence of God the Father in heavenly places, before He returns to rescue Israel at the second coming Zechariah 14.
@ronkebarber6238 4 ай бұрын
Romans 8:1-2. 1) The law of the Spirit of life IN Christ Jesus. 2) The law of sin and death. Choose number 1, and stay in the word. Daily asking for the infilling and leading of the Holy Spirit, be obedient even if you don't understand. John 5:39. Let the word of God dwell richly in your heart. Colossians 3:16, and confess it often. Ask for the covering of the blood of Jesus over you and your family, work, home etc. Stay under the blood. If you fall, it's going to be from the outside, because the Holy Spirit in you will give you a nudge and bring the appropriate words into your heart, then into your mouth. Unfortunately there's a sin that cannot be prayed for, so don't bank on continuous repentance. Leave the place of sin. You cannot heal where you fell sick. Don't be deluded, once you feel the condemnation of sin, you're done! The Holy Spirit brings conviction not condemnation. Conviction becomes condemnation when you ignore it and think you can always go back to repent. The line is too narrow. If you can't toe the line, you're out!
@ronkebarber6238 4 ай бұрын
The "Church ", isn't the building where people congregate to worship who or what they like, it is the New Creation of God, made up of believers in the sacrificial death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, from all over the world, no matter their background. They're daily infilled with and led by the Holy Spirit, kept in His fold until He returns to redeem His purchased possession, as promised, and present them faultless before the presence of God the Father. The Holy Spirit has left these buildings, thus they can do as they please. They didn't say they wanted to be saved or seek eternal life with Christ Jesus in God, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, so, let them be. Nebuchadnezzar and the Romans could only enter the temple to destroy it only after the presence and glory of GOD left Ezekiel chapters 8-11; Matthew 24:1. The restraining power had left! This power instantly killed even the high priest who came with the tiniest of sin, how much more the heathen or unbelievers. The end justifies the means. They're doing what feels best for them, knowing that this world is programmed to fail- everything is geared toward vanity. Esau had his bowl of porridge, he lived to regret it. Most of these preachers already got fat from the offerings and tithes of gullible, unsuspecting congregants, and they're blinded by the five senses, which only ends in death and destruction. Life only comes in abiding in Christ Jesus till the end. John 8:21; Matthew 24:13. They're feeling good, so let them enjoy their fleeting time. They didn’t know the Way, the Truth and the Life, but they're putting together their own truth, to sell to those who would buy it. The five foolish virgins are already lining up to "buy" oil for their dead lamp, because they didn't bring enough. Both they and the sellers will be outside of the shut gate...but, there's still time this day, for any of them who would turn back to the fold. If they can bear to leave their temporal comfort zones, and seek for the eternal. 1 John 2:19; Hebrews chapters 6 and 10. No excuses on that day!
@GiyHill 4 ай бұрын
Young man, Everyone is accountable for what they do with their Spiritual gifts for serving. Yes to whom much talent ability is given. Talent is not listed as a Spiritual gift in the scriptures (1st Corinthians 12). You're off base. Beware of magnifying a talent above God's word. I am a musician singe/songwriter. But God has called me and equipped me to preach the Word, not song lyrics, no matter the genre. Another thing beware of the lyrical content, the message of the song . Young man, Doctrine does matter to God!!!
@ronkebarber6238 4 ай бұрын
The Bible is like a giant box of puzzles which have to be painstakingly put together, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, by grace through faith in the sacrificial death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, without which it means nothing to anyone. Thus, unless one believes, no one has any reason or right to dispel, dispute, or debate for or against the Bible without first getting all the puzzles together in place. No one can understand the Bible without faith, being in His fold, abiding in Him until the end. No one outside of His fold can ever understand. Matthew 13:11. Man's belief or lack thereof has nothing to do with God in any way. How can they believe by basing Him on what they think or what others say about Him. The Bible is the only authority on who God is or not. Before anyone decides to have any opinions about God, you first need to find out who He is or not, then you can make up your mind to accept or deny or whatever about Him. How can anyone critique a book or movie without reading or watching it? The Bible is a living Book. Every word is alive, so if you need proof of what is written, you have to approach it by FAITH, and by the enabling help of the Holy Spirit John 14:26, and you have to replace your present faith which makes you go against the word, with the saving FAITH upon which the Bible is truly based.
@ronkebarber6238 4 ай бұрын
It's very hard to read the bible because it is the book of life, meaning it is alive, it is a living book. It is a two- way study. It studies you as you study it, and it shows you your heart. You cannot pick it up without either an ulterior agenda or you are really serious about learning more about its content. The moment you decide to even pick it up, your heart begins to race, you're uncomfortable before you make the final move to open the book. Isaiah 29:8, 11-13. If you're educated, you cannot approach it as such, or if you're illiterate, you cannot avoid it because of this. The book ministers to both the literate and the illiterate alike, by the power of the Holy Spirit, because the word becomes fluid, as it flows into their hearts. As long as you open the book, you cannot stop the flow. There's no barrier that can stop it from getting into the innermost core of your heart. Now, you can resist, but it will cut deep, but if you open your heart to it, it will flow gently, but still take care of obstacles along the path. The written word comes alive and becomes an interface with your heart. They begin a dialogue, and eventually you begin to get convicted as it touches on those sensitive issues you thought you had buried deeply into the recess of your mind and begins to chisel away. If you relax and gives it permission, it will root it all out, bleed it out and begins the reconstruction of all that hadn't aligned with the word. The pain is out of this world, but there's Balm in Gilead! You feel the cool touch of the loving hand that just turned your whole life upside down, inside out, and a piece that you can never describe at the same time, which then wraps you in the most beautiful love that you have never experienced. This will make you always go back to the word, for in it you now have what is called LIFE John 5:39. This life is from the presence of the Holy Spirit, to which you were connected as with an intravenous drip, on which your life depends. You feel alive, and nothing else matters, because His angels become like care givers, and take care of all your other stuff you may not be able to do, because you're connected! Then you learn to rest! By the time you finish the dose for the day, you're so energized you can take on an army, but you'll be led and directed by the Holy Spirit, so you don't mess up your still open sore, and not be a meddler in other people's affairs. Meaning, you only mind God's business as you're being led. The devil will always be at your heel, but as long as you remain connected, by the line- the Holy Spirit, you're already made more than a conqueror, through the power that runs inside of you. But you must study daily and at all times Proverbs 8, so you can get to know the God and Jesus Christ of the bible John 17:3, and His way, His will in all spiritual wisdom, knowledge, understanding, discernment, discretion, prudence, might and counsel. That is Life everlasting! No one likes this! On the other hand, if you resist, you will be condemned, and the connection will be cut off . The devil will have the opportunity to accuse you, first to yourself, and then before God, and will he will definitely be on the right, and you will not be able to overcome him, no matter what you do. He fights dirty. He will show you what you will be missing if you remained connected, and you will not be able to resist, the living waters that flow softly, for that from the well,which you use your own power to dig. He will get you so far away from the life you need before he deals you a good blow, and you may or not recover from it. Moreover, he does worse things to those who are even connected, but they're never alone. Therefore, both had to get to the end and then finally be redeemed, restored, or rejected and renounced. This is the main reason the bible is hard to study. You can only get what you put in to the study - as to time and effort, that's why not many spiritual people understand the bible Matthew 13:11; Deuteronomy 29:29. The Apostle Paul spent 14 years in Arabia, just going over all the material evidence he collected while following Jesus Christ, ro persecut Him, but they turned out to be the infallible proof he got to prove Who Jesus Christ really is- The Messiah, and effectively disseminated the information he gathered, by the enabling help if the Holy Spirit, through all his epistles to us all Romans 16:24; Colossians 1:26 etc. God had to find those that love and fear Him to be able to confide His secrets to them Psalm 25:14, otherwise, people who profess to know God will misuse and abuse His word and revealed will. The race is really not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong.
@SimonGiddings 4 ай бұрын
Amen, our walk and obedience to God is far more important than how well we can play or sing. I would like to add a further warning : "Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly." James 3:1 Worship leaders are teaching indirectly by the songs they choose and use. People will often go home after the service and have a song which will stay with them all week - if it is unscriptural or blatantly wrong, then we are teaching falsehoods to the church. We will be held accountable for how WE have lead God's people - that's scary!
@ronkebarber6238 4 ай бұрын
What exactly makes Christianity a religion and not a way of living a life of the Spirit with Christ Jesus, in God, is simply because a religion is observed with many different sets of rules and rituals. Whereas, being just a Believer makes fellowship easy and accessible with God the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ the Son, by the enabling power of the Holy Spirit. Not in or of works of any kind by you, but by simply standing on His finished work of salvation on the cross of Calvary.
@notrhj 4 ай бұрын
Just because you can make a sound doesn’t mean you’re on the path to sonship. Sounding brass & tinkling cymbals won’t cut it. If you are just collecting a check, then you got your reward. Are you a hireling Or a servant ? Ask the Lord for wisdom, guidance, and instruction. He’s the Good Shepherd and in asking for a clean heart, and a right spirit you will Not be denied.
@stanilausattionu3124 4 ай бұрын
God bless you for reminding to check our hearts❤️
@stevenwelp7165 4 ай бұрын
Listen to my 18 radical faith "Revival & Revolution" gospel albums on YT and most music sites.
@SnDmsIIK 4 ай бұрын
Romans 12: 1,2. Having been part of a worship team was just one of many things God had in my walk with Him. Although I am no longer in a worship team Romans 12: 1,2 continues in my life. For it was not being in a worship team that God only used to make Romans 12: 1,2 work in me. It was how God puts me in the best place(s) for me to get to know Him better and minister to others He wants me to divinely meet.
@linnhudson4908 4 ай бұрын
I think it's the preachers that will be saying Lord Lord, and these preachers if they make shipwreck the faith will be delivered up to Satan. As far as the musician goes not many are ministers, of your given much wealth and you don't use it for tge kingdom then you receive many lashes, you were blessed to be a blessing not tge owner of a new car or house. Many preach about equality yet ignore the scriptures, 2nd Corinthians 8:14,15 informs us what we should be doing with the much we have been given. As musicians we bring a joyful noise, some are really good and sell albums and live in mansions, we're they given much, what about the little old lady who can't pay her rent, who's supposed to help her, or the sick person. The poor will always be with you because the wealthy will always hoard their wealth, building bigger and bigger barns, you know where that leads. To whom much is haven much is required, lashes for not sharing your overage.
@speaklife-rickybyrum2603 4 ай бұрын
Amen 🙏 Who am i to judge when the Word says Jesus Christ is the only righteous Judge. Acts 10:42 And He commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is He who was ordained by God to be Judge of the living and the dead.
@Rio-uv1gs 4 ай бұрын
I make hiphop sounding beats and I don't know how to make gospel music..(I always wonder why do I have this talent).
@bennygonzales237 4 ай бұрын
Oh no, no,no, no, you don’t, the Bible, the Word, the scripture says Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. Sometimes people think that what their doing is the most important thing in the Church. What musicians will be judged for if they are saved is their attitude and motives for their music and if it was done for the wrong reasons it’ll be burnt up. Now what he sounds like he’s talking about is unsaved musicians. Not all but, some musicians actually think they sound good, but maybe to them they do, but how many times do people pass up their music until they find something that makes them stop and say, I think I’ll hear this one out? Some music is not about God Jesus, it’s about let me entertain you That’s that. Now there are on the other hand good musicians and they to will be judged too, but they won’t hear I never knew you, they will hear will done. Everything that’s done in the Church is to edify the Church, but the main course is the teaching of the Word of God. Jesus was a teacher here on earth and He’s still teaching every time we read His Words. There were no musicians when Jesus started His Church, there we’re worshipers, they all sang hymns, Jesus even sang hymns with his disciples and gave them a good example of what true worship was. Keep this in mind God accepts to humble and rejects the proud.
@vinnyjr7029 4 ай бұрын
You need to pay your music ministry team! As There are many music ministers living in poverty while others are handing around the plates and baskets and forgetting their music ministers! Preach on this. Stop exploiting your musicians. A worker deserves his wages.. ⛪💭
@daysofnoah 4 ай бұрын
Ridiculous.. Gospel musicians can do nothing without the Holy Spirit. It is HE who lifts up congregations in worship, not a gospel musician. Humble yourself.. Your post is as carnal as it gets.
@casaterris4527 4 ай бұрын
Great podcast. Thank you. I do believe you must forgive everyone, especially in the church. Music is a ministry. If the spirit isn't in the room, it's time to move on.
@JTFuller 4 ай бұрын
This was extremely POWERFUL my friend.. Outstanding message.. I love the way you broke this down.. You are absolutely right, WE do have responsibility with being saturated with The Word.. I love this dude.. Amen..
@BryantWalker-m6e 4 ай бұрын
You should play some Slayer to offset all the christian stuff. Balance young Padawan.
@marksepulveda9841 4 ай бұрын
There are many that never realize they are sinner’s and receive the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ’s death on the cross and resurrection from the dead, for the world’s sin nature. Many have a false conversation . And many who do come to faith in Jesus Christ never put their flesh to death and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. So we become very puffed up and prideful given a position when we are immature , babies in the Lord. Been there. If one is His then He/God will correct you or even set you down…. This is one of the reasons we have leaven in the body of Christ. It’s only inclusive if you are born again by the Spirit of God . Which you receive at true salvation . Ephesians 1. You have eternal life and cannot lose it.
@MarqGeorge 4 ай бұрын
Can we play any style of music we choose as long as we feel our hearts are right? Can we worship God however we choose as long as we feel our hearts are right? Can we dance however we choose as long as we feel our hearts are right? Can we produce any videos we choose as long as we feel our hearts are right? Can we say anything we choose as long as we feel our hearts are right? Or should we consult God's word as to what He wants us to choose? Shouldn't every thing we do be so different from the world that people know that what they see, hear, taste, smell, and touch is completely different, because we are sanctified of the Lord? I can't even tell the difference between the profane and the sacred in today's churches, you can't tell if you're at a secular rock concert, a pagan temple, or even a satanic temple, as everything looks, sounds, tastes, smells and feels the same. Amos 5:21 “I hate, I despise your feasts, and I take no delight in your solemn assemblies. 22 Even though you offer me your burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them; and the peace offerings of your fattened animals, I will not look upon them. 23 Take away from me the noise of your songs; to the melody of your harps I will not listen.
@JimTysonFury 4 ай бұрын
If you're playing music you're doing alright .... As long as you're playing good and you can really play
@SofiaisSunshine 4 ай бұрын
Its my understanding that Jesus was referring to false teachers and false apostles in that scripture But. It is applicable in the church today. In fact I refuse to go back to any church I visit that turns their service into a rock concert. Thats all church has become. Entertainment. A concert. So yes I think the change needs to come from the musicians directly. Stop playing this way in the house of God. Im so blessed I have Jesus and can dwell in His word without attending these ridiculous services.
@marvelletyson6581 4 ай бұрын
Oooooooweeee you are preaching, I’m from Memphis Tn and we’re considered the Bible Belt. So the spirit of religion is so prevalent here, this is literally my hearts cry to musicians in my area!!!
@pagpapaitim 4 ай бұрын
Well I guess I’m suspending myself from playing for a while. There’s people in my church band that won’t even say hi to me.
@DrRachelRApe 4 ай бұрын
Jesus Christ suffered an excruciating death so he could reconcile you to the Father, he's not going to nab you on a technicality. It's good to stay vigilant but Mat 7 :22-23 is not talking about his born again saints.
@darz3829 4 ай бұрын
"gospel" definition is - "the teaching or revelation of Christ." So this is telling about the scariest Scripture for a Gospel musician. In other words, if one wants to spread the good news, don't depend on the Bible otherwise it will give you horrible nightmares.
@islandgirl024 4 ай бұрын
I love music and i know God called me to bring people closer to him through music and I don't care what any Christian says. Being a lukewarm musician is the problem. But when you are on fire and you speak the biblical truth in the music and not praise yourself then you're doing the right thing.
@Mike-yv9cq 4 ай бұрын
2 practices a week!!! whenre I'm at , we can't get one, only 1 hour before service then its go time... but ya this is a good message, thank you!
@danpowell5286 4 ай бұрын
Yeah it’s one of those videos but it’s a good word, I quit music for years because of the arrogance factor but then realized that even though I was punishing my ego I was also being disobedient by not using my gifts. Yeah, much is required regardless of what we consider as a solution. The gifts are to be used for His glory.
@ridge3642 4 ай бұрын
Fear tactics do not work. Falling in love with Jesus is the only way to go and we love Him because He first loved us. We also need to stop worrying so much about just punching our ticket to heaven and be Kingdom minded and know what the Father has saved us for right now, in this moment.
@redrockballa 4 ай бұрын
2 many thinking their bigger than GOD they think church is all about them whoa unto them i’ve seen the Lord take gifts away from arrogant people
@AliJehReik 4 ай бұрын
Beautiful word brother. Been watching you since i was 13 years old. I'll be 28 in July. Your videos on music have taught me much about music. Thank you for that! Shalom to you and blessings upon you and your family.
@RigworldEnterprise 3 ай бұрын
Religion isn't Christianity... Rituals isn't Christianity, pharisees would have gone to heaven on that alone if so. Dont be blinded by routine n going through the motions. Without consistent repentance n obedience.
@ChicoBlack 4 ай бұрын
Jamal Hartwell Thank you For sharing the word of God help my journey and Path , Faith always Pleasure To hear God Bless My Good Friend ^ Producer Chico Black
@ChicoBlack 4 ай бұрын
thank you god bless
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Рет қаралды 5 М.
Are You Taking the Word of God Seriously? | Paul Washer
Apologia Bros
Рет қаралды 814 М.
Learning to Like Contemporary Christian Music (the music I hate)
I NEVER Felt Like Reading The Bible (How I Changed)
Orlando Kang
Рет қаралды 264 М.
SHATTERED - Tearing Down Idols Pt 3
Vision Church Kansas City
Рет қаралды 25
Message to Musicians Dealing with Depression
Gospel Musicians
Рет қаралды 3,8 М.
Spot The Difference, Win $10,000
Рет қаралды 43 МЛН
Рет қаралды 4 МЛН
Хитрый Игорь!😂 #юмор #спорт #игра
Petr Savkin
Рет қаралды 2,4 МЛН