The Science of Curing Aging | Aubrey de Grey, PhD | Talks at Google

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Talks at Google

Talks at Google

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@cardano-1 6 жыл бұрын
how many time does Grey has to speak at Google before they realize SENS is a good project to support
@jonwise3419 6 жыл бұрын
Google has their own anti-aging project "Calico", so they indeed invest in anti-aging research - they just prefer to do it themselves for whatever reason (perhaps for profit or ideological reasons, the latter meaning that Calico takes a very long-term approach of purely gaining more broad knowledge about the biology of aging versus SENS that tries to reach for lowing hanging fruits first).
@rhyothemisprinceps1617 6 жыл бұрын
mitoSENS doesn't seem like low-hanging fruit to me. I hope they work more on amyloid 54:28 , if that's what the 'wall of death' is made of...
@incognitotorpedo42 6 жыл бұрын
Everyone in the modern anti-aging community is pretty disappointed with Calico and their approach. Low probability of success. A shame; now they're occupying Google's "spot" in this field. Google should have done something more SENS-like.
@curtseed11 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah Aubrey keeps hyping up Unity and showing his disgust in Calico's performance. The way mlm I see it is both were basically started around the same time. I'm expecting another decade before we hear some type of insignificant medical breakthrough.
@Botanifiles 3 жыл бұрын
Something we can all do to expedite the science on this is either donate to SENS directly, or at the very least set them as your nonprofit to donate to through AmazonSmile and Amazon will give them 0.5% of every purchase you make at no cost to you. Also we should all write Google and tell them to invest in him already!
@maxwelldillon4805 4 жыл бұрын
Fantastic, this guy is working on something so important.
@dennisfink2619 6 жыл бұрын
Love your work Aubrey! One suggestion, if you are going to address CVD you should at least mention the great work of Dr. Dean Ornish and his group!
@jandersen6802 2 жыл бұрын
Looking forward to the future now!
@whatthefingA 6 жыл бұрын
Lol I love the rants near the end.
@brewhog 6 жыл бұрын
46:07 "Of course it's not fucking science! It's technology!". I love that reaction. His anger/frustration is just years of accumulating bullshit fear from the scientific community.
@gobofraggel7383 3 жыл бұрын
If your brain could be placed in a fluid with oxygen and nutrients and connected to a neural interface which allows you to live in a virtual world inhabited with other people like you for the next 500 years but you had to do it while you are in your 30's and give up your body permanently, would you do it? or would you live out your life and age instead?
@videosforcatsanddogs214 3 жыл бұрын
Oof. Tough choice. I don't know. But I can almost guarantee you that there are a lot of people that will.
@Junglebtc 2 жыл бұрын
Done sign me up
@sudo-apt-upgrade-brain Жыл бұрын
Too drastic change. It will be happening a lot smoother probably. Our believes will be slowly adapting.
@BrunoPadilhaOficial Жыл бұрын
Great lesson by professor Dumbledore, always so wise.
@treemonster-xy7in44 4 жыл бұрын
Here is a suggestion for Google, why not donate yearly to the SENS Research Foundation? 😘
@Skywalker1369 3 жыл бұрын
“So I switched fields”
@keithhunt8 6 жыл бұрын
Uploading your consciousness is great if you think the world can't do without you and you want to ensure that it keeps a copy of you, but its not you, your still bound to your body.
@Junglebtc 2 жыл бұрын
Your consciousness is you though or what is essentially you . I mean if you could move your consciousness into a computer upload it you would exist in the parameters of the simulation?
@keithhunt8 2 жыл бұрын
@@Junglebtc That would not be you. That would be a copy of you.
@sudo-apt-upgrade-brain Жыл бұрын
@@keithhunt8 If you remove your brain and move it to another body. Would that be you? Probably yes. Nothing tells us there's something else besides neurons in your brain. No speculation needed.
@keithhunt8 Жыл бұрын
@@sudo-apt-upgrade-brain But, that isn't what is being discussed. Creating a digital copy of your consciousness, is just that, a copy. Interestingly enough, I've even heard neurologist argue that even the taking the brain, isn't enough. They claim that removing the brain from the rest of the body, especially the endocrine aystem would fundamentally change who you are. I never would have thought about that, but it makes sense, a lot of our feeling, especially the more potent ones are chemically driven. Therefore, even to make an accurate digital copy, you would have to provide additional programming or hardware to simulate at least your complex endocrine system.
@sudo-apt-upgrade-brain Жыл бұрын
@@keithhunt8 It's very hard to tell what is you and what is consciousness, thus, hard to know what can affect it. I just made a comment to let you know that we don't have to necessarily copy ourselves, we can just sustain the brain. Whether it's enough to keep our consciousness or not, I don't know. We have to keep researching and improving our understanding.
@drewmcnomnomnomnomnom4641 6 жыл бұрын
A little bit hard to follow. I think his talk would benefit from more layman terms to make the technical jargon more digestible. Thanks for the talk!
@qones3574 6 жыл бұрын
It's certainly a hard talk to give, I found his older and shorter talks to be really useful, like Ted Talks.
@egor.okhterov 6 жыл бұрын
The talk was too basic. I was expecting him to go into details as he was talking to the googlers and not the general public.
@cityplanconsultores2188 3 жыл бұрын
1,25 is better speed
@johnstfleur3987 2 жыл бұрын
@mace9930 6 жыл бұрын
The problem is a physics problem. All damage to the body can be attributed to entropy. It may be possible to repair body systems using a mechanistic approach, but radiant youth will not be established that way. It may be that aging is 100% due to entropy, and that if that entropy was dealt with, the body would revert back to a youthful form. You have to notice the difference between a youthful body and mind and an aged body and mind. The amount of energy flow through the body is the crucial difference. Even the breakdown of the telomeres can be traced down to entropic influence. Essay: Atoms are subject to rust, rot, and degeneration. However, if you constantly run an electric current through a piece of metal, the process of rusting will take much longer. Running energy through matter can achieve this same result for other substances too. Matter is a high entropy substance, but applying coherent energy to it can make a difference. In our bodies the condition of advancing entropy is temporarily offset by ingesting food, which provides energy to cells and reinforces their structure. Energy is also replenished by the sleep cycle, and by energy chakras that take energy from the sea of energy present in the world and also spiritual dimensions. Matter may not be as connected to vital energy fields, when compared to the human spirit. Matter's connection to energy fields may be weak and objects made of matter may be compartmentalized and mainly cut off, like separated, discrete islands. Pieces of matter have a propensity to rub against each other randomly in the environment (or external energy impacts the matter indirectly from various sources), causing destructive friction and descent into entropic disorder. Energy circulation and influx systems are combating this tendency in the body, but eventually they fail. The deterioration of the telomeres is an example of this, the telomeres eventually decay because of entropy's influence and failure of body energy systems. It seems that the body is not receiving enough energy as it gets older, which is really what causes the breakdown into entropy. The resulting disorder manifests as missing bits of telomere DNA code that pass into evaporation. When available energy in the body is at a low state, it is closer to entropy, and thus degeneration. What the body needs is a constant supply of energy in order to keep it intact. Energy must be running through all parts of the body, every cell and DNA strand, on a constant basis. This is not a simple task. The consciousness of the person must be adapted to permit this, or overstimulation of the mind will lead to madness. The amygdala, or pituitary gland, can receive energy from energy resources that extend beyond our Universe. When a coherent resonance state of energy in the body is reached, time will slow down for the person and even timeless reality can be experienced. Spontaneous teleportation and time travel avenues may open up for a body so enhanced. Entropy may reverse, and negatropy may ensue, which is the state of coherent, high energy resonance, accumulating energy flow, and interconnection. All energy converges at a high energy state, so when enough subtle energy is passing through the body normal parameters of physics will no longer apply. Stability will increase, rather than abate. The process is not without risk, as many phenomena will rapidly be encountered, but who said that living forever would be boring. Once the body is exposed to a high energy resonance reality it may explore various pockets of resonance, that ultimately comprise the energy continuum. In conclusion, energy and the connection to energy fields is the means to immortality. Our body, in its current state of matter, is subject to erosion. Circulation of energy through the body is thus necessary to delay the aging process. The energy has many safe sources, energy from food, sunlight, chi energy, kundalini, energized water, minerals. The answer to longevity will likely not come through a pill or therapy, but by enabling the body to receive enough life giving energy so it is made stable when high energy resonance is attained. Extreme longevity is somewhat the realm of the spiritual hero or science fiction adventurer, but it may be feasible. The implications of supreme longevity are radical. Understanding regenerative Physics is the means to discovering how longevity can be extended indefinitely. Consciousness and its connection to source energy completely circumvents entropy, reversing decomposition and maintaining stability. Deliberate commitment to focused, high energy resonance and interconnection to energy fields can lead to eternal life. Relying on virtually disconnected and detached matter will eventually lead to death. Energy does not have to always flow downhill, it can flow uphill into higher dimensions. The mind is the prime engine of this upwards action. Energy can flow both downhill and uphill, in a feedback circuit of interdependence and escalating dynamics. Once the body and mind are firmly plugged into the spiritual energy flow and are receiving copious energy, the accessible niches of experience are interminable. Opening and exposing the human physical body (or any other piece of matter) to a burgeoning stream of spiritual energy will cause the matter to act in manners that are not typical of its usual virtually sealed off condition. Exposure will strengthen and augment matter so treated. Interconnection is positively correlated with coherence, when interconnection is improved coherence increases. Harmony between interconnected entities is the synthesis.
@cityplanconsultores2188 3 жыл бұрын
aubrey de grey: science rasputin
@Anudeep842 Жыл бұрын
Bitcoin investment 👌 This world created just for you to Enjoy ,be happy relax
@rhyothemisprinceps1617 6 жыл бұрын
The following comments are intended to be constructive criticism. In another talk Dr de Grey stated that he finds the idea of access to life-extension therapies being limited by wealth inequality to be ''the most specious argument'. It is neither specious nor is it an argument against radical life extension technology - what it is is the status quo. Right now people in many countries live shorter lives simply because they do not have access to health care. In the US prior to the Affordable Care Act, an estimated 45,000 deaths per annum were attributable to lack of access (1). The prospect of a large difference in the average life-expectancy between the wealthy and the working class and poor is something that should be discussed as it is better to try to develop solutions as soon as possible if we are to avoid social unrest. The willingness to confront problems that could arise with a new technology does not indicate an overall objection to the technology itself; I'm much in favor of pervasive automated driving technology as it will likely save over 30k lives yearly in the US alone, but I am not going to deny to anyone that it will also result in the loss of as many as 5 million jobs (2). As for the overpopulation/carrying capacity issue - again, this is the status quo. Dr de Grey feels that the inequality of access to life extension technology issue will be obviated in an age of superabundance brought about by new technologies - I do not see the connection. At this point in time we have enough food to feed everyone. The reason why people face food insecurity or are malnourished is due to unequal distribution, and in our present age, people starve to death when food is used as a weapon of war (as it has been used since the beginning of warfare). New technologies of the kind predicted by Ray Kurzweil won't necessarily make societies more equitable; they could, perhaps - but it is not a given. { Perhaps we will face mass starvation in the relatively near term due to genuine undersupply if the vagaries of climate change cause massive crop failures - it would only take one bad season. } (1) (2)
@jonwise3419 6 жыл бұрын
You make a valid argument. I think, however, that inequality will not play a big role in life extension, because fundamentally nothing prevents the cost of a treatment being extremely cheap, especially gene therapy. Even if you look now, you can buy almost any molecule in bulk from Chinese suppliers (because they don't respect patent laws you're buying for the price it takes to synthesize it + their work) and in 99% of cases it's less than 100$ for a big enough supply. There are exceptions like peptides, because they are more vulnerable to degradation and require special transport and more care. Most expensive drugs are usually expensive because of intellectual property, not due to the cost of their synthesis. Crispr was first invented in 2012-13. Right now you can already get a CRISPR kit for $150. This is despite the fact that there is very low demand for it - an average Joe doesn't want a CRISPR kit. The way I think about it is that molecules of life are extremely abundant, so cost is fundamentally about shuffling those elements around to construct a new molecule. With genes it's even simpler, because the same method that is used to construct one RNA/DNA sequence can be used to construct another one. So when a new gene therapy treatment comes, it's basically just information. I don't think anti-aging will make inequality seem worse than it is already now. 3.4 million people, mostly children, die annually because they don't have access to clean water - they don't even die due to aging. If millions of children dying due to lack of access to clean water doesn't cause civil unrest, then anti-aging treatment surely won't. One personal criticism I have towards Aubrey is his dismissal of overpopulation concerns. Overpopulation concerns me greatly. I can understand Aubrey's dismissal of overpopulation, because it pollutes his message and he wants his message to be clear. But we have to be honest that there is an optimal amount of people on this planet that will maximize the well-being of everyone living. Two extreme cases are you living completely alone with a lot of resources and being unhappy or you having to live in an insanely crowded city in a room with 20 other people with it and being unhappy. Somewhere in between there is an optimal amount where everybody is as happy as they can be. I would say we ALREADY passed that amount. It would be unwise to continue growing population as long as this planet can theoretically sustain it (it can sustain a lot, especially if we urbanize beautiful nature spots, completely crowd any travel destination, and more than that, if we pack people like farm animals). We don't need at least 10 billion people in a future with high degree of automation. In fact, if 5 billion of them would suddenly disappear into another dimension I can imagine that the rest 5 billion would be more happy. But I could be wrong, perhaps the optimal amount is larger, even despite that most of physical and mental labor will be done by AIs. The main issue here is that the mistake of going over that optimal number is irreversible. We can almost make more people if we discover that making more will increase average well-being of a person on this planet, but we can't reverse overpopulation. If we make 50 billion people who live 2000 years and discover that 1 billion would be enough, then tough luck, we'll have to live with it for the rest of foreseeable future (space travel doesn't solve it, because even if population growth is completely halted, even simply going 10x overboard, will imply that we need 10 more planets, then if every person on those planets has one baby, we'll need 20 total planets, then 40, 80, 160; creating "immortal" people ad infinitum is never sustainable). So we should always error on the side of lower population. When people suddenly start living thousands of years and when society never had a honest discussion about population, it seems inevitable that we'll make more people than we need. And the degree of the error that we can make seems unconstrained, because in the most extreme case we could be dealing with exponential growth even in western countries where they was previously a declining demographic.
@rhyothemisprinceps1617 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your thoughtful and thought-provoking commentary. I hope you are correct about the cost issue. On certain forums I see people are organizing group purchases of substances such as GDF-11 for the purpose of self-experimentation; I worry about adverse reactions, but am also eager for their reports. I wonder about the level of quality control testing (did they test for all possible contaminants?), dosing, and possible interactions. Regulations may hamper such purchasing in the future - after all the struggle for access to cannabis, even with its outstanding risk/benefit profile and long history of use, continues. In the US, access to Rx drugs is certainly f'ed up. A couple of years ago I tried to get an Rx filled for my ocular rosacea; they wanted to charge me $300/month for a doxycycline-based Rx (I have insurance, but a high-deductible for things not on the rather limited formulary list) - it has been off-patent for years! You're right to point out the clean water issue. There are a lot of terrible situations around the world that ought to provoke moral outrage but for some strange reason do not. I wonder if it something along the lines of a particularly pernicious belief system I encountered growing up in the Bible belt. I had a middle school teacher (science class, no less!) implicate victims of tornadoes in their own tragic losses - they must have done some wrong, committed some sin - or God would not have punished them so. It could apparently be passed through the generations, the 'sins of the father'... Now I see something similar by dogmatic vegan advocates; if a vegan gets sick, well, they must have been secretly scarfing bacon or some such nonsense. As for carrying capacity - post-singularity technology will expand it (if we don't crash before it gets here) though by how much? Advanced AI will likely come up with the answer, but until then, you are correct - limiting reproduction is the prudent course of action. I think it quite possible we could wind up literally bumping into each other; Ray Kurzweil has suggested most people won't need much physical space to inhabit since they will be hooked up to some sort of Matrix-style virtual reality system. The thought does not appeal to me. I've always loved nature and the realization that there is not one square centimeter of the earth's surface that has not been affected by human habitation was quite difficult for me. Like Chris McCandless, I've often wanted wander out into the wilderness and be, for a while, truly alone.
@jonwise3419 6 жыл бұрын
scotty3861: Firstly, you're missing the per-round-of-division part of the formula. Bacterial growth in a test tube is exponential precisely because bacteria don't just divide once, same bacteria continue dividing + new ones now can divide as well. If we all have one child at 25-30 and then NEVER EVER have children in a thousands of years for the rest of our lives, then yes it will be linear. If we each have two children per 50 or even 500 years then it will be exponential with the exponential step size of 50 or 500 years respectively. Even each of us having one child per 500 years will lead to exponential growth - just relatively slow one. In other words, if the growth will indeed be exponential with 50 years per round, then at 2150 the planet can half full, at 2200 it will be completely full and at 2050 it will be only at 1/4 capacity with no danger in sight. You see the danger in this scenario, because in exponential growth the time between catastrophic overpopulation and half the planet still available is relatively short and unintuitive. And the mistake is impossible to correct EVER, unless whole new planets are found with same carrying capacity and the mistake is not repeated there. Secondly, the whole point is that this problem can sneak up on us, precisely because all projections are based on the fact that a) all people are dying b) nearly all females have short reproductive window that doesn't extend to their whole lifespan. All scientific models are fully based on those assumptions. The point is that both a and b assumption will eventually become false and they are likely to become false at the same moment, because increasing healthspan will likely entail having biotech at the level where reproductive period can be increased across whole lifespan. I'm not arguing that it's a definite blueprient for Armageddon, because it's possible that with increased reproductive period and dramatically increased lifespans people and, in particular, females, will decide to have children a lot later, lets say, after they are 50 and then change their mind and not have children at all. If they indeed have children after 50 and then they never have children again, then it will not lead to exponential growth. If they have children again, then it will be an exponential growth with a step of 50 years or 100 years, depending on how many they have each time: two or one.
@royzlatanestevez9843 3 жыл бұрын
I realized I'm in the pro aging trance. It's so good. Better than facing the reality of magical and all-powerful aging that we can't solve. This Aubrey de Grey, he is going to be dragged into dementia and incontinence by senescence long before he can cure master aging. Nobody can. Senectus won't allow it. Let's all get in the pro aging trance. What other options do we have? None.
@itsrx870 2 жыл бұрын
Said like a true ignorant fool.
@royzlatanestevez9843 2 жыл бұрын
@@itsrx870 Oh, you are far along already. In a few years, you will be too demented to even understand what you wrote there.
@itsrx870 2 жыл бұрын
@청ずらたん Sure if that helps you sleep at night✌️
@invosingularity7120 5 жыл бұрын
This man literally killing himself working on longevity..
@MattsYoutubeChannel 6 жыл бұрын
He looks like he just woke up on a curb and walked in to give a speech
@matthewlake182 6 жыл бұрын
He travels around the world a lot.
@MattsYoutubeChannel 6 жыл бұрын
Therefore he has no other choice than to present himself as a bum.
@tostentwo 6 жыл бұрын
@RationalAnimations 6 жыл бұрын
Well said Morty *burp*
@chronokoks 6 жыл бұрын
I dont really get what he's saying about the telomeres. What he says is not entirely true. Skin tissue grown in petri dish with activated telomerase (adn therefore longer telomeres) looked much more "young" and resilient than the one without. Aubrey kind of really avoids the whole "telomere paradox"... he's way too scared of cancer to think clearly on this topic... sort of cognitive dissonance on his part.
@alyarin9000 6 жыл бұрын
AFAIK, Aubrey's idea with oncoSENS is that while telomerase will no longer be expressed, most cells will retain long telomeres due to constant infusion of telomerase.
@chronokoks 6 жыл бұрын
Geron has published some results of their telomerase inhibitor for blood cancer patients.. while it exactly caused the predicted anemia as also Aubrey acknowledged in this presentation, the results they were after are somewhat of a mixed bag.. but it does seem to be positive.. wonder what the stock prices will do in future
@alyarin9000 6 жыл бұрын
Depends on how effective CAR-T is VS oncoSENS, I suppose. I'd predict oncoSENS will defeat more cancers faster than CAR-T, but CAR-T (with oncoSENS in the actual CAR-T cells) is the long-term investment choice
@r.b.4611 6 жыл бұрын
He doesn't avoid the telomere issue, he has said that telomere rejuvenation therapies will have beneficial effects, but he is not betting on that being the long term solution because at the moment when we re-lengthen telomeres we also create a whole bunch of cancer, because cells that were going to become cancer, but died due to their telomeres can survive longer and create problems.
@chronokoks 6 жыл бұрын
It's not proven "we create" cancer by relenghtening telomeres.. so yeah .. what else do you have to add?
@TheKetsa 6 жыл бұрын
He looks aged...
@Arcamedi1 6 жыл бұрын
Iv been seeing this guys for years, listened to most of his talks and I still don’t know what he does, at least with Liz Parrish, she is pushing her product with trails and tests where is the proof that this guy does anything seems to be the same talk year after year
@povijestpovijest9569 6 жыл бұрын
@lncerante 6 жыл бұрын
You didn't watch the whole talk, he clearly stated at least three recent papers and animal trials.
@DharmendraRaiMindMap 6 жыл бұрын
Wow ! Instead of aging if he focusses on communicating better - he 'd live much longer
@prdragon47 6 жыл бұрын
Shutup Fool.
@rodrigomadrid9039 6 жыл бұрын
chronok with that attitude you’ll not be able to live forever. You need to accept people’s opinions and relax
@matthewlake182 6 жыл бұрын
Aubrey has been working tirelessly for many years and even putting a huge amount of his own money into researching and developing ways to improve health and reverse aging. I hope that Google and tech entrepreneurs will see how important the work Aubrey is doing. It's unbelievable to me that SENS hasn't got all the money it needs yet, despite being one of the most common sense approaches to solving aging. It should be so obvious that it would be one of the fastest ways to go about curing aging, and one where we can more easily verify the efficacy of treatments in a short period of time. I wish Aubrey and everyone working on aging the very best for 2018 and beyond!
@slightlygruff 6 жыл бұрын
From their site it's clear they (like Calico) aren't really doing that much even with the money they have
@susanbrown8018 6 жыл бұрын
For 17 yrs, he is giving the same speech and asking for more money. Always blames the funding for his incompetence. All he does is rant in every speech, lots of talk, no action!!! Shame on you Aubrey the Grey for calling your self scientist!
@matthewlake182 6 жыл бұрын
Actually, they have been making progress, especially in recent years. To say they have not taken "action" is disingenuous. I've also followed Aubrey for around the same time, and I've seen the shift in attitudes towards his ideas. The first step in getting people to even acknowledge what he was saying was clearly very difficult. However, if you actually bothered to listen to the talk, he cites papers that have been published from work done in the lab based around SENS targets. And also the start up of companies' from his work to help make it more palatable for investors to invest, as they'll see a return on these investments based what he's talking about.
@Michael-4 6 жыл бұрын
We are certainly on the cusp of major breakthroughs in rejuvenation technology. I'm sure if you are wealthy enough you will benefit from it physically and financially. hopefully it will trickle down to the masses assuming governments and pharmaceutical companies allow it.
@chronokoks 6 жыл бұрын
People, doctors and even scientists laughed at Aubrey all those years ago. But with many of breakthroughs of the recent years he was shown to be right. Everybody is starting to take aging really seriously especially with the blunders done in Alzheimer research. Everybody understands he's not a top scientists but he started to pave a way where there was none. So he's due some credit. Of course he's asking for money.. that's what every researcher (especially in the field of medicine) does. But he ASKS MONEY SO HE CAN GIVE IT TO OTHER COMPANIES/GROUPS WHICH DO RESEARCH! That is what his SENS foundation is about.. it funds other people's research.. that was the mission! It is registered as a public charity and says it funds research at unversities and their own little research center. So yea you're overly emotional and irational... women are really more hysterical.
@FrF 6 жыл бұрын
Many thanks to Dr. de Grey for his vision and inspiration! By his own account, he leads a rather stressful, work-intensive life which is driven by the burning ethical imperative to bring to fruition therapies for the diseases of aging as soon as possible. I have no trouble believing that organizing research, fundraising, public speaking, and shepherding an ever-growing non-profit is quite a Herculean task!
@cm88388 6 жыл бұрын
I see a lot of comments saying "I hope the rich Google people give him money", but unless you're already donating yourself I think that's missing the point - every dollar's not a case of $40m or nothing. I donate a small amount weekly to SENS that I can afford, and you can too :)
@gottawuvit8989 6 жыл бұрын
Guys we can't wait and hope aging research comes along fast enough anymore. The Internet is grouping up at the Healthspan discord to help accelerate the rate at which these technologies advance, feel free to come join
@ES-hq5ez 6 жыл бұрын
cheers buddy
@Inferno957841236 6 жыл бұрын
Yes yes thanks for sharing
@julianconcha7641 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks man
@Jotto999 5 жыл бұрын
Our culture makes up dumb reasons for why aging is somehow a good thing. Population control? That's one of the most inefficient, cruel, costly ways to get population control I can think of. We've had declining fertility for decades; whatever struggles we get from not having aging, it won't compare to everyone dying. People in the future will be horrified at the things we told ourselves to rationalize aging.
@ekaterinavalinakova2643 6 жыл бұрын
We can get aging under medical control within the lifespans of some of our parents. This is something I very much look forward to. Preventing aging related ill health, extending healthy timespans and ultimately longer lifespans :).
@Nicolas-uu3jr 6 жыл бұрын
I'm in
@precisionfilms3777 4 жыл бұрын
The lack funding to the research of our very existence and how to preserve our existence as absolutely astonishing. I have asked myself this very question many of times. Look at the amount of money spent for meaningless entertainment. I would gladly donate to this research endeavor. I think its absolutely baffling that there is a shortage of funds at all. WERE TALKING ABOUT THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT THING FATHABLE PEOPLE.
@videosforcatsanddogs214 3 жыл бұрын
I know. It is as if one is hanging on the edge of a cliff and not doing anything about it! Conquering aging should be the number one problem to solve in the world. I think the main problem is that people are stuck in their old paradigm that somehow getting old and dying is a good thing. Yet, they are positive to curing cancer etc. People are crazy.
@glowinthedark9082 2 жыл бұрын
and these people are retarded. they don't realise using pharmacy and going to doctor is "unnatural" itself. If they're concerned about that
@sudo-apt-upgrade-brain Жыл бұрын
@@videosforcatsanddogs214 Have the same thoughts. People are full of double standards. They say fighting aging is against the nature and immoral, and at the same time using the latest tech and pharma to cure their deseases.
@videosforcatsanddogs214 3 жыл бұрын
This will become the largest industry in the world.
@kallazjopatsu6846 3 жыл бұрын
World leaders eould like to have a look at this
@guarddog318 6 жыл бұрын
It's quite funny to me, hearing this now... because 40 years ago, when I was in my early teens, I read an article in a science magazine that spoke of this very subject. As I recall, it claimed that the aging process would be understood in 25 years, slowed or stopped in 50 or so, and that then the means of reversing it would be discovered in another 25 or so. I remember being quite happy about that, since it was basically telling me that I'd probably live to well past 100, not be a sickly old man for most of that time, and the be restored to a much younger state sometime after that.... provided I didn't get my dumb ass killed before then. It seems to me that Dr. de Grey is saying we're still on track for that very outcome. I wish I could remember the name of that magazine I was reading so I could look it back up, but unfortunately I don't. 40 years is a long time, after all. Probably the only reason I remember it at all was the fact I was dodging class at the time and got busted for that. lol But then I always did like science better than english class... ; - )
@ildisiri 6 жыл бұрын
Well, the fact that you cannot remember which magazine it was or who the scientist that claimed that was, tells me 2 things: Firstly, your memory starts to fade away :P Secondly, now everyone is talking about these stuff and it's not just one voice so that's good, we are getting closer. Biotech field is growing rapidly. (Probably what you read was an exaggeration/aspiration about modifying telomeres and how that could lead to life extension, as far as I know that was the biggest thing in ageing back then, which still holds true, but we lacked the technology to test that, but we don't have that problem now and we will know for sure if that kind of approach works in a few years.
@guarddog318 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah, the memory does start to go as we age, especially when you throw 30 years of marriage into the mix. : - / Honestly, about the only thing that stuck in my mind about the article was the speculation of the time period it would take. I don't recall any technical information concerning the "how or why", though I'm sure it was there. And yes, telomeres was the focus of attention back then. I'm sure if I could figure it out and find the magazine, the whole thing would only be of value in regard to the amount of laughs it would cause now. Edit: One other thing I find... funny? 40 years after I read that first article, I find myself listening to a person tell me about how it's all on track to be true... someone who is exactly *one day* younger than I am.
@ildisiri 6 жыл бұрын
Lol, good shit my dude! Hope you find that magazine/article in the end and share it with us. Yeah, I mean telomeres are hard science and was the popular thing back then but all kinds of snake oils over the years were promising eternal youth and stuff so you can finds lots of things like that if you start going back so I don't blame any1 that is skeptical about this field, but thankfully this IS science, so let's keep following it and supporting it and see where this leads us. Also, if I was one day older than Aubrey I would think that I am in "good hands" because he is spearheading this and be sure that as soon as something certain and safe can be done about aging and age-related diseases he will be the first one to try it and you will be able to compare his health and appearance to yours and get ur conclusions from this. Just another way of looking at it. Be well man.
@stepananokhin693 5 жыл бұрын
"aging process would be understood in 25 years, slowed or stopped in 50" - Aubrey's approach is exactly the opposite. Understanding, slowing down and stopping aging is extremely complex task. It will hardly be solved in observable future. Repairing damage is much intellectually easier and we already have all necessary technology to approach this simpler problem.
@kral3046 4 жыл бұрын
When do you think Longevity Escape Velocity will be reached?
@dannyrosenberg4175 6 жыл бұрын
Someone with world changing view on the worlds biggest subject at the most impactful institution. 125 views
@livinagoodlife 6 жыл бұрын
Vitalik brought me here.
@simonhill6267 6 жыл бұрын
Ryan Martin from where?
@johnhammer8668 6 жыл бұрын
From where ? make it a double linked list
@Peter-jx7lx 4 жыл бұрын
Aubrey is just amazing, he cuts through all the bullshit
@TheoriesOnNatureOfReality 6 жыл бұрын
I think I became his fan watching this video. Using swear words rightly, in making impactful points. One of the best speeches ever.
@patgray5402 6 жыл бұрын
I would give you all of my money if you could make me biologically 20 again.
@billmee4628 5 жыл бұрын
Luke William yeah I wish. Boy would I change things.
@SubjectMRF37 5 жыл бұрын
I’m 21. Any advice for me? How old are you guys if you don’t mind me asking!
@nikw3026 5 жыл бұрын
@@SubjectMRF37 I'm not that much older than you - but bang as many women as you can, take as many chances career wise as you can right now. Also take care of your family and treat them well - especially your parents. They won't be around forever.
@LeeMaitland 5 жыл бұрын
@@SubjectMRF37 three things mate, health, wealth and happiness. Find something you love doing and do it until you can get paid loads for it. Stay healthy, you can really enjoy life later on in retirement, the same as when you are young, as long as you take preventative measures now, so no smoking, junk food or drugs. Live below your means and invest the difference regularly for the long term, in passive index funds, if you leave the money there you'll be shocked how your wealth will grow over time by itself. Ignore the news, the world is getting better every year by almost every metric, and don't get stuck in the trap of constant improvement, choose a lifetime goal, fill in the goals to get there and once you achieve your goal, celebrate and enjoy it. Best of luck, you're already asking the right questions.
@bruhray1139 5 жыл бұрын
I'm 17 can you guys help me out
@heptadecagon 6 жыл бұрын
Just thought I'd add some corrections to the transcript. If the channel master sees this, please fix! (I can also guess how much work it might be to subtitle a video, and so mistakes are bound to happen. It's also possible this is not a complete list of corrections.) 26:15: [inaudible] --> "same deal" 35:51: contamination --> decontamination 39:05: contamination --> decontamination 40:47: [inaudible] --> grandees 44:43: really rejuvenated --> re-rejuvenated 46:32: math --> maths (British) 47:32: happening right now? --> replace question mark with period. 54:40: [inaudible] --> Arigos 1:04:37: cells that are spinning? --> cells that are splitting 1:12:53: That's the kind of what we think about. --> That's the kind of the way we think about it. 1:14:41: alter your tumor threat or anything? --> alter your telomere thread or anything? 1:14:53: that telomerase shortening could have in aging. -> that telomere shortening could have in aging.
@ildisiri 6 жыл бұрын
thank you for your work!
@heptadecagon 6 жыл бұрын
You're welcome!
@AndreySadov 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you from us - whose native language is not English! :) :) :)
@heptadecagon 6 жыл бұрын
You're welcome! I'm glad I helped you and other non-native English speakers understand the talk better!
@julianconcha7641 5 жыл бұрын
Do you think he works with Calico? If SENS amalgamates their research with the power of Google we might be up to something huge. Maybe I'm being naive but how could I not be... I wonder if people realize we could solve our existence biggest problem.
@Ash-vt5cp 4 жыл бұрын
Aubrey has a very low opinion of Calico due to it's poor leadership and lack of direction.
@videosforcatsanddogs214 3 жыл бұрын
I think there are a lot of rich people that potentially could support Aubrey. Problem is that no one has taken the time to convince them yet.
@patricathomas6155 3 жыл бұрын
To: Dr. DeGray. Is there a way to stop or cover age spots (or liver bile). I have no gall bladder and I am 80 and pretty healthy.
@cseeger1 6 жыл бұрын
1) How long does it take to grow beard that long and 2) is there a limit to how long a beard can grow?
@stephenpitkin5492 5 жыл бұрын
That's not a beard. Those are his telomeres.
@brettiusmaximus8059 2 жыл бұрын
about a year, there does not appear to be a limit other than the breakdown of the hair from split ends.
@seriouskaraoke879 2 жыл бұрын
@@brettiusmaximus8059 --- hahahaha....God it's good knowing there other cool people out there ~kiss~
@magnusnilsson6217 6 жыл бұрын
This is of course superb!
@mikewaddell1342 5 жыл бұрын
I admire Aubrey and all his commitment . I wish I could help
@olgaiukalo 5 жыл бұрын
Everyone can help, sign up and donate, if all his supporters donate even $5 monthly he'd have the funding
@unknownchannel3141 3 жыл бұрын
A great man & a great mission.
@junkouesugi6902 6 жыл бұрын
His experiment to lengthen lab rates is promising and yes need more funding.
@Botanifiles 3 жыл бұрын
Something we can all do to expedite the science on this is either donate to SENS directly, or at the very least set them as your nonprofit to donate to through AmazonSmile and Amazon will give them 0.5% of every purchase you make at no cost to you
@59250em 6 жыл бұрын
Le professeur Aubrey de Grey a raison dans ce qu'il avance; de A à Z. Je ne comprendrai jamais pourquoi on ne donne pas suffisamment de moyens financiers à de tels chercheurs afin qu'ils puissent réellement et rapidement faire avancer la science dans leur domaine.
@briec579 5 жыл бұрын
My top advice as a chemist: no children (speed up the odometer by decades in a few years), get sleep ( minimum 6 hrs to 7 hrs max), mostly plant based diet, hard cardio one hour daily, 20-30 minutes sauna, low stress work (find what you excel at and like doing daily), keep negative people out of your life (even family members if needed), drink lots of clean water (no tap), 30 minutes relaxation (whatever that is for you), personalized supplements. No one eats everything they need daily so, blood tests to figure out what you are lacking, and moderate year round climate.
@futurez12 3 жыл бұрын
I've begun to wonder if whatever is causing us to get less and less sleep (as we age) is the key to slowing down aging, or stopping it all together. Sleep is all about repair, if we lose out on this repair time it's inevitable that our cells will accrue more and more damage. It doesn't appear to be a coincidence that sleep quantity and quality has such a strong correlation with aging and disease. I don't believe it's the other way round - that aging and disease is affecting sleep.
@utopiautopia5932 6 жыл бұрын
To fucking low of a volume to be played on mobile devices....
@lorenzokoa1280 5 жыл бұрын
The problem about this is that i dont have the money. And will love to live forever.
@quinnjones1655 3 жыл бұрын
Canvas for other disease charities! The science all synergizes. Alzheimer's? Parkinson's might be the best choice, bang-for-buck to do synergy.
@technomad4942 3 жыл бұрын
It costs more for the state to keep you alive in your final years than cure your aging, if we have Medicare by then you'll get it for free.
@squamish4244 6 жыл бұрын
We have to do something. We can't bear the burden of the HUGE number of 90-year-old Baby Boomers who will be around in 25 years without some sort of major medical breakthrough. Nursing homes, euthanasia and taxes aren't going to cut it.
@samreynolds3789 2 жыл бұрын
@nonmagicmike723 2 жыл бұрын
Just hope his recent firing won't jeopardize the research.
@motherbase3940 6 жыл бұрын
@FranciscoGonzalezHorta 6 жыл бұрын
Aging is physics. An electric or optic pulse that traverses across a transmission line ages along the path and we observe pulse distorsions mainly in amplitud (attenuation) and width (dispersion). After some acceptable distorsion, the pulse can be regenerated so that it can travel more distance. Solitons are special optic pulses that preserve their shape along large distances. So aging can be avoided or at least delayed.
@itay1722 3 жыл бұрын
56:50 only if an ultra-rich billionaire like Elon Musk or Bill Gates would get interested in this subject...
@samreynolds3789 2 жыл бұрын
Racist GATES duo, has HELPED MURDER MILLIONS of people ( SARS Co V-2 ALTERATION ) & STERILISE Millions of NonCaucasians !
@glowinthedark9082 2 жыл бұрын
Elon is a stupid maggot who thinks we all need to die. Nobody really gets the pain until we get there. These people are too stupid
@samreynolds3789 2 жыл бұрын
FIRST IMPROVE ON Himself ! 👎🏾🤨🤫
@andrepaolini3868 3 жыл бұрын
I like his vision
@lorenzokoa1280 5 жыл бұрын
I am really sick by the time. I wish that they had this technology in Norway in the place we're I lived.
@kallazjopatsu6846 3 жыл бұрын
Not just Norway, but most of Scandinavia
@lucylightbringer 2 жыл бұрын
The public are not very good at Maths
@artysurf 3 жыл бұрын
centenarians gives zero Francisco
@G3orgianSoldier 3 жыл бұрын
Gandalf the Grey.
@viktorludmila 4 жыл бұрын
Looks like the prisoner
@theultimatereductionist7592 6 жыл бұрын
Aubrey de Grey is the beard.. I mean brains... behind SENS.
@timetraveler3733 3 жыл бұрын
@kylewaddington1983 3 жыл бұрын
would love to live forever
@Gigcosassuntos-importantes4 Жыл бұрын
We want to live 509 years young because youth is a right we have and you only live once and youth is too short. the cure for aging already from the age of thirty. Promoting the cure for aging no is cheat the death but to prolong life. Since I was a child I pray for this great cure to happen.i from Guarulhos SP Brasil.inscrita dei o like. Thank .Tradução português Brasil:Queremos viver 509 anos jovens porque a juventude é um direito que temos e só se vive uma vez e a juventude é muito curta. a cura para o envelhecimento já a partir dos trinta anos. Promover a cura do envelhecimento não é contornar nem burlar a morte, mas prolongar a vida. Desde criança rezo para que essa grande cura aconteça.sou de Guarulhos SP Brasil.obrigado.inscrevi dei like
@HallyVee 9 ай бұрын
Final question's answer. "If we eliminated all heart attacks and strokes we'd really only live about 5 years longer on average." What?!? Anyone have a lecture talking about that?
@FatherGapon-gw6yo 2 ай бұрын
Adam lived to 900 and Noah to 600. The key to work on aging is to find the DNA mutations that have led to the degradation of humanity.
@bellezavudd 2 жыл бұрын
Trimming his beard will probably make him 20 yrs younger. But it might also weaken his brain power . Choices, choices...
@TheoriesOnNatureOfReality 6 жыл бұрын
The audio could have been more louder!
@theultimatereductionist7592 6 жыл бұрын
To Artificial Society: I am vegan for animal rights: i.e. for the nonhuman animals' health. As are all my friends and loved ones. Please stop pushing veganism for bullshit reasons, such as grossly exaggerated health benefits for the humans. First, what a person does that affects only them is only THEIR concern. So, a nonvegan WOULD have the right to complain about that. You SHOULD be pointing out that a nonvegan is FORCING THEIR CONSUMPTION, their lifestyle, their choices onto the ANIMALS (and the climate, to a degree) Secondly, stop pushing the naturalistic fallacy. Everything that exists is by definition natural. Rare or exceptional does not equal "unnatural". Natural does not equal good. Unnatural does not equal bad. Every urge that comes out of a human brain, to torture, to explore the frontiers of human knowledge, to gain power and become a dictator at the expense of others, to lead a quiet life, to enjoy pornography - ALL of this is NATURAL because it is produced by proteins atoms in the brain. Got it?
@BrunoPadilhaOficial Жыл бұрын
Gandalf the Grey.
@rgaleny 6 жыл бұрын
ask Jeff Bezos
@dkrz8050 6 жыл бұрын
Fucking Legend
@WaveFin 3 жыл бұрын
Just imagine you can get to work until you are 150 years of age just repeating what might seem the same day after day. Just try and live as long as you can and enjoy it as much as you can. But if it turns to shit there is a way out and you know what that is.
@raysonlogin 3 жыл бұрын
For many jobs, each day is different. In fact, by the time I am 200 years old, I think I will find more things to spend time on... I believe only 150 years of age is not enough for those who love their jobs and/or wanted to learn new things everyday.
@WaveFin 3 жыл бұрын
@@raysonlogin you have to be careful not to be swimming in your own bull $%^&
@seculair2996 2 жыл бұрын
If you get enough of your job than just look for another job.
@Junglebtc 2 жыл бұрын
@@WaveFin You do you as they say and let those of us who thirst for knowledge live on . Your previous reply speaks volumes
@WaveFin 2 жыл бұрын
@@Junglebtc I will live on but I do not intend to hang onto this body. It does not matter how long you live you die. Death and life are one. Life does not know death and death does not know life. There was infinity before you were born and there is infinity after you are born. Where are you in time there is only now and in the now you will pass.
@r.b.4611 6 жыл бұрын
Aubrey mate when are you gonna go on the Waking Up podcast with Sam Harris?
@Junglebtc 2 жыл бұрын
Good call must reach out to Sam Harris or has this happened since
@ViniciusDeFurio 6 жыл бұрын
#PhilRobertson , PHD. Chairman of the Bucephela-Albeola Studies Dept at USA.
@zeuop2972 4 жыл бұрын
We need to be immortal in order to explore this universe and find alien world.
@SpaceMetalFerrari248 4 жыл бұрын
I’m absolutely in it for immortality if or when it comes to fruition if that is what we will be rewarded... All in.
@zeuop2972 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah. Seems like they can send both of us to explore the universe once immortality will be achieved
@SpaceMetalFerrari248 4 жыл бұрын
@@zeuop2972 Life is too sacred to have it limited at all. There's far beyond so much to do in this universe.
@zeuop2972 4 жыл бұрын
@@SpaceMetalFerrari248 Damn true. And keep your champagne ready for the day when we will visit alien worlds after achieving immortality
@SpaceMetalFerrari248 4 жыл бұрын
@@zeuop2972 Don't let any deathists that are plagued by the Stockholm Syndrome convince you otherwise with their unimaginative naysaying. Nothing is too late to make history. The only way for the bad triumph is for us to do nothing. We gotta put the whole cliche "nobody lives forever" mantra to bed. Death will eventually become the "if". Even if my biologicalself does eventually die, at some point there will be technology to store my consciousness into a digital afterlife(kinda like in Black Ops 3, don't like the game much but good ideas nonetheless)
@irismartin7119 6 жыл бұрын
Go to and see our store.
@theultimatereductionist7592 6 жыл бұрын
@PuppyChasing 6 жыл бұрын
Google really needs to fire the AUDIO GUY!!! I'm on a laptop, Android would be similar. And whomever released this in this form. FIRE THEM!!! Embarrassing for google.
@andraskovacs6403 6 жыл бұрын
I thought I have problems with my ears,I had to put everything on max volume to hear anything.And I am using a PC,and headphones.
@akosw1977 6 жыл бұрын
PuppyChasing p
@Ullbritt 6 жыл бұрын
Dude they're only like the largest company in the world, what do you expect?
@MathieuHautefeuille 6 жыл бұрын
Put some headphones, it's not only mono, it's RIGHT only
@rhyothemisprinceps1617 6 жыл бұрын
Well, I would not go so far as to fire anyone; I suspect these talks are organized by volunteers. Bad audio is truly the scourge of KZbin. I had to give up on a really interesting one recently - poor audio plus a foreign accent and my central auditory processing disorder made it pretty much unintelligible: I'll try again sometime when I have more energy.
@chuprin2012 6 жыл бұрын
This narrow-minded de Gray, a Cambridge graduate, can not understand for decades that our aging has external causes, not internal ones.
@steeping 6 жыл бұрын
That is why rejuvenation therapy is not a 1-shot drug, nor does any one claim it is. Regenerate organs, which recouples resistance to external and internal stressors ->time passes, incur damage in the form of aging ->repeat
@fredericbeigbeder9119 6 жыл бұрын
he is 54 and looks like 80
@povijestpovijest9569 6 жыл бұрын
And? What's your point?
@fredericbeigbeder9119 6 жыл бұрын
if he achieves to get 200, he will look like 4.000 year old
@povijestpovijest9569 6 жыл бұрын
If he achieves to get to 200 he will look 20. That's literally the only possible way. If you were to stop aging in your 80s, and no new damage continued to accumulate, you would still probably die within a decade, as the already accumulated damage is sufficient to trigger myriad of age related diseases. He's trying to develop a rejuvenation therapies, which would periodically every few decades, fix the accumulated damage, rather than to stop or slow down the rate at which the damage accumulates
@fredericbeigbeder9119 6 жыл бұрын
yes, he is obviously definitly in need of it..........maybe just enjoy life in sensible terms (we are here for something like 60-90 years, we will die without an afterlife, that is it, enjoy and do not take things to serious
@fredericbeigbeder9119 6 жыл бұрын
he gives the impression of someone researching 30 years how humans mate without ever had sexual intercourse (still found some great theories on the topic)
@jamesray6861 6 жыл бұрын
How about the atmosphere? Wouldn’t that damage the body as well?
@carinaekstrom1 6 жыл бұрын
Why put research into how to stop arteriosclerosis when we already know that people who eat only whole food plants do not get it? Simple as can be.
@rhyothemisprinceps1617 6 жыл бұрын
While healthy lifestyle habits, including following a WFPB diet, can greatly reduce risk, it does not eliminate it; genetics and aging can override even the best dietary practices. For example, George Church, the famous geneticist and bioengineer, follows a vegan diet _and_ takes statins to control his blood cholesterol levels. Atherosclerosis is also caused by cross-linking of proteins known as glycation. This is not controllable by a vegan diet; vegetarians* have higher levels of glycation due to lack of dietary intake of taurine and carnosine from meat (I take a taurine supplement and intend to add a carnosine pre-cursor, beta-alanine). Since these supplements can only slow the rate of glycation and since the body appears to have no innate mechanism to clear these cross-linked proteins (advanced glycation end products [AGEs]) in somatic cells, a SENS approach is necessary to address the issue. *
@carinaekstrom1 6 жыл бұрын
I think there's proof that nobody has to get arteriosclerosis or atherosclerosis if they have been on a healthy plant diet most of their life. Vegan or vegetarian diets can't be assumed to be healthy without understanding in detail what people eat, and how long they've been doing it. I'm sure that even with genetically high cholesterol levels there will not be any atherosclerosis during a life span of say 90-100 years on a healthy plant diet. I don't think cholesterol itself is the main problem (if LDL to HDL ratios are good), but rather an inflammation caused by other factors (such as an intake of animal proteins). Dr. T. Colin Campbell is an example of a person with such genetically, or infant imprinted high cholesterol who still, at 83 years of age, has no atherosclerosis. No need for any extra carnosine or taurine, the body makes enough. Possibly at a very advanced age if everything else is falling apart the arteries will suffer, but if we then can fix those other systems the arteries will probably never harden or collect plaque.
@lncerante 6 жыл бұрын
As you said, that might work up to 100 years old, but after that we also want to live, and there are many other problems that diet can not prevent.
@samreynolds3789 2 жыл бұрын
Yet they TOO , STILL DIE !
@billg9502 6 жыл бұрын
I think he is right in trying to prevent aging and disease . However we are on a planet with 7.5 billion humans and 200,000 babies are born every day in the world .We live on a overpopulation planet that is out of control with global warming with a fractured jet stream . Long term habitability on the earth is not guaranteed .Professor Paul Beckwith has great lectures on youtube about how frightening our future will be . Mandatory birth control worldwide is needed . Why bring a child into a world that is polluted with carbon dioxide and methane that,s getting worse every day.
@rhyothemisprinceps1617 6 жыл бұрын
*The way to get people to actually care about the future is to have them live in it.* If people lived much longer, say 500 years on average, then the predictions of the IPCC reports (which are likely too conservative, but are generally accepted) will actually mean something to them. Many people claim to care about their descendants, but when it comes down to actually doing the things that will insure a good future for them, they don't 'walk the walk'. At least some fraction of the population does seem to care about its own future, however. I agree with Beckwith that at this point we need geoengineering solutions to deal with AGW and we need them now. Unfortunately, I find his presentation skills poor and his geoengineering proposals to be unimaginative. Mandatory birth control is probably not necessary or advisable. Simply removing social and financial incentives for mindless reproduction and insuring adequate educational opportunities and access to reproductive health care would suffice.
@lncerante 6 жыл бұрын
Many developed countries have a decreasing population, and as more countries develop. Without counting Africa, world population would start decreasing this century, counting Africa, in the 22nd century. But if we get to this mentioned escape velocity of life extension, people would have less and less children, many will head to orbiting space habitats, floating cities, deserts, the moon, Mars, etc. Even without counting space, there is enough space for us here on Earth with the future technologies de Gray mentions.
@billg9502 6 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, within a decade if the methane hydrate is released from the melting of the arctic, it is twenty times worse than Co 2 , we will not survive the increase in the temperature and its consequences . Extending the human lifespan, which the wealthy would be the only ones to afford , will not be possible and our environment will probably not be livable for humans .
@seculair2996 2 жыл бұрын
Have birth control. Comply to the Paris climate agreement.
@samreynolds3789 2 жыл бұрын
BIRTH CONTROL always PUSHED on POOR & NonCaucasians , WHY not WEALTHY & white -Caucasians ?
@golfprochen 6 жыл бұрын
Aging is a biological process. Live with it and enjoy it!
@jararacavoadora5868 3 жыл бұрын
Enjoy forgetting things, not travelling nor walking, and finally dying with heart disease or cancer or Alzheimer....or!
@seculair2996 2 жыл бұрын
Yeh, but if i can become 120 without aging that would be a hell of a lot better.
Undoing aging: Aubrey de Grey at TEDxDanubia 2013
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Frank Abagnale | Catch Me If You Can | Talks at Google
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Will his ‘rejuvenation alternative’ beat ageing? | Dr Aubrey de Grey (SENS Foundation)
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