From Chern-Simons differential geometry to k theory of Algebraic geometry[2pi*(2-3*2))=-8pi] deduce Witten's 4D self interact knot theory which in physics is self interact graviton g*m^2=137.036*(e+)=(k*e^2/e-)*g*m^2 which's by graviton g*m^2=ch/2pi : solution of GR field equation ch=8pi*g*(m*c^2/2)^2/c^4 in 4D dynamic space time oscillating between quantum black hole at Planck scale l=g*m/c^2=(h*g/2pi*c^3)^0.5 =1.616231*10^-35 meter which can deduce ch=2pi*g*m^2, proton scale pl=g(p)*(4pi*pm/3)/c^2=8.809*10^-16 meter, Atom scale A^2=g(p)*pi*me/128.4980143*c^2, generate strong force g(p)=g*m^2/pm^2=g*(pl/4.1888*l)^2=1.13*10^28, EM force between proton[pm=1.672621868*10^-27 kg], electron[me=9.10938356*10^-31 kg] in Atom[A=5.29177282*10^-11 meter] k*e^2=g(p)*pm^2/137.036=ch/(2pi*137.036)[e+]=me*(c/137.036)^2*A[e-]=4pi*g(p)*pm*me*137.036/128.51991 which can reproduce Dirac's quantum field, deduce 0.001161409725=1/(2pi*137.036) : anomalous electron magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor from potential energy of positron e+=ch/(2pi*137.036)=k*e^2 which can turn into quantum gravity 2pi*k*e^2*137.036=ch=(2*A1*137.036*pm*c^2)*(4pi*A*137.036)=En*L produce [dark] photon r=En=ch/L=chR=me*(c/137.036)^2/2=13.6*e[1.602*10^-19]=13.6*e*((1/1^2-1/2^2)+(1/2^2-1/3^2)+...+(1/n^2-1/(n+1)^2))=(h/2pi)*(f1+f2+...+fn) in negative vacuum energy of Dirac's sea[Einstein's electric photon effect], deduce weak force unite strong force g(p) with EM force k*e^2 by pm/me=1836.1527=4pi*137.036^2/128.51991=1/(4*A1*137.036^3)=(pi/(128.4980143*A*137.036))^0.5, from it can deduce 2pi*0.001161409725*(me/pm)^2=(me/pm)^2/137.036=128.4980143*A/3.1415926=2.16*10^-9=0.00116592026-0.00116591810=(0.001165920+((61-41)+(57-25))*10^-9/2) - (0.00116584719+6845*10^-7+154*10^-8+92*10^-9) : discrepancy of muon magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor between experiment data, theoretical prediction from Fermilab at 8/10/23, 85.73% ratio between muon[105 mev=(3*137.036/2)*0.511], electron[0.511 mev=me*c^2=g*m^2*137.036/A] decay from strong force by 14.27=A/(3*137.036*(A-A1))=128.51991/(3*137.036*(128.51991-128.49801421207))=128.49801421207/3^2 where A1=A*(128.4980143/128.51991)=5.2908712*10^-11 meter, vibration of 3 two dimensional Schwinger-Dyson quantum field ch=2pi*l*m*c^2[type1]=2pi*pl*pm*c^2/4.1888[type2b]=2pi*A*me*c^2/137.036[type2a] by ADS/CFT duality from 3 quantum black hole l, pl, A^2 which can compose a unique extra 6 dimensional Calabi-Yau manifold for string theory fits our universe cause Einstein's Brownian motion we can observe, deduce 2^(1/6)*ch=125 Gev : Higgs boson from it's super symmetry 1/137.036=e^2/(2*ch*p)=k*e^2/g*m^2 unite QM with GR by vacuum ch=(4.9154)^3*pm=111.4421 Gev=2pi*g*m^2=2pi*g*(137.036*up*e-/l)*(137.036*up*e+/l)[SG] at speed of light c=1/(up)^0.5 =299792458 [meter/second]where p=8.85418782*10^-12, u=4pi*10^-7 are permittivity, permeability of free space ch which is under critical mass [6^3*pm] can expand our universe, and ch have meter^3*kg/second^2 dimension can deduce Kepler law[meter^3/second^2] of orbit between planets[kg], galaxies[kg] where can found dark matter ch/3=(8*pi^2/3)*g(p)*pm*me*137.036^2/128.51991 by ch[72.13%] + ch/3[24.14%] + ch/6pi [3.83%]= En[100%], due to asymptotic freedom of strong force g(p) make outer planets, galaxies feel more gravitational force than inner one, ch/6pi=W*p/R for regular matter can emit light spectrum r=En=chR=me*(c/137.036)^2/2 by electron decay which shrink proton radius to 8.7548*10^-16 meter produce W=(8.809/8.7548)^2*80.5=81.5 Gev : weak interact massive particle[WIMP] for dark matter, oscillation between dark energy , dark matter, regular matter can deduce experiment data from Planck satellite for dark energy 68.3%=72.13-3.83, dark matter 26.8%, regular matter 4.9%, via Hilbert's quantum space deduce 3.83=(4.9-3.83)+(26.8-24.04), in bullet cluster when two galaxies collide can detect blue light for dark matter that prove Calabi-Yau manifold connect with string theory can explain anomalies at micro, macro scale.