The short life of APS Film

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The Full Frame

The Full Frame

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@MohamedIbrahimJRM Күн бұрын
The photos look great! They look vintage. I’m going to try APS 😊
@mynameisnotcory Күн бұрын
The contax aps camera was a great camera too…i found an unused roll of aps at my grandmas and really wished i had something to test it on!
@TheFullFrame35mm Күн бұрын
There’s always eBay!
@borderlands6606 2 күн бұрын
The history of film, especially Kodak, is less film for more money. 35mm to 126, 126 to 110, always with imaginary advantages. APS is in the same commercial model. What's more surprising perhaps, is how long some older formats existed. For instance, you could still buy the late-Victorian 116 format film (2 1/2" x 4 1/4") in the mid-1980s. As a kid I can remember an old dowager from the nearby posh part of town, bringing in her antiquated camera to the chemist, who would keep some film on order and load it for her.
@danielaoliveira1322 22 сағат бұрын
Great photos🤩 I have 2 aps cameras (kodak advantix T 550 & Nikon Nuvis S 2000) and 3 rools. Waiting my vacation to take photos😉
@TheFullFrame35mm 21 сағат бұрын
Good plan!
@Covernak Күн бұрын
I got this exact model because i liked the aesthetic too much. I'm sad that I can't use it but at least it looks good on the shelf. It's good to hear that you liked it. I wish we get new models like this one. Small, waterproof and easy to use
@TheFullFrame35mm Күн бұрын
Yeah a lovely little camera
@patrickrostker6693 5 күн бұрын
Got a good roll, turned out alright! What a fun little camera thats good for a swim 😂🎉
@TheFullFrame35mm 5 күн бұрын
I quite enjoyed it! Thanks for watching
@Pepsiphopia 4 күн бұрын
I kinda wished APS was still made. Got an old Fuji APS camera from a relative. It's a small gem actually. Solid built, small size.
@TheFullFrame35mm 4 күн бұрын
Yeah I was surprised by the whole experience of shooting it and the quality of the photos
@sinoperture Күн бұрын
APS film has been around for ages. How could you not have known of it? It was plastered over every single photo lab and airport! When it came out it was a bit of a flop as you got less shots per roll, paid more and had a smaller neg/enlargements. You'd have to of been living under a rock in the 90's to miss it.
@TheFullFrame35mm Күн бұрын
I was a child in the 90s. Too busy playing with my Barbie doll mate.
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