The Soliton Model of Elementary Particles (Dennis Braun)

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Unzicker's Real Physics

Unzicker's Real Physics

Күн бұрын

Talk given by Dennis Braun in Bonn, 2024,
In the Machian Gravity Meeting held in Bonn, Alexander Unzicker, Jonathan Fay, Dennis Braun and Jan Preuss discussed about how to deal with Dennis Sciama's 1953 groundbreaking discovery of linking inertia and gravity. See also:
Sciama's paper: academic.oup.c...
See also:
and Jonathan Fay's site: www.jonathanfay...
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Пікірлер: 74
@jaydenwilson9522 24 күн бұрын
I'm really proud of you Prof. Unzicker! Its rare to see the olden generation guide the younger these days.
@marcuslambert8722 21 күн бұрын
Prof. Unzicker ? is he a physics teacher for University ?
@theanimationlads7598 16 күн бұрын
@@marcuslambert8722no he is not. He doesn’t even have a PhD in physics lol. Just a bachelor’s. His PhD is in neuroscience.
@jamesrarathoon2235 24 күн бұрын
Dennis Braun shows some great physical insight in terms of trying to understand how gravity and inertia are potentially related. However a major problem with current physics is not being able to uniquely specify how "energy" is distributed in the field around stationary and moving masses and charges. I hope a "Machian Unified Field Theory Meeting" is on the way to discuss this and other things.
@axeman2638 24 күн бұрын
energy is not distributed in a field, fields don't have any physical existence, they are a map of potential, no more, no less.
@jamesrarathoon2235 24 күн бұрын
I put "energy" in quotes because if you want to understand what gravity and inertia is then you need concepts at the same time analogous to force, potential and energy and yet more fundamental than force, potential and energy. The origin of Force, Energy and Potential as currently defined has to be understood at a deeper conceptual level, Einstein's way has failed to unify physics, perhaps a Machian unified field theory is the way to go.
@lucaveneri313 24 күн бұрын
What I would pay to hear Dr.Witten comment on this… Great presentation!!
@ienjoyapples 24 күн бұрын
10:18 Bro just derived E = mc^2 just by making the inertial mass dependent upon the gravitational potential. Incredible.
@digbysirchickentf2315 24 күн бұрын
But inertia exists in places where there is no gravity? Am I missing something? Or you could say inertia doesn't change as gravity changes. Also an object travelling at speed only has high inertia for a static observer, if you were alongside also travelling at the same speed the object would respond to your touch as if it was static.
@stoppernz229 24 күн бұрын
The object will respond to your touch the same way regardless of its speed relative to yours
@digbysirchickentf2315 24 күн бұрын
@@stoppernz229 No if you are static and you touch a speeding bullet it hurts. If you are alongside bullet you can touch it.
@walterbrownstone8017 23 күн бұрын
What is Newtonian energy e=1/mv². But I'm order to create something from nothing God has to create 2 particles with opposing directions. So newton says the rest mass of a particle is e,=mv² and Einstein changed one letter in this equation and he's a hero.
@digbysirchickentf2315 23 күн бұрын
@@walterbrownstone8017 Newton was describing kinetic energy (inertia) Einstein is talking about a different kind of energy.
@pseudonymousbeing987 14 күн бұрын
This seems impressively broad. Revolutionary!? How can we facilitate more discussion on this? I am electrified.
@clmasse 24 күн бұрын
The sine-Gordon equation is Lorenz invariant, then it necessarily gives back the kinematics of special relativity. This idea was already proposed by Enz in 1963, but then there was the Derrick theorem that shows it doesn't work in more than two dimensions, at least with such a simple model.
@clmasse 24 күн бұрын
In realistic dimensions it becomes almost mathematically intractable because there are many independent simplifications in two (1+1) dimensions. The solitons of the Einstein equation have been investigated, and they have none of the features of known existing particle. So if any progress in this direction would be achieved, it is far away in time, and we can deduct nothing from what we know today.
@clmasse 23 күн бұрын
The Minkowski metric of 1+1 space-time is dx² − dt², from this a Lorenz invariant wave equation is built with ∂/∂x² − ∂/∂t². It is not a property of the field _per se._
@nunomaroco583 24 күн бұрын
Very interesting, great presentation....
@marcuslambert8722 21 күн бұрын
@joonasmakinen4807 23 күн бұрын
Do you have a Discord channel where to discuss these, or, have your team joined DemystifySci’s server already? We should open a VSL topic there.
@debrainwasher 23 күн бұрын
In my humble opinion, the concept of an inertial mass as the product of a gravitational mass times the gravitational potential divided by c² makes only sense in the context of electro-gravitic- and magneto-gravitic fields, because these are not Lorentz invariant. E.g. if a vessel in such a field makes an instantaneous U-turn at a velocity of Mach 10, upon changing the sign of the potential, passengers would always feel a free-fall condition and not turned into steak tartare. This is exactly, we can observe.
@MrHichammohsen1 25 күн бұрын
Can you please look at the structured atom model (SAM)?
@davidsaintjohn4248 24 күн бұрын
The SAM is a good first start but unrealistically ignores neutrons entirely. Knots can provide a similar approach to SAM but with an emphasis on neutrons
@axeman2638 24 күн бұрын
@@davidsaintjohn4248 no it doesn't, it says neutrons are a proton-electron pair. Which is what they decay into once they are free from the nucleus.
@jaydenwilson9522 24 күн бұрын
@@axeman2638 Yep! And neutrons are just "balanced" spin-opposed charges so it fits rhyme and reason.
@amarq1509 24 күн бұрын
Back to square one.
@JackBellesPhotography 24 күн бұрын
This is really interesting. I hope you can make real progress with developing these ideas further.
@walterbrownstone8017 23 күн бұрын
Okay I made a final video describing alpha the fine structure constant. Just search "The electron is made of 101 unit particles.
@riadhalrabeh3783 24 күн бұрын
If you use projections into a sphere, it is not necessary to have a nonlinear equation in order to get a soliton solution.
@starexplorers1202 24 күн бұрын
Why no animation or video footage? There are SO many ways to visualize a soliton yet hardly any graphics. Why?
@ienjoyapples 24 күн бұрын
This is an academic discussion, not a popsci video. The equations tell you all you need to know.
@starexplorers1202 24 күн бұрын
@@ienjoyapples Mathematics ALWAYS fails when our concept of how Nature works is wrong. String theory, an untestable theory, is a perfect example of this dilemma. Asking for a video clip to help see how the mathematics works can be done quite easily. Far more than our limited Calculus-based mathematics could ever explain, especially when our arrogance leads us far away from how Nature works and how we have ignored the problem for over 150 years since the unification of electromagnetism.
@clmasse 24 күн бұрын
@@ienjoyapples Some people understand better by visualizing, even (or especially) in an academic discussion.
@ienjoyapples 24 күн бұрын
@@clmasse Einstein didn't have any pretty pictures in his papers, no physicist does. If you don't understand the equations, you can't understand the physics. Visualizations are only used in pop science to give the public the illusion of understanding and keep them engaged.
@jamesrarathoon2235 24 күн бұрын
Patrick Cornille in his book "Advanced Electrodynamics and Vacuum Physics" talks alot about solitons in the electromagnetic field, but he doesn't say much if anything about gravity - I find his book very difficult to read.
@martinsoos 24 күн бұрын
Two masses not colliding at a point? I am thinking of how metals bend and transform in sheets of atoms and am guessing that a "point" is being used as smaller than the aria of contact.
@davidsaintjohn4248 24 күн бұрын
Ask the guys to look at knots like kelvin did
@joonasmakinen4807 23 күн бұрын
Sticky this! It is the key to understanding charge, constant masses, constant particle sizes, anomalous magnetic moments, … of electrons, protons, …
@davidsaintjohn4248 23 күн бұрын
@@joonasmakinen4807 I bet we could have an interesting chat
@johnlord8337 24 күн бұрын
Using the Electro-statics (ES) and ELectro-gravitics (EG) model, and translating what he is saying ... In regards to the electro-static objects with their (corrected) weak nuclear force ... and the electro-gravitic objects with their (corrected) strong nuclear force, they have different Aether domain sub-particulate and matter particle properties. Only the higher electro-gravitic composite objects have portions of internal gravity cores and outward gravity wave functions. Whereas the electro-static composite objects have minimal properties (of non-gravity and non-gravity waves). This shows that there are 2 different properties of the electron and positron colums, ... while their compatriot graviton (pure graviton composition) has the highest of any electro-gravitic composite and gravity wave function. So the ES and EG model further explain all these otherwise observed properties : EG EG ES EG ES EG/ES ES/ES EG/EG strong strong weak strong weak strong/weak weak/weak strong/strong ES/EG Electron/Positron Electron/Positron weak/strong Electron/Positron Tensor Matter universe particles and quantum entanglement : Electron Transitions Tau electron level : Graviton - and + Electron Electron Positron Positron Boson (Higgs-1) Neutron Photon (Lyman) Muon electron energy level : Graviton - and + Electron Electron Positron Positron Boson (Higgs-2) Neutron Photon (Balmer) Electron energy level : Graviton - and + Electron Electron Positron Positron Boson (Lord-1) Neutron Photon (Paschen) Quantum foam (Cosmic microwave background raditation) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aether domain particulates and sub-quantum entanglement : Small electron energy level : Graviton - and + Electron Electron Positron Positron Bosino (Lord-2) Neutrino Photino (Pfund) Electrino energy level : Graviton - and + Electrino Electrino Positrino Positrino Bosino (Lord-3) Neutrino Photino (Humphrey) Base graviton energy level : Graviton - and + Graviton - (=) Graviton - Graviton + (=) Graviton + Bosino (Lord-4) Neutrino Photino --------------- Looking at the various energy levels on the chart, we notice those EG composites have full gravity as a strong nuclear force and gravity waves. Those with EG/ES or ES/EG (tensor bosons and tensor bosinos) composition have half gravity strong force and halved gravity waves. Those with ES or ES/ES have no gravity strong force (only weak nuclear force) and no gravity waves. Those photons and photinos with ES/ES have no gravity and no gravity waves. Thusly, you can see how photons have gravitational lensing (with full energy light speed), while the lesser variable light speed photinos (are gravitationally captured). Neutrons and neutrinos as ES/ES have no gravitational atraction or manifested gravity waves to anything else. Tensor bosons and bosinos, acting as the explicit and pure fusion agents for stellar engines (photosphere fusion of Hydrogen to Helium up to Iron, chromosphere fusion of Cobalt up to Element 118), having both ES and EG properties, allowing fusion to overwhelm the Van der Wahl's radius, and the Coulomb nuclear boundary) providing a fusion slipstream process. The end result is the electrons returning to their rest state, having emanated their excess energies as their electron transition properties. When looking at the EG gravitons - and +, ... and the EG electron/electrino and EG positron/positrino composites, ... they display their own gravity energy level and gravity wave values. All of these 6 energy levels have differing gravity and gravity wave values. There is no G constant !!! This shows that the ES and EG model fully explains ... and gives the expected quantitative energy range values of these composite particulates and particles. No more BS of the faked Bell curve, and explicit ignorant, arrogant, and hubris of stating absolute values of the energy levels of electrons etc. as 0.511 meV/c2 etc. The lower and upper composite energy ranges are all valid for these objects. The same applies to the EG, EG/EG, ... and the ES/EG and EG/ES objects having full, partial, or minimal gravity and gravity wave values. So when discussing gravity and gravity wave fields, one must properly assign which and what EG, EG/EG, ES/EG, or EG/ES particles or particulates they are attempting to document and chart.
@johnlord8337 24 күн бұрын
When you have ES particles and particulates, they display their Meissner (ES) force field around them, making them "appear" to be massless, when they do have real mass energies - but no gravity (strong nuclear force mass attrraction). Thus, an ES electron/electrino, ... ES positron/positrino, ... ES/EG or EG/ES (half property) tenson boson/bosino ... appear to have differing mass (gravity) values. The ES/ES neutron/neutrino, composed of both ES electron/electrino and ES positron/positrino, have these dual energy value, but the ES field around them, make them appear to be massless (i.e. gravity-less, no gravity mass attraction). Newton's Law of Gravity and Mass needs to be corrected with the ES and EG model, as mass (density and volume) have NOTHING to do with gravity and any manifested gravity wave field ! Mass by explicit definition can only be found with pure gravitons, or by their EG composite particulates or particles.
@Achrononmaster 21 күн бұрын
It ain't gonna work if you want entanglement, right? You need non-trivial topology too, wormhole substructure to elementary particles. Describe that local topology using a Clifford frame and you can get su(2)xu(1). Include bipartite structure and you can also get su(3). All in 4D gravity. It's nonclassical GR since you've permitted nontrivial topology, hence closed timelike curves exist. This is a feature, not a bug, since CTCs are exactly what one needs to obtain the nondistributive orthomodular lattice of measurement propositions from GR (i.e., "Quantum Logic"). There is no classical FTL signalling since ER=EPR wormholes are not classically traversable (Geroch's topological censorship theorem).
@dragoscoco2173 9 күн бұрын
Entanglement is not that mysterious.
@lean_sumek 24 күн бұрын
C'est possible 😊🥰🤣
@clmasse 23 күн бұрын
In fact inertia is a self-referring concept. Gravitation has an absolute significance but only globally, which is the gist of general relativity and the equivalence principle. That's why it doesn't and can't implement the Mach principle.
@davidrandell2224 23 күн бұрын
1- p=E/c. 2-p=mc. 3- E/c=mc. 4- E=mc^2? Simple classical equations concerning ‘light.’ Light is a cluster of expanding electrons- particles, objects, matter with mass. Too simple for the modern brain. “The Final Theory: Rethinking Our Scientific Legacy “, Mark McCutcheon for proper physics including the CAUSE of gravity, electricity, magnetism, light and well..... everything.
@georgewchilds 24 күн бұрын
There are days when I wish I were this smart. Sounds like he just made Einstein his bitch. I hope this means we can keep ignoring String Theory.
@xavierdumontperso 23 күн бұрын
I'm french, I 'm not a physicist, I'm interested in your research, but I really am not able to follow a video with such poor audio. Think about your international audience !
@TheMachian 23 күн бұрын
I tray my best with separate audio tracks, AI noise reduction and frequency filter post-production... any further suggestions are welcome. I am sorry that you have difficulties. Maybe subtitles help.
@davidrandell2224 23 күн бұрын
“The Final Theory: Rethinking Our Scientific Legacy “, Mark McCutcheon for proper physics including the CAUSE of gravity, etc. Not this “noise.”
@clmasse 22 күн бұрын
@@TheMachian The subtitles have difficulties too.
@atheistaetherist2747 24 күн бұрын
Nope. Look, its very simple, aether allows photons to act gravitationally & inertially on other photons, but aether itself (the fundamental fluid of our infinite eternal universe) has no mass or inertia. This photon to photon action (a reverberation) occurs at at least 20 billion c. Hence distant photons have less effect. All particles are photons. Ok, i have given u all a good start, now u can all have a proper think.
@davidwilkie9551 25 күн бұрын
Just a thought experiment so far, have to ask LIGO what they think of Black Hole Singularity positioning in Black-body Holographic Eternity-now reciprocation-recirculation Interval of point nothing axial-tangential mono-dualistic nodal-vibrational location in No-thing Relativity, logarithmic vanishing-into-no-thing Perspective alignments. So a mono-dualistic axial-tangential e-Pi-i 1-0-infinity Limit of conic-cyclonic coherence-cohesion i-reflection Pi-bifurcation objectives is a 0-1-2-3ness cone-hyperbolic atomic-node compositions of potential quantization fields as differentiates integrated holistic relative-timing ratio-rates.., and I think I agree in parallel coexistence Principle with the concept of Soliton total interpenatration that naturally relocates the axial-tangential hole in the Aether. Ie Flash-fractal recognition of relevant circumstances. And another great job for good Math-Physics practioners advancing toward better holography explanations.
@surendranmk5306 24 күн бұрын
What is gravity? Oh... very simple, it is solitons. Nobel prize next year!
@SciD1 24 күн бұрын
We've got plenty of bullshitons already in fantasy physics.
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