西洋經典 老歌 <沈默之聲 The Sounds of Silence> 賽門與葛芬柯 Simon and Garfunkel ============= Hello darkness, my old friend 嗨!暗夜,我的老友 I've come to talk with you again 我又來找你聊聊了 Because a vision softly creeping 因為有個異象輕輕爬過 Left its seeds while I was sleeping 趁我睡著時偷偷留下了種籽 And the vision that was planted in my brain 而這個種在我腦海裡的異象 Still remains 到現在還留存著 Within the sound of silence 在沈默之聲裡 In restless dreams I walked alone 無數輾轉的夢中我獨行 Narrow streets of cobblestone 在狹窄街道的圓石路上 'Neath the halo of a street lamp 街燈渲出的光暈將我籠罩 I turned my collar to the cold and damp 夜的溼冷讓我豎起衣領 When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light 無比刺眼的是閃亮的霓虹燈光 That split the night 劃破夜空 And touched the sound of silence 也觸動了沈默之聲 And in the naked light I saw 在裸燈清晰的照亮中我看見 Ten thousand people, maybe more 上萬的人們,或許還不止 People talking without speaking 他們交談著卻沒有真正說話 People hearing without listening 他們聽到聲音卻沒有真正傾聽 People writing songs that voices never share 他們寫著一些沒有傳達任何心聲的歌曲 And no one dared 而也沒有人敢去 Disturb the sound of silence 驚擾沈默之聲 "Fools", said I, "You do not know 我說:「愚蠢的人啊,你們不知道」 Silence like a cancer grows 「沈默會像癌細胞那樣生長蔓延」 Hear my words that I might teach you 「聽我的話我才能教你」 Take my arms that I might reach you" 「拉我的手我才能救你」 But my words, like silent raindrops fell 但是我的話語就像無聲落下的雨滴 And echoed 迴響在 In the wells of silence 沈默的深井裡 And the people bowed and prayed 對著自己手造的霓虹神像 To the neon god they made 人們虔誠地跪拜禱告 And the sign flashed out its warning 然而警訊已經閃現 In the words that it was forming 在慢慢成形的話語裡 And the sign said, "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls 警訊寫著:「先知的話語 是寫在地鐵的牆上」 And tenement halls" 「以及出租公寓的大廳裡」 And whispered in the sounds of silence 也輕聲細語在各種沈默之聲裡 ============= 自動循環播放:(啞唬騎魔部落格) tw.myblog.yahoo.com/heart_mind_2000/article?mid=12109 ============= 還記得(2008-01-12) dpp於第七屆立委大敗過後的那一支〔前進〕電視CF裡的感性抒情歌曲嗎?鏡頭在前駛中的車上拍,畫面是各縣市的道路及街景不斷拉近與滑過。…桃園機場、新竹火車站、太陽餅店招牌、嘉義、高鐵…以及〔逆風行腳團〕的步行和擊掌…緩慢的字幕打出一堆像是:前進…前進…桃園在前進、新竹在前進、台中在前進、嘉義在前進、台灣在前進、民主需要前進… 當時播放的演唱版本,是個聲音沙啞的女聲… 相當耐聽的西洋抒情老歌。 <沉默之聲>……這是原唱版本… People hearing without listening… 人們**聽到聲音**卻沒有真正**傾聽**... 如同〔看到〕卻沒有〔讀見〕!很有深度的歌詞! ============= 2010-1218 一畝良田: 台灣社會的資訊流通應該早已不再像長達四十餘年的白色恐怖時期那般封閉才對…況且十多年來網路早已蓬勃發展。 戒嚴令:1949.05.20 ~ 1987.07.15 www.jimlee.org.tw/article.jsp?b_id=24454&menu_id=4 & 直到 1990年才正式終止了「動員戡亂時期臨時條款」 但,為何就是還有若干比例的人們總是耳不清、目不明、腦不醒、心不靈似的?(從2008-0520至今…這兩年半以來…2009-1205十七縣市三合一 & 2010-1127五都選舉的歷次投票行為觀之…)明明有看到,卻未判讀到;如似聞而未聆聽?…國共的觥籌交錯、主權的淪喪、威權獨裁的復辟、民主法治的退化、言論自由、新聞自由、人權、環保~等等文明價值的崩解…在在令人怵目驚心!!! 投降絕不可能換來長遠的和平,只會讓一個環境裡的宰制壓迫及反抗暴政週而復始,而祈求制度健全化發展至先進民主國家之水準更屬緣木求魚的遙不可及。 Freedom isn't Free... (自由並非憑空得來的。) Land of the Free. Because of the Brave !! (唯有勇敢的人民,方能成就自由的國度。) 逾半世紀血淋淋教訓的圖博(西藏)與東土耳其斯坦(新疆)殷鑑甚為明確。難道…非得等到見到了棺材、被裝進了棺材、被封上了棺蓋、被釘牢了、被推入火葬場了不可?屆時才要準備掉淚與掙扎嗎?到那時…一切還來得及挽救嗎? 忘了是哪位先生好像曾說過: 「歷史教訓啊~歷史教訓!…歷史給人類最大的教訓,莫過於人類鮮少能從歷史教訓裡頭…學到教訓。」 --但願台灣人民不要再陷於[沉默螺旋]&[悲劇輪迴]種種的窠臼裡。
Silence is golden, speach is silver. The mountain speaks nothing but stands still and people see its mighty power of "Silence". The Great Nature also says nothing but the 4 seasons come and go. Our world needs more listeners who care about Her and ourselves.
The lyrics is a reflection of a divided , callous and pragmatic community in the U S some fifty years ago and the lyrics is a mirror of HKSAR today. I have to pay tribute to the writer, singers and composer of the song. Cheers W.K. Lo