Рет қаралды 165
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, friends who are blessed by Allah. In this video, we will discuss the extraordinary story of a friend of the Prophet ﷺ, Hanzhalah bin Abu Amir. A story full of courage, sacrifice and sincerity in the path of Allah. Hanzhalah shows us that love for Allah and His Messenger is much more important than everything in this world. His departure, which was guarded with glory by Allah, even bathed by angels, is an example for every Muslim who wants to follow in the footsteps of the martyrs.
Don't forget to subscribe, like, and share this video with other friends so that we can all continue to learn and inspire each other. Hopefully this story can provide motivation for all of us in walking the path that is approved by Allah. Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
#Hanzhalah #StoryofFriends #Sacrifice #JihadOnAllah'sWay #SyuhadaUhud #Sincerity #InspirasiIslam #StoryInspiratif #FriendsoftheProphet #IslamicStory #MotivationIslam #Angel #Subscribe #DoaIslam #storyreal #storyreal #storyinspiratif #santri #madura #begal
#TheTaleofCourage #Courage #Wise #Law Enforcement #FightingCrime #BekasiCity Square #Inspirational Stories #KZbin #YoungPendekar #Struggle
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#Heroes' Story #Struggle #PuloGadung Terminal #Justice #Inspirational Story #FullStoryofStruggle #KZbinID #Angkot Driver #Fight #ExclusiveStory #JusticeRight #subcribe