I love your reactions You give me Garth from Wayne’s World vibes and I’m here for it 👍
@walterooski Жыл бұрын
The joy that this comment gave me earned you a pinned comment.
@jonathanshoop8554 Жыл бұрын
Totally garth vibes❤😂
@dccorallo Жыл бұрын
Party on
@theamazingtif Жыл бұрын
Is that it? Garth is the best.
@MissMaria1969 Жыл бұрын
Facts ❤❤
@Wrathlon Жыл бұрын
"It keeps getting worse" *Stops 9 words from the end* Oh boy, just wait.
@ela83a Жыл бұрын
Came for Ren in your last reaction. You earned a sub with the Gogol Bordello reference.
@Tommy-he7dx Жыл бұрын
"A Tuning Fork Ringing In My Loins" is one hell of a name for an Autobiography :)
@walterooski Жыл бұрын
Then it’s decided: Should I ever become significant enough to warrant the writing of an Autobiography, that’ll be the name.
@Tommy-he7dx Жыл бұрын
@@walterooski My Friend you think wrong, Everyone of us is significant: "Endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, And are being, evolved" We are part of that process and are born of that process, That makes us Most Beautiful and Wonderful......Write your story :)
@ASilentPanther Жыл бұрын
I have watched a million reactions for Ren so far and just keep doing it! That’s speaks to how much I enjoy his music, and I’m hoping it puts in perspective how much you have to stand out to get a click on your own reactions. Something about your thumbnail but thought I would take time to drop you a comment and say that you got a new sub and I think you are very authentic so for what that is worth, it’s why your channel got my vote and not a different one. Keep cranking them out please sir I love your enthusiasm and actual genuine passion also. Thanks for existing
@alloralou472210 ай бұрын
You get so caught up in Stevie’s screaming at Violet at the end that the sound of the birds suddenly makes you feel like you were holding your breathe. Genius.
@GregDaniel78 Жыл бұрын
You will have made Ren's day with the Clash comparisons. He's a big fan of 70s punk. The more of his stuff you uncover, the more obvious these legendary influences become.
@dbartyzel Жыл бұрын
We are walking with him. It’s live.
@annaspurlock439 Жыл бұрын
“A tuning fork is literally ringing in my loins” 😂
@vickyterry3150 Жыл бұрын
Oh my God, I spewed coffee all over my keyboard!!!
@walterooski Жыл бұрын
😂 do forgive me
@seth1455 Жыл бұрын
That's a phrase I didn't know I needed
@druidess73 Жыл бұрын
Commentary Gold 😂
@LadyThunderbird639 ай бұрын
@HmmWelp Жыл бұрын
First time seeing your reaction and I gotta say, normally at a point I skip some of the commentary but the way you do it, the information you bring I don't really feel the need to so so. Very nice
@gypsysouldier Жыл бұрын
This man has literally said he is new to making reaction videos. I love the suggestions (key word) offered to him about rewind a little after pausing and pausing mid line, and I have seen other reactors take this advice when suggested, but some people are just going about it in a rude way. Besides, I don't think one has full control over their body when first experiencing Ren! 😊
@walterooski Жыл бұрын
I am genuinely honored that you’re here, my friend. Thank you for support and for coming to my defense. The suggestions are not lost on me, regardless of the delivery, but it means the world that you care enough to say it politely while still being supportive.
@Jillightful1 Жыл бұрын
"A tuning fork is literally ringing in my loins." 😂 Yes, Ren plays classical piano too! There are a few clips of this on his instagram. I LOVE your reaction and the obvious intensity of your appreciation. Liked and subscribed. I am looking forward to joining you on your journey.
@fuzzybunniez8624 Жыл бұрын
Bro I love when your “talent fingers” get moving like that when you’re seeing something amazing.
@gypsysouldier Жыл бұрын
I know someone else whose "talent fingers" come out when their feeling it! Ex. Ren and Sam Tompkins-Earned it-Man's World-Falling 😊
@jadejameson5312 Жыл бұрын
I really like your entry and your physical reactions 😊
@PsyberDude692 ай бұрын
12:40 - He is completely self taught - learned how to play from KZbin, and playing back recordings of Hendrix (and others).
@jordandickinson1965 Жыл бұрын
"Genesis" blew me away. What a beat.
@starstalker0 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely loved this reaction. You were very genuine and entertaining ("a tuning fork is literally ringing in my loins" had me cracking up for a solid 30 seconds), but also committed to taking in as much of the experience as you could, from the music to the cinematography to the sound mixing and beyond. I loved watching your expressions shift as Ren did something insanely creative or when the story took a turn. I did have to laugh at "oh this got dark" when Stevie started beating Violet because her tale started with an admission that her dad sexually abused her and then "history repeats itself, [Stevie]'d paint her black and blue" in the stairwell. Let me be clear, I don't blame you if you missed it- there's a lot to take in and most people (thank god) aren't primed to pick up on that kind of stuff like I am. I just thought it was funny, especially because you were like 12 minutes into a story about dead teenagers. It's crazy to me how many reaction videos there are where men act like they don't care about the shit Stevie did to her, and I really appreciated that this was not one of those (which, that's not to say that women don't abuse men or that men don't get abused, obviously, but I haven't seen a woman react the same way yet). It adds to the story to know those things, though. Screech and Jenny were twins separated at birth. Screech grew up violent and uncontrolled like his dad, and Jenny grew up silent and afraid like her mom. Their dad killed their mom, and then Screech killed Jenny. (I also think it's worth noting that it's implied that Jenny is a prostitute, walking around in the middle of the night in high-heeled shoes at 14, like she'd done "a thousand times before," she wanted to escape, etc, which I take as a parallel to the sexual exploitation of their mother.) Iirc, Ren said that the original inspiration for this song was a news story in London about a 14-year-old that killed a prostitute and then was shot to death by police in the same night, one street over. Senseless. Then it somehow turned into a 13-minute triptych about cyclical violence haha.
@walterooski Жыл бұрын
Absolutely loved this comment. Thank you for being so wonderful and going out of your way to do so! I did realize at the end that Violet was the mother, it just took a moment because of that pause. Admittedly, a lot more of the finer points of the revelation came upon reflection, but I did catch the familial conventions in the initial reaction. I am honored that you took the time to leave such a well thought out comment. Thanks a ton 🤓❤️
@siwlasilva Жыл бұрын
He guides us to loathe the violence being perpetrated through melodies that sound mostly "cute" and "cheerful". People call this shakesperian, but Violet and her children feel like something out of a Grimm's tale to me, because they seem like their cautionary tales' characters that get a very heavy penalty to make the message stick to children's minds. What really impress me and gladdens my heart is the artistry and connection achieved with such very limited resources (except talent and hard work, of course) in a world where entertainment seems to revolve around CGI and millions of whatever monetary unity.
@rog2224 Жыл бұрын
The whole cycle seemed like something by Sophocles (although Oedipus Rex is considerably longer on laughs than this triptych)
@daretoknow1988 Жыл бұрын
I get Brecht/Weill vibes from this
@Spunky62 Жыл бұрын
You won't go wrong with ANYTHING Ren. Just HANG ON to your hat because he's gonna BLOW YOU AWAY with his TALENT! 🎉🎉 ✌️🫶❤️🔥❤️🔥🎶🎶🎶💯🙋♀️
@deborahhalbert3372 Жыл бұрын
Just to make sure you know there’s a lighter side to Ren, check out What You Want and “I Shot the Sheriff\Road to Zion/Hip Hop with his band The Big Push
@gypsysouldier Жыл бұрын
It's important to see this performance to understand how truly versatile Ren can be! This is my favorite from Ren and the guys from The Big Push!
@KoRnyRocks Жыл бұрын
I don’t how much you know about his backstory, but he has has been sick for about 10 years, pretty much glued to the bed. Doctors kept misdiagnose him with bipolar, M.E., depression and anxiety, until one day a specialist test him and found out he has had Lyme disease for nearly a decade. The medication etc before that seriously screwed him and he ended up with a stress induced psychosis. He then finally got a stem cell transplant by pure luck because a doctor saw his early teen blogs of him in pain. The stem cell treatment finally gave him hope, life and energy. He is now I’m Canada and has been for nearly 7 months to get treatment for his Lyme disease so he can get well again. So if you wanna support him, watch his videos, spread the word about them. Or you can always done to his gofundme.
@mynameisfen Жыл бұрын
I think I may have found a new favourite Ren reactor. Fantastic insight throughout. Though did you catch that Jenny and Screech were sister and brother? I think if you’re delving into his back catalog further I’d suggest ‘Money Game pt. 1 and 2’ - the second part became a meme hence the views. Perhaps also ’Genesis’ which is a rap/hip-hop song which made me realise just how multifaceted he is an artist. His ability as both an MC and beat creator/producer is pretty incredible. Subscribed.
@Mr.Ekshin Жыл бұрын
Nah, I think he needs to pause more. No more just cutting each bar in half. He should pause after each word and look it up in the dictionary, then describe each scene as if we're blind and need it dissected verbally.
@mynameisfen Жыл бұрын
Almost had me there. I thought you were being one of “those” Ren fans for a moment.
@az-yq3rk Жыл бұрын
Fen, Jenny & Screech bro and sister? Where's that bit? wow
@mynameisfen Жыл бұрын
@@az-yq3rk Violet was their mother. The last video which was Violet’s Tale was set in 2 0 0 5, she died shortly after giving birth to twins so they both would of gone into foster care as the father would have gone to prison for killing Violet. They grew up without knowing each other, Screech killed his sister in 2019 - they were 14 years old.
@Silkytoaster Жыл бұрын
After watching literally dozens of reactions to Ren - your reaction still manages to bring a fresh perspective and at the same Time make me smile - the ‘clutching my pearls’ in Hi Ren and ‘ tuning fork ‘ comment in Tale of Jenny… those were epic - I am a new subscriber. Keep it up .
@redbandita020 Жыл бұрын
I love-love-LOVE Ren's upbeat stuff, like the Beastie Boys pastiche* "What you want", "Right here, right now" and his Big Push band busking "I shot the Sheriff - Road to Zion - HipHop" mash up. When he is dark, he is very dark, but when he is light and cheeky, he is literally a delight. *A pastiche is a work of visual art, literature, theatre, music, or architecture that imitates the style or character of the work of one or more other artists. Unlike a parody, pastiche pays homage to the work it imitates, rather than mocking it.
@NoCanDu Жыл бұрын
Sting/The Police are one of his favorites! He does “Walking on the Moon” busking with his band, The Big Push. They also do an incredible live cover of Sting’s “Englishman In New York.” (My favorite by them. )
@StephiesCorner Жыл бұрын
You got the part where Violet's twins were Jenny & Screech, right? So the girl Screech killed was his sister, Jenny, and they both died a block apart, never knowing who the other was. I love your expressiveness in your reactions. New sub.❤
@walkalittle Жыл бұрын
When I find an amazing artist that shakes my universe (currently everything Ren) I delve into the world of reactions because I want others to see and hear what I am feeling too. I check in on most of the reactors (with varying outcomes) but I usually return to a top 5 or so for different reasons. You have entered this realm. I'm enjoying your honest reactions and breakdowns. New subscriber here. Power on!
@Nick60606 Жыл бұрын
Great reaction! I dont take it personal but dont judge the strength of a person if they have a hard time walking or can even walk at all. I'm 65 and do 3+ miles every other day in my wheelchair and that going up and down hills So I feel pretty strong. Have even gone 20mph going downhill. Ren has been a huge inspiration to me!
@NoCanDu Жыл бұрын
You are an inspiration! I’m 54 and can’t imagine it. I need to get out there when the snow melts and just walk! ❤
@Nick60606 Жыл бұрын
@@NoCanDu You just gotta get that heart rate up any way you can for that natural high and good health!!
@walterooski Жыл бұрын
Upon further review of what it was I said, I’d like to really apologize. I realized when I went back that I said a strong man after he stood up. I didn’t mean strong man in that context and am sincerely sorry if it could’ve been interpreted otherwise. It was really the image of person seemingly in an asylum to a person walking about the streets that prompted that comment. My arms would literally fall off if I did what you do, @Nick606. I appreciate your support and your clarification. You are a bad ass and I’m honored to have earned a compliment and thankful for a moment I can learn from.
@Nick60606 Жыл бұрын
@@walterooski No need to apologize! It was just an opportunity for me to let people know that even if you do become handicapped dont give up. My goal is to help inspire as many people as I can to keep living their live to its full potential. I'm working on a short film right now to inspire everyone, like Ren is doing.
@sallymclachlan357 Жыл бұрын
I find this so interesting as my husband a few years ago lost his leg in an accident and sometimes spends time in a wheelchair now. His strength physically and mentally is immense and I marvel at how he deals with everything but especially how he navigates other peoples reactions. 99% of people he comes into contact with have been wonderful helping, welcoming and inclusive and has reignited our faith in humanity.
@JessieNebulousGaming Жыл бұрын
You seem like a genuinely lovely person. I appreciate that. "Captivating" is the perfect word to describe Ren's performing ability.
@HilPrime Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for continuing!!! I adored your Hi Ren reaction. I STILL clutch my pearls and I think I've listened to Hi Ren a thousand times. Haha never gets old.
@HilPrime Жыл бұрын
The tuning fork comment. 💀
@philbarker2214 Жыл бұрын
I must of watched 100-150 Ren reactions, this has by far been my favourite. Such genuine first emotion compared to the fake stuff I’ve seen. When you paused to say something and then unpaused due to being speechless as we all was first hearing it 🤯 Keep it up brother 😊
@startingfingerstyle Жыл бұрын
Couple of things first. Has YT changed its subtitle generator? Up to now all subtitles on Ren's videos have been truly awful and thoroughly misleading. The ones in this reaction are pretty good! Secondly many congratulations on providing the greatest one liner in the history of reaction videos...... that 'tuning fork' line had me laughing out loud. In future reactions could I suggest that when you pause to comment, you rewind a few seconds before carrying on? There were several fairly significant moments where you split the line in two and the full point wasn't then clear. As you're heading into the Renosphere, don't forget to check out his amazing work, busking on the streets of Brighton with his band The Big Push, where see his as an extraordinarily talented singer, lead guitarist, rhythm guitarist and bass player. Suggest I shot The Sheriff, War Pigs, Nina Simone, and his collaborations with Sam Tompkins and Chinchilla. There's some amazing stuff for you to find. Happy hunting!
@metalikalex7 Жыл бұрын
Well... I got nothing more to say, you've taken all of my thoughts and wrote 'em for me... Thx startingfingerstyle Oh just one thing : I subscribed 😉
@seth1455 Жыл бұрын
@@metalikalex7 Wowzer I was just thinking the exact same thing for both of your comments, think I'll go off and watch hi ren again for a bit of sanity.
@Mr.Ekshin Жыл бұрын
Nope... he needs more pauses. Forget this amateur hour stuff where he merely cuts all the bars in half. He should pause it after each word and try to psychoanalyze each of them in excruciating detail like a jealous girlfriend dissecting a text message. I mean, why would he rewind and catch the overall meaning? Are you trying to make him understand the story or something?
@Lulabee2024 Жыл бұрын
Omg I'm so glad someone finally pointed this out!! 😂 I was going crazy watching reactors reading the lyrics (CC) and they were SO off... And I was like NOOO 😂 don't do it (in my loud whisper voice 😂) anyway yes I'm so glad the closed captions have improved because they were completely screwing up his British accent 😂. Which kills me because it's English 🤦🤦😂
@RobertSmith-vm7nm Жыл бұрын
Great reaction. Loved the Joy division t-shirt by the way. I’m 59 and found ren about 5 weeks ago. The boi is a storytelling poetic genius. I’m in awe of his talent. He has suffered so much and everything now coming his way is so deserved.
@joemcclain7392 Жыл бұрын
I dig your breakdown, also, you got a nice radio voice!
@laurelhager8495 Жыл бұрын
Wow, your reaction is so touching and sincere. I really enjoyed it. You get it.❤️
@davidperkins6752 Жыл бұрын
came for Ren stayed for the reaction and subbed for your warmth and humanity! won't lie to you, right now i'm only really interested in Ren or The Big Push reactions and i will absolutely be there for any that you do. dude you deserve more subscribers!
@malcolmschenot6352 Жыл бұрын
The volume was perfect on this one. Thank you. I learn so much from these reactions from people in the music industry giving their educated assessments. For someone who knows nothing about music, I really enjoy learning about all the things I don't know about. I know Ren's impressive, and I really enjoy having the why he's impressive explained to me. Ren is so multi talented I couldn't begin to understand all he's doing on my own.
@gypsysouldier Жыл бұрын
I would love to hear your thoughts on videos of Ren and Liv Sangster. I'm not necessarily suggesting a reaction video, but I definitely think it's something you would thoroughly enjoy as it's very raw. They are freestyle busking in one video and in another, doing a live freestyle that was streamed from Ren's place. Liv sings more in these videos, and the fact that she (and Ren) are singing whatever comes to mind is amazing to me. Some commenters have said they thought they were listening to Jeff Buckley when they heard her before seeing her. Janis Joplin is who came to mind when I watched her, but more so in the sense that the music and soul were just oozing out of her! In the video streamed at Ren's, you can see the pure joy that Ren and Liv are having!
@michaelwalker5459 Жыл бұрын
Amazing to see ren also blowing up some of these reactors. Congrats man. Ren is such a breath of fresh air. Amazing story teller
@luciakarma3568 Жыл бұрын
Hey, greetings from germany, i love your shirt, i'm a huge fan of joy division, too. ❤
@antonymification212 Жыл бұрын
Great reaction, thank you. Loads of great points, observations and references. Also, I love that you have his video big on the screen. (with him I don't think you have to worry about copyright) Ren is so emersed in the performance his facial expressions are amazing and impossible to pick up on a quarter screen or less as with most reactors. Thanks, I look forward to more.
@walterooski Жыл бұрын
I feel like it’d be a little cringe to make my camera bigger than the content I’m reacting to 😂 Honestly, I’ve been perpetually worried that my camera in general is too large and invasive over top of the content I react to so this actually really spoke into an insecurity of mine. Thank YOU. I’ve honestly never watched other Ren reactors; I worry that it’ll screw with my brain and that I’ll potentially lose some of what is special about this organic thing I’ve stumbled upon. I worry that I’ll get in my head thinking that I should be doing XYZ because ABC was doing it, ya know? I like that these reactions are truly just me hitting a record button alone in my office and blooperfumbling my way through an intro until I’m confident enough to hit the play button on the content I’ll react to. It’s also super rewarding to decide that I typically approach that recording genuinely excited think I’ll probably really love the song. It makes this both fun and fulfilling. Thank you for your comment, my friend. 🖖
@ecurtisd Жыл бұрын
Everything Ren touches is gold. Definitely check out the band he's in: The Big Push. Thanks for the awesome reaction!
@highlightspotent1276 ай бұрын
Modern bard - amazing skill at story telling . One moment he’s the character then flips to be the narrator . Just awesome
@vickyterry3150 Жыл бұрын
New sub here...loved your reactions to Ren, love your name, love the pearl clutching...lovely job! You have a lot to dive into, and I'm here for it!
@tajolariffin6021 Жыл бұрын
17:13 - 17:25 did you feel that? when the guitar comes back in, damn!!thats soo goood!!!!! 17:44 - 18:00 and this part, when he went acapella, although the guitar wasn't played, it almost feels like you can hear the guitar in your head (from that part "..pilot..hit like hailstone, one to the collarbone...") , damn! he's so good! if he did that on purpose, he really is a fucking musical genius!
@VynxeVainglory Жыл бұрын
Your commentary is excellent, man.
@JaqueDark Жыл бұрын
Your reaction was really insightful and you've got a way with words. Ren does seem to be a modern day bard and I am so here for the fact that he makes songs about the harsher parts of life that not everyone gets to see.
@MichaelNaydeck Жыл бұрын
I love that you made the Jimmy Jazz connection. That was my first reaction as well to "Jenny." Great reaction, it's my first time here. You've earned a thumb and a sub
@Billyrobshaw77 Жыл бұрын
Another subscriber xD. Great reaction. Love the comparisons with the Clash and British 70's punk. I'm a metalhead, punkhead, rock fan, but I'm obsessed with Ren. Incredible storyteller. Bob Dylan and Janis Joplin would love him
@ethantodd4400 Жыл бұрын
Great reaction brother, that "tuning fork" comment was so amazing ☺️✊🏽
@Shiroar Жыл бұрын
As others have said, there are no wrong picks when it comes to Ren. It’s all greatness on your way down the Ren rabbit hole. But guess I can give you a couple of suggestions in case it’s a bit overwhelming 😅 Crutch feat. Bibi and The Hunger are some of my personal favourites. Completely different songs. You will soon discover that Ren really does it all - not just when it comes to his talents (singing, rapping, producing, lyricism, playing multiple instruments etc.) but also genres. He is a genius. One who has been through hell and still has a great sense of humour. He just seems like a genuinely great guy.
@GeriStorm17 күн бұрын
He learned guitar from KZbin! 😳loved your reaction welcome to the Renegades and down the Ren rabbit 🕳️ 😂 enjoy
@TobiiRheaStarr Жыл бұрын
Great, thoughtful reaction. You seem like such a lovely, genuine, kind guy! 🖤
@kjcile8334 Жыл бұрын
I just love how calm & cool you seem. So nice.
@Defiance-77 Жыл бұрын
Love the reaction. Fun fact, many reactors say that Ren is classically trained. Ren revealed in the intervue with Justin Hawkins that he is actually not trained at all. He tried to go to class two times but it didn't work at all. He taught himself from KZbin videos and by trying to find the most efficient ways to create the sounds and melodies he hear in his head. Also take note of the detailed planning to every step, every note, every tone. Especially in Violets tale imagine the planning to be in the perfect spot for each part of the tale. The corridor, the stairwell, the door 💖
@traceybarger26285 ай бұрын
By far, my favorite reaction of hundreds of! Thank you!
@alissahogan98010 ай бұрын
Omg start wearing purple!! Thats what I've been trying to think of. You nailed it
@T_Witti Жыл бұрын
The fellow Renegades said you're in need of some extra love and support. I hope you can feel the wave we're sending!
@TheSkootenbeeten Жыл бұрын
Ooooh. Been waiting for this. Really enjoys your reactions thus far.
@TheDougMan Жыл бұрын
A fine reaction. Many good points. I suggest something more fun as a break from REN’s “deep” work like Bongo Bong or What You Want.
@jerzyjurekg1457 Жыл бұрын
And props to Samuel Perry-Falvey. He's Ren's friend and very talented filmographer/photographer. In most of Ren's videos it's him behind the camera. One of many Ren's talents is finding extremely skilled people to work with. Including Samuel, Chinchilla, guys from Big Push,Sam Tompkins and many others
@vickyterry3150 Жыл бұрын
And if you watch the video for "Power", you'll see Samuel Perry-Falvey driving Ren around. :)
@jerzyjurekg1457 Жыл бұрын
I know and he looks like an extremely likeable chap
@carrytheflag3498 Жыл бұрын
Happy I stumbled onto this channel. Love this guy, he's authentic. Rare quality on yt. Cheers all!
@TheBorderRyker Жыл бұрын
A very warm welcome to the “RENaissance”. Can I suggest listening to Heretic. It’s got this incredible slightly discordant toy piano accompaniment in parts of it! Ren is by far the most exciting artist for a long, long time. I have lost count of how many times I’ve listened to The Tale of Jenny and Screech and it still gives me chills. What a wonderful reaction. Especially when, on a couple of occasions, you tried to speak but were left speechless. That happens a lot when listening to Ren. His musicality and use of language alone is incredible but he “becomes” his characters to the point that his posture, stance, facial expression and energy can change in a heartbeat as he transitions from one to the next. He can do in 3 minutes what a lot of big budget movies struggle to do in 2 hours or more. I personally think that he is a genius. P.S. Subbed. 😁👌🏻
@scottwatson9453 Жыл бұрын
Great reaction! Justin Hawkins recently did a long interview with Ren .that really gives you all the information you need about who Ren is.
@treborretsnom6186 Жыл бұрын
Alright, you knew Bonham and the stair recording story, at your age? 👍 Subscriber
@HilPrime Жыл бұрын
Seriously, I got goosebumps when you said this part! It's gonna be so fun watching your reactions with all your knowledge!
@scottstroh2564 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for existing. I love your reactions. I appreciate you
@rebeccarose7405 Жыл бұрын
You got my subscription for the great reaction, and the reference to “Jimmy Jazz”! 😊
@seamusmckim4833 Жыл бұрын
Reactioneering (if that's a thing) is a talent you have in abundance my friend Walterooski. I watched this multiple times before I could join even some of the dots you drew on your first listen. Props, great job and to be frank - what a phenomenal talent Ren is.
@walterooski Жыл бұрын
Point blank - you have no idea what this comment means to me. A million times thank you, my friend.
@BorisMinkov Жыл бұрын
I resonate with you and Ren both at the same time. Feels wonderful! 😊
@cindyd.01 Жыл бұрын
He isn’t classically trained. He just did an interview with Justin Hawking. His brain wasn’t able to learn in a conventional way. He took only 2 music classes and they didn’t work out. He taught himself, mostly KZbin. It’s astounding. Like he said, he was lucky he realized what he wanted to do when he was like 10 years old. He’s been practicing since then. Except when illness kept him from it. Anyway, I was so glad to find your Ren videos. You are doing a great job with them, lots of insight. 😊
@jasonstewart3996 Жыл бұрын
I love your reactions to ren. Ive just reslized over the lasr month how genius ren is. And i really appreciate your takes on his music. Hes my new favorite artist and you might just be my new reactor
@jasonstewart3996 Жыл бұрын
And btw you have a long way to go.because he has a lot of content on genre breaking music on KZbin.
@bethscott4330 Жыл бұрын
I just subbed. You’re reaction was amazing. It’s obvious you love music in all its forms.
@cyclonemouse Жыл бұрын
His features with Chinchilla and Bibi are bangers Chalk outlines ft Chinchilla (live) How to be me ft Chinchilla (live) Crutch ft bibi
@burton528hz Жыл бұрын
Yes! I'm super excited for this. Commenting before watching.
@burton528hz Жыл бұрын
It wasn't clear if you caught the twist at the end. Violet was Jenny and Screech's mom. Screech unknowingly killed his sister. They were both came into this world and exited on the same day. We all have light (Jenny) and dark (Screech) inside us. And all done LIVE in one take. I loved your reaction. Enjoy the Ren ride.
@DazzleMonroe Жыл бұрын
I've watched the video and it's many reactions, many times, but you just won with "It's got really heavy".
@hilarycharman-2924 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your thoughtful reaction. Please check out Ren and Chinchilla Chalk Outlines (live) and his band The Big Push doing I Shot The Sherrif/ Road To Zion/ HipHop
@DavidSmith-cc5hk Жыл бұрын
I loved your Hi Ren reaction! I'll be here for every single Ren reaction you do. I'm becoming a fan, too... of you!
@walterooski Жыл бұрын
Consider my pearls clutched and my face blushed. I’m honored, thank you for the kind words, my friend 🖖
@KevL_262 Жыл бұрын
Great reaction man, I'm into Rens Rabbithole for a while now... and If you want to check out his full bandwith as an artist, you have to go all the way down into the rabbithole... seeing him busking on the street with the big push (Rens band "I shot the sheriff / Road to Zion") or his friend sam tompkins is awesome. "How to be me" and "Chalk outlines" with Chinchillah is heartbreaking but beautiful... "Genesis & Money Game 1&2" is another skilful side of the genius Ren.... And there are so many more. I'm exited to see your further reactions. Love and Peace from Germany ❤
@deeannisawesome8996 Жыл бұрын
I looooooved this reaction, totally vibe with you and your view of this thing Ren makes called ART. Sunscriiibed 😊
@lukebjorge1085 Жыл бұрын
I found your reaction to be refreshingly honest. So many are over the top to the point of being laughable. Thank you. I really enjoyed it.
@walterooski Жыл бұрын
So, look. My whole life, I've gotten shit for wearing my heart on my sleeve... Comments like this mean the world to me. It is unbelievably flattering to me that people seem to watch for the very thing that I've gotten crap for my whole life and they approach it with a support that I don't know how to comprehend... I don't mean to wax poetic, but I do mean to thank you. So much.
@Melly01 Жыл бұрын
I love this idea of revisiting what you're picking up from each of Ren's songs. I think that's why I can't watch enough reactors - I see things through different perspectives, agree with some, not with others, but they all make me think, as Ren's music does. So I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts after you digest the music, sit with it and probably watch it multiple times. Cool idea! And way off topic, when you said John Bonham played his drums in a stairwell, I wondered if you had ever seen Heart's tribute to Led Zeppelin at Kennedy Center Honors from 2012? John Bonham's son, Jason, plays drums for that tribute and absolutely kicks ass. As does Heart, of course. It is a very, very different take on Stairway To Heaven, second only to LZ themselves. Sorry for going so far off track, but ... neuro-divergent here. 🙋🏻♀️ Lol. Anyway. Loving this and can't wait to see more!
@MissyMedusa8310 ай бұрын
Your wonderful energy makes my day x
@davidricks7128 Жыл бұрын
The saddest thing about this is the fact each of these things are happening in every town, city, and country at this very moment and the cycle continues
@docdurdin Жыл бұрын
You have only gone down the entrance to Ren's rabbit hole, he truly is a man for our time and a pure genius. We all have a Genie in us, but we too many times fail to awaken it.
@jonathanshoop8554 Жыл бұрын
Fun watching your reactions to such a unique artist. Careful...he has some heavy hitters in his catalog that hit deep deep. And he's so versatile you will see as you hit his rap tracks💯
@spellcaster7893 Жыл бұрын
I’ve loved both of your Ren reactions and I really hope you do more. This was a very realistic story of the truth of inter generational violence. Jenny was quiet and still like her Mum and Screech was violent like his father. Ren has some great upbeat songs lit losing it, and what you want. you might want to check out to balance out the heaviness.
@lynette. Жыл бұрын
He is like a medieval minstrel brought up to date. Masterpiece He calls it "bardcore".
@Kenai2008 Жыл бұрын
Love the reaction, love the analysis. If you want to get into "fun" Ren songs you can try: Power / Losing It / What you Want..
@thehazelinthejane Жыл бұрын
No one knows 'Start Wearing Purple'!! I love that. That's as far as I've made it through your reaction so far and I had to comment. But I love you too by the way because you're obviously genuine and you clearly know what you're doing and I knew by you liking that Garth comparison comment so much that I was going to like you. Plus the Joy Division shirt. I'm excited to finish this reaction. And since I'm here in your comments already my suggestion, one of my suggestions, for you to react to next would be 'Genesis'. It's one of my favorites. I have a lot of favorites by Ren though so I don't know that that counts for much right now because everything he does is pretty freaking brilliant.
@thehazelinthejane Жыл бұрын
Wait!! I have a song I would really like you to do. I have only ever seen one other reactor do this. See you're going to hear a lot about Ren and his current music and his back catalog and his band The Big Push, but nobody ever talks about Trick The Fox. That was the band that he was in prior to the big push. You can see a baby Ren. They did a mashup of songs called The Mashup" that I think was truly fantastic. It was really fun. And I think that with your vast knowledge of music, and all different genres, that you would appreciate it. kzbin.info/www/bejne/rJDcc4OheL5phc0
@walterooski Жыл бұрын
Look... You. Friggin'. Get it. Thank you so much for your suggestions and your kind words. Your taste in music speaks for itself and I'm honored to have you by. I didn't realize my little sister was a huge Ren fan so she's actually picked my next reaction that I'll be filming here in a few hours. I'm going to leave it a surprise, but I will tell you that after my sister's request, I still intend to react to every piece of his content, even the deep tracks. Thank you for making me feel so good about myself. Be sure that you move forward knowing that you matter, you're valuable, you're important, and that I'm thankful that you exist.
@no54atu Жыл бұрын
Great reaction buddy now that you’re a fan of Ren which makes me sub to your channel🙏🏽❤️Ren is our future of music
@richardhuff1256 Жыл бұрын
You literally can't go wrong. Pick any song in his baglog and you will love it. Wanna dig farther check his band The Big Push. Want even deeper? His first band Trick the Fox (The Mash up and Living room poetry are my fav). He was a kid then and talented then.
@ThePhilly501 Жыл бұрын
Walter, I think you’d enjoy seeing Ren and “The Hunger”. It is another faucet of his many talents. Thank you.
@yarbafett Жыл бұрын
IM IN! I subbed strictly for the Ren Reaction Revisit video concept. It'd be great if there could be some sort of organization to the comments on the 1st reaction vid so everything about a verse or part of the video being expanded upon was all together. And not just tons of comments that say the say thing but are just spaced apart because people get tired of scrolling. Then discuss those on the follow up analysis. Ive been filtering thru many comment sections looking for the few things I'm still trying to figure out in all the lyrics. Also great choice on the reflection revisit idea. And basically dropping all other reactions to focus on him and his back catalog. Its a wise choice for your channel since hes about to go mega viral.
@Tim31NJ Жыл бұрын
Ren's band, The Big Push covers English Man in New York by Sting and had a busking performance of Message in a Bottle. He is one of many influences you'll hear in his music. He's a student of all genre's, becoming a teacher of his own genre.
@Lulabee2024 Жыл бұрын
I haven't read all of your comments but did you pick up on the fact that Violet was the mother of Jenny and Screech, in this trilogy? Ren's ability to touch on and so eloquently express the plight of the human experience at such a young age really impresses me. If I understand correctly, he doesn't have a HUGE team of people around him to guide him and help him write and produce. Awesome reaction ❤❤ keep it up. 😁
@walterooski Жыл бұрын
You just made me feel so good about myself. This seems to be a frequent comment and I plan on addressing this in my follow up video reaction series “Upon Further Review”. That being said, 19:52-20:00 are the exact 8 seconds it took me to connect that. I can tell in watching it that it might’ve appeared confusing from a certain perspective, but it also was very spelled out I felt because he literally named the twins. It took me a moment to connect one to the other based on where I paused, but it was literally spelled out. Thank you for asking and not just insulting my intelligence for assuming I missed something. I really REALLY appreciate the way you approached that 😂
@Lulabee2024 Жыл бұрын
@@walterooski you just made ME feel good about myself with your reply 😘. I have to think carefully before I choose my words I come across pretty crass in general because typically I call bullshit when I see it and most people aren't ready for that 😂 the reason I thought about it for a minute is because you were so absolutely into it... I had wondered if you had just got caught up in the moment and didn't realize because you didn't actually VERBALIZE that you understood it. Since I ( we) don't know you very well we will figure out when you caught on and when you have it once we get to know you as a reactor. Honestly, this venue can be tough I would imagine for someone that is relatively sensitive. It takes someone with pretty thick skin to ward off negative and useless comments that keyboard warriors may throw at anyone or anything that melts their images of themselves. Take care...stay strong. ❤️❤️
@PsyberDude692 ай бұрын
14:55 - He recorded this live. He has a lapel mic on and the sound of the reverb is recorded in real time, not enhanced in a recording studio
@tajolariffin6021 Жыл бұрын
yes, when you talked about changing flow, cadence and all that, yes he did a lot in his rap songs..a lot, like a lot, and its so amazing cause i dont see many people do that
@nealbrokaw7655 Жыл бұрын
I wanted you to just acknowledge that you understood who Violet is...and that this was although created years after Jen and Screech...he made it clear the hands of time must be rewound in order to tell her tale...after the Wait..she stayed silent, his guitar Riff moves time to the present...so now we as listeners are now invested into when....and any stories that we've read, heard, or an intuition we've Felt, revealing the information that makes sense of it all come full circle is why we love Sequels....or those endings that say To be continued. We are left Wanting...there MUST be closure of some sort before our minds allow it to be processed to be understood to the point of ok...an opening, a center, and the Fin . Please allow me to watch many many more of your " RENaissance" of Reactions
@nealbrokaw7655 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Walt
@boho_hippychick Жыл бұрын
Ren- Money Game and Money Game pt 2. Great reaction!!
@francesdoll4039 Жыл бұрын
I like your emotional reaction to this. ❤ Good luck in catching up! He has a big catalog. I'd like to hear him and his band The Big Push, I Shot the Sheriff/ Road to Zion/ Hip Hop.
@walterooski Жыл бұрын
I’ve never been able to remove my heart from my sleeve and have a foible for waxing poetic… Thank you so much for not making me feel bad for either of those things. I’ll be recording my reaction for every video he has so, as of now, I’ve only seen the two videos. I’m eager to document the journey and thankful that you care enough to be along for it 🖖
@francesdoll4039 Жыл бұрын
@@walterooski Ren pulls out the feels and makes us care about him and each other. I think you'll find a lot of really cool, loving fans.
@Fenthule Жыл бұрын
You've earned yourself a sub in me. You have very succinct comments and it's very obvious that you understand music better than many. I'd recommend either money game 1/2 in order to understand a reference used in Hi Ren, as well as them being genuinely amazing tracks, OR Ren x Chinchilla's song Chalk Outlines to hear some gut wrenching singing. Ren is also a super talented lyrical style rapper too, which you'll get a taste of in Money Game, but really shines in The Hunger or his latest update Illest of Our Time.