Hello you legends. Get a free list of my 100 favourite books - chriswillx.com/books/ Here's the timestamps: 00:00 Is Marriage Still Useful? 02:38 Society is Becoming More Prudish 11:52 Young People’s Views on Sex in Movies 15:05 Birth Control is Making Weak Men 20:19 The Gen-Z Pushback Against Romance 25:23 Is Patriarchy the Best System? 27:54 How Culture Impacts Our Views of Sex 33:00 Are Women Happier Now Than 70 Years Ago? 43:55 10 Years On From #MeToo 55:20 Why Men Aren’t Approaching Women 1:10:49 The Mental Health Crisis of Girls 1:19:09 Do Pedophiles Need Sympathy? 1:23:08 Why Women Support Body Positivity 1:27:50 The Normalisation of Cosmetic Surgery 1:38:14 Where to Find Louise
@awsambdaman Жыл бұрын
More Louise! She’s so nuanced and bright and always brings new information instead of the same old cynical “we’re doomed”
@kungfujoe2136 Жыл бұрын
welcome to the end of economic prosperity and the decline of society i think that uncertainty is a bad breading ground for relationships (at my own job i see a lot of devorced men women have bf's fast after device or dending a relationship)
@kungfujoe2136 Жыл бұрын
look at the rate women use anti depressives things like valium speepingpills and xanex it's true the roof
@meatyay Жыл бұрын
I like the "hello you beauties" greeting more. Please, Chris, call us beauties as often as you can 😅
@froyo9674 Жыл бұрын
13:22 wish they had taken this poll or study when I was young. Graduated 20 years ago, from high school. Never been on the pill. Just find it cringe..and I’ve felt that way since I was a kid. High sex drive..
@Rkenton4811 ай бұрын
Had a student when I taught in prison. He bragged about having 4 baby mama's. I asked him how it felt not being part of his kids' lives. How they would grow up without a father. He shrugged, "I grew up without my pops, and I turned out okay." He seemed oblivious to the fact that he was in prison and would be for another 12 years. Yeah. he turned out just fine. Created 4 more customers for the prison system to profit from in the future. Good job.
@ShaunHensley11 ай бұрын
Good job not holding 5 women accountable for their choices
@milkshrekpasta10 ай бұрын
@@ShaunHensley its both people's fault. Like the video said, women are the ones who have to face the consequences of casual sex due to biology. Why didn't the guys just use protecttion?
@shawndyer814010 ай бұрын
Well said.
@Susanrogers-pt9mf6hx1w10 ай бұрын
Common sense not so common
@Tate52510 ай бұрын
@@milkshrekpastaHow about not sleeping with straight up criminals? You think guys who act like thugs, care about using protection?
@Desheep Жыл бұрын
This 1h40m interview was uploaded 7 minutes ago, and already there are people posting that are either strongly agreeing or disagreeing with it.
@scottydoesntknow6901 Жыл бұрын
You don’t watch things at 1000x speed? Pfft. Pleb.
@euphegenia Жыл бұрын
@KM-hk8tc Жыл бұрын
Probably because they know their comments are most likely to be viewed now or never. Hi everyone happy holidays from my wife and I!
@bestmoshpits156 Жыл бұрын
Thumbnail police
@AmateurHuman19 Жыл бұрын
I see this all the time with YT videos now.... My only conclusion is that people are only reacting to the THUMBNAIL. It saddens me because then reasonable people get baited into responding to a vapid comment. I love comments but even I have to admit they're getting worse every year.
@hobgoblin9339 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, in order to have a stable and thriving culture, you need men and women who are actually strong willed, responsible, and self accountable. If society destroys those pillars then it all collapses
@stevec3526 Жыл бұрын
Men and women have to be able to work together. This isn’t happening.
@larkop6504 Жыл бұрын
The destruction of traditional society in the UK has been by design since WW2. You are absolutely correct about responsibility and accountability, there is very little of both in Western society. I moved to Asia were its against the law to damage someone's public image, the young have huge respect for their elders and the majority have families in there early 20s. Society is booming and full of life. It's truly sad to see my home been turned on it's head and people still not seeing or acting upon how much we are being manipulated by government.
@Aerdellosi Жыл бұрын
(((all according to plan)))
@TheDionysianFields Жыл бұрын
Why strong willed?
@hobgoblin9339 Жыл бұрын
@@TheDionysianFields those without a strong will lack conviction, those without conviction lack purpose. those who lack purpose live in the most despair as their despair is silent, even to themselves.
@eriktaylor57045 ай бұрын
I am approaching my 25th wedding anniversary with my first and only wife. Perfection is a myth. We are both imperfect people who are willing to reflect, change, love, accept, challenge, tolerate, trade-off, fume, frustrate, and talk. Have we reached the edge of separation and divorce, yes. But we’ve also stepped back and listened to each other. Love is a commitment and a feeling, not just a feeling.
@redhead87774 ай бұрын
RIGHT YOU ARE Eric! It take Honesty AND COMMITMENT. That means both partners must be mostly Attracted to each other, respect eacher and NOT STEP OUT on the marriage. Too much of that going on in order to cause jealousy or break up without having a Backbone. I agree, nothing is Perfect and if you have the qualities of a "help mate" not a "hurt mate" you will be successful in marriage! Great comment!
@imout671Ай бұрын
Same. Its a struggle at times but I was single 10 years and married life is SO much better. I never wanted children but now I wish we'd had more. If your marriage isn't what you want communicate and make it work for you. Having someone else to take care of and love is beautiful
@Sweet_Steve26 күн бұрын
Looks like you people developed better than others. It has nothing to do with commitment more to do with accepting obstacles. Which most people mentally can't do.
@comet39217 күн бұрын
Love is what someone has with their pets.
@prahyectzeh7031 Жыл бұрын
True story in my family. My grandma was known to be the most beautiful woman who also had the prettiest hair in the village. Her friends essentially convinced her to bleach her hair because it would've made her look better. This resulted in her having to cut off most of her hair...They then laughed at her and called her stupid for falling for it.
@ryanfairfoot263 Жыл бұрын
I can believe that. She was a threat so they sought to bring her attractiveness down. This is also happening in entertainment. Anecdotally, I was invited to bring gifts to a baby shower. Problem being I'm male. I pointed this out and was rounded on. As it being female only is not a thing anymore. I brought said gift and was repaid with mockery and laughter and had it pointed out that baby showers are a female affair. Lesson learnt. Trust your life experience, what your eyes see and your ears hear. Beware of gas lighting
@D3sdinova Жыл бұрын
@@ryanfairfoot263those people sound cruel and mildly evil.
@Colton-wz5sh Жыл бұрын
@@ryanfairfoot263literally delete them
@choppergirl Жыл бұрын
@@D3sdinova You just described most of humanity.
@Coach_jayci Жыл бұрын
When men insult each other they never mean it, when women compliment each other, they also never mean it.
@rakastellar8955 Жыл бұрын
I stopped hormonal birth control after 4 years and the only thing I have noticed is the depression went away immediately. No more suicidal thoughts. Other than that, nothing changed. But I am glad I am no longer chronically depressed.
@stevecooper788311 ай бұрын
That's a pretty big "only thing" 😅
@theshwomp62510 ай бұрын
That's a HUGE thing. You could have just as easily not be alive.
@Pcastagnaro10 ай бұрын
I am happy for you, thanks for sharing
@Tight--LiNeZ10 ай бұрын
There's a price to pay for everything. There are no free lunches anywhere in the universe. So there's bound to be a large price to pay for subverting something as fundamental as one's reproductivity and getting to have unprotected sex to your heart's content.
@ajantje648210 ай бұрын
Same! I was a mess for years, emotional breakdowns, depression, manic behaviour and suicidal. Stopped using the pill and all psychological problem were gone within a month.
@specialpeopleable Жыл бұрын
men don't want to fight and die for a country that hates them
@lonewolf1865011 ай бұрын
@DrewPicklesTheDark11 ай бұрын
People realize all modern wars (and even many past ones) are to protect the financial interests of an international clique, not freedom and democracy, or whatever other excuse of choice a regime uses.
@elgenerico626311 ай бұрын
Nope. Everyday, working class men are more willing to die for their country in countries that are dictatorial and oppressive towards them.
@rogerramjet642910 ай бұрын
Same applies to the men vs women chemistry and the level of entitlement women make, while claiming that they "deserve" everything on an impossible list What they have want, DOES NOT EQUAL, what they deserve.
@user-cn6ql2wz6f10 ай бұрын
What about the opposite?
@tonymorello89145 ай бұрын
Just stumbled upon this vid and I'm extremely impressed. How incredibly refreshing to listen to two very intelligent and articulate people discuss fascinating topics. What a gold mine. This represents the best of what the Internet can offer.
@dmimz76913 ай бұрын
Fascinating topics? Lol.
@Dr_Eyeball10 ай бұрын
The part where she talked about the “All Or Nothing Marriage” really struck a chord with me. It seems like everyone I’ve ever tried to date expected me to be perfect in every way and I never was up to snuff for them, and so they never gave me a shot at a long term relationship.
@garythomas493610 ай бұрын
You are really quite fortunate, whether you believe it or not: AVOID WOMEN!
@pricklycatsss5 ай бұрын
Those people will be single forever and by the time they wake up they’ll be past their prime and it’ll be too late. The whole fucking point of a relationship is to grow together. Experiencing hardships together is part of what bonds you with someone. If you never experience anything negative with your partner you don’t really know each other. If you expect to only be with someone who has everything together then you better be okay with staying single for most of your life lol.
@pricklycatsss5 ай бұрын
It drives me crazy how people can’t comprehend that getting through difficulty in a relationship is a GOOD thing. You learn conflict resolution, how to compromise/negotiate, tolerance, etc. If you can’t tolerate difficult things with another person you’re never gonna be able to bond with a person. It’s literally impossible.
@rainbows52325 ай бұрын
i struggle with that two, with my ex and my now boyfriend, they seem to have this idea, that a good relationship would have zero fights. whenever i had "fights" , i would call it more of an argument, it was never anything serious, and something we would solve immediately right away. and while i felt fine after solving, my bf seems to be stressed, and saying thats its abnormal, and not the best compatible.
@geoffchiddell5 ай бұрын
@@rainbows5232Modern society tends to bash on men and so it's little (or no) surprise at all that men have trust issues with modern women.
@leochen88711 ай бұрын
As an 85 year old retired aerospace engineer, I was brought up with "traditional family values". That is to say, I expected to one day marry a girl, we would start a family, she would stay at home and take care of the children and the housekeeping, and I would go out and work to support our family. I do believe that in today's world, that has become increasingly difficult to do, what with the rise in the cost of living. Of course, back then we lived in a modest old house which had only one bathroom, no a/c, etc. Property taxes and utilities on our first house were also low/affordable. And we had only one car that was quite old. Women didn't have oral contraceptives. So we were careful. OTOH, my children got married later than I did. But their standard of living is much higher than what I first experienced, what with multiple cars, larger and much more modern houses, children who have to be driven to their after-school activities, etc. So it's all much more expensive now. Are they happier now? That's the question, isn't it.
@georgeyoung9211 ай бұрын
Yes, the quantity and quality of relationships has decreased greatly. Neighbors dont talk or visit, strangers are feared, very few conversations or actual teaching of one's kids, etc.
@TheFriendlyPsychopath.11 ай бұрын
As a gainfully employed Aerospace engineer A.E.E.M. Degree employed as a Aerodynamics analyst CFD level 2,what does stating your occupation have anything to do with what you said?!
@jasonriek198611 ай бұрын
@@TheFriendlyPsychopath. It’s showing status and what the person was happy with despite their relatively prestigious role. It adds weight to the person’s words. Why did you feel the need to highlight this?
@TheFriendlyPsychopath.11 ай бұрын
@@jasonriek1986 I’m an aerospace engineer as well, aerodynamic CFD level 2. A 85 year old man stating a job title from 20 years ago has nothing to do with the video.
@shadowsketch92611 ай бұрын
@@TheFriendlyPsychopath. to a degree it does: it shows perspective, to a degree, level of intelligence, and they finish it off with a good question, after mentioning the level of standard they saw in their own life and then the one from their children. maybe it was to stroke their own ego a bit, but let someone have their little moment would you, it's not like it hurt the overal point.
@WarrantChen Жыл бұрын
Wow, what a breathe of fresh air when a women talks about modern dating in a logical and statistical approach with zero intent of throwing either groups under the bus. We need more of these women in the front lines talking about societal issues.
@Saberdud Жыл бұрын
Those women who do not tow the sisterhood line will get slandered and labeled pick me, you can't deviate from the hive mind without consequences.
@amandaforrester7636 Жыл бұрын
@@Saberdudif you're not called a pick me, you're called "unhealthy" or a "prude". I've said many of the things she's said.
@Feraeond Жыл бұрын
She's definitely still selling men short though. Even if selective correlations of low testosterone and low crime at certain times in certain areas wasn't falsely seen as causative, as opposed to something like low self-control from bad upbringings for example, it still shouldn't even be a question that reducing society to complacency through the destruction of male ambition and innovation is not a worthwhile tradeoff.
@hyperteleXii Жыл бұрын
Deviating from a self-destructive hivemind has constructive consequences. Yes, there will be pain in the short-term. But at least you'll survive *EXTINCTION.* Might be worth considering.
@amandaforrester7636 Жыл бұрын
@@hyperteleXii extinction? Interesting choice of words.. I'm 36, single, childless. I want a family but can't get past a 1st or, at best, 2nd date anymore, because men have the same expectations as women, that you will throw yourself at them quickly "if you really like them." Sir, how can I know you after only two dinners that only lasted a few hours??? No, I should've been a single mother. At least I'd have a child.
@CoryKnudsen7014 ай бұрын
I literally saw a sign today that states, "Has someone stared at you in a way that made you feel unsafe? Sexual harassment is not allowed on transit. Report it." It's no wonder guys are afraid to walk up to women. Look at them wrong and you could get reported for sexual harassment.
@rhmendelson3 ай бұрын
You missed the point where she said people have usually connected through their families, social groups, or activities. Leave women alone who are minding their business.
@yourbot97883 ай бұрын
@@rhmendelsonand of course I am talking about outs side of the families, social circle etc. As having family is harder u will see social circle, friends and family will likely be alot smaller in the future and it will effect more and more people and community, and saying, "leave women alone",is not going to solve the problem in the long run
@iselwyr54113 ай бұрын
Buddy that is literally sexual harassment, leave women alone
@Yanel57953 ай бұрын
@@rhmendelsonthe irony of your statement, feminist have said it was an oppressed world in which woman would be destined to marry someone who lived within a 10 mile radius from where they were born, now woman are free and have career, and now you are saying woman will also only marry someone who is a friend of their family members or friends of friends, etc lol. But i agree men and woman should not approach the opposite sex as a matter of fact it should be illegal even in the work place. At work people are there to work, not meet a partner. And the gym people are there to work out, not meet a partner At the store people are there to shop, not meet a partner. Only on a website or through Famiyl can people meet a potential partner. Awesome!
@peterrichardson92482 ай бұрын
Just don’t look at them at all. Zero eye contact.
@ariesstage2188 Жыл бұрын
There are no solutions, just trade offs. Sounds like life in a nutshell. Great conversation!
@greg.ocallaghan Жыл бұрын
Thomas Sowell
@kathycoleman4648 Жыл бұрын
@@greg.ocallaghan Yep. You beat me to it. :)
@ericjames7819 Жыл бұрын
Women expect to choose what they want without there being any consequences. Not trade offs.
@abaddon1371 Жыл бұрын
It is just a rephrasing of "when you choose one thing, there is another thing you didn't choose" And of course there are solutions. It depends on the situation and the question. It is by no means a catch all phrase.
@emperorsean1 Жыл бұрын
So what exactly is the trade off for men who can't get laid or meet partners?
@AudreyWineland Жыл бұрын
The reason for drop in lgbt acceptance is that messaging went from live and let live to being endlessly pushed and shoved onto people. And the line kept being pushed into ever more ludicrous territory. Plus No tolerance or grace in the other direction. Even kids and teenagers got sick of it.
@hieug.rection1920 Жыл бұрын
It followed the exact trajectory the Christians said it would. Live and let live turned into trans and pedophilia real quick and eroded the family and societal morality. Almost like it’s happened before in Greece and Rome! Weird that!
@transitionsnc Жыл бұрын
Completely agree.
@MC-dn8if Жыл бұрын
Being straight is now an act of teenage rebellion
@gumdeo Жыл бұрын
The true nature of the movement is being revealed.
@grannyannie2948 Жыл бұрын
I agree. Homosexuals are 3% of the population. And yet today they make up 30% of every movie, novel or TV series. There's nothing left for heterosexuals. I think if the same sex marriage vote was repeated in my country, knowing what we know now, it would be overwhelmingly rejected.
@ptw7665 Жыл бұрын
I feel the negative role of social media was overlooked as a contributing factor to young people having less desire to see romance in films. Social media has been and is a large contributor to the problems we're seeing in relationships between men and women. Our youth are well aware of this and don't want to be bombarded with another unrealistic representation that few of them will experience in their lives. They know it's fiction, yet they don't want to be slapped in the face with another unachievable expectation as they see on their social media everyday. I don't claim any expertise, yet this is the first thing that came to mind when this question was raised and I felt it was relevant to mention. The negative impacts of social media on all parts of society never fail to amaze me. Food for thought.
@TheFriendlyPsychopath.11 ай бұрын
What does that actually feel like?!🤔
@CosmicAeon11 ай бұрын
Take any social issue and it's a pretty safe bet that social media is a major contributing factor in fucking it up. Their algorithms actively promote the most toxic, hateful, idiotic comments and viewpoints and are spreading division and hate completely unchecked, and nobody in society seems to care.
@CriderLeeAdam11 ай бұрын
I'm of the strong belief that social media is the #1 cause of the destruction of the fabric of society! The reason romance and small gestures like giving A girl flowers are now topics of resentment among the younger generations! Is t social media and dating apps have essentially turned everyone into legal stockers! Someone's profile can summarize information on them. That used to take 2-3 dates A handful of late-night phone calls to gather. That would either make you more interested or less interested in your dating interest! So now all the work of getting to know someone , the time dedicated to finding out if your compatible. Has been widdeled down to A few minutes. Essentially as corporate America would put it is that they've made dating more Efficient. What we've learned about efficiency is that yes it seems to be more productive in one sense. But quality always seems to go down, and the value of human workers being now expendable/replaceable are becoming less and less necessary! Looking at it in those terms. We've taken something that's supposed to be hard work and time dedicated to finding achieving and keeping A relationship. Has become an inefficient waste of our time! Time we should be dedicating to fattening the pockets of corporation's instead. Corporation's who created these apps and every other kind of sexually pleasurable toys etc etc... So you no longer need human to human intimate relationships. Cause they're to time consuming, and time your spending on trying to find and keep A loving relationship with someone. Is time your not spending being A cog in the in America's corporate system of consumerism. So unbeknownst to everyone these corporation's design and develop more "Efficient" I.E. less time consuming, less expensive, cost effective way for you to find your special someone! Basically dating these days is like shopping for A new pair of shoes. You don't like one pair? Well that's OK cause there's A see of millions of other shoes/women/men for the user to choose from at the swipe of A finger! Making dating this transactual thing that dehumanizes the opposite sex into replaceable products. That's why the majority of profile pictures you see on dating and social media. Are of people posing in the most revealing provocatively suggestive ways! Showing themselves in ways that aren't normal for them. Cause subconsciously everyone knows that that picture is the introduction to their profile. So if they want people to visit their profile they've gotta be sexualy alluring. Even though this picture is one of 100 others taken and photoshopped to completely manipulate your appearance. Just to beetout the profile pics on either side of yours to hopefully enhance your chances of finding love! So by making you insecure, and less confident in yourself. That your own self respect diminishes to the point that you become so desperate for someone to validate your sexuality. That you'll display yourself like meat! Hoping that that is going to be what brings you any kind of meaningful relationship. Then months later wonder why the relationship didn't work! Well it didn't work because there's no time energy and work put into building A relationship. Exploiting yourself sexually for the world to see and judge every lil character flaw. Picking apart not just your appearance but you as A person. I think we can all agree that, Every person male or female knows when someone is checking them out! Who doesn't like feeling attractive? Now consider that you don't know what kinds of people are being sexually attracted you. I know when someones looking at me because they think im pretty. I also know when someone whos looking at me is undresing me with their eyes and imagining all the pervy sick sadistic things they want to do to me! We al know that uncomfortable feeling. That feeling that makes us look for recording devices when in public restrooms! Out of fear of being violated and humiliated for somebodies sick voyeuristic pleasures! Yet we'll then post these sexualy suggestive provocative photos of ourselves in hopes of attracting anyone but A sexual deviant! The logic behind it all is fucking ridiculously unrealistic! Like Porn star's expecting to be treated like anything other than A sexual toy for other peoples pleasure! You chose your profession, now you wana wonder why your being followed home by pervs expecting you to be who you portray yourself as in your movies! Or you wonder why the other parents at your kids school never invite you to helpout with afterschool functions. No matter how conservative you dress and portray yourself to be outside of the movie set! Your always going to be seen as A sex worker and A threat to their marriages and to the sexual innocence of their children! If you want something of substance in your life. Modesty is sexier than A naked body that everyone/anybody can see. Relationships are two sided. They dont revolve entirely around you and what you think they should be. Just because you don't always agree doesn't mean it has to end in A power struggle fight with one person eventually submitting to the other in an never ending I'm right your wrong dynamic! And you can't expect that someone's going to check all your expectation boxes! Cause news flash you won't check all there's either! Intact having A checklist of people's characteristics is not only demeaning to your partner. Putting pressure on them to somehow live upto some ridiculously unrealistic standard of expectations. Instead of allowing them to just be themselves. Is only going to create for you A fake superficial relationship that's more for show than anything cause it's based on lies! Go out into the world and meet someone in person. It's literally the only way of knowing if your truly compatible. Profiles lie to make themselves seem like better candidates. But most importantly you cannot sense somebody's pheromones through an electronic device. Pheromones are biologically what relationships really boil down to. You can have all the chemistry in the world online. Talk for hours and actually develope an emotional heartfelt loving connection to someone. Be completely sexually attracted and turned on by this person. All the way up to the point of finally meeting in person. Then for reasons you can't identify be completely ad utterly turned off by them! It's not they're fault they've done nothing wrong. But you just are not attracted to their biological makeup, and really there's nothing you can do to change that. But its something that we as A species have no control over! Long story not so short ditch the apps, devices, and any other form of dehumanizing displays of yourself for others to vote on. As viable ways to find that special someone! All this technology is only driving us farther and farther apart. And creating new opportunities for corporate America to create even more products, solutions, medications, professions etc etc to supposedly help others fill that void! It's A viciously Neverending cycle of situations and solutions that only ever seem to make problems worse In the long-run or creat even more issues. So they can then create more ineffective solutions! The only common factor is that the 1% are always profiting off us! Wether we die or live and especially our happiness mean absolutely nothing to them......
@charlespancamo977111 ай бұрын
If they see it on their social media everyday then clearly it is quite acheivable
@rRekko11 ай бұрын
@@charlespancamo9771 it would be if it were true. Social media is filled to the brim with fake people showing the best parts of their life, the highlights, which are also often manipulated to look like good things. People on social media don't show when they're down or the ugly side of their life unless they are searching for pity points. Social media leads you to believe beauty in all "body types" (from being fat to being morbidly obese being seen as beautiful) yet they won't show you how some of the major influencers of the movement have died at a very young age because of their lifestyle. Social media will show you girl boss queens who don't need no man, but won't show you the ones who regret buying into the lie. It will show you trans and non binary in such a positive light, but won't show you why they came to that and what they suffer on a daily basis, as they are worshipped for being mentally ill instead of having them face reality. It won't show you all the ones regretting their transition and suffering or killing themselves over not being able to undo.
@drxwswonder64497 ай бұрын
I loved this conversation. nothing better than an open dialogue, no arguing, no sides. Just facts and observations
@lukedoyle1200BC8 сағат бұрын
Indeed. It's incredibly refreshing and insightful
@Dmitrihson11 ай бұрын
In society of overly competitive individuals, there is no room for love and compassion.
@lakecityransom10 ай бұрын
Everybody wants to rule the world.
@budrickalso10 ай бұрын
That’s pretty insightful
@JordanSlaymaker-ls7nh9 ай бұрын
Not always true. There is competition within effective collaboration, and collaboration in effective competition. It's nuanced.
@marikishtar9 ай бұрын
@@JordanSlaymaker-ls7nhNot really, people always look down to others who they deem inferior or weak. This is why society has a harsh stigma around incels
@JordanSlaymaker-ls7nh9 ай бұрын
Never mentioned incels bud 😂 basically what I'm getting at us this. Within any "effective" competition of any sort, collaboration is necessary, however you view the people above and below your current status. Additionally, any collaborative effort, of any kind, will have competitive elements within. It's human nature. Then it's up to us to CHOOSE, how we view and treat those around us. There are several people ik personally who say time and time again, who genuinely mean it, that they despite all of their success have found no greater joy than finding someone "beneath" them whether it be socioeconomically, socially, or any other area of life they excel in and teaching them what they have learned.
@mkbanks73a Жыл бұрын
I find it interesting that we blame the institution of marriage and not the people married. Marriage requires those in it assume maturity, selflessness, and regard for the other which are traits not seen in our society at present. So what we really have are people who cannot rise to the standards of marriage, not that marriage is outdated or no longer necessary.
@Andrea-zm1nl Жыл бұрын
Thank you! This is what I've been saying for twenty years. The people who are eighteen to twenty-five, are less and less mentally and emotionally mature than ever before in human history. This is why marriage fails so frequently and why there are so many children in single parent homes. So thank you.
@xazarl3381 Жыл бұрын
@@Andrea-zm1nl nah up to 35 or 40 not 25 lol.
@moldyzucchinis3251 Жыл бұрын
Very well said and sums up an inkling I’ve had for a while. My wife and I never stop evolving to be better for each other. Marriage is about effort, responsibility, accountability, reliability, and selflessness. I’ll be the first to say I fall short in all of these regards, but I will never stop growing and becoming better. From what I see in the world today, others don’t want to do that reflection but rather be accepted however flawed and rigid they are.
@jelkel25 Жыл бұрын
I think because of the reasons you gave marriage needs to be changed from it's current form. Something needs to be done to reemphasize the seriousness of the course of action being taken before, not after. Perhaps both parties sit down with separate lawyers and negotiate the contract with real consequences for breaking it? Do the hard-nosed real world stuff first and then get married in the eyes of God or however suits both of you. This would at least wheedle out a few bad actors and those who don't really have a clue what they are doing.
@bingbongclimbing Жыл бұрын
Well said! 👏🏿
@stephenryan769811 ай бұрын
I have 40 years with my wife three great kids never much money partly because went self-employed to deliberately be able to pick up and take kids to school, swimming, basketball, gymnastics, netball, days out. Best days of my life still have great relationships with wife and kids and I thank God for all of it.
@Mandragara11 ай бұрын
If you hadn't married, but still done all of those other things, what would have been different?
@sUmEgIaMbRuS11 ай бұрын
@@MandragaraIf they hadn't married, they probably wouldn't have done all those things. I'm in the 5th year of my marriage and we have a 6 month old baby. Let me tell you, if we hadn't deliberately made it difficult for us to break up, we would've done it multiple times, and for really stupid reasons at that. I'm grateful to my past self for making that decision, for without it I wouldn't know the sheer euphoria of looking into my son's eyes and seeing his face turn into a wide grin. The emotional depth of my relationship with my wife also grew with each low point that we managed to get over.
@stephenryan769811 ай бұрын
If you mean if I was in a partnership instead of marriage then nothing. But a marriage in England still gives more security by law for a woman. A committed partnership in principle is no different to a marriage.@@Mandragara
@frankdehaan964010 ай бұрын
This is so frustrating to me... I don't get why people that are religious always have to thank god for everything. My man, it's YOU that done all of this, it's YOU that brought up a nice family. Please explain to this non believer why god has ANYTHING to do with how your life has run it's course? Maybe you are just a good person my man.. You can't attribute that to god, because we are all created equal right? So why are you happyly married for 40 some years, and the devorce rate is like 50%+ ? I can go on and on with examples but i hope you get the point. PLEASE MY MAN stop attributing everything good in your life to god, and take some fucking satisfaction out of how YOU made your life good. That is all. lol.
@stephenryan769810 ай бұрын
I understand what your saying but my faith is in Jesus not religion and only when I found faith did I start to change from being a drug addict liar, thief etc. It really did change my life around thats why I thank God. I was an atheist and would have reacted with stronger sentiments then you, so I know where your coming from.@@frankdehaan9640
@williamwagner22003 ай бұрын
I really enjoy thoughtful, respectful conversation between well-read and intelligent people.
@davdep11 ай бұрын
We talk our selves in circles , it's very simple. TV and social media are the biggest factors in influencing young people especially young women
@watchdog66197 ай бұрын
Yeah,...sure....only women....🙄
@mr.mayhem40547 ай бұрын
@@watchdog6619 They said especially, not only. Learn to read.
@watchdog66197 ай бұрын
@@mr.mayhem4054 Oh shit you're right, my bad 😩
@dante198906 ай бұрын
@watchdog6619 women are the easiest to manipulate. They consume the most and are less independent thinkers than men
@JC-qm7yx6 ай бұрын
there's one step beyond that. come on, you can do it.
@AskTorin Жыл бұрын
These two have the greatest podcast chemistry. They are both self aware and also very intrigued with each other's perspectives. They both bounce and dare to think out loud without "having to be right". Good stuff!
@benstandard Жыл бұрын
She's definitely attracted to him.
@joen8529 Жыл бұрын
@@benstandard He’s ok but he’s said some pretty dumbass things too in the past.
@joen8529 Жыл бұрын
“Wisdom.” Hahahahha 😂
@bulletguitar14 Жыл бұрын
@@benstandardI’m sure she is, but what does it matter at the end of the day. Most people that find themselves in relationships can find others attractive. It’s whether you act on it that can and will complicate things. Monogamy is a battle in itself unfortunately nowadays.
@svr5423 Жыл бұрын
She's bringing a lot of BS arguments, and he's not even picking that up. For example, about the "status of male spaces". Men want to become fighter pilots rather than kindergarden teachers because it's cool to fly an airplane, but it's a pain to be around children. It's not because it is a "high status male job".
@maximilianstauder6408 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this truly open constructive conversation. As a german (male) student this feels like someone opening a window and letting fresh air in my mind, when so many students and professors are slowly digging their own wholes with their constructs and rules for moral behavior and thinking.
@fillupbanks78856 ай бұрын
This is such a good conversation!! It's like the conversation most people are scared to have. And its non biased.
@OHAR2 Жыл бұрын
Watching this video has been surprisingly refreshing due to the simple fact that Louise was able to state her thoughts and opinions clearly, calmly, and thoroughly when asked to go into greater detail on a specific subject. It gets so exhausting listening to people who have only a cursory knowledge of the subject they are speaking about and have to resort to inflammatory tactics when their ideas cannot bear scrutiny. Thank you to both of you for this video.
@jonbaxter2254 Жыл бұрын
It's refreshing, isn't it?
@piscinaiv7937 Жыл бұрын
it's a nice hallmark of this channel in general honestly, very engaging interview style here.
@stevec3526 Жыл бұрын
And none of her opinions were questioned.
@joen8529 Жыл бұрын
Yeah… This guy isn’t that smart. Jock “wisdom” but he certainly has marketed himself well.
@pdcichosz Жыл бұрын
What does 'inflammatory tactics' mean? I did check on google, returns med-related links ;)
@Ash2cents Жыл бұрын
Not only are the topics really interesting, but they both have such a soothing voice, that it's almost like learning and meditating at the same time.
@DavidEiden11 ай бұрын
it's a quality processed signal too. gated and compressed. 👍
@alphacause Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Chris, for bringing back Louise Perry on your program. Of all the guests you have featured in the past, she is one of my favorites, and it is an absolute joy to hear from her again. The space where modern male/female relationships are analyzed has devolved so much into irrationality and acrimony. Its in such a contentious environment that calm and rational voices like Perry's are desperately needed. She has a rare gift of being able to deliver harsh truths, backed up by data, with elegance and grace. She is just a pleasure to listen to.
@shivrambarran5086 Жыл бұрын
Well said 👌🏽
@marccas10 Жыл бұрын
Ever hear the expression "strike while the iron's hot"?
@grannyannie2948 Жыл бұрын
I nearly scrolled past the thumbnail. I assumed it would be a clip from the previous interview. So glad I did not.
@Pseudothink Жыл бұрын
(2:08) "We do clearly have free will..." I know a few physicists who would strongly disagree with this...
@andrew1717xx Жыл бұрын
Her book is a must read for young women.
@curtishoden51608 ай бұрын
I disagree on why young men are becoming more conservative. I believe it's due to the schools including universities, social media and regular TV continually bashing on men that they have fully pulled back.
@Ashnesss7 ай бұрын
LOL no. South Asian men are more conservative than their fathers and at times, their grandfathers. The reason is insecure sense of self and lack of identity. The media isn’t only to blame. Because the 10% of men who are not conservative, but liberal, also don’t display insecure sense of self or lack of identity, and have far better chances with women.
@DavidBessette-o5m6 ай бұрын
Divorce laws ,family court ,female entitlement ,masculinized women ,women's ridiculous standards ,th calling men creep movement.for approach to women and gym culture too ,men being accused of being creeps you.needed to add these things too !!
@DavidBessette-o5m6 ай бұрын
You can add the false allegations, false accusations, me too ,job discrimination, men also are victimized with affirmative action, quotas for women ,men losing jobs due to automation or jobs leaving the country ,men continued to face abuse from society at large ,women's double standards ,male loneliness ,and more factors ,like discriminatory laws ,suicides ,and more !!
@geoffchiddell5 ай бұрын
@rainbows5232 ...
@lean4real_115 ай бұрын
fake news
@DavidSmith-mt7tb Жыл бұрын
In dating theory they often refer to meeting people via "warm" and "cold" approaches. Cold approach is they are a stranger (at a bar, via an app, etc.) and warm approaches are you share social circles (church, friends, etc.). Statistically, warm approaches more often lead to successful long term relationships, and this is still the case, even though fewer relationships start this way than they did in the past. This makes sense because there's already a stage of vetting. It's important your SO fits in with your social circles, shares your values etc., and typically warm approaches are selecting for these attributes at the forefront, at least at a much higher rate than cold approaches.
@eod991010 ай бұрын
One of the topics she discusses is chivalry, and she believes that we should never have abandoned it; it should have remained an ongoing institution. However, this notion presents challenges because chivalry was a system that imposed obligations on both men and women. It constituted a framework of mutual obligations, where men had duties towards women, and women had responsibilities towards men. The idea that women had to be chaste, modest, and virtuous was integral to this system. Without women participating in this system, chivalry would not function effectively, as it would devolve into a one-sided arrangement resembling exploitation, where men are obligated to women without reciprocal benefits for themselves.
@frikabg10 ай бұрын
they ALWAYS talk about the part that MEN have to do and perform and never talk about the things taht women have to do and fix. Its always 'women's lives are so hard! Men should do X in order to fix this because women are in trouble!' which is hilarious because the reason we are where we are is because we listened to women giving them what they want and fixing their problems.... The huge majority of women I would say 99% don't know what they want or what will make them happy! The proof can be see everywhere right now in this day and age. The idea that we should listen to women as disrespectful as it sounds is ridiculous...
@matthewr39869 ай бұрын
Right she does. But of course doesn't acknowledge who really killed it. Answer Women. Women killed it. They have the society they helped shape.
@swetsTV9 ай бұрын
this is nonsense.
@eod99109 ай бұрын
@@swetsTV how is this nonsense that's not an argument
@raytracer57269 ай бұрын
They talk about chivalry all the time - but men in the past would never court a +30 year old single mother with an attitude and a body count higher then John Wick.
@taragonleaf800511 ай бұрын
A very recent UK study showed that the #2 thing that cured female anxiety/depression was quitting full time work. For men the #1 thing that cured anxiety/depression was finding full time work.
@PatrikLooft11 ай бұрын
citation? very interesting!
@130rne11 ай бұрын
Citation is all of human history.
@jayl972911 ай бұрын
Meaningful work. My work is meaningless and makes me anxious and depressed. And I feel like a significant portion of white collar jobs provide very little meaning.
@taragonleaf800511 ай бұрын
@@jayl9729 For me, meaningful work is the type that allows me to provide for my family. The job itself doesn't NEED meaning in and of itself, for me anyway. but it the job itself has its own meaning, that's good too. There will always be monotony in daily life, but if you assign a meaning to it, it will become meaningful. My wife went from hating cooking to enjoying it because instead of a laborious chore, it because providing warmth, welcome, and nutrition of her children and husband.
@marcusramirez343610 ай бұрын
man doing his tradtional role,, women doing their traditional role.. wow groundbreaking. so add one more acceptable option woman wants to pay for her own stuff not have a man pay for her stuff..thats ok too. they used to cal them lesbians and thats ok too.
@dannoringer4 ай бұрын
My wife smiled at me in a crowded college hallway after I got out of class, and we've been married working on 52 years now.
@coreynewcomb6853 ай бұрын
Amen brother
@kconnor23713 ай бұрын
@anavasquez52313 ай бұрын
That’s adorable!
@Developer8882 ай бұрын
That's absolutely useless information for any man looking for love or marriage but kudos I guess
@x0rn3122 ай бұрын
@DarthRadical Жыл бұрын
My sister (a Catholic) has told me that there's a word for women who use cycle tracking as birth control. That word is "Mom".
@ChickFenwick Жыл бұрын
We need to keep birth control. And improve upon it.
@glassjester Жыл бұрын
My (Catholic) response: That's supposed to be the goal.
@gasma113 Жыл бұрын
@Onetime4justice Жыл бұрын
@@ChickFenwickNo one will ever improve it because big pharma benefits from all of the medical detriments.
@DarthRadical Жыл бұрын
@@glassjester As she has 7 kids, she'd likely agree. (She's a doctor - so she knows the math. And they can afford 7 kids.)
@ChrisSzaro10 ай бұрын
This discussion was fascinating to me. Nice to see people talking about emotional issues with a calm disposition.
@ThreadBareHope123411 ай бұрын
1:06:30 "The blast radius of that signal"😂😂 Perfect way of putting it
@TheeeDannyD8 ай бұрын
Yeah that made me laugh. So true.
@XanderMuze5 ай бұрын
RIGHT?! I have two sisters and an old school-ish father, and they were constantly pestered about wearing any revealing clothing as young teens, and I remember feeling conflicted as a younger brother about their feelings. Once I was in the prime of my pubescent years, and coming into my manhood, all I could think was, "Thank you Dad!" hahaha. I love my sisters, and one was the victim of sexual assault. I have faith in humanity, but as they say in the conversation: "Everything is a tradeoff" & to paraphrase, "it's the rational way to behave and operate within the confines of the reality of our current world. Ideals for a safer, more mature, and equal society are all good and dandy, and should be strived for. However, we are not there yet."
@ThreadBareHope12345 ай бұрын
@@XanderMuze You are totally right. And I'm sorry to hear about your sister. About that last statement, about ideals, I don't think we'll ever be at a state where people are more mature and places are more safe. Imo, they will always exist. We normal people can only care for each other when it does happen and safe guard against those people/environments
@floymelly8 ай бұрын
I love this episode, awesome conversation and such a good flow and humor. It's like you're childhood friends!
@darrenjones293311 ай бұрын
RE: The military not being able to recruit. I'm a second gen veteran. Many guys of my age were sons of multi generational veterans. Many of the guys I served with in the Army were also from a long line of veterans, many dating back to the Revolutionary War. There is not one single fellow veteran I know, even the multi generational guys, that want their kid/s to join the military. Endless war/deployments, Anthrax vaccine, C word vaccine, Gulf War Syndrome, Burn Pit issues, Agent Orange, the list goes on and on. We didn't sign up to be the world's police. We signed up because we loved our country.
@christopherwhull10 ай бұрын
One thing the military could do is extend the entry ages to match the demands practical average position. The loss of the endless chain of 18 year old's is gone. Mid career 40 year old Males and Females can deal with the supply chain, the item that wins wars by all accounts, moving of arms is on pallets for the past 100 years, I do not get the PT requirements for the middle of the force that might get 3 days on the rifle range during an entire career. If I could have entered the officer core at age 40 or just drive a truck with my life experiences the war fighters could focus on kinetic proficiency, and I can deal with the logistics chain without being x5 the price as a contractor. That is the skill I have been doing for 25 years, getting x to y at time z.
@hia523510 ай бұрын
Good this is the only way to stop the US from being forced into endless wars Thank these kids.
@garythomas493610 ай бұрын
Let women/trans join the military!
@Rkenton489 ай бұрын
I did two stretches in the Marines. First in peace time. Did my six (2 on, 4 res), got my benefits. Second, 12th of September. You know which year. Amazed at such a small turnout. Little more than 2 dozen at the recruitment ctr. Loved BT the second time round. Knew exactly what to expect. Could laugh at the kids who didn't. "10 miles! But it's raining!" "Okay, we'll make it 20." Kids.
@Rkenton489 ай бұрын
@@garythomas4936 Let!!?? Conscript. Go directly to front lines.
@SirShiv7 Жыл бұрын
Women acknowledging we've gone too far and women actually actively doing something about it are two very different things. I think most women (over the age of 25ish, i.e. not a current brainwashed college kid and approaching/ past the wall) acknowledge our society has gone overboard with sex positivity, but aren't willing to shoulder the responsibilities and self control that come along with changing it. In short they demand they get to have their cake and eat it, too.
@asdfasdf-te8oc Жыл бұрын
Yes. The 🧱 is an excellent teacher...
@Aerdellosi Жыл бұрын
Or it just makes them bitter and they go and ruin other, younger women. I think for the millenials that'll probably be the case.@@asdfasdf-te8oc
@chipsteve Жыл бұрын
Of course - they're FUBAR for relationships. You can't unsleep with people. For women, it's irreversible damage to their pair bond capacity. So of course they "won't take responsibility" for something that has damaged them forever.
@murat9268 Жыл бұрын
@@chipsteve They live today. They will endure pain future. They won't take responsibility, they will feel the consequences in the future. Women do not look for good men for anything, will look for them in desperation after her 30's. Problem of this paradigm is loneliness is more painful to women than men.
@famov666 Жыл бұрын
The women that marry, have kids, and have a generally positive outlook on life are "doing something about it" in exactly the way that should be expected of them. As are the men that marry them, of course. It's a two way street, because men also need to take responsibility for their role in the modern dating landscape. If you want quality, be quality. Those men that aspire to decency are likely to find a similarly decent woman that's worth their time and effort. Those that don't inevitably pollute comment sections and message boards with assorted bro-science about "pair bonding" and "hypergamy" in between 15 minute sessions of hardcore porn, all the while thinking that the women of the world collectively owe them something because all that swiping on Bumble hasn't quite worked out the way that they thought it would. Between the dusty cat ladies and the untouchable pornfiends, the solution to our dating woes necessitates far less resentment and finger pointing. It requires we take responsibility for ourselves, build ourselves up, and make an honest attempt at meeting the sort of people that we want to spend our lives with.
@zutty69 Жыл бұрын
1:04:58 As a man who chronically assumes women aren't interested in me, it's disheartening to hear I've actually been overestimating their interest this whole time.
@Pezerinno Жыл бұрын
@WomenKilledChivalry Жыл бұрын
We're in this boat together buddy. And I actually believed when a few have said they thought I was cute or charming. Its all just niceties to avoid hurting feelings, doing us a disservice more than anything else.
@Randomlad56 Жыл бұрын
Amen brudda 🫡🤧🥂
@Ryan-cb1ei2 ай бұрын
I always found that stat interesting because I’ve also seen a stat saying men underrate their value on average and women overrate their value (in the eyes on other people). I guess perceiving others as interested in you and how much value others see in you is different though.
@seriousoldman899710 күн бұрын
@superdupersnowflake9 ай бұрын
Oh 100% I have only been in terrible abusive relationships no matter how I dress… no matter how I act and look. Probally due to severe abuse in childhood, I just can’t get it right. now I don’t even talk to men anymore. I’ve been single almost 5 years and it’s peaceful. I’m finally at peace. And peace is my highest form of happiness now.
@douglashoover6473 Жыл бұрын
A few years ago, in my local library I browsed a book written by a woman, for women, to advise them on how to navigate then (then) primarily male world of business. One section told women that it was not appropriate to wear, at the office, skirts that are too short, dresses that are too low-cut, or sweaters that are too tight, because the inspire insane animal urges in men, not conducive to getting work done. It noted that 75% (!!) of women did not understand this. They thought such clothes were simply fashionable. This sort of thing, and the business of a woman not understanding when an awkward guy is interested in her, makes me wonder of the idea of superior emotional intelligence of women needs to severely qualified. THanks for an, as usual, excellent discussion.
@supreme-man11 ай бұрын
wow this is neither feminist or misogynistic, just straight up facts and smart rational people discussing about things.
@joannetilly458610 ай бұрын
sliding on the surface....
@RedWaterGlow8 ай бұрын
Love that!
@watchdog66197 ай бұрын
Appart from him defending Nazi methods, interesting indeed.
@veggiegurl066 ай бұрын
Rational people, men and women, this is what is needed. Sadly not many men or women fit this description. Men think the problem is women, women think it's men. The truth is it's both, plus other circumstances in our modern society. It's solvable for future generations, but I doubt people will come together and stop pointing the finger at each other. Commodities and transactions, nothing will change until we stop seeing each other primarily for what we can get out of relationships and marriages.
@baustin11111 Жыл бұрын
I avoided the clips you posted because a Louise Perry interview deserves to be viewed in its entirety and complexity. Fantastic interview as always Chris, thanks.
@abdaljabbarhusayn6103 ай бұрын
Thank you for delivering a sober conversation. Both were excellent in dealing with reality on reality’s terms. How difficult relationships have become when a more middle, centre ground is so very much needed. Thank you for taking it there. Not all women are angry feminists and not all men are mysogynists, sexists and chauvinists and that space needs to be created where spiritual, emotional, physical and sexual boundaries can be openly discussed and defined without alleging one another as a feminist or chauvinist. Thank you for doing that here.
@LiteDnBFnatic Жыл бұрын
Always blows my mind how women can have a monopoly on the dating matket, set the standard of said dating market, but incapable of fixing any problem or understand why they have problems in this market. It doesn't have to be perfect but to make no attempts at fixing it at all is just crazy
@jasonweishaupt1828 Жыл бұрын
Didn’t she say all teenage girls are mentally ill? 25% of US women are on head meds.
@planet_mogwai9310 Жыл бұрын
I think it's because (if I recall correctly it was mentioned toward the beginning of the video) have to most to lose, are the most at risk when making these changes in the dating market that people so desire. So realistically, women don't have a monopoly on the dating market, because 90% of the time if they make the wrong step, their lives are largely negatively impacted by it. This is where balance comes into play. If men, who are less at risk, implement change on standards in the market, and women ride the wave of the changes that actually work, you'll see change. That's my little hypothesis on it.
@LiteDnBFnatic Жыл бұрын
@planet_mogwai9310 that goes for all markets though. Take Disney's current market for example: women, feminism and generally anti-tradional themes. Disney is also losing more money than they are producing because the original target audience that gave it money is not being catered to. You absolutely can lose a lot more of something if you have direct influence on it. I also disagree on the idea of women having more to lose. Because what they have to sacrifice if very minor compared to what men have to sacrifice to compete in. Nevermind maintaining your place in the market, just getting in already imbalanced. Even if there are men that have a firm place in, it's women who decide on which men stay.
@planet_mogwai9310 Жыл бұрын
@LiteDnBFnatic yeah I'd just have to disagree on that then. I'm not at all saying that women don't have a great influence. I'm saying risks in romantic pursuits are being taken by women because it is often times impacts their life. So influence or not, standards will remain the same because "if it ain't broke don't fix it" and it's not worth the downsides that come with pioneering into new territory. Dr. Hill, the Dr. That was referenced multiple times in this video, affirms this idea. Casting aside culturally harbored threats like sexual violence and domestic homicide, women's lives are put at much more risk just from the act of sex alone. Childbearing can result in death. Women are more likely to contract STDs from sex, even if they are in the same sexual pool as men. A woman's brain and body changes upon conception. None of these risks do men face nearly as much as women, hence why they are often risk takers in other avenues. So as I said earlier, I still think the solution is to have men set their own standards, and women follow the ones that present the least amount of risk and fosters a healthy environment.
@LiteDnBFnatic Жыл бұрын
@planet_mogwai9310 we might be arguing different points then. You're argument is sexual risk. I'm not disagreeing with that. I'm arguing that before sex is even discussed, she's responsible for who she wants to be with in the first place. So if women raise the standard for men to be with them, fine, but to complain about no men being available because of the new standard is asinine. All I'm saying
@laudydaudy717310 ай бұрын
This is the first time I have heard of Louise; she is very articulate and intelligent. Watching her explain some of these issues that I was completely oblivious to was a pleasure. I wholeheartedly agree with her take and am lucky to be the very last generation to grow up before smartphones became mainstream for teenagers. I am also lucky to be happily married for about 16 years to a woman who is definitely more traditional.
@garythomas493610 ай бұрын
@keithbyrd75664 ай бұрын
@@garythomas4936Yes, avoid women until you are mature enough to make a better decision.
@Zoetherat2 ай бұрын
Her book is quite interesting. I'd recommend it.
@Eric-zo8wo Жыл бұрын
0:00: 👫 Many young adults believe marriage has outlived its usefulness, possibly influenced by the declining presence of traditional families and mimetic desire. 7:52: 📱 The impact of technological landscape on reproduction and societal ideologies. 15:45: 🔄 The video discusses the effects of hormonal birth control on women's attraction and men's response, as well as the influence of external factors like processed foods and vitamin D. 24:07: 👩🔬 The video discusses the genetic advantage of women in the brain-based economy and the gender pay gap. 31:26: 👶 The video discusses the trend of prioritizing the present over future generations and the debate around having children. 39:26: 👩🎓 The video discusses gender biases in career choices and societal attitudes towards men and women. 46:53: ⚠ The speaker discusses the issue of victim blaming and the different advice given to daughters and sons regarding safety. 54:07: 📺 The video discusses the debate around women being drafted into the military and the feminist perspective on the issue. 1:01:46: 🔍 The video discusses the idea of abolishing big romance and the concept of women cultivating receptiveness in dating. 1:09:22: 🍷 The speaker discusses the challenges of defending conservative viewpoints and traditions in a politically charged environment. 1:16:34: 🧠 The video discusses the use of pharmacological punishments and altering the minds of criminal offenders. 1:24:33: 🤔 The video discusses the constraints of human nature and the implications of attraction and social norms. 1:32:09: 🤳 The video discusses the phenomenon of women posting selfies and the social dynamics behind it. Recapped using Tammy AI
@willferalx Жыл бұрын
Who is Tammy
@pyrhoe Жыл бұрын
@@willferalx Tammy AI is a browser extension that summarises KZbin videos. There's another one called Harper and probably a bunch more. They all seem to spit out summaries in a similar format.
@davedsilva Жыл бұрын
Thank you. I had a hard time following this floundering interview.
@sarahfranco6802 Жыл бұрын
@Fak_It5 ай бұрын
I've never rewound a podcast so many times in my life. I'm gonna have to rewatch (re-listen) to this one again when I get off work.
@dustinallison1111 ай бұрын
She said it’s a hard choice between having men with healthy testosterone levels and men with low testosterone levels, because those with low tend to cause less crime and such. Imagine saying this about women and their fertility levels. It’s just crazy to think that our male youth is being thought of this way that as long as they’re not causing any issues, who cares what their health is.
@lunalane11 ай бұрын
She isnt the brightest bulb.
@Cbd_7ohm11 ай бұрын
Women aren't known for being the brightest.
@lavenderbambi350111 ай бұрын
@@Cbd_7ohmmen say shit like this and then wonder why women don't respect them
@xArsVivendi11 ай бұрын
testosterone = aggressiveness is a fallacy anyway.
@Vivi_911 ай бұрын
@@lavenderbambi3501 this whole channel is dedicated to incel cope lol
@katiestevenson8920 Жыл бұрын
My husband and I have been happily married for 15 years. He is now the primary breadwinner and I take care of the kids and home. We have a happy and balanced life. It’s not perfect but both of us feel satisfied. I’m a very independent person and I had a great corporate career previously but the life we’ve built together is wonderful.
@bobbyjbear Жыл бұрын
@TheSulross Жыл бұрын
my wife got to be in the home with the kids. As they got to teenage years she started up piano lessons again - for a number of years and then became a piano teacher too. She's touched the lives of many children by now. There have been some amazingly inately talented students along the way. Has been a great side business because she can throttle how many students she takes on so that she can have time for other things. Now there are grandchildren so got to have time for that :-) Me thinks you two took the optimal path.
@treacherousjslither6920 Жыл бұрын
How did you and your husband meet?
@KorisnickoIme84 Жыл бұрын
The only downside is costs of living are just gonna keep going up and paycheck will remain the same putting more stress on your husband and all of you causing more stress and conflicts..Todays economy doesn't allow that many stay at home moms..
@katiestevenson8920 Жыл бұрын
@@treacherousjslither6920 through mutual friends
@duarteestelita7257 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant. :) What a joy to listen to/watch. You guys' chemistry is great. I think.. you having Louise more frequently...in some sort of 'series' would be really really good for all parts. Thanks so much for this, Kudos
@zeddy_me5 ай бұрын
This is the second interesting and thought provoking discussion between you two that I've listened to. Thank you.
@lordjaraxxus386411 ай бұрын
As a man, I can confirm that hints do not work on me. All of my relationships have started with the girl or her friend telling me they are interested. I have never approached a stranger in a bar either.
@anthonylulham347311 ай бұрын
Oh I don't see subtlety either. She's smiling at me, guess I'll smile back. I'm glad she's having a nice day. *leaves*
@svennmivedor919110 ай бұрын
@@anthonylulham3473FACTS, I remember being in the gym with a friend and some random woman just comes up to me, looks me straight in the eyes is just completely smiling and asks me what I’m doing. I just look at her and tell her “it’s leg day” and she’s waiting for more and I go back to my work out 🤣🤣
@SolidSnakeEater9 ай бұрын
Every relationship I had was on bar/clubs and meeting on the streets. I don't like when girl know too much my people at the beginning. If it's go bad she can destroy my reputation. Sorry for my English I'm French.
@ryzikx8 ай бұрын
@@anthonylulham3473 doesn't matter. because there's a good chance they are really just being only friendly. better safe than sorry
@mr.mayhem40547 ай бұрын
Men cold approaching women is a very new, modern practice, and a quite bizarre practice when you really think about it, IMO.
@ajtaylor875011 ай бұрын
The reality is that marriage is still useful in modern society, but we as people have made it seem less meaningful and valuable. Some couples rarely ever take their vows seriously, we are easily influenced by agendas of independence being pushed on us, and the rise of OF, sex having low market value, and the promotion of polygamy and polyamory has made monogamy look like a joke.
@jonbutton3259 Жыл бұрын
These conversations are just on another level. Well done!
@peterrichardson92482 ай бұрын
Possibly the most interesting discussion ever on You Tube.
@anocri2 ай бұрын
@sUmEgIaMbRuS11 ай бұрын
Such a wonderfully civil and intelligent conversation. A glimmer of hope in the general darkening of public discourse. Please never stop making these!
@Krichnu11 ай бұрын
Yeah because they are not zoomers you will see how bad it is in the future
@sUmEgIaMbRuS11 ай бұрын
@@Krichnu Oh, come on! I've heard plenty of boomers and gen X-ers, and millennials perpetuating toxic discourse. Assigning all the blame to zoomers is exactly the kind of thinking that I mean by "the general darkening of public discourse" and what I praised Chris & Louise for _not_ taking part in.
@joshanonline11 ай бұрын
It sounds intelligent, but anyone that has knowledge into this can see all the bs being spew. That woman, for example, is Projecting a LOT of things she believes or feels onto what other people might be thinking or believing. Things she doesn't know, things she has no data on and things she is completely incorrect. And she's supposed to be an expert. I bet there are some videos debunking this around. I rather watch those. They might actually have data to back claims and not just biased interpretations.
@Krichnu11 ай бұрын
@@joshanonline Dude you really are making a fool of yourself. You assume without evidence that she has no data and then you proceed to say that you "believe there is a debunking video" so that means you don't know anything about the subject since you need a debunking video that doesn't even exist.
@margaretmeyncke3592 Жыл бұрын
I loved being a mother! Best unpaid job I ever had. I also loved homeschooling. What an honor and privilege to develop the next generation of humanity!❤
@wyleecoyotee4252 Жыл бұрын
To what school level will you be homeschooling
@jimminycrunkett Жыл бұрын
u get paid with having healthy children
@TheSulross Жыл бұрын
amen - am husband to a wife that stayed in the home as the kids were growing up. Now there are grandkids. People are immensely missing out if they don't have a family and then invest in their kids - as opposed to warehousing them off to govt institutions to shape who they become
@sinesaii Жыл бұрын
Home schooling groups are amazing. I have been so impressed by the diversity and kindness I have seen (Mormons and Muslims learning math, reading, science and each others’ faith).
@scionofdorn9101 Жыл бұрын
Did you have a hubby bringing home the bacon? Because if you did, your job as a mother wasn’t unpaid, it’s just that your pay was in the form of him putting a roof over your head, food on the table, clothes on your backs, the water and lights on, giving you kids to love and raise, and a bit of sex and romance when the occasion was right, etc. None of those things are free (no, not even sex and certainly not romance), all of them have a dollar cost, and if he was working a job to pay them, that’s how the cost of your motherly labors was being paid. And that, contrary to the rhetoric man-hating feminists, is not a bad thing at all. It’s how most men and women naturally function.
@billywillyjilly11 ай бұрын
Pretty cute when Chris didn’t know what “Goop” is and she didn’t quite catch that he was lost.
@RCGWho2 ай бұрын
He'd have his man card revoked if he knew.
@KrabbykrabbkrabbАй бұрын
@26:41 you can see it in her face that she's uncomfortable delivering the information because she wanted to believe otherwise; but no, she got over her bias and damn. hats-off. I'm teary eyed
@riotact9718 Жыл бұрын
This is the audio quality Louise's voice deserves!
@jaknafein Жыл бұрын
I agree, it feels very intimate
@Nikkska5 ай бұрын
She has a very beautiful voice, very soothing to listen to
@donovandunlap8560 Жыл бұрын
I never thought about it that way. If you have one woman who is of normal weight and fitness (in shape) and you have her best friend (female) who is overweight, technically both females are in competition for men. If the fit woman encourages her best friend to embrace her weight, that then pushes most men towards the woman who is in shape and eliminates her friend from taking the men in their community.
@knightheaven899211 ай бұрын
Perhaps but i think those weight body "positive" movements, exists more to placate women insecurities then anything else. (basically cope) I mean i never seen nothing of that in relation to men, last time i checked there wasnt male plus sized models for magazines... but there is no shortage of female plus sized models for magazines.. which are changing their tune because they lost tons of money trying to push for those body positive agendas.
@daikatarokamegawa54211 ай бұрын
Why, yes, that's how it should work in THEORY. But in practice, what with Lizzo being a role model, nowadays, the "body positivity" movement actively glorifies obesity, and claims being fit and taking care of yourself is an act of hate and discrimination, because "you hate fat people so much you actively work to not look like them". So in reality, the obese friend will just resent her fit one, for not wanting to let herself go.
@hd-xc2lz11 ай бұрын
@@daikatarokamegawa542 Doesn't alter the scenario of the obese friend's self-satisfaction with extra weight leading more men to seek out fit girlfriend.
@agnieszka.825 ай бұрын
It should be more promoted in media, in movies how amazing children are. The love towards children has no boundaries ( with some unfortunate exceptions). The media promotes movies about violence, sex, criminals etc.😢 When you constantly feed people with those topics they are even more depressed and isolated.
@leedlbagginshield84923 ай бұрын
Yes it’s called intersexual competition. Women compete differently than men.
@nathanbuskell Жыл бұрын
This is now in my "Saved Forever" list. Such an excellent discussion chalk full of the hard truths some people refuse to even consider.
@fanBladeOne4 ай бұрын
The most comprehensive account on the social-moral contract between the sexes. Historically and in the present day. I will save this video and use it as a reference whenever I get on topic in a discussion. Thank you for producing this.
@Entertainer114 Жыл бұрын
I've been taking notes like mad while listening to this conversation. You are both great at breaking down these cultural and societal problems. Thank you for this content.
@daketh4572 Жыл бұрын
As a person who works dept of corrections, most of the people in prison come from single parent families. ITs very telling
@joannetilly458610 ай бұрын
@daketh457210 ай бұрын
@@joannetilly4586 i said it... most of the people in prison are form single oarent families. mostly women. So therefore single parent families are an issue. I didint think it was a tough to correlate
@sonderexpeditions10 ай бұрын
That's more a correlation to poverty. Wealthier single parent homes or lesbian couples both raise well adapted children in terms off college educated and successful on average or above average.
@joannetilly458610 ай бұрын
@@daketh4572 you have to takie into account more and have more data to get that conclusion - that this is the only reason. But it's not - especially if we are talking USA.
@War-Zone3498 ай бұрын
@@sonderexpeditions Wrong, poor families with both parents in the household, or a poor single father household have both the same success rate when it comes to raising children with good outcomes. It is only the single mother household that is linked to all the negative outcomes for children in society.
@m.p.7075 Жыл бұрын
100% disagree that women make better employees for mid level non physical jobs. My wife works in a huge multi national company in an all female team. It is absolutely brutal in a 14 year old schoolgirl kind of way - back biting, reputation destroying and excommunication from cliques - men simply wouldn't put up with it but these women will buy each other a birthday present while knifing each other in the back. Women are just as antisocial and unpleasant in the workplace just in a very different way.
@wft15 Жыл бұрын
@NateWilliams-h8q11 ай бұрын
@@wft15Not BS. I work on an all female team (I'm the only guy), and I can tell you that with 1 or 2 notable exceptions, this is true.
@Arven811 ай бұрын
Yeah, I've heard many stories of all-female workplaces imploding.
@wft1511 ай бұрын
@@NateWilliams-h8q you’re anecdotal stories been nothing! You can find plenty of women who have stories of men being sloppy, rude, indecent, lazy and gossipy!
@pixie34588 ай бұрын
Totally agree... As a woman I preferred working in balanced or predominantly teams, as team member or leader. While men could be 2 faced, it did seem to be less prevalent
@cocolinoisme405 ай бұрын
Both Chris and Louise made for an EXCEPTIONAL debate! I almost forgot to breathe while taking in all the rich and cogent talking points! THANK YOU, this was a treat for the mind!
@KevinAReynolds_Author Жыл бұрын
Rarely do I listen to long discussions - but this one maintained my interest throughout. Two fine, intelligent minds in conversation
@tedlogan4867 Жыл бұрын
Modern women are winning but only in the immediate hedonistic sense. All the pleasure, all the fun, all the pursuit of self-gratification and chasing excitement is heavily tilted toward women. Where they lose, and it's extremely difficult to appropriately highlight the terrible losses because they're not immediate, is in the long term, over their lifetime. For biological reasons, women are handed unimaginable advantages in their youth. However, if squandered, if underappreciated, if misunderstood as to why and for how long these massive advantages exist, this results in what we're seeing with the sharp increase in the phenomena of cats and boxed wine: no family, no children, no purpose in life beyond feeling good in the moment. That only goes so far and will run out eventually.
@Yarblocosifilitico Жыл бұрын
at least they're not oppressed anymore: they get to work until their elderly years like men traditionally did. Yay!
@AtheismF7W Жыл бұрын
Just wait 10-20 more years to see real socio-economic consequences for all this.
@9770G Жыл бұрын
Couldn’t have said it better myself Logan. If women aren’t happy with the current dating market, tell them to cry me a river because they’re the ones that created it.
@logoski589 Жыл бұрын
Just rapidly spending the wealth they were born with instead of investing it.
@bobthebuilderhecanbuildit Жыл бұрын
more truths but what should we do about it? being bitter helps nothing
@pollutingpenguin2146 Жыл бұрын
This was such a good interview - they both really enjoyed it and so many interesting points and studies were brought up!
@Martyisruling4 ай бұрын
It kills me when people say, "We don't need Braun." The people who say that, don't work in construction or any type of heavy duty work. Heavy equipment can't go everywhere. You need Braun in A LOT of places.
@clintonaugust1674Сағат бұрын
Agree I'm in mining sector and you definitely need a lot of muscle working with that equipment.
@denisreilly6827 Жыл бұрын
This super smart young lady is a welcome breath of fresh air in this day and age.
Жыл бұрын
“Use the witch clairvoyance, tap in to the astral realm” 😂😂😂😂 on point!
@LetsDoSocialWork Жыл бұрын
Chris, you're a good content creator. I've been consuming your content like bread. My mind is now dripping with knowledge and wisdom because of this channel, and I see my life improving in a lot of areas. Keep growing man! 🇿🇦
@davelips4 ай бұрын
This interview was phenomenal, well balanced and both parties are very well read. Breath of fresh air from the normal red pill conversations.
@jamesroof6150 Жыл бұрын
Grew up in an alchoholic abusive family in the 1960's. My parents were miserable and ended up hating each other. The 4 kids were the true victims watching this since we were toddlers. I never got married or had kids. Why would I after going through all that sadness & trauma? Even though I never married, I never had an abusive realtionship with any of my girlfriends. Still friends and in touch with 3 of them.
@shel-f7c11 ай бұрын
We had similar upbringing, and took similar paths. I had no desire for children after growing up seeing my mother as a prisoner to my father, and our wants & needs. They have always seemed so disappointed in my choices, and I have (at times) told them I didn't want to live the life my mother lived. It's mind-boggling they are still together, but it's mostly because older Italian ladies brought shame on the family for divorcing.
@DavidEiden11 ай бұрын
Your anecdote, while tragic, is not an indictment of marriage or parenthood.
@jupiterthree522811 ай бұрын
@@DavidEidenparenthood is an eternal prison. Regretful parents subreddit is an excellent source of examples.
@juanpablosaenz903711 ай бұрын
@@DavidEidenYou're wrong because his experience is the experience of the majority of people...I don't know any happily married couples... starting with my own parents, I can count my grandparents and my sisters too...The world is as it is and not as it should be...and that's especially true regarding relationships between men and women... it's a mess... it's ugly...no wonder some people compared love and war...So I think that's an argument against marriage and parenthood...they are necessary evils to keep our species alive...but on an individual level in our current society they are liabilities. I see human sexuality a divine mistake...
@MisuZama Жыл бұрын
These always end with me feeling a lot smarter & ready to contribute in any conversation. your conversations have also opened my mind about so much. Thank You. (Side, pls straighten the x2 wall frames 😊)
@offshoretomorrow3346 Жыл бұрын
Properly hung frames tilt put at the top to aboid looking at your own reflection. I think that might be what you are seeing.
@SteamedToast10 ай бұрын
Loved this conversation, many points resonated with observations I've made and feelings I've had over the past 20 years growing up through these times.
@rujn4 ай бұрын
This has been the most thought provoking video I have seen. Thank you so much for this episode Chris.
@petemills570410 ай бұрын
How refreshing to have a podcast with a depth of discussion. Well done both of you 👏🏻👍
@Eric_McBrearty Жыл бұрын
This was a good interview I liked it. As a courtesy to Louise Perry, it would have been nice to include a link to her podcast, Twitter, or writings.
@julianmarco4185 Жыл бұрын
She seems so disconnected with men and doesn't call out women and their mistakes. Women seems to be whereever they are: "sisters before society." Society is doomed and we will see it happen in slow motion.
@jsgdk Жыл бұрын
Yes she is totally gynocentric, almost like she sees men more as a structure around women than as people
@the8thchurch461 Жыл бұрын
@@jsgdkMen do that all the time. They see women as support structures around people a.k.a. men. Welcome to the club.
@julianmarco4185 Жыл бұрын
@@C12341 I respect her insight and knowledge and her choices to be a traditional woman with family and a career. I just think that it stops short of coming up with solutions. Kind of an apologist. If you want to see what she doesn't want to admit: there are two videos about "women rating men but their rizz" and "men rating women by their rizz". See how much power women have and how easy men are to talk to and see how hard men have to "work" to rizz a few girls. Men didn't go anywhere, they are the same as they have always been. Women were the ones who are responsible for everything that is happening today. And that is where she stops at: calling out women who are responsible for out demise as a healthy society.
@ExtremePainGames Жыл бұрын
I have the solution julian Ive not watched this 90 minutes yet I heard her very first comment and it was off putting Im about to watch it now. She was invited last week in London as a special guests at the ARP with Jordan Peterson she seemed articulate enough there. But here on this video her very first comment was odd and way off so it got me curious to read few comment before the 90 min watch. I have a massive global solution to all this. Sadly though my documentary is months away. Construction worker with an incrediblly simple yet huge solution but Im suspended in gaffa with my thoughts. I can't type out the plan here to strangers in comments section. Im telling you 110% I have the fix for youth and the dismanteledness both sexes are facing. You'll just need to look 6-12 months from now for a new way of life that Ive invented. I have a huge problem sit in my car and film me talkign with the solution. Contact my local film school students to film it. This creates fees and also royalties. Google says if you make your own film noone can own 50% royalties. I dont wanna make money I want my plan to become heard on all 4 corners of the earth. These elite talkers the masters degrees specialists in their field havent lived amongst the problem so with several dozen 1 hour specials Ive watched in the last 5 years the common denominator is they talk in theory. These people were all born into well fed homes and have no real clue where to find the answer to men and women drifting apart. Kinda like they walk around like Jodie Foster did in Silence Of The Lambs with the night goggles on. Everyone keeps searching through debate and discussion for the answer and no one can see it. @@julianmarco4185
@wendeln92 Жыл бұрын
"She seems so disconnected with men....etc" Yes, Thank you for saying that. I was thinking the same thing and went back a few times to see if I missed something.
@Ferreira0197603 ай бұрын
Great interview, fantastic guest. It’s really refreshing to watch a good, well argument conversation, and respect for the other part’s opinion, even if one doesn’t agree.
@jasonstevens3071 Жыл бұрын
This was a PHENOMENAL discussion. I will definitely give it a second and third watch. There were so many excellent talking points and they were very well thought out. BRAVO. 💯🔥
@forman20811 ай бұрын
Anyone who's THIS enthusiastic, with multiple platitudes in their post is highly suspect.
@jasonstevens307111 ай бұрын
Define platitude, and show me where mine are.
@Certago10 ай бұрын
Ignore the troll, agree with you, lots of well worded points, all needing lots of thought and worthy of further investigation.
@clovermark399 ай бұрын
I thought this was a very important discussion.
@michaelhurlbut4830 Жыл бұрын
I think another reason sex is disliked in our entertainment is that Hollywood goes to it too much. It's become a cheap crutch to catch audience attention, a substitute for writing compelling interesting stories.
@andyevans858511 ай бұрын
The idea that women make better employees in the office is interesting. I'd love to see the study that shows this as in my experience this is largely not the case. When a company has an equality target (which many do nowadays) I often see women promoted simply on the basis that they can do the job to a basic level, and will help the company hit their target, rather than them being the best candidate for the role.
@georgeyoung9211 ай бұрын
Affirmative action in government agencies is mandatory quotas now; the incompetent advance way beyond their level of competence while quality men eventually leave.
@SeveredLegs11 ай бұрын
Or maybe it's that women tend to be more agreeable, or that they're attractive to be around.
@andyevans858511 ай бұрын
@SeveredLegs I would argue that women in the workplace are not more agreeable then men, in fact quite the opposite. You see men's disagreeability is tempered in the workplace by how competent and commited they are. If as a man you are highly competent then part of that (in managment at least) is being able to communicate effectively and therefore this is a natural barrier for those men that are essentially incapable of being agreeable. However when your main drive is to hire a woman because of equality requirements it becomes a basic standard of competence and then about the fact that they are a woman. The sad fact is that the sex of the applicant should have no bearing at all on whether they are consider the best candidate but is often the definitive factor. I say this as someone who has worked in senior management for over a decade and had to deal with these rules. It's not just sex, it's ethnicity as well, but sex is far more "important" when considering these factors from a company perspective. I should add that it was a female manager that started me in my professional development towards management and some of the best employees I've had were women, however those women earnt their place and worked hard for it. I'm not saying women "cant" do the job, but I'm saying that when a company HAS to promote a woman, then it diminishes the value of the work that woman put into her career as well as the men who were passed up on. And sadly the woman will never know whether she was the best person for the job or just the right sex
@UltraChongkak11 ай бұрын
I would even argue that, in the workplace, women are being subsidized by men. When a male employee grinds out a multimillion dollar contract he doesn't get a penny over his wage. When a DEI HR woman drives away five high performing men, she loses not even a penny of her wage. That having been said, women dominating HR is more likely to be the driver of female success in the workplace.
@larsvegas150511 ай бұрын
@@UltraChongkak Woman dont want to see other woman succeed though so i dont mind it being all pretty girls in HR working parttime.. I like talking to them as a man. Having a woman manager is another thing.
@vanillabeanlady8 ай бұрын
I agree that young people are so against romance. As a millennial, I grew up wanting my "prince charming." But I see so many gen Z women talk about how their career is the most important thing, they want to focus on it and not date until their 30's, and just being in situationships instead of a relationship. When I was in my 20's dating, situationships weren't common, you were either facebook official or single. And at the same time, the romance novel industry is massive and gen Z loves it too. It's odd, I feel like the "career is everything" mindset is pushed on young women, which is odd because being a corporate wage slave isn't meaningful.
@KFrost-fx7dt6 ай бұрын
vanillabeanlady financial security is the foundation of all meaningful things. Can't do anything in life without money.
@mon_ange333mony45 ай бұрын
But as a millennial why don't you date other millennial who might find you Prince Charming by chance or work out to be Princess Charming as well to fit your ideal? Or you find millennials too old for you to give them a chance? That's good too but then you might get stuck failing dates with a whole generation of indifferent young women just because you have too high a standard for an average millennial.
@amandavieira25434 ай бұрын
But expecting some random relationship in the future to make you happy isn't too. The thing with the job is about independence, if you end up in a bad relationship, you can leave, you have your money. Something that alot of women in the past couldn't do.
@lks114 ай бұрын
@@KFrost-fx7dt if you have any actual real skills in life you can do much without money ask the amish
@nickthompson18124 ай бұрын
Divide and conquer. Pit men and women against one another.
@9770G Жыл бұрын
If women aren’t happy with the current dating market, tell them to cry me a river because they’re the ones that created it.
@houseofhas9355 Жыл бұрын
They can't cry you a river because all the drugs + plus the pill has made it extremely hard for them to cry. Their hormones are that out of wack. But they can piss, brown purple due to big pharma. would you access that?
@iamkAIden Жыл бұрын
Why cry when they can just keep taking those antidepressants?
@pariaheep Жыл бұрын
@9770G Жыл бұрын
@@iamkAIden yup I believe they say 1 in 3 are on them which is such a disturbing number.
@chipsteve Жыл бұрын
@@9770G Yes true - now look at white women over 40 years old. 😮
@danphillips373011 ай бұрын
She's got such a nice voice
@purplemonkey1890 Жыл бұрын
Love how honest this exchange is
@therealcirclea762 Жыл бұрын
Is it though? Honest would be... "everything that has been built in the West, from millennia of sacrifice by our fathers and mothers, is being corrupted and destroyed by childish women, and weak men, unable to overcome their solipsism and accept biological realities... again. Our ancestors, _your mothers and fathers_ , are weeping."
@TheRunpoker6 ай бұрын
Such an important conversation, i keep coming back to this.
@stayanddrown Жыл бұрын
I have to push back on her comment about the idea of women not needing men being true. There are two women in my family who said they didn't need a man their entire lives. And around the age of 65 its starting to show. And now me and everyone else in the family has to deal with their insane bulls**t all the time. Really think about this before you act on it, so that someday your insane nonsense doesnt affect those around you if you end up being wrong.
@redrock740 Жыл бұрын
Sorry to break it to you, but most women marry older men. Therefore, most women are widows at 65, and are alone by default.
@ianvitalis Жыл бұрын
@@redrock740you didn’t comprehend to his narrative mate.
@redrock740 Жыл бұрын
@@ianvitalis No, you don't understand the fact that he is stating " it didn't start to show until they were 65"
@Onetime4justice Жыл бұрын
@redrock740 People, especially women, live much longer than 65. I'm not sure what you mean "are widows by then".
@Onetime4justice Жыл бұрын
She means financially and in the satisfaction of immediate needs like food, water, shelter, etc. Men do still provide additional safety, but the narrative is that they are only providing safety from other men.
@albertsaplys8661 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely spot on about hair and nail care. Men never notice the kind of finger nails a woman has. But hair!!! Beautifully cared for hair is absolutely hypnotic.
@solimine10075 ай бұрын
For women we notice Nails because if we want our partner to touch us, it's super important that the man has clean short fingernails. I'm sure I don't have to elaborate why. Lol
@fairbanj11 ай бұрын
What a fantastic interview. It was long enough I almost didn't play it but I enjoyed every second of it and it was SO worth it. Definitely a like and a sub for this!
@sawyerr98412 ай бұрын
“We clearly have free will but what we consider to be normal, desirable, the life template is so incredibly dependent on what people around us think” which is why we got on this downward spiral of terms of fertility
@BulletPointFitnessPodcast Жыл бұрын
I asked a girl out the kther week. Got rejected. And that was fine. I was literally just proud of myself for gettinn it done. Sonce then the two of us are thankfully adult enough to still speak, zero awkwardness. And thats how it should be. The taboo around asking women out in person instead of hding behind an app has gotten so strong. Its a real shame.
@oana8299 Жыл бұрын
The girls had the same issue, if you ask someone out, you get rejected and you don't feel the need of having someone close...
@BulletPointFitnessPodcast Жыл бұрын
@@oana8299 .. Women don't ask guys out..? In majority of cases at least
@BulletPointFitnessPodcast Жыл бұрын
@@nightkingxx dude if any woman has ever asked you out you're in the 1%... If you live in the west. In the east it may be a different story, very different values over there. We all fucked up over here 🤣
@BulletPointFitnessPodcast Жыл бұрын
@@nightkingxx also you may try not attacking those disagree with right away. You'll have more productive conversations
@oana8299 Жыл бұрын
No, i think no, at least this is my opinion...because I am afraid of rejection too....@@BulletPointFitnessPodcast
@GrumpyCodeMonkey Жыл бұрын
"women were largely financial prisoners" So were men. It was law that men assumed all financial liability generated by their wives. In many states in the U.S. this is still the case, more or less.
@houseofhas9355 Жыл бұрын
Divorce alimony for life is slavery.
@swedishpagan2150 Жыл бұрын
This narrative that men were abusers of women really needs to stop. People in power abuse those below, thats it.
@jayc342009 Жыл бұрын
As usual, women are painted as victims. It gets tiresome.
@brent4073 Жыл бұрын
#1 predictor of divorce: the employment status of the male and women do 80% of consumer spending. Married men are the prisoners now...
@user-xp7tc3ol5k Жыл бұрын
Lol, they still had more freedom than women. And often took their frustrations on women due to financial stress. Aka why feminism is for men as well. You don't need to be trapped in the role of provider. Just like women deserve more than being an incubator.
@stacyliddell5038 Жыл бұрын
I live in South Korea as a teacher. Next year the number of elementary-aged school kids entering the system will drop below 400 000. By 2027 that number is set to drop below 300 000. Wild.