Dorohedoro Sousou no Frieren Bibliomania Houseki no Kuni (every year waiting for this to finally end)
@spacedog64411 ай бұрын
@@crybirbI really want to get into Houseki no Kuni
@crybirb11 ай бұрын
@@spacedog644 prepare for suffering.
@nameless_110 ай бұрын
Houseki No Kuni
@crybirb11 ай бұрын
Dude just rawdogged the video, no intro, no nothing. Great.
@spacedog64411 ай бұрын
Yeah I’ve been making the intros shorter and shorter recently.
@Verticaal11 ай бұрын
I also really enjoy the short stories by fujimoto, thanks for the recommendations! Hope you continue to make videos in 2024 about manga (and books in general)!!
@spacedog64411 ай бұрын
Thank you, I really appreciate all the nice comment you’ve left me! And I have some video ideas I’m looking forward to doing in 2024!
@johannes_R10 ай бұрын
Great vid! Def going to read some of these, BUT my dumb head needs help. Can you please comment the name of the number two manga. The one about fighting and giving everything to achieve dreams. I don't know how to write it. I tried many different ways trying to write it from hearing it, trying to look in the comments and I even tried to look for articles about top fighting mangas. I feel so dumb writing this smh.
@spacedog64410 ай бұрын
No problem! It’s Ashita no Joe (sometimes called Tomorrow’s Joe in English). Im glad that you’re interested in it!
@johannes_R10 ай бұрын
@@spacedog644 Thank you! This manga looks really cool.
@spacedog64410 ай бұрын
@johannes_R No problem! Hope you like it!
@Aluminatihusker11 ай бұрын
Slam Dunk was also my read of the year! I agree with everything you’ve said! It’s truly one of the greatest stories ever told!
@spacedog64411 ай бұрын
What a great series!
@maxwellzen430911 ай бұрын
Slam dunk is so good omg I swear I never cry reading manga but that final match brought me so goddamn close to tears Highly recommend Ao Ashi - it's a soccer manga that I feel like I don't hear ppl talking about but it's so deeply rooted in real-world soccer and brings in a bunch of complex issues (esp how Japanese soccer compares to like Europe) while still being hype as fuck
@spacedog64411 ай бұрын
Yeah that last Slam Dunk match was one of the best manga moments I’ve ever read. And I’ll have to check out Ao Ashi at some point!
@MikeTheAnomaly11 ай бұрын
Production quality 📈
@spacedog64411 ай бұрын
Bro I don’t know about that lol but I appreciate it!
@cyriszx11 ай бұрын
You should check OUT and Bouncer (both take place in same town but at different time. About 3-6 months apart.)
@spacedog64411 ай бұрын
Thanks for the recommendations! I’ve heard of Out but Bouncer is new to me.
@cyriszx11 ай бұрын
@@spacedog644 It's a great manga , not about delinquents but about a security group . I don't want to spoil anything just in case you get into it . But things go crazy in there .And as I said time takes place about 3-6 months apart from OUT but the events and some characters from Bouncer gets mentioned in OUT and vice versa.
@elcapitan5499 ай бұрын
Have you read Hajime no Ippo?
@spacedog6449 ай бұрын
I haven’t, but I really want to read it. There’s some other really long series I’m in the middle of that I want to get caught up on first. I think I’ll absolutely love it though.
@elcapitan5499 ай бұрын
@@spacedog644 If you like Joe, you will LOVE Ippo. Have you seen the anime? It only goes to like a third of what you get from the manga but I think Ippo has to be my favorite out of all anime's so far. I'm barely halfway through the manga and already it's my absolute favorite. The ending to Ashita no Joe is so thoroughly heart breaking. The only thing I've watched that effected me that deeply was the ending to Banana Fish and of course Devilman Crybaby.
@spacedog6449 ай бұрын
I haven’t seen the Ippo anime either but I’ve heard great things. And the Ashita no Joe ending might be my favorite in all of manga. I haven’t read Banana Fish yet but I’ve heard the ending is quite depressing.