Firstly I appreciate trying to start a conversation. But here's where most of the other side stands, people protesting have the plan of abolishing or at the very least defunding police. They pretend that all police are racist, If there was a law or a tangible piece that could point towards the police mistreating black people because of their color I would gladly stand by them. As of now we only see the cop that goes haywire or the cop that mistakenly kills somebody which the sad truth is that it is a workplace hazard, they have a very dangerous job that requires perfect judgment. Say for instance the whole Breonna Taylor situation, bills were passed and people rioted that at first I would have said I support. Then it comes out after the riots because of that are done that it was justified because her boyfriend was selling drugs and was the target of the police, sure its tragic and saving a life would have been a great thing but that's not how it works when you are a criminal shooting at cops. Second amendment isn't to get back at the government because of a small percentage of cops that do bad things, its to make sure our rights aren't trampled on. If police stations started telling officers to kill black people instead of apprehend them I would fight against that. You fight when the write laws that step on your rights not when you have a few poorly trained officers. Now I cant believe I even have to say this but no I will not say black lives matter, not because I am racist or think that black lives don't matter. Its because the black lives matter organization wants nothing more than to divide people enough to employ socialism and push anti white agenda, it even says it on their website along with them mourning the death of fidel castro.
@masjwar4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the reply. Racism is inherent and integrated into our society, as well as around the world. The fact that many people fight against racist ideas and beliefs doesn't make this less true. Workplace hazards are not reasons to accept something that shouldn't happen. That's like saying electricians might get electrocuted and there's nothing to be done about it. We strive to prevent negative, not sit back and embrace it. Breonna Taylor case. You seem to be confused. Boyfriend vs 2 year ex boyfriend. The "drug dealer" was not the person that shot at the officers that broke down the door and entered a private residence in the middle of the night. To say the situation no longer needs to be looked at by making false claims, or even by adding information after the fact that, in no way affected the situation at the time, is a horrible way to justify things. There is a lot of confusion with what a lot of people mean with the term "defund the police". Do I support them all? No. But I also don't disqualify them all because I disagree with some. Do I think "we need police reform" is a better statement? Yes. To say you refuse to say black lives matter because you disagree with an organization is your choice. Seems to me you would simply want to quantify as opposed to sounding, and behaving, in a way that is easily classified as racist. A suggestion: (of what you might say) "While I do not support the Black Lives Matter movement, I do agree black lives matter". I'm not even going to get into the issue about the movement, because that's your choice to make.
@kingcotton6674 жыл бұрын
On Wednesday the tree of liberty was refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
@masjwar4 жыл бұрын
Actually let me clarify. 1) Little whiney brats staying home doing nothing, posting on social media that they are cool while they do nothing, and taking credit after the fact for what others do isn't refreshing anything. 2) Breaking and entering and destoying property while accomplishing nothing, other than getting 15 minutes of fame by validating you are a punk ass thug, isn't refreshing anything. But 3) Pointing out (online or otherwise) that you engaged in either (1) or (2) does get to be used as evidence that you are a criminal conspiring to engage in illegal acts.
@kingcotton6674 жыл бұрын
@@masjwar sometimes you got to break into to your own house to get it back.
@masjwar4 жыл бұрын
@@kingcotton667 And sometimes people break into a nearby house, film it, post it, and simply point out that (1) it wasn't their house (2) they damaged someone else's house for no reason (3) all they wanted was attention, because while they screamed about all they were doing, they did nothing but post videos to try and look cool.
@kingcotton6674 жыл бұрын
@@masjwar Are you talking about blm and antifa in May and in June?
@masjwar4 жыл бұрын
@@kingcotton667 I share wisdom, facts, and personal opinion. I leave it to you to determine how to use it. I refuse to tell you what to think, no matter how much you could benefit from that insight.
@eytrix4 жыл бұрын
Oh thank God, here comes another white savior to protect "muh poor black folk" You're such a hero dude.
@masjwar4 жыл бұрын
Thanks. Better than a traitor and Trump supporter, so "hero" is good for me. Not that it seems like it's an option you are capable of, but if you ever wanted to discuss the video, facts, evidence, or ideas, let me know. Till then I'll just presume you only know how to (attempt to) insult people and discussing, debating, or defending thoughts, ideas, facts, or opinions is beyond your capacity.
@eytrix4 жыл бұрын
@@masjwar black people are so lucky to have you standing up for them. How could they ever repay you?
@masjwar4 жыл бұрын
You double down on validating my point. As for your "how can they repay me" rubbish... I'm not like you. I don't base my morality and actions on whether I get something for it. No payment needed. Thanks for asking. Perhaps some day you can aspire to that.
@eytrix4 жыл бұрын
@@masjwar omg, and you're humble? You aren't just a gift to black people, you're a gift to humanity!
@masjwar4 жыл бұрын
@@eytrix When dealing with people that respond as you are, humility is the last of my concerns. Thanks for asking though. I guess you, as I predicted, have no intention on ever discussing issues. Have a good life. Maybe watching repeats of the traitors breaking into the Capital building just to take selfies and get attention is more to your taste.