Here are some behind the scene facts on how this classic film came about.
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@neilschmid49912 ай бұрын
They delivered the monsters to a wax museum and then Dracula took the monster with him to the castle. This is the best A&C movie after The time of their lives.
@MetFan37Ай бұрын
I agree, "The Time of Their Lives" is their best, although I am also partial to "Hold That Ghost" and "The Wistful Widow of Wagon Gap" as other faves, but who doesn't love their forays into comedy-horror?
@phylliselizahb104128 күн бұрын
Lugosi walks away w/the 🎬
@michaellutcher2142 ай бұрын
My very favorite Abbott and Costello movie
@ignorecorporatenewsАй бұрын
Mine too.
@anthimatterАй бұрын
@MetFan37Ай бұрын
@@anthimatter My favorite lines: After Abbott reads the card about Dracula, he says' "That's the bunk!" to which Lou replies "That's what I'm trying to tell you, that's HIS BUNK!!" Classic!!
@frankmartinez4856Ай бұрын
In the Navy, Buck Private too 💕😬
@derekllewellyn666316 күн бұрын
Do you know what I just love it so much it's looks good and great deal I just love it so much it's looks like new DVD releases review history books documentary about biography book club in movie theater in a different direction for a little better than the company used universal studios hollywood movies
@ronrobertson592 ай бұрын
I liked this movie as a kid and recently watched it.
@MarkRobinson-e4z2 ай бұрын
Comes on during favorite as a kid.
@TralfazConstruction27 күн бұрын
My mother would scan the TV listings for her old favorite movies to introduce to we youngsters. Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein was one of those classics Mom loved. Once we got a Tenna Rotor in '65, the New York City stations were within range at most times; very little 'snow' in the picture typically. Suddenly we had Abbott and Costello, Martin and Lewis, Laurel and Hardy and a slew of other classic entertainers.
@erichowry935611 күн бұрын
My favorite Abbott andCostello movie!
@richardranke3158Ай бұрын
The best thing about this movie is that the monsters play their scenes straight,leaving the comedy to Bud Abbott and Lou Costello.
@WytZox125 күн бұрын
* A great fun family film! Brilliant timeless comedy indeed. 😊
@dannyorozco4Ай бұрын
Thank you for this. I enjoyed this movie!!!
@devondicker3516Ай бұрын
Absolutely great movie I grew up on!
@steveforbes7718Ай бұрын
That was a great film! I have lost count of how many times I have seen it and laughed until my sides hurt. As for the "host" though, I am certain I've heard at least one person sound less interested in his dialog but, I can't remember who or when. This guy could cure insomnia for people who don't respond to heavy medication! Anyway, thanks for the quick and dull review.
@skyden241952 ай бұрын
I've always found it peculiar that many involved, back when the movie was created, didn't think that horror-comedy would work considering the success of such movies as Abbott and Costello's "Hold That Ghost" (their 4th or 5th movie) of which it was first realized that audiences loved when Costello got scared, an aspect the studio would capitalize on with such movies as "Who Done It?" and a film that Boris Karloff did do with A&C, prior to the production of "Meet Frankenstein," called "Abbott and Costello Meet the Killer: Boris Karloff." So to think that horror in comedy (or comedy in horror) wouldn't work is kind of a blindsided way of thinking.
@rongendron8705Ай бұрын
This A & C film was a Class A movie, with an actual plot, great casting & blend of both comedy & thriller! In 1960, I actually bought a shortened, silent "Castle Films" 8 mm version of it! Also check out "A & C go to Mars"! Another Class A production!
@anthimatterАй бұрын
As a kid growing up in the 70s I absolutely loved this movie and everything Universal Monsters and Abbott and Costello.
@unhallowedharvestАй бұрын
Yeah, me too.
@elioli123Ай бұрын
Love that movie. Just watched it not too long ago and it's still funny.
@larrygrebler50546 күн бұрын
Always thought this was a great movie and very funny.
@jeff110302 ай бұрын
The invisible man didn’t bring the boat to the castle. Macdougle , the owner of the wax museum did.
@MetFan37Ай бұрын
Good catch.
@loanaoftheshellpeople7744Ай бұрын
Why didn't Mcdougle turn Into a Werewolf after being bitten by the Wolfman?
@steveperry13442 ай бұрын
i've always been a big monster and horror movie fan and we loved this one as kids, it had all the biggies in it except no boris karloff. i always thought glenn strange played a good monster, second to karloff.
@unhallowedharvest2 ай бұрын
Yeah, I loved all the Abbott and Costello episodes as a kid. They're still sort of fun to check out now and again.
@steveperry13442 ай бұрын
@@unhallowedharvest yes, we used to watch the tv shows with bud and lou, mr fields, mike the cop and stinky.
@Duke-v6l2 ай бұрын
Haven't seen this in ages loved them buck privates is the reason I want in the army
@kevinwatkins229713 күн бұрын
Great movie!
@silverford2005f15019 күн бұрын
I loved the movie
@markraciborski4289Ай бұрын
The great thing is that the monsters played in straight. If you watch the monster scenes, it is like they could have been cut out of a regular horror film. I enjoy seeing them, even if a bit of a spoof. It needed the Creature from the Black Lagoon. Just a swim by unnoticed by the front of the boat,or head poke. That pier, fire, and monster scene is great.
@unhallowedharvestАй бұрын
Abbott and Costello meet the Creature From The Black Lagoon would have been great.
@markraciborski4289Ай бұрын
@@unhallowedharvest Movie title "Amazon Screams"?
@KevinMiller-xn5vu3 ай бұрын
If he weren't so young, Fred Gwynne could have played the part of the Frankenstein monster, seeing as how the monster closely resembled his later character, Herman Munster.
@unhallowedharvest3 ай бұрын
Yeah, that would have been an interesting choice.
@KevinMiller-xn5vu3 ай бұрын
Great movie. It's too bad it got to the point where Abbott and Costello eventually split up due to the dissention between them.
@loanaoftheshellpeople7744Ай бұрын
Bud Abbott wasn't even in Lou Costello's last film-The Thirty Foot Bride of Candy Rock.
@ignorecorporatenewsАй бұрын
Background music on this is REALLY annoying and not needed.
@michaelhughes805728 күн бұрын
Unless it was a colorized picture still, it showed The Frankenstein Monster was green, as he was possing. with his Arms outstretched over Abbot and Custello.
@michaelhughes805728 күн бұрын
Despite the fact that Cheney Jr.& Karloff didn't like this movie because they felt it made buffoons out of the monsters, I liked it anyway!
@unhallowedharvest28 күн бұрын
Me too.
@presto709Ай бұрын
Why do people put music behind dialogue?
@unhallowedharvestАй бұрын
I do it to help (hopefully) hide how bad I am at speaking.
@presto709Ай бұрын
@@unhallowedharvest, I think you speak fine. However, to me, the music behind the narration is annoying and manipulative. Have you ever been to a live presentation where the music was played during the speech?
@unhallowedharvestАй бұрын
@@presto709 Thanks, for the feedback, as I do this more I'm hoping to get a little better at it.
@presto709Ай бұрын
@@unhallowedharvest Thanks for taking my comment in the spirit it was given. Apparently, some people advise music behind narration but I don't get it.
@BassGirlSusan1961Ай бұрын
Volume of background music needs lowering, and, whilst you are speaking of a film with monsters, your brightness/lighting is too dark. That said, godd review! :)
@unhallowedharvestАй бұрын
Thanks for the feedback.
@steventhorson44872 ай бұрын
@ronaldstrange898113 күн бұрын
It was Lon Chaney JUNIOR.
@SteveHill-qs3puАй бұрын
The best I.M.H.O. Abbot and Costello meets movie. And you made the old mistake. Lon Chaney Jnr. Played both the Creature and Wolfman in the movie not Frankenstein. Maybe someone else noticed it ? Oh I nearly forgot Lon Chaney Jnr played the son of Dracula not Dracula himself.
@WilliamBell-t8k2 ай бұрын
Did they also meet Frankenstein's Monster?
@unhallowedharvest2 ай бұрын
@mlongpre1002 ай бұрын
semantics !
@seasonstudiosАй бұрын
"Bud and Abbott"??? Bud IS Abbott... Lou is Costello.
@IAMCAVE27 күн бұрын
The video is over? Oh Ok, the narrator’s exciting voice put me to sleep