The TRUTH About Tipping in Mexico: Here’s What to Know

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Aly Smalls

Aly Smalls

Күн бұрын

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@vardanvakili 13 күн бұрын
I was in there at the Hotel and triple-check with at least random people in there and bartenders: Open buffet(Lunch - Breakfast) in ALL-inclusive hotels, does not need tips at all ( if you want to tip for them, you can, but it is not mandatory) Bars on the beach and pools: 200 pesos is more than enough for one shot beforehand for all day, and that's it- most of the people I saw pay 10 pesos per drink per round ( 1 CAD), and imagine how many shots you can drink during the day! I would say normal healthy human 5-6, not more. I asked Mexicans in there, and they said Tip is only for services like fancy restaurants - grocery stores- and cleaners! I appreciate your time and videos, and Thank you.
@IslandGirl40 11 күн бұрын
Very helpful tips. Thanks Aly! 😃
@dianaprince4864 9 ай бұрын
Living in Mexico for many years now. I only tip on Gas, Grocery, and Great Service. Sometimes when I get a pampering service like nails or hair cut and that’s it.
@wadeparis4420 10 ай бұрын
Thanks a bunch, Aly. Enjoy all your vlogs. You have answered all of my questions. Keep doing what you're doing. Much appreciated. Wade Nova Scotia Canada.
@paulhenry5174 10 ай бұрын
I never tip on a sliding scale. I tip on good service and a warm engaging personality. Which is why I tip higher than the average percentage rate. Tipping is a form of appreciation.
@Mr.DJones 8 ай бұрын
Totally agree. And I was in the restaurant, resort, and winery shuttle service for 40 years. In the US, if the bartender doesn't even say anything, I don't tip them.
@mary66714 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for the good advices 😊 I enjoyed listening to your travel experience and tips 😊.
@littlebitty7633 10 ай бұрын
Unfortunately, by the time I leave Mexico, I feel "all tipped out" because I feel it's expected for absolutely everything. The truth is, I have to save very heavily for these trips just the same. I feel bad for locals that, over the last several years, have been priced out of their own areas due to the fact that we've gone down there and said how "cheap" things are and started over-paying. I tip the grocery store bagger. I tip the housekeeping staff. I tip exceptional service at the end of our stay; restaurant and bar staff that we connect with and make us want come back time and time again and make the place so special. The place we have been returning to has amazing amazing staff. At this place, I tip the guys that move our bags if we have decided to change rooms because there's no trolleys for them as it's all steps and hillside. I love heading to Mexico, Puerto Vallarta, specifically, but find it's changed a lot.
@maksymkorinnyi7576 6 ай бұрын
When you tip you do not help - you spoil. They just expect automatically from you, seeing your GUERO face. I hate tipping idea. Why do you have to overpay for something they are paid already. The salary is low - demand more. Why should the customer take care of the payroll whereas the buisiness owner takes the profit?
@lih-fk8by 10 ай бұрын
The truth is we do not have a tipping culture in Mexico, I am sure the people who receive tips from you are grateful, but the unintended consequences are that business owners see that if you can tip their employees then you are able to pay more for their products so they raise prices and it creates prices that locals cannot afford
@dorisackermann6695 10 ай бұрын
Love your informative videos thank you, can’t wait for the next one.
@Mr.DJones 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for your time and posting. Great info. For me, if they are not friendly and professional, nothing. If the bartender serves me a drink and walks over to talk to staff, nothing. Etc. :)
@jamesdragomir8494 6 ай бұрын
Aly: Great input on pesos. I really like your videos as they are so informative. You are in my opinion one of the most informative when it comes to Mexico for those that like traveling there or thinking of living there. Its beem some time since I went to Mazatlan will be there for hopefully a month in July. Thank you
@BrianFox 10 ай бұрын
After watching this. I much more than Aly suggests. I'm okay with that. They work hard to make our vacation a great experience. Ibid not know about the mini bar. I will ask during my next trip. Just two weeks away. 🎉
@BrianFox 9 ай бұрын
Tipping the mini bar worked out great. They added small bottles of Tiger Tequila to my fridge. The day they left the Tequila in my room I saw him in the hall with his cart and gave him another 5 bucks. He was very appreciative.
@Bull-BearTrading 10 ай бұрын
Good content Aly!
@RRG55 9 ай бұрын
my grandma loves your videos :)
@dtg123 8 ай бұрын
another comment about tipping is do not use Canadian change ie loonie or toonie banks do not exchange it as it is considered change.I have a few friends who work in the Vallarta area and always ask me to buy it off them when iam leaving.I always do it for them.
@beacasarrubias79 5 ай бұрын
Visit your nearest bank and bring small bills. I usually carry 100 in 1s 200 in 5s 100 in 10s. Minimum.
@well-blazeredman6187 10 ай бұрын
So, 10% for rubbish service? I'll tip the house-maid, once - at the end of my stay. Tour-guides? Count the number of people in the coach, multiply by the excursion-price, and then ask yourself if the tour-operator has more than enough money to pay his staff decently. I like the idea of knowing how much the hotel staff are paid, and will tip more where pay is low. I always carry some dollars in my wallet, to guard against not having local currency to hand. Good video.
@edwardmoran1739 10 ай бұрын
Here is an addition to your advice. Mexico charges 16% on everything and it is already in your restaurant ( and everything else) bill. So you should not tip on the tax amount. For example, if your bill is $40 , the food amount is $33.60. 13% of $40 gives you a 15% tip. 17% of $40 gives you a 20% tip. I think I got this correct. Percents are rounded up a bit. Use the calculator on your phone.
@mechellme1399 4 ай бұрын
So say you are sitting by the pool and want to keep waitstaff happy to keep the drinks coming. How many pesos per drink? And what if all-inclusive resort?
@alysmalls 4 ай бұрын
We will typically give a good tip (~$200pesos) at the beginning of the day to get their attention, then a similar tip at the end of the day. Some might think its a lot, but it works out to the standard 'dollar per drink' tip and we usually never have to wait.
@PeggyWestberg 10 ай бұрын
@beacasarrubias79 5 ай бұрын
I always tip at an all inclusive. Like you said, you get better service. I see them now often.😂
@MikelMovies Ай бұрын
In Mexico now and while I really enjoy the country, I will not be coming back anytime soon just because of the constant begging for tips. I didn't know this was mini USA. As a tourist, you are seen as walking ATM.
@Mark.Claughton 22 күн бұрын
Truth is most people struggle you afford to go away to get ripped off. Maybe if they charged local prices rather than robbing people for beimg a tourist people would tip a lot more.
@mikimiki195 10 ай бұрын
It’s simple for me if i sit down and you bring my food to the table i will tip you If am walking in and picking something up you ain’t getting nothing Im tired of people asking for tip for every single thing You are not doing much for me if I order bottle of water for $3 and you want me to give you additional $2 Fuçk that.
@Mobius1_ 10 ай бұрын
100%. Servers/Bartenders, and the pizza guy. Thats it, and only if you don't screw up.
@mikimiki195 10 ай бұрын
@@Mobius1_ that’s how I feel 👍🏻
@MB-uy5kh 10 ай бұрын
Freaking ridiculous as what tipping has become. When you add up all the recommended tips, it can easily add up to an additional $30 to $50 per day. That’s why I go cruises with tips included in price and only tip selectively at the end the cruise for exceptional service. I really enjoyed my trip to Japan where no tips are accepted, it’s after we returned that I released why it was so much enjoyable, not to mention cheaper. So ready to be done with all those extra tips, I really don’t care, I will probably never see them again.
@maksymkorinnyi7576 6 ай бұрын
Why do we have to tip at all? Tipping is a hidden mascareded form of extortion. This money are not even taxed and reported.
@miguelreinoso2435 10 ай бұрын
Hi I am new
@Mobius1_ 10 ай бұрын
Hi, New. I'm Mobius. 😎
@papavaliquette4978 10 ай бұрын
Spread the love a tip as you wish. Rich Gringos never tip
@snowoman8832 10 ай бұрын
Stiff the poor taxi driver & reward the rich uber driver i don't think so. I Always Tip the taxi
@SharrellKline 10 ай бұрын
I agree. I live here in Mexico now and I don't believe the taxi drivers are any better paid by the taxi companies than the Uber drivers. The only types of drivers I don't tip here in the Lake Chapala area are the private drivers who pick you up in their own car and quote you a price. Other than that, if somebody is an employee, they're getting a tip from me.
@killer2600 10 ай бұрын
How is the uber driver rich? The primary reason uber is so popular is because it's known for a reputation of being cheaper than Taxis.
@lih-fk8by 10 ай бұрын
One reason people use Uber over taxis is the lower price so if you are going to tip the Uber driver because you think he is not paid fairly, why not just take the taxi
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