YOOOO THE LITHGOW FOOTAGE IS UP!! Nice one Daman cool to see you got 0660, I reckon garbage would have been that ex Bathurst 0635 euro 4 truck and greens would have possibly been either the euro 4 Ex Dubbo 0689 or the Ex Grafton 1038 or 1035, Sadly I lost all my videos so I couldn't upload anything but I got the Ex Dubbo 0689 chopping out green with the ex Grafton 1035 and a bit of a video of the ex Bathurst 0635 (Which has been filmed by Aussie Garbo with the driver Tom, also went to the yard and saw a few trucks up there and got a J.R Richards hat, that recycle truck 0660 apparently goes to the recycling tip (Visy) at 4AM to load off the day before's load! Also I noticed where that street you filmed at 18:06, when the truck went left, there's an alleyway where my Uncle and Aunty live which I'm pretty sure you filmed in, hope you said hi lol Cheers!