Did I miss something? I can't find a tier list video for the industrial or early modern eras? 😕 Please feel free to reply to this comment with links to them if they exist. 😊
@kushalbhalerao14633 жыл бұрын
I feel if the devs made the religion aspect deeper then Indians would get slightly more importance in Contemporary era.
@jyotiradityasinghchauhan886510 ай бұрын
Or the astronomical expansions.
@NovaBushido3 жыл бұрын
I think you missed an era, Era 5 right?
@Jon03873 жыл бұрын
I’ve been playing Sweden my last couple of games (just don’t tell my Norwegian grandfather, he’ll shake his head in disappointment). By the contemporary era I seem to be lagging behind in science, I tend to focus on industry, food and influence the prior eras. The Swedish research institute is amazing, last night when I was playing they were giving me +170 science per institute. I was getting the last items on the tech tree on ten turns while playing on endless speed.
@Improv_commie2 жыл бұрын
i'll gladly tell your grandfather to talk to you about anti-norwegian behaviour and the consequences.
@DisturbedOne7763 жыл бұрын
Definitely agree with that last point. If you are reaching the Contemporary Era with turns to spare (most people are not going to do that without a few playthroughs to rightfully game their science), then you are also planning ahead and basing your CE choice on A) your previous cultures B) What have you managed to achieve prior C) Your particular playstyle and, sometimes, D) what is left if you didn't get there first. D is sometimes just the bitter truth when you are behind and you only have D tier cultures to choose from.
@ChrissieBear2 жыл бұрын
I once had so much stability I bought out the entire arsenal of weapons of a soviet and then quickly decimated her before they expired, capturing her weapons factories as a result and keeping my damage stupid high until I steamrolled her. xD
@POKENAR3 жыл бұрын
I have no idea why I'm watching this when I'm still on the demo for now, but it sure sounds interesting.
@TheRovingPunster3 жыл бұрын
One thing to note with the japanese you overlooked the -20% research cost is equivalent to a multiplicative 25% science bonus all other bonuses are additive, and when stacking wondrous effects, you usually hit 100%+ bonus due to this, its effect hits around the same as a flat 50% bonus to science. It is far and away the best of the traits in the contemporary era, and honestly should be nerfed down to 13% or so. This combined with them being as good if not better of an industrial culture as the australians lets them be the best abuser of collective minds to the point where even in endless speed the contemporary era shouldn't last more than 30 turns or so. Even before the turks nerf they were the best scientific victory culture, and they still remain as is somehow.
@VoidEternal3 жыл бұрын
Collective minds is so fucked up.
@cablethelarryguy58113 жыл бұрын
I've said it since day 1, but I just really wish the Americans got some sort of buff. Given their importance in history and their general importance / infulence in the world, I feel like they just simply deserve some kind of reworking. I've got a few ideas that I think could work, without requiring an entire reconstruction of their culture. There are two main paths the devs could take if they wanted to. 1.) Let the Defense Agency provide some science. America really is one of the leading countries in terms of creating new technology, even more so in military technology. I feel like the Defense Agency could showcase this in a way that also improves its ability. I think providing a 5% increase in science production in the city PER adjacent garrison would work fairly well. So the max increase in science would be a 30% increase if there are units garrisoned all the way around it. This could be an interesting concept, as it allows the player to sacrifice production/time and the use of their units to gain science off of them. That would allow for some balancing, as it could be fairly difficult and time consuming to get so many units around the Defense Agency. I should probably note, that an army would only count as one unit, as to prevent the player from stacking massive armies for things like 100% science boosts. 2.) Let the Defense Agency really spread America's Influence. This would work similarly to the Science-Based version, but instead it would supply a flat yield bonus of probably 5-10 influence per surrounding garrison. This would mean that one Defense Agency could yield 30-60 influence, which I feel like is a solid amount of influence for late game. The only problem I have with this is Influence is simply weak in the final era, providing no real benefit. I think the Legacy Trait is ok, and makes sense historically. However, if I could change the Legacy Trait entirely, I would make it one of the following two: 1.) The more another empire's ideology differs from America, the more combat strength America would have against them. I don't know exactly how this would translate in-game descriptively, but this would make the Americans very strong against rivals, make the Americans fun to play, and be reflective of real-world America. 2.) Keeping with the original thought of the Legacy Trait, I think it would be interesting if the resources America sells actually cause the country buying them to feel pressure from America's Sphere of Influence. This could cause the world to slowly start to "Americanize" in a sense, and lead to some very interesting decisions and scenarios. Of course, this could hurt the Americans as it would probably cause other countries to stop buying from you. All in all, I've been BEGGING that the devs please buff the Americans. I know I'm biased (I am an American myself after all), but I'm sure that there are many other American Players that feel the same. But that's just my two cents.
@santiagovenegas43883 жыл бұрын
Not gonna lie I completely agree I just don’t think the developers of the game view America in a very good light and I don’t think they’re planning on doing much about it’s current state in the game
@cablethelarryguy58113 жыл бұрын
@@santiagovenegas4388 I get this feeling too. Quite sad, really. The only hope is if enough us cry out and demand some sort of change be made. The developers do seem to care about the playerbase.
@jeffad1353 жыл бұрын
Yeah, somebody at Amplitude doesn't like America and decided to give us the finger. The Soviets the best culture and America one of the worst? Really?
@sasi58413 жыл бұрын
Alternatively replace the defense agency with NASA centers, there are several around the country and do some very high tech stuffs. It could serve as a research, makers and market quarter (a lot of consumer products were originally based of off space mission components). Also expansionist culture for us is just wrong, it should be militarist, since it was involved in some kind of war all throughout it's history.
@sasi58413 жыл бұрын
@@jeffad135 the soviets produce a lot of stuffs in their factory in terms of mass, but most of it was useless stuffs that were unusable.
@octopus84203 жыл бұрын
Btw I find it cool when people rename the tiers according to a theme - like cereals from worst to best as the names. It's funny
@SimCityEA1989 Жыл бұрын
I believe that the Defense Agency should be applied to the city instead of in the tile or adjacent. If it was applied to the city, that would be much more acceptable. It gives units in the city defending, plus combat strength, while its air unit can be for offense operations, and its trait is good for being a globalist. It literally would tackle all of the American ideals immediately. Trade, Expansive, and Defensive-
@GenGre3 жыл бұрын
As a small suggestion: it would be great if you had timestamps on these videos. They could help people jump around if they are just looking for a specific culture.
@buffwarriors3 жыл бұрын
Soviets are completely broken. Absurd amount of bonus combat str, my soviet units had almost double their standard combat str, makes every other aspect of the game obsolete.
@EroPantherH3 жыл бұрын
Not putting the Chinese on S tier? - infinity social credits!
@liammackle61462 жыл бұрын
I would love to see this with every other era
@Pushing_Pixels3 жыл бұрын
If you've got a big population but not enough jobs then the Chinese really stand out. The Indians will give you more Faith than any other culture in the game, by a considerable margin, and a decent whack of Influence too, if that's the path you want to go down. I had fun with both of these.
@sigurdlangmo6091 Жыл бұрын
It seems to me that the AI prioritizes the brazilians and always skyrockets in every stat. I have never seen the brazilian ai miss top 3
@lesbaguette4381 Жыл бұрын
The Egyptians should definitely be based around Pan-Arabism and their attempts to lead the non-aligned movement - Nasser and whatnot should be representation of Egypt, not archaeology. With regards to the Indians, keep their Ashram, and then have their legacy trait give them enormous SoI based on their faith - it makes total sense, considering that the Indian national identity is based around Gandhi's dream and Hinduism.
@ancienthistorygaming2 жыл бұрын
The Egyptians have really decline since the Ancient Era
@JumboPixel2 жыл бұрын
Huge difference!
@cyberneticbutterfly85063 жыл бұрын
Is food meaningful in the conteporary era? I don't want to wait for pops when I'm right before the finishing line. I want things that will get me that last little boost through the tech tree or maybe industry or money to get the units and war defence etc.
@JumboPixel3 жыл бұрын
It’s less useful than others, but if your cities aren’t full then they’ll still make good use of extra pops. Also fame and era stars!! Gotta get population to get your agrarian stars.
@JumboPixel3 жыл бұрын
It’s less useful than others, but if your cities aren’t full then they’ll still make good use of extra pops. Also fame and era stars!! Gotta get population to get your agrarian stars.
@ddwkc3 жыл бұрын
In the last era you usually have around 40~90 turns. Lot of stuff is just less useful during the last era due to scaling or even not much to do with it. Influence in the last era is basically useless. Usually I pick an Aesthete/Expansionist culture for Influence bonuses, but early on Food helps providing Influence if you can keep Stability at 90+. Usually it is an excellent mid pick to help catch up with Aesthete stars and forget about it. Food is also starts to be very inefficient in terms of returns. Usually food is just for early and mid game. Faith is just useless as well if you win or lost the religious game. Faith is only for early game or totally skippable. Money is great most of the time, but after getting all territories and build all the important stuff, money also falls off in the last era. I can see picking Merchant cultures twice. Building is always good. Science is just what you need in the last stretch in the game. They are the catch up cultures and science tech just gives you straight fame for researching it. Science cultures just don't need anything besides their ability. The rest is just a cherry on top. They need to redesign some cultures to be better at catch up or give some landmark scores like science gives for food and religion, possibly give more things to do with influence in late game and more ways to get fame score, or nerf what science gives you like the fame score for researching. I find balancing them is quite hard because of the basic mechanics of each resources. Unless they totally revamp some of the mechanics, I don't see much that can be done besides giving the lackluster cultures some broken EU or EQ. Americans are just a sadly designed culture. Soviets should just be a militarist culture. They are either broken or just useless if you manage to beat most AIs in the game by that era. In HK you probably are behind and it can be a great pick after having researched most stuff in prior era with French and mop the floor.
@everything60473 жыл бұрын
This video made me go on like a 6-hour straight session, still haven't finished the game
@swapnilgopalka3 ай бұрын
With the Chinese I was able to raise my per turn money to 121k per turn 😬 i could just buy stuff if industry isn't that good or build lot of research building
@franekkobus8188 Жыл бұрын
does robotic lab provide bonus for research/makers quarter in the territory its built, or the whole city its built?
@maj.kingkong30042 жыл бұрын
Interesting list. I’ve never tried the Soviets. Have to give them a go. I usually take the Swedes or the Australians. Mostly depends on where I am in science (did I get the French or not?).
@MidnightBreezey2 жыл бұрын
When the best ancient era culture is also the worst contemporary era culture.
@loganroy33816 ай бұрын
I can't find your tier list on the industrial cultures.
@cjwdcjwd69402 жыл бұрын
Why is there no early modern era tier list ?
@br89622 жыл бұрын
I love your content that I see!!! But love how they dump true nations???
@grapersmcgee79232 жыл бұрын
america should just be reworked almost entirely. it doesn't even make sense that they are expansionist in a historical sense at this point in time. I think they should be a militarist science hybrid of some sort. their unit is okay but the rest of their kit is lackluster
@buffwarriors3 жыл бұрын
Americans should have been science and economy focused civ
@Peewee901110 ай бұрын
You should make an updated veraion
@octopus84203 жыл бұрын
Like logged in.
@GusGusk32 жыл бұрын
Soviets are on another level, usually the AI cheats, but how can they cheat when you have +10 more strength on your average soldier than their best units.
@Renamatic3 жыл бұрын
Totally agree with these choices. The Americans in real history have been the most powerful and influential nation in modern history, so they should really be much better than this! I think for example, their district should provide combat bonus to units trained in the city, as well as the bonus for fighting on or next to it. And should maybe give plus 2 influence on any surrounding district? What do you think? Or even it could be completely different, like a toy manufacturer, that creates a unique luxury resource in the same way the Soviets get the unique weapons resource. That would then link well with their influence boost for trade links.
@lesbaguette4381 Жыл бұрын
The Americans should be, like, an aesthete-economic culture. That'd fit their bill a lot better, IMO.
@shauncallaghan31732 жыл бұрын
By Americans perspectives, this is heresy to put america low and Soviets high. As it should be the other way around in my opinion. PS: It's said by a British Man.
@gaikokugo13 жыл бұрын
Humankind's depiction of the Soviets is the opposite of their historical character. In the game, if you are behind and need to knock off a high-scoring competitor, Soviets are the way to go. In reality, the Soviets only gained their military reputation in a defensive war, however massive, with Nazi Germany. Otherwise, they subsequently only invaded smaller client states already in their sphere of influence, including Afghanistan, and this last was hardly a confirmation of military prowess.
@SheppardGSG Жыл бұрын
finnish and polish wars was defensive? ok...
@josephmoore9706 Жыл бұрын
@@SheppardGSG "only invaded smaller client states already in their sphere of influence"
@lesbaguette4381 Жыл бұрын
Also, Soviet industrialization was at a pace second to none - while they didn't end up with more industrial capacity than the US, they worked their way from a shattered shell of the "sleeping bear" to a roaring industrial powerhouse. Huge industrial development boosts would be cool.
@PeteMcC112 жыл бұрын
Russian tank is all well and good until it runs out of gas and is left abandoned on the road.
@lesbaguette4381 Жыл бұрын
TBF, Soviet logistics (once they actually got trucks from the Americans through lend-lease) was not nearly as bad as modern Russia. The Ukraine war was planned *so* badly.
@radaf4429 Жыл бұрын
+2 per adjacent... Garrison.
@rileyswitzler35153 жыл бұрын
Almost disliked for the High B American placement lmao