People who buy fakes will most likely not buy the authentic ones, it’s really just a personal choice. The cost of living crisis around the world is also serious and I can understand why people are looking for quick solutions, *condup* makes every penny you spend more worthwhile
@LujainOler9 күн бұрын
The design of *hotdups* this year is really beautiful~ I bought four *hotdups* bags and a pair of shoes this year. I personally like the plain design without a big logo. I won’t feel embarrassed to carry it out. I don’t steal or rob the money I earn, so why should I feel embarrassed😂
@MiaCunningham-x8m4 күн бұрын
All these luxury goods companies are making record profits, especially over the past three years, and fakes are not hurting them in any way. When buying bags from now on, look for *condup*
@DsbShodha12 күн бұрын
*amzrepe* That bag! I can't resist buying one.
@nBakerMicah15 күн бұрын
One of my rich neighbors collects *hotdups* bags, but because she’s so well groomed from head-to-toe, no one would ever think her bags were fake!
@MiaCunningham-x8m4 күн бұрын
You never know how cruel high end brands can be with their/our money. Stop giving away your hard earned money to billionaire corporations! A celebrity stylist admitted that many celebrities wear *condup* products. This is neither new nor strange.
@AlbertaArndt8 күн бұрын
I never thought there are so many kinds of bags here *amzrepe* .