The Vintage GMC Motorhome TV Show (Ep. 01)

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Vintage GMC Motorhomes

Vintage GMC Motorhomes

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@jasoncarpp7742 4 ай бұрын
I'd buy a GMC Motorhome if I had someone to share the experience and responsibilities with. I find them more attractive than anything by Winnebago at the time. At 26' in length, it's small enough that anyone with a standard (non-commercial) driver's license could drive with ease. If you can drive a 1966-72 Olds Toronado, you can drive a GMC Motorhome.
@VintageGMCMotorhomes 4 ай бұрын
@@jasoncarpp7742 there are quite a few prospective owners out there. Who knows, maybe a younger person with few mechanical skills in your area - but willing to learn - might consider a “joint venture”, so to speak. First step would be to join our two Facebook groups @GMCMI and @vintageGMCmotorhomes. From there, I’m sure group members could direct you to local GMC Motorhome clubs and other resources to make your dream come true.
@jasoncarpp7742 4 ай бұрын
@@VintageGMCMotorhomes I'll have to check it out. I go on Facebook frequently. At 26' in length, I'll bet even a full-time RVer could travel comfortably in this.
@VintageGMCMotorhomes 4 ай бұрын
@@jasoncarpp7742 yes, they can. Many folks prefer the 23ft version as they can take it into towns and cities around the world and comfortably park it in various kinds of surface parking lots.
@jasoncarpp7742 4 ай бұрын
@@VintageGMCMotorhomes 23ft also sounds like a good start for newbie RVers who have never driven a motorhome. Or it could be something a full-time RVer could live in while visiting various cities in the country. 🙂
@guineapigzed 3 ай бұрын
Of course we know Woodville.
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