The animation of the video is inspired by the ironic 1988 anime flick "Akira" & the other anime film "Paprika" (which came out back in the mid-2000s) and also the real meaning & the metaphor of the video is that the moth means is the "cult" which is the "fans" but the another real meaning is that he is going through his own process of purgatoty, when he woke up he was trying to commit suicide and letting himself go, his arms and legs that he lost mean the pieces everyone was trying to take from him, then he hit the ground as if it was a shocking scene of reality, the after hours character showed up and kept getting bigger but that white monster was the true face of it and when he tried to hide everything started closing in on him. Somehow he made it to her ( Heyon ) in out of time music video but she was scared of him and she closed the door but if she waited seconds later she would have seen young Abel that represents his true self pure, beautiful and scared. Thats the real him. So the video theme is about being reborn and also heal the trauma what you been through, plus let go of the pain as well.
@SparkimusPrime2 жыл бұрын
You saw the Out of Time video right? I’m seeing him next month too! After Hours DawnFM (Purgatory) Afterlife (maybe?) The story is in the album but also across all three of them 🖤 Have you checked out the teaser trailer for The Idol he premiered at one of his shows?
@thestonereffect40052 жыл бұрын
Yeah I seen all the videos and I’m started to see all the connections. And The Idol looks like it’s loosely based on his life? Idk but it looks good tho
@SlimShady-x8o2 жыл бұрын
No wonder he hates, he looks like he came out of those Chinese cookies, don't get confused man, the one who is misunderstood here is you , love from isral , jerusalem , and ethio og
@spookycatseven2 жыл бұрын
you should react to another album by nirvana (bleach) theyre first album