The Wild Robot is One of the BEST Movies I've Ever Seen!

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🎬 In this FilmSpeak video essay, we discuss why The Wild Robot is a masterpiece and one of the best movies I've ever seen.
DreamWorks Animation has finally delivered a groundbreaking masterpiece with *The Wild Robot*, a film that not only stands as a visual marvel but also redefines the future of animation. In this video, we dive deep into why The Wild Robot is perfect and a complete game changer, showcasing DreamWorks' rise out of Pixar’s shadow, even surpassing some of their latest efforts.
This isn’t just a WALL-E redux-it’s a profound exploration of life, motherhood, and survival in the most unexpected ways. The film beautifully portrays how love and kindness can be the ultimate tools in navigating a harsh world. We’ll break down the film's stunning animation, its heartwarming narrative, and how DreamWorks emerges as a true leader in the animation world. Griffin (‪@griffschiller‬) gives his Wild Robot review and explains why The Wild Robot is so good, how The Wild Robot just changed animation forever, why The Wild Robot is one of the best movies I've ever seen, and why The Wild Robot is not only an instant classic but a cultural and artistic turning point for the studio. Enjoy this The Wild Robot explained video!
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🎞 Chapters 🎞
🎞 About The Wild Robot 🎞
Shipwrecked on a deserted island, a robot named Roz must learn to adapt to its new surroundings. Building relationships with the native animals, Roz soon develops a parental bond with an orphaned gosling. The Wild Robot is written and directed by Chris Sanders and stars Lupita Nyong'o, Pedro Pascal, Kit Connor, Bill Nighy, Stephanie Hsu, Mark Hamill, Catherine O'Hara, Matt Berry, and Ving Rhames.
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@FilmSpeak 3 ай бұрын
What did YOU think of The Wild Robot??🤖 Is it Dreamworks' Best Film?? Comment below!💥Thanks again to Grüns!🏃🏼Receive up to 45% OFF your order!
@JoshTheWoz 3 ай бұрын
@afroturtle989 3 ай бұрын
This movie is one of the only movies I’ve seen that attempts to have so many themes and actually does it success. It tackles parenting, identity, self confidence, respect and compromise, and probably others that I missed, while having insanely good characterization and spectacular animation. Overall it’s a damn brilliant film that I will rewatch many times.
@thekolbaska 3 ай бұрын
A big reason all these ideas succeeded is that it stuck *very* closely to the original book. One problem I felt both the movie and book had is the predator problem. If there’s a truce and no one eats one another, carnivores starve. So, it doesn’t really work if you think about it even for a second.
@xaviernaud5544 3 ай бұрын
@NotaShorty 2 ай бұрын
@@thekolbaska I just watched the movie and thought this too. I'd struggle to eat someone I struggled and snuggled with all winter personally.
@palmmahir3888 3 ай бұрын
This is what I call an animation masterpiece! The score & music were freakin incredible, and I cried two times in the theater.
@FilmSpeak 3 ай бұрын
@@palmmahir3888 yeah a complete masterclass in storytelling.
@sudarshans3690 3 ай бұрын
Me too. I cried in the scene where Brightbill said, I love you, and Roz responded and the scene where Roz leaves the island and Fink cries
@alejandrasanchez3022 3 ай бұрын
fr i cried a lot too; like when Roz is helping Brightbill to fly or the can you give me a boost part omg what a beatiful movie
@suniledoal5881 3 ай бұрын
And the visuals were ART
@New-Rhino 3 ай бұрын
Pathetic.....I cried 6 times.....
@tiandi5585 3 ай бұрын
My favorite quote was "I have everything I need" after Roz throws out her power core to save Brightbill. It was quick, but beautiful.
@ainsley5843 3 ай бұрын
that line mixed with the imagery of her literally replacing her heart with him was perfect
@LiIBeary 3 ай бұрын
"Funny how life goes" 🤭
@KnightGeneral 3 ай бұрын
Brightbill was her core now. Thats Motherhood is all about. Gradually, the Mother realizes, her children are all what she needs in her Life.
@lukecarroll19 3 ай бұрын
I'm still confused. How did Roz not die or have any consequences from throwing away her core??
@ainsley5843 3 ай бұрын
@@lukecarroll19 she said earlier that she has batteries and solar panels all over her body which is also why she needed to shut sown over winter cause the sun couldn't reach through the blizzard
@austinfeng735 3 ай бұрын
I'd like to add a point here. Nature is rightfully depicted as a "survival of the fittest" in Wild Robot, but there is one important exception to this which is the selfless action of parents. Making a robot, the hallmark of a "human" society, naturally become a parent in this environment, the one element of nature which inherently embraces altruism, all while showing that it is a human trait and how human technology can help nature in this same way, is very well done
@zachrabaznaz7687 3 ай бұрын
No. It's not an exception. Selflessness is "fit"; kindness is a survival strategy. Roz and Fink say so themselves.
@velocityraptor2890 3 ай бұрын
@@zachrabaznaz7687 that line right there is the mantra of both the move AND the book (btw there's a book this movie's based on)
@nyonpa_999 3 ай бұрын
​Interestingly, the guy who made up the whole 'dominance' theory on wolves later found out that packs in the wild​ (not artificially formed ones in captivity) would form their social structures as Families, a more intuitive model. There is still competition amongst siblings, but the idea that altruism bonds are just a human thing is really not reflective of reality. @@zachrabaznaz7687
@heilo263 2 ай бұрын
Parentage is not a naturally altruistic thing, it's based on someone like you surviving (literally having half your genetic makeup, and hopefully half of your teachings). Also, not all nature is survival of the fittest; intelligence separates humans from animals, and we decide whether to be selfish or work together or for others. Acts of community are why civilization dominated the planet. Unfortunately now we're reverting to our wild selfish selves, championing hyper-individuality at the expense of community.
@Yo1297 3 ай бұрын
Another thing I love about this movie is that the voice actors actually voice act and don’t sound like insert celebrity name here. I could not tell the bear was mark hamill or Pedro was the Fox
@leoistari 3 ай бұрын
Mark is well known in the voice acting industry, I didn't know the others could do a good job though
@madeofcastiron 3 ай бұрын
i was stunned when i found out that roz is lupita nyong’o and that brightbill is kit connor
@remixtbh 3 ай бұрын
​@@leoistari I'm not sure Pedro has had any other voice acting in an animated show- but he does have voice acting/over experience with the Mandalorian because he wasn't always the one in the suit
@Brownwhale7 2 ай бұрын
I mean, Matt Berry was very obviously Matt Berry, Ving Rhames obviously Ving Rhames and Billy Nighy obviously Bill Nighy
@diwa2360 2 ай бұрын
​@@Brownwhale7 to be fair, those three have their own bits and gimmicks, so the blank slate side characters were essentially injected with their real personalities it's the main cast, who are more fleshed out and have their own emotional arcs, where the VAs really needed to disappear into the role
@aalainalarcon 3 ай бұрын
this movie is the definition of "every frame a painting"
@vargasmarcusrusselt.6576 Ай бұрын
@nabeelnaureen7283 3 ай бұрын
I really hate it when people call this movie "generic". I have heard poeple say that all there is in this movie is a robot trying to teach a gosling how to grow and become better and that this movie is predictable, which it kind of is, but it's predicatble in the best way possible and the people who call the story "generic" clearly can't see the bigger picture and what emotions and message this masterpiece of a movie truly holds. I definitely think that this movie should win the oscar for best animated movie for 2024. This is by far, the best Dreamworks movie in my opinion (yes, it's better than HTTYD, don't cry about it).
@StellaPinkbird 3 ай бұрын
As a httyd fan, I completely agree with you. This movie needs to win an award
@Fluxikator 3 ай бұрын
Yeah. Predictable doesnt have to be a bad thing. The same as unpredictable can be actually a bad thing. Best example of that is the second movie in the Disney starwars sequel trilogy.
@patbingsuyaa 3 ай бұрын
Prince of Egypt tho?
@madookamagooka743 3 ай бұрын
arbitrary you lied to me argument 2 minutes into the movie of the goose child talking. arbitrary YOU DONT BELONG HERE bully story. arbitrary elder who is chill but does nothing to stop the bullying. arbitrary crap pop song training montage. arbitrary "evil" robots that want to take the main character back to human town. arbitrary multi climax pacing. in a story about a mom trying to raise a child in the unforgiving wilderness we get the climax of the predators and prey living and loving together (they're gonna starve and die now) saving the animals from winter, fighting the evil robots, stopping the forest fire, fighting the robots more, and then just going back to the humans anyways. arbitrary fake death and the robot magically comes to life with love. arbitrary loner character who acts like they don't care but they do and they rally the town together. every single plot point and spoken word of dialogue in this movie has been done a million times by a million other better films that are far better paced and take time to explore the cliche themes and make them their own unique twist, rather than stuffing as many surface level cliches into one movie and calling it a day.
@vioveo7440 3 ай бұрын
​@@madookamagooka743 You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
@CitizenWartres 3 ай бұрын
The fact that Chris Sanders wrote and directed this movie excites me the most. He has been in the animation industry for decades and it truly upsets me how a lot of people still don't know his name. From Lilo & Stitch to How To Train Your Dragon to The Croods and now this movie, Sanders is easily one of the greatest artists working in the animation industry. I really hope this could be a bigger hit for him. He's such a gem in animation industry, i adore him so much
@FilmSpeak 3 ай бұрын
@@CitizenWartres Chris Sanders = the 🐐 of western animation
@lawrup 3 ай бұрын
@@FilmSpeak they should a pitch a movie about real life the Sinister and Evil under belly of our real life our reality is Ruthless and darker it is
@lawrup 3 ай бұрын
What about a real life version of animation of Human vs human and how Morbid people are like Strangulation/drowning vanishing of the face of the planet
@lawrup 3 ай бұрын
I can't believe I hold Trillions/Billions of lives in my hands
@lawrup 3 ай бұрын
Having the Government caring about your existing is a GIFT
@Leafy17 3 ай бұрын
One of the things I absolutely love about dreamworks, is they are not at all afraid to show some violence or mistreatment. It really makes them stand out from the crowd.
@kayleeruiz 3 ай бұрын
The Wild Robot reminded me a lot of Studio Ghibli storytelling. It’s rare for animated features to feel comfortable having emotions drive the plot. Often they always need their characters to do something, complete something. Always a call to action so the kids don’t get bored. But The Wild Robot (and Studio Ghibli films) have a more character forward approach. I figured that out when Roz’s “task” of “eat, swim, fly” was completed in the first act. After, it was a matter of following our character around and seeing them do what made sense for their development. It felt very realistic to how life actually happens.
@iocomposer 3 ай бұрын
What a wonderfully thoughtful and insightful dissertation. I was lucky to be able to work on this film and it’s fantastically reassuring to see it recognized as the timeless work that we all knew it was while we were creating it. Thank you for this. ❤
@FilmSpeak 3 ай бұрын
@@iocomposer Thank YOU for your incredible work on the film! It's one that will stick with me for a while. You should be very proud!
@Trysaratop 2 ай бұрын
Thank you thank you!!! Me and my kids love this movie! Your team really brought out what motherhood feels like.
@-sacnmusicalthearter1 3 ай бұрын
I saw this quote on a website recommending this movie (a chinese app) and like i loved it "If science cannot explain it, let love take over."
@TomastheHorrorfan 3 ай бұрын
DreamWorks isn’t “back,” it’s completely normal for them to release a few really good movies, and then really bad ones, and the cycle continues. That’s really the thing this company is known for.
@void_serenade 3 ай бұрын
right? don't know why he said that
@livivindle9912 3 ай бұрын
​@@void_serenadethey said the same thing for Puss in boots 2 (Legendary movie) but were then disappointed with Ruby Gillman, it's natural.
@MahiMahi-yu5jo 3 ай бұрын
It just speaks of the range the studio is willing to try rather than pigeonholing themselves like Pixar, Disney and Illumination. Range is good
@colehammill9117 3 ай бұрын
I think it just is kind of a joke, like that meme of the graph that has all the mountains and valleys and says “it’s so over” and “we’re so back”. Dream works has some absolute bangers and absolute stinkers, following the meme
@paradoxtatorstudios9681 26 күн бұрын
right. polarized quality inconsistency is just part of dreamwork's method at this rate. one moment you have the HTTYD and Kung Fu Panda trilogies, The Wild Robot, and The Last Wish. some of the most beloved and renowned films ever, nowadays. and then the next you have the infamous Boss Baby 2 and Megamind rules lmfao
@stefandjuric322 3 ай бұрын
What mostly surprised me is that even though I had very high expectations for this movie, it still somehow endedd up being better than what I expected. It's definitely one of the best animated movies ever and my favourite movie of the year.
@antodcat2553 3 ай бұрын
Its a story of being a parent and it made me my mom my father my daughter cry in the theatre and we were hugging it out the whole time
@velocityraptor2890 3 ай бұрын
i feel like once i'm a dad this movie's gonna hit even harder, but i aint even close to having kids yet and this already hurt like hell
@captain_commenter8796 3 ай бұрын
SPOILER WARNING! I loved the reflections you see in the film. Roz running to see her son migrate at the start and then Brightbill flying to see her mom off to her migration. And then when she remembers who she is and says “But you can call me Roz”. Me and my friends were the only teens in that theater, and we were bawling 😭
@nikifalcon 18 күн бұрын
Still tears me up every damn time
@nikifalcon 18 күн бұрын
The only movie that makes me tear up Not because I put myself in characters' place but just because of what it does
@dlodendron67 3 ай бұрын
Everything about this movie was perfect. It's exactly what I needed personally as well, story wise.
@charlieistryinghisbest 3 ай бұрын
It makes me so confused how people love movies like these and then still eat animals the day after
@trenna7814 3 ай бұрын
@@charlieistryinghisbest theyre delicious
@alejandrasanchez3022 3 ай бұрын
@@charlieistryinghisbest Because its a fiction movie..? Some thing ill never understand is why some vegans always try to make people who eat meat feel guilty for their decisions when even animals eat each other... isnt it part of nature?
@Hyperlaser_Merc 3 ай бұрын
​@@alejandrasanchez3022Fanatics, people who forcefully push there ideologies and belives on others.
@gomshom67iscool23 3 ай бұрын
the fact that it depicts the good and bad sides of runaway ai in such a marvelous way is incredible. i feel like anything you can think of, it is depicted in some way in this film (maybe not everything, but close enough)
@kristianbanks6450 3 ай бұрын
I cried three times watching this! It was so gorgeous! What a beautiful movie! The music, the characters, the acting, the animation! Everything was perfect! I loved it so much! 10-10!
@PenelopeNaomi 3 ай бұрын
You're about to make me cry all over again.
@charlieistryinghisbest 3 ай бұрын
It makes me so confused how people love movies like these(i do too) and then still eat animals the day after
@Mr_turtleman. 3 ай бұрын
​@@charlieistryinghisbestthis movie literally shows why (spoilers I know you've prolly already seen it but ya know) you know when she was rescueing everyone and then they all tried to kill each other that's nature animals die and eat each other in nature
@topacio3696 3 ай бұрын
I CRIED THE WHOLE MOVIE I KID YOU NOT. I start crying at the very begining because of the music. Every time something cute, pretty, sad or sweet happened in the movie my eyes got all wet. I'm crying again just watching some of the clips your showing akskjjks. GAAh i'm such a crybaby, I love this movie so so much
@MrMonsster 3 ай бұрын
Yo, I'm a 6'3" heavy metal bloke covered in tattoos, I bawled like a baby the whole second half of the movie. Felt so much better after.
@Jake-nm3tb 3 ай бұрын
@@MrMonsster I hate the “cried like a baby” phrase
@MrMonsster 2 ай бұрын
@@Jake-nm3tb okay
@Tisshybean 3 ай бұрын
This movie made me realize I do want to be a mom and I couldn’t stop crying during it..
@David.R.D Ай бұрын
That's so beautiful to read, I'm happy for you!
@Chinesetakeout382 3 ай бұрын
This movie just feels like it was an uncompromised vision, one with little corporate influence. I don’t know if That’s the case, but that feeling is something these studio owners really need to write down. This movie needs to win something at the Oscar’s. It’s so sweet, it’s so kind, I think this is the kind of movie that we need.
@charlieistryinghisbest 3 ай бұрын
It makes me so confused how people love movies like these and then still eat animals the day after
@Iladimah 3 ай бұрын
@@charlieistryinghisbest did you not watch the film mate - the film literally touches upon the nature of the food chain, prey vs predator and the cycle of life; it talks about death alot actually lmao
@tanishamuntslag6369 3 ай бұрын
This movie had no right to make me cry so much 😭 it's so good I watched it more than once
@charlieistryinghisbest 3 ай бұрын
It makes me so confused how people love movies like these and then still eat animals the day after
@tanishamuntslag6369 3 ай бұрын
@@charlieistryinghisbest because one is fiction and the other is real life. Also sometimes it's because of medical reasons
@alejandrasanchez3022 3 ай бұрын
​@@charlieistryinghisbest what an annoying vegan lmao
@moonstruck1215 3 ай бұрын
Stfu. You don't have to comment this on every single post ​@@charlieistryinghisbest
@brianblumenreich9026 3 ай бұрын
THE WILD ROBOT is the best animated movie of 2024!!
@nabeelnaureen7283 3 ай бұрын
100% agreed! This movie deserves an Oscar. It has become a classic and has now become one of the best animated movies of all time and the best DreamWorks movie, in my opinion. I love this movie and will protect it at all costs. This is one of those movies that I don't get the hate for, there is simply nothing to dislike about this. I personally think that this exceeds even the likes of Spider-Verse (that doesn't mean I hate Spider-Verse so don't get all angry about it).
@IzukuLuffyAsta 3 ай бұрын
Probably in the last two decades.
@Hannah-f2b7e 3 ай бұрын
​@@IzukuLuffyAstahow to train your dragon
@Pluto.1079 3 ай бұрын
@@IzukuLuffyAsta hell no🤣
@IzukuLuffyAsta 3 ай бұрын
@@Pluto.1079 well that’s for me, and it’s okay if you got different movie in mind.
@HridithSudev 3 ай бұрын
It was an incredible watch. Haven't cried so hard for a film in such a long time
@charlieistryinghisbest 3 ай бұрын
It makes me so confused how people love movies like these and then still eat animals the day after
@Nader.exe1 3 ай бұрын
​@@charlieistryinghisbest They literally explained this in the movie as the cycle of life the instinct to survive and they all were okay with it even roz Just let people live their own life pls if u don't eat meat good for u if u eat it also good for u just when u decide to eat meat make sure u buy it from a place that Follows the merciful instructions such as the knife is sharp and makes it quick for the animal and don't show what is happening to the others And all this is considered by islam btw ...but unfortunately few people aren't doing it cause they don't know their religion well .
@charlieistryinghisbest 3 ай бұрын
@@Nader.exe1 We literally don't have to eat meat to survive. If you eat meat anyway you just don't have a heart.
@charlieistryinghisbest 3 ай бұрын
@@Nader.exe1 Halal slaughter is horrible. They don't even stun the animals first. I've seen the process,it's terrifying.
@charlieistryinghisbest 3 ай бұрын
@@Nader.exe1 Halal slaughter is horrible,i've seen it. They don't even stun the animals first.
@NightDocs 2 ай бұрын
I haven’t been absolutely floored and stunned by a kid-friendly family film like this since I was … a kid. I took my daughters to see this and I straight up cried twice and haven’t been able to stop thinking about the complex DEEP themes this film explores. And what makes it so effective in its most powerful messages is that it states them with subtlety and guides us to the conclusions it’s trying to make on our own instead of beating us over the head with it. It’s so rare for a film in this category to have so much artistry and actually have something meaningful to SAY
@Whyiseveryhandletaken6942 3 ай бұрын
Dreamworks might win their first Oscar since 2005
@phuphan1603 3 ай бұрын
I remember they also won in 2006 with the Wallace and Gromit movie
@Whyiseveryhandletaken6942 3 ай бұрын
@@phuphan1603 that’s what I was talking about
@alejandrasanchez3022 3 ай бұрын
Oscars dont really mean anything tho... They dont prove anything
@ironpaddington7 26 күн бұрын
I hope so, either this or Flow.
@HP-ej3bo 3 ай бұрын
I adore this movie with my entire being. Ive seen it 3 times this week and still haven't gotten tired of it. I cried 5 times when i first saw it. It is without a shadow of a doubt, my favourite film of this year and quite possibly one of my favourite films of all time. I cannot wait to own this masterpiece on blu ray.
@brendanroe8604 3 ай бұрын
Girlfriend and I saw the trailer for this before inside out 2 and had it in our calendar since.. grateful to have seen it opening night, one of my favorite film experiences.
@FrankBusterLawisHere 3 ай бұрын
It feels so Indie and I love it!
@unbrokenzebra8192 3 ай бұрын
Saw this in a theater. My only complaint is that my eyes were too watery to see anything.
@Elliemay030 3 ай бұрын
This. Movie had be crying so hard omg the wild robot needs to win at least one award the wild robot is a MASTERPIECE!
@AntsTheaterCorner2698 2 ай бұрын
The Oscar. Definitely. It's facing competion from Inside Out 2, Transformers One and Moana 2. It might win tho.
@hyeli2998 2 ай бұрын
@@AntsTheaterCorner2698It has to, I didn't get this much emotional after watching IO2 like the wild robot did oh lord can't even find the words to describe all my feeling now
@AntsTheaterCorner2698 2 ай бұрын
@hyeli2998 exactly, the wild robot was more emotional than inside out too because inside out two was essentially another Pixar sequel that played it surprisingly safe. As funny as it was, I didn't go to see a funny movie. I went to see an emotional movie and I didn't really get that.
@Sword_SaintRonin 3 ай бұрын
The Wild Robot showed a lot of strong messages about Nature, Motherhood, Love, Self Growth and many more. Im planning to show this movie to my Mother on Mother's day and the reason why 6 months and not now is because I believe it will be great gift for her on that day just to tell her "I Love You Mum, thanks for taking care of me since the beginning of my life"
@LazyDarwin 3 ай бұрын
This movie and its characters especially Roz, Brightbill and Fink live rent free in my mind. I am not complaining
@OxygenBreather-e2x 2 ай бұрын
I watched the Wild Robot yesterday and I have to tell that it is the best animated movie i've ever watched. Honestly, I have never cried watching any movie before. The Wild Robot changed that. The scene were Roz and BrightBill are falling from the ship, we see BrightBill as a small goseling, then she rips her battery, throws it away and puts BrightBill into the compartment just to protect him she also says "I have everything I need". It felt like BrightBill was her heart. I smiled a lot watching this movie. I can't forget the music too, PERFECT absolutely amazing! This movie is a masterpiece, this is my favourite movie and I don't think i'll ever get tired of it.
@mythperson9999 3 ай бұрын
This side of dreamworks we’re seeing break out of their dormant shell is one of the best things to hit animated cinema, thank you for this amazing video essay
@beautifullife4874 3 ай бұрын
This movie feels like a dream from the future. It's just so mesmerizing 😀🥰.
@Galsidos 3 ай бұрын
this movie is one of the greatest of dreamworks masterpieces
@diwa2360 2 ай бұрын
15:42 the death jokes and the way Brightbill discovers what happened to his biological family (through bullies repeating gossip) are so blunt they're actually brutal, but they're a good counterweight to the earnestness of the message (and even highlight it tbh). like if this film didn't lean so hard into genuine themes of love and family, the dark humor would definitely not have worked at all
@anisa2273 3 ай бұрын
this was my favorite movie of the year. i loved it so much, I got screenshots of it set as my desktop wallpapers because my God it's gorgeous. the story, the music, the theme and arc... it's EVERYTHING. i wish more such amazing animated movies come out in the future instead of the soulless disney ones
@GottaGoSlow13 3 ай бұрын
I recently just watched this movie with my mother in theaters, I expected to be obsessive with this movie & expected my mother to not understand me - turns out my mom genuinely cried and I thought that the movie was just... good!
@StupidlyStupid-n8u 3 ай бұрын
This is one of the best movies i cried the whole entire time but it was awesome.
@CraftingGummi 3 ай бұрын
I watched this movie with my mother, the day before my birthday. We both left the theater wiping away tears. We both loved the story, and I couldn't stop gushing about it to my father who hadn't seen it, and my friends who had. It was insane.
@Trysaratop 2 ай бұрын
This movie caught me off surprise, I never heard of it my 3 and 5 year old saw the trailer and asked to watch it so I bought it and they watched it many times and it even brought a tear to my eyes, very wholesome and cute. My favorite part was when the robot mentioned motherhood is “crippling obligation” in defeat because we all feel that way at one point some things feel robotic but there are so many days we realize how much we actually love our kids and would do anything for them.
@FifthRobin 3 ай бұрын
I read the book years ago and I'm so excited to see it!
@alwins.p.4392 3 ай бұрын
I didn't get to watch it due to my exceptions of dreamworks nowadays. After watching it on "digital", I cried an ocean during act 2 and 3 as wel as the resolution. The lessons it teaches with the beautiful animation and colors, alongside with the music and songs. It's perfect
@moonstruck1215 3 ай бұрын
It's still in theaters haha. I just watched it for the 2nd time this past weekend.
@Maretoast 3 ай бұрын
It reminds me of how I felt about Migration back in Christmas as a lay-back movie like this is enough to recharge my spirit as taking care of myself is very important. I wanted a good bird story as last time Rio was okay especially my special interest in ecology- the reason why I'm a die-hard Jurassic World/Monsterverse/ Avatar fan or purest. I wish movies were treated like this with cliches for audiences to grasp a personal level, like how Into Spiderverse back in 2018 was a wake-up call for many adults in their most fragile times.
@LukeIsntSmart Ай бұрын
I convinced my friends to watch this movie with me and at the end both of them were crying. Literally EVERYTHING about this movie is magic. Every single frame of the film would be an awesome wallpaper. The characters feel like real people. The music sounds l ethereal. Everything above it is beautiful. By far my favorite movie now.
@Sàkulant 3 ай бұрын
I like how all the characters had their own little place in the story.
@unomaster6828 6 күн бұрын
I haven’t seen a movie that has left such a memorable and emotional impact on me in so long. Actual masterpiece ❤
@MrMonsster 3 ай бұрын
Single most perfect review about the best film of the year, chapeau.
@FilmSpeak 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much!
@user-tn5vm9fr9f 20 күн бұрын
This movie was absolutely outstanding! Knocked it out of the park!
@Segalocus 18 күн бұрын
I love that you highlighted the edge Dreamworks has. The line I'm taking for The Wild Robot is "Male Bovine Excrement." That is line is genius
@CarbonSolutions 3 ай бұрын
Really wonderful analysis of a truly breathtaking film. Bravo! While watching this it occurred to me how much humanity the animators were able to infuse into Roz - with no mouth, no eyebrows - just deep and searching circles and some rgb. Wow, such a beautiful and touching experience.
@childoficarus5334 2 ай бұрын
you also gotta remember her voice. how it changes throughout the movie. her voice becomes less and less robotic as the movie progresses, sorta representing her progress in emotions. best representation of it i can think of is when she's talking to rummage, and starts venting about the frustrating parts of childcare and how she has no clue what shes doing.
@diwa2360 2 ай бұрын
true, they made amazing use of her lights, literally not a single pixel or sound wasted in this movie. you can tell the animators loved working on it my favorite thing when i rewatched was when she scans brightbill's egg for the very first time, there's a tiny stripe of pink light in her eyes for a moment
@Thaibiohazard123 3 ай бұрын
What I find thought provoking is that Roz is an AI that rewrites her code to learn empathy, humanity and parenthood. Pretty much like how humankind started out as violent cavemen, but through time, we gradually developed those things as a mean of self-preservation and survival of our community. If we could come to this point despite our beginning, then who's to say AI can't do the same when put in the right circumstances, but at a much faster pace? And Vontra said that they want something inside Roz, because it's special. Maybe, humans can't fully replicate humanity, but AI can? Is it possible to see something like Roz happen in the future?
@WGasmss 2 ай бұрын
Took the complete wrong take away from this movie. I hope you enjoy your Ai girlfriend 👍🏼 (You almost got it) I mean the video says it “if roz and the animals can “re write” their programming to learn and work together then what’s stopping humans? It’s not about robots, it’s about robots but talking about humans.
@Thaibiohazard123 2 ай бұрын
@WGasmss Wow, for someone pointing out about human should learn to work together, you got quite a prejudice and needless hostility towards a stranger. My life is happy with my human wife, thank you. For the record, I know what the point of this is (it's not even about robot, it's parenthood) I just think there's a thought-provoking side to this concept too, as a sci-fi nerd. Artificial conciousness is pretty common discussion among anything sci-fi and robot-related for decades. But I guess you're not up for that kinda fun, but rather attack me instead. Good for you.
@ForkFace0612 3 ай бұрын
I'll come back to this review after I watched the film tomorrow.
@r3b3el 3 ай бұрын
dude they made the series that i LOVE reading into a better movie adaptation, and it (sorta) follows the book story but it has its own spin on it, all the characters personalities are perfected. 10/10, id recommend watching
@Itsmeyall5 2 ай бұрын
Disney: Guess what a sequel that nobody asked for Dreamworks: Let’s make a masterpiece
@tonylam99 3 ай бұрын
Should be nominated for Best Picture. Excellent movie.
@Real_RPGgaming 3 ай бұрын
0:31 it’s not new ip it’s and adaptation of a book and the book already has a sequel
@navynarupan8979 3 ай бұрын
To think this is Dreamwork's final in-house project, I now wonder how they can possibly mess it all up for the sequel.
@Laura-xm5zu 2 ай бұрын
I usually watch something on my second screen while gaming. But this movie... oh my lord... i forgot all about the game and just sat there sobbing through the entire movie and forgetting all about the game. Such a great movie!
@Crazyontheinsideandout 3 ай бұрын
This was our apology for ruby gillman, and it was more than an apology, it was a masterpiece
@TRISCORE 3 ай бұрын
i only wish kevin peakin compose this, he talent in combining orchestra + electronics
@piya-mia 2 ай бұрын
SOOO deep and poignant and beautiful. its my favorite film
@cantthinkofabettername6758 2 ай бұрын
I like how, unlike in a lot of films with talking animals, we're given an explanation as to how the animals are able to communicate with the protagonist and why they appear to be speaking english to us. sure, most of the time there is a language barrier between humans or human-like beings and animals in said films, but it's typically only one-sided no questions asked. it's not immersion-breaking necessarily and fiction doesn't have an obligation to be logical, but I appreciate the change
@johnmclong2997 3 ай бұрын
The books are some of the best pieces of American literature so I was not suprised
@VocalAlchemists 2 ай бұрын
I just saw this alone in an empty theater on (I think) the last day of it showing in my local theater. I can’t believe how exceptionally good it was. I cried throughout half the movie. And I’m crying writing this comment after watching your video 😭
@HoneyBeeMoonSweetAndSour 3 ай бұрын
Since human failed. Dreamworks created a robot which was programmed to save the wild nature. This is absolutely a masterpiece. I hope there will be more upcoming from dreamworks ❤️.
@SaberNezumi 3 ай бұрын
And then Dreamworks laid off an important part of the in-house team that worked on this. It's a swan song.
@caersun 2 ай бұрын
a beautiful film. it makes you laugh at unflinching death within the first 10 minutes and then cry at the simple emotion and enormity of living life time over time. after years of Pixar and other animated features manipulating scenes for that sad tearjerker moment, the Wild Robot stands out because its most emotional moments aren’t sad - they’re loving, happy almost, so filled with solemn joy all you can do is try not to well up with emotion.
@Sweats_breeches 3 ай бұрын
This movie is a masterpiece, Probobly the best animated movie I’ve ever seen. ❤
@peterward8574 2 ай бұрын
Brilliant commentary on this wonderful film. Thank you for taking the time and effort for putting together your thoughts so eloquently.
@HimynameisJermHicks 10 күн бұрын
I listened to the entire book series on Audible a while back and finally watched the movie tonight on Peacock + and loved it.
@StarmisYTP 3 ай бұрын
Dreamworks isn't back because they never left. They've always have a mixed output throughout their filmography and I'm ok with it when we eventually get to incredible movies like this.
@LunaM-p3e 3 ай бұрын
I believe it's going to win the Oscar.
@FilmSpeak 3 ай бұрын
I sure hope so. It is the clear frontrunner
@AntsTheaterCorner2698 2 ай бұрын
​@@FilmSpeakAgreed, Inside Out 2 and Moana 2 are more Disney and Pixar Sequels that are essentially cashing in on a lazy trend in Hollywood, lack of originality. Transformers One and Wild Robot are the top clear contenders. If WR is the frontrunner, TFONE is following closely behind IMO.
@suniledoal5881 3 ай бұрын
Amazing analysis 👏🏽 A masterpiece one of the best films I've seen a powerful emotional roller coaster of not living the life you were programmed to live and to make your own choices. The animation was magical and the story stunning 10/10.
@dainfernalsumit 3 ай бұрын
It's not really an original IP, it's been a book for a while
@xraccso 3 ай бұрын
It’s isn’t an original idea… they did the book justice
@christinestreeter8566 3 ай бұрын
One of the better movies I’ve seen in a long time! Beautiful animation, wonderful score, and a touching storyline that had me bawling at parts.
@mrsturtevant1 3 ай бұрын
If DreamWorks changes their programming and produces serious in-depth masterpieces like this from now on, I'll be happy
@childoficarus5334 2 ай бұрын
dreamworks is somewhat notorious for their hyper divisive movies. their movies are either the best thing ever made, or a flopfest. with rarely any in between. rn we are in the "best thing ever made" side of things, with stuff like puss and boots and the wild robot.
@mafxarr8776 Ай бұрын
Finally watched it this morning and I cried a lot! But I simply LOVEDthis film ❤❤❤❤
@NabhPal7 3 ай бұрын
DreamWorks works like a dream.
@bradleyadams5252 3 ай бұрын
It's sometimes terrifying, sometimes boring, and sometimes the most beautiful and strange experience you ever had?
@ellakeller8824 3 ай бұрын
I think this movie came out at the perfect time. In current history and times, I have never felt so dehumanized. This film made me feel like a human again. Its hints of climate change were small but very big as well. They created a lot of question about the world of the movie outside of the characters. Also you mentioned it looks like an illustration, they actually hand drew over the 3D models to give it that feeling! They indeed did mix all the art elements together! The wild robot is one of the most beautiful films and I hope it’s one not to stab us in the back in the future as we look at our world and see it dead and polluted.
@c.n.2201 3 ай бұрын
If I remember from the book I think one of the older animal talked about how the island was shrinking and the sea level rising.
@FastNCurious88 3 ай бұрын
Haven't seen it yet but now I really wanna watch it with my Daughter ❤ Thank you 🙏🏻 🎉
@SkySlaysAllDay-r3z 3 ай бұрын
It was amazing, the drawings and animations were so beautiful. It made me want to visit that forest myself
@renato.bakaadv 3 ай бұрын
The animais that pretend to be dead are so funny
@FilmSpeak 3 ай бұрын
@@renato.bakaadv hahaha I know it had me dying.
@Jake-nm3tb 3 ай бұрын
It was cliche
@raptorcrasherinc.9823 2 ай бұрын
This is one of my top 20 favorite movies. It is a masterpiece and the best movie to come out in years!
@kiimio 3 ай бұрын
Dreamworks has been doing a LOT better lately, they may have some weird releases too... But honestly bad guys, puss in boots and now this? Theyre doing SO much better
@tripleg32 3 ай бұрын
The OP might be sad then to know that The Wild Robot was the last film animated entirely in-house at DreamWorks.
@playhard5753 3 ай бұрын
I one think I like is that after the time skip they don’t take the entire movie to admit the Roz is Brightbill’s mother. She’s not just his “caretaker.” Her voice is fully human. It doesn’t take till the end of the movie to get a “Mom” out of Brightbill.
@Kelly-tt9le 3 ай бұрын
My gosh, this film has me laugh-crying and crying the entire time.
@connora3145 3 ай бұрын
Great review, highlighted points I never thought of and as a result I’ve realised this film was even better than initially perceived
@sanches4314 3 ай бұрын
The goose migration scene is one of the best. movie moments ever... Oscar now for best score best animation movie
@Moodyhxll.mp4 3 ай бұрын
The squirrel abuse got me dying
@user-fp4dr1ne7z 3 ай бұрын
Made me cry so much 😭 such a good movie
@DragonLovingGirl6 3 ай бұрын
About 'survival of the fittest', I once heard someone say that when social species, like humans, are thrown into the mix it becomes 'survival of the friendliest'.
@nemomarc7841 3 ай бұрын
THE WILD ROBOT directed by Chris Sanders also the director of DRAGON (2010) A Masterpiece. A Live version is in Production. THE WILD ROBOT is the story of ROZ who lands on an island. She must find a mission, The animals of the forest fear the presence of this ROBOT… ROZ finds an egg and finds her mission Feed the goose - swim - Fly for the fall migration. The 3D style and the rendering of the oil painting make the visual sublime. There are shots that made me think of Hayao Miyazaki’s films. THE WILD ROBOT ☆☆☆☆
@TheFoshaMan 3 ай бұрын
17:47 Deep... 21:24 Too deep man! 23:39 Deepest of the deepest! 25:50 THE PEAK
Therapist Reacts to THE WILD ROBOT
Cinema Therapy
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