The Yakuza Show Had Some Good Ideas, Actually

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@SnowiestAngeman 13 күн бұрын
As you guys are well aware, I was once again paid 14.8 septillion gazillion dollars by SEGA to make this video but also RAAAHHHH I LOVE COMMENTING ON VIDEOS I HAVEN'T WATCHED 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣 IT IS MY FAVOURITE PASTIME 🦅🦅🦅🔥🔥❗
@alithesleepy1046 13 күн бұрын
are you good ?
@bezi4136 13 күн бұрын
he’s certainly good he just got paid 14.8 septillion gazillions dollars???
@connorkinsman3164 12 күн бұрын
@TitanChromeE 11 күн бұрын
(Paid in IRR)
@F1nicky 13 күн бұрын
The evolution of this channel from well-edited yakuza trivia with subtitles to straight up reviews with even better editing and glazing The Adventures of Yagamer Takayuki is great
@SnowiestAngeman 13 күн бұрын
Bro KZbin is trying to prompt me to reply to this comment with the worst AI generated shit about me still being a gamer on my couch lol
@piscessoedroen 13 күн бұрын
@@SnowiestAngeman post it
@klaus.sfc01official30 12 күн бұрын
​@@SnowiestAngeman I am still a gamer on my couch
@santiagomontiellaverde74 12 күн бұрын
Yagamer Takoyaki
@F1nicky 12 күн бұрын
​@@SnowiestAngeman reply with it i wanna see how bad it fumbles
@ova524 13 күн бұрын
A fun detail in the show that I haven't heard anyone mention is that Nishiki's "evil" facial expression in 2005 is his "lost in thought" or "distracted" facial expression in 1995. It shows that he's still very much the same person, he's just always thinking or scheming once he turns evil. His actor is fantastic. Also, a fellow SMTV enjoyer I see. I didn't know you were cool like that.
@oldman4443 12 күн бұрын
I’d say the scenes (in the show) after the death of Nishiki’s sister better illustrate Nishiki turning evil. Because instead of instantly snapping after killer a random yakuza and slicking his hair back with blood. You see Nishiki progressively spiral downwards and see him slip into what he’ll become in the future multiple times. When Yumi rejects Nishiki and you his face slip for a split second was my personal favorite. The actor fantastically portrays Nishiki’s downfall.
@ova524 12 күн бұрын
@oldman4443 I agree that they did a great job. But not that the shows version is "better". Nisiki's downfall in Kiwami was amazingly well executed and gets only amplified by Zero. The show doesn't do it worse, nor does it do it better. It just does it differently. Both are equally great imo.
@connorkinsman3164 12 күн бұрын
You missed the "Atlus finally remembered how to cook" vid for their most recent release then?
@ova524 12 күн бұрын
​​@@connorkinsman3164I'm a busy man. I don't have the time to see everything.😭Guess I'll have to go see that vid now.
@connorkinsman3164 12 күн бұрын
@ova524 fair play :)
@GoodTato 13 күн бұрын
angry comment without watching the video that will out myself as not watching the video by the things said in this comment
@Counselor-yj8hk 12 күн бұрын
@BethesdaCakeDelivery 11 күн бұрын
callout post in comment form said ironically like a boss lol
@joshmc1104 13 күн бұрын
If you hate yakuza 1, you should play this little indie game that nobodys really heard of, i think its called final fantasy 16 or something
@theonewhocaredandasked9126 12 күн бұрын
how many even are there
@oldman4443 12 күн бұрын
@@theonewhocaredandasked9126like 2 and a half games
@nate6045 11 күн бұрын
Yeah I definitely hate interesting substories and character development so I think I'll go play FF16 since I hear it has none of that.
@florianneacosta987 Күн бұрын
@nate6045 I don't know if this is a joke or not (I think it is, so I'll play into it), but you're definitely going the wrong way if you don't like interesting substories and character development. Go play FF15 or FF7 Rebirth.
@nate6045 Күн бұрын
@florianneacosta987 FF7R has some interesting substories and character development. FF15 has some jank writing but FF16 is king of holding nothing of substance.
@ritacirocavalcante 13 күн бұрын
That's what's frustrating about the series. It does have good ideas, but they are either implemented poorly or don't really pay off. It's not bad enough or great enough to be remembered. It could have been... so much more.
@SnowiestAngeman 13 күн бұрын
SO MUCH MORE?! But yeah that's why I hope they just steal some ideas for the games 'cause RGG make better tv shows than the people making tv shows lol
@yellowvespagts300 21 сағат бұрын
@henrymaccabee7988 13 күн бұрын
Not to poke holes but Kiryu is shown to be doing Yakuza Business™ when he is captured by Lau Ka Long. I bring this up because it also shows one of the actions that could have contributed to his legend (withstanding torture from a rival gang and living).
@Ticketman99 13 күн бұрын
And considering that that's why Kazama limps, that could sort of show how and why Kiryu's important to the family and on a smaller scale, the Tojo Clan.
@James-Salty-Sunderland 13 күн бұрын
2:23 Gaiden had a substory where you met one of the other kids. He was the scammer guy. Unless him being from Sunflower was a lie aswell.
@BuryTheLight-tds 12 күн бұрын
Damn, I just finished that substory 3 hours ago, what a coincidence. But anyway, I don't think he was lying at all, since he knew all about Kazama's shady side just as much as Kiryu did.
@James-Salty-Sunderland 12 күн бұрын
@BuryTheLight-tds You are right. Honestly I played that sub story around a year ago so I don't remember it that well lol
@ZGaMeR2k3 4 күн бұрын
5:10 Well, he did take down three underbosses and their entire gang so... I guess thats how he got the title in the game?
@ZGaMeR2k3 4 күн бұрын
However, I do agree with you that if they use the name in the series the way you explained its better. I'll watch the series, it sounds pretty good. :)
@skullorsomething2067 13 күн бұрын
Yakuzas a pretty good show, they should make a game about it
@Ticketman99 13 күн бұрын
How Kiryu got the Dragon of Dojima title can be explained by his unwillingness to give anything up to the Snake Flower Triad(this happened in 1993(2 years before 1's prologue), and it's the reason why Kazama walks with a cane in 1). Though, an in-between 0 and 1 game sounds awesome. I'd suggest making the playable characters Shinji(whose story is basically learning the ropes from Kiryu)and Naoki(Katsuya. The swan guy from 5. His story I'd make about his acting career that goes to shit, even when Majima tries to help. This would also attempt to explain Majima and Park's relationship).
@carlosldg 13 күн бұрын
I really did enjoy the Amazon show for what it was - and I love how you’ve put out this video to try and articulate the parts it did well. It’s partly the reason I want a season 2 of it, since now there’s time to properly develop Kiryu and Haruka coming from their non-existent relationship in S1, and how Yumi now plays into things.
@themikays 8 күн бұрын
imagine we get kiryu & yumi team up vs ryuji & kaoru, oh the ideas
@Tybell702 13 күн бұрын
is that snowiestyakuzashillman saying that the yakuza show was actually good? What the frick??!?!?
@SnowiestAngeman 13 күн бұрын
@Tybell702 13 күн бұрын
@samuelcermeno4090 13 күн бұрын
@gothywothyfemb 11 күн бұрын
@CyricZ 13 күн бұрын
Hey thanks for mentioning in the front that "this series is obviously not canon and as such will not affect any of the games' story going forward" because the way some people have been reacting, it seems like they believe that this is the case. Like the entire LAD franchise is tainted because this show exists. Also IS it confirmed that Nishiki dies in the show? Yes, he's in an awful way, but he gets loaded into an ambulance and that's the last we see of him. Seems a bit vague to me. And I LIKED the change in the Florist, because HE'S ALWAYS BEEN A CREEPY WEIRDO. Also Kiryu getting access to him in Yakuza 1 is a bit OP for his struggle (which is why the Florist is often conveniently kneecapped as a resource).
@amberhernandez 13 күн бұрын
Ahh, you were at my side all along... My one true mentor.... my guiding... guide author guy...
@Ticketman99 13 күн бұрын
Not disagreeing, but have you ever heard of the '90s Mortal Kombat movies? You know, the movies that affected every single game story in the franchise going forward?
@DanielFerreira-ez8qd 13 күн бұрын
@@Ticketman99 That's because the first movie was awesome, and the games had very little story at all? Kano's entire personality came from the movie because he really didn't have any before, same goes for most of the stuff inherited from it, like douchebag johnny cage and his romance with sonia.
@CyricZ 13 күн бұрын
@@Ticketman99 As the other fellow said, I don't think it's the same to compare: - an (at the time) non-story fighting game series with two games out by that point - a story-heavy series that has been going for 20 years with just about as many games And assuming they're attendant live-action media are going to have the same influence going forward. And even if they take some elements, if they're the good elements, then fine, use them!
@_eran.j 12 күн бұрын
8:04 There's Yakuza 3 substory does this called " Ghosts of the past" In which a young man is looking for his dad, he spoke to Kiryu due to reconizing him in a magazine photo. The man tells Kiryu his name Tatsuo, and that that very photo is the only clue to his dad's whereabouts. Saying he used to have a loan business 14 years ago but it went under which lead him to leave his family. Kiryu helps him out by makes a call to the magazine's editorial for him (Tatsuo's phone died) and says that they can meet the photographer behind the picture at the Shellac. Tatsuo thanks Kiryu and says "He'll get what's coming" and runs off first which leads Kiryu to head over aswell. But when he arrives Tatsuo finishing his conversation with the photographer Yanai and leaves abruptly. But before Kiryu can trail behind him, the photographer tells Kiryu a bit more about Tatsuo's dad. His name is Harai and he was the owner of Peace Finaces. (the finace building Kiryu collects the debts of in Y1/ YK) Along with how in that very photo he prevented his assassination attempt on Kiryu, and that Tatsuo went to West Park to find his dad, with full intent to Kill him, and that he even has a knife in his breast pocket. Just like his dad in that photo "down to the look in his eye." (not the exact quote just adjusted to flow better in this) With that said, Kiryu is off to West Park and finds both of them and Tatsuo states that he knows the full story now. Saying "That it was you who did this!!" This starts a fight and before Kiryu kicks his ass, Hirata steps in and says, " Tatsuo if I can really stop your pain, you can kill me. Leave him out of it I am the one who abandoned you all. [Knowing too well what the consequences of my abandonent will be. From the debt to when I sold off your sister. I am the one to blame. And despite my decision I still wanted to see all of you again, but I couldn't bring myself to do so. Because even if I apologized to you all, I have no right to be forgiven.]" (Again not the direct quote, but close enough to get all the info you need) Tatsuo responds with, " [Dad , at first I wanted to kill you for all the suffering you left us. But I- I also wanted to see you too." They hug and Yanai is quick to get photo of this story, he even has a headline for it, "A humble family runied by a legendary Yakuza". But before Yanai can excuse himself, Kiryu says, "[Write it up for all I care.] I wont run or hide. If I did ruin this family, [you're free to print this story anywhere you want because Hirata and his son are reunited and starting again.] That's enough for me." (Sub story end)
@Mr_G87 13 күн бұрын
The first batch was what ruined the show's perception for many, while the second had many necessary pay offs that justified previous plot points that may have seemed lazy at first. Although a change that would have alleviated the show's burden would have had to make the continuity linear. Not only only it would have made following the plot less convoluted, but we would have understood better off the get-go why the characters behaved as such in the post time skip. It would have also made the separate batch releases more sensical as we have had pre time skip and post time skip separate. I appreciate a lot of the changes they made to underdeveloped plot points from Yakuza 1 (and partially 0 too). Kazama and Nishiki's story changes are really good imo. They also make Nishiki's betrayal and Kiryu's sense of guilt more sensical (after he was the one to drag his friends to the Yakuza hellhole by planning the heist in order to impress Dojima with his capabilities). For Kiryu's relationship with Kazama, especially with the reveal at the very end, shapes a lot the respect/dislike Kiryu has for Kazama post Yakuza 1. He is both the man he looked up to (unknowingly) that inspired him to join the Yakuza (and ended up as a consequence dragging the other 3 kids in the whole fiasco) and the man who killed his parents. It's set-up for a sequel (Yakuza 2 events probably) where Kiryu will not only battle his thoughts for Kazama, but also for himself as to what exactly he aspires to be (his dream was to be the Dragon, which he realized was his parents killers). Kazama will probably do some noble deeds that Kiryu hasn't seen as of yet in order to redeem himself, and Kiryu will understand that even the most sinful of people (he will still quilt trip himself for what happened to his friends) can do good with their strength, and will fully accept the mantle of the Dragon of Dojima (therefore earning his eye on his tattoo as he will see his title on a whole new light, enlightenment if you will). We will then have Kazama's death and Kiryu will have a new found respect for him and some resolutions for himself.
@tongladeeprasitpanya9512 13 күн бұрын
3:32 Fun fact, in the show it has Mr. Blue Sky playing on that very scene, I can't get it out of my head
@SnowiestAngeman 13 күн бұрын
Just to clarify to anyone reading this comment/reply I know people were pissed off about that too but there was a very large amount of people being annoyed beyond the music. Still think that song was more appropriate than the song in Like a Dragon's credits though lol but that's just me!
@Zcharmalad 12 күн бұрын
@@SnowiestAngeman You mean when it starts playing ode to joy?
@splat-a-tat6780 9 күн бұрын
@@ZcharmaladProbably Ichiban-aka which I disagree with
@ShadowThe771 13 күн бұрын
Crazy how this show dropped, some discussions were had about it, and was completely forgotten,
@Androgu 13 күн бұрын
i love how calm you in the end of the video
@sab3r059 13 күн бұрын
Im sorry but i find way too funny how yakuza 0 and 2 have like 90% of credit by fixing yakuza 1 because holy does yakuza 1 is way of too flawled compared to the whole series
@jayloner5950 13 күн бұрын
Can we talk about Yumi's sister and Haruka? That whole part just felt kinda strange, tho at least that gave something to Yumi ig
@wtfthisisntminecraft3501 13 күн бұрын
Up until now I thought the show wasn't worth my time with how much hate it has gotten, but your video actually convinced me to give it a try. Thanks.
@skinnyyoungjiggy4471 12 күн бұрын
i also really loved that they actually showed Dojima getting shot, that scene was cold af
@thatfreeze 12 күн бұрын
Good ideas doesn't mean good execution. The show was bad, both as an alternative take(which I think is a weak defense) and as it's own thing with the atrocious pacing and basically nothing to provide for people who never played the games. "Dragon Of Dojima" thing was and still is a good critique of the show, because this one line goes against many things that people love Kiryu for. I don't care that this is an adaptation, because if you fail to make characters to be like in the source material, you failed. You can change things a bit, but this? This is crap. And the DoD thing is the least of the problems with the show, because this dude is not Kiryu in the slightest. "We should see why Kiryu became the Dragon of Dojima". So the events of 0 are not good enough for you? Kiryu, while not a yakuza in that story, still wrecked Dojima Family multiple times, made one of the lieutenants a joke(Kuze), wrecked the shit out of captain Shibusawa and almost offed him, got out of Tojo HQ alive against all the odds and he stopped the plans of antagonists. We don't need a cringe fanfiction that you provided or some dumb "I am Dragon of Dojima" shit like it's a Minecraft Movie trailer to get why he got the title, and technically Shibusawa called him in the final fight, so there's that. Do you really need everything to be spelled out so you get the meaning of things? And your whole rant about Yakuza 1 story to be crap just says everything to me, and why you liked the show. It's not because it's good, it's because it's "better" than Yakuza 1, which is a wild take. Yakuza 1 had a really rough development, so the shortcomings of the story are understandable. They wanted to show the main points in the game, like Kiryu's relationship with Haruka, with Date via his daughter's side plot, and with Florist, altho that whole part is more of a Kiryu's chapter since it mostly shows how he does things. Would it be good if they shown Yumi and Nishiki more? Of course it would. And you know what? Before Kiwami, we actually had a backstory for these characters. Prologue movie for the game, that was made as a backstory for the game's plot. It has everything you said you needed for a backstory, it even had Nishiki's sister there before the TV show. But when Kiwami came out, everyone forgot about the prologue. And yes, development of the game is a necessary point. This was supposed to be the first and the last game, the fact that we got sequels was a miracle with how SEGA refused Nagoshi to make the first game multiple times. Of course they got better at writing stuff, but that doesn't mean the first game is bad. It was a first one for a reason, and what the game had was still really good, minus the Nishiki and Yumi points. These two things do not negate everything that was good in Y1. They shouldn't. Altho what else can tou expect from a person who dislikes Y1 for being the first, huh.
@skawskajlpu4805 3 күн бұрын
Honestly me and my bf had a pretty good perspective on this. He loves the game, and I just decent story telling ( all i know of yakuza as a franchise is what he told me ) and personally i found most of the show to be just bad. Immo Nishiki ended up as a much more interesting and reasonable character then Kiryu. Kiryu just seemed like a massive ass the longer i watched it. Like Kiryu in order: - likes the Dragon cos he has seen him fight in the ring ( what was baby kiryu doing there in the first place ? ) - endagered all of his friends to impress yakuza ( that he for some reason needs to do to become an underground fighter ?) - joins the yakuza putting nishiki in danger as well - decides that his dream of being the Dragon is more important then a girl he grew up with and friendship with nishiki ( the dream that is explained so bad i still dont get why its so important to him ) Its also inconsistent in the overall logic ( that i dont feel like explaining ) But like, why does the yakuza ( overall ) not like Kiryu winning? Sure in that one scene it was bad cos of the bets, but i dont get why he needed to be shut down ? That just feels like free money? Overall it feels like they tried to fit in like 2 different movies together, one where Nishiki is the protagonist and his downfall and one that is the average run of the mill fighter wants to win movie ( where Kiryu is the main guy ).
@maximusoverclocker7531 13 күн бұрын
I mean, I would like to see you get promoted by Sega and receive 14.8 gazillions yakuza coins, you deserve it
@WarHelmetCombine 13 күн бұрын
The thing I hate is Kiryu's disrespect towards everyone, him dragging his friends when they are just making pancakes and ESPECIALLY the disrespect towards Kazama.
@blackRXrider 13 күн бұрын
Like a Dragon: Infinite Cope
@googyta 12 күн бұрын
The Nishiki and Miho stuff is where I think the show hit a sweet spot of doing their own thing and remaining faithful to the games. I would've like to see them interact more though.
@ztxcc 13 күн бұрын
Kiryu actually met one of the kid from sunflower orphanage, in one of the substory in Gaiden
@SnowiestAngeman 13 күн бұрын
I don't remember if that kid was part of the whole plot to scam Kiryu but I meant kids that went to the orphanage at the same time as Kiryu. You could also count Haruka as a sunflower kid although it was only for a little bit
@ubergonk 12 күн бұрын
​@@SnowiestAngemanHe was legit one of the kids because he knew details about Sunflower that only the kids who went would know, and Kiryu specifically points that out iirc.
@Gaht64 12 күн бұрын
With the release of LaD: Pirate I can definitely see them doing another Gaiden-style game set between 0 and 1 with Nishiki as the main character, show casing his and Kiryu's lives as yakuza. It's too good of an opportunity for them to not
@Coyote_85 11 күн бұрын
Fantastic Outro. Love your content! Thanks for the laugh. Keep up the good work.
@christallyze7207 12 күн бұрын
my biggest gripes with the show were majima not getting enough screentime and the fact that it just went by really fast and because im stupid i got confused on more than one occasion on what was happening
@yourguysheppy 13 күн бұрын
This is gonna make that one specific stream chatter really mad lol
@saltyderpy8343 13 күн бұрын
I do believe they put the Amazon show as best adaptable show because... There's not a lot of them that has been made in 2024... They have to fill that gap!
@CrisisChris1318 13 күн бұрын
Or it was between that and having Borderlands the movie have a nomination 😂
@Kingdom850 12 күн бұрын
Same with the Knuckles series. It's pretty bad but there's not a lot of adaptations so something has to fill the slots.
@xianahmed277 10 күн бұрын
Bro the smt v music in the back is making me ascend. Love you man.
@nukultus9432 12 күн бұрын
Things that i think tv series done better than game: - Nishikiyama reason to turn against Kiryu - the way how Kiryu discovered that Kazama killed his parents. - 2005's Yumi looked much hotter in tv show in games she looks a like another npc.
@RyuuRush 13 күн бұрын
I definitely want some sorta Gaiden game set with Nishiki but the idea of there being another prequel game hurts to think about. But I wouldn't mind seeing Nishiki between 0 and 1, hell I might even like to play through the 10 years Kiryu was in jail too
@Mohammed1000real 7 күн бұрын
The rant at the end was pretty amazing.
@AdApT3Rx 13 күн бұрын
W video might tap in to the next season if we get one 🎉😊
@kowaikokoro 13 күн бұрын
This is like saying the Sahara isnt hot it just doesnt rain an lot😂😂😂😂
@Sophie_the_Sapphic 13 күн бұрын
it's crazy how many of the things you want are in the yakuza 1 prequel film as well. if it was only part of the actual games. they could have easily made some of the scenes part of 0 or especially Kiwami. but no, they decide to make it non-canon by giving yumi's ring a way worse backstory.
@Gokinaf 13 күн бұрын
Snowiest you litteraly saying the same thing as i think, when everyone in reddit gone insane with show, btw as usuall peak content keep cooking.
@_SohamSingh 12 күн бұрын
8:44 people in japan especially the yakuza weren't exactly chill in 1990 you know
@shenmuebaloff 12 күн бұрын
I can understand some of your hatred with the og Yakuza 1, but remember the game story it's center on Kiryu and Haruka, which speaking of the show didn't do much with her, which is disapointing, cause she and Kiryu moves the story in Y1. And the thing with the color gangs is to introduce Lau Ka Long which it has important relevance for Kiryu's past in some way, after all Kiryu was tortured by the Saio's Triad and survived, and that's how Kazama lost the mobility one of his legs, so storywise is well added, but in gameplay in other way yeah is one of the worst parts of the game, and the dad chapter 6 well for Date I think is fine, cause is an important character that is gonna develop more through the story of the rest of the games, and is great that we know more of him, so I think is fine, none of that matters much in the future cause we rarely see more of his family in the next games, but here it didn't bother me, also serves the purpose of improve the trust of Kiryu and Date, however the Florist son I found it unnecessary I guess that it was a way to show that the Florist had a life outside before being an info merchant, but that part with the florist could be used to know more about Nishiki, more about Yumi, more about their past in Sunflower and it would be perfect before chapter 7 which is the point of the story where Kiryu and Nishiki reunites in Serena's bar, instead of wasting time with Takashi. Yeah the game has it's issues, but is the first game, so I can't hate it for what it is, and with the Amazon prime show I think is meh, it isn't the worst of the worst like many people say, but it isn't good either, is just ok, it has great ideas for Kiryu, Nishiki and Yumi and give it more development, and the representation of Kamurocho here I think is very well made, maybe the Millennium Tower is overdesigned, but works for me, but it doesn't do the same for characters like Haruka, Majima and Saejima (who is in this adaptation for some reason) and the action and combat scenes at least for the first 3 episodes felt really plain, however they improved that in the last episodes, also I agree with critic of being a story hard to follow properly due to the time skips between 1995 and 2005, I think that it would be better that the first 3 episodes situated in 1995 and the final 3 ones in 2005, but anyway the show itself had big potential, but I think it could be much more than something that is barely better than the Ryu ga gotoku movie from 2007.
@Aso7989 13 күн бұрын
I haven’t watched it yet but this video is gonna make me 🙏
@iceygamingrulez 13 күн бұрын
I think the show is definitely worth the watch if you want more out of nishiki’s character, in the games i literally have 0 reason to like him and 0 reason to dislike him. In the show i get reasons to hate and like him and it’s actually pretty well executed. The ending of episode 5 is actually great and the fightscene with majima was really fun. The only big criticisms i have is there is very little fight scenes, the ending was too short as well as kinda boring and in the dub kiryu goes from sounding like morty to munching gravel after the timeskip (i prefer the yongyea portrayal of kiryu). Also not enough majima
@colorado2455 13 күн бұрын
Did you play yakuza 0?
@DanielFerreira-ez8qd 13 күн бұрын
@@colorado2455 Nishiki is like 20% of kiryu's story, which is just 50% of the story of yakuza 0. It's just not a lot when you stop to think about it, he barely has a character arc.
@iceygamingrulez 13 күн бұрын
@@colorado2455 yeah, it felt like i was being told to like him because the time was so short
@JirroAlberto 13 күн бұрын
Yakuza kiwami 1 explains more to hate and like nishiki 😬
@MatheusEstevao-X 12 күн бұрын
Even then they did it poorly, RGG did it way better with Y0, Y Kiwami and Ishin (as an influence to Y0 and Kiwami)
@immortalkombat9289 9 күн бұрын
Video idea suggestion (pls make this happen): ranking all the tiger drops in yakuza games (including og ps2 and spinoffs/variants like in Y5). Recently saw a video showcasing all the tiger drops and the dmg varies a lot. That made me think abt a ranking video for the best one of them all
@pkpong 13 күн бұрын
I’ve been afraid to watch it because I was scared I wasn’t going to like it but maybe I should. I just need to remove myself from the mindset that if it’s not like the games it’s bad and treat it as it’s own thing
@Kaimax61 12 күн бұрын
As a guy who watched it, You're not missing anything by not watching it.
@jdsd3680 13 күн бұрын
Yeah I agree with your points, there are more fleshed out parts in the development of the main characters, honestly I think the real issue of the show comes more on not being able to convey the feeling of the games by things like not having a lot of fights and them not being too interesting (although I find funny how in the end it was more of a Tatsuya vs Kuroiwa fight giving the context of each character lol). Maybe something on the style of kung fu hustle would have made them more interesting or idk
@GomerJ 11 күн бұрын
Glad to see an actual nuanced take on the show. I thought it had some interesting ideas, and for 4 episodes or so I was still genuinely excited to see what they did with them. I didn't really get all the hate as I was watching it though after it wrapped up the more I thought about it the more it fell apart. But that doesn't mean it was all a dumpster fire. Nishiki's sister being an actual character could've been a huge boon to the story and while I still think she was one of the best parts of the show, they may have swung too far in the other direction, almost feeling like the main character for a stretch (if someone claimed they timed it and she had more screentime than Kiryu I might actually believe it for a moment). But I was intrigued enough through most of it until really the last episode, which was a rough landing for the most part even though ironically enough it had the scene with the most Yakuza game vibes where a bunch of dudes were brawling in front of the Millenium Tower. Anyway, I get why it didn't hit for a lot of fans but I think it got shit on a bit more than it deserved.
@chrisyoung1576 12 күн бұрын
bro is getting head executive position at sega next month
@o.w.n.1327 13 күн бұрын
@kenjamago3977 13 күн бұрын
Remember back when ppl memeing how bad Takashi Miike's Yakuza movie was? Now ppl are unironically/hypocritically like it & considering it "better" than the current Yakuza series Nostalgia bias are a b!tch
@Kaimax61 12 күн бұрын
Uhh no, you're the one remembering it wrong. People find the Miike Movies fun, but they all know it's a bad movie, you know with the random original plot peppered around and it only remember it's a Yakuza game adaptation at the end. People like you who defends this tv series ardently doesn't help either.
@elianwilliams 12 күн бұрын
Just wait for Season 2 of the TV show or some other non game Yakuza/LAD project and watch how S1 suddenly becomes peak fiction
@Kingdom850 12 күн бұрын
@@Kaimax61 Look, someone who didn't watch the video but is already yapping in the comments section!
@HeathenRenegade 11 күн бұрын
@@Kingdom850 The video isn't even relevant to this comment.
@glaubertwr2172 13 күн бұрын
You know I haven’t watched the series at all, honestly from the trailers it looked pretty interesting besides the odd casting, i should probably give it a try, the changes seem pretty interesting, hope the story is nice too
@DH_29 13 күн бұрын
Still to this days like a dragon still the beat show
@themikays 8 күн бұрын
always wanted to see a video where people talk about the positive things from the show and this was it (even if 40% of it was about fantasizing a non-existent game), the show did a lot of things terribly but had some cool potential ideas
@whatisface917 7 күн бұрын
The rant at the end was the funniest shit i've seen
@MegaFeeso Күн бұрын
I think 0 explains the Dragon of Dojima name perfectly tbh. He’s a badass with a dragon tattoo who took down the entire dojima family, then rejoined them as the ultimate muscle that also keeps them in line. That said, agree about 1 sucking lol
@nerevar1ne 12 күн бұрын
The cover of PS2 Yakuza 1 at the start of the video seems to be Russian official one (due to the flag with "Documentation is in Russian language" writing on it), but i don't remember ever seeing an official release of Yakuza there, neither i can even find that cover image on Google or other search engine even with reverse image search. Very weird lol
@rendurai 13 күн бұрын
Show so good i slept trough the ending.
@z00kz 13 күн бұрын
I get why it was hated by alot of people but, personally I really enjoyed the show
@BunBoyHaru 13 күн бұрын
Isnt there a substory in Gaiden that is your Sunflower pitch? like i could have sworn there is a guy you meet who like grew up in sunflower, learned that the owner was a Tojo Assassin, and then wanted to burn it all down as spite?
@wraithgaming8075 13 күн бұрын
I very much agree the show gets hated on way too much. I personally really liked the direction they were going
@autismincarnate3433 11 күн бұрын
Im just waiting for season 2 to see if they adapt maijima everywhere
@bananana5714 13 күн бұрын
There was kid from sunflower in gaiden substory. He was older than Kiryu so they didn't know each other but it showed Kiryu that Kazama was a bad person
@a-lone 13 күн бұрын
FINALLY someone who knows what the hell they're talking about.
@Scooppi 13 күн бұрын
I liked the show. I don't give a doodle if it's not loyal to source material. It had characters named Kiryu, Majima, etc so that was nice. Acting was good and it looked great visually.
@ardeo_MrB 11 күн бұрын
4:13 wait. Kiryu wasn’t in the yakuza when he said he was fourth chairman, right? So was the ceremony him getting sworn back in just to get… officiated? As the fourth chairman then immediately retiring? Can’t imagine they’d allow someone to be chairman without being sworn in. That had to have been an insane meeting
@nearmart7208 12 күн бұрын
The series could've easily just... done all the pre timeskip story at the first part of the series and it'd have gotten a lot less convoluted and confusing, in my opinion. I know the intent was to help the viewer link things that happened in the past with things that are happening in the present and probably (?) show that Kiryu is constantly thinking about the past, but... it's pretty overwhelming to go through two time periods at once. I also wish they'd have gotten a bit of inspiration from how the game fights are. Not all of the fights need to be epic as fuck with heat moves and crazy moves, but it'd be pretty neat to show the disparity between Kiryu and the actual big guys in the Yakuza before the timeskip, so that Kiryu's state of being a full-fledged Dragon of Dojima would hit a lot harder for the viewer.
@Counselor-yj8hk 12 күн бұрын
Plot twist: The last boss is Kuroiwa.
@HeathenRenegade 11 күн бұрын
Yakuza 1's story is definitely not amazing, and there is a lot to explore there, but the show elected to start over. That's okay, but it doesn't automatically make the new plot good or interesting. I only watched like 2 episodes, which is more than just the trailer, but I had nothing to chew on for that period of time. The characters did not reflect the ones I cared about from the games nor did they come off as particularly cool in their own ways. The reason I'm constantly thinking "But the games did this! Why aren't we doing that?" is because what they were doing instead came off worse or made the characters look more dumb. I won't say it was absolutely horrible all the way through, but I gave it a chance and it didn't pull me in. I was going to go point by point on the video more, but honestly I think I've just concluded you need to replay the games again, especially Yakuza 1. I agree that characters like Yumi are undeveloped, but I think Nishiki actually has enough in the games. Yakuza 0 gives him plenty of character, and we know why Kiryu cares about him. I actually like him operating in the background in Yakuza 1. With everything else going on, it gives you a lot to speculate on with how evil he is or isn't and how much he still loves or hates Kiryu. Even the added scenes in Kiwami aren't really necessary, because we can gather that he's stuck in Kiryu's shadow. We can gather that he's not taken seriously enough for his liking before he becomes an antagonistic force. The Koi on his back is already plenty on its own. On top of that, 10 years is a long time. Not super relevant to the show necessarily. I just think the game did okay with him. Yumi and Jingu are the really weak part of that game. Also, the Florist is literally running an underground fight club which is also a brothel. You think he's not a creep in the games? That's a flaw with the games more than the show. Leaving Haruka with him for example is really scary if you think about it, but we're just meant to believe he's a bit disconnected from that side of Purgatory and mainly does surveillance. Also, I agree that Yakuza 1's chapters flounder around too much, but it's more about pacing for me than anything. Lao Ka Long's section (not counting the color gangs before that. They do suck) is actually a pretty cool part of the game. It brings a change in location with a new main enemy type for a while (dudes that flip around), and there's a shitty but far from boring gameplay change with the car chase. The whole thing with Date's daughter and the Florist's son is really frustrating, but that's got a lot to do with them being whole required plots stuck right next to each other in an odd part of the story. If anything, it's Kiwami that sucks for failing to fix like most of these issues, instead adding more required nonsense to do and making the main fighting style suck if you don't waste hours on end of your life dealing with Majima and fighting in tournaments. I FOCKING HATE YAKUZA KIWAMI! I JUST WOKE UP IN A FOCKIN STEAMY MOOD YE, BECAUSE I LIVE IN A SHI-
@sanityismadness 11 күн бұрын
What I expected: a review of the TV show What I got: AngelicSnowman's pitch for Yakuza 0.5 (it's a good pitch though)
@OneManCast 13 күн бұрын
I love how you're not afraid to be a contrarian, but c'mon dude. Every bad series has good ideas. Unless of course, you're the Netflix adaptation of Death Note.
@SnowiestAngeman 13 күн бұрын
@OneManCast 11 күн бұрын
​@@SnowiestAngemanEasy there lil' bro. My point is that every series, good or bad have great ideas. That's not a statement of hostility, but of fact. I'm more invested in an Akiyama Gaiden game personally.
@jeanriviere2599 11 күн бұрын
There is ONE thing that I'll say about the show. They casted Takeuchi Ryoma as Kiryu, and that was a great decision, considering Kiryu loves Pocket Circuit and thus, toy cars. I can totally imagine Kiryu transforming into Kamen Rider Drive, and for that, thank you, Like a Dragon Yakuza show.
@J-rem404 12 күн бұрын
I always thought we needed a game set between 0 and kiwami and one of the story beats would show how Kiryu ended up tortured by Lau Ka Long. We just come to accept he hates Kiryu as enough of a reason to bring him back, but yakuza 1 makes it seem far more important than he really is.
@DLTCanner1 12 күн бұрын
Is it possible that Kiryu "getting a bunch of money for the family" is explained via the business minigames? Like at the end of Y0 he's a real estate tycoon, maybe the idea is that the family is getting a cut of it, or he sold the company to them? That's what I always thought. I find it hard to believe that Yakuza families would just let one of their guys have a multi-billion yen real estate organization without at least taking a cut of it.
@shadowposers 12 күн бұрын
@gun_toucher_LLC 13 күн бұрын
i wasnt thrilled wjth the entire thing but i thought the orphanage and other flashback parts of the show were the strongest, and that the tragedy with miho was a much more compelling motivation for nishiki to do what he did imo. also the cameo/reinterpretation of (presumably) post-0 shibusawa with the ice cream made me laugh out loud edit: mw2019 damascus camo, classic. AMAX for life personally
@SMC162 9 күн бұрын
Now if I can ima watch this since I’m getting the game but I wish it would start off from yakuza 0 since that’s the first game also wasn’t Kiryus tattoo just black and no colour?
@SanctumExt 13 күн бұрын
I liked, that "Dragon of Dojima" is not made up title in the show, but I still think that Kiryu's goal was, in fact, becoming Dragon. He was sure, that other 3 kids would already be on the bus, and, therefore, safe, so he could be the only one accused. I do think, that his motivation was, in fact, still selfish. It was just not a very well thought out plan, so he ALSO needed to protect other 3. P.S. And I agree on pretty much every other of your points about the show. It had some great potential, and I will try to remember that, when I'll rewatch the show (because I will). But I would also loved, if Kiryu also hugged Nishiki back. To me it looked awkward, like Nishiki is friendly, and Kiryu is just a cold stone brick or something.
@grymdylan 12 күн бұрын
i would love a nishiki gaiden prequel to yakuza 1
@MidlifeCrisisJoe 12 күн бұрын
Good video. I largely agree, because while the show failed in a lot of its execution it did actually have some good ideas. I just wish the showrunners understood the importance of fight scenes in this series because that’s what they dropped the ball on the most.
@talkingchristopher Күн бұрын
Top Gear mentioned!!!
@Kirusei 11 күн бұрын
I actually really liked the new stuff that the show brought to the table, I just think people are so obsessed with "keeping it in line with the games" after all the recent stuff like Witcher, Halo, Resident Evil and other shows that they don't even give space for new ideas
@amberhernandez 13 күн бұрын
You can tell he's serious because he didn't even put Ryan Gosling in the thumbnail this time!!
@DeizaMando 12 күн бұрын
15:30 Just like Nagoshi said: “Kiwami 1 is a waste of time.”
@the-neonfish 13 күн бұрын
To be completely honest, I’ve seen so much hate for this show, but I genuinely liked it. I think people were judging it too much off of how close it was to the original series, but I think it was a decent show as a reimagining of the game instead.
@MatheusEstevao-X 12 күн бұрын
I think the complete opposite, not only it`s a really terrible adaptation but is a bad show at all in many aspects of it ( i still coldnt finish it maybe i change my mind but until now it`s a shitshow)
@the-neonfish 11 күн бұрын
@@MatheusEstevao-X finish it then, it genuinely is pretty decent just remember to not compare it to the original as you watch, and keep an open mind
@sandwichboy1268 11 күн бұрын
Huh, maybe we really do need a Yakuza 0 2, where Kiryu does more yakuza stuff and earns the title of Dragon of Dogima. I'd love some more Nishiki, maybe show the start of his sister's sickness. A bit of Yumi would make me care more, rather than her being a footnote.
@aydum3846 13 күн бұрын
Legendary crash out
@buhurmumlul 12 күн бұрын
never watched the live action but it makes me sad haruka isn't that important in the show when SHE IS literally the whole turning point during the events of kiwami aka the 10 billion yen guess from my assuming they just wanted yumi and her sister have the spotlight which is fair but ehhh?
@Slapdash_86 8 күн бұрын
I honestly loved the series it was great of course they weren't going to have the goofiness of the games because that's side content the main story is always crime drama so that's what I was expecting and it was great!
@isshintheglocksaintPlotagon 13 күн бұрын
i enjoyed it overall buy i really wish if had the tone of something like the Brother's Sun Instead of being a straightforward Crime Drama
@JoshuaPerez-zi7ci 12 күн бұрын
Yakuza 0......He is technically named the Dragon of Dojima by Shibusawa at the end of their fight. The title wasn't fleshed out until Shibusawa brought it up because Shibusawa was Dojima's literal lapdog enforcer who was the spearhead of almost giving Sohei full power. Kiryu gains the title because despite himself being an outsider, he is still considered a Yakuza but rather outsider since he wasnt fully affiliated with the Dojima Family due to his self-imposed exile from the group however he is Tojo Clan property it's why Kiryu will forever be considered a Tojo Clan Yakuza in the first place. When he rejoins the Dojima Family, Kazama is it's boss now since Sohei becomes both protectsr of Chairman Sera and becomes a puppet Patriarch with Kazama running the show.
@racersolid9443 13 күн бұрын
i honestly enjoy this series too, but one thing that bothers me is the day after the heist, amazon kiryu made a fully conscious decision to ditch the orphanage, because he predict the yakuza will come to the orphanage. and yeah they failed to escape, but his plan and intention endangered the orphanage. and kiryu i believed at his core will never intentionally do that (his daidoji arc prove this) im okay with kiryu being selfish because he's young. but that escape plan is a whole nother level of selfish, endangering the kids at orphanage and giving them traumatic experience while the 4 scoundrel escape from kazama orphanage. beside that, kiryu show aint all that bad.
@Maragidyne555 12 күн бұрын
thank god somebody actually fucking talks about the good parts of the show EDIT: THAT LAST RANT ABOUT YAKUZA 1 I SO REAL
@Silverhand003 13 күн бұрын
Definitely did not watch the video how dare you have a different opinion than me
@SnowiestAngeman 13 күн бұрын
8 billion people, 8 billion chances to disagree with someone, y'know what I mean?
@AkiyamerGaming 11 күн бұрын
i thought kiryus tattoo artist died in the show like rikiyas one
@loloshua 13 күн бұрын
I always liked the show a lot and this video reinforced my liking of the show tbh
@saffywho6756 12 күн бұрын
i think another problem with how people perceive the series was that the second batch of episodes that came out was really decent and i personally enjoyed it a lot, but the first half wasn’t as great in all honesty (a little boring) and a lot of people didnt like yumi’s sister who was pretty much the main plot point of the first few eps so most people dropped it after the first three episodes 🤷🏽
@nazarcool5200 13 күн бұрын
expect an new movie in next 12 years
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