The young master casually uttered 4 formulas, which greatly increased the devil's skill!

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Drama Fans-Girl

Drama Fans-Girl

11 ай бұрын

【Mysterious Lotus Casebook】👉

Пікірлер: 118
@DramaFans-Girl 11 ай бұрын
该视频来源于《蓮花樓 》,完整剧集链接 This video is from 《Mysterious Lotus Casebook》, the link to the full
@ThanamasLuv 11 ай бұрын
I still can't over this friendship. I was honestly not expecting this friendship. But I'm glad we got it.
@DramaFans-Girl 11 ай бұрын
@Armonion 10 ай бұрын
Totally agree! Looking at them smiling with each other was amazing!!
@user-gl8ho8ko2s 5 ай бұрын
@happyfish3470 11 ай бұрын
@DramaFans-Girl 11 ай бұрын
@issiehoney 11 ай бұрын
Don't forget they 'walked down the aisle' holding hands, CY was in a bridal gown - Sweet and hilarious. Love it😊
@user-jr9js1fv8t 11 ай бұрын
背去婚房哪裡我就笑翻了 兩個人是……
@victoriakao9367 10 ай бұрын
@vivian.tai.1826nv 10 ай бұрын
@user-hl4kx5cr9v 10 ай бұрын
永遠會為李蓮花和笛飛聲這對亦敵亦友的英雄相惜而心動,兩位的演技好細膩,還原當年今日的名場面一整個大落淚😭曾經的敵人,今天的朋友,當年月色不如今年,當年月色就如今年。 是對手也是知己,英雄惜英雄,蓮花樓的武俠氛圍真的拉滿! 李蓮花救出被囚禁的笛飛聲,而後一路逃亡至一間婚房,二人月下對飲,感嘆當年月色就如今日,名場面亦敵亦友,一生摯友,惺惺相惜,生死之交!超越宿敵的感情,很珍貴,你倆都要好好的!乾了這杯酒,李蓮花長命百歲! 當年月色,就如今日我們笛花大婚…阿不是!談心!歡迎各位入座🙋 當年月色,不如今日……是釋懷; 當年月色,就如今日……是明淨; 就如今日……是相知!他們之間還需要什麼語言,早已惺惺相惜,與子同袍。 誰懂啊!角姐為笛花做嫁衣!耽改都不敢這麼拍,仗著是無cp大男主角才敢坦蕩蕩地舞啊!38集把我看傻了捆綁play!病嬌女配還是男主角的cp大粉。 給蓮花準備好了喜服,把笛扒乾淨洗白白了,準備好的婚房讓男主角們住了。合卺酒讓男主角喝了🍶 新婚之夜成了男主角解開心結在一起的見證服了服了。感謝角大美女🙇 嗯……在角姐婚房喝酒憶當年。外面人找瘋了,他倆在婚房裡面喝上了合卺酒,慶祝相識十週年。 角姐:我收拾半天,就被這兩個老爺們用了,角姐不樂😡 婚房你倆住了,合卺酒你倆喝了,你們就差掀蓋頭了。 角麗譙:“李相夷,我要你當我和笛盟主的證婚人” 幾個時辰過後角麗譙“rnm!證婚人竟然是我自己。” 哈哈角姐氣吐血了哈哈哈哈。看我的倆皇后挺和諧😂 角姐都準備娶他倆當皇后和貴妃了,結果他倆造反了,還鳩占鵲巢在角姐婚房裡追憶當年今日,不要太帶感😅
@DramaFans-Girl 10 ай бұрын
@user-du9ns6vz5w 10 ай бұрын
@user-hl4kx5cr9v 9 ай бұрын
其實我特別喜歡笛花二人線,都是當世高手的惺惺相惜,十年前可以東海一戰只為追求武道巔峰,十年後可以把酒賞月說當年的月色也如今日。老笛的人物形像是直到取鼎解痋那一刻突然生動起來,他的線完整了,因武而生,因武而立,因武而劫(角麗諦之劫),卻也因武而破,前一刻報仇雪恨解救如自己一般的受難者,後一刻被廢去武功踐踏於足下,卻不失氣度。在角麗諦的牢獄裡,她抓了當世兩大高手,兩大高手的雍容氣度卻都沒有因為被俘虜而失去。看著兩個人攜手破陣的樣子,令人感嘆,這才當得起絕頂人物四字,出來說他們是天下第一便是有說服力的。 很喜歡笛花這種惺惺相惜的感覺,有時候不需要筆墨太多,寥寥幾筆,回韻悠長。賞月那一段,身陷危機囹圄中,卻能飲酒望月,悠談古今,真是高遠。
@user-hl4kx5cr9v 9 ай бұрын
當年月色「不如今日」和「就如今日」究竟在說什麼? 《蓮花樓》對於三位男主角感情的刻畫和呈現都非常細膩而深刻,其中我又偏愛勢均力敵的兩位,所以沉淪笛花至今。 且不說兩人十年後才一見面就知根知底的「老友」狀態了,就38集兩人在角姐的婚房練功對談對飲相視而笑,已經讓人嗑生嗑死了。 “今晚的月色真美”,這是一句很美的情話。而這只是當下情境的描述,也是當下感情的描述。“當年月色”,就一下子讓時空都深邃了起來,感情也都深邃了起來(你們兩位十年前打戰的時候下大雨啊何來的月色,算了你們說有月色我們就嗑)。 對於笛飛聲而言,“不如今日”,意味著他今夜的武功突破了自身所限,達到了一直以來孜孜以求的境界,而更重要的是,二人再不需要如當年一樣,困於陷阱和仇恨,在正邪勢不兩立的世俗要求中,拼盡全力對戰。兩人從未如今日如此交心,如此地懂對方的所求所願。他是李相夷也好,是李蓮花也好,對笛飛聲而言並無差別。他看懂他李蓮花淡然淡漠下赤誠重情重義的李相夷底色,也看懂李相夷天下無雙志得意滿後對所謂「江湖」的看破與慵倦疏離。 對李蓮花而言,“就如今日”,也就是他十年來由生到死,死而復生勘破江湖的人生覺悟,客觀地講,無論今時月舊時月,共看明月皆如此,月色不變,只是當下看月的心情變了而已。當年的李相夷早已看到笛飛聲冷酷孤高之下磊落光明的內在才與之結盟,而十年後更是一再地確認了這一本心。既然天容海色已澄清,今夜明月自當一如當年,也正如你我早已相知。 喔!仔細想想,這兩句話背後真是千迴百轉蕩氣迴腸。當年即使有月色,面對的幾乎你死我活的對決,十年回望卻是一笑泯恩仇,只剩明明月色,也只有明明月色。真是,當時兩人背負了多少無奈無知,今夜就有多澄澈明亮。 當時明月在,已照兩心知。 笛飛聲:當年是對手,如今是知己。李蓮花:我一直當你是知己。 其實對飲尚不是最戳我的,而是李蓮花以揚州慢助笛飛聲突破悲風白楊第八層後,笛飛聲和煦一笑說「還人情的法子不用你教我。」孤高冷傲的大魔頭,可以自在地講出「還人情」這般有人間氣的話,也只有在李蓮花面前啊啊啊。阿飛的世界原本只有輸贏和生死,自從他進入了李蓮花的世界,他也懂「愛」了啊! 劇裡總會有這樣的情節,小花和笛飛聲兩人一個被刺一個被斷手腳已經山窮水盡了,但是峰迴路又坐下來對飲閒談,這種一抑一揚的感覺特別好。類似的還有在四顧門李蓮花被肖紫衿持劍逼迫,回到樓裡就聽方小寶說他對李相夷的看法。可能也是一種劇作套路但是很能投射到生活裡,還是很動人的。
@themoonherald5910 11 ай бұрын
And … they’re drinking and chatting in DF Newlyweds Room 🤣
@IamMySelf7872 11 ай бұрын
i thought the were married
@user-pp3gu3xl1d 10 ай бұрын
@DramaFans-Girl 10 ай бұрын
@user-linglong6636 9 ай бұрын
@user-pp3gu3xl1d 9 ай бұрын
@@user-linglong6636 沒錯~哈哈哈
@user-gl8ho8ko2s 5 ай бұрын
@user-gl8ho8ko2s 5 ай бұрын
@KumachanTang 11 ай бұрын
@DramaFans-Girl 11 ай бұрын
@user-du9ns6vz5w 10 ай бұрын
@jin-gr2oj 11 ай бұрын
@meichen7969 10 ай бұрын
@DramaFans-Girl 10 ай бұрын
@VivianUzoma-zy9gy 11 ай бұрын
Best drama series for 2023
@DramaFans-Girl 11 ай бұрын
@zzoro4977 11 ай бұрын
So the real love story in the drama is the love story between Li & Di. Li carry Di to the newlyweds room, they're having merrige wine & spending a night together. I remember the last episode before Li Made a decision to leave, he even though about Di & his syifu in his imagination while practising art material. They love & protect each other, Jiao Qiao even get jealouse of it 😂. She should've known that before she fight for Di, she's already lost because in Di's Heart, There's only Li 😂 poor Jiao 😂
@blackraven3436 11 ай бұрын
Ironically She's jealous of her own cousin she had no clue. It would be even more if she did
@zzoro4977 11 ай бұрын
@@blackraven3436 she wes dead before knowing it 😁
@blackraven3436 11 ай бұрын
@@zzoro4977 image of she learned their connection before she died or even proceed to marry both him and DFS. The hateful banter will never cease
@Love-not2shared 8 ай бұрын
I knew you all shipped them. Fan fic it’s full of Li x Di. 😂 and I’m also shamelessly shipping them.
@kny40240 11 ай бұрын
Cheng Yi❤😍
@meichen7969 10 ай бұрын
@DramaFans-Girl 10 ай бұрын
@judykraska400 7 ай бұрын
Shunyao-Fei:”you don’t need to teach me, how to pay you back...” 😊
@nguyenthiphuonganh 7 ай бұрын
The moonlight (today) Di FeiSheng talked about was Li LianHua (XiangYi) of today. He’s brighter than ever. The moonlight (today as bright as before) Li Xiang Yi talked about was Di FeiSheng. He misunderstood him, now he knows, he’s a treasure. Di FeiSheng hasn’t changed, he’s still as bright, people were just blind back then.
@DramaFans-Girl 7 ай бұрын
@user-hl4kx5cr9v 10 ай бұрын
有些人注定是用來遺忘的,有些人注定是用來想念的。 永別,李相夷。 再見,李蓮花。 十年,少年英雄折腰,十年,一蓑風雨平生。 天下第一,到底重不重要? 對李相夷對笛飛聲來說,很重要。 對這偌大的江湖來說,也很重要。所有社群都一樣,人群居久了,天賦有參差,悟道有先後,得道有差別,那點比較心就會作祟,非要爭個上上下下前前後後的。 有人理解單孤刀,天才在身旁,耀眼光芒身後必是陰影,沒有單孤刀也會有雙孤刀。 “那高處,我去過,沒意思。” “人不能總活在別人的期待裡。” 頂峰風景旖旎,只因為站在頂峰的,是你,李相夷。你走下頂峰後的十年,頂峰又是哪副光景? 與自己和解,才重要。 牛頭馬面有句話說得到位,反正我們一直修是邪道,出爾反爾正常。 李相夷就算是人人景仰的傳奇人物,他也擺弄不好人情世故。 李蓮花決絕地趕走了李相夷,他討厭從前的自己,一生正氣卻鋒芒尖銳。看似人人青眼相待,實則無人懂他愛他疼他。身邊“正道”,各懷鬼胎,置他死地。 那高處,已讓他看透世態炎涼,心生厭倦。 李相夷,去去重去去,自不必攔。 但是,李蓮花,你怎麼捨得呀? 你怎麼捨得?這樣好的一個小寶。 他如同十年後獲得的一個珍寶。 怎麼會有這樣赤誠的人呢?他正直勇敢,他聰慧勤奮,他熱烈坦蕩。 於你,他不曾參與過李相夷的一分一秒,他所珍視的只是友人李蓮花。 當你說你們是最好的朋友,我好感動,你的心終於開了條口子。而你的離開,對小寶來說,是一個尋常的午後,沒有道別。 年少時不能遇見太驚豔的人,小寶終其一生,唯有回憶,只盼歸期。 你怎麼捨得?這樣妙的一個阿飛。 他是魔頭,頂級Alpha,不彎脊梁,睫毛很長。 好愛阿飛,他是屍山血海中走出的強者,卻純粹得不像話。他在笛家寶救了死士們,也救了年少的自己。一句“任爾等自在縱橫”,真可謂至高救贖。 “當年月光不如今日。”“當年的月光就如今日。” 十年生死茫茫,他一眼將你認出。 好事壞事,他都不屑做。只有你的事,他件件銘記在心裡。 那日,他讚美的不是月亮,他讚美的是一段絕無僅有的惺惺相惜、蕩氣迴腸。 你怎麼捨得?蓮花樓的轍印長長,沿途的風景漫漫,故事還未說完。 我於窗中窺傷鶴,恰如仰頭見春台。 你說,江湖總會有新的傳奇。 李蓮花,盼你來時是來時。
@DramaFans-Girl 10 ай бұрын
@pomeloradish5491 6 ай бұрын
@anushiyaanu 9 ай бұрын
Nice episode first i think Di fei the most enemity person now great and good friend that also Di fei. Anyway again and again i watch this episode
@Marina-1388 2 ай бұрын
I just finished this masterpiece today and i miss them already. I wish there were more episodes because clearly , 40 was not enough for me !! 😅
@suthilaangkhasuwat6883 6 ай бұрын
Impressive and cute love both of you.
@DramaFans-Girl 6 ай бұрын
@user-nb9lb7ek9v 10 ай бұрын
@DramaFans-Girl 10 ай бұрын
@meichen7969 11 ай бұрын
@DramaFans-Girl 11 ай бұрын
@aileenhackett5994 4 ай бұрын
He is absolutely gorgeous ❤️❤️❤️
@DramaFans-Girl 4 ай бұрын
@judykraska400 7 ай бұрын
Shunyao, excellent actor, poignant, refreshing, devil-like, softy. Beautiful and stingily. Just love this actor, when he appears there is tension - positive, warm or Dangerous - Man of few words...excellent singer. Will follow his work past, present, future. Greetings 🦘🇨🇳🦘
@pp780420 11 ай бұрын
@DramaFans-Girl 11 ай бұрын
@Love-not2shared 8 ай бұрын
@user-fb7kt5pp1h 11 ай бұрын
@olaakanbi-xm6sv 11 ай бұрын
Title pls
@user-fb7kt5pp1h 11 ай бұрын
@@olaakanbi-xm6sv mysteriouslotuscasebook
@user-nt4ro6xf2g 10 ай бұрын
阿飛:當年月色不如今日 蓮花:當年月色就如今日 阿飛:依你 作者認證最美的情話 「當年月色不如今日」 阿飛對蓮花說的XD
@DramaFans-Girl 10 ай бұрын
@pomeloradish5491 6 ай бұрын
@adityahaikalhaikal5927 11 ай бұрын
I wish for the season 2....please...please....please.
@cabaimuda 11 ай бұрын
No doubt one of the best series this year. But, Sometimes, less is more. We need to move on 😆 Afraid that if they continue with the season 2, the storyline might be boring
@manngan3665 4 ай бұрын
@buffalo369 11 ай бұрын
十年前,生死一戰 十年後,交杯酒一飲 人生啊,就是這樣無常的 😊 舉頭三尺有神明,是真的。
@gegaoli 10 ай бұрын
Love this scene
@DramaFans-Girl 10 ай бұрын
@acidmana7920 7 ай бұрын
This was such a cute scene
@DramaFans-Girl 7 ай бұрын
@user-rq9wo9jf7h 11 ай бұрын
@kamkam8248 3 ай бұрын
肖順堯 ❤man 爆🎉🎉🎉.
@DramaFans-Girl 3 ай бұрын
@inesantunes9594 11 ай бұрын
DiFeiSheng 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤❤❤❤❤❤
@DramaFans-Girl 11 ай бұрын
@damilolaomolare7756 11 ай бұрын
Just finished watching this movie interesting
@olaakanbi-xm6sv 11 ай бұрын
@user-dv5zp8lq9h 11 ай бұрын
​@@olaakanbi-xm6svmysterious lotus casebook
@DramaFans-Girl 11 ай бұрын
Mysterious Lotus Casebook
@edwinascaglione4099 4 ай бұрын
Please can someone tell me which episode this is
@user-jr9js1fv8t 9 ай бұрын
婚房? 是送入洞房吧🤣🤣
@DramaFans-Girl 9 ай бұрын
@user-gr5cl3pp8k 10 ай бұрын
他當然不能死,他必須活著的理由有三個: 1.他用他僅存的那麼一點揚州慢,拯救那麼多人,他視別人的性命如珍寶,怎可能視自己的性命如草芥,這是矛盾的。 2.犧牲自己去拯救別人的人,自然是無私大愛,但這種無私不是人人都可以接受的,比如被他拯救的人。 3.完美的人性是愛他人也愛自己。他不可以只知道助人,而不接受別人的幫助。 他師娘要用揚州慢救他時,他不應該拒絕的,就算拒絕,導演也該安排他被打暈,被師娘強行輸入揚州慢,師娘最多是失去內力,不致影響性命,她的後半生自然是李蓮花照顧,這樣的安排會使得師娘這個角色更有靈魂。 以上這些話請想像成李蓮花自己說出來的,很有感覺😁 哈哈,實在是太想拯救李蓮花了😂
@DramaFans-Girl 10 ай бұрын
@Love-not2shared 8 ай бұрын
@Love-not2shared 8 ай бұрын
The biggest conflict has been resolved. Li lianhua saved so many people why couldn’t he save himself? That’s bs, 我无法接受😢
@user-bj5oi4gm6e 7 ай бұрын
笛盟主是正宮 那方小寶足小三😂!
@DramaFans-Girl 7 ай бұрын
@V.lover-1813 10 ай бұрын
Which ep ?
@DramaFans-Girl 10 ай бұрын
@user-zg8bp8cb1o 8 ай бұрын
Title of this movie please
@DramaFans-Girl 8 ай бұрын
Mysterious Lotus Casebook
@fatiu001 9 ай бұрын
Whsts the name of the movie
@DramaFans-Girl 9 ай бұрын
Mysterious Lotus Casebook
@r_focus 11 ай бұрын
Did li xanyi ever regained is full strength?
@hanshu726 11 ай бұрын
@MaiChristy 11 ай бұрын
No. Just 20-30% strength
@jul252 11 ай бұрын
Beautiful drama, is it genre bl actually?
@MaiChristy 11 ай бұрын
No, this is NOT BL
@jul252 11 ай бұрын
@@MaiChristy OK, Thank you ❤️
@nicoleatieno3083 11 ай бұрын
​@@MaiChristyyou emphasized on the "not"😂😂😂
@khatemel2968 11 ай бұрын
It's a "BL in the closet", Di Feishang likes Li Xiangyi a lot. 🥰😅
@musical.unicorn 11 ай бұрын
it's not a BL - there's no romance in the original novel
@two-minute110 11 ай бұрын
@pomeloradish5491 6 ай бұрын
@ccrystalblossom 9 ай бұрын
Does anyone know the name of the song that starts at 5:13?
@shufongchan7293 3 ай бұрын
@DramaFans-Girl 3 ай бұрын
@user-se2sv5ni6d 11 ай бұрын
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