Eric : 你所有的前女友之中,每一任最討厭她們哪一點 ? Ian : 喔⋯⋯你這樣很傷耶! Eric : 你不用照順序 ,或者説看不慣 ,不用講討厭。 Ian : 太沒有自己的生活圈 ,太需要對方的陪伴 ,我就覺得沒有自己的空間,我是很需要自己的一點空間 。還有不能太輕易説分手,分手這個話不能常常掛在嘴巴啦! 「説分手的第一次就是這段感情的最後一次 ! 」 。 Eric : 這是你的原則啦! Ian : 我的原則 。 Eric : 好啦!喜歡 Ian 的女生不要跟他分手!哈哈哈哈 …………….. Ian :哈哈哈哈 ………………
Actually, I quite liked the 台北一日游 episode. Ever since I watched that episode, for the first time, I went out alone and did not plug in my headphones while I was out. I used to plug in my headphones and constantly rely on my phone because it gave me a sense of security. However, ever since I took the first step, I never turned back, and these days I hardly turn to my phone while I'm out, and I don't plug in headphones anymore. I felt that I had become braver and more connected with my surroundings. I also learned that the path I usually took suddenly became more interesting and beautiful. Although that episode might not have been satisfying to you, it was one of the best episodes for me.
We used to have companionship inventory in our team which was literally my least favourite session at my work, but I did learn to push through and “force” myself to be more humble/open-minded. What a great episode!
看到最後,覺得說真話跟聽別人講真話,很需要跳脫舒適圈,個人覺得自己的個性,也很像lan,對朋友很重感情,但有時候自我揭露到一個程度,會發現自己裡面有很深的害怕在乎的人離開、對關係不信任感、缺乏愛與歸屬感,可是又很矛盾的知道自己是一個需要自由、不想被管東管西的個性,哈哈哈,還是感謝上帝,我想可能過去有一些傷害,是必須要去面對的,持續自我療傷,認識真實的自己! By the way 看到2/3,心裏有種:這兩週的影片好無趣(會一直往前跳下一段),好像少了些什麼,又或者是其實是自己期待太高,以至於產生了一種說不出來的不滿足感😂抱歉了,但2/3後覺得就很ok、還不錯🥺 總之,我還是期待明年的第一支影片