The Yasuke Drama Is Actually INSANE!

  Рет қаралды 21,147

Mike Hollow

Mike Hollow

Күн бұрын

The drama surronding Yaska has turned into something I don't think anybody would have seen coming; certainly not Ubisoft. Today I address my comments on Yasuke, the latest developments from Ubisoft and Thomas Lockleys massive controversy.
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@RealMikeHollow 2 ай бұрын
Just to make this clear to everyone; my previous video was to present Yasuke as a Samurai which some have believed him to be, however, I did not acknowledge the Japanese voices that do not believe he was so this video was to be fair and show that side of the argument. I'm not historian nor am I Japanese so I think its fair for me to look at both sides of the conversation. Yasuke has always been accepted and represented in Japanese media, but this time around they seem very displeased by Ubisofts retelling so it's only fair it's represented. Please put your pitchforks down. I have conquerors Haki so they won't work anyway.
@arturiaarthus8367 2 ай бұрын
told ya, but it's fine and i completely get you. the entire situation is messed up anyway.
@鎖骨好き 2 ай бұрын
この話を取り上げてくれてありがとう。 UBIsoftが「歴史的事実」と言った事がすべての始まりです。 彼らにとっての日本の歴史的事実は、田んぼはミャンマー、建築様式は中国、四季は無く春に秋の作物が取れるのが普通、戦時中でもないのに甲冑を着て他人の領土で大量殺人、そして神道の神社で仏教の祈り方をする。 ・・・あえて弥助の話は省きます。 それと数々の国宝や重要文化財の無断使用。
@NetBattler 2 ай бұрын
At least you take your L in a good way unlike most KZbinrs I've known.
@nicolasvenezuelaverde1184 2 ай бұрын
Man was samurais and sheet
@outerlast 2 ай бұрын
japanese accepted and represented yasuke in "fiction". not in "history". in the same way they represent arthur as girl in fate, guan yu as another girl in high school dxd or sun wukong as alien superman in dragon ball :p
@hihijetstar 2 ай бұрын
誠実な動画をありがとう。お辛かった事お察し致します。 トーマスロックリーのWikipedia編集がバレる前、固定コメントにあるように信じない日本人が批難を浴びました。私もおかしな論調の人とコメントでやりとりしました。歴史とかスミソニアンとかWikipediaを根拠に否定されました。全く意味が分からなかった。 日本人の執念かWikipedia編集の証拠が出てやっと日本人の主張に耳を傾けてくれました。証拠がなければ今も論争は続いていたでしょう。 だけど、アフリカン侍の弥助物語を信じていた人は本当にショックで可哀想だと思う。本は物語パートと解説パートに分かれているが、とても分かりにくく、かつ弥助を持ち上げるように脚色されているので正誤を判断をするのは非常に難しい。 おそらく日本では彼を罪に問う事はできない。 ロックリーは悲劇のヒロイン弥助に自分を重ねて難民の子達に勇気や希望を持って欲しいと本を渡していました。 自分の本のせいで勇気を与えるどころか失望させてしまった事に責任を持って謝罪するべきだと思います。 確かに弥助は存在していたし、信長に気に入られたのも確かです(お気に入りのレベルは色々)本能寺の変で生き延びたのもそうです(本能寺に居たかは不明。妙覚寺にいたのかもしれない) 脚色をしてもいいのはフィクションと銘打ったものだけです。ACSは根底に英語版の弥助がいるのが明らかです。UBIもまた信じる一人だったのでしょう。だから歴史的忠実性をアピールしていて疑う事が無かったのでしょう。 でももう偽りの弥助は否定されました。騙されていたとはいえUBIも歴史に基づいてと宣伝していた事を謝らなければいけませんね。だからこの声明文は不誠実です。 沢山の人がトーマスロックリーのせいで悲しい思いをしました。教育者として誠意ある対応を望んでいます。 お辛い中正直に動画を残してくれてありがとうございます。
@カメタケ-h5u 2 ай бұрын
@ikkun0101 2 ай бұрын
@@aizen765 Hi there as a Japanese I'd say most likely not. Read all primary sources written about yasuke there's only 5 lines written about yasuke in the actual period. People say he was a weapon holder but the primary source just says Nobunaga had Yasuke carry tools. Thomas is kinda insane ngl he made a book about yasuke out of this 5 lines lol
@shimetsukage 2 ай бұрын
@@aizen765 No. He was a tool bearer for Nobunaga. Nothing more. All the nonsense about him being a samurai is all fabricated by Lockley. However, Anijin Miura, or William Adams, according to historical records, was given the title of Samurai by the Tokugawa Shogunate.
@hihijetstar 2 ай бұрын
@@aizen765?私の文脈と全く関係ないように思います。 弥助が武士であったか?ではなく武将や侍大将であったか?と聞いた方が早くないですか? 何故ならACSでもロックリーの本でもミュージカルもおそらく映画も、侍の身分を超えた姿で描かれています。答えはNOです。 農民や足軽も戦ったのなら侍とするなら弥助も最終的に侍で良いでしょう。ただし証拠はありませんので「侍だったかもしれない」までしか史料からは分かりません。「侍だったかもしれないし侍ではなかったかもしれない」それが答えです。 それとロックリーの本では3回戦った事になっていますが、1回目の忍者はありえないし、2回目は甲州遠征を指しているのかと思われますが、信長の行進に弥助がいた事を書いた家忠日記は、信長の息子信忠が討伐に出た後の勝利遠征みたいなものです。なので戦っていません。 さて、最後の本能寺の変の際だけ場所はおそらく妙覚寺で戦ったとフロイスの記録からあります。弥助の記録の最後の最後に戦った記録です。前述の戦った人を侍とするなら、ここでやっと弥助は侍と呼んでもいい可能性が出てきます。戦ったのか身を守ろうとしたのか?考察が必要です。 最後に戦った記録しかない者が、武将にも侍大将にもなれません。ですが、最大限評価をして侍と呼んでも良いでしょうとある人は言いました。戦国時代のみ侍の定義が曖昧だったからです。なので、侍と呼ばれたからと言って、他の時代で定義されるような侍の身分も役割も持っておりません。土地もない領主でもない部下もない大名でもない。鎧兜も被れません。外国人はバカみたいにすぐ鎧兜を着せますが侍でも被れないんですよ。 私は侍にはこだわりませんが、決して武将でも侍大将でもありませんので誰かを率いるような事も鎧兜の甲冑姿も否定します。 侍か?に焦点を当てる事がナンセンスです。 侍=鎧兜甲冑の武士ではない。 鎧兜を被れる身分にない最下層の侍弥助でも良いですか? みなさんは英雄だから弥助が欲しかったのか? それとも何でもない本当の弥助でもいいですか?というようなコメントをした事がありますが返答はありませんでした。 侍でなければ弥助に興味がないのでしょうか? 弥助という一人の人生を見つめ直す事が大切なのではないですか?侍でなくても偉くなくても弥助の人生は波乱に富み稀有な存在だったのではないでしょうか? 無意味に脚色をして期待や希望、夢を持たせて、現実で落とす、失望、残念。 ロックリーもUBIも史実を持ち出して現実味を持たせようとする事が誤解を生んでいます。ただの自説を流布する事はもっと愚かです。
@user-mn8qv8jl7k 2 ай бұрын
黒人が高い地位にいたというのが必要なだけで弥助本人には興味ないでしょ 所詮ポリコレの玩具 political であって historical ではない
@奥間浩 2 ай бұрын
弥助の存在はとてもミステリアスで魅力的だったと思う。だからこそロックリーの所業は許されざる行いだった。彼は日本の文化はもちろん、全ての黒人を弄び酷く侮辱をしたのだ。 Mikeさんはとても誠実で素敵な方です。あなたが深く傷ついたことが悲しい。こんな事は二度と起こってはいけないし、すでに公演が決定してしまったブロードウェイやハリウッド映画でMikeさんと同じように信じて傷つけられる人が増えないことを願うばかりです。
@シンイチ-k9f 2 ай бұрын
@mizuironomizutama 2 ай бұрын
1人の日本人として、お礼を言わせて下さい。 私たちが何故怒っているのか、知って頂けて、 それを発信してくれて、とても嬉しいです。 トーマス ロックリーの本を信じていたのに、 誤りを正すのは、苦痛を伴ったと思います。 貴方はとても正直で、頭の良い方だと思います。 本当にあありがとう。
@花形満-r8v 2 ай бұрын
我々日本人にとって侍は名誉を重んじ敵にも敬意を払う高貴な人達です。 あのゲームの弥助のように棍棒で力任せに相手を殴り殺したり、棍棒で地面に倒れた相手の頭を潰したり、相手を空中に放り投げて突き刺したり、すでに勝負がついて膝から崩れ落ちて死にゆく相手の首を切り落としたりといったといったまるで虐殺を楽しむような不必要に過剰な殺し方をする残虐な表現は日本人が普段時代劇などで描いている美しい侍の戦い方の様式美とは真逆です。 そして、舞台が戦場ではなく村人たちが田植えをしたり普段通りに日常生活を送っている村で、そこに弥助が現れて次々と人々を虐殺していくので、弥助は平和な村に突然現れた通り魔にしか見えないので日本人の感覚からすると非常に違和感を感じるしとても気持ち悪いです。 なので、あの映像がKZbinに公開された時、「なぜ日本の戦国時代が舞台なんだ?屈強な黒人が日本人を嬲り殺しにするゲームを作りたいなら現代のニューヨークを舞台にしてBLMがアジア人を虐殺していくゲームにすればいいではないか」とコメントする人がいたわけです。 ですから、あのような表現は侍を愚弄されたように我々日本人は感じますし、「弥助は伝説の侍だ」とか言われると頭に血がのぼるのも致し方ないと思います。 このゲームが日本で炎上したのはUBIが「このゲームは日本に現地調査に行き、専門家を招き、史実に忠実に作っている」と言ったことと「表現が残虐では?」と質問されて「当時の日本では日常的に斬首がそこらじゅうで行われていたのでこのような表現になったのは史実に忠実に作った結果だ」と言ったことがきっかけです。 人の首が切り落されるのを見て喜ぶのはギロチンを見世物にしていたフランス人であって日本人ではありません。武士が討ち取った相手の首を切り落とすのは高名な武将を討ち取った時にその首を切り取って持ち帰れば、それが手柄を取った証明になるからです。 持ち帰りもしない死体の首をわざわざ切り落としたりしません。
@林豪樂 2 ай бұрын
@Nknssk 2 ай бұрын
@@林豪樂さん 様式美が実際に上手くいかない事もあったかと思います。 ただ、上級の武将なら痛みで転げ回るのを見せるのも、敵とはいえじわじわ見せ物にするのもアウトなんです。 そのあとは、勝利を確定し、恩賞を貰うのに必要なので、持って帰るという感じです。 私はどちらも勘弁して欲しいので、助かったらしい弥助はすごいと思います😅
@joze_laura 2 ай бұрын
France showcased their decapitation culture at the opening ceremony of the Olympics.
@花形満-r8v 2 ай бұрын
@@joze_laura 非常に下品でびっくりしました。ただ同時にフランスの白人は今も昔も斬首が大好きなんだということは良く解りました。 あのフランスのゲーム開発チームは全員白人なんですから斬首が好きで斬首するゲームを作りたいなら自分たち白人が自分たち白人の首を跳ねるゲームを作ればいいのにアジア人の首を黒人に跳ねさせて喜んでいるところに彼らの品性の下劣さがよく表れていると思います。
@雪-p5i 2 ай бұрын
@user-fe6fn9bp4k 2 ай бұрын
私は信じてたものが間違いだと気づいた時、貴方みたいに正面から向き合うのは難しい。貴方は高潔な人です。 個人的に私も弥助にまつわる話が好きで情報を追いかけてたからこそ現状が悲しいです。Ubiやトーマス氏のやった事は実に稚拙です。彼らがやり方・伝え方さえ間違えなければ弥助は日本でも世界でもポピュラーな存在になったと思ってます。弥助が侍かどうかは分からなくてもそれは想像の余地があるという事だし、侍じゃなかったとしても彼の人生は数奇で十分なドラマがあります。
@コケモモ-q1u 2 ай бұрын
It is not your fault. The one who started it all is Thomas Lockley. Do not be fooled by the false Yasuke story created by a white Englishman called Thomas Lockley.
@うさぎのなな-y2p 2 ай бұрын
あなたの誠実さと勇気に賛辞を贈ります  全ての国の歴史は尊重されなければな りません UBIは日本と弥助を侮辱しました
@shadowone01x99 2 ай бұрын
Many thanks for the comments here. I wanted to ask.... Is it true that Japanese people are against black people (or any foreigners) from being samurai in FICTION? There are some people online who have said foreigners should never be shown as samurai in FICTION or FANTASY. In your opinion, is this true?
@laugh2192 2 ай бұрын
​@@shadowone01x99 弥助も史実とフィクションが明確に伝わってさえいれば作品に登場しても問題はなかったでしょう。しかし弥助は現在political correctness的な黒人という一点だけで利用される状況や歴史改竄目的を疑われかねないデリケートな存在になってしまいました。歴史物にはしばらく史実描写だけで脇役として登場させた方がいいでしょうね。 これまでと同じでAFRO SAMURAIのようにフィクションであれば問題ないと思います。
@ももすけ-g4s 2 ай бұрын
​@@shadowone01x99 フィクションであるとUBIが最初から公言していれば、日本人が憤ることはなかったと思います。もしも弥助が侍で信長を密かに助けてアフリカに逃していたというファンタジーがあっても、日本人の殆どはそれを喜んで受け入れたと思います。日本人はUBIが公言した「歴史に忠実」「ゲームをプレイすることで日本の歴史が学べる」「日本では斬首が日常的に行われていた」の発言と、日本が舞台のゲームで日本人が外国人侍に頭をぶち壊され、木に吊るされている映像にショックと憤りと悲しみを感じました。そしてUBIの陰にいたロックリー氏に対して、「あれは少しの事実から空想したフィクション」という言葉を聞きたいと切望しています。日本人は黒人が侍のファンタジーに反対しているということは全くないことを理解して欲しいです。アサシンクリード・シャドウズに隠れた日本人蔑視に傷付いています。
@uservl7di9ti5y 2 ай бұрын
@@shadowone01x99 Japanese people sometimes make Yasuke a samurai in fiction. But like Ubisoft, we don't obscure the fictionality and nonfiction of our work. "It has nothing to do with actual history or real historical figures." Otherwise, the historical facts would be distorted and the honor of the deceased would be tarnished. In fact, Yasuke's honor is tarnished right now.
@Impalingthorn 3 ай бұрын
Being wrong is never the issue. It's not being too arrogant to admit it. This whole Yasuke situation was egged on by a series of historical inaccuracies right down to the books that were supposed to be historical accounts. The one in question, the one you were referencing, is notorious amongst those who know for being wildly romanticized and TRYING to play up the legend of Yasuke for the sake of politics. Not to mention, the creator of the book (supposedly) was the one running around altering the Wikipedia for Yasuke for years now, right up to the announcement of this game. Historical revisionism is a HUGE problem right now and affects racially charged history the most.
@gen3h314 2 ай бұрын
僕は日本人だが昔、初めて弥助の存在を知った時、かなり興奮を覚えた記憶があるが調べても殆ど何も出てこなくてショックだった。 多くの人が弥助に期待をしていたのは分かるが、今問題とされるubiやトーマスロックリーの様な行為は正直、1番弥助を侮辱してるし、何よりどの人種の歴史をも馬鹿にしてる様に感じる。 実際にあったとされる悲しき歴史は変えられないが、その歴史を誰かに押し付け誰かのせいにしようとする行為は、世界中の皆に対する侮辱行為だと思います。 だからこそ思うのは、たまたま今回は日本の歴史を改変しようと言う動きがあったが、どの国やどの人種の歴史や文化、ルーツにも起こりうる問題だと思う。どうか皆、自分が誇れる歴史や文化を大切にして守って欲しいと思います。そしてそれを互いに尊重し合える事が、今起きてる分断を少しでも減らせる事じゃないかなと思います。
@keikotunoda426 2 ай бұрын
他の動画で、奴を「第2の吉田清二」と呼んでましたよ。吉田清二は、「日本が何百万を少女を強制連行し性奴隷にした」という歴史を作った人です。 今回のやつはこのやり方を踏襲して、「日本人が黒人奴隷貿易をはじめた」という歴史を作るつもりのようですね。
@ももすけ-g4s 2 ай бұрын
@user-tabizukikazuo 2 ай бұрын
私は弥助を尊敬します。サムライとしての弥助ではなく、生きる為にできる事をやってきた強い意志を持った弥助。 日本には数枚の資料しか記録されていない男性です。記録が無くても間違いなく試練があった筈です。 住む所を奪われて 家族と別れされて 友人とも離れて 財産も無くて 長い長い航海を強いられ 辿り着いたら言葉も通じず 生活習慣も全く違って 見せ物にされて 本当の名前で無く、弥助と呼ばれて 1年と少しですが、ムービースターの様な主役にはなれなかったけど、弥助は日本で生き抜いたんです。 愚かなUBIと嘘つきのThomas Lockleyに言いたい。これ以上弥助の魂を汚さないでくれ。弥助を休ませてくれ。弥助は充分戦ってきたんだ。
@oluwajimiloko2536 2 ай бұрын
This was the reason I defended Yasuke in the first place. This controversy although right will end up ruining his legacy and that is sad.
@YukiNeko_11 2 ай бұрын
Thomas Lockley should refund to every single person who bought his book.
@MagicDonut00 2 ай бұрын
He is just chanelling japans APA hotel chain revisionist energy.
@FrostbiteDigital 2 ай бұрын
Worse, he should be in prison for blatant historical revisionism and false information, both of which he fully supported and tried convincing people that it was the truth (which by in large was very successful)
@MagicDonut00 2 ай бұрын
@FrostbiteDigital both of which is fully supported by japans government. It would be hypocritical to punish thomas. In regards to the revisionism of ww2 history. "The Japanese government has said both countries should look to the future "rather than paying excessive attention to our unfortunate history"."
@SpiderSlayers 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, but some of them bought this book because it wrote the things they want to hear.
@徳-q9w 2 ай бұрын
この事件が起きる前、一部の日本人にとって弥助はロマンチックな存在でした。歴史的な活躍の記録は一切なく、そのため彼の存在を知る人もかなり少なく、それでも信長に気に入られ一年間以上仕えていた黒人という存在は、日本人にとっても非常に魅力的だったため、様々な作品で自由に描かれました。かつては「奴隷として時代に翻弄された悲劇的な人物」と描かれることもありましたが、近年は「力強く優しい戦士」として描かれることが多かったように思います。でも、今後日本のコンテンツで弥助が描かれることはないでしょう。日本人は「弥助がこんな奴だったら、面白いんじゃないか?」と色々想像しても、今後は間違いなく一部の黒人から反発されるから、物語は作れない。本当に残念です。 UBISOFTとIGNは、日本と海外とで言い訳を使い分けることで日本と黒人との分断を進めようとしています。弥助は一部の白人に利用され、人種差別の道具にされてしまった。彼が死後も玩具にされているのが、本当に悲しい。
@nico-tama-saburou 2 ай бұрын
こんにちは、マイク。 動画ありがとうございます。 実は、弥助はモザンビーク出身だったかも判明していません。 白い商人たちはアフリカから東南アジアまで広範囲に収穫しました。 そして、茶色いものは全部ごちゃ混ぜにカフェ・マンと一律に呼びました。 弥助はインド人やマレー人やインドネシア人やジャワ人だった可能性もあります。 彼らは商売の都合でアフリカ人だと決めつけています。 弥助がモザンビーク人だと主張していたロックリーは、 今は南スーダン人だと言い換えています。 弥助の身長の設定を高く変えたいからです。 または、行商人が隣町に移動するのに似ています。 翻訳しやすいようシンプルに書きました。 改めてありがとう、世界の友達たちへ。
@RealMikeHollow 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for the comment and the Yen, brother. Its very much appreciated!
@DeathGuard-6666 2 ай бұрын
​@@RealMikeHollowwhy do you like insulting japanese people
@uservl7di9ti5y 2 ай бұрын
@@RealMikeHollow We like Yasuke, an ordinary black man. He's not very famous in Japan, but he was known to everyone who knew him. It's very difficult to be liked by Nobunaga. Most ordinary people don't have even a few lines in their records. Yasuke almost always appears in Nobunaga biographical cartoons. Well, only for a moment. But Yasuke has been loved by Japanese history buffs. That's why Lockley, who was caught falsifying Yasuke, is now being accused by the Japanese.
@lreadytaken 2 ай бұрын
You're right, Lies have nothing to do with left or right It is inexcusable that Thomas Lockley ran away
@guitarzero1836 2 ай бұрын
Mike, it's a rare thing to see a youtuber revaluate their views after being presented with more evidence, your integrity is admirable and it makes me happy to know you're as honest as you are. I'm not Japanese but i've read a hell of a lot about the sengoku period and finding out that someone who claimed to be an academic has been peddling snake oil to both Westerners and Japanese natives just makes me sad. It's not as if historical fiction centred around that period doesn't exist as you pointed out all the videogames that take inspiration from Yasuke and other historical figures. Thomas Lockley could have written the African Samurai as a piece of historical fiction in the style of something like Shogun and no one would have had a problem with it, instead he wanted the fame (and money no doubt) that came with being seen as an authority on a subject he obviously knows little about. Ubisoft took that guys "Work" and ran with it, from what i've seen the inaccuracies are baked into the game across the board. Who in their right mind tries to claim a sword from One Piece as a piece of history? its absolutely crazy.
@江太郎-s3d 2 ай бұрын
日本史の複雑さは当の日本人でさえ不明な部分が多い。が、昔より先人たちは「記録魔」と言われるほど沢山の文献を残している。戦国時代と呼ばれる「安土桃山時代」についての記録はそれなりにあるが、「弥助」についての文献はA4サイズの用紙1枚でも余白が出来るくらい資料に乏しい。 しかも弥助の件については日本では義務教育の時に社会で習い、多くに日本人は存在は知っているが、あくまで「物珍しさで信長が引き取ったイエズス会の連れてきた黒人」である。 不明な部分がです多いところに、トーマス·ロックリーが専門家を気取って創作部分を作り「偉大な伝説の侍」と脚色したものを世界に拡散した。目的は本人が雲隠れしてるのでわからないが多くに人が考えていることは、ポリコレに便乗して自分の発行する本の売上を伸ばすべく10年以上前から参考文献とするWikipediaを「自分が編集していた」のではないかと。 また、ありもしない黒人奴隷が戦国時代に流行っていた、肌の色が黒いので「神様」として崇めた、等。ちなみに黒色の神様はいますが、あの当時にメジャーになってるか?「大黒天」と言われる神様はヒンドゥー教の最高神「シヴァ」である。(日本が他宗教の神様を取り入れる事が出来るという発想に、一新教の人は理解出来ないだろう) 日本史を勉強して知識がある人なら「寝言は寝て言え❗」と一笑するものですが、ベースがない人たちが読んだとき、それは信じてしまうと思います。でも冷静に考えて頂きたい。戦国時代に日本の航海術は、せいぜい東南アジアや朝鮮に行くくらいしかない技術力である。どうしてアフリカに行くことが出来ますか? その時代西洋は「大航海時代」でスペインやポルトガルがアフリカや南米に到達しておぞましい所業をした時代です。 日本に黒人が来るというルートは皆無である。異国の国民に対しての屈辱的な扱いを推奨したのが、15世紀中期の「ニコラウス5世」という教皇である。(失礼ですが、ご存じか?) 布教の名の元に蛮行を繰り返したのはキリスト教徒。日本人も犠牲になっている。時代が戦国とあり、他の領主に勝つためとポルトガル船から火薬や火縄銃を入手する代わりに、日本人が売られて行ってる。頭の悪い領主のせいで。 それを知った豊臣秀吉が「禁教令」を出してキリスト教の布教活動を禁止した。映画「SHOUGUN~将軍~」で宣教師があまり欧米人から見て不愉快になるような描き方をされているのは、そういった背景がある。 日本では、もうゲームの枠を出て「歴史の改竄」「黒人奴隷が日本発祥」とされてる(トーマスの本で嘘を拡散されたため、定着しつつある)ゆゆしき事、国際問題になりつつある。 冷静に考えてほしい。日本は島国でその当時、既に神道と仏教が国内で浸透していた時代。フランシスコ·ザビエルが来日したとき日本の下層階級であった人から「洗礼を受けないと天国に行かれないなら、自分の(死んだ)先祖はどうなる?」と問われた時、「受けてないなら天国に行かれない」と答え「あなたの宗教は大したことないな」と反論するくらい日本人には仏教の知識があった。(仏教では基本仏様になると考えられる。) 話が逸れましたが、当時の「侍」という立場の定義が曖昧なのでいろんな学説がありますが、弥助は「侍」ではなかったという意見が大半です。海外の人は武士と侍をイコールで考えてるのかもしれませんが、違います。そこからして解釈の誤りがあります。 夢を打ち砕かれたと思いますが、事実は事実として受け止めてください。すべてはロックリー氏の夢物語です。もっと深く日本史を知りたいなら日本語を学んで古文書等お読みください。それが一番納得できるはずです。
@keikotunoda426 2 ай бұрын
他の動画で、奴を「第2の吉田清二」と呼んでましたよ。吉田清二は、「日本が何百万を少女を強制連行し性奴隷にした」という歴史を作った人です。 今回のやつはこのやり方を踏襲して、「日本人が黒人奴隷貿易をはじめた」という歴史を作るつもりのようですね。
@tznktdbk 2 ай бұрын
@0655つばさ系 2 ай бұрын
Mikeさんの誠実な姿勢と客観的な解説、とても有り難く嬉しかったです。 心よりありがとうございます。 憤りを感じている私たちが伝えたいことが、この22分11秒にたくさん詰まってました。 Mikeさんのこの動画が、誤解をしている世界中の方々の心に届きますように🌏🕊
@Oggy5000-u8b 3 ай бұрын
The thing is its not just Yasuke thats the issue, its just historical inaccuracies across the board. Things like misusing Torii gates or conflating Shintoism and Buddhism. So its more or less the same issue as the Yasuke issue, just spread across the entirety of the game and it just shows that they were never doing their due diligence when it came to Japanese culture. The whole Yasuke debacle is just the biggest and most visible example of this.
@hafirenggayuda 2 ай бұрын
Some Japanese, at least some I read from machine translation, also express concern how Ubisoft seems to forcing "American politics" to Japan's territory, they don't want that. Anime and manga not known for historically faithful, but they mostly apolitical. Ubisoft may say nothing political about this, but it seems only Ubisoft themselves who believe it.
@detectivemadoka69420 2 ай бұрын
There's a lot of CHINESE architecture in this JAPANESE set game.
@colinmack2566 2 ай бұрын
Yeah that's consistent with the vast majority of Japanese gamer commentary I've seen. Some people do say "we don't need your political weirdness", but most of it is about the disregard for Japanese culture and history throughout the game, and the Yasuke thing is just one of many examples of how Ubi just didn't seem to care much about getting cultural and historical elements right. Torii gate as a "village entrance" gate; Chinese architecture everywhere; the "all 4 seasons in one day" video sequence; shinobi walking around with a sword on her back, and on and on.
@TheMrCHELL 2 ай бұрын
But it's okay to GOT showing a japanese hero and his brave friends kicking the mongol asses, right, when in reality the japanese got their asses kicked with no heroes or anything, and the mongol failed because of bad luck and a storm. The problem is when there is a black dude involved.😂
@TheMrCHELL 2 ай бұрын
​@@colinmack2566But it's okay to GOT showing a japanese hero and his brave friends kicking the mongol asses, right, when in reality the japanese got their asses kicked with no heroes or anything, and the mongol failed because of bad luck and a storm. The problem is when there is a black dude involved.😂
@user-ch3jp3tb2v 2 ай бұрын
@protect-from-tom 2 ай бұрын
実際の弥助は最も偉大で最強な侍ではない。その時代は戦国時代で農民ですら井上尚弥より強いと思う。UsykやCrawfordでもすぐ死ぬと思う。弥助が本物の侍に勝てるとは思わない。 だけどそれで弥助の価値は落ちると思いません。あの時代の日本に黒人として懸命に生きた証が残っているというだけで彼は十分偉大だ。弥助の本当の価値を分かっていないのはトーマスロックリーを信じる人々だと思う。 トーマスロックリーは日本バージョンの本に日本で黒人奴隷が流行ったと書いた。そして弥助を連れてきた宣教師は反対したと書いた。それは真実だと思いますか?ワーナーブラザーズが弥助の映画を作っている。もしそこに黒人奴隷の内容が存在したらと思うと恐ろしい。 Ubisoftに対して複雑な気持ちを持っています。トーマスロックリーに騙された被害者でもあり、それを疑わなかった加害者でもある。ゲームの内容は別の問題です。 ただし少なくともトーマスロックリーの悪行について知るきっかけになったのは事実だ。 そして最後に強調しておかなければならないことはあなたは何も悪くないということです。あの本の制作には日本人も関わっている。信じるのは当たり前です。私が許せないのはトーマスロックリーと彼を信じることをやめないで日本人を侮辱する者たちです。
@nrnfaf3285 2 ай бұрын
There is an upcoming Broadway production of the “historically accurate” Super Samurai Yasuke. The story is a mess, and the use of the Emperor's family crest on Yasuke's helmet is also considered problematic. Especially playing around with the Emperor's family crest as one pleases is quite dangerous, even if it is fiction.
@zeppelincraft1443 2 ай бұрын
Yeah you are literally inviting ultra-nationalists and yakuzas to your porch. The emperor's crest is considered divine. This isn't something like some post-mortem symbol of some crucified carpenter 2000 years ago that doesn't show up on the Roman historical records.
@よに-h6y 2 ай бұрын
This is like a non-Christian using a slightly tweaked symbol of the Pope. If it is true, it would prove how racist they are against Japan, how disrespectful they are, and how they are the worst people. The anger of the blacks who lost Yasuke will be directed at the Japanese, and the anger of the Japanese will be directed at the disrespectful blacks. And it is the “woke” whites who will get the money and smirk behind fight backs. that's their story.
@Average_Elf_Player 2 ай бұрын
​@zeppelincraft1443 bro really thought he could sneak that 2nd half in, bro we have historical evidence of his existence, the crucification happened, whether or not Christianity's beliefs are true is completely separate, but we do know he was real
@zeppelincraft1443 2 ай бұрын
@@Average_Elf_Player "whether or not Christianity's beliefs are true is completely separate, but we do know he was real" You should read that aloud yourself
@雪-p5i 2 ай бұрын
私は見た夜悲しくて眠れませんでした 日本の歴史と日本の皇室、天皇を日本人を貶める行為です
@grsg-ls8rt 2 ай бұрын
”The likelihood that Yasuke was a samurai is extremely low, but not zero percent! In other words, Yasuke was a samurai!” This is their theory. There is also a non-zero chance that Yasuke was an alien, so he may have been a super space samurai.
@creepy_assassin6234 2 ай бұрын
😂 super space samurai Nah he's Yasugay the hip hop samurai.
@千賀-f4b 2 ай бұрын
@user-hy5xsai 2 ай бұрын
Greetings from Japan. I am a little relieved to see that the misunderstanding that was prevalent abroad has been cleared up. I had no idea that a book was the cause of the breakdown of conversations with people who believe in the legendary Great Samurai. Incidentally, it was only last month that I learned of the book's existence. I also understood that there are a certain number of people who are deceived and depressed. In Japan, there is now widespread anger that Japan has been insulted by the revelation of serious lies other than Yasuke's description. Yasuke is now a puppet of diversity, and when I saw the ACS video, I was heartbroken. But Yasuke is a real person, and I think we can finally talk about the real Yasuke. Japanese people do not hate Yasuke. They think he was an interesting man who met both Nobunaga and Mitsuhide. If he were not a great samurai, fewer people would be interested in him. However, enjoy exploring history on my own without relying on novels. An elderly gentleman of African descent I met at a shrine in Kyoto about 20 years ago did not consider Yasuke a samurai. He was interested in Yasuke's journey. I had done some research on Mitsuhide Akechi and was able to answer a few simple questions. (His Japanese was good). It would surely be fun if we could restore the opportunity for people of different cultures to peacefully discuss history with each other.
@ももすけ-g4s 2 ай бұрын
@jingisukhan7988 2 ай бұрын
that book seems very thick, I salute this Thomas dude creativity for making a doorstopper from two paragraph worth of old memoir
@zeppelincraft1443 2 ай бұрын
I think the largest red flag was that if there was material of that density floating around an ACTUAL Japanese historian would have taken note and made a book already. ...Then some random gaijin who is an amateur in this area suddenly swoops and says he made a groundbreaking discovery?
@TheChaosOneX 2 ай бұрын
He hired a novelist for it
@松の葉-q2x 2 ай бұрын
You know what? The statement ubi made in Japanese is different from English version. They still try to gaslight and control black folks and yellow folks,i think. Most of Japanese don’t even think Yasuke is samurai. Japanese didn’t even give any attention to the fact of Yasuke for a long time. Tom found such a great money tree named Yasuke. And he succeeded in all the ways. So the books Tom wrote are just a novel,not the historical ,documentary books. But still You can enjoy as a novel. I’m Japanese and live in US over 30years. So I know most of black folks love Yasuke once they recognize yasuke. And they began to be proud of Yasuke’s existence,like my ex was. I shared the information of Yasuke as a servant which is the historical fact from 400 years old books with my ex. He was enjoying to tell Yasuke‘story to his folks. It was peaceful time. Nowadays I was shocked to found this awful historical fabrications by white folks. So please understand Japanese gamers’s action . They are mad at ubi’s work and Tom’scam not Yasuke. I hope we’ll live in better world than this in the near future . You have a good one.
@SaruKing 2 ай бұрын
thomas lockley started this whole mess
@headshotmaster138 3 ай бұрын
I guess the Japanese complaints were real and not a bunch of non-Japanese people crying after all.
@CyrusIsnt 3 ай бұрын
@headshotmaster138 3 ай бұрын
@@CyrusIsnt nah
@blehbleh5095 3 ай бұрын
Good thing the Japanese shat on this French company US located garbage game.
@Dragoncam13 2 ай бұрын
Most people crying were and still are westerners,average japanese person playing dynasty warriors rn
@allikohcysp 2 ай бұрын
Most Japanese don’t give a damn. It’s a stupid complain. It’s a work of fiction just like Afro Samurai.
@danteyoda 2 ай бұрын
Whats insane is how the writer of that book literally falsified history to sell his books.. Good on you for being upfront and modest enough to accept you may have been wrong and duped. I think many were even ubisoft by Thomas Lockley.
@ryokokoko3778 2 ай бұрын
私はゲーマーではありませんが、学生のとき、歴史の時間に弥助について習いました。 信長といえば、当時の武将の中でもトップクラスに気性の荒い人物です。古参の腹心の部下でさえ、彼を怒らせずに仕えることは大変だったことでしょう。 そのような人物に、自分の意思ではなく日本に連れて来られた弥助が、文化的な予備知識もなく日本語も流暢でない中、信長に気に入られ仕えたこと。味方からの奇襲という、この時代でも最も激動の瞬間を必死に生き延びたこと。それだけで、弥助という人物は充分、伝説的です。本来、"日本人の侍をたくさん殺して伝説の侍になった""容姿端麗であった""日本語が堪能だった""ゲイだった"などと、他国の歴史に便乗し、盛り付ける必要などないのです。 どのように弥助を表現するか、それは弥助という人物にインスピレーションを得た創作者それぞれの自由ですが、「私たちの」弥助を、全く関係のない人種の方たちが割り込んで来て私物化し、彼の自然な姿を強引に改竄し、金儲けの道具に利用しようとしていることに、私は本気でブチ切れています。 弥助は、日本人にとって大切な日本史の一部です。どうか弥助が、弥助に遺伝子的な繋がりを感じる方々と日本人の、友好の架け橋であり続けてくれることを願っています。
@DavidMyrmidon 2 ай бұрын
That's precisely the Adult thing to do. At the End of The Day, it's about Japanese History and Japanese Culture.. and if they say No, that's a No.
@ガラヤン 2 ай бұрын
ありがとうございます。 でも、日本を壊そうとする日本人もいるので気をつけて下さい。
@catrailalexander4021 2 ай бұрын
@@DavidMyrmidon -It’s about world history and facts. It either happened or it didn’t. It is not about feelings.
@DavidMyrmidon 2 ай бұрын
@@catrailalexander4021 World History and Historical Accuracy has nothing to do with it, when you're creating Fictitious Art. It's about RESPECT. If you're making Something that Pays Homage or Resembles Some sort of Historical Account that to A Person or Group/Set of People.. and they Tell you Stop. It Only Means you don't Respect them if you Continue.
@catrailalexander4021 2 ай бұрын
@@DavidMyrmidon I’m sorry but that’s nonsense. People made this an issue because there was a black protagonist instead of a male white or Asian lead. Point, blank, period.
@DavidMyrmidon 2 ай бұрын
@@catrailalexander4021 if you honestly believe that, that only Tells me that you are not listening to The Conversation/Discussions being had about this. You are only listening to the aspects that Triggers YOU, so you can interject. Japanese like it when other cultures adopt/adapt their Culture and Entertainment. For instance, Afro Samurai was a Big hit back in The Day.. and Nioh is still a Thing too. I'm not really a big fan of Nioh tbh, I feel like they should've called it Gaijin; but that's not the Point. The Point is doing it Right and Respectfully. AC has always been about Representation of The Discussed Country at Hand. All up until now for some "reason". We know what that reason is if you've gotten around to some of The Japanese Fan's Channels. Ubisoft wanted Western (Friendly) Representation in The Game.. that's why Yasuke. But they didn't stop there. Since they Still "Needed" Japanese Representation, they put in a Japanese Character.. but again. Without a "Friendly" Western -modification. They took a Historical Character, and They Gender flipped them. Knowing all of these, how CAN YOU Not take offense to that, as a Japanese Person? It's insulting and Disrespectful.
@franciscor390 3 ай бұрын
Ubisoft deserves everything coming for them at this point.
@CyrusIsnt 3 ай бұрын
For this specific reason they dont. They games were never accurate. 😂 Bro they had a wizard pope game 1
@relax4531 3 ай бұрын
@@CyrusIsnt fr ppl seem to ignore that part
@KawashiK 2 ай бұрын
​@@CyrusIsntAh yes, let's ignore the fact that they had HISTORIANS telling people that their game was historically accurate. Funny how they used the "this is fiction" card too with their apolosh*t
@CyrusIsnt 2 ай бұрын
@@KawashiK Dude their games never were why would they be now?. 😂 ubisoft always gasing stuff up with bs. This not new.
@yudhiadhyatmikosiswono9082 2 ай бұрын
@@KawashiK Kinda agree with your sentiment, it reminds me when Ubisoft start Yasuke as historical accurate representation and now they just say historical fiction. How fast Ubisoft and their shills change tone after their own historical source Thomas Lockley are proofen as fake.
@春夏秋冬-s6v 2 ай бұрын
騙された人たちが聖書にしていた本の厚さ凄いな… この駄作を読んで信じてしまった人たちがホント可哀そう 読書の労力と、黒人侍への期待とか もし本当に弥助が英雄のような活躍をしているならば 三浦按針…ウイリアムアダムス並に歴史に残ってないとおかしいんですよね 信長自身は珍しいもの、海外の者とかが好きで 西洋の甲冑を着ていたとかの話もあります それと同じで、弥助も気に入られてはいたと思います
@verysadcatc7897 2 ай бұрын
Thomas Lockley: "I don't care what Japanese historians tells you, Yasuke was a a legendary gay samurai who uses Zoro's sword.
@ct5601 2 ай бұрын
Hirayama Masaru has attracted attention from ACS advocates abroad for his statement on social networking sites that “Yasuke was a samurai,” but he does not hold a PhD from a historian. The material that Mr. Hirayama cites in his claim that “Yasuke was a samurai” is one of the least credible documents written about Nobunaga, and is regarded by scholars as a near forgery. Hirayama also claims that “to be given the Japanese name ‘Yasuke’ directly from Nobunaga is a special event, and is evidence that he was a Samurai. However, since the meaning of old Japanese grammar changes depending on the place of division, it has been pointed out that “Mr. Hirayama is using unnatural divisions instead of common grammatical divisions to make it appear that Yasuke was given the Japanese name directly from Nobunaga. Mr. Hirayama has had these points made to him by people familiar with history and ancient texts, but he has remained silent without responding. Another claim by Hirayama is that Yasuke was a samurai because Nobunaga gave him a sword, a house, and a stipend, but Nobunaga was very wealthy, and there are records of him giving his favorite sumo wrestler a sword, a house, and a stipend as well. Therefore, these are not proof that Yasuke was a samurai.
@Mii-i9d 2 ай бұрын
弥助の残された記録は数行しかなく少ないです。 こんなに厚い本ができるほどエピソードはありません。
@songoku9348 3 ай бұрын
Why is making a game set in Japan this complicated? They had one job.
@Gamercrew72 3 ай бұрын
Ghost of Tsushima got that right at least
@Nightmare-ro9fn 3 ай бұрын
because they wanna be seen as the good guys instead of being seen with a good game
@jose_8beef2 3 ай бұрын
weaboos in denial love to try to dunk on japan so here we are
@Chiarobscur 3 ай бұрын
Ghost of Tsushima ate their lunch and SBI saw an opportunity.
@Dragoncam13 2 ай бұрын
The second protagonist is literally an asian woman​@@kennethdavidson6508
@ramoramo3865 2 ай бұрын
弥助が侍じゃなかったら何が困るのか全くわからん。 自分らの歴史を誇っていただきたい。
@Shin-nl8oz 2 ай бұрын
@pppppppp-wq4up 2 ай бұрын
@7_nana 2 ай бұрын
There are very few primary historical sources about Yasuke, but Yasuke has been known as a unique historical figure long before Mr. Lockley's novel was published. Although he was not a "legendary" samurai, it is recorded that he remained by the Oda family's side until the end. Assuming that his actions were "to protect the Oda family'', I feel that he is "samurai-like''. Yasuke has appeared many times in Japanese creations. Even without excessive dramatization, I think the ”life-sized Yasuke'' that we can imagine today is very attractive.
@Kaniskala 2 ай бұрын
I'm an Asian living in Asia, most Asian people complain about this game not because Yasuke is black, but the choice of him as the MC, and his depiction is inaccurate, and based only on a book by Thomas Lockley, whose historical accuracy is questionable . in fact, almost all depictions of Yasuke in today's media are based on Lockley's book. this is a huge mistake, as if ubisoft is insulting japanese history and people, and insulting asian people as a whole. as if "westerners in America acting racist and insulting Asians outside of America is okay, they won't be offended because it's just a video game".
@via_negativa6183 3 ай бұрын
Yasuke was in Japan for only a few years so I don't even understand why this is a debate. This is all the information you need to know he was not a samurai, and frankly the portryal of him in this way is an insult to his actual story and struggles. There is an incredible story there in its own right. Props to you Mike for your integrity
@fayelis 3 ай бұрын
Assassins creed has never been about 100% accuracy stop being disingenuous to hide your bigotry
@NetBattler 3 ай бұрын
@@fayelis you think you doing something but nah,you ain't.
@ghiffaribara2949 2 ай бұрын
@@fayelis Why market the game as historically accurate and him as real actual samurai then ? the director himself saying it and now they back down after the Japanse sniff their bs. I hope Japs sue UBI and cancel the game
@Dragoncam13 2 ай бұрын
​@@NetBattlerwhen did an Egyptian man fight a literal serpent god in real life? When did the the Pope fight a random italian man over a Magic apple?
@Dragoncam13 2 ай бұрын
You forgot the point of AC,tô take real life people and alter what they actually did irl. Like with Richard the Lionheart and Suleiman the magnífico for example
@B4N2EZGG 2 ай бұрын
Japanese people rarely get angry. But when they are lied to, they get extremely angry. This is because we are descendants of Samurai. Samurai hate lies. Samurai don't club people over the head, skewer them with swords, or cut off their heads in the street. It is because it is a shameful act. Even if it is a fiction, that foolish act is unacceptable. If Yasuke had behaved in a manner befitting a samurai, the Japanese would have accepted it as fiction. This incident has given Yasuke a bad image. Oh my god.
@MagicDonut00 2 ай бұрын
@B4N2EZGG yet the japanese gov is in full support of apa hotels stocking ww2 revisionist books in every room.
@pppppppp-wq4up 2 ай бұрын
日本人のほとんどは武士の子孫じゃない。 日本人でさえほとんど武士になれなかったのに、海外から来て一年ちょっとで武士は無理がある。按針でさえもっと時間がかかっている。
@Sintrania 2 ай бұрын
We need to separated a problem into 1. Ubisoft problem 2. Lockley problem Ubisoft problem are 1. lies about the game being historical accurate but from evidence it's not at all see list below 2. Using Yasuke name and promoting him as samurai while also claiming it historical accurate. 3. Using licensed content and artifact without asking for permission 4. Using a sword prop from one piece and claim it as their own design 5. Using rap music during Yasuke fight which kinda racist imo 6. Using Chinese style architecture in Japan 7. Rice Spring?!?!???
@POPON-R2 2 ай бұрын
I think anyone would be confused if one day they were suddenly told that what they believed was a lie. It is natural that some people would not immediately accept it. That is why the Japanese people admire your courageous action and proud statement. Please take a look at the comments section. I know it is difficult to translate because of the slang mixed in, but the Japanese people sincerely admire your kindness, sincerity, and courage in their native language. They are not impersonated white people. They share your anger at the trampled history of the Japanese people and at Lockley for belittling black people to make money for himself. I know you are confused because it is so extensively fabricated, but many Japanese will comment on your video with the correct information if you throw out some questions in your video. From across the sea, from your friend.
@Shin-nl8oz 2 ай бұрын
Commenting from Japan. First of all, thank you very much for understanding our standpoint. As a Japanese person, I have to speak out against the falsification of my country's history. But at the same time, as a human being, I raise my voice because no one should tell lies in such a double-deal way, I mean, different stories for Japanese and for English-speaking people, and create misunderstandings between us. Such misunderstanding incites us to unnecessary hatred. And it's sad. (I even wonder if this was an attempt to divide black people and Japanese people.) I will continue to speak out, but it's not because of a prejudice against certain skin colour or anything. I am very happy that you understand that. Btw, I have some black friends and I would love to learn more from them about black heroes, real black hero stories, not fake stories like Thomas Lockley. Let's respect our cultures. Let's respect each other. Thank you ☺
@milky_carrot 2 ай бұрын
弥助は非戦闘員であったと思う。 いくら信長でも、無関係な外国人を戦場へ連れて行く事はしなかっただろう。 信長が本能寺へ弥助を同行させたなら、女性や僧侶達と一緒に脱出を命じて、弥助が本能寺に留まった場合は明智軍に斬られていただろう。 だから、弥助は勇敢な侍でも英雄でもないと考える。 手柄があれば記録が残るはずだから。
@pppppppp-wq4up 2 ай бұрын
@Noqtis 2 ай бұрын
didn't saw your first video but people admitting mistakes has become so rare, I instantly followed.
@RoyKoopaling 2 ай бұрын
What’s amazing here is that the people constantly whining that everything is cultural appropriation are guilty of the worst cultural appropriation I’ve ever seen. Thomas Lockley is a total fraud. You mentioned that Yasuke has been in Japanese media for decades, and this is true. But YET not until Lockley’s book of lies in 2016 was Yasuke EVER presented as a samurai.
@espurrseyes42 2 ай бұрын
He was. But those depictions were either original characters made in homage to him, or it was a fictional version of him loosely based on the idea that he was an African Samurai. It wasn't until this mess that Yasuke as a samurai was presented as a historical fact. And that's ignoring the snubbing of a Japanese protagonist in favor of him and overshadowing the one they did make with his controversy.
@RoyKoopaling 2 ай бұрын
@@espurrseyes42 Actually I was surprised to find that no, until Lockley’s book, Yasuke was never presented as a samurai. Ever. Yasuke, by name, has been presented in Japanese media, right back to the 60s, but never as a samurai. Someone else, a Japanese national, did a very good video on this - a real deep dive. I reserve comment on any unnamed black samurais in fiction or whatever - that’s whatever, I have no interest in that.
@espurrseyes42 2 ай бұрын
@@RoyKoopaling I'm talking about in general. There's been several homage characters made about him, including one from an anime literally named Yasuke. But again, no one takes issue with that because it's not being presented as real, even if it's a depiction of the real person rather than an inspiration like Afro Samurai or Nagoriyuki. Now pre-Lockley, I don't know. But I wasn't claiming that there were portrayals of him as a Samurai before that book. Just that such portrayals so exist in general, and those aren't being treated like historical fact.
@RoyKoopaling 2 ай бұрын
@@espurrseyes42 I agree that no one takes issue when it’s fiction presented as fiction. But my point is slightly different. And that’s that, regardless of whether issue is taken or not, he was never presented in media as a samurai before Thomas Lockley’s book. The anime you refer to was, of course, written and released after Lockley’s book. And it’s just important because it shows what an impact (and profit) Lockley’s fraud has caused.
@あるふぁる 2 ай бұрын
You are absolutely right. But there are many people in the world who have been deceived by him. Please lend me your help. Many Japanese people are not good at foreign languages and are not able to communicate well. Please spread the word that Lockley's book is a fiction. We need your help.
@zore5872 3 ай бұрын
Thomas went and edited wikiunder another name to make his book seem more credible, if thats true thats efed up albiet i think they deleted it cause the source "his book" wasnt credible enough
@鎖骨好き 2 ай бұрын
Thomas Lockley had recently edited the Encyclopaedia Britannica without any remorse.
@trueultimagod2465 3 ай бұрын
SHOHEI KONDO was the 1st Japanese born guy to call this out and he even said in one of his videos said he was upset when he found out Yasuke wasn't a Samurai. Well done for showing some integrity to admit when you're wrong, God Bless you bro.
@zzodysseuszz 3 ай бұрын
He wasn’t the first but he was the first I saw.
@trueultimagod2465 2 ай бұрын
@@zzodysseuszz I'd say he was the 1st that spoke in English and urged other Japanese creators to call it out and make English videos to get to a wider audience.
@bigqandlil 2 ай бұрын
As a Japanese, I'm glad we get more supporters day by day. We understand history is fun to make it into fiction. But, it differs when someone tell to you that their fictions are facts.
@pon-t3b 2 ай бұрын
I'm a Japanese. This is one of the greatest ubi Yasuke matter video I have seen in a month. I'm sorry but I Iaughed when you saw the book with a bitter face. I admire you for discovering a fact and changing your mind. I was also deceived by TV shows, books, and newspapers a lot of times. Don't mind the book, at least you learned a good lesson. Yasuke may not a Samurai but preferred historical figure. I dislike ubisof but I like Yasuke as a character in fictions and imagination.
@あるふぁる 2 ай бұрын
I also think black samurai are cool. That is why so many people have been fooled.
@craftcocktail-z1k 2 ай бұрын
I'd like to see a half-black distributor named "BIX" address how he feels about the Assassin's Creed issue. It's the opinion of someone with black roots living in Japan. I think it would be very interesting! The title of the video is "to those who say that black culture gas been popular in a long time". This is a deepl translation, so there might be some mistakes. I am interested to see what black people think about this.
@phantommemes4315 2 ай бұрын
I have so much respect for you for this video. A true man is one who is sincere in admitting when they are wrong. The disappointment in your facial expression and voice is very clear, this whole situation with Yasuke was so unnecessary. Im not black myself, but I hate how my black brothers have to suffer from the woke agenda in mainstream media nowadays. These fuckers think they are slick and can just use black people as pawns in their political shifts and mindgames. I am glad they are being exposed. I subbed, it's refreshing to see a gentleman talk so sincerely.
@RealMikeHollow 2 ай бұрын
Thank you, sir ☝🏾
@tsuneki9199 2 ай бұрын
This time it was about Japan, but seriously no culture or country should have to go through this. Not Greek, not European, nobody. Having creative freedoms using historical material is fine, but to say it’s accurate is a whole different story.
@kaav8712 2 ай бұрын
If you watch their interview with IGN it is much worse than the post that you shared, so they really be treating everyone as idiots
@shimetsukage 2 ай бұрын
There are a lot of Japanese content creators from Shohei Kondo to Cabbage Human that are talking not just about the Yasuke situation (and how Lockley gypped everyone on that fabrication), but inaccuracies in the game. It's so serious that they now have the Japanese government involved. This is how severe it is.
@YellowFellow86 3 ай бұрын
👏👏👏 You are more honorable than most on this topic.
@SpeedyNessYT 2 ай бұрын
Bro why do people have to make up stuff? Him being a retainer is cool enough. It was a high ranking position. And then making him gay made no sense.
@furuko-hanta 2 ай бұрын
I'm Japanese, and I even had a wrong idea about this issue initially. I thought people were against Yasuke being a protagonist just because he isn't Japanese. Even a lot of Japanese people had a wrong idea about it, you don't have to be ashamed of the previous video you made. Thank you very much for making this video to inform ppl.
@TalkSickCrusaders 2 ай бұрын
I’m one of those people that called you a grifter without knowing what it was. You corrected me on another video and I admitted my wrongdoing . I’m glad you can admit when you’re wrong as well brother. Takes a real man to do that. Respect
@RealMikeHollow 2 ай бұрын
@@TalkSickCrusaders that's cool, bro. It's always better to talk it out and find middle ground. Respect ☝🏾
@jasonjordan8376 2 ай бұрын
Based on the historical text, there’s no way to know for sure if Yasuke was a samurai or not. All of the evidence that he was is circumstantial and can be explained by practical necessity. Lockley’s book is 98% speculation.
@elmohead 2 ай бұрын
You can't become a samurai in a year. Simple fact.
@lreadytaken 2 ай бұрын
Even if he wasn't a samurai, it's amazing that he could serve Shogun Nobunaga There's no need to embellish it with stupid lies and delusions
@hochan7263 2 ай бұрын
​@@lreadytaken Oda Nobunaga wasn't Shogun. He was a Military Commander or Daimyo.
@あるふぁる 2 ай бұрын
@@hochan7263 Your analysis is very sober and correct.
@lreadytaken 2 ай бұрын
​@@hochan7263 sorry, I will correct the stupid lies and delusions in my comment 😇
@thomasvarley380 2 ай бұрын
Vikings were Scandinavian , Braves were Native American , Zulus were Africans , and the Samurai were Japanese . Not really complicated is it ?? 😅
@ministeriodamotivacao 2 ай бұрын
It is all the wo ke crazy dei white ppl going nuts trying to save world
@solomonmoses359 2 ай бұрын
Yasuke was never a samurai
@GokigenyouToshinoKyoko 2 ай бұрын
Thank you from a great follow - up video Mike! I like history, especially Japanese history and I have actually read a little about Yasuke even before this whole Assassin's GREED: 129.99$ Killmonger Cut - Edition was announced. I also watched your first video about it, but I'm a lurker and I rarely comment anything on KZbin anyways, but I want to chime in on this just for fun. If a bloody Reddit "historian" comes and says that Yasuke 100% was a samurai they are bloody lying. The actual right answer is that at this current moment we don't know. There is proof to suggest that he wasn't and there is proof to suggest that he could have been. Metatron made a couple good videos about this topic, I recommend those videos for everybody. Now I'm in no way an expert on him but I personally believe he wasn't a samurai. I give you a couple examples on the top of my head that I can dig from the depths of my mind why I think he wasn't a samurai, but these aren't the only ones: 1. He didn't have a surname. 2. In the battle of Hōnno - ji(in my understanding this is the only battle we have proof that he was fighting in, which in a way makes sense, because if he was a very close servant of Nobunaga, his place wouldn't be on the frontlines and in Hōnno - ji all the servants, artists etc. who were present&couldn't escape would have been fighting as a last stand against Akechi Mitsuhide's forces. This also doesn't prove Yasuke being a samurai. He might have been fighting as a chūgen for example), he was spared by Mitsuhide. 3. Yasuke didn't commit seppuku after his master Nobunaga died(I think even Nobunagas death is disputed, as in did he die to his wounds, did he commit seppuku or did he burn to death). 4. using my common sense: If he truly was a samurai who served Nobunaga and an actual first(while also being gigantic in height and apparently physically very strong)black male to become one, how come this kind of abnormal phenomenon is NOT WRITTEN DOWN in history books in a way that leaves nothing to a dispute. I personally believe he was either a koshō or a chūgen. Everyone should go do their own research on this matter and come to their own conclusions. They should have made Miyamoto Musashi as the main character. Anyways, it's an Assassin's Creed game and it's a bloody Ubishit(R.I.P HoM&M series)game so I'm not buying it either way. I recommend Ghosts of Tsushima and handsome as fuck GigaChad Jin Sakai or Nioh 2(I didn't like Nioh 1, but I still played it through. Nioh 2 is imho basically superior in every way except story).
@Gamercrew72 3 ай бұрын
If you wanna play assassin’s creed shadows just play ghost of Tsushima
@personperson1254 3 ай бұрын
I want a sequel tho. 4 years without the slightest tease is crazy for Sucker Punch.
@MrGaryYT 3 ай бұрын
​@@personperson1254 Didn't they just confirm Ghost of Tsushima 2 is in development? I may be wrong tho.
@personperson1254 3 ай бұрын
@@MrGaryYT nah but for the last 2 or so years, we’ve only had the same leaks of job openings from Sucker Punch for a combat designer role.
@mm-qf9zb 2 ай бұрын
Nobunaga wanted Yasuke because he wanted to use him to surprise the Japanese of that time. There was no way he would send him into battle where he could die. If Yasuke were a samurai, Nobunaga's vassals would have taken him in. He was returned to slavery because he was not a samurai.
@BLN_Snake 3 ай бұрын
i believe that Ubisoft is the worst gaming company ever
@山本紫鈴 2 ай бұрын
@Nknssk 2 ай бұрын
This text uses machine translation. I'm an older woman living in Japan, and I know there are a lot of Japanese history games, but I've never played any of them. While this game was becoming a spot the difference game for Japanese people, many people must have tried to contact the game company. The issue has also been raised on KZbin, and many songs have been made about it. However, Japanese people never imagined that there was an English book stating that a military commander named Yasuke actually existed in Japan. In Japanese anime, no one cares if the main character transforms into a woman or a monster. So, while it's fine for Yasuke to be the main character of a game, if the company that produced the game were to claim that it was historical fact, and a film about Yasuke is also apparently being made overseas, I'm worried that more people will misunderstand Yasuke's story, just like the book I mentioned earlier. Even if you come across Yasuke's armor and sword for sale, don't buy them believing they are the real thing. It is difficult to explain how the words right-wing and left-wing are used in Japan. However, just like there are ultra-right-wingers and ultra-left-wingers in every country. In Japan, there are people on both sides who do very dangerous things. There are quite a few people who love to write derogatory words on the Internet, and there are many people who do not want to be thought of as the same as them.
@corneliusdobeneck4081 2 ай бұрын
What a lot of poeple haven't yet understood is that Thomas Lockley wrote TWO books about Yasuke. The first published in JAPANESE actually was an academic approach on the subject matter keeping everything to facts with some reasonable speculations how to interpret the infarmation availeble about Yasuke. The SECOND book - an entirly DIFFERENT book - was a rather fictional storytelling based on the few fact availeble. It has constantly be misunderstood and Lockley himself added hugly to these misunderstanding that the SECOND book is a depiction of history. About Ubisoft and actually ALL major media publisher in general including Film, comixs, books and of course games there is for a bunch of years a highly dangerous trend of "claiming historical accuracy" while in fact producing utterly incorrect products. The movie "Saving Private Ryan" is one of the most notorious examples. While the movie is regarded as highly realistic it is in fact littered with patriotic power-fantasies. And looking at the "historical" movies of Ridley Scot (Gladiator, Robin Hood ect) one can but laugh and yet again taking movies like "The Woman King" into consideration it becomes clear why we the people have to severly fight these totally untruthful products. "The Woman King" was not only historically incorrect in it's entirty it was a complete falsification of history turning one of the most viscious African tribes into heroes. That is a dangerous. About Yasuke I believe we are talking about the wrong things here: to me it doesn't matter wether he was a "Samurai" or not, he may or may not have been. The important part is that he had no whatsoever importance in Japanese history other then being a anomaly. One might even say that he was a vanity for Nobunaga having such a "black giant" in his ranks. We will never know! The one thing that pisses me of is not the discussion about Samurai or not, the one thing that pisses me of is Ubisoft bruteforcing a "black history" onto Japan. Let turn this around and look at the situation using a different scenario and it becomes clear why I have severe issues with not just Ubisoft but major medie publisher in general: let's pretend there is a game about black Americans in the 1950s-60s and instead of having the choice to play "Melcom X", "Martin Luther King" ect you are force to play ..... John Wayne. THAT is the issue. Great video man, don't apologise so much. If people are to stupid to understand what you are talking about and lack the integrity to just ask you can forget about them anyway Believe me, you don't want people like that around you.
@knox7945 2 ай бұрын
It's Netflix Cleopatra again
@senku5270 3 ай бұрын
I found this channel like a couple of months agos and i can say without a shadow of a doubt that mike has made my critical thinking skill better and also to be more calm and collected when confronting somebody. Big dawg preaching fr.
@RealMikeHollow 2 ай бұрын
Thank you, sir ☝🏾 appreciate those kind words.
@slatanek 2 ай бұрын
You don't need to be Japanese to want to play an actual Japanese samurai in a game that takes place in Japan and is supposedly drenched in Japanese culture. It's quite simple: if I play a game that takes place in Africa and is all about the Zulu culture I want my protagonist to be a Zulu. Not some white guy cross dressing as Zulu.
@rooksatwar 2 ай бұрын
If that's your issue then I don't know why you can't just sit this out and play ghost. Why all the outrage, we have a million games with Japanese protagonists. Why all this outrage over a black guy who existed?
@slatanek 2 ай бұрын
@@rooksatwar Because its a fu** ing manipulation and obfuscation of historical truth, that's why. Not everything in life is about "yo rays isms". I don't give a flying f**k what's your skin color, Blade is one of my favorites and not once did I think to myself "Blade is cool and all but I wish he was white just as me". Ppl who think like that are morons to me. Making a game about Japanese culture and putting a black guy who was a footnote in history books as the main protagonist is just downright disrespectful to the Japanese. Same would hold if someone made a movie about Nelson Mandela or Fela Kuti and the actor playing him would be white. Why is it so hard to understand?
@BobBill-z8u 3 ай бұрын
Props to u 4 owning it i remember u was pretty pasoinet about it pretty dope that you held your L in a video and didn't try to brush it under the rug shows your character
@SolidSnake240 3 ай бұрын
That's why I like his content. Not one of those people that just double down on something and attack others.
@tenebraequeene 3 ай бұрын
calling Japanese people "right-wing grifters" is so American-brained it hurts... sometimes, i feel the stereotype that we Americans feel we're the center of the world, is true... I'm glad Ubisoft is getting shit for this! as a black woman, i don't want their shoddy "representation". I just want a good Assassin's Creed game! but one that remains respectful to the history it's taking from! Historical Fantasy or not!
@NetBattler 3 ай бұрын
American brain rot*
@NetBattler 3 ай бұрын
@SolidSnake240 3 ай бұрын
@via_negativa6183 3 ай бұрын
There a one decent assassins creed game and it's Ghost of Tsushima, just play that.
@sageex3931 2 ай бұрын
The only people i see complaining about yasuke are incels
@Scarduck14 2 ай бұрын
First time I’ve watched this channel. Huge respect for holding your hands up +1 subscriber…. Honesty is the best policy.
@RealMikeHollow 2 ай бұрын
Thank you, brother. I'm never too proud to say sorry and accept the L. Appreciate the sub ☝🏾
@Scarduck14 2 ай бұрын
Same as me Bruv 👊
@ProxylandGiraffe 2 ай бұрын
Why could they just not have made the protagonist Japanese? All of these issues could have been avoided and it would have sold great. For over 10 years, people have begging for a Japanese AC and then they FINALLY come out with a DEI peoject when the series is all but dead. Beautiful. You had one job Ubisoft.
@snowshock8958 2 ай бұрын
They could have and should have made both protagonists Japanese. And there is one comment from Ubisoft that said it all. They said "We knew when we found Yasuke, we'd found our Samurai". They chose him because of his skin color, and find a loophole to inject "diversity" and fullfill a political agenda with legendary blk samurai etc.
@cbtowers4841 2 ай бұрын
Here’s an actual Japanese historian with copies of the real sources cited by Lockley (Shinchō-Kōki and Ietada’s Diary) interpreting the situation. He’s very rational and not like that historian Hirayama, who’s affiliated with Pony Canyon and NHK - a broadcasting company who made a documentary based on Lockley’s book. You can turn on the subs but they’re kinda messed up. Basically, he says that there’s no way to conclude one way or another because there was practically nothing recorded about him. But he does admit that it’s an exaggeration to conclude he was a samurai. Samurais are not only fighters, but there’s an element of public responsibility involved with the rank. (I can imagine something like knights in European history.) From the writings, Yasuke doesn’t seem to have this kind of involvement. He also confirms what I’ve been telling people before - that if Nobunaga had lived beyond the 15 months they actually spent together, and if Yasuke became more indoctrinated with the clan’s code and with the language, maybe Nobunaga would have made him a samurai. Nobody’s questioning that Nobunaga did like him. Thank you for your rational points of view.
@N00BSYBORG 3 ай бұрын
There's nothing wrong with portraying Yasuke as a samurai, in my opinion. He was a samurai in Nioh and he's directly inspired characters like Jinzaemon in Sekiro and Nagoriyuki in Guilty Gear. Nobody was mad about any of that. Yasuke's story, even if it might not be accurate, is an interesting story that resonates with a lot of people. The problem with what Ubisoft and all their grifters tried to pull is saying "this was real and you're racist if you disagree." As if they have the right to decide what another country's history or culture are. There's been a lot of xenophobia towards the Japanese for years in the western gaming community and that's on full display with AC Shadows.
@youngsinatra1 3 ай бұрын
@@N00BSYBORG but who in Ubisoft’s team is saying “this is real and you are racist if you disagree”. I urge people to get out of silly comment sections and look at the real material in the game. I fear people will not give Yasuke a chance of being a great protagonist because he is not what people wanted initially. He has the potential to tell a great unique story in going from literal slave to samurai, which hasnt been done before in these games.
@N00BSYBORG 2 ай бұрын
​@@youngsinatra1 Mike literally reads the part where Ubisoft said it was historically accurate in the video and there's plenty of idiots on Twitter calling people racist for asking that the culture be portrayed accurately. You also gotta be either ignorant or full of shit if you think Ubisoft is trying to portray Yasuke and Japan in good faith. They've already been caught stealing multiple assets. It's also funny how the "historian" they worked with is basically a BL fanfic writer and Kim Belair from Sweet Baby Inc just happened to be hanging out around their studio. It's almost like they went out of their way to avoid working with anybody who's actually credible in regards to Japanese culture when making this game but still wanted the brownie points.
@Dragoncam13 2 ай бұрын
That wasn't even the main reason why people were complaining. It was because one of the main characters were black (I seen people unironically mad for that and said to set one in africa instead like Origins didn't exist) and the historical inaccuracies. Ubisoft handled the backlash like bozos in my opinion
@RealMikeHollow 2 ай бұрын
I literally read it out 🤦🏾 you can look it up yourself as well if you don't believe it. Yasuke story is pretty awesome but if it's not historically accurate then don't paint it as such and the Japanese won't care. They've always represented him in media anyway so it's clearly not a racist thing. They just want the history of their Sengoku period told accurately. Not a massive ask.
@Dragoncam13 2 ай бұрын
@@RealMikeHollow I’m not talking about Japanese people my brother I’m talking about the white westerners. People I actually interact with on a daily basis online
@Kumakumakumakuma000 2 ай бұрын
アサシンクリードという作品であえて初めて実在の人物ベースの主人公を作り、それはアサシンではなく侍で、ついでにヒップホップで踊り、そして日本の街中で日本人の首を刀で切り落ちた頭を彼は踏みつけ潰します。 これは私たちの文化を表現するための作品ではなく彼らの思想をただ表現するための作品です。。。それに怒ってるだけです、弥助は好かれて然るべきロマンある存在です…しかしそれが事実かどうかは証拠があまりに足りずそれを私たちは肯定できません…。 このゲームが表現したいのは、弱いアジア人と野蛮で凶暴な黒人の姿に見えます それは非常に差別的です 彼らはこのゲームで日本を学べると言います。 このゲームが教えてくれたことは世界における差別の現状です。それ以外の事実があると私たちは期待していません…。 私たちは黒人差別や弥助の否定がメインの議題ではありません。 (何故弥助なのかについての話の中に日本人はかっこ悪いからという発言もあります、ほんと酷いよね)
@joeyrivera7003 3 ай бұрын
As a person who played the first AC and most after until Valhalla i remember that the historical accuracy used to be a badge of honor just go back and look at the original promo vids, also your self awareness is always refreshing, I learned a long time ago the history is just that his story
@CyrusIsnt 3 ай бұрын
How they had a wizard pope. It had so historail settings thats all
@napalmsanctuaryx4129 3 ай бұрын
The first game was great. It's one of my all-time favorite stealth games. If they had nailed the vision for Unity, that game would have been on another level. I heard syndicate had really good black box missions too. I'll have to check that one out. Black box missions are pretty much all I care about in AC besides having good control over the parkour.
@fayelis 3 ай бұрын
Historical accuracy used to be a badge of honor lmao. You are so disingenuous and flat out lying. Assassins creed has never deeply pursued historical accuracy
@joeyrivera7003 3 ай бұрын
@@fayelis we are all entitled to our opinion no matter how wrong you are cope is a best worn closely
@Raytheman581 3 ай бұрын
@@joeyrivera7003 He's not wrong by pointing out facts, assassins creed had a magic pope basically, in what was is that historically accurate? YOu don't even know how to debate people.
@sakazaki-Liberties 2 ай бұрын
@nto3132 2 ай бұрын
I'm so glad you understand the problem. Thanks for uploading the video! Even on this video, there are people who comment that "when the game starts, it says it's fiction." Of course, everyone understands that games are fiction. The problem is that UBI claims that "the history it is based on is 'fact'," but that is completely wrong and nonsense. I'm surprised that so many people don't understand the difference between these two. On r/assassinscreed and other sites, there are still many people who defend UBI/ACS by saying that "this is fiction." And they even say that "UBI never said it was historical fact." Even when someone provides sources for articles or videos, they don't accept it. As a Japanese person, I can't accept being treated by people like this as a racist or someone who can't understand fiction. Unfortunately, this is already only a small part of the problem with ACS at this point.😨😨😨
@Tz3952ii 2 ай бұрын
@Flower-gi2on 2 ай бұрын
I have a question, are there no historical heroes in Africa? I don't understand why they are so insistent on creating their own heroes by revising other countries' history. Rather than making Yasuke a hero who did nothing in other countries, I think it would be better to portray people who actually played an active role in their own country in an attractive way. Japan is also a country that has been isolated from world history, and there are no world-class heroes, but no one would think of forcing other countries to create Japanese heroes.
@RealMikeHollow 2 ай бұрын
Its not actually Africans that did this. Its an individual called Thomas Lockley who found three pieces of text on Yasuke and crafted his own story of the man to sell his book. Unfortunately, it's just a black historical figure from the Sengoku period that Thomas decided to use as a means to get his name out there.
@コケモモ-q1u 2 ай бұрын
Japanese perspective on Yasuke in gaming: Many of us protest the exploitation of this historical Black figure for profit, DEI, and historical revisionism. This MV captures Yasuke's poignant cry. Listen and let his voice reach your heart. It speaks out against discrimination towards Asians and Blacks under the guise of DEI.
@davidjd123 2 ай бұрын
They literally tried to rewrite history first, then made a game on it. WTF is going on?
@creepy_assassin6234 2 ай бұрын
What have always been going on.
@GFClocked 2 ай бұрын
This is why i respect you. Nothing wrong with changing opinion based on new evidence, that's how it should be. Btw you look like you're straight from tekken character select screen, looking buff af❤
@RealMikeHollow 2 ай бұрын
Haha thank you. That's a big compliment ☝🏾
@kraken6139 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for facing the Japanese people's claims and gathering information. I hope you will take into account why the criticism is happening in Japan and make the right decision! The Japanese do not hate the African protagonist, and the story of Yasuke is a fictional creation in Japan! We just want you to stop twisting history and making claims as if they are fact! The UBI article barely mentions the lies that have already been spread! I watched the video with great interest.
@RealMikeHollow 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for watching my video ☺️ I will continue to look into this situation as it unfolds!
@Jp-kb3op 2 ай бұрын
Stop making things up, where is your source that yasuke had a wife and kids in history because I cannot find any information about it, only racists want to cancel this game just like when they bashed assassin's creed origin's for having a main non-white black African Egyptian character bayek. These racists will never leave even if Ubisoft decides to create a assassins creed game in India that is fully open world who has a dark skinned main non white indian character, these same racists will pop up again shouting racial slurs at india.
@Tekinoftekken 2 ай бұрын
you one of the few realest people on the platform. Glad you can admit your mistake like this and educate yourself and others with this video. Keep up the great work goat
@joninja7916 3 ай бұрын
I find it crazy that a part of black history that i thought was concrete for so long was based on shaky sources and a historian (thomas lockley) who straight up lied about it and i see barely anyone talking about it irl. Besides keyboard warriors
@creepy_assassin6234 2 ай бұрын
You know what would make more sense? Him being an assassin from an african brotherhood ( or even south indian cuz thats where he was shipped in from ), and him sneaking into japan pretending to be a slave, in order to do *insert assassin-templar stuff* . But naaah we need to cause controversy, victimize black people, insult the japanese by getting everything wrong INCLUDING SUBTITLES, and shove in HIPHOP cuz black powaa.. If this isn't deliberately made to stir up controversy, the devs need to be permanently banned from making any creative decisions ever in their lives.
@googoogahgah9706 2 ай бұрын
It is so cute when Peppa pig's daddy call himself expert. But if he edits wiki with false informations to promote himself, the show no longer meant for kids should watch.
@liatris1000 2 ай бұрын
They themselves explained on Twitter that the content of the promotion was not well monitored, but there were parts of the promotion that emphasised historical fact, which I believe is the cause of this uproar. I agree that Assassin's Creed is a fiction with some fantasy, but for some reason in this promotion they've emphasised quite a lot that it's historically faithful. Then the Thomas Lockley book thing got mixed up in the mix and it got out of hand. Of course, they may not have intended it that way, but the result is that they have said that fantasy is historical fact. To be honest, I have to admit that this Assassin's Creed was poorly researched and poorly made. They have no qualms about conflating Japan and China, or publishing concept art that looks as if it was created by an AI. But if that was all, I don't think it would have got this far. In reality, the Japanese are used to video games and films depicting a Japan they don't understand. Red Alert and Bullet Train are examples of this. But I dare say that it was unfortunate that this game was released after Shogun, because Shogun was so well done that it was compared to it.
@kiracaos 3 ай бұрын
All they needed to do, was keep the main character from the japan base game, japanese. That's it. Yasuke could have been an npc, or maybe an assassin that shows up here and there.
@sageex3931 2 ай бұрын
Why does it matter?
@LukeHartman-ro7hl 2 ай бұрын
​@sageex3931 because every other AC game has managed to keep the pattern representing the geographical location with accuracy. The real question is why, all of a sudden, does representation not matter when it comes to Japan?
@SefniAsheforr 2 ай бұрын
It’s so ridiculous too because every other AC protagonist was made up and written for the series with the historical figures as side characters. But in this one case, for “some” reason, they made the protagonist a historical figure.
@user-vl3gp1df5y 2 ай бұрын
Hi I'm japanese. First,Ubi sad "this game is truly depicts the customs and the historical backdrop of those times." in japanese comment. If they had said that this game was fiction and fantasy, we would have forgiven them. Many Japanese people feel sad. We are not racists. We have respect for people of all races. Ubi are also denigrating Yasuke. The real racist is Ubi. Anyway Your tattoo is cool👍️
@dark__angel__9150 3 ай бұрын
We don't really know if he was or not a samurai(may has been or maybe not)and we will never know fo to lack of information but him being samurai in ACS is the least bad thing in the game,they mixt seasons,put Tori gates at village entrance and burn incense at shrines,all this and the Wikipedia/history edits to fit their agenda created this 💩 situation
@elmohead 2 ай бұрын
Yasuke was in Japan for about a year. Don't tell me it takes one year to become a samurai.
@ltxr9973 2 ай бұрын
Fair. Your old video was disappointing as it was only seeing one side of story but to be fair, at that time nobody knew for sure what was going on and not many japanese voices on the topic had gotten to the west yet. It was mostly these street interviews and only god knows how cherrypicked these are. But I didn't really get mad at you because you were doing with a genuine intent. Now we all know more. And the wikipedia edit war story arc is kinda insane and it's shocking to see that this strategy almost worked. Nice to see you are dealing with all of this in a honest way rather than just picking a side.
@dumisa7 2 ай бұрын
Ubisoft is French. If you know anything about French colonial adventures in Asia (French Indochina, or Indochine), this makes a little more sense, at least to me; their casual disregard for actual Japanese history.
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