NixOS Has One BIG Problem

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@TheLinuxCast 11 ай бұрын
Check out The Linux Cast Merch!
@MichaelWilliams-lr4mb 11 ай бұрын
As a NixOS user, I agree on the documentation. I've found videos people have made on KZbin about NixOS more useful than the official documentation. Also, I've run into good stuff on Reddit that has helped. I think most, if not all, NixOS users will agree the documentation needs a lot of improvement.
@chloe-sunshine7 11 ай бұрын
I ended up finding a repository full of people's configuration.nix files. Then I read through a few of those until I found out how to set it up properly. Not sure if that'll help anyone, but it worked for a couple of my issues.
@CrazyMineCuber 11 ай бұрын
They are also actively working on it. They have created an official documentation team, but it will take a few years to get the documentation in a good state unfortunately.
@alfinyusrinnaja7094 11 ай бұрын
How can we help them with the documentation?
@YvanDaSilva 11 ай бұрын
​@@CrazyMineCuber The problem with this is the past as things change. We have many changing parts. nix doesn't encourage clean interfaces, so today you have do bla.hyperland = enabled and tomorrow it's going to be foo.des.hyperland.ui = enable or something alike. deprecation notices are good though, so we know we should update nix based on those notices. nixos is also weird, in the sense that it doesn't use flakes by default. Means if you have discovered nix through nix develop for some projects you will find nixos very weird. TLDR: we have a lot to work on in regards to UX,
@A_G420 11 ай бұрын
@Gaivs 11 ай бұрын
I love when the documentation is: "For more options, look at the nix file" and then you need a PhD in functional programming languages to understand the nix file. Don't get me wrong, I love using NixOS, and I'm at a level where I can write basic nix files, flakes etc., but man do you get a lot of boilerplate in some of these files that make it a mess to understand.
@hopelessdecoy 11 ай бұрын
We need a good wrapper API for nix config, you could call it Panix lol Then just have a basic config file to get Panix installed and then that reads an easy to make Json file to install everything else.
@DaKingof 11 ай бұрын
As a NixOS user you are pretty much expceted to have a basic understanding of programming. They will even say it in the official Element chat.
@sharkuel 11 ай бұрын
@@DaKingof that shouldn't excuse the lacklustre documentation. I am with Matt and Gaivs on this one.
@toastielad4760 7 ай бұрын
I think once you get the idea of sets, everything else works pretty great. At a base level it is very similar to JSON syntax with some bonuses from what I’ve understood. Love using NixOS as my daily driver. Imo, if the Nix syntax is really difficult even after some time, it’s probably not for you
@MichaelWilliams-lr4mb 11 ай бұрын
The paths are different because everything you install is isolated. Oh, if you do any bash scripting, make sure you use the shebang #!/usr/bin/env bash because bash doesn't exist at /bin/bash Anyway, kudos to you for looking at this. Yes, the process will take a while. I'm still learning NixOS myself.
@TheLinuxCast 11 ай бұрын
Yeah, found that out.
@ibm450 11 ай бұрын
You forgot to add services = { envfs = { enable = true; }; };
@ibm450 11 ай бұрын
Then your bash environment or normal shebang will work there after
@MichaelWilliams-lr4mb 11 ай бұрын
Ok, I posted a link to a tutorial but it was flagged as spam. It was about using nix-shell in the shebang rather than bash, and then declaring the dependencies. You're script can then download the dependencies in an isolated environment for your script. And it doesn't just work with bash scripting but other languages, too.
@felixjohnson3874 5 ай бұрын
​@@ibm450I'm really interested in Nix and keen on learning it, but god I wish there was somewhere to find these sorta tricks other than random 2nd layer youtube comments
@enkiimuto1041 11 ай бұрын
Nix config might be a "eh it is okay" for regular desktop usage but for IT managing desktops or any dev work with multiple servers is just magic.
@danieldover3745 11 ай бұрын
Yeah, everything I see about NixOS says it's a weird choice as a daily driver for personal desktops. It seems like a great enterprise OS
@cry0xen 11 ай бұрын
​@@danieldover3745 Agreed
@SteinGauslaaStrindhaug 11 ай бұрын
I only have it on my old work laptop to play with (using Mac for work because it's mandatory at the new job) so I haven't played around more than maybe 40 hours in total), but it already feels like it's a great fit for developers like me: I have very particular preferences about how my system works, and I enjoy a little tinkering; but once I have a setup I like I would like it to stay working and be easily replicated on a new machine and I absolutely hate when system updates break my tinkering which will never be a permanent problem with NixOS. On my main machine I've now tweaked MacOS as much as possible to approximate Qtile (slow as heck and very limited but it almost works) but I know it probably will break again on the next Mac update...
@ibm450 11 ай бұрын
I use it as a daily driver and the reproducibility aspect of it is not entirely true as each machine definitely has different hardware configurations. U can dissect the configuration and that possibly become reproducible but other then that no... I have it set up on 4 different laptops and what works on one fails on the other. 2 work well under x11 and the other 2 fail to become responsive after a rebuild unless I switch to wayland even though the configs are identical. Perhaps different chipsets work better under x11 opposed to wayland.
@lunlunnnnn 11 ай бұрын
I like it as my desktop OS, but yeah, servers are one of the places where it really shines. For example, on my jellyfin server, I have a plugin that requires a patched webui. On other distros, you need to jankily replace the webui files, but on nixos, you can just change the jellyfin-web package to apply the patch to the source code. And it just handles building the package automatically, no need to do anything manually
@blarghblargh 11 ай бұрын
I really appreciate that you spend time to actually fully investigate something and let it take as long as it's going to take, instead of taking a fixed amount of time and calling it done, with the expectation that others are only going to spend that long.
@BeOnlyChaos 11 ай бұрын
It's important to understand what nixos is trying to achieve, then it makes a lot more sense why they do things different. The reason they don't usually the standard paths (aka FHS) is that nix packages should not interfere with each other and use only the dependencies they require. If they did use the standard location, some package could come along and install a different version of a library there and then boom, we've broken something else. NixOs just never breaks due to the way it does dependencies. I used Arch Linux for years and got used to the fact that once in a while, you might have to spend a few hours figuring out why your system broke. Even if NixOS did break, I could simply reboot to the previous generation and have a perfectly working system again. As a dev, the nicest feature for me, is the ability to have all the dependencies for my project specified in the project. If I need a certain python version and packages for one project, I can have that. A different project can specify a totally different version and they don't interfere with each other. Nix certainly has a step learning curve, but in most cases it's worth it.
@SpaceEndeavour 11 ай бұрын
The unstable branch of NixOS is a rolling release like Arch Linux and receives packages first and has a greater potential to break. The stable release has releases with security updates every 6 months, kinda like the interim releases of Ubuntu. If you want, you can set up your system to pull specific packages from unstable. I personally have my system pull most packages from stable while having a few select packages, like Hyprland, from unstable.
@viniciusmelquiades 11 ай бұрын
One of the things I plan to do is build my system from the stable channel, but pull some packages like vscode, node, Flutter, etc, from the unstable branch. No idea if that will work
@escapetherace1943 6 ай бұрын
how do you do that?
@nguyennguyenkhang5800 6 ай бұрын
​@@escapetherace1943 You just do it I think you can try to have add an overlay though then choose specific packages. Don't ask much about how I do it it because I also on journey learning Nix for 2 month 😂
@C4CH3S 6 ай бұрын
​@@escapetherace1943flake inputs
@berndborte8214 11 ай бұрын
I totally get the "NixOS does everything different" criticism. It drastically increases the learning curve and the spotty documentation really doesn't help. But the approach of allowing for declarative reproducibility kinda requires this. It's a really unique distribution with unique takes and solutions for unique problems. For me, this was a game changer, even though I still have some work ahead to fully reap the benefits. It's also the first distro where I'll gladly just auto-update.
@orbatos 11 ай бұрын
This is true, but what it really means is there needs to be a distribution of nixos with sane defaults. Doing all of this by hand is fun for kids, but unreasonable for nearly everyone else due to time constraints alone.
@berndborte8214 11 ай бұрын
@@orbatos I'm unsure about that. NixOS already comes with pretty sane defaults for almost everything. You can get pretty far with the automatically generated hardware-config, enabling some services and isntalling some packages. Git is also already great way to share NixOS-configs. More defaults aren't addressing the actual issue. I'd argue, that starting with a large pre-configured configuration-file makes it harder to learn, because you have to consume more information at once. But that's also fine. Nix doesn't have to be useful for everyone.
@davidak_de 11 ай бұрын
@@orbatosthere is Snowflake OS. The sane default is having GNOME desktop and GUI for configuration management and package management. But it's not ready and developed by one guy. You can achieve the same on NixOS. NixOS is not a distro for you if you don't have the time to learn how to use it. I guess get a Mac then. Every other distro is even more complicated because you have to edit random configuration files in many different formats.
@orbatos 11 ай бұрын
@@davidak_de No, most supported distros haver been easy to use for a very long time, what in some ways easier than Windows. OSX isn't developed for business use, and in enterprise environments it's horrible to manage.
@thingsiplay 11 ай бұрын
One of the things I would love to do is using the Nix config file from my main machine, to create a Virtual Machine and experiment stuff with it. This could be cool for developers. Also the ability to have different config files with different desktop environments is very nice too. I'm intrigued by the Nix concept and will dive into it in the future.
@affieuk 11 ай бұрын
I have only recently installed NixOS, currently haven’t put aside time to learn it yet. However there is a tool or utility, sorry can’t remember what exactly, where it will instantly create a VM based on your configuration and it simply mounts the nix store on your machine. Meaning it creates a vm in seconds that is exactly what your actual machine is.
@angeldude101 11 ай бұрын
`nixos-rebuild build-vm` and `nixos-rebuild build-vm-with-bootloader` Uses QEMU and even provides an executable script to instantly start the VM.
@viniciusmelquiades 11 ай бұрын
I knew you could build docker images from your own NixOS derivation/package, or build an iso with your configuration, but I never know you could build a ready to use VM. I shouldn't be surprised though
@affieuk 11 ай бұрын
@@angeldude101 Thank you, this is what I was referring to.
@jeffrodrequez 11 ай бұрын
Arch+Hyprland (mostly) user for the last 5 months or so, but I've been considering diving into NixOS. Life has been a bit too busy and I knew going in that I would need to allocate a LOT of time to figure it all out, though and this just kind of confirmed that for me. Be interesting to watch your journey. Thank you for sharing!
@dj_e8 10 ай бұрын
Exactly same situation and I think I'll switch tomorrow. Seems like One Configuration File to rule them all would be perfect for base installation. Then just virtualize other needed OS like windows10 with GPU passthrough so one can use Touchdesigner and Traktor dj software.
@jeffrodrequez 10 ай бұрын
@@dj_e8 I did give it a go but it didn't work out for me. There were too many applications that I use daily that I couldn't find in the nixos os software "store" and couldn't figure out how to go outside of that to find what I needed. Bottom line is I missed the AUR - I'm sure there was a way to find what I needed but that led to the other issue which was trying to find answers to specific things like that. Just couldn't do it. Spend about two days messing with it before for frustrated and bailed back to Arch. May try it again at some point but for now at least I scratcythat itch and am good. Good luck to you!
@Nyksan 2 ай бұрын
Are you still on arch or nixos
@magnusphilosophus506 5 ай бұрын
While I like declarative approach NixOS has applied, its challenging to understand what options do I even have, I've been stuck in this modify configuration, rebuild, reboot loop for a week already and I plan to switch to it completely (I use arch btw)
@viniciusmelquiades 11 ай бұрын
I'm a new user of NixOS, and I agree with you on a lot of things. Documentation is terrible, but I had friends and other YT videos teach me the basics. I'm also a noob with Linux in general, and don't understand most config files, which is what I think made NixOS much better for me, since I only needed to learn one config language, but it also forced me to understand how some things work for me to set it up the way I want to. And I kind of learned to use the search website to find the config I want. For the fonts, I don't know what to tell you, they seem to work for me (Fira code with nerd fonts, if I'm not mistaken). I can take a look at my config if you want to. I'm looking forward for your review (even though this is the first video I saw from you), and I hope I get to learn something
@nguyennguyenkhang5800 5 ай бұрын
I like nix but it seem like I have in love-hate relationship with it. The barrier seem to appear to me more when I want to do more than just doing daily driver like package my own packages, try to understand how to write module or a lot of things. I really want to give up a lot but seriously somehow I manage to daily driver it. I really hate NixOS but somehow like the idea of it. You know nixos community is friendly but it is just they don't always will help you everytime and people will just care about whatever caught their attention. And most of my questions are always ignore and I tend to solve it alone by myself.
@aldosierra8131 11 ай бұрын
Check in the font cheat sheet if the icon you're trying to use is still there, because nerd font remove a lot of icons
@angeldude101 11 ай бұрын
I thought they just moved them since they were using codepoints that weren't in the Private User Areas, so they ended up conflicting with official codepoints when they got officially allocated by Unicode.
@83RhalataShera 11 ай бұрын
I completely agree on the documentation point. If the distro wants to be taken seriously it can't rely on people hunting down KZbin videos for documentation.
@DaKingof 11 ай бұрын
nix-shell is just a temp environment that has acess to the rest of your system. Programmers use it to create an environment where they can have all of their goodies set up that the system itself is not aware of. This means you can have all of your dependencies and PATHs set up in a specific way for that specific directory you are working in. It's a dream for re-creating programming environments on multiple machines or to share between friends/colleagues. You can also install programs inside of it for testing. Once the shell is closed the program disapears like it was never installed in the first place.
@zweitekonto9654 8 ай бұрын
Thats the thing about nixos which gets me turned on everytime. Unfortunately i just don't have the time right now to dive into nixos. Maybe sometime in future.
@Saast 11 ай бұрын
I've started linux with arch and switched after 2-3 weeks to nixos. I love its and my OCD is loving it :D Im a Noob but ive learning so much with nixos and if u just play till u get a nice flake config, in my opinion u cant say noob to your self anymore xDD
@Nightrapture Ай бұрын
I totally agree with you. I loved using Nixos but atm I'm still using an arch distro, because the documentation of Nixos doesn't get me where I need in any decently "quick" and comprehensive way. There are more cases where I can't find any way to do some things. But i see in the last year the distro went up a lot in popularity and now there are far more video tutorials and documentations about some in depth things, flakes and so on. Probably in a couple of years this distro will become one of the mainstream distros for some applications. To me for example I see I would use it more on a laptop use case, than a desktop, even to reproduce the setup in newer laptops over the years.
@imperativeemarketing5546 7 ай бұрын
For some reason I've watched your videos before. I think they were about LMDE 6 or Debian 12 and they were interesting enough for me to watch the whole thing. I've been hearing and watched vids about NixOS and you'rs popped up in the sidebar, so I watched the whole thing because I found it interesting so I liked your video. I don't have a lot of time to learn NixOS, but I'm wanting to. I see it's good to have probly more than 100GB for the "/" root partition, so I'll probly want to purchase another NVME M.2 drive for my desktop so I can play with NixOS. Thanks for the video. Great Job. You answered some of my prevalent questions. I'll be looking for your NixOS 6 month review, and I'll probly toss you a few bones of Patreon. Thanks
@ReaKtionary 6 ай бұрын
For what it's worth, I'm running NixOS on a TB nvme desktop, sure. But also off a 64 gb sd card for portable personal stuff and disk recovery tools for work. And _ALSO_ on an old Acer Chromebook with 2 gigs of RAM and a 16gb emmc. With Firefox, Thunderbird, lxqt, and some small editors like vim and Kate to still get things done. Works fine for KZbin, too. So you don't _need_ a lot of space to play around with it. It actually uses less disk space than the arch it replaced. (But that was a few years old and got a little funky when I removed too many "orphans".
@MrDowntemp0 11 ай бұрын
Where can I find that wallpaper? I like it!
@telliott 11 ай бұрын
We need a link to that wallpaper.
@keilmillerjr9701 10 ай бұрын
Excellent video. Thank you. Im an arch linux user. I like the concept of a configuration file for packages and settings. However, I am not thrilled about the isolation of packages & dependancies. Nix does not use the Heiarchy Filesystem Standard. That blows my mind. Would the application i created be able to install via a normal makefile? I will have to try it in a vm. I expect it being different will yield to fustration.
@AliAlmahdi 11 ай бұрын
Nix doesn't follow FHS like all other distros, if you would like to have conversation and discuss how to do things, I'll be happy to discuss it with you. I've been using NixOS as my daily driver for quite few years now.
@SJ-ds8lp 18 күн бұрын
What is your configuration. Is that polybar or something?
@MrAndrewKeyboards 11 ай бұрын
I never expected to say “Matt” and “Wayland” in the same sentence! But Matt talking about how good is Wayland in NixOS was totally unexpected! In another order of ideas, you’re totally on point with all that you said regarding NixOS: it’s not for new Linux users. And even when the distro is advertised as “immutable”, it’s very easy to make a mess with configs… And the documentation will NOT help you at all… Main configs, flakes… 😵‍💫 Even up to today, Idk what flakes are for. And I moved to a Void Linux long term review anyway.
@MichaelWilliams-lr4mb 11 ай бұрын
It is easy to make a mess of the configs. But at least it normally won't break the system. A messed up config will normally mean the new system won't build. Granted, there are ways to break the system, though it's not that easy to do. But rollback is very easy if you do somehow break it.
@MrAndrewKeyboards 11 ай бұрын
@@MichaelWilliams-lr4mb my concept of NixOS is more like “semi-immutable” distro. Nevertheless, you’re correct. It is incredibly complicated to break your system, but not impossible. And those blessed rollbacks are lifesavers.
@MichaelWilliams-lr4mb 11 ай бұрын
@@MrAndrewKeyboards Yes. Semi-immutable seems to be a pretty accurate way to describe it.
@frankhuurman3955 3 ай бұрын
I wish the NixOS docs had a few quickstart config layouts ready for those wanting to mess with a functioning system and go from there, like a config file that replicates the current Ubuntu GNOME or Fedora KDE Plasma releases and then a couple of "try these steps to install Steam" / "try these steps to remove Steam" / "rebuild nixos and reboot your system, you will see this and that" manuals.
@keylowmike85 11 ай бұрын
Great review! i've never used nixos and I don't know if i really want to considering everyone's testimonies about the documentation or the lack thereof.
@twb0109 8 ай бұрын
fonts.fonts = with pkgs; []; is the old way to add fonts, they updated the name of the option to fonts.packages on unstable, that's why it's fonts.packages on unstable and fonts.fonts on older releases, it's just matter of changing the name of the options.
@francisking708 11 ай бұрын
Missing /usr files. The files are kept in the store, write-protected. Only the absolute minimum of files are kept in the traditional places.
@abdulazizal-ansari3034 11 ай бұрын
I think your font issue might be related to nerd-fonts and not nixos. it seems that some icon fonts were removed in newer versions. had the same issue not too long ago, reverted to an older version and everything is fine, but I'm not on nixos ...
@MichaelWilliams-lr4mb 11 ай бұрын
Yep. I had the same issue with Nerd Fonts.
@mushroomcrepes4780 7 ай бұрын
One negative thing I stumbled upon were old projects/repos that used nix files to build their projects, the majority of them just gave me a bunch of errors and I had to spend a while just fixing them in order to try them out. Not to mention that some errors that gets thrown are very hard to decipher for a noob.
@Ryan-ff2db 8 ай бұрын
"It's not that it's necessarily difficult, it's just that it's different" - You hit the nail on the head, I think that's probably the best summary of NIXOS.
@TheSast 11 ай бұрын
Hope you enjoy your stay on NixOS
@frankysour 11 ай бұрын
Nice informative video thanks! One comment about the difficulty, though... leaving out the really Linux savvy people that will be able to make everything run, I think the opinion is biased from being a Linux noob, as you modestly define yourself... for a complete noob there will be no difference in reference to what they already know of Linux since they know supposedly nothing about Linux... hence my take is NixOs is not good for Linux fairly introduced people, but it could be good for complete noobs that start from scratch and learn from the ground up. Completely agree on the documentation, though, but if they improve that... starting from zero with NixOs would be same as starting from zero with any more traditional Linux systems (if the concept of traditional Linux even exists 😂)
@0McLoL0 11 ай бұрын
For me, I nerdy 'I want to use Linux but Windows has been easy for years'-guy NixOS is great for generating system that's stable and pre-configured for my needs every time I want Linux on another system. I don't have to perform any special magic for new setups, just once for the config and that's it :D
@rajughorai7483 11 ай бұрын
I'm using nix on mac i find it really helpful
@Flackon 11 ай бұрын
The Nerdfonts issue may be that the nixos package is newer than your config, and uses the new fixed glyphs? They had to deprecate a lot of material design glyphs so you need a tool like nerdfix to update them to the new ones…
@JustinVoldenCM 11 ай бұрын
For the fonts, the main reason i have come across this is, useing older or not updated charactors . There was a change made to the code for them that breaks them, compare them on the nerd font cheatsheet/list and replace the olde Material icons with the new ones.
@SpaceEndeavour 11 ай бұрын
That was my issue too. I just went through all my icons and replaced em
@iamghezali 11 ай бұрын
i came across this font issue even on debian when using the waybar, it uses both font awsome and nerd fonts, if you have both installed it will work just fine
@Blank-es9cg 11 ай бұрын
@FareAlert 10 ай бұрын
I like a challenge, it's what Linux used to be like; battling to get my soundblaster emu10k01 driver insmodded in the red hat cartman days.
@RedneckPythagorean-ms9ox 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your knowledge. You're a hero. Merry Christmas
@a.lollipop 11 ай бұрын
Never thought I'd see the day where matt uses wayland!!! Jokes aside, even though you just started using it, it has been very interesting and informative to see your experience with nixos. Thank you for the great content :)
@bcglinux 7 ай бұрын
Thanks, brother, I have not visited your channel for a while, but you seem spot-on for this one. I bought into the hype, and though not a pro, I am comfortable in the Linux space. That said, after installing NixOS I have been completely lost and just don't have the time to figure it out. I may reconsider later, but for now, I will move on to something else. Thanks again and God bless,
@auntiecarol 8 ай бұрын
Hey, Matt... have you tried GNU Guix yet? Would be interested in your take on that.
@cejannuzi 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for getting into the nuts and bolts of this distro and telling us about it.
@apexcodes 6 ай бұрын
I couldn't even get NixOS to the "boot from installer media" stage. I followed all of their instructions to flash a USB drive so I could install it on my really extremely standard PC and the live disk won't get past boot stage 1. I really wish I could try it.
@Disturbed_face Ай бұрын
@@apexcodes did you disabled secure boot?
@AGAU1022 11 ай бұрын
So is Hyprland much easier to set up on NixOS compared to Arch or have you not tried setting it up on Arch for a long time/ever?
@hopelessdecoy 11 ай бұрын
Well with NixOS you only have to really accomplish it once and then guard that setup/config file then you're done. Plus it has a KDE iso so that would just come with Wayland.
@AGAU1022 11 ай бұрын
Sorry I meant Hyprland. Arch and NixOS were the only distros with official Hyprland support last I checked. @@hopelessdecoy
@cebruthius 7 ай бұрын
3:18 You can DRY the pkgs repetition with the "with" keyword in nix lang
@Joel11111 11 ай бұрын
6:10 Yeah this is pretty true and it matters not only for the learning curve that the user needs to face, but also in terms of software support. Case in point: You cannot (easily) use conda environments for python because conda expects certain directories to be present that are present in pretty much every other Linux distro but are not present in NixOS. The recommended thing to do seems to be to use nix environments instead. I think NixOS is great for tinkering and trying out new features because you can do it with the config file and don't need to worry about screwing up your system. It's cool and neat, but not really game changing.
@TechnologyGeek862 11 ай бұрын
I have nixos on my laptop as a secondary os that I use when not doing school or work stuff only leisure. I find my self using the secondary os very rarely so I value when upgrading the system every once in a while it not breaking. Been using nixos on that laptop for 2,5Months now and it has been rock solid even when running unstable. I very much agree that the documentation is quite horrible and there is no explanation how to use some things. Some stuff I've gotten to work by watching some KZbin videos and some with the help is chatgpt (even though it's not perfect it sometimes gets me where I wanted to go).
@Finalitik 11 ай бұрын
I have tried NixOS and I had the same experience. The documentation is bad, it contains commands in examples which don't work, like 'nix search wget'. It's hard to set up NixOS for hardware, you can't pass configuration file to /etc, I need someone who already written service for it. nix-env can't manage packages installed with configuration.nix, but both of them stored in the same directory, it's confusing. So I decided to stay on Fedora + Ansible, and on Debian stable + Ansible + nix as package manager, which is not perfect too.
@IVaruos 11 ай бұрын
is there any way to execute binary files directly in Nix os? I want to install albion online in Nixos without using steam or flatpak. But i can't execute the installer file.
@angeldude101 11 ай бұрын
Binary distributed applications are very hard to use on NixOS due to the non-standard filesystem. For some binaries, there's `patchelf`, which is a big of a hack. A more heavy-weight solution is steam-run, which runs a given executable in a chroot with a more traditional filesystem. You can probably guess what specific application motivated its creation.
@blarghblargh 11 ай бұрын
I have only used nixos a bit. Isn't most of it just the wiki? In which case, yeah, it's gonna be spotty as hell. Which isn't ideal. Unless they have some team actually going through with a strategy to solve it. I basically resolved to look at the packages themselves and which parameters they exposed in cases when the wiki wasn't covering it. I, too, have not looked at flakes at all. It does seem Nix OS is a convergence of a few different projects and approaches. And that is a bit confusing for someone who isn't immersed in it.
@konayasai 6 ай бұрын
NixOS doesn't even get points for putting the name at the top of the exam, IMHO. NixOS is the only distro (and community) I have encountered where the mere concept of official documentation is looked upon with disapproval. I really want to like NixOS, but right now I simply can't.
@zenmaster24 11 ай бұрын
can you share your configuration.nix file?
@poppasmurf2150 11 ай бұрын
Yes we need it Matt...hahaha
@mbee32k 11 ай бұрын
I’m not a NixOS user, but to me it seems that most of your concerns are related to their philosophy. Since Nix wants to put everything in one config file it follows that you shouldn’t use the ordinary config files but keep to the one given. I can see the usefulness of NixOS if you manage a fleet of 1000s of Linux desktops. You can test on a small set and then push the config to the rest. However, that’s what Ansible and such tools do as well. And you also need a mechanism to actually push the update. Ansible/Chef/Puppet/Git to the rescue.
@_TeaMaster 11 ай бұрын
"Everything in one config file" isn't really a Nix philosophy. I genuenly have no idea where that even came from. Nix is about declarative, deterministic and replicable builds. It was never supposed to be configured with a single file as it's makes modularity much harder. If anything, as flakes become more and more prevalent, it becomes "everything is a project in a git repository" philosophy. Where Nix is responsible for determinism and replicability and git is responsible for sharing and version control. For example, I have one repository for my Nix configurations which has different outputs. One for my NixOS PC, one for my laptop where I use NixOS in WSL and one with home manager configuration I can use on any Linux or MacOS system. All configurations are just a set of modules that can be shared or used independently. For example, I have a module that defines dev environments which is used by all outputs, so if I, for example add some new library or change my Neovim configuration on my NixOS PC, I would have the exact same change available on any other system as long as I do git pull and run rebuild.
@mbee32k 11 ай бұрын
⁠@@_TeaMasterGood info! Like I said, I don’t (yet, at least) use NixOS so my info mainly comes from YT channels like this. Still its declarative nature sounds interesting to an old Haskell programmer like me. 😊 I’ll have to take a look at it when I have some time over. Just seems the guy hasn’t really understood that Nix is different and not just a work-over of Ubuntu or Fedora like many other distributions. That’s why NixOS sounds interesting to me.
@angeldude101 11 ай бұрын
NixOS has its own mechanism to push the update, though most users I think just use Git. The Nix-native solution is NixOps, though only have 2 machines (only one of which uses NixOS, I'm not too familiar with how it works or how it differs from the other options.
@angeldude101 11 ай бұрын
@@mbee32k I sometimes like to describe the Nix language as "the bastard child of Haskell and JSON." If you can forgive the lack of static-typing or operator overloading, you'd probably feel right at home as a Haskell programmer, with only a few small syntactic differences. On the other hand, the lack of static-typing makes it surprisingly fun to write untyped Lambda Calculus with. num = rec { zero = succ: zero: zero; succ = n: succ: zero: succ (n succ zero); add = m: n: n succ m; };
@mbee32k 11 ай бұрын
@@birdstrikes Well I do see the use-case! I own several Linux workstations, and I try to keep them sort of similar. Where I work we DO have thousands of Linux workstations. But I gather you are a NixOS user, so if fleet management isn’t a possible use case, then please enlighten us of little knowledge; what IS the NixOS use-case?
@wyfyj 11 ай бұрын
This was me a while ago. You probably saw my gripes on Mastodon.
@xperience-evolution 11 ай бұрын
Would love to see a Video about Clear Linux OS I am not using it but in my opinion it should get more attention - just like openSUSE shoudl get more attention. But Clear Linux OS gets even less but it is pretty unique, independent and damn fast and always on the latest Kernel on DE
@XxZeldaxXXxLinkxX 8 ай бұрын
The documentation isn't *garbage* per se, just sparse for the most part. Sparse both in content and mainly location. It's like having your the pages of a manual torn out and scattered through your house lol. The community is pretty good at helping each other though
@hopelessdecoy 11 ай бұрын
I think the concept of NixOS is awesome, I looked into using it and I just didn't think it was worth my time unless I wanted a career maintaining a businesses Nix installs. I develop apps for Linux/Windows but not Linux the OS itself. Maybe someday I will put in the time but for now it's back to LMDE.
@sawyerbristol7122 11 ай бұрын
nix shells only temporory simlink a package into your bin folder. this way if your just testing a program its only temporarily installed
@zakariakov3161 11 ай бұрын
I agree with you everything I mentioned is true I am still not until now I did not understand the way to make Nix OS, not even with the intention of its files, so that I do not consider it as a Linux system
@cenewton3221 11 ай бұрын
IMO, among all the Linux distros that have "OS" at the end of it, NixOS is the only one that truly deserves to be called it's own OS. Yes it still uses the Linux kernel and many of the fundamentals, conventions, etc. but it isn't just a different package management philosophy/implementation. To me, it's about as different from traditional Linux distros as is BSD. Not quite, but what Matt says here is true; that so many things are done completely differently... it really is like learning a whole new operating system because everything you have learned about or come to know/expect with Linux is tossed out the proverbial window with NixOS - well, after basic kernel/systemd stuff is done at least. I like learning new things and enjoyed messing around with Nix for a bit but it's unlikely to ever be my daily driver.
@helioscat4231 10 ай бұрын
So we can consider NixOS as meta-dtistribution? So we hope it will be someone who make appropriate face for this distro? We have enough examples
@ShakaVegapunk 11 ай бұрын
I love your reviews, dude. Keep it up!
@MeshVoid 6 ай бұрын
Not really a problem tho. I'm loving it so far.
@RealJonzuk 5 ай бұрын
yeah i wish the documents were more simple
@jakkos-net 11 ай бұрын
I'm a die-hard NixOS fanboy.... but yeah, holy shit the documentation is awful lmao, you need to ask questions on discord/forums/matrix to even have a chance with it
@codelinx 11 ай бұрын
Always interesting info about Linux
@Chris-ip8uv 11 ай бұрын
In my experience, you will have solidified most of your initial thoughts and opinions within 14 days. If you are unsure about committing at that point, you will be wasting your time staying with it longer trying to convince yourself away from your initial opinions. The longer you try to change your initial impressions, the worse your review will be and time invested is time lost. Know when to say, this just isn’t for me and move on. You have already touched on what seems to be key points that you are compromising on; traditional path and file locations along with mentioning you are not 100% using it 100% of the time. The traditional paths and file locations would have been enough for me to pull the plug on the long term. Know the things you will not compromise on and keep the levels of grey to a minimum.
@affieuk 11 ай бұрын
Except he said it’s different it’s not a deal breaker. Don’t put off people from trying things. I’m sure he’s capable enough to figure out when to draw a line.
@bstar777777 11 ай бұрын
I don't personally have an issue with NixOS docs. There is definitely a steep learning curve, but it's very possible to learn things in isolation so you don't get overwhelmed. You don't need to have a perfect config out of the gates. You don't need to understand flakes out of the gates. You don't need to use home manager out of the gates, etc. Just tackle whatever is interesting in the moment and build your knowledge incrementally. Because it's a declarative distro, your learning process will self document itself.
@_Verac 6 ай бұрын
Everyone complaining about documentation because instead of contributing to the docs to make it better, people either make videos or write blogs so they can generate revenue, or they simply lack the expertise and interest to make it better.
@matematleta492 5 ай бұрын
But this is deceptive. Yes it is easy to install a WM or DE but then try to do very simple things like get doom emacs running from the client. Or even getting a face icon on sddm. Funky things happen on Nixos because the permissions get all screwed up. I could never reboot or poweroff with sudo. Have to use systemd to do it. Never figured out why. To do Nix right, you really need to learn the programming language, which is fine if you have the time. A lot of time. I guess Nix is great for companies or people who manage servers, but for the rest of us, it is just too time-consuming. And really, if you want reproducibility and version control, you do not need Nix to get it.
@milohoffman274 11 ай бұрын
Matt tries Hyprland!! ITS HAPPENING!!
@15bleach51 6 ай бұрын
Please, review RedOS
@linux-dev-labs 7 ай бұрын
Your first mistake is using Open Suse as your daily driver. Just saying. YAST sucks!!!
@ToranK 11 ай бұрын
Yes, the problem of Nixos are the multiple syntax errors. I vote for OpenSuse. No matter if it is Micro or Leap.
@MichaelWilliams-lr4mb 11 ай бұрын
OpenSUSE is solid. NixOS is my primary system but Tumbleweed is my secondary system.
@videocommenter235 6 ай бұрын
>i'm anti wayland k
@pauldufresne3650 11 ай бұрын
You are hooked! 🐟
@pauldufresne3650 11 ай бұрын
Because NixOS have chosen to do things differently than pretty everyone else by having one directory by 'stuff', allows greater flexibility to developers to build recipes without breaking existing one. They have to add the NixOS options that replace other people configuration files (more work). But at the end advanced users get more programs to use. Does the gain of doing stuff differently will go up to less advanced users that prefer GUI apps to add/remove programs? I doubt it.
@iamghezali 11 ай бұрын
install fontawsome, that's why it's not working, waybar configs usually use a mix between font awsome and nerd fonts
@TheLinuxCast 11 ай бұрын
The fonts in question, are nerd fonts. I created the bar. So I know what fonts are used.
@reinux 3 ай бұрын
The documentation is bad, but the reason it's so bad is because the community is even worse. I kid you not, this is an actual quote from the nixos sub: > Perhaps the program should contain a message like "Please read Dolstra's PhD thesis if you don't understand this error message". You might think it is ridiculous to expect that. I don't think it is. These people would much rather prove they can recite pi to six trillion digits than actually provide any helpful information.
@Sud0nym-w2q 11 ай бұрын
This might be unique to me, but my biggest issue was the fact that bash scripts don't run out of the box. This is important to me personally because I tried porting over my favorite custom scripts from debian and all of them had to be rewritten to be compatible.
@benjy288 11 ай бұрын
Maybe my scripts just aren't that complex, but if I'm running a script from a panel plugin I just have to put bash in front of the command, so bash script-location.
@TheSast 11 ай бұрын
they do run, you just have to use the correct shebang, ( #!/usr/bin/env bash ) which is the reccomended way to write shebangs (not just on NixOS)
@affieuk 11 ай бұрын
See another comment by @ibm450, where it’s stated that you add a configuration for envfs and after doing that bash scripts will run without modification
@carlos_790 10 ай бұрын
Nix is very good but the Creators must have been dislexic, sothey created a language within a language within a language, in other words only they can understand it!
@sysandy2 11 ай бұрын
So not a good Linux distro for Grandma ? LOL!
@TheLinuxCast 11 ай бұрын
lol no.
@JoshuaT902 11 ай бұрын
If your customizing nixos not through the main config file then you're doing something wrong.
@TheLinuxCast 11 ай бұрын
But I am.
@joshua_lee732 11 ай бұрын
Umm actually he's following the docs that tell you it's ok
@YvanDaSilva 11 ай бұрын
Nope, that's the whole problem. Documentation is not up to date, and there is different ways to do things. It's great to see @TheLinuxCast going through this pains because they are real.
Task: make pizza Regular cook: takes bowl, adds flour, salt, water.. Nixos cook: writes a nix expression, that modifies nix expression, then records his changes on paper and writes his flake - then rebuilds kitchen.
@statendrei5 10 ай бұрын
anti cheat on linux when?
@escapetherace1943 6 ай бұрын
has been for over a year.
@chrisMuc1966 11 ай бұрын
Debian > SUSE > NIX
@armynyus9123 11 ай бұрын
blue > red > black
@chrisMuc1966 11 ай бұрын
@@darthvader1191 Don't tell this Matt.
@escapetherace1943 6 ай бұрын
@@armynyus9123 arch is unironically for noobs who pretend to be 'power users'
@Xecto. 11 ай бұрын
why this guy look like the most stereotypical linux user?
@Skelterbane69 11 ай бұрын
Another problem is systemd.
@coffee-is-power 11 ай бұрын
Why people shit on systemd so much wtf
@TheSast 11 ай бұрын
it can become independant of it, but there have been no steps towards alternative init systems (+ the other functionality of systemd) yet
@Skelterbane69 11 ай бұрын
@@coffee-is-power Several reasons. But instead of going over them all; I just don't want it in my system.
@angeldude101 11 ай бұрын
What TheSast said. There's been interest in reducing the dependence on systemd, but most people either don't feel strongly enough about the issue to put in the monumental effort, or they feel too strongly and just stop using NixOS altogether. From those in NixOS, it's seen more as a "wouldn't this be cool?" thing than a critical issue.
@mskiptr 11 ай бұрын
GNU Shepherd is right there. Like, seriously - You can just use Guix instead of Nix and your systemd problem will vanish in an instant. Signed: a happy user of both (and also of OpenRC on a phone lol)
@exedeus3849 11 ай бұрын
@obscenity 11 ай бұрын
"Can we get Linux" "But we have Linux at home" Linux at home:
@ibm450 9 ай бұрын
@a-lien @a-lien links?
@mskiptr 11 ай бұрын
What Nix does with its file system layout and with PATHs is indeed strange, but there's quite simple logic to it: _The_ goal of Nix the package manager, was to make installing different versions of the same package always work. The way you would do it normally is when you want a different version than your distribution gives you, you just compile the program yourself and tell it to install in a different prefix than /usr. So you set prefix to /usr/local, ~/.local or anything else you want, compile it and run the custom version from there. Now, what Nix does is it automates this process. And instead of doing it for the extra version you need, it does it all the time - for every single package individually. So instead of all the programs living in /usr (or sometimes /) they are all installed separately, each having a unique prefix (something like /nix/store/$hash-$pkg-$ver). Then, to make the binaries, manpages and so on, available to the user, they are symlinked to in one convenient place - a profile. Then this profile is symlinked to in your $HOME, and that location's /bin is added to your $PATH. On any changes, a new profile is created and the final symlink is swapped to point to the new, updated version. But this is all much better documented and more polished on Guix. Yeah - it has its issues too - and yeah - it's smaller than Nix - but it's definitely much easier to understand and learn. Imo, you should try using both to get the full picture!
@asdfghyter 11 ай бұрын
7:25 yeah, in general, if you want to install anything that would typically require configuration it’s worth searching the config options docs for the thing and see if there’s an option for it. it’s often easier than the traditional way to do it, since it’s usually just a single line `whatever.thing.enable = true;` and that will both install and set all the necessary config for you. but yes, it can be annoying to not be able to do things in the way you’re used to
@BeOnlyChaos 11 ай бұрын
It's important to understand what nixos is trying to achieve, then it makes a lot more sense why they do things different. The reason they don't usually the standard paths (aka FHS) is that nix packages should not interfere with each other and use only the dependencies they require. If they did use the standard location, some package could come along and install a different version of a library there and then boom, we've broken something else. NixOs just never breaks due to the way it does dependencies. I used Arch Linux for years and got used to the fact that once in a while, you might have to spend a few hours figuring out why your system broke. Even if NixOS did break, I could simply reboot to the previous generation and have a perfectly working system again. As a dev, the nicest feature for me, is the ability to have all the dependencies for my project specified in the project. If I need a certain python version and packages for one project, I can have that. A different project can specify a totally different version and they don't interfere with each other. Nix certainly has a step learning curve, but in most cases it's worth it.
@JanSteen7870 7 ай бұрын
What is the difference with timeshift or snaps? On Tumbleweed is its break just pick a working snapshot.....
@benjy288 11 ай бұрын
I agree the biggest problem with nixos is the lack of documentation, it took me ages to figure out how to make a custom xsession for lxqt that didn't install openbox, it took a bunch of googling and experimentation, but on the plus side is if you screw up then you can just reboot into the previous working system, just keep a back up of your working config file, you can even save config files for certain setups, like a config file for lxqt, or kde, or a specific window manager, I also installed it on my mothers laptop because I know I can upgrade it without fear of a breakage resulting in trouble shooting or a reinstall, plus you don't need to use btrfs to have that feature.
@Jeffsa12 11 ай бұрын
I tried Nix and found myself not liking it at all. It feels like a Linux distro put together by someone who has never used Linux, but knows programming, then they don't share the documentation that is absolutely mandatory because it's just so unusual. I gave up within a few hours, so good on you for sticking with it for a week. I've literally installed every CLI distro out there, and they are all similar except Nix. I just couldn't justify the departure from normal. If I wanted to learn a new programming language to use a Linux distro, I'd focus on C and stay on Arch....
@angeldude101 11 ай бұрын
For me, all the other distros being similar is what makes them feel redundant. So many distros just feel like the same distro with different coats of paint and different people deciding what gets to be included. NixOS being the only one that actually feels different makes it the only one that feels worth my attention.
@atagen2186 11 ай бұрын
the mother of all skill issues
@MichaelWilliams-lr4mb 11 ай бұрын
Ah, one last comment. Don't mean to spam you. Copying the configuration.nix is one great example of the reproducability. But it's not just about the reproducability of the system itself. In development, we often times have this problem where someone has a problem with software and we look at it and say "it works fine on my machine". Well, when using the Nix package manager, you have the same exact versions of dependencies with a package. Multiple versions can exist harmoniously. And when you run whatever you're developing, it either just works or just doesn't among ALL computers that have the package installed. So reproducability of errors/bugs is a big thing too. But that's more of the developer side as well as people reporting bugs.
@anonymouscommentator 11 ай бұрын
this was interesting to see, thank you very much! ) agree that you have to re-learn a lot of habits when switching to NixOS, but I think we often forget that people coming from windows to even a beginner linux distro will probably have a way harder learning curve. We are quick to say that the transition to linux is easy while we ourselves find us somewhat struggeling when switching to exotic distros like NixOS.
@RichardFeynman2282 9 ай бұрын
As someone who switched from windows to arch without any linux experience, I do feel like people overexaggerate the learning curve of it. The documentation of arch is really well written, so as long as you're willing to troubleshoot some stuff it's not a big learning curve, just a shift in thinking.
@anonymouscommentator 9 ай бұрын
@@RichardFeynman2282 news flash but the average person does not want to spend their time reading the manual and playing tech support for their computer
@toastielad4760 7 ай бұрын
Its true! This system is so different but does wonders in another way. I have found the documentation is only difficult for the people here because they don’t normally work with a product like this. It seems bad because you aren’t the intended audience imo.
@omidbarza 11 ай бұрын
I belive it's fonts.fonts = with pkgs; [ nerdfonts ]; The 'pkgs' is your source namespace so you dont need to repeat it when define 'with pkgs;' as entry argument. Or if you wanna define source for each package independently it would be like this: fonts.fonts = [ pkgs.nerdfonts ]; Note: as of Nixos unstable > 23.05 it changed to 'fonts.packages = ...'
@DaKingof 11 ай бұрын
The same goes for his system apps configuration. All of those ```pkgs.``` don't need to be there.
@oglothenerd 11 ай бұрын
Hyprland! Let's gooooooo!
@TheSast 11 ай бұрын
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