1:17 通过安检 1:31 出入境 1:43 过海关 2:24 may I have your passport? 2:47 入境卡名称 3:02 海关卡 3:07 what's the purpose of your visit? 4:08 how long do you intend to stay? 4:29 where are you flying in from? 4:46 are you traveling alone? 5:11 how much currency/cash are you carrying? 5:32 where will you be staying? 6:08 what's your occupation? 6:36 do you have anything to declare?
Hey, I'm a legally entered traveler and the way you just acted/spoke made me feel quite uncomfortable. If this is the way how you treat or try to discriminate against foreign travelers who originally came here with excitement, it will nothing but make people disappointed in your people and your country. 我不知道這是不是好的回答,但我在日本跟美國都用過。當時日本人的反應是驚呆了,美國人是跟我道歉。當然我覺得還要評估當時環境,如果對方看起來有攻擊性或危險性,就....忍一下吧,畢竟出門在外安全要緊。