Question about Hindu Avatars

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The Mythology Guy

The Mythology Guy

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@notesmaker204 3 ай бұрын
The difference between a player in creative mod and a developer is that the player has more fun.
@fushhiii 3 ай бұрын
@sanidhyadevgupta6452 3 ай бұрын
This might be the best analogy in this comment section 😂
@saurabh79323 3 ай бұрын
Lol 100% True
@abhijeetvats8565 3 ай бұрын
Bro learn more about a religion and their mythology before you make a video 😅
@killwish0019 3 ай бұрын
Best comment bro❤❤❤
@k_a3276 4 ай бұрын
just understand it as a game developer.... when i create a game .. i cant just go there , i will use different avatars to go there.. and yes because i am the creator i may have cheat codes
@harshitaputhran5661 3 ай бұрын
Good example
@SnehaSharma-oi2tx 3 ай бұрын
Damn , example ❤
@learn-something 3 ай бұрын
@demonic95god 3 ай бұрын
God takes this human form because of some demon worship God and get God blessing now I tell you about 2 demons they get God blessing so the because of their blessing any God our demon cen't kill this 2 demon so god take Human Form to kill this demon and one more thing Demons are idiot they always forget about human they think we are nothing more than bugs against their power so because of attitude the Never say some kind of words so if they don't consider human in blessing so they can killed by any human but human have power to kill them but any normal human can' t kill them so God's take human from so that can kill them
@sushank001 3 ай бұрын
Perfect example 👍🏻
@Sanatandragon 2 ай бұрын
First rule of sanatana dharma is to Question as much as you can and find those answers from scriptures or gurus
@rakeshsoni7753 2 ай бұрын
Best one ( unlike any other religion where you get executed for asking questions. That's the reason Hinduism is the greatest religion )
@all30254 2 ай бұрын
@lakshyachaudhary9866 2 ай бұрын
A person needs to get emotionally touched to change what's why vishnu came in mortal form to be a part of human life and teach whole humanity the way of life but sometimes he have to use power to have us from evil sometimes even us. Otherwise these wise beings never used their power. But i guess u won't get it.
@pas-giaw6055 Ай бұрын
​@@rakeshsoni7753you do realise other religions allow questioning too, like Judaism, right?
@rakeshsoni7753 Ай бұрын
@@pas-giaw6055 idk man this video is about hinduism
@user-oq2rk7ep8f 2 ай бұрын
I just love the fact that you decided to question this without being disrespectful, that is the entire point of Hinduism.
@NeelamSharma24634 Ай бұрын
@dhananjayvaidya2473 Ай бұрын
( here is my comment on it) …… Good that you are showing interest in Hindu Dharma, don’t stop here. You will surely find something to liberate you from superficial questioning. A long way to go. Happy journey !
@thesinistermonk2515 5 күн бұрын
@wizardwatching6710 3 ай бұрын
Brother 1% of infinity is still infinity 😊
@sonudalai1985 2 ай бұрын
Ahhhh great one
@RajatGorh 2 ай бұрын
Great bro ❤
@duel-chip5 2 ай бұрын
@aaryatodoroki 2 ай бұрын
@gokulsingh8483 2 ай бұрын
Oi ! When did this became a roast. ? 😂
@thomascochran7907 6 ай бұрын
When your omnipotent and omniscient, even 1% of your power is ridiculously strong.
@TheTristhen 5 ай бұрын
Well 1% of infinity = infinity.
@adityasharma0376 5 ай бұрын
​@@TheTristhenbut some infinity's are bigger than some other infinity's . Said by neil deGrasse Tyson apparently 😅😅😅
@debarghadas1638 5 ай бұрын
Nailed it
@gamingterrain3703 5 ай бұрын
Well if you think about it you cant really put a percentage on infinity since having a percentage requires something to be finite. It requires something to be quantifiable and you cant do that with infinity since its just infinite. So really its a logical contradiction to say 1% or any percent of infinity
@thomascochran7907 5 ай бұрын
@@gamingterrain3703 That’s on the assumption that Infinity isn’t a finite amount, I realize that sound like a contradiction. But it’s more the argument where infinity is in a constant or expanding state. Is infinity a amount always constantly and infinitely expanding, or is it a absolute unchanging amount?
@NotSL0TH17 6 ай бұрын
As a Hindu myself, the best way to explain it is that the divine forms of the Gods are so powerful that simply being in their presence would reduce mortal humans to less than nothing. Its a bit similar to how the Gods in the Percy Jackson Series cant be looked at in divine form by mortals. Might be where Riordan drew inspiration from TLDR, Hindu gods are so strong that even when nerfed in mortal form, they're still extremely powerful
@amelianyoom9545 6 ай бұрын
That Percy Jackson thing is actually myth accurate, there’s a whole thing where Zeus gets it on with Semele, he tells her that he’s Zeus and then later Hera comes along as an old woman I think and tells her that in order for him to prove it she should get him to reveal his true form, Semele gets a promise out of Zeus then she tells him to do it, having made a promise he does it and she’s vaporised, Dionysus is then born after spending a few months as a foetus tied to Zeus leg 😂
@NotSL0TH17 6 ай бұрын
@@amelianyoom9545 I wasn't 100% on the percy jackson thing as its been over a decade since I read the books but ty for clearing that up
@1musamune 6 ай бұрын
​​@@NotSL0TH17yeah I Think that's just a divinity thing altogether, Catholic myself and that's more or less the same reason no one knows what the Father looks like.
@Derkosson 6 ай бұрын
@@1musamune Yeah even in catholicism, Moses asks God to show himself, and God goes: "you stay where you are, I'm going to show myself over there." He goes to a mountain, reveals himself, the mountain explodes and Moses loses counciousness.
@youveerayz9685 6 ай бұрын
Arjuna looked at Vishnu's godly form
@sanath8483 6 ай бұрын
The avatars, and bodies in general, are like vessels in which Gods can take form in our world so nothing changes. It's almost like the equivalent of wearing new clothes. Its not like when humans wear new clothes, they turn into different people but they have a different appearance.
@icemuckbanggg 6 ай бұрын
most based comment.
@shadowcw4 6 ай бұрын
So basically " when In rome,do as the Romans" sort of?
@vednigavekar5270 5 ай бұрын
This explains it perfectly.
@almessasorrow4950 5 ай бұрын
​@@shadowcw4 a god showing a mortal their from can kill them. The brain can't handle it. It's pretty much just a naked person putting on clothes because they're so attractive just looking at them will destroy your mind
@maniswetha4517 5 ай бұрын
Your explanation is more accurate than others. Written by someone who understands Gheta.
@adityakumarsharma5766 2 ай бұрын
This is a profound question about the nature of avatars (अवतार) in Hinduism, particularly about Vishnu’s incarnations like Krishna and Vamana. At first glance, it does seem paradoxical that the avatars retain god-like powers while taking human or other mortal forms. However, the concept of avatar is rich with layers of philosophical meaning, and the key to resolving this paradox lies in understanding the purpose and nature of divine incarnation. In Hinduism, especially as described in texts like the Bhagavad Gita and Puranas, when a deity like Vishnu incarnates as an avatar, several things happen: 1. Deliberate Limitation of Divine Power: Although avatars like Krishna and Vamana perform miraculous feats, they typically do not exhibit their full godly power at all times. Krishna himself explains in the Bhagavad Gita (4.6-7) that he descends into the world while deliberately limiting his omnipotence (maya), only using divine power when necessary. This is called yogamaya (the self-imposed veil of illusion), where the avatar takes on human-like qualities and experiences, though they remain fully aware of their divine nature. Bhagavad Gita 4.6: “Though I am unborn and eternal, the Lord of all beings, I manifest through my own power, veiling myself with maya.” Bhagavad Gita 4.7: “Whenever there is a decline in righteousness, O Bharata, and a rise in unrighteousness, then I manifest myself.” 2. Experience of the Human Condition: One of the main purposes of avatars is to demonstrate dharma (righteousness) in human life, to show the ideal way to live. Krishna lived through the full range of human emotions-love, friendship, war, and politics-allowing mortals to relate to his experiences. However, he remains aware of his divine self, as seen when he reveals his universal form to Arjuna (in the Vishvarupa in Bhagavad Gita 11). Even though the avatar may still have access to vast powers, they experience human challenges and emotions. In this sense, they voluntarily "limit" themselves by accepting the constraints of the human condition-birth, growth, death-so they can relate to the mortals they come to guide. 3. Lila - Divine Play: Avatars engage in lila (लीला), or divine play, where they act out their roles with the understanding that the world is ultimately a play of illusion (maya). Krishna balancing the Govardhan mountain or Vamana expanding to fill the universe are expressions of this playful aspect of the divine. These miracles are not displays of godly arrogance but acts within the larger cosmic drama to restore balance to the world. The focus is not on power but on fulfilling the purpose of the avatar-upholding dharma. 4. Perception of Mortality by Others: Another key element is that the mortals around them often perceive the avatar as a fellow human or divine figure but do not fully comprehend their godhood. Krishna is seen as a charioteer, a warrior, a lover, and a prince by different people, but only a few, like Arjuna, understand his true divine nature. In Mahabharata, Krishna’s divinity is always there, but only revealed selectively, as in the Vishvarupa episode. Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva 66.5: Krishna states, “I am the eternal cause of the world, the supreme soul. But, O Arjuna, I manifest myself in different forms for the sake of protecting dharma.” 5. Mortality and Death: An important difference when gods take on mortal form is that they experience the conditions of mortal life, including suffering and death. While Krishna and Rama live powerful lives, they still undergo the pains and limitations of the mortal body-Krishna is eventually killed by a hunter’s arrow, Rama suffers separation from Sita. This shows that, in their human form, they are not exempt from the laws of nature and karma, even though they have divine origins. Thus, while avatars like Krishna and Vamana display miraculous powers, they still "give up" certain aspects of their divine omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience. They consciously choose to live within the boundaries of the human experience to fulfill their cosmic purpose. In summary, the main things that change when gods take mortal form are: A voluntary limitation on the use of divine powers, only using them when necessary. A deep engagement with the human condition, experiencing emotions, relationships, and challenges as mortals do. An acceptance of the physical limitations of mortality, such as the body’s vulnerabilities, pain, and death. But the divine essence of the avatar remains unchanged. The seeming paradox is a divine strategy: while outwardly they appear to be living like mortals, they retain their cosmic purpose and divinity, working to uphold dharma.
@ArchanaRajasekar 6 күн бұрын
I really appreciate the effort u have put in to explain a genuine doubt asked in a respectful way... 🙏
@BombyxMori-s1q 3 күн бұрын
@adityarai5568 2 ай бұрын
even though krishna had immense power yet he didn't put weapons in mahabharat war, to give a clear message to generations ahead through geeta
@Splicer-lb5xb 6 ай бұрын
The concept of multiversal preservation coming down with full force would probably rip the planet apart.
@lnsflare1 5 ай бұрын
I mean, Krishna had the entire cosmos inside his mouth even as a baby and chided Arjuna for making fun of Karna for only shaking his (Arjuna's) chariot with his (Karna's) arrows since the chariot in question was being driven and protected by effin' KRISHNA, so Karna's arrows were essentially shaking the entire universe.
@Sukhonius 5 ай бұрын
​@@lnsflare1Krishna and Hanuman, in some instances.
@lnsflare1 5 ай бұрын
@@Sukhonius True, IIRC the entire chariot just exploded from the built up damage when the banner of Hanuman was removed from it, but I think that was a separate thing from the "shaking the universe" aspect because that was more because Karna's arrows were causing something that was carrying Krishna to shake.
@Machboyraju 5 ай бұрын
Brother 😅 any simple words please
@DhirendraKumar-fx6uz Ай бұрын
Not only the planet but entire dimensions I guess
@TreyC68 6 ай бұрын
“What even changes in between?” “A lot of inches.”
@cleaner900playz 6 ай бұрын
@psygamez7727 6 ай бұрын
Not same… not same
@thedoctor6265 6 ай бұрын
i was gona say that
@cupcakecaptin42totally_not6 5 ай бұрын
@RADSIKEGORILLAGEM-pz5qr 5 ай бұрын
I was thinking that too 🤣
@VeganSanatani 5 ай бұрын
Its actually quite simple, the answer to it is in the Rig ved itself, In Sanatan, Adi-Shakti-parambrham (almighty source of all reality) is Described as SattaChityaAnant, Meaning Satta ( the ultimate reality), Chitya(the universal consciousness) and anant ( omnipresent infinite), So if something is omnipresent, how is anyone supposed to observe it ? So thats why he/she takes forms which are observable to human eye.
@S.M.MahfuzulHaque 3 ай бұрын
But then again there are moments when gods come in omnipotent form to give boons to the devotees . Also to kill Asura or Rakshas Shiva don't take any avatar. I think the main reason is just Leela. Nothing more , nothing less .
@VeganSanatani 3 ай бұрын
@@S.M.MahfuzulHaque yes, bro I also think the same. Leela is actually really interesting concept
@entitiee 3 ай бұрын
​@@S.M.MahfuzulHaque well, I think the main reason is that, God comes to Earth in Avatars to represent different ideologies, like Parshuram shows Wrath; Narasimha represents Protectiveness; Lord Ram shows how an Ideal, a good man should be; Krishna shows Companionship, Friendship, Mentorship and Love; Buddha represents Teacher, a Guide, etc The main motive of taking form is just to divide these different human ideologies in form of Living Beings.
@entitiee 3 ай бұрын
​@@S.M.MahfuzulHaque also to fulfill some of the conditions like in case of Hirnakashyap, there was a reason to take form of Narasimha, same in form of Ram.
@suvajitgoswami9238 3 ай бұрын
Ultimately Perfect. As I Read Many Of The Comments Only Explain This in The Righteous Way And Very Perfectly ❤️🙏
@aniketmahapatra8985 3 ай бұрын
Always had the same question and didn't get a convincing answer ever. That's why Lord Shree Ram has been the centre of my faith. No absurd powers, No obscure amount of smartness, No inhuman emotional maturity. A simple man of character fighting for love. A man whose eyes tear up watching a tiny squirrel helping him with all its might. He is the only man, I bow down to. Jay Shree Ram ❤️
@shubhamgurjar7432 3 ай бұрын
The purpose of Avatars is to create a balance between good and evil not to eradicate evil completely, if there's so much evil he is parshuram or kalki, if it's moderate he ram or krishna or buddha, if there's so much goodness he will create effects for the birth of evil like sending Mahabali a great virtuous king to paatal or by a massive tsunami so there will be scarcity of resources and people start fighting among each other; whole purpose is to create balance maintain balance b/w brahma shiva stuff
@Deusventura 2 ай бұрын
Lord Ram broke Bhagwan Mahadev's Bow, he was extremely strong, it is described that his shoulders and hands were extremely muscular like a Lion
@AnotherNPC1234 2 ай бұрын
​@@Deusventura he was a powerful warrior but that doesn't mean he had cheat codes like others
@rajx7120 Ай бұрын
Same here. I always thought Krishna is too perfect to connect as a human. Rama displays so much emotions, when Sita goes missing. And he shows so much self-control during all the troubles he faces.
@varunrao5955 Ай бұрын
Krishna is a role model for a person who wants to go beyond the boundary of mortality. Who wants to break from Maya. Every avatar has its reasons. Hare Krishna ❤ Hare Ram.
@K1NG_CREEPER 2 ай бұрын
the concept is that: whatever comes on earth is bound in law that is,whatever has a begging has a end too that is if there is birth there defineltly is death so gods take on the form of mortals as even they cannot escpae this law, 2) also they take forms just to accomplsh a certain tasks ,after doing that they return ot heavans 3) Not all form have those mystic power, Lord Krishna had those became he came to earth to fight very big evils and threaths, while the 7th avatr Lord Rama lived his entire life as a mortal king whith extraordinary mortal feats
@ujjwalpandey7662 5 ай бұрын
I am Hindu from Kashi. Explanation for the reason is, every Avatar of Vishnu or Shiva has a reason,they have no problem in taking their true divine form as Krishna take his true form ( Vishwaroop) at end of the Gita. The reason we take Avatar is to fulfill certain conditions . In case of Ram, only a normal human can kill Ravan ( Asura King). Similarly is a case for every other Avatar of any God or Goddess.
@anuragmistry63 3 ай бұрын
To show that even God who takes birth has to live throughout cycle of life with the pain and suffering. 1. Ram lived years in yearning for his wife 2. Shri Krishna was cursed and died in pain and suffering. And so on The whole point is that even God when take birth in 'bhu loka' (earth) have to fulfil their destiny and perform their duties. Hence the famous quote from bhagwad geeta. Keep doing good deeds without thinking of fruits of labour.
@kuraido8001 3 ай бұрын
That's just lazy writing
@AshutoshSen-u4g 3 ай бұрын
@styendimpu3446 3 ай бұрын
True lol​@@kuraido8001
@gunjacknik5488 3 ай бұрын
@@kuraido8001 just say it u dont wnna understand lazzy a$$ emo
@FoldingScreenMonkey 6 ай бұрын
Maybe that's just it, right? Their mortal forms are as powerful as anything we can comprehend, and their immortal forms are more powerful than their mortal forms. Therefore, the power they give up must be completely beyond our comprehension
@gokulrenjith2738 6 ай бұрын
Avatars are never about reducing power. Vishnu takes avatars mostly to overcome some boon received by a demon. Ravana had a boon that only a human can kill him. So Vishnu took the form of Rama.
@RJ-td1bp 3 ай бұрын
the real reason is the sage Bhrigu cursed Vishnu to be reborn on Earth multiple times
@gokulrenjith2738 3 ай бұрын
@@RJ-td1bp Curse is just an excuse. No curse affects God unless he wants to. The real reason is given in Bhagavat Gita - Vishnu comes to destroy the wicked and uplift the pious.
@damon5697 3 ай бұрын
​@@RJ-td1bp yeah. All the stories are related somehow.
@anmolt3840051 3 ай бұрын
That's not exactly what Ravan's boon was though. Ravan wished to be invincible but he was so arrogant and considered mere humans so beneath him that he neglected to specify that no human should be able to defeat him (he covered everything else)
@axthd 2 ай бұрын
​@@RJ-td1bp I remember hearing somewhere, when someone curses Krishna he says I am Beyond curses but, I am accepting your curse or something like that.
@beingabeast9 5 күн бұрын
First of all, thank you for being respectful, even when asking questions. That is the primary goal of Sanatan Dharma-to encourage questioning and seeking the truth. Bharat is a land of seekers. Yes, indeed, divine beings have come to Earth, but throughout their lives, they lived as common human beings. However, Shree Krishna had to protect his people when Lord Indra caused heavy rains, leading to floods that forced the entire city to seek higher ground. To save the people, Krishna had to intervene with divine actions. He came to Earth to combat evil and, more importantly, to guide humanity toward realizing their true nature. If he had chosen, he could have ended the entire Mahabharata war within seconds. I mean no disrespect to any other religion, but Sanatan Dharma is not confined to a single book; it is much more intricate and vast. It encompasses the Vedas, Upanishads, and much more. When it comes to knowledge, the Vedas themselves are over 200,000 years old. They are written in Chhand Bhasha, an ancient version of Sanskrit, which is considered the mother of all languages in the world.
@nishanths4730 3 ай бұрын
There's a lot of changes, the problem is in think thinking of so called "power levels", so basically the cosmic power of these gods are immeasurable. So you can't tell that the mortal form is fullest in their power, cause their fullest of power is much much greater.
@ChadxDiablo 3 ай бұрын
Krishna is actually suppressed form of vishnu by power but they still have wisdom But the batuk version is created only to end superiority of Bali Raja (Without any suppression)
@HORROR-7 2 ай бұрын
Krishna is full avatar of vishnu! Not part avatar. Arjun required divine vision to grasp his entirety which was granted by his grace to motivate to fight. nothing was suppressed.
@nivedhs-lt9zm 6 ай бұрын
Well you see the form of the avatar is not mortal. it is a divine form.As stated by krishna in the bhagavad gita 4.9 . Furthermore the point of krishna is not to become mortal. Every avatar happens for 3 reasons which are protect the righteous destroy the wicked establish dharma an avatar may do whatever necessary to fulfill these duties hence sometimes they act like human . nonetheless they are god
@Sam-The_psyco 5 ай бұрын
That's true brother ❤
@Alphapkmn 6 ай бұрын
probably so they can be actually looked at by normal people?
@anishparajuli5218 6 ай бұрын
Yeah this is mostly it.
@Conduit_king 5 ай бұрын
Hindu gods can always be looked at by mortals. It's the Greek gods that can't
@anishparajuli5218 5 ай бұрын
@@Conduit_king Not in their complete form. This is stated in the Bhagwat Geeta when Arjun asks Lord Krishna to show him his full true form and once seeing it immediately asks for it to stop as he later describes it as having the intensity of 12 suns.
@Conduit_king 5 ай бұрын
@@anishparajuli5218 yeah, these stories like to retcon themselves. For example,ram went into complete form at the end of Ramayan in front of random civilians in one of the versions yet none of them were vaporized.
@prathamyadav2592 5 ай бұрын
​@@Conduit_kingare u sure he did?
@friedmushroom6534 25 күн бұрын
They usually come as an avatar to re-establish dharma and accomplish some specific task like killing a demon who can be killed only under certain conditions. In case of Krishna, earth was overburdened with unrighteous kings. So Krishna avatar always had access to his full godly powers but he only accessed them in situations where it was necessary to remind people that their misdeeds won't go unpunished. All his leelas were for the benefit of his devotees usually giving the message that the all powerful God can be moved by pure love and devotion. If you surrender yourself completely to him and call his name, lord will come running to help you. (He only showed his godly form to Arjun once he had surrendered to him and then gave him the knowledge of Geeta)
@Preeti-ri1ct 11 күн бұрын
Lord Krishna in bhagvad gita said there isn't something he can't do but he is teaching us life by living and doing karma
@raymondlara630 6 ай бұрын
Maybe the Zeus if you see those transformation, you explode
@ap_802 5 ай бұрын
Nope, if you are not worthy of seeing them they will not appear in front of you. Love them selflessly, our deities can be only defeated by devotees love, nothing else can harm them. I mean that seriously, something can only harm them if they themselves allow it to harm them. And our deities are immortal, let it be the creation of existence or destruction they will remain.
@user-ww9ww1pp2u 5 ай бұрын
Krishna showed his true form to the demigod Arjuna through a vision and he could not comprehend what he was seeing and frozen by depth of it untill krishna ended the vision.
@anniemaraj8773 26 күн бұрын
😂 Krsna embarassed Indra the Vadic version of Zuse
@Hoogly. 3 ай бұрын
Even mortals have these powers that's what they call asht siddhiyan ... Under a proper guru one can learn these skills ...but it takes time more than a couple lifetimes 🌚
@KEN-gw7bc Ай бұрын
Stop the cap, lil bro. My friend used to blaber the same nonsense without empirical evidence 😂
@Hoogly. Ай бұрын
@KEN-gw7bc it's crap baby ... I also don't know nothing about other dimensions of divine ..but it doesn't mean there is nothing beyond ... So cut the crap bro and let other's ideas flow as well
@Asura_clan Ай бұрын
​@@KEN-gw7bc my freind can fly 🌚
@FriedGamer 6 ай бұрын
I’m not Hindu, but I think it’s like the Olympians: they take mortal form so people aren’t vaporized at the sight of them
@justadith7785 6 ай бұрын
Actually mortals have gained audience with the gods multiple times in Hindu mythos. It's just convenient to be human or a turtle or a boar or a fish at times to complete certain tasks
@BallsTORTUREgaming 6 ай бұрын
No not the true form of god is shown anywhere i know it because I'm Hindu ,thing is you need to have immense devotion and upmost strength, From all I have read true form of god is viraat avatar of Vishnu which he shows to arjun in Kurukshetra, I think you know the lines "Now I have became death the destroyer of worlds" and in all only two people have seen true form of god ​the one god (yes Hinduism also has a idea of monotheism ),To see the Vishwaroopa of Krishna , you need Jnana Netra ( the eyes of knowledge in spiritual terms )@@justadith7785
@stickmaster400 6 ай бұрын
@@justadith7785it’s usually implied that they do take on these alternate forms to meet mortals, there are even a few stories (like the most popular case with zues) where depending on your interpretation, either by the light his pure godhood shined or by semele not being able to comprehend a god, she was either charred inside out in an instant and Dionysus rescued from the ashes, or she was driven insane and cast herself off a cliff into the sea, where Zeus was only able to rescue her child in time.
@ap_802 5 ай бұрын
Nah mate, Our Three main deities are usually very busy. Creating existence, preserving existence and destroying existence is not an easy task. This cycle repeats throughout the multiverse. So they take birth of human form because they cannot leave their job. And also they are showing that even though they are avatars they are following human rules, like learning things from the basics, doing their regular works. Which gives people the lesson of always doing your works no matter who you are.
@staarfinger7322 5 ай бұрын
They can project themselves without becoming an avatar. Theyre not physically there but can interact with you​@@stickmaster400
@jayrajchougale7617 3 ай бұрын
Remember folks "Great power comes with a great responsibility" Being God doesn't mean you can do anything without care for consequences. It is "Vidhi" that plays the most important role here. Even Gods follow Vidhi, otherwise for the actions of Gods, man as well as that God would face the consequences. If lord vishnu had used his power he could've got rid of Kauravas and there would not have been so much bloodshed but then Pandavas might have taken that for granted and we wouldn't have been taught the morals. Everything is interconnected.
@9g52utkristsinghrathore5 2 ай бұрын
Well i lke that you are asking reasonable questions and being respectful with your tone at the same time . Great job man 👏💯
@anniemaraj8773 26 күн бұрын
1% of infinte power is still infinity
@PolyChromium 6 ай бұрын
I think it’s just a matter of magnitudes of infinity. They go down an order of infinity
@triforceofcourage100 6 ай бұрын
That’s not how infinity works you divide infinity by 2 and the answer is still infinity
@tomkerruish2982 6 ай бұрын
​@@triforceofcourage100Well, they could go (say) from aleph-one to aleph-null.
@triforceofcourage100 6 ай бұрын
@@tomkerruish2982 maybe I wasn’t being clear infinity is a binary thing you are infinite or you are not. You can’t shrink infinity because infinity is a concept not a number. If it has numbers you can take away from then it is not infinite
@Dracosfire14 6 ай бұрын
​@@triforceofcourage100But infinity can be divided. If you take all even numbers and all odd numbers, both are infinite sets and also smaller than the infinity of whole numbers. You can then further subdivide infinities with the fractions in between whole numbers. And you can do all that again with negative numbers. There are levels of infinity that can be lesser than others.
@blacksnow7106 6 ай бұрын
@@triforceofcourage100 there are at least 2 levels of infinities, countable and uncountable infinities. For example integers are countable, because we can count them. But real numbers are uncountable because we literally cannot count them @Dracosfire14 No that's not how different level of infinities work
@meet_15 6 ай бұрын
The coming of an Avatar heralds a shift from chaos to order, good to evil, it often even means the change in the yugas, Krishna was there to herald Kaliyuga, that started when he died
@jakelnordstrom 6 ай бұрын
Headcanon only, but using Abrahamic angels as an example, perhaps their true divine form is something that either can't be comprehended by the physical world either rendering them "invisible" to mortals or more likely destroying them upon setting eyes on the divine form akin to losing your mind if you glimpse an eldritch horror.
@ekamandalaputra5517 6 ай бұрын
As a muslim i also heard this. There's a reason why Prophet Muhammad is scared whe the angel Jibril or Gabriel is visiting him for the first time to send the message. I think it could be one of the reason, i mean Zeus mistresses is obliterated because seeing his true form
@Aaa-vp6ug 5 ай бұрын
@@ekamandalaputra5517brings a whole new meaning to banging! Also, now I can’t stop thinking of Zeus as hornier Yoshikage Kira, detonating victims by showing them specifically a glimpse of his power.
@ishanbajpai6940 5 ай бұрын
I don't think a God can be compared with angel but I understand your line of thinking.
@Merilirem 5 ай бұрын
@@ishanbajpai6940 Sure they can. They are both being beyond mortal comprehension. Even if one is further beyond it doesn't really Matter because humans can't really handle either.
@UniDocs_Mahapushpa_Cyavana 5 ай бұрын
It is Hinduism 🕉, so the true form of every living being, including God, is an incorporeal soul. With the body being like its clothes 👕 or vehicle 🚗.
@adityaanchan8442 3 ай бұрын
Heyy bub really loved that u showed some interest here Lemme explain Lord Vishnu had 16 gunna ( skills) and every time he took his avatras he bought along some gunnas of his For example Shree Ram had 12 out of 16 gunnas and Shree Krishna had all 16 gunnas hence he was what you can say mortal form of lord Vishnu Simply putting it in a nutshell Lord Vishnu's avatras only had the necessary powers or gunna that was required to kill rakshas ( demons) And to restore Dharma again for example Lord Varaha avatar of lord Vishnu was an Avatar that of a wild Boar head and human like body He took this avatar to save Earth from hiranyaksh ( demon). As all demon had specific boons from lord Shiva or lord Brahma lord Vishnu was always required to Take on a new avatar to restore Dharma Again thanks for showing interest in our Sanatan Dharama Btw I am only 16 and my dad taught me all this
@AhamKaustubhGaur 8 күн бұрын
*For example, if you light one lamp from another, both are the same, as they share the same fire. Similarly, Vishnu does not come directly because there is no 'direct' arrival. He is always present, both within us and around us. When he materializes to interact with the world, it is called an avatar. The avatar and Ishwara are the same-they are simply different manifestations of the supreme reality. In fact, even Shiva, Vishnu, and Shakti are all expressions of this singular divine essence. There are temples where Krishna is worshipped as Kali, illustrating the interconnectedness of these forms. We are not polytheists. We believe in a singular, supreme consciousness, of which the world is a diverse manifestation. As humans, we are bound by Maya (illusion), but when we transcend Maya, we realize our true nature, which is the Prime Consciousness itself.*
@cheongjingnan4242 6 ай бұрын
For Vamana, Vishnu assumed that avatar mainly for the look of it; the unassuming child’s appearance was used to trick a king into granting him the permission to step on three footsteps of “land”, one of which was that king’s head when vamana grew to size; there’s no indication that the form was actually mortal tho. And as for Krishna, no clue why that avatar was actually necessary since other ppl in his lifetime can alrdy tell it’s actually Vishnu so I don’t see a point in staying in that form long term if the secret’s out 😅.
@karanjitsalwan9682 4 ай бұрын
For your doubt that, "for Krishna, no clue why that avatar was actually necessary since other ppl in his lifetime can alrdy tell it’s actually Vishnu so I don’t see a point in staying in that form long term if the secret’s out "..............Lord Krishna's avatar described by you is the original look of God when he expresses himself in physical form. It is not a secret which he may want to hide. Actually, you get it mis-understood because you think that Krishna is Vishnu's avatar. It is actually the opposite. It is God Krishna, who creates His second layer as- Maha Vishnu, who then creates his third layer as Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. Then this physical universe is born (by Brahma), preserved by (Vishnu and NOT Maha Vishnu) and temporarily annihilated (by Mahesh). In this physical world, normally only the Vishnu takes repeated incarnations before every temporary annihilation. Only in last cycle, God Krishna Himself takes incarnation. After this, Kalyuga starts, which will end with last avatar of Vishnu, that is, Lord Kalki. This is when complete annihilation referred to in Biblical religions as Judgement Day will happen. After which a completely new universe will be formed again by God Krishna (not Maha Vishnu or Lord Vishnu)
@Batega_toh_Katega_Hindu_108 3 ай бұрын
@@karanjitsalwan9682 You forget to mention this is according to Vaishnavism. in Shaktism AdiShakti is almighty, In Shaivism Shiva is. in Vedanta Brahm/Brahman is (not 4 headed Brahma creator btw).
@karanjitsalwan9682 3 ай бұрын
@@Batega_toh_Katega_Hindu_108 Actually, Santana dharma is so vast. It has innumerable layers on layers. And these are layers, these are not rankings of superiority. What you call as (Vaishnavism), (Shaktism) and (Shaivism), I call them as 3 primordial forms of existence and pre-existence/post-void (Shaivism). In modern science, we may call them as (Tangible Matter but Krishna puts soul/consciousness into it), (Energy) and (Dark Matter or unmanifest matter) respectively. When we are talking on the subject of The Vaishnavistic form of existence, that is, when dealing with tangible matter and soul, or in other words, mainly life forms like humans, animals, plants etc., we should describe the reality more through the layers of Krishna, by keeping Him in the central position, because for the purpose of Manifest Matter/Body and soul, Krishna is more relevant than Shiva (unmanifest reality) or Shakti (energy that manifests the unmanifest). You may call it propagation of Vaishnavism but it is actually the process of focusing on the subject matter. This is, what I did while I was replying to cheongjingnan4242 above and this is how Krishna also describes Himself in Bhagwat Gita: BG 10.20: O Arjun, I am seated in the heart of all living entities. I am the beginning, middle, and end of all "beings" that is, life forms. The Bhāgavatam also states: harirhi sākṣhādbhagavān śharīriṇāmātmā jhaṣhāṇāmiva toyamīpsitam (5.18.13)[v22], “God is the ātmā of the ātmā (Soul of the soul) of all living beings.”
@Batega_toh_Katega_Hindu_108 3 ай бұрын
@@karanjitsalwan9682 No I reject Krishna at center and all other Vaishnav scriptural nonsense. Shiva is nonduality and Shiva is at the center and at the corner too if there is corner but I don't think so. there is no center or corner in Nondual Shaivism. everything is Shiva.
@karanjitsalwan9682 3 ай бұрын
@@Batega_toh_Katega_Hindu_108 Shiva (when alone and meditating somewhere) is neither at the center nor at any corner of the existence (matter+soul). When shakti meets Him, only then she forcibly (by force/energy) brings Shiva to worldly manifestation. In layman's words, when she marries the yogi (meditating) Shiva. After this the world is formed and keeps forming through knowledge (Brahma). The task of Preservation and evolution (which can happen through soul/consciousness) is that of Krishna. At end, everything will again go back to Shiva (unmanifest).
@Tnk_xd 6 ай бұрын
you know how krishna died..? in an accident where a hunter arrow hit him while he was asleep...
@ekamandalaputra5517 6 ай бұрын
I thought he was meditated. And the hunter that killed him is actually a reincarnation of Subali, a monkey man creature that are killed by Ram, another Vishnu avatar
@adityaverma2583 6 ай бұрын
​@@ekamandalaputra5517 im pretty sure he was asleep but you're right about the other thing
@servipergaming5341 6 ай бұрын
It is said that it was all his plans in fact is never died he just took his Vishnu from infront of the hunters and told it was all this plan you don't have to consider it a sin
@BallsTORTUREgaming 6 ай бұрын
He was cursed by Gandhari the mother of kaurvas who lost the war to pandavas and because Krishna was on the side of Pandavas ,she even though knowing fully that he is god cursed krishna that like he had made arjun hunt her children he would too die by hunter's action Now I'll also answer questions most people usually ask that how can a mortal curse a god? Is god that weak? Answer is Gandhari is very well a mortal but she earned power through her loyalty and her devotion to her husband ,her husband was blind ,so she also put a blind fold for her entire life so she will feel everything her husband does and also Krishna wronged her and her children as he has to for good so the curse came for pure heart of mother which was accepted so as to show that even god will have to accept judgement of wronged mother
@laap007l8 6 ай бұрын
It was all planned and destined. The hunter was reincarnation of bali, the monkey King who was killed by lord Rama by trickery. Lord Krishna dying was the start of Kali Yuga afterall.
@spymadmax584 5 ай бұрын
Think of it as their raw power in their original form is powerful enough to be volatile,that when they take mortal form,that volatile energy is now stable. Stable doesn't mean they're weak.
@ineedpowers5151 4 ай бұрын
Not even that it also shows that if in mortal form they do such things as if they are perceived as literal God!! Their Real Forms should be beyond our Comprehension
@entertainmentpurposes9684 3 ай бұрын
Bro thats the way to show there dominance so that they can teach the teachings. And also to make them understand that there is a omnipotent who will always with the good ones. Hence motivating to be good 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@shilpamurdeshwar5788 2 ай бұрын
You are right, Krishna my beloved God was reminded time and again that he is supposed to be in his limits but he kept forgetting ❤❤❤Krsna
@kamishin7135 5 ай бұрын
Not a hindu, but if their avatars are already that strong and are supposed to be the restrained versions of themself, there might be a possibility of f-ing everything up when they come down to the mortal realm
@mythicalsoulz4709 5 ай бұрын
Partially true, but lifting a mountain one single finger is the least impressive of krishna's feats. Even amongst the other hindu gods, Vishnu is practically the strongest. He breathes in and destroys multiverses and when he breathes out multiverses are created (in his strongest form, not an avatar). Krisna had summoned different versions of Brahma the creator god from other universes to just showthe brahma of this universe that he is miniscule in the grand scheme of things. Apart from the obvious "too powerful to be seen" answer, Hindu gods capable of making avatars do so to interact with mortals and give them stories and life lessons.
@Batega_toh_Katega_Hindu_108 3 ай бұрын
@@mythicalsoulz4709 "Vishnu is practically the strongest" this is according to Vaishnavism. according to Shaktism AdiShakti is almighty, According to Vedanta it is Nondual Brahm/Brahman (not 4 headed Brahma btw), in Shaivism it is Shiva as infinite nonduality.
@damon5697 3 ай бұрын
​@@Batega_toh_Katega_Hindu_108all of them are one. Vishnu worships shiva and shiva worships vishnu.
@saikorapaka312 3 ай бұрын
the whole concept is nature and man ।।here nature is woman that is where all starts and man is shiva ।।।the sakthi has divided her self into 3 lakshmi, parvati saraswathi and vishnu , shiva and brahma note here brahma had age limit he emerged from vishnus belly button।।।। vishnu is the maintainor of multiverse called lokhas , in many lokhas there were relative brahmas also performing his job of birth and death to the entities , the ashuras( ravan) all are pray to shiva ,brahma to get immoral boons and super power to get they put 100% of effort and get their boons later they start to becoming mad turn against । then vishnu emerges to distroy that greedy rakshas he took his form to kill the asuras to maintain or balance the life on earth and many multiverse ।।।।।।and shiva is the creator and distroyer of universe and the one who dont have start and end । parvathi his wife she is the prime source of all energy her self is darkness in the universe she spread all across the universe । she offers the thrishul and chakras to shiva and vishnu before dividing her form into three
@Thatoneguywhodoestheonething 6 ай бұрын
It's simple, they're the devs minmaxed OCs
@hermescarraro3393 5 ай бұрын
That... Makes sense actually... Since God in Hinduism is literally everything... So it's as if the dev was also the pc and the datas withing the game...
@mirzapramudya1580 5 ай бұрын
@sagarjadhav6568 5 ай бұрын
​@@mirzapramudya1580and it's called Maya
@uselesshero.official 4 ай бұрын
​@@hermescarraro3393funny how gods are called Devas in Hinduism and Deities in English.
@piyushpawar9761 4 ай бұрын
Because the main God of Hinduism is called ishvar​@@uselesshero.official
@axeonvonshadow539 5 ай бұрын
String theory of higher dimensions, they are just going from beyond 3D to 3D
@Batega_toh_Katega_Hindu_108 3 ай бұрын
you mean 3D to higher Dimensions.
@zerotenart 17 күн бұрын
new women that's one thing I've noticed as a Hindu listening to hindu stories bout the gods😅😅😅
@ronakpatel7645 2 ай бұрын
In the Bhagavat Gita Lord Krishna gave Arjun divine vision after he asked to see his cosmic form, note how he only gave him divine vision, he didn't actually change form. Arjuna after receiving divine vision saw Krishna everywhere and saw everything in Krishna including other forms of God like Shiva and Bhrama. This means the Avatars aren't actually restricted, they only appear to be so.
@moksh1106 5 ай бұрын
Krishna was indeed a powerful being But was nowhere near to the might of vishnu
@akhilm9851 5 ай бұрын
I always assumed that the original must continue to maintain their role and purpose, the mortal avatar is sort of an extension, a copy that's individual but also a conduit for the original to act without mixing the regular world with the version of them that destroys or balances or keeps things existing. But that was just how I reasoned some of it
@joyeetaghosh2209 5 ай бұрын
You are correct
@MrShadowSmith 3 ай бұрын
You are correct. Also gods like Shiv and Vishnu scale above concepts like dimensions and are omnipresent. 3D beings can't comprehend all that so they use avatars which are forms 3D beings can interact with
@shadowkingdarksin3980 6 ай бұрын
imagine a bowl of power compaired to an entire ocean thats how much power they have so they are limited to 3% of their original power 😅
@SouravChawla-dg1ys 2 ай бұрын
Krishna gave up their immortality in mortal state he can die but as he want to fullfil his purpose of coming to the earth, such as sthapna of dharma he always survives and using those powers was to tell the people around him that he is the god and came down to earth to bless ,teach, and fulfil his deeds from his last birth of Ram(eg: krishna served maa yashoda for 14 yrs as a Rama left kausalya in his avatar) he even told arjuna how he is god and give him the learning of geeta!! I see people comparing krishna to a video game characters(creater) and saying that he uses his powers for no reason or fun but actually it was all planned what he has to do after coming to earth even before he coming to earth. Hare Krishna Hare Rama ,Rama Rama Hare Hare Jai shree krishna 🙏
@krishnarams1989 3 ай бұрын
Answer is: one of the devotees of vishnu was cursed by one of guru for not treating him well in karthika masa( it's month) as the devotee was in deeksha of vishnu, so the guru cursed the devotee to make 10 forms that is : fish, tortile, pig, lion, 3 times human, and dwraft, with all this forms the devotees curse will be gone, at this time lord vishnu knows the situation & accepted all this curses to himself instead of his devotee, This is how Avatars happen to Lord Vishnu. In Hindu 🕉 there's always a reason for all forms and avatars of gods. What we need is to research that topic.
@Rose-yx6jq 5 ай бұрын
Its so mortals can actually *PERCEIVE* them.
@MegaManDBZX 6 ай бұрын
If you want to know what power a Hindu god loses when using their avatars… Just look at Chuck Norris.
@chumkibhattacharya1800 6 ай бұрын
Actually when they are born as avatars they develope a totally different personality also an avatar takes birth and dies after their work in the human world is done.Also when they come to us as avatars they always give us a lesson which helps us to live through the yugas and for the powers and stuff because the body can be of mortal but the soul is of paramatma who is beyond everything also an avatar can Also sometimes become something else for example Ashwatthaama who became some what of evil. Also krishna,Rama, sharabha and other avatars of lord Shiva and vishnu are born and left their body after their work is done.One more thing about avatars is that they are different from the forms taken by shiv and Vishnu some of the differences are that avatars are born and forms are taken by their true self,an avatar after it's work is done either leaves it's body or gets assigned to some perpose for example kal bhairav as avatar of Shiva who is assigned as the protector of universe, Hanuman who is blessed as a chiranjeevi and is waiting for the final avatar of Vishnu who is kalki.
@vivashvanbhushan3422 5 ай бұрын
Vishnus avatars never died lol
@Rat_Haired 3 ай бұрын
​@@vivashvanbhushan3422nearly every Vishnu died even though he could have just avoided his own death . All I know was Lord Ram took samadhi on Ganga or Yamuna i don't remember which river it was . Lord Krishna died to a cursed arrow which he knew was coming but let it hit him because he knew his time was already over on earth
@chumkibhattacharya1800 3 ай бұрын
​@@vivashvanbhushan3422only one avatar of Vishnu is alive and that is Parashuram he is alive due to a purpose and that is to train kalki avatar who is going to end Kaliyug. By the way you have much to learn about 😅
@chumkibhattacharya1800 3 ай бұрын
​@@Rat_Haired ❤
@lecrowpus. 2 ай бұрын
its cuz they want to set up a narative or an ideal way , for ppl to follow , to teach them how to be a good person and neuances of life
@sreelekha5939 2 ай бұрын
Except for Rama, all the other avatars are not exactly bound by the nature of their form. Krishn is a fully realized and aware form of Vishnu, which he says himself. And mostly everyone around him is cognizant of that. Where as Rama himself acts like he's unaware he's Vishnu. Rama was born to show humans how an ideal human would walk through life. So depending on the purpose of the avatar, and the circumstances of the times they are born into, Vishnu manifests and exhibits his powers.
@kushagrasharma6897 5 ай бұрын
Lord Vishnu was cursed that he has to go through mortal sufferings that also one of the reason he take Avtar. In Hinduism there usually are more than one reason for everything 😅
@samurexatlas7373 6 ай бұрын
Maybe it's more the sense of, their raw essence is too powerful so they refine it into mortal forms?
@Mycreditcardinfo 6 ай бұрын
Like in Greek mythology where if you see they’re true form you’ll be vaporized
@gospelofdeath 6 ай бұрын
They forget that Shiva comes back for peace only to be killed by his wife. Story of my life, we give up all power when mortal only to be given certain abilities the more our influence grows. ❤
@BallsTORTUREgaming 6 ай бұрын
In which story my guy ?
@AnopKumarDas 5 ай бұрын
WTF are you taking about ? Are you high ?
@adityajoshi370 5 ай бұрын
What is this story? I'm a Hindu n I've never heard of this
@gospelofdeath 5 ай бұрын
@@adityajoshi370 Kali goes on a rampage and is calmed when she looks down and realized she has been stepping on shiva. Hope this helps remember. ❤️❤️
@adityajoshi370 5 ай бұрын
@@gospelofdeath yeah she just steps on him, doesn't kill him as Shiva has no beginning or end
@shairush1 9 күн бұрын
Kirisha used the extra normal power only when other powerful agents are asserting their aggression using similar power. He levels the playing field. If you notice he takes passive form throughout the war. He is only an advisor. In fact Arjun stops him at one point from using his power.
@comedy_center2008 3 ай бұрын
I have three reasons for that 1) God power is that much that a single presence can destroy the whole multi vers 2)The God him self tell that this is not the only world their are infinite world and to maintain balance the he make Avatar 3)the God come in avatar for two reasons first to solve the problem and second is to gift their biggest and kindest Follower gift by becoming son of their If anyone feel bad at my explanation Kindly aware me by writing comment on it 😊😊
@makaylaberrey4040 6 ай бұрын
How they look? 🤷‍♀️
@Batega_toh_Katega_Hindu_108 3 ай бұрын
Looks is an illusion of the infinite formless. unconditional love accepts God in all possible forms and looks
@Gurubus-an 3 ай бұрын
The word AVATAR itself means to descent in mortal form. Ending that avatar in form of body doesn't mean ending that energy nor it doesn't mean limited energy. It is a way that we normal humans can connect and experience the Divine Energy (Leela). Infact there are famous sayings in many texts including Geeta, that people won't understand the importance of Someones' Avatar karya(or during their reign) and suddenly after the Avatar they all try to realize the importance of it and try to give Honour/Respect to them. (Even this can be realized with many famous scientists/scholars)
@percyweasley9301 2 ай бұрын
YES exactly 💯💯
@talcumx2124 6 ай бұрын
Maybe it's like looking at a cathulu monster. Going crazy and having your head explode?🎉
@_Chaosnight_ 6 ай бұрын
Actually when you look at Lovecraftian monsters or deities you aren't guaranteed to go crazy, if you have a strong enough spirit you can look at them no issue (besides a few like the one that turns you into a living mummy) Some people are even completely immune to those effects like those with a strong imagination, willpower or people that already have mental issues Considering most Lovecraftian deities are truly omnipotent and can do whatever they want thy could just make you go mad for the sake of it but unless they do that you are pretty safe to look at them
@mastergojjj 4 ай бұрын
No man he is a god you just go buy a book name bhagwat geeta when you read this book you realise the things what is world what is your whenever you think what is your why are you special in all animalswhy only you can find none other one ok jai Sri Krishna he say I amthe real God of world I can create then I destroy I love him
@s4nsk_ 2 ай бұрын
because gods are more like metaphysical concepts rather than characters in a story, even the popular pictures we see of them in our everyday life are just a visual depiction of the concept. so to come into the physical world they descend as avatars that represent the concept like preservation, destruction etc.
@dhananjayvaidya2473 Ай бұрын
Good that you are showing interest in Hindu Dharma, don’t stop here. You will surely find something to liberate you from superficial questioning. A long way to go. Happy journey !
@handsomeneanderthal4176 5 ай бұрын
The God's literally said "no matter the dress, I still will flex" 😎 💪
@peterparker6377 4 ай бұрын
It's like "you disclose movie main plot and suspense to person who is about to watch.
@trailguidealex5010 6 ай бұрын
Maybe what they show off is a fraction of their power. There power is so incomprehensible to us that even a fraction of their strength seems all powerful
@tusharnagar8281 Ай бұрын
The all Avatar were having same power like God Vishnu, the reason why he take birth because they have to die too. Because the one who take birth will also die, and if they don't take birth then they will not die. And will remain on earth...
@ShubhamBa 3 ай бұрын
Yooo mate, nice question. 1) When a god comes as a mortal, he becomes a aprt of the Karmic cycle. Whatever the previous avatar karma were acquired, they experience the result of them. 2) For meeting a god in its actual form, the normal mortal would have to gain spiritual enlightenment and all, but to interact with god in human form is possible without any of it. 3) They have some sort of power and access to divine spiritual energy based on the role they are supposed to play. Ram/buddha did not have divine powers, but others had some specifically to the situation they were subjected to face. When Krishna showed his ultimate form to Arjuna oh his request, Arjun was not able to handle the vastness, and begged to come back in his mortal form. Basically a very complicated matter on surface level, if you are aware of smaller details its manageable, and the extreme nuances are for the sages to gain enlightenment.
@DerGoRaN96 6 ай бұрын
probably they cant eat the big cookie in one bite anymore
@narasimharv7467 2 ай бұрын
There is a concept called as ' Ashtha Sidhi' which means ' 8 Sidhi's', Ashta siddhi are eight divine powers or supernatural abilities. Out of 8 first 2 are Anima (Shrink to the size of an atom) and Garima (Grow to an enormous size) . With appropriate penance every human has the possibility of unlocking these 2 sidhi's. I hope you understand how those human forms of vishnu avtara could do such things. Those form are trying showcase that human beings are capable of doing it. Imo
@lordaladeen 2 ай бұрын
There's no such penance through which a mortal human can gain those siddhis you described.
@Nevi-bc1dl 10 күн бұрын
They take mortal forms not to suppress their true form but to be one with people around them. Guide them to the right path in life, give teachings which will be read by millions in coming years to help themselves get hold of their life, for example the book - Bhagwad Geeta. ° If you know Ram, he was always a reincarnation of Lord Vishnu, but he lived his life like a normal human being for the most part facing all the struggles a normal person would and he displayed how a man should be, how a man should act. He preached morals and values, just not by just writing them down but by practicing them himself as a mortal being. ° If you are curious about Hinduism, I'd highly recommend you to give a read to Bhagwad Geeta, it's a great book which will surely help you navigate and understand Hinduism as a philosophy.
@parashthakur6776 24 күн бұрын
Suffering They suffers same as other humans or sometimes even worse. In their original form they are above all. But in human form when born from a womb, they comes under the influence of 9 planets and then they ensure their life gets miserable as other humans. Cause Karmic laws are applicable to everyone, even for gods. Like Rama has to get exile for 14 years. Krishna(means dark color) his complexion was dark people used to taunt him like that N word uses for Americans, his friends used to tease him and wouldn't play with him his life was full of misery, specially childhood😢😢😢.
@TG-ge1oh Ай бұрын
From what I've understood after reading the epics, avatars can (and do) only use a small fraction of the powers of their true self in times of specific needs. They are still bound to the rules of the mortal realm (as in, everything that is born must die). And the moments when they release the powers of their true self, things get pretty hairy. Check out Krishna's Visvaroopadarshanam section of the Mahabharata. It only done for a brief moment, but its effect is profound.
@inocentbuddy Ай бұрын
Bro forgot the point here, I can relate to a god only when they have two hands 1 head and 2 eyes. Gods are depicted with multiple hands, more than 1 head and ofcourse eyes coz they come with a head. 😅
@cheenu51 11 күн бұрын
it was for Bali, Vamana was big enough in his head, big as the universe, that crushed his ego. Vamana Avatar made him realize that he is just the king of a small physical world, but the one who governs the universe and the mind of all conscious beings (which is much bigger).. is one God.. Sri Maha vishnu...
@oneforall7095 3 ай бұрын
Idk about u guiz, but from childhood I was taught by my granpa that krishna is vishnu, vishnu is shiv, shiv is brahma and so on all gods are the same. And the concern about their power is they are all equal, some good at some specific duty that they have to do like agni is just best user of fire element, its not that other gods can't use fire. And if you say vishnu should look after the preservation of universe and help humans at same time, it would be just better to do everything himself then whats the point of assigning different duties to different gods and even creating the universe? The main reason universe was born because the paramatma felt lonely and bored all around by himself. Also if he didn't come here in mortal form how he will experience the feel of life and being a human, also he gives us teachings(greatest ex. Bhagvat Gita) and lilas(basically plays of god). There wouldn't be any point doing things all by himself, how will a human grow then? Also there isn't one vishnu or any other god they are all ANANT(innumerable). Its better for human that they can see god in different forms as they wish right? For some he's son, for some father, for some friend, for some teacher and etc etc. Wouldn't you like to live with god on a daily basis as a part of your fam? You wouldn't be able to show the same affection towards him due his status and respect in his true form right? Hope rhis helps you...if you are more curious just mail me I will send you a copy of Bhagvat Gita in it the same is explained more briefl. Radhe Radhe 🙏🏼
@mutantmaster1 Ай бұрын
Maybe th immortal part? Like they can still do amazing stuff, they just have the looming threat of either death by age or death by outside forces, so they treat their time down on earth with a bit more?
@shaileshkunwar2824 3 ай бұрын
The Avatar are "Super" Men amoung the Mortals. Their way of life is what we should be studying and learning from, their feats and miracles only demonstrations of powers we humans can fathom. Being a Sanatani and student of the Osho's philosophy, I urge you to understand the very human nature of the Gods and the divinity of the mortal life.
@ninthrook 3 ай бұрын
The concept of avatar is a kind of accessibility to devotees and also removing moral dilemmas and showing the pathway to live and apply Dharma in particular context and even though avatar display certain godly attributes but also most of the time try to be human and their objectives to show the path for human and also live like a devotee and face day to day reality just like us... Avatars also give confidence to devotees that when something is completely out of human hands then the God himself takes the job into his hands and comes forward... That journey with avatar is truly amazing for any devotee
@akray1153 3 ай бұрын
Because they show us the way to live as human beings for the most part. From time to time they show a glimpse their true power to ward off evil of extreme nature.
@sanyamgupta7890 2 ай бұрын
The best answer I could find is: There's a concept of Karma and suffering which can be experienced in the mortal form only. So in order to feel what us humans do, gods take mortal form which they wouldn't in there true form.
@vishalchauhan9454 2 ай бұрын
They come down in such forms so that people get to know that they are some form of Divine Entity and which creates people's faith in them that nothing wrong is going to happen with them because the god himself in mortal form is with them....
@varshagole749 2 ай бұрын
This could be explained as the gods are higher dimensional being Just as if we want to enter in an anime we have to create a 2D character which can exist in a 2 dimensional space Therefore it is said that Gods have to abandon their powers
@madara.3059 3 ай бұрын
You can take it as a matrix bro there coming to that avatar and many boons and curses can't be done in their real form I mean when he was kid everyone knew he has powers ofc there were sages that were much powerful from sub gods so they know that he was a powerful being but didn't know that he was one of Trinity himself and if you see every avatar they had a purpose to do
@archit8300 2 ай бұрын
They incarnate to teach humanity how to solve their problems and morality,and also to give us the pleasure of loving and experiencing them and they protect us from powers we cannot control . They show off their greatness just to remind us who they really are...
@karansahu9186 3 ай бұрын
The question is really good, he didn't ask in a way of making fun but as solving his doubts. There is no restriction in asking questions even Arjun asked so many questions after seeing the Krishna (virat roop).
@Pixelplusgameforge 2 ай бұрын
This kind of similar question asked by arjun to krishna in mahavarat. And lord krishna gave his answer very clever logical and non controversial way.
@pixelpro-hs7pw 2 ай бұрын
Bro krishna in full avatar of lord vishnu and Rama is "Ansh"Avatar means only 1percent of 100,and krishna died because he had a curse
@lunamoon1239 2 ай бұрын
How is this the first time I’m noticing your Koro-sensei figure.. and love Assassination Classroom, it’s my favorite anime
@blazegaming9756 Ай бұрын
so just to clear lord vishnu comes to earth in mortal forma or avatars to keep a check on the dharma being followed on the world, every avatar teaches us a different things about life and ones dharma.. the main concept of avatrs in motal forms is that they come they teach and they go so that we learn on our own,, and also them having powers doesnt actually "not make sense on them having mortal forms" they came to maintain dharma and protect us form the evils ... so ig its pretty simple to understand why do the avatars have powers... you menyion them having powers but you also forget at the same time that there are avtars that had no powers at all for instance the 9th avatar of lord vishnu which is lord Buddha (people might nit agree with this but it is what is it guys) didnt have any special powers but he did his job as an avatar that s maintaining dharma and teaching people to live ... so basically having powers by avatars is also equvalent to how strong the evil was at that point like kansha at the time of lord krishna but during lord buddha there wasnt such someone.. so yeah i hope this makes sense and you get the point and that you for being respectful and asking what you are confused about..
@ronakpatel7645 2 ай бұрын
Avatars aren't necessarily a restriction, they're taken for a purpose, everything from what they do in their lives to their appearence and species is for a specific purpose. For example Lord Vishnu's Narasimha Avatar which was half man and half lion, was taken to kill an Asura who had recieved specific boons that rendered him invincible to most beings. Lord Vishnu essentially found a loophole that left him vulnerable to that specific being and defeated him. Lord Vishnu had to be a human to beat Ravana because of his boons as well. Lord Krishna is an Avatar with no restrictions and he actually showed Arjuna his true form, in which he was literally everything, including the other forms of God. Also Shree Krishna often reffered to himself as Lord Vishnu, whereas other Avatars of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva don't do this, or do it rarely. However this doesn't mean that Lord Krishna is a 'better' or more powerful avatar of Lord Vishnu, all Avatars at any point can use their infinite power or knowledge but choose not to. Avatars are classed into categories but its not by how God like they are as they are all 100% God, but they're categorised by how much divinity they show, a subtle but key difference. Side note but something interesting to consider is that Hinduism believes that God has infinite Avatars, and that he descends when ever and where ever to maintain righteousness and teach the correct path, meaning that somewhere out there in the universe on an alien planet, they could have the same religion with the same teachings but worhsip complety different Avatars.
@anish....Yupthatsit 2 ай бұрын
Avatars are like capsules of their true energy... And to deal with the people, he gains a mortal body and has his fun with a boundary limit.... Also one of the reasons is, that every avatar has a divine teaching which can enlighten every person, shiva or vishnu with an ambition to teach us smtg important which can be used in our day to day life our in later situations of our life
@aroravanand 2 ай бұрын
Because you can only see their human forms, as to see their original form you need DIYVA DRISHTI(special vision) as mentioned in Mahabharata. Krishna also gave divya drishti to Arjun for a short time to show his original form. It's also mentioned in Bhagwad Geeta that Krishna gave divya drishti to Arjun for a short time to show his original form. Read Mahabharata for more, hope it helps!
@shivatrident5391 Ай бұрын
That's called a Leela A play To demonstrate the path of Dharma It changes the way you look at things, to emulate those qualities while living as human, when things are right, the God within you will access that power and make you lift mountains with your pinky😇
@omprakashmishrastudys8098 3 ай бұрын
those mortal bodies are need to kill the demon or bad may me because of some boon the villam got like he can't be killed by God or other powerful beings except human(in ramayan, ram avatar),can't be killed by a existing organisation (narshimha avatar),a demon who grant any wish of a brahmin (vaman avatar)..if lord Vishnu really came instead of the mortal bodies he could easily kill the villian even if the demon has boon(no boon can protect u if he come).....but to fulfill the promise of the boon for truth and virtue he do the role play.....
@ashutoshbiswal5356 2 ай бұрын
I would just say that there is an instance in the Mahabharata war when Arjuna and Karna were fighting, some of the arrows from Karna started hitting Krishna, and when that happened, Lord Hanuman, who was stationed on the chariot for protecting the chariot got angry and started chattering teeth and staring violently at Karna. The surrounding warriors, including Karna, could not take it, and they started to fall on their chariot. Krishna stopped Hanuman from doing that and said that people from this yuga couldn't stand his anger and would die if he continued doing that.
@_.eternal 2 ай бұрын
Brother, just imagine, krishna in his youth did that, forget imagining, we just can't imagine what vishnu is capable of doing
@dr.supriyasmarakdas6017 2 ай бұрын
So the concept of avatar of narayan is he came with a form that was required at the time. Like in matsya avatar he helped the saptarishi and others navigate the pralay. In kurma he stabilized the mountain on his back which was used during samudra manthan. Vamana avatar was like that bcz Bali would underestimate him, in parasuram he was the crossover between two class and ended the stereotype. In rama avatar he was the perfect man who became the idol human for all and as krishna he was the cunning politician which was needed at the time. And the powers he never just outright showed off too and only used it when needed things to get balanced
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