不能被驅逐出境和得到合法身份不是同一件事,這些父母在子女21歳前永遠都没身份,一旦子女21歳了通常也會被認定可獨立生活,那就可以被遣返了,就算绿卡申请没有因為非法入境的記録被拒(which is likely)實務上根本没辦法留在美國完成绿卡申请。黑户在美國基本没权利,也不能合法工作,能領的救助是基於子女的公民身份,before the constitution changed, these children are just as US citizen as any other children born by parents with H1B or student VISAs (both based on birth right)。 birth right是否應該存續本身可以也值得討論,但是不要含混不清的聲稱“事實”。
#漢威跟你說 既然講到了川普很可能引發違憲爭議,那有沒有興趣聊聊「美國不是民主國家,而是共和國(The United States is a republic, not a democracy)」的這種觀點? 美國上世紀甚至現在都有保守派人士聲稱美國不是民主國家,而是「憲政聯邦共和國(constitutional federal republic)」,他們給出的理由大多都表示民主是左派平等主義的妄想,而這種妄想將導致暴民政治與獨裁統治。 這種言論本身就很具爭議,而當今美國保守派大佬川普卻公然挑戰憲法,川普的行為無異是在打臉自己人。 這下子激進派真的要認為保守派太激進了...
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." 所有在美國出生或入籍的人,並受其管轄 --- 寫得很清楚。只要是合法移居美國或擁有永久居留權,孩子就是美國公民 非法和遊客在第14憲法下沒有權利獲得公民身份 川普沒有改第十四憲法
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." 所有在美國出生或入籍的人,並受其管轄 --- 寫得很清楚。只要是合法移居或擁有永久居留權,孩子就是美國公民 F1/H1B, 非法和遊客在第14憲法下沒有權利獲得公民身份 難民進入美國一年後就可以申請綠卡。當他們轉公民時,他們所生的孩子自動成為公民
Stated are two conditions, first "born or naturalized in the United States", and second "subject to the jurisdiction thereof". The first is well-understood condition. Either born OR naturalized is fine according to verbatim understanding. The second is the contentious condition. Being "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" can be interpreted differently for different people. It can be interpreted as naturalized, or tax-paying, or law-abiding, etc. Illegal immigrants in a sense are not under the jurisdiction of the United States. If anything they ain't law-abiding. F1 students are officially non-immigrants who cannot show intent to stay and don't pay much if any tax (no income except CPT or OPT). H1b workers are not naturalized yet. It's a complicated problem of interpretation. Any conclusion outside the Supreme Court will be unbecoming of a future justice.