British Couple React To - The Fallen of World War II

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BCFCJames Cornwall

BCFCJames Cornwall

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Link to the original video: • The Fallen of World Wa...
IG: Thanorseman
Personal IG: James_atrr

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@JamesCornwall95 3 жыл бұрын
Currently watching Operation Valkyrie 💪🏼
@jonathonfrazier6622 3 жыл бұрын
Please react to " The incredibly stupid one" by Simple History.
@kylarperkins1424 3 жыл бұрын
@BigWolf130 3 жыл бұрын
You should watch the youtube channel TierZoo, start with the videos The Primate Tier List, Are Humans OP?, What if Humans were Nerfed?, What's the Best Human Support Class?, How Humans Broke the Game, and Is Religion a Flawed Play Style for Humans?.
@GBZanafar 3 жыл бұрын
You should watch movie Come and See (1985) also known "The Scariest Film Ever Made ISN'T a Horror Film"
@jacksonvanbeelen5224 3 жыл бұрын
@Hans historian mark feltons video on it is good
@bracejuice7955 3 жыл бұрын
“The first country the Nazi’s conquered was Germany” a great quote to help understand that there were many germans who were simply caught between a rock and a hard place, and had to fight for their country, not the nazi party
@brayden2502 3 жыл бұрын
Yes everyone thinks because Germany ruler was a nazi everyone is a nazi no that is false it like say that the USA present Biden is a democratic everyone is the USA is democratic so thanks you for posting that.
@Perfectly_Cromulent351 3 жыл бұрын
While not every German was a Nazi, they had the support of the vast majority of the German people, especially after the socialists and Communists were crushed. This notion that the people were duped or coerced into supporting them is disingenuous and patronizing; they knew how bad the Nazis were from the very beginning, but they supported them for simple reasons like “they’re good for the economy” or bc they thought not doing so would hurt their chances to get promoted. Check out Milton Meyer’s “They Thought They We’re Free” or better yet, just listen to Behind the Bastards podcast episodes about the “little germans”, the regular people who made the Nazi’s ascent to power possible. Perpetuating this notion that the German people were victims devalues the lessons one could learn from them, which might help explain the current rise of Fascism all across the world, especially in the USA.
@ner0p 3 жыл бұрын
@@Perfectly_Cromulent351 Also because ignorance is a bliss. As soon as those bombs started falling over Berlin they got the gist of what actually was going on. We shouldn't thrive for the "an eye for an eye" philosophy, but sometimes there isn't any other way to get the point across and instill some common sense.
@almightytrollgod 3 жыл бұрын
@@Perfectly_Cromulent351 The problems are indeed politician that gain power and gain access to military, by simply enticing and lying to people, promise them paradise and give them death. That is also happening today. It doesn't matter what kind of "society" is build, politicians are peoples worst enemies and as soon as we understand that, we will be having much larger peace.
@theremnant117 3 жыл бұрын
Such is the disposition of a central European conformist. It kind of had to happen anyways, this was an era where even Churchill and the Brits talked about wiping Germans out before it all began. It was just a horrible, mouth-frothed time. With the Soviets leaning on the border, having no internet, having to accumulate all your understandings from books and personal experiences.. It was just fate. A sad fate for literally everyone. Well, almost. But only that; most. The circumstances were that everyone had to fight for their countries and such at that point, I think ideologies came lastly in the end of all things.
@k.p.8903 3 жыл бұрын
Now you know why Russians celebrate May 9 so much, Victory Day. This victory went to the Russians very dearly, it must not be forgotten.
@sergheibecciu1171 2 жыл бұрын
Россиянам?...вы уверены?
@stratejic1020 2 жыл бұрын
One thing that people don't seem to understand is that in the Soviet Union a lot of Soviet troops even generals admitted that if it wasn't for the United States sending them materials they probably wouldn't have won this war since they got a crap ton of material from the United States such as steel and iron and copper and food. So in reality It was a team effort that won the war not the Soviets on their own, but can't dismiss the massive Russian sacrifice. Everyone did their part and won the war together.
@МаксимБрагин-х7с 2 жыл бұрын
@@stratejic1020 It is especially funny to hear how the Allies helped the USSR in the war, when the United States supplied oil to Nazi Germany until 1943. The USSR was already leading a full-scale offensive against the Nazis by 1944, the help of the Allies only reduced Soviet losses, but was not a radical turning point of the war. Stop talking nonsense already.
@pirateblackhawkdown9047 Жыл бұрын
@Stratejic USA was helping the Nazi with resources & oil stop lying. How can you supply Russia when U-boats control the sea another western lies to convince themselves they did something even the fight for Berlin U.K,USA stayed out of it knowing it was a death trap so again the Russian step up to end the German machine for good. You been watching too much Hollywood movies it's not real.
@avinashreji60 Жыл бұрын
@@МаксимБрагин-х7с stop spreading bs propaganda what happened was that Standard Oil through its South American subsidiaries were selling oil to Germany.
@frieda2413 2 жыл бұрын
My grandmothers brother was 19 when he got drafted directly from the obligatory military conscription. His family and him tried everything so he could stay home. It didn't work. He had to go to Russia and went missing after 6 months. He was 20. He didn't ask for any of this, nor did he know everything that was going on like people these days do because they have got hindsight and a computer. Being sent to war was a death sentence, especially if you were sent east.
@christian7535 2 жыл бұрын
Sarcastic /shrug. But women are supposed to be oppressed? #how-dare-you
@NatashaAvtonomova 3 жыл бұрын
Если бы не народ СССР , все бы в концлагерях сидели . Люди должны бороться со злом и несправедливостью ежедневно и строить хороший мир и дружбу народов. И помнить сколько миллионов жизней стоило отстоять это . .🥀😥
@Hobbie375 2 жыл бұрын
“The Long/New Peace” ended February 24, 2022. So much for optimism
@christhornton640 3 жыл бұрын
My grandfathers brother fought on the western front. He was deeper in France when Normandy happened. He surrendered by Belgium and spent the remainder of the war in a Canadian POW camp and then immigrated to America. When asked about the war he would only say you do what you have too to survive. He wouldn't talk much about his time fighting. But he did admit he knew about some of the atrocities but was to afraid to say anything out of fear of being severely punished and or executed. He always said he was a coward and that he would have to make peace with that when he dies and meets God he would be punished for his non action. I don't condone the actions that the Germans did in World War II I myself do not know what I would do if I was in my grandfather's brother's position I hope I would be a better person but I'm not sure if I would and I hope I never would have to make that choice
@davebcf1231 3 жыл бұрын
If you want to learn more about the Mongol invasions I cannot recommend Dan Carlin's "Wrath of the Khans" hardcore history episodes highly enough. It's a five part series on the Mongol invasions with each part ranging from 1-2 hours in length. Carlin does a TON of research putting together hardcore history so it goes into amazing detail and he's brilliant at keeping it entertaining as well. He had a background in radio before he started doing his history podcasts.
@zakapholiac9377 2 жыл бұрын
What’s weird about not hearing much about the Asian theatre is that we had British colonies in Asia that REALLY helped us in the war. It’s wrong that we don’t get taught about it.
@balli7836 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you. In the comment section of your "Oversimplified - Cold War Part 2" video, i recommended that you both should watch this video and the second one, that was done by the same guy, which estimates the consequences of a nuclear war at the height of the cold war. I don't know if you saw my comment and reacted to this video because of it, but nevertheless, good timing. I also would like to point out that i'm not offended by what you said, although i am a german and the grandson of a german WW2 veteran. I think the reason why WW1 casualties are not that high is mostly because of the amount of civilians that were killed in both wars. While there were of course civilian casualties in WW1, it is not even close to the amount of civilian deaths in WW2, because of mass bombings and ethnic cleansing. Regarding military deaths it was still devastating. For example, for both France and the UK WW1 was still the bloodiest war in history because they lost more people in WW1 than in WW2. There is a video made about the casualties of WW1 in the same fashion and inspired by this video, but its not from the same guy. If you would like to learn more about the german perspective of WW2, there are some interviews of german WW2 veterans here on youtube. There is also a very good movie, consisting of, i think, 3 parts. I think in english the title is "Generation War". In german the title is "Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter" which means "Our mothers, our fathers". So, now i have smashed everything i wanted to say in one comment. I hope this is more convenient than writing multiple comments.
@Psycho52599 3 жыл бұрын
The nazis and the regular German military We're 2 different people the nazis Are the ones you think of when you think of World War II Germany but the regular German military They didn't always like what the nazis were doing Which is why towards the end of the war The Americans fought alongside the German military against the nazis. It was called the battle of castle Itter. The Battle of Castle Itter was fought in the Austrian North Tyrol village of Itter on 5 May 1945, in the last days of the European Theater of World War II. ... It is the only known time during the war in which Americans and Germans fought side by side against the nazis.
@konstantinkelekhsaev302 3 жыл бұрын
@Nichwar19 Жыл бұрын
I dont know much but saying americans fought with german military against nazi sounds exxegarated
@swanan1 3 жыл бұрын
18:15 For soviet people there was no dilemma. This is about ideology. For example in my school all graduates went on front the next day after war began. Graduation was on eve of beginning war(same day for all USSR) Few of them back. We've got a memorial with their names on school wall. And we've got museum on the groun floor in school. with letters and different stuff of this war. Building of school was a hospital in 1941-45 People go to front and fight till death not for relatives, but for survival of our nation. And we believed that we defend not only USSR, but the whole world.
@robertoprestigiacomo253 3 жыл бұрын
You should see the interviews of German veterans. For example some who fought during the D-Day said they couldn't even look while shooting because it was atrocious from their point of view. It's also a bit sad that many soldiers fought for their country and received medals but they cannot show them because there are swastikas on them and (almost) everyone consider them monsters because of pop culture. Also consider that today we know a lot about WW2 but when it was happening people didn't have the same access to information as we have today and they didn't have the whole picture, especially in regimes like the Nazism, so it's hard to say what was the general actual feeling in the German lines, whether or not they realized what they were doing, etc
@brockelley09 3 жыл бұрын
You should watch his other videos. He only has 4 or 5 on his channel but the production value is insane for all of them.
@melindamuller4466 3 жыл бұрын
The little clicks for the fallen soviet deaths are incredible haunting and always bring tears to my eyes.
@StormTG315 3 жыл бұрын
One thing that's important to recognize when looking back on events like these is that, given the events going on in Germany at the time, whether it be kids being sent off to camps to be "educated", where boys were taught only to fight, and girls were taught to have children, or how not greeting someone with the phrase "heil Hitler" was grounds for at least arrest, if not execution, many of the soldiers weren't "Nazi's". It's a bit like saying all of the soldiers fighting for the U.S. were democrats, since the democrat party largely controlled the U.S. Government at the time. Recognize that, for average people, like you or I, if we were born in Germany when the Nazi's were in power, we would be Nazi's. It's nice and all to think that you would resist the evil oppression of the time, but would you really? Would you risk not just your life, but the life of everyone around you for the sake of resisting, when realistically speaking, you likely wouldn't have even known any better? Or would you keep your head down? Very very few people resisted in Nazi Germany, because doing so often meant death. For the overwhelming majority of the German population, they didn't have a choice, and for the ones that did have a choice, it was often criminally stupid to resist. What's also important to recognize, is that these people were, well, people. With lives and families, as much as you or I. For many, it was simply their job, even if they didn't agree with the cause they were fighting for. Take Soviet deaths, for example. The soviets were initially allied with Germany, does them switching sides midway through the conflict suddenly make their deaths sad now? Or were they sad to begin with?
@christian7535 2 жыл бұрын
Sarcastic /shrug. This is just like modern day China or the Middle-East.
@personmanman3071 3 жыл бұрын
It’s important to note for the An Lushan Revolt, which is the deadliest war percentage wise, that the numbers are likely to be completely off, because after the war was over they ended up switching the way they did their census and it just generally became less accurate, so there’s probably a lot of people missing from that data that just got counted as deaths when they took the difference
@swanan1 3 жыл бұрын
17:47 Another mistake. GUlag was not a camp. GULag is "Главное Управление Лагерей" (Headquarters of camps). Not a camp itself. It was labour camps for criminals and traitors. Conditions were tough (climate and war times). Things prizoners did, built etc. were important for country, for victory. Somebody should did it. And better criminals suffer (trying to atone their guilty) then innocent people. Innocent people work hard too at time of war. Interesting fact that In USA prisons nowadays are more people then at all stalin's prizons for all time. 40% of all nowadays prizoners are in USA. Remember Guantanamo? It still exists. Wemen and children starving, but not on the streets. They work hard anyway, Even children. Interesting fact: there were no unemployment in USSR. At all. Untill your f*cking democracy in 1991. People were not rich, but they all had job, free medcine, free education (school, high school and University), free travelling across our big country and they didn't starving. There were no jeans, Macdonalds, porno and other such stuff, but they got more important things. You sold us silly idea of infinite consumption instead producing. =\ P.S. Excuse me. too much emotions)
@cherylblossom8687 Жыл бұрын
Many people know about Auschwitz but few seem to understand about Dachau, which was the second most deadly concentration camp. My great- uncle was in charge of the liberation as they moved into Germany. They took all the German soldiers line them up and shot them after seeing what atrocities they had done. Only two German soldiers survived that day 13 year old boy and a nurse. The SS were the ones that you would call a Nazi, the rest of the German army were conscripts or people forced to fight.
@ACM1PT95 3 жыл бұрын
In my opinion we shouldn't judge someone from the past form their actions. Nowadays people have different mentalities in comparison to the people from those days. Today when you think about honor and patriotism you think about loyalty, honesty, respect, integrity and love your country and love your identity and you dont need to follow politics or serve in the army to show patriotism. While in those times honor and patriotism meant serving the armed forces, serving your leaders and obey and bringing honor to your family's name and flag. Keep in mind that in the past it was normal and the norm to own slaves and now times has change because people change. That's why we shouldn't judge people from their actions based on our morals.
@wesleypeters4112 3 жыл бұрын
When discussing the use of the Atomic Bombs in 1945 against Japan, the official documents include both cities as military targets because the Japanese civilians would have joined in fighting the Americans and the Allies, had the planned land invasion (Operation Downfall) of the Japanese Home Island taken place. Not saying that it was a good thing, but it was necessary to end the war and save countless millions on both sides. This kind of all out total barbaric fighting was seen in previous battles such as Okinawa and Iwo Jima along with several other battles during the Island Hopping Campaigns. The Japanese believed that surrendering was a former of dishonor and that fighting to the death was the only way to achieve honor. People don't understand how devastating a full land invasion of the home island would have been not just to the Americans and Allies, but to the Japanese citizenry which would have essentially been wiped out.
@mgmmj6664 3 жыл бұрын
usa to this day targets civilians and pretend they were targeting military excuses over excuses lmao
@maltegodkas4931 3 жыл бұрын
Were the atomic bombings necessary to end the war quickly? Yes. Were they still unforgivable atrocities and crimes against humanity? Also yes. Killing people is still horrible, the intent is important to understand why, but it doesn't change the fact that you're still killing people.
@toomasargel8503 2 жыл бұрын
My grandfather get hit by airplane bomb and died in 1944 when he bring at railway cargo train food. He was railwayman. My grandmother live with my 3 years old fahter and 1 years old aunt. Tapa town ,Estonia.
@LightGuardian23 3 жыл бұрын
As you pointed out most Germans weren't all that interested in war. A bit of proof I have of that is actually in my family history - during WW2 my Great Grandfather was drafted into the Luftwaffe, which he couldn't refuse. If he had tried, or ran for that matter, him, his wife, and four children would be sent to a concentration camp to be exterminated since they were traitors. As such he reported for duty, so that way he knew his family at least had a chance to survive. Also there is no need to feel bad for not knowing, most people think that Germany was complicit and supported the Nazi regime. Hell I use to think the same thing until my Grandmother told me about my families history!
@Jose.AFT.Saddul 3 жыл бұрын
Most radical nazis at the time were kids. Because in 1933 Hitler changed the education system to indoctrinate the youth into the nazi ideology. And to believe the aryan race was superior.
@crackedrepair 2 жыл бұрын
for the conversation around 14:50, there is no evidence of soldiers being killed or reprimanded for refusing to kill civilians and "degenerates". These mobile killing squads were almost exclusively made up of people who volunteered so that they could do that kind of work.
@DakotaofRaptors 3 жыл бұрын
If you'd like to know more about the war against Japan, I recommend watching The Pacific.
@chandradrews3257 3 жыл бұрын
Loved the interlude. And yes I really do understand her point. But just to add to it a little, my granddad was Polish of German stock. He was made to fight for Nazi Germany on the threat of execution. He was stationed in Normandy on June 6 1944 and was scared shitless throughout, and really didn't want to be there. A few weeks after D-Day, he and his Polish mates surrendered to the advancing American army and was then transported to Britain. So yeah, the Wehrmacht really was made up of various 'kids' with varying degrees of fanaticism. I'd guess the vast majority were fighting just to stay alive.
@nero7469 3 жыл бұрын
I hate how they call the Germans Nazis in this video. Most of the German lives lost were the men of the Wehrmacht the German military, they had nothing to do with what the NSDAP(Nazis) did and they also knew nothing about it. The German military was just fighting for their country and family not the party. So I hate it when she said they are fighting for the Nazis, because they weren't fighting for a dumb party. The fact is the German Military and the SS had a bad relationship towards each other. Also She sees the world in black and white because the world is grey. also not all of them wore the SS uniform. There were the Wehrmacht, SS, Luftwaffe, and Kriegsmarine. only one of those is a branch of the party which is the SS.
@lesliedaubert1411 Жыл бұрын
It certainly seems there will always be fighting. I never learned how vast the WW1 was. In the US school I basically was taught that it was just us, UK, and Germany against each other. Wow. 😦
@pieter2664 3 жыл бұрын
If you haven't fought , not only have you been murdered by the Nazis but the whole family. It was called Sippenhaft or collective punishment. That makes things even more difficult because not only you have to bear the consequences of your actions but in the worst case, your whole family will be punished. A distinction must be made between the SS and the normal Wehrmacht army. The absolute majority were people from the middle class who were drafted because of conscription like in every other army. They did not fight out of " nazi conviction" but because they had to.
@bradnitzsche2436 2 жыл бұрын
Don't forget..Australia was a tremendous ally fighting against Japan...
@Raikas 3 жыл бұрын
26:52 It's actually right for most of the nations like: italy, france and uk, WW1 is still the bloodiest war for own casualties.
@emperorofrome692 3 жыл бұрын
If you guys want to learn a little bit about what the Chinese went through during WWII then please react to "Playing the Victim | Historical Revisionism and Japan" by Knowing Better.
@za.monolit 3 жыл бұрын
congratulations on 10k subs, you deserve it
@Adartse310 3 жыл бұрын
If you guys are serious about learning more about the Mongols you should start with the Biographics video on Subutai: Genghis Khan’s Demon Dog of War. Here's the link
@sebastiankrajewski2029 3 жыл бұрын
Now, no wonder that Poles consider British as's just the fact. UK promised to help us (signed a treaty before the war had erupted) and ultimately did nothing...Don't Poles will ever forget about it. Peace.
@taqiyasir8086 3 жыл бұрын
you can check out videos about unit 731, it will give you an idea about Japanese cruelty towards Chinese people.
@Mercure250 3 жыл бұрын
Soldiers in the Wehrmacht weren't necessarily all forced to fight... that being said, the Nazis were very good at manipulating information (to the point that even today, a lot of people believe falsehoods manufactured by the Nazis about the Soviet army). When Germany invaded Poland, they made it look like it was Poland that started it, so that public opinion in Germany wouldn't be against the war. Most Wehrmacht soldiers weren't really aware of the atrocities the SS were committing behind the front lines, because the Nazis were hiding that information to the general public. There were rumors, of course, of what was happening, but when you're drafted to go fight somewhere, rumors aren't really going to be a priority in your mind. So even though not all of the Wehrmacht soldiers were forced to fight per se, it still doesn't mean they were all Nazis. The great majority of German people, be it civilians or soldiers, became aware of what was happening when it all ended. That being said, however, we can still debate about a lot of things surrounding that whole issue. Let's not forget that a lot of people still supported the Nazis despite knowing they were antisemites and warmongering. It's just that the great majority weren't aware of the extermination thing, which was a step too far for many people and the Nazis knew it (hence why they decided to hide that information). Oh, and mobile killing squads *were* made of SS soldiers. Those can be considered to be the bad guys. They were brainwashed by the Nazi regime to be totally loyal to the cause. Those knew what they were doing and weren't exactly forced to do it. But it still had an effect on their mind (I mean, even Himmler was disgusted by it), so they came up with the gas chambers. They considered it "cleaner", and it didn't have the psychological effect that directly shooting people had (which even their brainwashing couldn't eliminate). They literally came up with industrialized murder to go around the natural psychological response that any human would have from killing huge numbers of people.
@MGarandRiflemen 3 жыл бұрын
The Amount of Russian soldiers on the Eastern front truthfully is unknown. Most of the deceased bodies of German and Russian soldiers we're never recovered during or after the war. The number of casualties Russia suffered is really unknown because the number of soldiers recovered keeps going up. If you go medal detecting on the Eastern front the likely chance of you finding a deceased body of a German or Russian soldier is really high. Another thing the Soviet Army stopped issuing its lockets after 1942 so most of the time you can't identify the them most of the time. The Germans had Dog tags that would snap down the middle whenever a soldier was killed they would snap the dog tag in half each part of the tag has the same information. One half stays with the body the other half would get turned into their commanding officer. The Officer would report it to base. Base would pass it onto the high command and they would inform the family. If they don't find a locket or dog tags whenever they recover human remains, Usually the buttons, medals, boots helmets and badges can help point to their nationality just encase they soldiers cant be identified. The SS originally started out as Hitler's protection squad. Then they turned into a police and security force and they took up arms and ended up fighting. But the German Military didn't accept the Waffen SS as an official Military branch so that's why you see the SS soldiers wearing the Eagle holding the Swastika on their left arms.
@cynicalcitizen8315 9 ай бұрын
For what darkness lurks in men's hearts to visit such madness on one another?
@briansearle6868 9 ай бұрын
It gets that bad because of too many people who think it's ok that certain people die based on where they live or what they look like..... Kind of like the way your gf was thinking in the video about the German soldiers. That's exactly how it happened. I understand why people think that way about Nazi Germany in general, but it's the same kind of thinking that allowed the horror that was WW2 to happen.
@ferdinandvonschill4512 3 жыл бұрын
14:10 The death squads weren´t mostly common soldiers, but police units and SS, which were highly ideologicalized.
@УДачныйучасток-я1е 3 жыл бұрын
Not only Germany fought against the USSR, but also Italy, Romania, Spain, Hungary, Austria, Finland, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia. If we count their losses together with the German troops, then they significantly exceed the combat losses of the USSR. Except for that. During the war, an equal number of soldiers from both sides were taken prisoner, about 4.5 million people. At the same time, only 900 thousand Soviet prisoners survived in German concentration camps. And from Soviet prisoner camps, 90% returned home.
@АнжеликаРафаэльян 3 жыл бұрын
military losses are different: on the entire eastern front, Germany irretrievably lost 8,876,000 people, together with the Allies - 10,344,500 people (of which 4.3 million prisoners); irretrievable losses of the Soviet troops amounted to 11,441,000 people, including the Allies - 11,520,200 people (of which 4.5 million prisoners). Total: 10,344,500 fascists, against 11,441,000 Red Army soldiers-1:1,1. The ratio of irretrievable military losses of Germany and the USSR is almost identical, and the difference is not blatant and clearly proves that for one killed German soldier there were not two or more Red Army soldiers.
@Man-nx8nj 3 жыл бұрын
What if 2.5 million British soldiers vanished during ww2??
@Balaji-ef4tm 3 жыл бұрын
I think they will loss the war.
@s.j.1642 3 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU! As a german dude in his mid 20's I want to give you a token of gratitude and say thank you for all germans that don't support those ideals!!! Sadly enough most people think that EVERYONE was a nazi back then when in reality they were not! It is just as you said: Either you were supporting the nazis or you would be sent to camps, killed or had to flee from your own country leaving everything behind. There is a really good video here on youtube discussing this with a psychologist and he said: IF we were to live back then now, we also would have been nazis just because we didn't want to die! And i really like that you made the differnece between the military and the Waffen SS very clear! Cheers to you mate.
@keinervondaoben720 2 жыл бұрын
@S.J. ....the problem is, that even the most germans didnt know more then the propaganda of the allies. The Waffen-SS was always under full control (100%) of the Wehrmacht....this was due to a promis of Hitler, that only the Wehrmacht has the right of arms in germany. Himmler was only in control of drill, uniforms and ranks of the Waffen-SS, but he never have had any control in battle over them.
@PlatosPunk 3 жыл бұрын
"One death is a tragedy, one million deaths is a statistic" - Stalin
@Volthoom 3 жыл бұрын
(Please note that he never actually said that)
@ilyanizhnik6874 3 жыл бұрын
@@Volthoom as many other quotations they try to assign to him
@Volthoom 3 жыл бұрын
@@ilyanizhnik6874 True, among historical figures, Stalin might hold the world record for mis-attributed quotes.
@brandonnodine6934 Жыл бұрын
Love yalls reaction. Noones going to get upset because your reaction to the Nazis or any other nation, war is horrible, Noone really wins, and families will never get back the loved ones they lost.
@michellejean11 3 жыл бұрын
Actually she is not wrong. Through most of the war the Wehrmacht were involved in some of the genocide. It was at the end of the war when they were conscripting anyone who could walk that the Nazis started killing their own citizens for not wanting to fight. There were some good people in Nazi Germany but many were complicit by just allowing the genocide to be carried out.
@HyPnOsS1933 Жыл бұрын
Unit 731 of the Japanese is just as brutal And the Japanese Kempeitai is just as brutal as the waffen ss
@ads2686 Жыл бұрын
world war 1 had the biggest 1 day casualties. plus after the clusterfuck at the somme the british governmenta stopped letting their general's semd troops into the meatgrinder.
@nrkgalt 3 жыл бұрын
The UK had almost 900,000 military deaths in WWI. The video said they had around 400,000 in WWII. This may be why she thought there were more in WWI.
@ferdinandvonschill4512 3 жыл бұрын
26:10 In WW 1 Britain lost almost about twice as many people, than in WW2. So it is more devastating from your perspective.
@kylecasey7010 3 жыл бұрын
As to the discussion on the difference between Germans and Nazis, a big factor is the fear of Bolshevism. The Soviets to this point had killed millions of their own citizens directly (NKVD executions and purges) and indirectly (purposefully starving the Ukrainian peasants). This fear was legitimate as Germany could have easily gone to the communists if the dice had fallen differently. This fear led many to support the Nazis, and even then they never got majority support in elections. Imagine a reality when you are forced to choose between communists and nazis.
@archersfriend5900 3 жыл бұрын
The USSR and USA fought each other almost the whole Cold War. Through Proxy wars for control over how people should live. Free or Communist. Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan. Which through winning probably caused Sepember 11. and a hundred other small conflicts. The cost is high. The USA has paid almost all in blood and treasure. Sure we have problems, but we eneble the government structure to change it. US Army Veteran.
@Kronk1101 2 жыл бұрын
Логика Сталина была проста и эффективна. Солдат понимает, что впереди враги, позади его семья, если он сдастся или проиграет, они умрут. Страх за свою семью самая мощная мотивация. Stalin's logic was simple and effective. The soldier understands that the enemies are ahead, his family is behind, if he surrenders or loses, they will die. Fear for your family is the most powerful motivation. Fuck the war, with respect from Russia
@skullboy1003 3 жыл бұрын
while WW2 caused the most deaths overall it wasn't the most fatal war to ever befall europe. that title goes to the 30 years war(1618-1648) where about 20 to 25% of the entire population of europe died as apposed to the ~10%(using the best numbers i could find, 40 mil deaths vs 400 million total pop.) of europe during interesting fact about the 30 years wars is that it ended 30.5 years and a few miles(literally) from where it started militaristically speaking. The first and last battle of the war were both fought just outside of Prague
@Jose.AFT.Saddul 3 жыл бұрын
But the wars that killed the highest percentage of people world wide are Chinese civil wars.
@CesarGarcia-nd5xz 3 жыл бұрын
So how efficient the Wehrmacht (German Army) was? Well..... 11:04
@BigAl2-u7e 3 жыл бұрын
Don't know if its because the Wehrmacht was efficient or the Red Army was just trash initially.
@jasonjason6525 3 жыл бұрын
@@BigAl2-u7e A study by American colonel Trevor Dupuy found that German combat efficiency was higher than both the British and American armies. You can find the study on this book: War and Peace and War: The Rise and Fall of Empires by Peter Turchin
@ner0p 3 жыл бұрын
9:20 No shame in that at all because deep down most people don't want nor need to think deeply on the subject. Every side of any war has victims, both physically and mentally, both civil and military. We still do it today, thankfully not on the same proportion as WW2.
@roxxychik06 3 жыл бұрын
If you want to watch a horrifying video on what Japan actually did when they invented China you should check out "playing the victim: historical revisionism of Japan " its a little old but really good.
@Hunterwoods429 3 жыл бұрын
Can y'all please do a reaction to Internet historian the cost of Concordia
@roycroftki5358 3 жыл бұрын
The German army hated the ss. Sven hassell was a german soldier forced to fight in a penal regiment after he tried to escape germany with his lover.(She was executed)He wrote some of the best war books of his experiences I have ever read.In one of the books he writes about him and his comrades coming across nazi soldiers and killing them.
@AlexGlumoff 3 жыл бұрын
The Wehrmacht also committed atrocities and punitive operations on the territory of the USSR. For example, soldiers and officers of the 332nd Infantry Regiment of the Wehrmacht long and brutally tortured and then executed the Soviet saboteur Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. After that, Joseph Stalin gave the order "not to capture the soldiers and officers of the 332nd Rifle regiment alive, shoot them on the spot." Wehrmacht soldiers carried out mass executions on the territory of the USSR
@williambrown828 5 ай бұрын
It was estimated the the US would have lost one million plus soldiers to invade Japan that's why the atomic bomb
@lahire1295 2 жыл бұрын
Pointing the finger at every single german saying they are bad, is truly silly. A lot of them were fighting for their country, for their homeland, like anyone would do, not necessarily because they hated jews. That's the issue with popular/official medias branding WW2 germans as the "evil" side, the world isn't black and white.
@marek_btw18 3 жыл бұрын
I watched this now like 30 times but its every time so interesting to see that to think about that.
@tinameadows462 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t know how your girlfriend could get any hate, she’s the best ❤️
@Longey9000 3 жыл бұрын
I wonder what else she's the best at? 😏
@Ronald98 3 жыл бұрын
@@Longey9000 waa waa WAAAAAAA!
@becca7989 3 жыл бұрын
Aww thank you! 🥰
@allo3573 3 жыл бұрын
Well, for not caring about german deaths becouse they were fighting for nazis for example.
@RestlessBogatyr 3 жыл бұрын
The mentality behind Stalin wasn't a stable one. So given that a lot of orders like keeping Civilians in besieged areas such as Leningrad was a tough call. Almost all able-bodied Men, Women, and Children were stuck between a rock and a hard place themself. The Eastern Front wasn't just a war between two different ideologies. It was later openly admitted that it was a war of extermination. Therefore every hand was required on deck to defend no matter the cost. Men were sent to fight and hold the line, while Women and Children were forced to stay and build defensive positions along roads and the outskirts. Take Stalingrad for example. Every house became a literal fortress. It took them less time to take France than it did crossing the street. And the defenses created by everyone on hand was to thank. Note. I do not entirely condone the actions of Stalin and his cabinet. But taking into consideration how scattered the civilian population would be would result in utter chaos. Organizing soldiers is one thing, but organizing your population is another thing entirely. It's a logistical nightmare. Stalin isn't the only one to blame. He needs men to carry out his orders, thus his cabinet being involved in the action to keep civilians in population centers to not only keep building defenses, but to manufacture weapons and tanks. There are huge moral dilemmas in doing these actions. How they coped with it (If they did at all) is a wonder. I'm open to a peaceful discussion if anyone wants to speak about it.
@cyrosubod2317 3 жыл бұрын
I hate when the narrator of the video says “nazi soldiers” not all german are nazis
@iAmSippo 3 жыл бұрын
I hate it too. It's like saying that all Americans are democrats.
@johncarter449 3 жыл бұрын
someone please explain, France mobilized over 5M when ww2 started, why did they surrender so fast?? with only 92k casualties??
@jongomez894 4 ай бұрын
I am watching this video now, after a couple years off it beinh out, You 2 should have also watched the video of Hearts of Iron from Sabaton History channel
@morgothmelkor48 3 жыл бұрын
World War I was pretty much the precursor to World War II as it was a major factor in the start of WWII
@XanthosAcanthus 3 жыл бұрын
Stupid treaty of Versailles.
@turboohh 3 жыл бұрын
You should watch Battle of Berlin. It was the most deadly battles in whole europe It’s the 4th video with 4.2 million views
@estranhokonsta 2 жыл бұрын
Thumbs up for trying to clarify the nazy comment. The situation was obviously much more complex than even what you said. But at least you gave a human silhouette to the germans who were fighting to survive amid the chaos even if many of them ended up falling in "evil". War is always to incommensurable for any individual to compare with. And another thumbs up for defending your partner (?). We, youtube commenters, can be real assh*les sometimes.
@Bodneyblue 3 жыл бұрын
Rich countries not fought other rich countries....probably to do with the fact the rich countries have nukes.
@GoldenCrow320 2 жыл бұрын
There is the nazi army and the Wehrmacht which is the German army ( which was controlled by nazis, but the soldiers weren’t)
@sexypriest1644 2 жыл бұрын
Okay I'm very late on this but The SS divisions you guys are referring too where a very specific group of nazi soldiers. Most of the invading was done by SS lead panzer divisons but they weren't involved in the mobile death squads or camp details not to mention the SS is a completely different thing then the German army
@rexcaliburn 3 жыл бұрын
one reason russia had such huge losses is many of the soldiers had no guns or even boots or uniforms they were just sent out in waves to basically be canon fodder.
@pitlord4 3 жыл бұрын
this is propaganda bullshit
@kingmarre9130 3 жыл бұрын
@axelNodvon2047 3 жыл бұрын
God, it’s 2021 and you people still fall for decades old propaganda
@rexcaliburn 3 жыл бұрын
@@axelNodvon2047 i have yet to see anyone post or cite any scholarly source to support the statement is false
@axelNodvon2047 3 жыл бұрын
@@rexcaliburn And what scholarly sources did your wise knowledge come from? The soviet army only had shortages in the first years of the war where they lost a lot of equipment and territory
@poiballs425 3 жыл бұрын
if you like history, please look up dan carlin. does a great series on ww1, eastern front of ww2, the khans of se asia (extraordinary) amongst others. he's on youtube but also has a website.
@alexanderludvigsen1893 2 жыл бұрын
The German soldiers that died for the most part didn't have a choice, they would be hung if they didn't fight, late in the war when they fought in Germany children at the age of 12 and up were fighting the Americans and Soviets, the SS guys were the guys who wanted to fight and were loyal to the nazi regime, they endored nazism and that's also why they were the most hated. Glad you knew this fact and could explain, many people tend to look over this😊
@chello1197 3 жыл бұрын
Asia Theater war movie_ watch The Flowers of War. and Letters from Iwo Jima.
@joshjaxn 3 жыл бұрын
7:03 Based Becc
@АлексБе 3 жыл бұрын
Очень смешно им. Езжайте в Ковентри и там посмейтесь. Это всё равно что жители Волгограда смеялись бы на видео о Сталинградской битве.
@ВалерийПодольский-ю9ш 11 ай бұрын
I am Russian. Only losses among the military are listed here, but in addition to 8 million military personnel, the Soviet Union lost almost 15 million civilians, whom the Nazis simply exterminated. For you these are just numbers, but for us this is a tragedy that has affected absolutely every family. And we remember the price that our grandfathers paid and will not allow some fascists to dictate their terms to us today
@lorddaver5729 Ай бұрын
You obviously didn't watch the whole video. Civilian deaths ARE referred to, including the 15+million Soviet civilians. Take more care next time.
@bigtex741 3 жыл бұрын
Whether they were Nazis or not they killed Allies, Americans, Russians, and British. You act as if they had no choice. You always have a choice. They are responsible for their choices.
@az929292 3 жыл бұрын
Not every soldier or military commander in the German army was a member of the Nazi party. A lot of them primarily cared about fighting for their country, regardless of who was in power at the time. According to their own mindset, they were not necessarily fighting for Hitler, they were first and foremost fighting for Germany.
@Jose.AFT.Saddul 3 жыл бұрын
Most radical nazis at the time were kids. Because in 1933 Hitler changed the education system to indoctrinate the youth into the nazi ideology. And to believe the aryan race was superior.
@howtoleague9123 2 жыл бұрын
Long peace... yeah that aged like milk
@jamesjoseph1249 3 жыл бұрын
Though rich countries haven't fought each other directly, there have been many proxy wars since WWII.
@btcasn8019 3 жыл бұрын
Actually Soviet Union has 28 million deaths
@franzvszombies8469 3 жыл бұрын
Please react to ww2 timeline by felz it is really good i tell you
@aaronbrown8129 Жыл бұрын
During the ww2 all my fought during ww2 half of the died
@Krabbo7 Жыл бұрын
"i just thought that's what it was" so you don't have your own opinion?
@MatiSoprano 2 жыл бұрын
My boy in the first 10 minutes already went with the clean wehrmacht myth, wish is actual nazi/neo nazi propaganda.
@TheRunescapeian 3 жыл бұрын
i'll be honest, i was about to start typing a rant at her silly comments towards germans being nazi's, but then i let it play for a bit and she was corrected, my bad. A lot of german soldiers took up the burden of executing people so that their brothers/comrades didn't have to. They took up the "suffering" so that others wouldn't have to endure it.
@tribuneoftheplebs9948 3 жыл бұрын
The head of American strategic air command in charge of things like urban bombing even said that if theyd lost the war he would have been at the top of list to be tried for war crimes.
@AceManning18 Жыл бұрын
We all have to learn sometime and start from the bottom at some point! No need to apologize, for some reason in American schools at least they don't go into nearly this much detail... we're taught "okay this battle happened on what date? This happened when?" Etc its all dates and things to memorize... they don't actually teach you anything to be honest. I think we all knew what you meant. Hardcore Nazis = fuck em. Regular germans = great people. My granny grew up in post ww2 Germany in an orphanage. She was amazing! Not a racist bone in her body . Drank a lot of beer but eh. Shes No matter how many times I watch this video I just cannot get over the eastern front and how many died horrible terrible deaths. As an American we were taught the Soviet Union was an evil empire but so many innocent people died it's just heartbreaking.
@помниНеВсеТоСолнышкоЧтоВстает 3 жыл бұрын
during the Russian invasion, the Polish government ordered its troops not to engage the Red Army, so the Soviet soldiers entered Poland almost without resistance, this is in response to your comment that the Poles were defeated on both sides.They suffered losses from Nazi Germany.
@Out-Of-Service 3 жыл бұрын
Beck, don't ever apologize for trying to learn new things. Asking questions is a sign of intelligence and curiosity. Both my grandparents served in WW2. My grandmother was in the Army Nurse Corps and my grandfather was on a destroyer in the Pacific. Both just passed away in the past few years at 95 and 98 years old.
@MrYabber 3 жыл бұрын
Yea well making false statements on something you know little about, is idiotic .
@justinatest9456 3 жыл бұрын
@@MrYabber ... and typical. At least she took the correction well, and was willing to reconsider her position, which is more than you can say for most.
@bjimmy2796 2 жыл бұрын
She didn’t ask a question. She assumed all were bad and her boyfriend politely educated her.
@jennifer3735 2 ай бұрын
​@MrYabber so you're basically calling her an idiot? Do you know the difference between statements and questions?
@Wisegoatface 3 жыл бұрын
you guys should checkout memoirs of ww2’s German vet interview
@semiramisubw4864 3 жыл бұрын
nah. its kinda boring and doesnt tell enough. he was just pretty late forced to join the army. there are better videos about "real" vets fighting o the fronts.
@biggusdickus6134 2 жыл бұрын
@@semiramisubw4864 There is another one
@theeternalsuperstar3773 3 жыл бұрын
I hate how the original video says "Nazi Soldiers" instead of "German Soldiers" because it leads to the same that Ms. Norseman had in the reaction. Not all the Germans were Nazis, in fact most weren't. As a matter of fact, if any Nazi party members joined the German navy, they would be forced to give up their partyship because they valued duty over party.
@melkor3496 3 жыл бұрын
The maker of the video mentioned it in the comments that he regretted saying nazis and should’ve said Germans.
@theeternalsuperstar3773 3 жыл бұрын
@@melkor3496 I know. I just wanted to discus my gripes. Especially since the reactors likely didn't read that clarification the creator made.
@luketrottier9388 3 жыл бұрын
@@theeternalsuperstar3773 Yeah, I would hope that the phrasing would be fine and self-explanatory what was meant and what was intended... But it is understandable for some people to have a wrongful impression or idea. I find it hard to imagine assuming or believing that an entire nation's military were exclusively evil individuals and that the Nazi elite, having committed what they did, wouldn't be above brainwashing and threatening one's loved ones/family members for forced conscription, etc. But I also believe she probably never sat and really put deep thought into it, and just wasn't aware; so she had a more black and white view. These two reactors spoke about it very well though, props. And she seems like a sweetheart and I'm certainly not questioning her intelligence or something. I also appreciate that he is clarifying this not just to prevent her from getting hate, but so that no german's watching potentially have their feelings hurt. It's a devastating subject to begin with. Cheering German deaths (I'm not saying she was doing so!) is a thing, and it's so wrong.
@MrYabber 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly. He claims “oooohhhh she didn’t know doiiiii” and look, they made the same mistake😂😂😂😂... idiots.
@baraxor 3 жыл бұрын
Annoyed me as well. I suppose the purpose is not to rub it in on present-day Germany, so that the it feels better to say "Nazi armies" and "Nazi troops" were invading and committing atrocities rather than "German" ones.
@janfg1578 3 жыл бұрын
I recommend the movie "Come And See" directed by Soviet filmmaker Elem Klimov. It shows the war highly accurate and drastic from eastern europe perspective through the eyes of two children.
@KaiserJ51 3 жыл бұрын
It’s also packed with Soviet propaganda
@skystormer1793 3 жыл бұрын
And also Ivan’s childhood
@Константинфирсов-и7б 3 жыл бұрын
@@KaiserJ51 And what is propaganda in this film? Propaganda of what? Answer me!
@milandjuric9368 3 жыл бұрын
@@KaiserJ51 bruh u probs didnt even watch the film
@badwulff 2 жыл бұрын
@@Константинфирсов-и7б He's probably pissed because his Nazi buddies are presented as the monsters they were in the movie. He's also wrong, if what he means is the Soviets are presented positively. I watched Come and See (amazing movie) - the Soviets, while certainly presented better than the Nazis, are generally presented as either bloodthirsty or callous, and a bad influence on the young protagonist.
@randomguyonyourscreen 2 жыл бұрын
*27 Million Soviets* *20 Million Chinese* *7.4 Million Nazis* *6 Million Jews* *4 Million Dutch east Indies* *3.1 Million Japanese* *2.5 Million Indian Soldiers(under British Army)* *3 Million all others combined*
@PMC_Wanker_Group 2 күн бұрын
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