Wireshark is one of the most important tool in IT. Mastering this tool is such a great advantage. Thank you!
@Adam-ey2jc8 ай бұрын
I have always wanted to learn more about Wireshark but felt imitimidated by it but this video does a good job of breaking down some of the confusion around it. Modern computers are so complicated! I would love to see more videos about Wireshark or of this nature.
@KyanoAng3l0_Mtvtks8 ай бұрын
Been using this alongside Portmaster. Makes me giddy to know that my tweaks and mods to minimize telemetry on Windows 10/11 work! :D I'd only see Windows telemetry being blocked by Portmaster when Windows tries to check for updates in the BG.
@cryptoafc76558 ай бұрын
Portmaster made my windows go in blue screen mode
@KyanoAng3l0_Mtvtks8 ай бұрын
@@cryptoafc7655 Better bring it up to the Portmaster devs or in their community (can't mention the name here cos YT auto-deletes comments that mention other socials, lol). I haven't encountered that yet, but Portmaster does use a kernel driver so BSODs are possible.
@ttrqs8 ай бұрын
@@KyanoAng3l0_Mtvtks havent encountered bsod aswell, using portmaster for 1 week now
@rrakesh64348 ай бұрын
May i know what kind of tweaks mods you do to reduce telemetry. I am interested to know
@Holycurative96108 ай бұрын
@@rrakesh6434 winaero tweaker is pretty good for W10/11.
@RealitySetsIn7 ай бұрын
Yes, great video. I'm in cybersecurity program in college and so far I'm doing the general studies but I can't wait to get into the cybersecurity stuff like this.
@_Garm_8 ай бұрын
really intersting tutorial, would love to see more wireshak tutorials! :D
@shackcf7 ай бұрын
Been using Wireshark on personal PC for years. While working it was Network Instruments that was pre-2009. Thanks for the videos.
@Embbrr5 ай бұрын
Would love more videos like this, I was struggling with learning a lot of protocols for my IT program I am in, and this video was explained perfectly, The examples on screen were very easy to follow, and your approach to explaining how exactly things worked was very easy to follow, need a full series like this, from Zero to Hero! Great job honestly.
@CoderSal-XIII7 ай бұрын
Wireshark is such an important tool. I use it all of the time both at work and at home. Such a great tool. Good video for beginners.
@buraduri8 ай бұрын
This video seems like it's missing an important part of the usefulness of wireshark. How do I identify what I don't know what I'm looking for? No shit if I connect to youtube I'll see youtube but what about unrecognized connections from potentially malicious software on my PC
@joepjoep95318 ай бұрын
You have to look at this differently it’s made for people who never used it before you can’t start somewhere in the middle or very complicated if you are learning something new
@pcsecuritychannel8 ай бұрын
Wireshark is an investigative tool, not anti-malware. If you want a quick and easy way to detect malware, this isn't it.
@seansingh44218 ай бұрын
In that scenario you would wanna look for network connections involving unusual ports, so lets say you have a typical Windows home edition PC, but you spot a some random executables (Apps and .exe) successfully connecting via Port 22, Port 3389 BUT you don’t even have Remote Desktop feature because that’s unavailable in Home editions. This is just one example and trust me this can be a rabbit hole of being over suspicions but this is one example of an outbound C&C connection
@johnsmith1953x7 ай бұрын
@@pcsecuritychannel Sounds like an opportuniy for something AI to "sit" on top of wireshark and do this.
@d1m187 ай бұрын
@@pcsecuritychanneldo you recommend any tools for this?
@Italiangentleman23945 ай бұрын
Going back to school for cyber security and studying for sec+ and cysa+ you have been very helpful
@Plazmal8 ай бұрын
I've always liked using Wireshark to monitor connections from other devices a like IoT devices etc. It's super useful for that. Good video as always.
@regisegek46758 ай бұрын
@DudeWhoSaysDeez7 ай бұрын
Can you monitor all traffic on your network from just one computer?
@SyberPrepper8 ай бұрын
Thanks for the video. Would love to see more Wireshark instructional videos. You do a great job of simplifying complexity.
@joepjoep95318 ай бұрын
Good video for absolute beginners
@FakeJeep8 ай бұрын
Very simple and straight forward tutorial.
@random-user-in-yt8 ай бұрын
Good tutorial but I think you miss a important point for some people who can not see any readable DNS query. If DNS query is encrypted(maybe by HTTPS), WireShark can not capture those DNS query in readable string.
@ttrqs8 ай бұрын
been waiting for a vid like this, ty
@davidbell70948 ай бұрын
Excellent info picked up,through this video. Yea I'd love too see some more videos like this,is good too understand more of what it all means,cheers buddy!
@wannabedal-adx4587 ай бұрын
1) More content on Wireshark would be great (aka Tutorials). 2) How much does Wireshark cost?
@Taffy847 ай бұрын
It's free
@squirlmy7 ай бұрын
Open Source and free forever, unlike for example Metasploit, which is partly open and partly with proprietary upgrades.
@faithtechnology35424 ай бұрын
hey just wanna tell you that you are a great guy these videos are so easy to understand
@damianpodgorski69777 ай бұрын
Loved the video, simple and powerful! Hope more to come on wireshark
@Alchemetica8 ай бұрын
Yes please, Leo, more videos like this one. Thanks as always.
@jaycolife23147 ай бұрын
I’m interested in computer science and how they connect with the world. It’s fascinating but intimidating and overwhelming.. I subscribed hoping you’ll put up more content like this. Break it down for us..
@codydietrich42467 ай бұрын
Well done. Super easy to understand!
@urik77937 ай бұрын
Just a note at the beginning you can select multiple network adapters by holding CTRL as well.
@ao45148 ай бұрын
Hello Leo, many thanks for a great content as always. Would you ever consider doing a content on how to use Wireshark for hunting malware?!
@bernieoldham75807 ай бұрын
enjoyable video ,thank you . one question how do we stop the spyware. a video on how to turn it off, individually would be most welcome . 🙂
@rdsii647 ай бұрын
An interesting video subject would be on what to do when you find your computer connecting to places you don't want it to.
@muhammadsalmanafzal93968 ай бұрын
would love a more deep dive to understand what other kinds of network requests are being made if a malicious software is installed.
@wissy0068 ай бұрын
I liked the video, it was very interesting thanks Leo😄❣️
@HazexDimond8 ай бұрын
great stuff 👍 many useful cases for this tool last time i used it was to check my dns traffic to make sure it was all configured/encrypted correctly for a deeper dive, chris greer has some good wireshark content on youtube, explains filters well
@x9v8k8 ай бұрын
Yes, please do more videos to add on this one (advance). Is there anything further to see if the connections are not easily identifiable? Is there a way to pinpoint a remote connection quickly?
@vaclovas-art7 ай бұрын
DNS can be also encrypted using DNS over TLS or DNS over HTTPS. So than you cannot see any DNS requests which was made. ISP also cannot see it 😊
@xbeast75858 ай бұрын
Thank You So Much For The Video Sir Please Make More Videos On How To Use Wireshark 💓✨
@TheRealWillM7 ай бұрын
I don't know if you do this already but maybe create a 'related series' as an aside to the main thrust of the channel. Anyway those are my thoughts and content like this is very useful for 'dipping' the toe in, which may be useful down the track.
@UserforPhone7 ай бұрын
I am very curious about why there is no option to have a professional packet capturing software like Wireshark for mobile/Android?
@bretjohnd.morales93107 ай бұрын
Now I know you have a website. =) Glad to know.
@GustavoMsTrashCan7 ай бұрын
Thank you for this wonderful tutorial!
@priyojitdeb18918 ай бұрын
Thanks, this was really informative!
@miltonthecat22407 ай бұрын
I would like to snoop on WiFi traffic to the various WiFi-enabled devices that are proliferating in my house. This is mostly a curiosity, but I expect there will also be surprises, some perhaps concerning. I've been told that I can use Wireshark to do this, but I need to add a separate dedicated WiFi interface on my PC that supports "promiscuous mode". I found some trailing edge WiFi dongles that are supposed to support promiscuous mode, but I also need a compatible driver. This is where I have hit a dead-end, as I have been warned that the drivers for these trailing edge WiFi interfaces often have embedded malware, and I don't have a sacrificial PC available to dedicate to this effort. Any light you can shed on this in a future video would be of interest to me.
8 ай бұрын
Please create a video on accessing malicious and phishing domains while using NextDNS. A general review of NextDNS would also be be nice!
@gyl97354 ай бұрын
I like the way you explain it and it is really helpful!!! thanks
@yt4me2lurnАй бұрын
Hi, once you see the packets that show the sites you may not want, can you block those or will they just keep communicating each time you go to that site ?
@VentelHD5 ай бұрын
I collected all ad urls and added them to my hosts file. Can now browse anyplace without background ad data exchanges without consent.
@kaeez8 ай бұрын
What browser are you using?
@giausjulius44 ай бұрын
Maybe we would go more in depth on this software sometime? What do the colors mean, if anything? How do you really determine what is and isn't a good IP once you see something you don't recognize? How do VPNs interact with and change the packets you see? Stuff like that. I'm just getting into the whole cybersecurity scene. Although I've been careful since the days of Limewire to never click links, ads, and to distrust anything I see in emails, etc, I haven't ever really been big in actually finding out what goes wrong in the system and network. I visit the same sites that I've always gone to. But I find myself wondering if somehow they are getting in anyway even if I've been careful just by little things I notice happening on my PC once in a while such as the CMD window opening for just a moment and disappearing, a game minimizing to desktop with no input, etc. These coupled with data leaks from big tech leaking email, account info, and so on. It's probably totally benign and I'm being paranoid but you never know.
@HaveanOreshnik7 ай бұрын
this is a tool that is great for checking if your computer has been RATTED right?
@peterwassmuth40148 ай бұрын
Totally awesome! Thank you for Sharing! 💯✴
@Isazeledon19Ай бұрын
The most useful video, thnaks
@tuttoaposto40117 ай бұрын
Does Wireshark show only the activity on the computer it’s downloaded to, or the LAN the computer is part of?
@username_0_06 ай бұрын
i love your desktop wallpaper. Please share downloadable link to download the same wallpaper.
@johnduty45057 ай бұрын
What about reading the cap file...how can that be done?
@shinigamirenegade7 ай бұрын
Not going to lie if you start using Wireshark and if you have familiarity with osi model like layer with layer 3 routers packets and layer 2 switches frames then it's not bad at all. To read the traffic and knowing udp tcp protocols you're golden. I think I need help with adjusting ethernet adapter into promiscuous mode and the other mode. And what's the functionality.
@Jerry-vt4zf7 ай бұрын
You need to do a video, kaspersky vs malwarebytes premium
@AcvaristulLenes7 ай бұрын
What to do to get rid of the 12 or so UAC notification whenever we start Wireshark?
@therealmrarchive4 ай бұрын
links to amazon popped up when I tested wireshark on my own personal computer. Shoved the link in a url blocker. No more amazon lol X D
@Ulfeneimer7 ай бұрын
That Wallpaper look sick! Where did you get it? @The Pc Security Channel
@coisasnatv7 ай бұрын
My Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD5 R5 motherboard connects to the internet in the middle of the night after I turn it off.
@zapa1pnt7 ай бұрын
If Windows, go into settings and turn off "wake on LAN".
@coisasnatv7 ай бұрын
@@zapa1pnt Is disabled. By the way, the motherboard does this without a hard drive attached. It turns itself on in a kind of low-power mode and connects to the Internet.
@zapa1pnt7 ай бұрын
@@coisasnatv: Well, if you can't find it in the BIOS, you will need to unplug it, after shutdown. 😁✌🖖
@coisasnatv7 ай бұрын
@@zapa1pnt I already do. But how many people don't know? How many people are affected by this? Gigabyte is famous for doing this, google the topic and you will see that Gigabyte has been caught with his pants down more than once doing exactly the same thing.
@blueyhis.zarsoff11477 ай бұрын
How about an app for a phone and firewall to block outgoing requests?
@MrBeeytube8 ай бұрын
Great video!
@eaudesolero56314 ай бұрын
is there a browser that does not make any queries to any links until i actually click on it? it simply puts a place holder, the link...
@pipjersey83038 ай бұрын
i dont see that much DNS listings on mine, just a couple from kaspersky, maybe it didn't install right?
@stephie32068 ай бұрын
Merci 😊😊😊
@ethimself50648 ай бұрын
Is Malewarebytes still poot for on the fly? I trust it is still great at scans
@HeavenlyWarriorАй бұрын
If that doesn't block the connection it's pretty pointless. Netguard on Android can do that and can block every single individual app or site that the app connects. I don't know if there's something like that for Windows.
@HabeebSule7 ай бұрын
This is an awesome video thanks.
@DarrelDinkem7 ай бұрын
how would one check a hacked PC on this environment?
@GYTCommnts8 ай бұрын
My old Outpost Firewall used to show me similar information, separated by the apps (or component of the O.S.) which was generating the connection... Is there a tool for this or is there an option available on Wireshark for monitoring this? Or is only doable on firewalls?
@sauplink79752 ай бұрын
To achieve what you were doing with Outpost Firewall-monitoring traffic per application or OS component-you can use Wireshark but with some limitations, as it primarily focuses on packet-level analysis rather than app-based monitoring. However, with the right filters, you can approximate similar functionality by analyzing traffic specific to certain processes or connections. Wireshark allows you to apply **display filters** to identify specific network traffic based on protocols, IP addresses, or ports, which indirectly helps monitor app activity. However, it does not directly show traffic sorted by applications unless you pair it with OS tools to map the process to network traffic. For more straightforward app-based monitoring, a dedicated firewall or monitoring tool like **PRTG Network Monitor** or **SolarWinds Deep Packet Inspection** might be more suitable【7†source】【9†source】. If you want a direct replacement for the Outpost Firewall's style of monitoring, consider using **NetFlow** or **Deep Packet Inspection (DPI)** tools, which can classify traffic by app category and offer more detailed insights into app-level connections【9†source】. If you still prefer Wireshark, combining it with system monitoring tools could provide a similar overview, but it will require manual filtering and linking to specific processes.
@mahamadousimpara43205 ай бұрын
I want to see the entire on my network not just for my computer!!!
@ToecutterPA7 ай бұрын
How did you get it in Dark Look/Mode?
@Lossh20047 ай бұрын
is it normal to have remote desktop to be running in the background?
@MrScoodles5 ай бұрын
I see my private IP address sending and receiving HTTP requests from public IP addresses. Is this weird? Why isn't it my public IP address that is handling these requests?
@alleeadl2898 ай бұрын
can you do us a favor and review costume os like tiny11, Ghost Spectre, windows x lite, from a security prespective many people want to use them. just give us a genral security test of them please. :(
@bruceparker31398 ай бұрын
hey , I wonder how MacOS handle this? can you do these on MacOS also?
@KirenKK-te7pb6 ай бұрын
Wireshark has to be a " backdoor" to catch " backdoor entries " too. The ethics of the admin of any empowerment matters as much as the expected service😅!
@TheTitaniumSkull8 ай бұрын
This reminds me of back in late 90s early2000s there was a free app (can’t remember name) that backtracked incoming pings.
@CSGhostAnimation8 ай бұрын
Now if we could just firewall all traffic until I actually open google, or open my video game, then I would be happy
@alberts609628 күн бұрын
there should be a function in wireshark make a image of all connection, install software, make image again and compare.
@ZephniStrife6 ай бұрын
I don't know why but my instant reaction to something like this is: How can I trust it? As it could quite easily see current webpages you are on or applications you're typing passwords into, and then hide its ip: protocol transaction with a server... but it's probably fine 👀
@markhutchinson87607 ай бұрын
Yes, more vids like this!
@Holycurative96108 ай бұрын
Portmaster and winaero tweaker are my ho to programs for shutting down telemetry.
@gerry23457 ай бұрын
Very good vid.
@PaddyPatPatrick8 ай бұрын
Hello Everyone, From The UK👋
@darksphere4679Ай бұрын
i took an entire. class in community college on wireshark, and i was afraid of it after this class. but now. not so much
@fiefieviolet6 ай бұрын
This is so complex, its like a programming language. I initially thought it was just gonna be a program that detects and blocks everything
@AdamsDouglas-z8m5 ай бұрын
@kimsena2688 ай бұрын
Waiting for eset smart security 17.
@buzzbang91648 ай бұрын
how to restart everything it does something watching my pc
@vulcan4d8 ай бұрын
Boot up Win7 with wireshark. Boot up Win11 with wireshark. Now throw away that Win11 installer.
@girl46327 ай бұрын
How to know about suspicious connection
@denizorsel10296 ай бұрын
Skoda octavia is not that bad if you are still looking into it =)
@You_Could_Be_Next8 ай бұрын
I'm sure my FBI agent has this task well in hand. For my safety, of course.
@timchalmers17007 ай бұрын
Cool. Thanks!
@jonmike93397 ай бұрын
This is why you need to be careful if you work from home.Only connect your work laptop to guest wifi
@uzijoe8 ай бұрын
Better use Portmaster
@ImSimpIicity8 ай бұрын
Thanks !!!!!!
@SKULLETON_Clips7 ай бұрын
Good video
@Druid40268 ай бұрын
the biggest question is are wireshark is safe to used it since all virus check website say have something on it?
@Holycurative96108 ай бұрын
If you try to download a cracked version of any program it will come up as having a virus because of the software used to crack the program This is piracy and if you want the full version of a paid program then go pay them for it and you don't have false positives for virus alerts. Wireshark is free and used by a lot of people so it is very unlikely to come preloaded with a virus. I've just installed Wireshark and there are NO viruses at all...
@WilsonPendarvis-tn3wm7 ай бұрын
I have little snitch. Not as deep as this, but it is powerful
@granturismo59178 ай бұрын
always there is a "tool" to...
@Nunzio_778 ай бұрын
Can you test Firewall of Avast Free? Thanks
@jkbobful8 ай бұрын
Shout out to Safing Portmaster it blocks a lot of this spying