What was your favourite TikTok? And is there anything you think is worth adding to the reviews?
@roaringfork2 жыл бұрын
Don't get financial advise from people born in 2005.
@connor80182 жыл бұрын
I'll add that the matched amount of money on the 401(k) basically doubles your return on the percentages. So even if the mutual fund you're invested in only gets 3 percent you're still getting essentially a 6% return on your original investment from the stock market. It's relatively minor compared to the 100% return you pointed out from the company matching though, which is the main benefit. Also it probably doesn't fit in this video but more information about a 401(k) would be helpful. At least just on the tax advantages and disadvantages even if it's relatively simple. Or just a video on different types of retirement accounts in general and how they work and what to look for in deciding to use one. I really appreciate your videos. A lot of other channels feel like the creator is telling you what to do.
@gigitrix2 жыл бұрын
-54% guy has to win, the juxtaposition of the confidence with the outcome and the way you presented it (including the twist at the end) just... brutal
@BlueSky-kh8ue2 жыл бұрын
Easily 401k guy... It was amazing how bad that advice was.
@TheJonathonM2 жыл бұрын
Stock splits do not increase FCF
@feynstein10042 жыл бұрын
Rule #1 of finance skepticism: If the method they're selling you worked, they would just use it and become billionaires, and thus not need to sell it to you in the first place.
@svnhddbst89682 жыл бұрын
something i've been thinking on, there's (from barclays) proof that betting on people being impulsive idiots is a sound strategy. so maybe some legitimate groups are selling things that encourage stupidity, so bigger firms can bet around it for profit.
@feynstein10042 жыл бұрын
@@svnhddbst8968 That's an interesting idea. If there's one thing you can count on, it's human stupidity 😅
@divagaciones16282 жыл бұрын
That's true, besides, sharing the method defeats its whole purpose, because once enough people start using the same method, it'll simply no longer work. Actual successful investors and brokers are constantly mixing up their strategies because markets are constantly changing, and knowing which strategies work at a given moment takes a lot of knowledge.
@Mincecroft2 жыл бұрын
Exactly, if your get rich quick scheme was taking advantage of "hidden" knowledge, then there would be zero incentive for them to show it to anyone else
@feynstein10042 жыл бұрын
@@Mincecroft Couldn't have said it better myself
@NiftyKnot2 жыл бұрын
How to become a quadrillion dollar company 1) IPO 2) stock split 3) stock price goes up 4) split again 5) price goes up 6) repeat as required
@BasilAlias-ui6od25 күн бұрын
Nortel's guide to bankruptcy
@JeredMastersAustralia2 жыл бұрын
"it's not often you have somebody so aggressively... wrong" 😂👌
@cryptobanter66772 жыл бұрын
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@3rkid2 жыл бұрын
That return calculation of stock picks was my favorite part of the video.
@cryptobanter66772 жыл бұрын
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@Adam-yu5zj2 жыл бұрын
😂🤣 Idiots
@thehoodedteddy13352 жыл бұрын
Yeah, that was amazing
@MacAndSwiss2 жыл бұрын
Everyone loves growth stocks in a bull market.
@PsyrenXY2 жыл бұрын
I'd like to report a murder!
@TheBasicStuff2 жыл бұрын
Richard, you don't have to do this to yourself. Self-harm is not the way to go for views.
@tomlxyz2 жыл бұрын
This isn't self harm. It's bringing rationality into this type of content
@johnnyphan54162 жыл бұрын
LOL legit watching those tik tok was cancer.
@lrdxgm2 жыл бұрын
You must be new on the internet.
@aniyahisrael20032 жыл бұрын
Someone brain 🧠 is smelling
@calabiyau92692 жыл бұрын
ahahahaha bro wake UP richard is missing out on the investing advice of a lifetime
@electricerger Жыл бұрын
I remember my father testing to become a CFA, it took 5 years and that was after his master's in finance/economics. I have the upmost respect for people like you showing us what a real professional is like.
@winstonsmith20792 жыл бұрын
It's phrases like "its part of the human brain to look for cognitive short cuts", that raise this channel up to next level. Thank you, that's how I look on technical analysis
@jdarling53152 жыл бұрын
I'm not a TA guy at all but I do think it's not totally ridiculous to think there are some patterns in human behavior as it responds to price movements as well as certain market dynamics that can be gleaned from analyzing charts. Like he says, potentially useful as part of a more balanced approach
@josh72972 жыл бұрын
Hedge fund manager here. I never start my stock research by analyzing the charts. But, you cannot be naive and say that stocks always stick to their fundamental values. Just like any other market, the stock market is driven by fear, emotion and patterns. I use TA as a tool to help me enter/exit a position and determine a trend in a market price direction. Make no mistake, when stocks go up, on average, more people are willing to buy it. When stocks go down, on average, more people are willing to sell it.
@GunnShotVisuals2 жыл бұрын
"Technicals in this kind of fashion really are the astrology of finance" 🤣
@GunnShotVisuals2 жыл бұрын
@@josh7297 Lets be honest - those charts are useless just nice to visualize the price patterns 🤣i never managed a hedge fund so I'll concede if you say otherwise - these are cool patterns but markets movement is completely arbitrary and sitational
@GunnShotVisuals2 жыл бұрын
@@jdarling5315 I agree with him "Technicals in this kind of fashion really are the astrology of finance" 🤣
@FreckleFinance Жыл бұрын
I was planning on having my kids invest fairly young, but just as part of their money management education. No stock pickings just something like a simple ETF with a bit of money so they can kinda see the flucuations and how markets work with their own money, but not as an actual money making thing,
@CainXVII2 жыл бұрын
When I was like 8 my friend and I played around with pretending to buy stocks in the newspaper, following them and competing on who made the best pick. I found out years later my dad actually bought some for me. Turns out I made a good pick and he knew that because he worked in finance...
@TheFakeyCakeMaker Жыл бұрын
And you probably gained some of his skills via osmosis. Parents don't always realise what a profound effect they have on their children, you played stocks because that's what daddy did. What a wonderful man your dad sounds like. Being a parent is an incredible honour and I hope my kids can say good things about me like you have here some day. I hope you are continuing to do well on the stock market and that your wealth increases.
@hedgehog3180Ай бұрын
There's actually a couple of free online games that let you do this if you just want to play around.
@samsonsoturian60132 жыл бұрын
0:40 The idea a trillion dollar tech stock could double in value in a couple months... 7:10 That guy is why predatory lending exists. The "pile of nothing" he complains about is a 34.7% risk-free gain even when employer contributions are NOT included.
@alexs_toy_barn8 ай бұрын
And it'll be way way more than net 1% growth yearly, it still be more like 3-6% yearly after inflation without contributions
@alquinn85766 ай бұрын
hi, I'm from the future. NVIDIA just doubled in 5 months from $1.5T to $3T
@jocen34 ай бұрын
@@alquinn8576 not only because of a stock split
@hedgehog3180Ай бұрын
@@alquinn8576 And that didn't happen after a stock split so what's your point?
@hedgehog3180Ай бұрын
3% is also a pretty high inflation level and it doesn't make sense to expect that to be the case forever. In fact since this video was made inflation rates have fallen.
@Misterfairweather2 жыл бұрын
The Wii music was fantastic and I love hearing someone else say that technical analysis is the astrology of investing. I also appreciate anything that calls out the "influencer" starter kit of talking up your wealth and selling courses. This scam pre-dates the internet it just seems to have become even more popular in the last few years.
@davidwebb23182 жыл бұрын
The internet has just given all these scam artists free access to millions of gullible people who fall for get rich quick scams.
@Antenox2 жыл бұрын
This series just keeps confirming to me how much I hate ultra-short form content. TikTok, Twitter, even Snapchat to a degree.
@earlyreefer2 жыл бұрын
more level headed, sensible content from The Plain Bagel. Always great stuff!
@jesussalomon35982 жыл бұрын
The fact Ricard can make fun of yet intellectually analyze each tiktok simultaneously is mind blowing.
@cryptobanter66772 жыл бұрын
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@jackpace6845 Жыл бұрын
Its pretty simple when the tiktokers are absolute morons.
@GetIrked2 жыл бұрын
My absolute favorite part was watching his reaction to the “don’t match your 401K” insanity. I still can’t stop laughing! Thanks for this amazing video (from a fellow Canadian 🇨🇦)! 😀
@rodrigorodriguez5092 жыл бұрын
Well, in 2020 I didn't contribute anything to retirement and put every dollar instead into about 270% returns. That was obviously a non-recurrent and extraordinary condition
@brianwalsh9265 Жыл бұрын
@@rodrigorodriguez509 orrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.................Just repeat this one simple trick over and over again and you'll be rich!
@adriennethiery5432 Жыл бұрын
The other crazy thing I see now is reasons not to invest into a Roth IRA. I don’t understand how it’s not illegal to spread misinformation about this
@blueflameSM Жыл бұрын
"Don't invest into a 401k or a Roth IRA......Instead, BUY my course and I'll make you millions." - Every one of those videos against 401ks lmfao
@pretzelstick320 Жыл бұрын
I’d probably want to invest in my 401k as much as the company will match, but not anymore than that.
@hermdude2 жыл бұрын
I would want to point out that unlike astrology and coin-flipping, because a lot of people believe in technical analysis, it results in a self-fulfilling prophecy such that if a lot of people are making a decision that the price is going up, they'll bid up the price, eventually increasing the price itself. Of course, the catch is that different people would see different patterns within the same chart, so it becomes a tug of war between those who thinks that the price would go up versus the price going down. And then there's the market makers who would profit either way from market participation. As an old adage says, don't go and dig for gold yourself, go sell shovels instead.
@electricant552 жыл бұрын
Another problem is that algorithmic traders probably already beat you to the punch and the analysis is now priced in
@finsimple4396 Жыл бұрын
If this were the case the research would back that point, but it doesn't. The truth is there are too many market participants with many different strategies, AUM sizes, and opinions which create little market inefficiencies or random behaviour in stock prices. Even algorithmic traders don't, they mostly exploit small market inefficiencies faster than others such as HFT's, mean reversion, scalping, market making, arbitrage, etc. It would be self-fulfilling if the few who did it held enough weight to move markets, but then they wouldn't have the liquidity to trade it comfortably, which is a paradox.
@itsgonnabeanaurfromme10 ай бұрын
That's how it works. Applies to chinese astrology as well because a lot of people who believe in it (wealthy old chinese) impact the global economy.
@werbnaright50122 жыл бұрын
I love the humour in the editing of the individual stock lookups. The music, the facial expressions, the groans.Magnifique!
@JackDuffley2 жыл бұрын
I'm in my 3rd year at the University of FinTok, and I now exclusively use technical analysis on real estate NFTs on my laptop in my Lamborghini.
@Kodaira0232 жыл бұрын
@webentwicklungmitrobinspan69352 жыл бұрын
nice i would like to buy a course from you i hope its expensive enough to feel like i made a important investment in my education
@davidwebb23182 жыл бұрын
You forget to tell everyone how you were a multi-billionaire by the age of 12. I guess you are just modest about this kind of thing....
@JackDuffley2 жыл бұрын
@@davidwebb2318 I'll learn how to do that next semester. Sorry!
@davidwebb23182 жыл бұрын
@@JackDuffley Ha ha, yes. Remember to ask your college principal if you can have a parking space for the Lamborghini !!
@weggro2 жыл бұрын
You're one of my top channels and I appreciate the information that you give. Keep calling out the fakes!
@LASLOEGRI2 жыл бұрын
“Technicals - the astrology of investing…” absolutely, been saying that for years! As always… nice work.
@chump69012 жыл бұрын
How can it be astrology, how can you call BS, when there are millions of people funneling billions of dollars into different equities or currencies based on patterns and support an resistance levels. If 50,000 people see something bouncing at support, and they all buy because buy at support sell at resistance, then it is going to rise. It’s a positive feedback loop. It’s real. Nobody cares about your recycled EBITDA multiples and they don’t affect anything anymore.
@Supatrader2 жыл бұрын
@SeeEhyDeeSee Жыл бұрын
I still rewatch this from time to time just to watch his reaction to the 5:10 clip
@Michael_Raymond Жыл бұрын
I loved the advice (even if it was a little under-sold) for young people looking to get into investing. If you want to get good investing results... just get a higher education. You're making an investment in every future choice you make, and the earlier you commit to that the more help it will be. Also, your education won't disappear if the economy crashes.
@tuanoful2 жыл бұрын
That comparison from TA to Astrology was hilarious, and so true. In my ignorance, a few months back, I did think there was something to it. And quickly after I realized it was just BS. The only way that TA was real is if EVERYONE follows and acts on those patterns. And that is simply not true. The market doesn't behave based on a few guys doing TA
@RemotHuman2 жыл бұрын
You can withdraw from 401k early for 10% fee + tax, meaning if you don't want to wait till retirement you still get an immediate 80% return from 401k matching
@MrSupernova1112 жыл бұрын
Its a rip off. The guy in the video had a point. Outside of the employer match there is little point in investing further into a 401k other than the pre-tax investment benefit. Today's billionaires didn't earn their wealth through a 401k. This is the part that most academics like our friend the plain bagle conveniently ignore. In all reality, 401ks are designed for financially illiterate people.
@RemotHuman2 жыл бұрын
@@MrSupernova111 billionaires worked very hard took on a lot of risk, had a lot of skill and got very lucky for their wealth, 401k is very easy, its not for people who want to become billionaires its for people who want to retire when they're old. Maybe Roth IRA is better though who knows. Its not financially illiterate not to want to be an entrepreneur
@MrSupernova1112 жыл бұрын
@@RemotHuman . You're 100% correct that being a business owner is riskier than saving pennies every month for decades on end. That said, we choose how we want to live and many don't want to wait until they-re 65-70 years old to enjoy financial independence. On one hand we have the billionaires of the world and the countless millionaires who took a chance and then we have the masses who will spend their lifetime in the office doing meaningless work hoping to be financially independent at 65-70 years old. As I said, the guy in the video isn't entirely wrong.
@jonathans70892 жыл бұрын
@@MrSupernova111 Yikes
@schmingusss2 жыл бұрын
I love how Richard has perfected the nervous laugh. It cracks me up every time.
@tom41562 жыл бұрын
Great job as always, Richard. From one accountant to another, keep up the fight
@netherworldpost2 жыл бұрын
Really enjoy "not to gate keep, just to set expectations." I'm going to borrow that, thank you.
@nrpbrown2 жыл бұрын
I love the background! It's silly but i will never get bored of bad finance tik tok reviews
@ivanjermakov2 жыл бұрын
"Technicals (as a primary tool) are the astrology of finance" Also, so silly to watch how those "traders" prove their patterns on the historical data.
@maurods31512 жыл бұрын
But how is it possible than that some traders who rely only on technical analysis manage to be profitable
@hardwarefromthegarbage34462 жыл бұрын
@@maurods3151 Do they? I suppose their money comes from selling courses on their "methods" or not relying on technical analysis only
@jam-hu2 жыл бұрын
@@hardwarefromthegarbage3446 because it is statistically unlikely that they would all fail. Just like the people who win the jackpot twice in the lottery it is simply luck. It is likely, that out of the thousands of active traders that some will get lucky and beat the market. The problem is that there is no way of knowing beforehand which ones will get lucky.
@davidwebb23182 жыл бұрын
@@maurods3151 The short answer is that 99% of them don't manage to be profitable. Even a random stock selection process will make money sometimes. As they reinvest everything in what is essentially a random process eventually they will have everything in investments that drops like a stone. They might be successful for 5, 10 or 15 years by pure luck. The problem comes when you decide to follow what they do on the last day of year 15 and year 16 is when their luck runs out, and you lose your life savings following their astrology charts.
@TheWholeGrainBread_Real2 жыл бұрын
@@maurods3151 key word, some. 99% wont.
@prodigy16052 жыл бұрын
4:10 completely agree. It is a good use case for trying to time into a stock better for a long term investment (maybe wait a bit more for a price retreat) but not for actively trading
@zdenek30102 жыл бұрын
What you described is active management. Thinking that your intensity of active management is good but anything more is bad is irrational
@brandony8691 Жыл бұрын
Great video as always! 2:33 There have been some studies on stock splits that have shown there to be some degree of excess returns associated them (Ikenberry, Rakine, and Stice in the mid-90's I think were some of the first to look into this phenomenon). Some explanations offered by authors of these papers suggest its based on a signaling (i.e., management expects strong fundamental performance and completing a stock split signals this to the market). I would intuit that it's related to the momentum factor (i.e., a stock that now has a high per-share price got that way through strong recent performance). Either way, there is at least some evidence that buying recent stock splits might have some plausibility, but whether those excess returns survive transaction costs is another story. 5:30 This video came out too early $TSLA
@poisonpotato12 жыл бұрын
"There's more pizza now that I cut this 4 slice pizza into 8 slices" First guy probably
@OffGridInvestor2 жыл бұрын
12:47..... you know the ABSOLUTE HIGHEST PAID unskilled job? SALESMAN. Especially large ticket items, cars, housing, etc. You seen the commissions on real estate? I have heard some ALRIGHT level commissions that are enough to BUY A NEW TOYOTA with ONE HOUSE sale.
@smugshrug2 жыл бұрын
The only way all these "gurus" on social media make money is by selling people their awful advice.
@samsonsoturian60132 жыл бұрын
With the Raging Bull that was some of the key evidence in the FBI's fraud allegations...
@davidwebb23182 жыл бұрын
The name Greg Secker comes to mind....
@David.Marquez2 жыл бұрын
Here comes Richard making my Friday even better with some TikTok reactions LET'S GO
@jakefarmer31222 жыл бұрын
I would absolutely LOVE if you went through one of these courses from tik tok. I think it would be amazing if you could "learn" from these "finance experts"
@deepserket43902 жыл бұрын
this channel sometimes does something similar, but is more memeish and less serious than "the plain bagel", here's an example: kzbin.info/www/bejne/n3eloIJ9gs-rf5I
@TheFakeyCakeMaker Жыл бұрын
Yep. I'd be up for that
@al1395-y3d2 жыл бұрын
A 100% 401k match is so powerful that you could immediately withdraw your money and the match, pay the penalty and taxes and still be ahead lol
@zshn2 жыл бұрын
Techincal analysis like any other type of analysis only helps in defining 'probability' of an expected outcome based on the bias. All types of analysis is astrology, even fundamental analysis. If you try to predict future by looking at the stars (technical) or inside the body (fundamental) or by reading a biography (historical); it is similar to astrology. Everyone chill out.
@theexiled17672 жыл бұрын
Finally someone who speaks sense. All types of analysis is based on probability given past data and biases. You only need to win more than you lose. Doesn’t matter if you rely more on technical or fundamental analysis.
@mrbigsmile39022 жыл бұрын
The difference is that the position of the stars have no functional connection to the future, while there is a clear functional connection between the over time value of a stock and a basket of indicators/ full analysis.
@tuanoful2 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad I discovered your channel. You are great, keep it up!
@aatheus2 жыл бұрын
I will never cease to be amazed at how many bad and/or tone-deaf investment videos there are on Tiktok. Very entertaining.
@rodrigorodriguez5092 жыл бұрын
I don't know what you mean, clearly this high schooler has discovered a vulnerability in the financial markets as they exist today
@mikea57452 жыл бұрын
5:48 That total return is more like -80% now. Ouch
@melkiway2 жыл бұрын
Your react videos ARE SO ENTERTAINING and INFORMATIVE. Keep them coming! Thank you :) :)
@wesch63542 жыл бұрын
The key to compounding interest is time. So the sooner you start investing the better off you will be. Assuming you invest wisely. So investing from 15 to 65 will give your portfolio a lot of time to mature. For example. If you invested $2500 when you were 15 into the S&P 500 and didn't touch it till you were 65. You'd have a little over 250k.
@todaythebirds2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I think that girl is gonna be okay.
@GunnShotVisuals2 жыл бұрын
As someone who got my series 7 I can confirm all the info in this video is accurate, wellll explained and useful
@cryptobanter66772 жыл бұрын
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@GMoney_19732 жыл бұрын
Great video! Thank you for producing. I really enjoyed the theme music from the Wii Shop! Takes me back.
@cryptobanter66772 жыл бұрын
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@CaedenV2 жыл бұрын
I've seen that hyper aggressive anti 401k dude before... And I think his idea is that if you take your full paycheck and use it immediately for your own education, or starting your own business then you can "easially" outperform the market. As someone who has started and stopped 3 personal small businesses... Yeah... There is also a super good chance to loose your entire business or if you are lucky break even. It's a bit of a gamble. Compare that to a 401k that gives an instant 100% growth with an employer match, and lowering your income tax bracket, and no taxes on growth... Yeah... Even at 1% growth that starts to look pretty OK lol. And that you are more likely to net 7% growth after inflation makes your 401k look pretty awesome. More important is that for most people it isn't an either/or situation. You can hold down a day job and take advantage of a 401k match, and start something productive on the side. And that side thing can be a business, or developing IP for royalties, or any number of other things.
@chukuemekaoje10152 жыл бұрын
@@lukemorgan6166 how are they scams?
@electricant552 жыл бұрын
This. Best education today is free
@Littletime8392 жыл бұрын
That first guy was so convincing because of his wild hand gestures
@Sharpshooter649 Жыл бұрын
8:52 Not really. You have to stay with your boss for at least 4 years to actually receive it, if you quit or get fired you lose that “free” money
@damondiehl56377 ай бұрын
Depends on the employer. I've been immediately vested at three of the last four employers. Although, t my current employer, you have to be an employee on Dec 31st to get the matching amount which is paid in one lump sum in February.
@rightwingsafetysquad98725 ай бұрын
It's not necessarily your employer who gets to choose your investment options. They choose a broker/custodian to manage the account who then chooses the specific fund options. My employer chose Merrill Lynch and all the options are so bad that 4-5% really is a reasonable expectation. Not sure why SPY or VOO aren't options. But with matching it is really 108% (for up to 4% of salary). Also, if you're 15, just save for a car. Having a car at 16 will improve what might be the most fun years of your life in a way that no amount of money can when you're old.
@happytoberu2 жыл бұрын
The first tiktok: there is a statistically significant relationship between a stock split and the increase in price.. in fact, since 1980, a company that does a stock split (on avg) goes up 25% in 1 year vs the broad market of 9% in that year. So yes, there is a correlation between an increase in value after a stock split…
@ThePlainBagel2 жыл бұрын
Could you share the link for those figures? I find the 25% to be really high, much higher than any report I've seen on stock splits.
@happytoberu2 жыл бұрын
@@ThePlainBagel Hey! I’ve tried posting the link twice but KZbin keeps deleting the comment with the link… (check to see if you have links turned off in your KZbin settings) 😊 But if you look up Bank of America stock split study, you should be able to find it. There’s also a market watch article that talks about it as well! 🙂
@ThePlainBagel2 жыл бұрын
@@happytoberu Yeah KZbin will do that sometimes (and unfortunately, some comments are deleted before I have a chance to review). I'll try to find it, thanks!
@notnormaljiji2 жыл бұрын
There is correlation but not causation, yet some of these TikTokers Investment Guru treat it like its the latter and influence their audience to think the same. Regardless, no 1 rule in investing is to be comfortable in losing the investment cuz prediction and pattern is a 50-50 with fate.
@MarceloAbans2 жыл бұрын
@4:33 Great movie called Pi, where a man supposedly figures out the pattern and then a decent into madness.
@turtlepoolservices2 жыл бұрын
You're a breath of fresh air on this platform.
@mfb7042 жыл бұрын
Hi Mr Bagel I have a question Do you ever use modern portfolio theory in your day to day activities as a portfolio manager? Things like Treynor Black procedure, Markowitz, risk aversion coefficient, optimal weights, etc.? Or do you use other things? I've been learning this stuff for school but it all seems too theoretical for me. Thanks!
@mikesantillana2 жыл бұрын
This is my favorite financial channel!
@ayeminoo20672 жыл бұрын
The only channel worth listerning to. Thank bro.
@soulsynthesiscreations2 жыл бұрын
Good video. Can I confirm if fractional shares is standard or per company?
@ThePlainBagel2 жыл бұрын
Generally speaking it's only a select list of companies (typically only large cap companies). That being said, those are usually the companies most people would want fractional shares for; they obviously aren't needed for penny stocks.
@shanephillips77042 жыл бұрын
First time viewer! Love your content! Keep it coming.
@barbarosozturk2 жыл бұрын
Loved the editing on this one, haha!
@xiphoid201110 ай бұрын
@09:58. Maybe Custodial account isn't really on the mind of a 15 yr old or they have better things to spend on, but as a parent, it's very much worth considering for your children's future. I opened one for my son at 10. My mom teaches him piano, which he then teaches his 2 younger sisters. I pay him market rate for those lessons myself, about $3K/yr. There is no tax savings for me, but this provides him with an income source to fun Roth IRA. Now he is 12, it has grown to $10K. I plan to invest 100% his income until he finish college at 22, and "reimburse" him with equal amount of my money. Even assuming only $3K/yr, ending at age 22, with 7% inflation adjusted annual return (10%-3% inflation), it will become $1 million (inflation adjusted) and ensuring him a middle class retirement. I use his custodial account to teach him personal finance. I would recommend financially responsible parents use the custodial account to both teach essential personal finance skills as well as establishing safety nets for their children's future.
@vitamins-and-iron7 ай бұрын
damn this is awesome
@Starscreamious Жыл бұрын
7:30 there are legitimated issues with being part of a 401k or 403b....but that guy did not list them. For example the mutual funds could have a crappy expense ratio, your employer could force you out of a position if they choose to do so, if you leave your employer one way or the other they could force you out of all your positions, and as you said there are onerous limitations to what you can invest your money into.
@rodrigorodriguez5092 жыл бұрын
I'm a CPA in my late 30s and my friends who are still struggling or sometimes trying to make big fast rips on crypto or something. I was advise them first not to do it under any circumstances, second to create a paper trade in account and stick with it for 2 to 4 months just to see how things go, and third to accumulate their fast food receipts and compare the return to the paper trading if they cooked instead. I do everything I can not to sound like a condescending jerk but these are my feelings.
@seanwebb605 Жыл бұрын
A colleague of mine has been sold on the idea of passive income. Every day he worries about his crypto currency. I couldn't handle that hourly rollercoaster. He also took a chunk of his money (he actually might have borrowed from the bank) and invested in residential real estate with some family and friends. So he gets to maintain a house, watch the borrowing costs rise (Canada) while he hopes his tenants pay the rent or don't leave at a bad time. Plus he gets to fight with the other people in his investment pool. The problem is that we don't have enough income and a GIC, stock, bond etc. seems to grow incredibly slowly and isn't liquid. So we throw time, energy and the relatively small amount of wealth we have at bad ideas to gain wealth faster. Knowing on some level that it can be a game of wackamo.
@rodrigorodriguez509 Жыл бұрын
@@seanwebb605 it's so scummy to see stock trading pitched as an escape for people who hate their jobs. People with ordinary consumer levels of wealth and income just need to keep a good household and work faithfully, and hopefully live for some meaningful goal instead of chasing material pleasure.
@seanwebb605 Жыл бұрын
@@rodrigorodriguez509 I'm fine with people trying to build wealth, save for retirement and their children's education. But you're quite right. There is a really dirty side that just wants easy money for bling. They should focus on their career and make sensible investments for the future.
@Magic_beans_ Жыл бұрын
Paper trading is a good start, but it still can’t capture the emotional angle when one of your picks gets hammered. I’m writing this in late 2023 which has been a very positive year overall, and I’ve still had several 5-10% drops in a day. - Solar companies that can’t add capacity as quickly because of higher interest rates. - A tech company that reported they “only” expected 18% growth next year instead of the 24% people were expecting. - A retailer whose stock fell because a competitor’s press release got investors spooked about the industry. And then there are industries like biotech where companies could live or die based on a single regulatory hearing.
@AfroKarlman2 жыл бұрын
You are great dude! Thanks for your videos. Liked, Subscribed and all the good stuff!
@TenTonNuke2 жыл бұрын
5:34 Tesla is actually down about 50% since this video. So he doesn't even have Tesla.
@seanwebb605 Жыл бұрын
Musk decided that he wanted to be a TikTok investment bro and take everyone else down.
@allandnothing53382 жыл бұрын
7:33 "you're netting 1%, let that compound over, you know, the next 30 years and you're going to be happy with it turning into a pile of nothing. Poof." No. Not at all. Let's just take the salesman own figure at face value, and run the maths: 1.01 power of 30 = +34.78% (net of inflation as per his example) at the end of 30 years. You haven't lost anything; you're richer than. And that was just a regular compounded 1%. If we take into account the matching contribution, that returns is 169.57% at the end of 30 years. That's 3.36% annual returns (net of inflation), for a passive investment. These are not crazy high returns, but your final amount would still be much bigger than your initial investment. Bottom line: don't listen to a "financial advisor" who is so clueless that he's throwing numbers without realizing that they don't support the story he's serving his audience...
@Verskillroy2 жыл бұрын
Your calm and realistic approach contrasted with those absolutely insane, horrible advice is really entertaining for me.
@HarmonixsLoL2 жыл бұрын
I didn't really learning anything new in terms of investing, but I got a good laugh from the TikTok clips.
@warrenbuckley32672 жыл бұрын
It would be nice to see a video on how you would research a company before deciding to invest? What are some of the things that you look for?
@klobiforpresident22542 жыл бұрын
"If you need help you can reach out to a professional." That is exactly what I want to tell you, Richard. You don't have to hurt yourself by watching these for our entertainment.
@cryptobanter66772 жыл бұрын
👆Thanks for your feedback, I have something I'd love to introduce you to Leave a msg to the contact above☝️⤴️🔝👆Thanks for your feedback, I have something I'd love to introduce you to Leave a msg to the contact above☝️⤴️🔝👆Thanks for your feedback, I have something I'd love to introduce you to Leave a msg to the contact above☝️⤴️🔝...
@capeecle Жыл бұрын
"Aggresively wrong" nice, I learnt a new phrase
@pinnipes Жыл бұрын
i loved this video and i love your patient explanations for why these people are wrong, and your jokes are really on point. that said, the shot of the guy putting on the guy fawkes mask was funnier than anything you could have said
@jackmannschreck7262 жыл бұрын
The one of the stocks that will make me rich had me rolling on the floor, I knew I was in for a treat when roku was his first pick😂😂
@loganwow2 жыл бұрын
Congrats on the new background thing I love it!!!
@Jos_Louis2 жыл бұрын
It was more than just a lackluster "sure" from me. I just liked the video before even watching the full video through. I just look forward to these segments so much LOL.
@betruetoyourself71622 жыл бұрын
I didn’t see your poll. I would have clicked yes!
@mrantao1 Жыл бұрын
Mr Bagel would make a good lecturer He systematically knows how to break down complex theories into simple ones without coming off as someone who knows more than u Those relatable qualities r what separate good lecturers from the bad ones n I can promise u that the bad out weigh the good most of the time
@jimmcneal52924 ай бұрын
The problem with focusing on education(degree) is that it alone almost certainly won't make you rich. Most of your additional income will go into higher taxes, rent and supporting expensive lifestyle to not stand out among your peers. Yes there is an exception(medical degree in US), but it's simply because of inefficiency in a system, and there's a strong pressure from society to remove that inefficiency, so there are reasonably high chances that it will be removed relatively soon.
@dhdj.614 Жыл бұрын
2:30 it's more about signaling, meaning that companies that do a stock split signal to investors that they will increase their stock price going forward. However, this has statistically not been confirmed. Typically stocks rise at the announcement of a stock split but these abnormal returns vanish within the next 1-2 months
@mmmeeelllmmmeeelll2 жыл бұрын
You have got to do more of these!
@applefav1012 жыл бұрын
Always love your videos man! Fellow Canadian!!!
@mylorgolden81462 жыл бұрын
I am continuing to Add to my portfolio. As warren Buffet said "be brave when everyone else is fearful ". The stock market ALWAYS recover, so hold for long term and have the stomach for the ride 👍.
@steviestone39682 жыл бұрын
TA is the astrology of finance, perfect description.
@ignoranceisachoice6045 Жыл бұрын
401ks also have access to ETFs and the one I had access to, it also had SPDR ETFs including: The S and P 500. That guy is probably just one of these 'make your own business' or 'buy real estate' course making people.
@pretzelstick320 Жыл бұрын
Stock splits probably meant a lot more 5-10 years ago. I remember when I was in high school in 2016 wanting to buy Amazon shares, but not having the $600ish to spare.
@pretzelstick320 Жыл бұрын
Or wanting to buy Berkshire Hathaway when it was 125k per share lol
@josephgordon12692 жыл бұрын
Your content is so thought provoking! 👍
@sergeynemkov15542 жыл бұрын
Damn plain bagle doing tik tok investing vids, DR.K doing psychology tik tok vids, guess friday is tik tok review day, cheers :D
@Aulig2 жыл бұрын
The title format is the same too haha. Suspicious :D
@earthling_parth2 жыл бұрын
Primeagen released a video doing programming TikTok reviews today too 😆
@nicolashofmann29562 жыл бұрын
Fractional shares are not a thing everywhere. Her in Germany you can get those only via a savings plan, indiviual buys work only for full shares of a stock.
@Potatoes858582 жыл бұрын
I need more of this in my life!
@alex21432 жыл бұрын
I think you're doing a lot of good by replying to these conmen and spreading some common sense. Thanks for what you do Richard!
@Davido23692 жыл бұрын
Technical analysis can be used to spot accumulation and distribution... its non biased. There are many narratives out there, but price and volume dont lie
@Magic_beans_6 ай бұрын
5:00 (Technical analysis of a fake stock chart) - If the reviews were consistent it at least suggests there’s a method to TA, and it could just be that the coin flips happened to randomly create a pattern they’d see as bullish. I think the real gotcha would be if different analysts all gave different reviews, indicating they’re just seeing what they want to see. An example would be the NOVA system that’s supposed to help classify foods as more or less heavily processed. There have been studies where researchers asked trained professionals to rate various foods and there was very little consistency to their responses. _That’s_ the kind of result that tells you a metric is arbitrary or so vague as to be unhelpful.
@cole12 жыл бұрын
10:42 respectful disagree - put your summer job money into VTI, get another 3 years of returns and compounding, and now you're way better off going into college
@cryptobanter66772 жыл бұрын
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@gelman4u2 жыл бұрын
Haven't read all the comments or even finished the video so Idk if this has been stated. I will say that while stock splits are kind of arbitrary and don't increase anything besides shares, even despite fractional investing being an option on almost every platform... What it does do is open the door for people to exercise options on that stock. I think this has a far greater reach being able to make calls or puts on a stock like Google whereas prior to the split you'd need to basically be a hedge fund to have the kind of capital to make that kind of move.
@midimusicforever2 жыл бұрын
"stocks that are going to make me rich" The guy forgot to say "by shorting them".
@Lolatyou33211 ай бұрын
@5:30 I was originally interested in Beyond meat as a stock option back when I wanted to invest in individual stocks, I literally sold it at the peak. The product itself sucks, it isn't actually healthier for you because it's basically just made of a ton of processed crap like coconut oil, and it doesn't really taste any better than a fat equivalent burger. You are healthier eating a lean beef patty. When BYND made a deal with COKE I sold it, it wasn't doing anything to innovate and it was obvious the product just isn't going to complete and the 'impossible burger' (which is privately owned) was likely the one that was actually going to succeed in that space.
@thedustkid Жыл бұрын
I love these videos, do more like this please
@Gabsmaqui2 жыл бұрын
This might be your funniest content ever! Good stuff!!!
@cryptobanter66772 жыл бұрын
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@sunnycorax2 жыл бұрын
6:53 Yeah you not seeing it for years is the point dude. It is suppose to be for retirement and it is tax advantaged. With you Richard that it has that sort of Twitter vibe of someone thinking they are smart while being aggressively wrong. Also as a slight clarification it depends on the account your employer sets up as a 401k. I can't remember the special type of IRA it is called but some companies can set up something that is between an IRA and a 401k. It is suppose to be for small businesses to try and incentivize them to set up retirement accounts for their employees that normally wouldn't get a 401k because their company can't really afford or manage it. It has a higher contribution cap than an IRA but you may or may not get matching like a 401k. Having had that at a former company with a 4% match I was able to pick whatever stocks, bonds, and ETFs I wanted for better or worse.
@kchal02 жыл бұрын
Great video, on the 401k portion, at least here in the US you don't get a refund for the contributions yout put in, you just get to deduct it from your earned income made that year. That could possibily mean you get a tax refund but only if you witheld enough taxes to begin with. Also i'll also note that is only for a traditional 401k, Roth 401ks you get taxed first then the money is taken out of the pay check that is left. That grows tax free and can be withdrawn tax free. Pay taxes now (roth) or pay later (traditional). Both are powerful tools though, that video is pretty sad to see such bad information peddled on tic tok.
@PsyrenXY2 жыл бұрын
While you're right that a "refund" is dependent on the size of your withholding, the point is that it reduces your total liability at tax time either way. If you withheld too much you'll get a refund, whereas if you didn't withhold enough you'll owe, but the reduction from the 401k contributions is the same either way. You're spot-on about the difference between Roth and Traditional.
@chukuemekaoje10152 жыл бұрын
And worse, that bad info is often used to sell a course, or permanent life insurance
@mixedbagclips251110 ай бұрын
Hey that guy that made those calls at the TOP is a good counter signal. 😂