When are these sort of programs going to start telling the truth, or do they fundamentally not understand money? All money is debt, this was created at a fraction of the cost of around 4 cents per hundred dollars, the money exists in the economy and as long as it is taxed out again, which reduces the loan amount ( deficit ) then it has paid back the loan. This money is what pays everybody's wages etc, the point is we are a debt-based society, this debt must be entered somehow, as far as the debt-based system is concerned then it wouldn't matter if the degree was standing on your head. Deficits have to get bigger if the public aren't getting into debt, because we, say it after me...a debt based society!! When Au has 160 billion more in exports than imports it makes it easier but all money is debt, we seem to forget this, all money is bank debt and we are just one side of a ledger, banks and govts the other. If a govt has a large deficit it means the public has it, when the govt is in surplus and everybody's accounts full then that's too much debt been issued. Taxes pay for no current spending, and all money is debt, I wonder if she or the commentator realise this, debt for them is not like debt for us and it is deceptive to say so as all debt is money and all money debt, no one seems to be refusing money.
@mervyncave526320 күн бұрын
What do you mean $15mil being given away? The debt is being transferred to others