The Plight Of Cobol Mainframe Programmers

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@StevenHunt1 Ай бұрын
One of my first jobs was working on decommissioning mainframe applications for the space program. While much of the code (Adabase/Natural) was written in the early 80's, a lot of the people involved were still working when I was there, so it was common to ask questions of the original authors when looking at reports or batch processes. One time, I asked my boss if we could set up a meeting with a specific person, and he asked me to look out the window and said "Do you see that big tree out there? That's their memorial tree."
@faresk3168 Ай бұрын
That's so cool. A bit sad too. RIP to all the legendary programmers
@XDarkGreyX Ай бұрын
@vidal9747 Ай бұрын
@@nisonatic Imagine being dead and still being required to take calls because it was in your contract...
@rw-xf4cb Ай бұрын
I recall Adabas/Natural though never got to work with it app coding and its own database from memory!
@supercompooper Ай бұрын
Nice u remembered
@AdamLeis Ай бұрын
"This is so legacy that the person that first wrote it died of old age." 😂🤣
@Hamun002 Ай бұрын
So legacy that the original writer is dead, and no one knows if the FTP of records still goes out to an extant company
@boulderbash19700209 Ай бұрын
Have you ever heard the Y2K joke? A COBOL programmer, tired of all the extra work and chaos caused by the impending Y2K bug, decides to have himself cryogenically frozen for a year so he can skip all of it. He gets himself frozen, and eventually is woken up when several scientists open his cryo-pod. "Did I sleep through Y2K? Is it the year 2000?", he asks. The scientists nervously look at each other. Finally, one of them says "Actually, it's the year 9999. We hear you know COBOL."
@71kimg Ай бұрын
These systems are soo legacy - that they were legacy when she started 25 years ago.
@borosmilan Ай бұрын
Mainframe cobol programmer / architect signing in. I could share stories you people would not believe. Mainframe is one of a kind. I've seen systems up and running (uptime) for 14+ years. I've seen code running in production developed in 1982.. Mainframe is the powerhouse of the world without you knowing about it. AMEX, VISA, Mastercard. Anytime you swipe your card to pay, it goes thru a mainframe.
@elbagrau Ай бұрын
Bro, I just modified a program that is still running till this day since 1974, for an insurance company. My respects partner !
@thomaslink2685 Ай бұрын
Mainframe support guy here. COBOL is robust and dependable and self-documenting. Why are legacy programs and systems around for decades? Because they did it right the first time.
@t1ckt0ck44 6 күн бұрын
@@thomaslink2685 "...they did it write the first time."? let's not get carried away - I'm pretty programming back then was just as iterative as it is today FWIW - I work at a bank and sit next to one of the guys that did their mainframe assembly application. He's told me a few stories. #respect
@ELBARaDo20 4 күн бұрын
same here, oldest program I've worked on was from from 1993 meaning the code is older than me. And it's not just banks that run this stuff, every company using SAP is running into the same problem now, because SAP runs on a language similar to COBOL
@jimbarino2 2 күн бұрын
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Batch jobs crashing into the void of unallocated memory. Hex dumps glittering in the green light of a sysadmin's console, waiting for code review. All those moments will be lost in time, like bits in registers. Time to log off.
@ericepperson8409 Ай бұрын
For everyone in that chat commenting to "just rewrite it", they obviously have never seen that in the real world for a enterprise scale software suite. About 7-8 years ago a software company I was working for decided to entirely rewrite a popular product in a "modern" language, Java, rather than maintain it in C. This product handled automated file transfers. Pretty simple right? The old code was full of branches, corner cases, a "weird" one offs. The company fired the old programmer and gave the rewrite to a team of younger engineers. The release of the new version was a disaster. Each of those baffling little branches of the code was to handle some non conformant condition in integrated applications the customers were using. Banks handling thousands upon thousands of complicated transactions a second just cannot accept code that might melt down in some rare but persistent corner case. Downtime can literally cost a big enough company millions of dollars a minute.
@krisavi Ай бұрын
this "just rewrite it" would end up like Windows 10 to 11 has been. Losing a lot of existing functionality and instead of reimplementing them, some ad functionality gets priority. Big enterprise scale software is comparable to OS codebase in size and complexity.
@Leange5 27 күн бұрын
Better a horrible end than endless horror.
@hanswoast7 26 күн бұрын
It can be done with the right people... but it will take very long and cost you a fortune. So this endeavor mostly only gets funded when a) there is no other way (e.g. you fucked up before and now its too late) --> fail b) you underestimate the time and effort needed by orders of magnitude --> fail c) you overestimate your abilities --> fail d) you rightly estimate it all, you have the funds, the people and time --> might work I have heard of some very rare cases where a rewrite did work. They had everything on their side and barely made it.
@morosis82 2 күн бұрын
Best way can be strangler pattern. Don't rewrite the whole thing in one go, just put it behind a proxy that slowly becomes the new implementation, where you can do the most important and value adding bits first.
@anthonyrawson8967 Ай бұрын
Someone is finally speaking about my hell. Feels like I've finally been represented lol. COBOL mainframe devs represent!
@outis2493 Ай бұрын
tell your kids you love them, not in person because yeah we know this won't happend, atleast send them a fax.
@RandomNoob1124 Ай бұрын
@v0id_d3m0n Ай бұрын
hell yeah
@616Regis Ай бұрын
Mainframe developers, assemble!
@HikarusVibrator Ай бұрын
How good is the pay though
@Jeremyak Ай бұрын
1991: We must administer this IQ to test to see if you possess the aptitude for this career. 2024: Lost your job hanging drywall to Jose? Learn to code.
@Kkubey Ай бұрын
People learned that the IQ can be trained to some extend, or rather a low IQ is often a lack of such training and education. Sometimes the questions asked require a certain experience that people may or may not have had, too. We feel like we can get a simple answer on how intelligent someone is, but it's more complex than that in reality. The most common factor that used to be known was the kid who had afternoon classes, learned an instrument and joined a sports club vs. the kid that sat in front of the TV all day. While it's not exactly looking the same anymore, this factor of experience and training your brain remains unchanged.
@austenmoore7326 Ай бұрын
Some banks were still doing IQ tests for everyone the last time I applied to one like 4-5years ago.
@Jeremyak Ай бұрын
@@Kkubey your chatGPT tier rant didn't disprove intelligence pal
@Kkubey Ай бұрын
@@Jeremyak What has the world come to when making full sentences is called "chatgpt tier" already
@Jeremyak Ай бұрын
@@Kkubey Yes, it was the sentences.. not the generic egalitarian liberal claptrap ma'am.
@kahnfatman Ай бұрын
COBOL programmer positions should be passed from parents to children. They should have COBOL as an integrated part of their family name too, like a religious Order. And the linked article is flagged as spam. WTH
@ArturdeSousaRocha Ай бұрын
The Lords of COBOL is a different story. :)
@thcoura Ай бұрын
I totally agree
@marosmierka1904 Ай бұрын
so basicaly like medieval Guilds with secret ceremonies and shit Grandmaster, masters, journeymen, and apprentices.
@tiaanbasson9092 Ай бұрын
Love this comment.
@NeilHaskins Ай бұрын
Lots of English names are that way: Smith, Baker, Taylor, Tanner. So would they go with Coboler, or is there something better?
@PennsyltuckyPhil Ай бұрын
COBOL is where you write a verbose English dissertation about how you want your program to work and hope that it actually ends up working the way described.
@616Regis Ай бұрын
A language so verbose could only have been created by a woman :-P
@steves9250 Ай бұрын
And keep it within the columns
@GulfCoastGrit Ай бұрын
@@616Regislol, Admiral Hopper’s ghost is gonna haunt you for that one 😂
@rw-xf4cb Ай бұрын
@@616Regis More so by committee but Admiral Hopper was the chair of the group from memory.
@arnavpiscesxtream Ай бұрын
what's funny is if you replace COBOL with ChatGPT in your sentence, it still makes sense
@ChristopherBown Ай бұрын
I worked at a bank and they were trying to move all their COBOL to Java. They did a few years of it, canned a bunch of COBOL devs. Then figured out that they couldn't even get close to the speed of COBOL in Java. They tried to hire back a bunch of those COBOL devs and started giving new hires out of college extra $$ to learn COBOL.
@plaintext7288 Ай бұрын
Not today, but this sounds like an amazing use case for Zig/Rust where rewritng the codebase in Zig would be fast as in less human hours and blazingly fast as in cpu cycles Edit: typo
@CamaradaArdi Ай бұрын
Don't write a banking system in zig, maybe rust but not zig. It's pre 1.0 and I don't know what they're going to do about stability once they reach 1.0
@plaintext7288 Ай бұрын
@@CamaradaArdi yeah, right now the language and its ecosystem ate far from production readiness
@CamaradaArdi Ай бұрын
@@plaintext7288 Also I think that Zig is way too low level for this kind of business logic heavy applications but I could be wrong.
@jonathanantenanie8550 Ай бұрын
@@CamaradaArdi why not use c? or write a c driver that can communicate with COBOL mainframe?
@MarkGardnerRuneImp Ай бұрын
The article is gone. I suspect Substack thought they got DDOSed by this video. 🙂
@actually_it_is_rocket_science Ай бұрын
No this was plagiarized. Looks like a few people have the same mom and story. One from seven years ago even went poof.
@MarkGardnerRuneImp Ай бұрын
@@actually_it_is_rocket_science I'm sure several people had mothers that worked on these types of systems. My mother learned programming mainframes at a bank when I was 11 or 12. I had a hard time getting my parents to buy a computer for home because she had gotten tired of dealing with them at work. I didn't get to use a computer at home until my dad brought home a Toshiba laptop home from work which had the new 3.5 inch floppy disk drives! ;-)
@TheKennyWorld Ай бұрын
@@actually_it_is_rocket_science Do you know if the story was at least true?
@SandraWantsCoke Ай бұрын
@@TheKennyWorld One line in the article was weird where he said that somebody like his mom must be making a lot of money. It's like he doesn't know how much his mom makes, which made me question the authenticity of that article (before I read this comment)
@bountyjedi Ай бұрын
​@@SandraWantsCoke Could just be regular old Swedish taboo around asking about peoples' salary. Although at least I'm pretty sure if I asked my mom it wouldn't be that much of a problem. That said I do not know my moms salary.
@JGComments Ай бұрын
I work in insurance, similar story there. Lots of COBOL, text-based applications from the 70's, and the like. About 15 years ago we stopped using actual punch cards and mainframes terminals are now emulated. Supposedly there is an old timer who lives in Fiji who we fly in on short notice any time something REALLY important breaks. Zero political will to rip it all out and rebuild. Trust me, people have tried.
@ThatAnnoyingGuyOnTheInternet Ай бұрын
It costs money and you cannot really market it to people. Customers don't really care if you use COBOL or Rust. From managers' point of view it's a system that works, migration costs money, it's way better to rely on that one guy in Fiji in case something breaks. And if the manager in question is evaluated based on saving money, this a clear "no" to any migration because it could affect the yearly bonus. And yes, the one time investment into migration could save money for maintenance in the future, but managers don't think that far ahead because they might not even be with the company at that time.
@JGComments Ай бұрын
@@ThatAnnoyingGuyOnTheInternet Yeah but at some point the net present value of maintaining and old system is greater than the net present value of replacing it, or is outweighed by other business considerations and risks, like no one understanding key operational systems. But that is clearly a long term concern.
@doctorgears9358 Ай бұрын
I envy Fiji man greatly.
@bariole Ай бұрын
@@JGComments I have never seen mainframe migration which, at end, didn't cost more than original mainframe. They are priced accordingly to their tasks. Enterprise Oracle + Openshift + NAS still have both licence and running costs well into mainframe teritory. And with modern stacks you usually need more IT support people. That doesn't meen there is no value in migration. Latest migration I have seen was done purely because of future staffing.
@JGComments Ай бұрын
@@bariole I agree that it would cost more. The primary issue is business risk of losing the ability to fix or maintain it, because for key systems you are putting large streams of revenue at risk which are much larger than the cost to rebuild, on a net present value basis.
@knm080xg12r6j991jhgt Ай бұрын
I learned about the COBOL and the mainframe about 5 years into my first job as a Java/.NET/C developer. It's actually a sad story about the mainframe. The platform is fantastic; the Power8 and Power9 processors on the mainframe could run circles around the x86s running Linux, and the mainframe was doing things like LPARs, "containers" (though not called that) and VMs long before they were a thing on other systems. The biggest problems were IBM's "walled garden" (more like "Supermax Prison Garden") for third-party software, and most importantly, the absolutely atrocious interface. ISPF, MVS, TSO, and green-screen 80 character crap was the boat anchor that sunk the mainframe. If people understood what the mainframe could do, and IBM put a decent interface and decent automation into it without crazy menus and documentation you had to pay for, then developers would have begged to develop on the mainframe. It had all the functionality of the cloud years ago, it's just hidden behind stuff meant to emulate 1950's punch cards for backwards compatibility.
@trustedsource1273 Ай бұрын
I wrote COBOL programs 45-50 years ago. The "dot" at the end of a line is a period. It was a well known error we called a "pregnant program" - one missing the period.
@stanislavnepochatov8381 Ай бұрын
My aunt worked in statistics center back in USSR and wrote COBOL code translated into russian on IBM/360 knock-off.
@knm080xg12r6j991jhgt Ай бұрын
Asianometry did a video about the Soviet mainframe and its history.
@rigen97 Ай бұрын
that sounds both cool and maddening
@amehybrid 21 күн бұрын
One of my bosses was russian. We love her voice :)
@caseyclayton01 Ай бұрын
My second job was at a bank, it was mainly COBOL, JCL, and Assembly for the first 1.5 years. Coming from Java it took me quite awhile to get the hang of things. Almost all of our data was stored in flat files, so in order to read those you had to go look at the code to make sure you had the right header sizes, etc otherwise it was just binary garbage. I remember thinking how dumb this was at the time and why not use a DB but now having created custom binary formats for stuff it makes so much more sense. Also assembly code reviews, those guys printed out what looked like dictionary sized books of a single assembly module and spent hours reviewing it, still crazy to me.
@aymanpatel5862 Ай бұрын
Had a story from my uncle who works at a bank. A new IT employee shut down the Mainframe (don't know exactly how). They had to call people out of retirement to fix the aforementioned person's mistake
@F38U Ай бұрын
They will change language when everyone is dead
@RobertoFloresAndFamily 17 күн бұрын
That's wild.
@elosacle Ай бұрын
I've thought about learning COBOL because of industries going "we need people!", but man, i dont think i have what it takes.
@PhilipAlexanderHassialis Ай бұрын
It's a dated language but the basics (variables / units of code / control structures) are there. The real issue is the domain specific knowledge, both in technical and in business / legal frameworks that codify it.
@dmitriyrasskazov8858 Ай бұрын
Thats a tough niche to take, even if you learn it its still 0 expirience in the field, nowhere to get it, and even if business needs it, demand isnt great so you cant switch jobs after that, you become trapped with a skills that looks cool for another programmer, but horrible for hr.
@cunny1307 Ай бұрын
find someone who can get you inside first
@v0id_d3m0n Ай бұрын
@@PhilipAlexanderHassialis absolutely... COBOL itself is the easiest part. It's the massive complex legacy systems that are the diffficult part.
@tapwater424 Ай бұрын
It also doesn't actually pay that well. The pay is on par with any other technology.
@ericmyrs Ай бұрын
My company just helped a bank of similar scope to Nordea shift their entire banking core out of mainframe land (SDC). It can certainly be done. It was a gargantuan task, but nobody noticed they did it.
@NostraDavid2 Ай бұрын
> nobody is noticed Good! That's the best way to migrate! I'm quite amazed!
@ACium. 25 күн бұрын
So now which programming language are they using instead of COBOL?
@ericmyrs 24 күн бұрын
@@ACium. I wasn't on that project, so I have no idea. No reason to think it's a single language either. It's probably Java though.
@guitarsNswords Ай бұрын
My first non intern job was COBOL programming because I had COBOL classes at the university. That was 2018. I graduated in 2018. I still like Cobol, I felt like a true hackerman working with ISPF
@patrickcannell2258 Ай бұрын
And that was only 6 years ago. Fascinating. Like FORTRAN engineering based programs are still lurking around. They work.
@v0id_d3m0n Ай бұрын
One thing I find amazing about IBM and COBOL is the levels of backwards-compatibility, to the extent of using virtual tapes and disks to be compatible with physical ones. Pretty cool imo.
@OlivierDALET Ай бұрын
Well, not that cool, when you have to allocate a file size in terms of blocks, tracks and cylinders instead of bytes (cause they don't grow) and you have no idea how much bytes a block is or the geometry of the disk...
@matthewjessick6986 Ай бұрын
Yes - yuck. I started out in engineering on a mainframe that was TOS - a CDC 750/760 with a Tape Operating System. It was now disk drives, but you would still run your program, then have to 'rewind' the disk file to run it again. I can still probably type rewind,* faster than most other programmers.
@DMahalko Ай бұрын
It's been about 30 years since I touched an AS/400, but the terminal text editor assumed program statements may potentially be written to punch cards. There are reserved columns for line numbers, limiting the actual editor width to about 65-70 characters. All programs had to be formatted to fit this layout.
@F38U Ай бұрын
One of my coworkers father is a cobol programmer. Literally the youngest one at 65. They cant find anyone to replace them now that they are all retiring
@lexmercatoria2774 Ай бұрын
There actually are plenty of people at least here at The USA.
@F38U Ай бұрын
@@lexmercatoria2774 ok? Not everywhere is The USA.
@truehighs7845 Ай бұрын
Mainframe COBOL Programmer sounds like badass!
@jfan4reva 27 күн бұрын
They were only badass when you had to fix their code. (Dirty little secret - a large percentage of legacy COBOL code was actually assembler 'translated' to COBOL so that the assembler programmers could keep their jobs. Most of them hated 'high level languages' and thought assembler was superior because assembler "gave them complete control over the computer".
@hinzster Ай бұрын
Btw. one of the favourite stories my father used to tell (he was an IBM SE, so he basically sold mainframes and the system software to run on them) is when he was asked to benchmark the at that time newest IBM mainframe against the offering from Amdahl. What he needed was a program to chew CPU, to demonstrate task switch speed. So he basically wrote one, in assembler. The simplest assembler program anybody could write, just a jump (sorry, they call it "branch") to the instruction itself. What he didn't realize is that while IBM hardware checked for interrupts before executing the branch, the Amdahl hardware didn't check for it until the hardware wasn't executing a branch instruction anymore. But with the next instruction being, yes, a branch, that checking for interrupts never occurred. So he basically hung the machine with this simple program. The solution was, of course, to just add a no-op before the branch, and jump to that. Oh, and btw. ISPF is cool (albeit scarey if you have the mainframe at your fingertips). I liked it so much, I used the PC version (called SPFPC) for part of my first programming job (Turbo Pascal + a dbase-compiler called Clipper, and the code for the latter is what I used it for). Btw. ISPF stands for "Interactive System Programming Facility". IBM had quite a knack of calling stuff very basic things, their main programming language was PL/I (literally "programming language number one" :P), disks were called DASD ("direct access storage device") etc. pp.
@RobUttley Ай бұрын
oh god - Turbo, Clipper, dBase IV... you've just given me a serious PTSD flashback. Nice!
@OlivierDALET Ай бұрын
Although for a short time at the beginning of my career (1999), I used ISPF and shortcuts like i.3.4 or i.2 are still in my muscle memory. The text editor was great too: only 80x25 characters but with syntax highlighting and neat copy/paste system as well
@kotzebrecher Ай бұрын
Yeah, ISPF is great. It is so powerful if you know how to use it
@nmccw3245 18 күн бұрын
My first job out of college was to black box migrate applications from the IBM 4361 (VM/370) to the brand new IBM PC (developed using dBase IV and compiled with Clipper). One salary app used for proposing annual pay step/grade increases gave me fits. I could not exactly duplicate the mainframe output calculations from the same test dataset. I finally quit trying code changes and prototyped the matrix in Lotus 1-2-3 (spreadsheet) so i could see changes to the calculated values instantly. It took about an hour but I found it. The original programmer rounded the calculated row values to two decimal positions but let the machine default to sixteen decimal positions for column calculations. When this discrepancy was presented to management the decision was made to carry the error forward into the new application for backward compatibility. 😂🤣😅
@primo_geniture Ай бұрын
I'm one of those from the "Deep Past" that worked on this type of stuff starting in the 80's. We referred to the database as IMS DL/I. Used it at a pneumatic tool company for part explosion of a tool. As for GSAM its a Generalized Sequential Access Method that would have been pronounced "gee-sam" and not "gasm". I don't recall working with that specifically, but I do recall working with ISAM and VSAM files. My first job was with a medical billing company. Through attrition I was responsible for thousands of lines of code and at one point on-call 24/7. That got old real fast. As for ISPF, Prime, I was probably as good at that as you are on Vim! Our monitors had one color - green and the keyboard was a clacky, metal IBM one that you could kill somebody with. Oh and we sat in cubes all day in suits. Today's developers piss and moan about their work conditions - well LOL to them!
@marcwolf60 Ай бұрын
VIM.. that brings back memories
@lezzbmm Ай бұрын
8:30 the age is immensely valuable there just bc of how many decades they have before retirement in a field where almost everyone is 50-60+ as discussed earlier,, as a cobol manager, it’d be pretty appealing to have a 20yo employee w the same domain knowledge and it’d be smart to incentivize them to spend their whole career at yr org
@lezzbmm Ай бұрын
feel like prime missed the point there and took it as saying that being 20 makes someone a better programmer which i don’t think at all was the point lol chat got it tho i guess
@creativecraving Ай бұрын
😂 Yeah, Prime misses the point almost as often as I do! Reminds me that he's human.
@joecooper1703 Ай бұрын
If institutions want young COBOL programmers, they need to pay competitive rates. COBOL programmers are at the low-end of the salary range in the US. Below many other languages that have been around for a while, including some surprising ones (e.g. Perl). The languages that tend to be mostly senior programmers tend to have pretty high average salaries, but not COBOL. Every few years there's a bunch of articles claiming COBOL programmers are an impossible to find dying breed and super in-demand, and every time I see those articles, I check job listings...and every time I see that it's BS. It's always low wages, whenever employers say they can't hire people to do a job. I think it'd be fun to wrangle big iron, but not if I have to take a big pay cut AND deal with stodgy banking/finance/government culture and workplace.
@andrewyork3869 Ай бұрын
​@joecooper1703 Where are you seeing that? On indeed and linkedin, I see 65-85 per hour. (When listed.)
@PaceWC Ай бұрын
@@joecooper1703the problem is COBOL programmers don’t really bring in new cash flow or new addons the sales team can offer to clients. They’re just there to keep the lights on and the Banks running within regulation at this point. So they get treated like IT Security in that the execs won’t see the value in the investment until it bites them in the ass.
@tc2241 Ай бұрын
I worked in banking in the past and is rough. I also caused an outage that put us in the news…not a fun week
@kickthesky Ай бұрын
My mom programmed in COBOL since the mid 1970s. I learned about computer code by reading the stacks of greenbar she would bring home with code listings on it generated after they input thousands of punch cards. She retired in the mid-90s and took on a much less stressful job at a local museum instead. She, however, stoked an interest in computers and programming into me. I was a software dev for well over twenty-five years and now I work in the appsec world. Of all the stress I have had in my career, none of it would match the stuff she had to go through in hers. 24/7 on call along with having to make everything write the first time because it would take hours to fix even a small mistake and resubmit a job.
@TheSoulCrisis Ай бұрын
That is one bad ass momma bear....handling the kiddos while wrangling COBOL omegalul, she is factually a BASED super mom.
@goblinerr Ай бұрын
hahahaha, love this. did a year of vocational traning in cobol 10 years ago and work as a Cobol developer today as a 34 year old in sweden as well. my first system i worked in was 8 years older than me.
@DragonMasterClay Ай бұрын
So I'm a young-ish hire at IBM and I'm learning all of these technologies. IMS, DB2, ISPF, this is all just another staff meeting for me. It's pretty cool to hear an "outsider" hearing about it for the first time and offering their thoughts. I don't do COBOL, but I do some programming in REXX, which you could sort of compare to Bash for the Mainframe.
@ginoiseau Ай бұрын
I'm a former COBOL programmer trying to learn REXX in new role. Where I work, we've hired recent grads to learn mainframe. It's not going anywhere.🙂
@josephkarpinski9586 18 күн бұрын
Started writing COBOL in 1978 on punch cards to run on an IBM mainframe. Retired 2013 after extensive career path IMS systems programmer, DB2 systems programmer, Unix administrator, Tech analyst, Performance analyst writing scripts/programs in COBOL, C, C++, Java, Visual Basic, C#, VB#, Perl, Excel VBA, SAS, against Oracle and Sybase databases and Unix/VMWare servers. Retired 10 years, coding mainly in VSCode Python with some R and Mathematica. With help from Microsoft Copilot, Meta Ai and Perplexity AI. against large public astronomical online databases. Never gets old. 👨‍💻👨‍💻👨‍💻
@RobUttley Ай бұрын
This is a great article. Loved your read of it. My first paid programming job was in 1991 (Turbo Pascal 5.5, pre-Windows). This was for a very large 'Britiain-based Telecommunication' company. We had to call statistical library code in MSDOS Fortran. The biggest change in the last 30+ years, to me, is the editing and compiling tools. The conveniences that Sublime Text or VS Code (even VS) bring would have been incredible to 21-year-old me - far more than any graphical, speed or language change. Languages change, algorithms wax and wane, libraries and APIs come and go. But back in the day we often had no easy way to read one file while editing another, and build times could be measured in tens of minutes (it was easy to forget what you were tracking down and trying to deal with, when you had an enforced 10 minute break before you could check the outcome of your tweak). Your (physical) notebook was your friend. The official documentation was not a PDF or a website but instead in dead-tree format (often excellently-written).
@trjberg Ай бұрын
I began coding COBOL (and assembler) in 1979 in a bank (sort of). Was IBM Mainframe, current name is IBM System z. I began recently to work again in my old workplace (as a consult). They have tried to kill both COBOL and mainframes since the early 1980-ties. It has never succeded.
@kubeinsztain Ай бұрын
I got my first job at IBM as Mainframe batch processing operator and I have to say it was experience like no other. We were working for a large bank in Poland and I do remember some of those things which article is about like batch processing, transactions etc. There were situations where batch processing (at night) was prolonged, e.g. due to the size of the processed data or some error, and as a result, certain jobs that acted like a "cut off" of the day (which normally should have been run at night when most stores were closed) were run in the morning when the stores were already operating, which led to a temporary (approx. 15-20 minutes) blocking of their payment terminals. Fortunately, I haven't worked this way for over 20 years or more like others but I'm so grateful that I had the opportunity to be able to work with such people and see what it's like. And the responsibility is huge when it comes to banking and money-related operations.
@bryn494 Ай бұрын
I remember our operators leaving the newbie in charge while they piled off to the pub for a birthday celebration ( oh, the good old days); all he had to do was feed the printer and call the pub (across the street) if a problem came up. They returned to find there was a logical recursion loop in the job execution sequence, four hours of duplicated reports :D
@KangoV Ай бұрын
You just drew some money out of a cashpoint? Probably an IBM Z16 running COBOL. These things are everywhere and have 99.999999999% (yes 8 nines!) reliability and are absolutely state of the art (makes x86 stuff look like a commodore PET!). IBM Z16s can run programs from the old System/360 from the 1960s and System/370 from the 1970s unchanged. COBOL is amazing at data in/out as it memory maps the files in and out with ease. It's all built in. It's insanely fast!
@MorningNapalm Ай бұрын
A lot of the bank machines used to run OS/2 1.3, not sure what they run now. I have seen a blue-screen on one, so some run Windows.
@PennsyltuckyPhil Ай бұрын
I can't tell you how many times I had to get on a System/390 and run HX to kill off COBOL programs that did infinite loops dragging down the mainframe, I was just hoping that mainframe was separate from the Uni's production workloads.
@ossman11 Ай бұрын
​@@MorningNapalmThe IBM z16 is a server. The Cashpoint clients can run many different kinds of hardware and software. As long as they implement the correct API for the financial service providing access to the banks. As in most cases businesses buy the equivalent of a proxy service which will interact with all the different bank specific systems behind the scenes.
@magfal Ай бұрын
​@@ossman11 the point is that the final back end being called is most likely a Z series system from IBM.
@stanrock8015 Ай бұрын
And change never happened wo massive problems
@ukyoize Ай бұрын
Node is cutting edge in a sense that it's going to hurt you.
@Waffle4569 Ай бұрын
"There's nothing wrong with Cobol" "Our bank was down 16 hours straight because someone forgot to add a dot, and we have no local dev environment to catch basic mistakes like these"
@MinecraftMasterNo1 Ай бұрын
to be fair, that seems like an issue with how they have their development cycle set up, not with COBOL the language itself. missing a semicolon or parenthesis in a modern language will do the same thing if you didn't have fancy IDEs with squiggly red lines to warn you lol.
@616Regis Ай бұрын
That's not a COBOL nor a mainframe issue. Every client I've worked for had multiple local dev and certification environments.
@FireDragon91245 Ай бұрын
WTF does Cobol not have a compiler or something that does simple syntax / static analysis??
@krilektahn8861 Ай бұрын
That's because someone didn't test the change in a lower environment first. Not because it was COBOL.
@jon9103 Ай бұрын
That's a problem with development practice, she even says later on that she isn't that worried about pushing code since they have a robust test environment. I wouldn't be surprised if the 16 hour downtime was the impetus for creating the test environment. It's not the language, it's the lack of testing that caused the downtime.
@ominousplatypus380 Ай бұрын
My first job out of college a couple years ago I was hired at a consultancy. The first project I was placed in was for an old manufacturing company who needed their ERP system modernized since the old one was written in COBOL and running on some ancient IBM mainframe, also the guy who had written 90% of it had retired long since and nobody fully understood all the logic that was integral to the functioning of the company. Had to spend quite a bit of time combing through old COBOL code trying to understand what it did so I could reimplement the same logic in the new system, never again.
@pluto8404 Ай бұрын
someone in the future is going to go through your code and think what idiot wrote this in C or whatever you used and have to rewrite it in excel.
@mattymattffs Ай бұрын
That's silly. I work in the ERP space. We just record the in and out and then create requirements from that. No need to analyze code, just behaviour
@ominousplatypus380 Ай бұрын
@@mattymattffs ya that's what we tried telling the customer, but they didn't understand how it worked and wanted the new one to work the exact same as the old one. They even wanted me to replicate arithmetic errors caused by truncating decimals in intermediate steps of a calculation. And you know what they say, the customer is always right.
@nate665 Ай бұрын
What’s surprising is that it wasn’t all documented when they had to remediate it for Y2K.
@cryptogenik Ай бұрын
I have seen the IBM Mainframes kick up at the stroke of midnight many times. Ahh the good ole days.... I don't miss them lol.
@davedaley9093 Ай бұрын
A company I worked for in the 2000's had a large codebase written in Honeywell assembler in the 1970's. After a few tries at migrating the code to something modern without any success (no one knew everything about everything in the system) and the Honeywell hardware it ran on was no longer available, it was decided to write an emulator in "C" to run the code on IBM hardware running AIX. Because I had been a tech for Honeywell I was tasked to explain all the wierdness of the H2000 instruction to the youngish engineers who were writing the emulator then figure all the tricks the original programmers had done that didn't exactly conform to the way the instruction set was described in the manuals. When everything was finally running it outdid the original hardware by a large factor (The original Honeywell hardware ran at 4 MHZ). As far as I know that system is still in production.
@xtieburn Ай бұрын
Ive only poked around COBOL out of curiosity but... I kinda unironically loved it. I do need to do a bunch more (and do have a couple of project ideas for getting deeper in to it) I dont yet know it nearly well enough to judge how much Id like it in an actual project, let alone a giant legacy one doing essential jobs, but it does interest me.
@jstro-hobbytech Ай бұрын
One of my university courses was making a payroll system using cool and power house. It was over 300 pages when I compiled and printed it. I was the only person in the class to get 0 errors
@quintondeanmusic Ай бұрын
This is incredible. I had a short stint working contracting with Government entities. A lot of their systems were in IBM mainframe COBOL systems that we interfaced with integrations. I didn't do a ton with it but it was very interesting stuff and a major source of pain to some of my coworkers.
@TimSavage-drummer Ай бұрын
I'm a programmer in a bank, something you struggle with when you start (I did as well) is how much process and gates there are to getting things done. I can have a fix ready in a couple of hours, but it can take 3-5days to be deployed going through deployment processes. This isn't because we like process, but because we have regulatory obligations, segregation of duties constraints, risk and security controls, and more importantly we are dealing with money and sensitive PII, a transaction screwing up and somebody not getting paid has big real world impacts on people. Failures of the platform I work on can cost us a lot as it's used for regulatory reporting, anti money laundering and fraud monitoring. We still have mainframe systems and handle EBCDIC encoded data produced by them.
@lordkelvin441 6 күн бұрын
Any publicly traded business actually.
@jameskaraganis2569 Ай бұрын
Yeah. I'm in the position of maintaining about a million lines of code written in an ancient compiler. I actually wrote most of it in the past twenty-five.years. It just happens to be a mission-critical program for oil refineries around the globe.
@ChrisosIDK 4 күн бұрын
Does it pay a squillion?
@cultistofgyarloth Ай бұрын
It would be fun if you'd actually write and show some modern COBOL. I hear the modern stuff (that runs on VMs, I guess) isn't even bad. It's just a DSL for business. The first-ever, even!
@clangerbasher Ай бұрын
The old fashion real stuff isn't bad either!
@pekarna 24 күн бұрын
"DATS KREYZEY! DATS KREYZEY! " "DUUDE YOU KREEYZEY!" You're providing a very valuable addition to a stuttering over an article. Thanks :)
@TDarcos Ай бұрын
A "module" is a program, made by compiling one or more source files to create the application, same as now. Each module (program) can handle transaction data, various databases, and create print outs. Or a module can be created to run under the CICS transaction system, which means people type in various commands at a terminal and press function keys. Modules can "talk" to each other by one writing to a file, and a later one reading that file, similar to Unix pipes, but not simultaneous.
@TheMoonWatcher Ай бұрын
Can agree about the statement on rewrites. I'm working for a saas that has existed for about 10 years now, written in PHP and react originally and in the process of rewriting for the last 2+ years at this point... We're still not at the agreed "feature parity"(which would skip implementing some features in the new version), despite having more than twice the number of devs the old system saw in its peak(4 vs 9). Even though I've been here for 9 years, I didn't foresee how big of a waste of time it would be to rewrite everything(including backend) from scratch... Don't do it folks, just don't do it 😂
@ginoiseau Ай бұрын
I am a mom who was a cobol programmer for 20 years, just recently shifted to a more mainframe system admin role. It's blazingly fast for transaction processing, nothing can match it. If it slows down under 60 milliseconds per transaction (via a CICS plex - CICS programs are written in COBOL) we look at where the issue might be. It slows down dramatically when it calls a non mainframe system for something, like currency conversion.
@lordkelvin441 6 күн бұрын
Like Tuxedo service over TMA, yup.
@xxyy_6969 Ай бұрын
I work on an ERP system that is COBOL in the backend; modern paradigm devs always laugh at me and call it virtual punch cards.
@klingoncowboy4 Ай бұрын
My dad worked with a man in the 1990s whose mother came out of retirement because she was a COBOL Queen.... and that was 30 years ago... the world still runs on it.
@brick9518 Ай бұрын
My dad is a now retired Cobal programmer for a large insurance institution. These stories had a very familiar tone to the ones I heard growing up. I sent him the video and am seeing what he thinks of it.
@Kimzag Ай бұрын
In the 1980s, I worked in banking, but tried to avoid COBOL. I was programing in TAL (Transaction Application Language) on parallel processor, fault tolerant Tandem Non-Stop systems using relational databases. They were acting as the front end for ATM and wire transfer networks for IBM mainframes. There was an interface on the Tandem system that made it look like a tape drive to the mainframe. Every night, a batch job would run to update the account information (balances, etc.) on the Tandem ATM system, so I was tasked with development on both the Tandem, and on the mainframe in COBOL. Also, the Tandem used a client/server environment where the client programs for the terminals were written in SCOBOL, a version of COBOL (Screen COBOL). There was nothing quite as irritating as submitting a batch job on the mainframe to test on the interface and waiting for the job to execute just to find out that you missed a period.
@BenReierson Ай бұрын
Was taught mainframes and cobol at my first job after getting my cs degree in 2002. The biggest thing I think this article missed was how incredibly strict their code standards are. Only a small portion of the training was learning cobol itself, most was learning this company’s specific standards such that given a task, two programmers should produce almost exactly the same code. Every part of the development process was painfully slow and cumbersome. Just running a program involves scheduling a job that ‘prints’ to a virtual printer (the terminal), and the default was still to print to dotmatrix paper that the mailroom would dutifully deliver to you. The db was still classified as ‘cardless files’, and everything we wrote could technically have been encoded on punch cards (which were not hard to find still floating around in the drawers of old timers). It was fascinating to learn all the old optimization tricks like using packed decimals and hex encoding to save just a few bits. It was the only time in my career that I’ve worked that low level. I value the experience, but definitely don’t regret giving up the job stability that may have come from staying on that path.
@gamereactz Ай бұрын
2 years ago I could of started my first programing job early! In retrospect I am glad I did not get it but at the time I was devastated.. 1st bank was offering training in Cobol and I did not move on from the first line of testing lol .. I have now been a c# developer for about 6 months in a super dope place.
@marcusjaybrode2129 6 күн бұрын
I wrote an application for a large multinational company in 1974. It used CICS and IMS. They are still running this online system 24/7. It’s now FIFTY YEARS OLD! Why hasn’t it been rewritten?… “IT WORKS, SO LEAVE IT ALONE”.
@zwill8882 Ай бұрын
A module in the mainframe world typically means an executable or loadable object code file. Could be either GOFF (generalized object file format, the modern ELF-esque one), or the older OS/360 object file format, in which case it is sometimes called a "Load Module". But mostly, people refer to them all as modules as a shorthand. Could be executable, could be more akin to a library, but in both cases they get called "Modules". When they say they have "thousands of modules", think thousands of C or COBOL or other compiled language libraries or executables. So, A LOT of code.
@PaceWC Ай бұрын
When I heard you pronounce SQL as squeal I physically was injured.
@LegalAutomation Ай бұрын
I hate how he does that 🤣 pretty sure he does it just to annoy me.... And it works 😡
@bdot02 Ай бұрын
Article is nolonger available, so thanks for preserving it in a way!
@bariole Ай бұрын
IMS is hierarchical database built on a top of mainframe file system. Mainframe has filesystem which has more in common with ISAM database layer, than a modern disk filesystem like ntfs or ext. Mainframe files are of fixed size, with segment growth, and they are structured, and there is a transactional support for everything etc. There even exist "The ISAM" (a product) and it **was** developed on mainframe and then concepts of it were copy pasted to all other databases. DB2 is classic relational database, and on mainframe it is effectivly sql interpreter + indexing running on top of file system (remember it structured and transactional). IMS and DB2 on mainframe are like having two query/organizational engines on top of the same data layer.
@bariole Ай бұрын
Anyway it seems they are doing some batch bank clearing job (scheduled file upload) which is not very well organized. Like chosen data structure is not particuallary suitable for a task at hand, so their way of quering is to run lineary trough data, or maybe even with multiple passes. Hierarchical databases like IMS or LDAP are fast if you are quering hierarchy. If you are going against hierarchy, well it is like taking SQL, doing cartesian product of multiple tables and than quering that. 10 Tb of data is not a lot for even smallest mainframe. For revelance even smallest z16 mainframe, like one rack of computer, comes with terabytes of ram to begin with, and has cpu cache size well into gigabytes. I guess somebody designed something small 50 years ago, and now business around that program has grown to monumental scale. Now there are multiple programs doing god knows what around original data structure designed one Tuseday afternoon for a minor program which become widly usefull for particular period of time. That program is offline since early '80s but data structure persists. They could migrate, strangle the system, but as long as business side sees no value in migration everything is going to rest the same.
@drno87 Ай бұрын
The US Naval Lab did an experiment in the 80s where they tried to rewrite an old piece of software (flight control I think) using best practices so that they could maintain both in parallel and compare long-term costs. After running the experiment for a few years and spending millions of dollars, they still hadn't finished the rewrite and ended the experiment.
@thcoura Ай бұрын
Remember we are about 25 years after Y2K and we are discussing the same subjects
@clangerbasher Ай бұрын
I left IT a few years after Y2K. Our divisional head hated our section. He thought mainframes and UNIX were a waste of money as Windows was the future. The first he got rid of was our manager. We worried about him because he was a COBOL programmer who spent more time looking after the payroll system than managing us tech support peeps. Yet he was never out of work once he left. He worked less; only about 8 months out of 12. He ended up earning twice as much money too. The other chap (from another section) they made redundant was a PC chap. He ended up working in a warehouse stacking shelves.
@javajav3004 10 күн бұрын
@@clangerbasher Damn
@clangerbasher 10 күн бұрын
@@javajav3004 Our divisional head was a lunatic. It was as if he thought we were responsible for the company owning the mainframe. It was a COBOL application that prevented the mainframe from being switched off. They eventually cobbled together a 'system' to replace it. But it was a disaster. Luckily the company joined a much larger entity about 2 years later which saved its bacon. The obvious solution to us in tech support was for the company to have bought a nice AIX server and just move the application across on to it.
@AlexandreJasmin Ай бұрын
Ancient versions of the MVS Operating System were freely distributed by IBM (who would dare cloning IBM hardware anyways) You can now run them in the Hercules mainframe emulator. There are community distribution, including a rewrite of ISPF (the IDE in the video) that bring "modern" tooling to the old system.
@raybod1775 Ай бұрын
I programmed old main frame Cobol for over 30 years. Nobody should try to convert these old systems. Businesses need to document what these these old systems do, to create a requirements document for a clean new system. It’s possible to run into code that depends on tape processing, JCL executions and other weird things that are not in the code, but the code depends on them to process correctly. I’ve been retired for years, no one could pay me to analyze old Cobol again.
@rogerfroud300 18 күн бұрын
What an absolute nightmare. I've written a CNC control system entirely in Motorola 68000 Assembler, and 30 years on, the machines are still running without any software updates, hard drives or anything from the modern world. Every bit of that code is exactly as it was written in the final iteration and never changes. That's a huge problem if it has bugs, but when it works, at least you know that it will forever be the same. Embedded systems used to be a nightmare because we couldn't easily fix things in the field. Nowadays, you can sometimes update them over the air. However, it's still scary to know that millions of units are going to be out in the field, and you can't fix them if you've made a terrible error.
@javajav3004 10 күн бұрын
Thats badass man
@_BonsaiBen Ай бұрын
The love, humour and respect you have is amazing. You’re a gem prime.
@therealherbzy Ай бұрын
You should talk to Veronica Explains (@VeronicaExplains). She is a COBOL dev (and also sys admin?) and has a great channel. Getting her perspective would be super interesting.
@gotmygoodelf Ай бұрын
i learnt some COBOL in 1995 before learning C, not sure how close this was to mainframe COBOL but i enjoyed it. the Y2K "bug" had nothing on the problems we storing up for ourselves with COBOL under pinning the financial system. I am now a thor goblin using gamemaker for fun.
@lloovvaallee Ай бұрын
I know nothing about this subject but the word Cobol in the title caught my attention. I'm 67 and when I started college back in 1974 I found myself living in a dorm filled with engineering students. They were all absolutely obsessed with learning Cobol. There seemed to be endless Cobol classes and the students clearly considered learning it to be essential for their career success.
@Scarsuna Ай бұрын
COBOL and FORTRAN were the main languages of the 1970s.
@harryhack91 Ай бұрын
Before joining the company I work for they gave the option to choose which initiation course to take: COBOL or Java. I initially picked up COBOL but regretted it a few hours later after knowing more about that programming language, so I called HR and requested to change to Java. She accepted and now I'm a happy Java developer with 6+ years of experience. I didn't fully realize back then how just this one decision has impacted my career.
@patrickprucha5522 25 күн бұрын
When you understand a language, you also understands where it shines the most. For banking Cobol was perfect because it handles transactions very well. However, the last time i was working with it, i understood that at that time, the transactions were done at night and in a couple of mainframes.
@vcv6560 Ай бұрын
I have a friend who too is working COBOL code bases that are decades-old and never planned for refactoring. This situation of the talent pool going away and the need still on going is also the basis of the movie Space Cowboys. There the issue is NASA has to recapture a satellite for which all of the engineering talent has retired Tommy Lee Jones and Clint Eastwood.
@Cvar00 Ай бұрын
It's pretty scary to think about the possibility for a lot of the systems we rely on and take for granted collapsing because of their complexity and the lack of people technically capable of maintaining them.
@darkbit1001 Ай бұрын
Fun fact. I worked at a financial place where IDMS was still being transitioned nearly a decade later - abstraction of a data layer, share that data layer to all modules, then change backend at will sometime down the line after intense testing . I really hope that AI can be effective at transitioning from IMS to anything else!
@bryn494 Ай бұрын
It been a good 40 years but isn't IDMS a network database, totally different from IMS but they 'tweaked' IMS somehow to add direct indexing of some sort and also called it IDMS? I briefly worked with the ''original' in the early 80s.
@williambrune1452 15 күн бұрын
I remember at the mutal funds record keeper DST, we had a work flow diagram of all the processes that ran nightly and it took up the entire center wall and... the writting was so small you could just make out the job and program names.
@simoncampbell-smith6745 Ай бұрын
Some of us started coding in 1980. I was a teen coding in BASIC. I then joined the Royal Air Force as a statistician and went qualified as a programmer and went on a university course in 1988. I was chatting to university staff about something new called the internet/janet. I learned PASCAL. More college, civie street and time and here I am still coding and still loving it. Oh and some of use coded in the pre-release version of C# and .Net.
@michaelwilson367 Ай бұрын
Damn and I thought the 15 year old Visual Basic I have to deal with at work was “legacy” 😂
@t1nytim Ай бұрын
We are only a 100th (by GDP) the size of the US. But all the major banks where I live all moved to much closer to realtime, like if I transfer money to someone else's account at a different bank it'll take at most 15mins, normally significantly faster. This only became a thing in the last 5 years or so here. But the idea that banks can't change feels a little dumb, feels more likely that they don't wanna change.
@helidrones Ай бұрын
Former COBOL programmer here. After having watched the video, I feel like digging into my 26yo COBOL code again. Curious whether I can find my way around the code of my younger self.
@wdavid3116 Ай бұрын
"just rewrite it" - It'd be nice if we could have some sort of legal fine for people that misuse the word just. "Just fly to the moon", "Just secure it" "just get it done" "just figure it out". Rewriting something large and established is almost always a disaster. Maybe in the long run done well it could be a good idea but you'd take your problem of lacking people with legacy development experience to maintain an old system and turn it into the problem of lacking dramatically more of those same people who also are competent in whatever new language you want to use so that you can maintain the old system while writing a new one. The best approach is likely something that can interoperate with the old system so new stuff can be written in something more modern and old modules used or updated as required but I'm not sure that tooling for such a thing exists.
@thedave1771 Ай бұрын
Well, I tend to agree, let’s play devils advocate for a minute. If you swap out pieces you are forever stuck with the original workflows, and business processes, when starting over might make a lot more sense. An overly basic idea, we replaced printers with terminals and 50 years later we are still stuck with CR LF interoperability issues that would never have happened if you’d started completely fresh with a variable sized semi-graphical terminal. But we replaced printers with digital versions and only later added new stuff. How many decades did it take to replace BIOS? In business this happens too, the old program’s capabilities and limitations created the business process, and now the business process (along with 1:1 interoperability with code on the old system) dictates how new code is developed. A fresh start is incredibly disruptive and often not the best choice, but replacing individual pieces without re-thinking the overall design is also very costly in the long run.
@wdavid3116 Ай бұрын
@@thedave1771 for a bank many business processes are set out in law and the complexity of them is why the COBOL code is so valuable. For other orgs changing business processes is a major undertaking for an organization and the software is very unlikely to be the limiting factor in an organization large enough to have their own custom software. A Fresh start for a business is a decision the business could make but it is very risky. Time and again we've seen with software projects total rewrite for large systems are total disasters. Remember KDE 3 -> KDE 4? Hell Python 2 -> 3 was insane and it really didn't change all that much.
@UniquePerspective Ай бұрын
I was taught Cobol in high school back in the 90s in Greece out of all places. I wish I knew what I could do with it and how profitable it could have been. Unfortunately, the only part I remember is that it had a separate place (header) for declaring variables.
@laughingvampire7555 Ай бұрын
I worked in banks in Mexico, non of them used COBOL, other Mexican banks do use COBOL but they were all replacing it with the new COBOLs, Java o C# part of the reason is that mainframes are way too expensive and only American or EU banks can afford them. So even the largest Mexican banks with COBOL mainframes are using second hand small mainframes and they keep using it because they are still freaking fast, a college professor told me like 10 years ago that their mainframe was still faster than their cluster.
@whatwhat9519 Ай бұрын
It's making me feel like applying myself to making something myself so I have a chance of being the thorn in everybody's keyboard
@ipadista Ай бұрын
GSAM provides a flexible and efficient way to organize and access data within mainframe databases, offering various access methods such as sequential, direct (random), and indexed access.
@saschadibbern339 Ай бұрын
Worked in a life insurance and pension company with mainframe code migration in 2012. Looked into the Cobol code and found a comment in a module: Feb. 2008, This code has year 2000 bug checked. This code was designed to run when the developers probably has died 😮
@ivanjermakov Ай бұрын
10:40 COBOL developers are never fired, they die of old age.
@jeffnew1213 Ай бұрын
I wrote COBOL (IBM OS VS COBOL and Wang VS COBOL) in 1984, briefly. Learned it in school. A few years later, I made a friend at Citibank, who wrote and maintained their COBOL systems for checking and interest accounts. Serious stuff. COBOL is very wordy and very similar to English. They say it is self documenting. I moved on to tech support, networking and, eventually virtualization. I am about to turn 62.
@v0id_d3m0n Ай бұрын
Oh my god finally a video for meee
@randyriegel8553 Ай бұрын
I did a contract for a bank in the Pittsburgh, PA area. I was updating their online banking website. They had a ton of COBOL programmers and upgraded to the latest and greatest IBM Mainframe while I was there.
@EricLS Ай бұрын
The government agency I was hired into 7 years ago is on year 14, 15? of project “get off the mainframe”
@Oxygen.O2 24 күн бұрын
3 weeks later after the party, the article was absolutely awesome and the mum is a Giga-Chad Power 10000! F this "Substack" platform for not letting me tell her how awesome she is! Great respect!
@amehybrid 21 күн бұрын
It is hard to rewrite because there are so many downstream jobs that may be affected. I remember we spent 2 years retiring 2 systems and we had to mark each file(GSAM/GDG/VSAM), program, stored procedure, CICS program, JCLs that are affected. There are files being used by other downstream jobs that belonged to other system where we had to convince the owner of that system that the file's data is stale. It's like minesweeper on a large scale. This task actually made me question the concept of modularity as I have seen stored procs producing stale data that are used by several systems and it was a lot of trouble to retire. There was a system that they tried to put in distributed world only to fail halfway. Now they have two systems they have to keep in synch everyday by running a bunch of reconciliation jobs.
@m4rt_ Ай бұрын
Nice to see a fellow programmer from the Nordic. I don't use that bank specifically, but her code probably somehow still affects me.
@jordanjackson6151 2 күн бұрын
Hey Prime. You know who else used COBOL early on his programming years? Eugene Jarvis! Legendary vg programmer who went on to ATARI and Williams. How many modern Lua devs in gaming could have a suit and tie type job doing COBOL and then translate that into some cool stuff. I don't know what else he programed in. But I'll bet it sharpened him.
@lordkelvin441 8 күн бұрын
Funny thing. Back in 1991 as a kid I saw some COBOL code first time in my life, and got enamored by how well it represents business terms I started to learn about slightly earlier thanks to my former accountant grandmother and economist grandfather.
@justwanderin847 23 күн бұрын
That was a fun video, thanks !
@bryantfeld4709 Ай бұрын
Learned COBOL and FORTRAN in high-school back in the 80s...
@patriot0971 Ай бұрын
I learned COBOL during high school, in the 80s, amongst many other computer related skills. Got me started early in a career that is still fun and interesting.
@kvernesdotten Ай бұрын
Wooh, someone with AKG k712pro! Favorite headphones of all time!
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