There Is Nothing Other Than Consciousness

  Рет қаралды 50,654

Rupert Spira

Rupert Spira

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@amaratvak6998 Жыл бұрын
@janwag6856 Жыл бұрын
Yes, it is a pith teaching. Wow!
@Aed-Muslim Жыл бұрын
God is the Only Absolute Truth, the Eternal, the Living. To Him I submit, and to Him I shall return.
@ferdinandocoluccelli9574 Жыл бұрын
@@Aed-Muslim "You" ?
@amaratvak6998 Жыл бұрын
@@Aed-Muslim Yes, we collectively call that Consciousness, the God
@Aed-Muslim Жыл бұрын
@@amaratvak6998 It's not a name calling, it IS God. And none are worthy of worship or praise but Him, and there is no god or deity but Him. The Lord of the seven Heavens and the Earth, and everything in between, the Answerer to prayers, the Eternal, the Living, The Truth, God is the Most Great, He is Perfect, to Him we submit, and to Him we shall return.
@michaelmitchell2143 Жыл бұрын
King Lear and John Smith is the most English analogy in the non dual movement. God bless Rupert.
@ruisoares4515 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant explanation! Thanks for sharing Rupert!
@brennhaggen Жыл бұрын
Oh my goodness. Lol. It was always here all along. I really had a good laugh right now. Imagine the effort throughout history?! There was no need for a single step in any direction...
@josiahmontilla4101 Жыл бұрын
@jamesfloyd6693 Жыл бұрын
All this struggle for nothing
@josiahmontilla4101 Жыл бұрын
@DaniiiellaM 4 ай бұрын
And imagine that people are goi to therapists, psychiatrists, doctors etc. … They make things even worse by analysing every single thing.
@danceathomealone Жыл бұрын
Beautifully explained Rupert thank you very much.
@MaartendeJager Жыл бұрын
The mind narrows, frames, limits and labels Consciousness in to a thought. It individualises it. In~divi~duality
@mrraamsridhar Жыл бұрын
A brilliant question.. and Rupert's answer is awesome as always
@yart123 Жыл бұрын
This feels so true to me, even though I was taught differently. I’m grateful for being exposed to this knowledge. ❤
@josiahmontilla4101 Жыл бұрын
That just means your a TRUTHER Keep searching and you shall find for yourself
@yart123 Жыл бұрын
@@josiahmontilla4101 😊
@yart123 Жыл бұрын
@@josiahmontilla4101 😊
@swapnaldubey8162 Жыл бұрын
It’s so beautiful to read all these comments and noticed that number of subscribers to this channel increased from 200 to 269K in just few months. Our community is growing..and this beautiful explanation are uncovering loving truth unconditionally
@josiahmontilla4101 Жыл бұрын
❤️‍🔥TRUTH❤️‍🔥 RECOGNIZES ❤️‍🔥TRUTH❤️‍🔥 simple as that
@brucerandy69 Жыл бұрын
Awareness watching Awareness. And in the watching, truth remains.
@josiahmontilla4101 Жыл бұрын
@@brucerandy69 ❤️‍🔥YES!!!! When one removes all lies that they have assumed or have adopted as their reality, TRUTH WILL BE WHAT REMAINS. I HAVE ALSO COME TO THIS SAME CONCLUSION MOST PEOPLE ARE OBVIOUSLY FAR FROM TRUTH AND BELIEVE THEIR BELIEFS TO BE THE TRUTH THAT REALITY NEEDS TO CATTER TO. This seemingly harmless mentality is responsible for soo much of the insanity and dysfunction in the world. TO REALIZE THE TRUTH THAT WE ALL CAN EQUALLY STAND ON no matter our differences in beliefs. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR making SURE EVERYONE ELSE CAN HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO REALIZE IT AS WELL, NOT BY CONVINCING BUT BY ENCOURAGING THEM TO SEE IT FOR THEMSELVES OUT OF RESPECT FOR THE SELF EXISTING TRUTH. ITS THE EGO that BENEFITS FROM HAVING A CLOSED MIND, AND ONLY TRUTH BENEFITS FROM HAVING AN OPEN One. AND THATS THE REASON WHY LIFE GRACES US WITH TRUTH SO THAT WE CAN PASS IT ON WITH ZERO PERSONAL MOTIVES or AGENDAS OTHER THAN WE LOVE TRUTH AND WANT MORE PEOPLE TO EXPERIENCE HOW GOOD IT FEELS TO LIVE IN HARMONY WITH IT. FEELS GOOD TO LIVE IN A WORLD OF TRUTH AND NOT ONE OF LIES. LIES ARE GOOD FOR THE PEOPLE THAT WANT TO CONTROL AND MANIPULATE AND THATS WHY WE LIVE IN A WORLD WHERE ITS NORMAL TO LIE. EVEN THOUGH IF WE ARE HONEST WITH OURSELVES IT MAKES NO SENSE WHY WE SHOULD ACCEPT THIS KIND IF WORLD IF WE HAVE NO DESIRE TO CONTROL OR MANIPULATE OTHERS. MOST PEOPLE ESPECIALLY SELF AWARE PEOPLE DONT WANT TO CONTROL OTHERS AND DONT LIKE TO BE CONTROLLED. But still FOR SOME REASON WE JUST ACCEPT THAT EVERYONE LIES AND THATS JUST THE WAY IT IS. THE TRUTH IS ITS NOT BECAUSE THAT’S JUST THE WAY IT IS, BUT THE PEOPLE THAT CONTROL THIS WORLD HAVE MADE US BELIEVE THAT LYING AND CONFUSION IS NORMAL and no big deal because everyone lies so it’s ok. 🙃 AND WE ARE RESPONSIBLE BECAUSE WE CHOOSE TO BELIEVE THATS NORMAL WHEN ITS NOT. THE TRUTH WE CAN ALL AGREE ON IS: OUTSIDE OF FEAR AND DESIRE TO DOMINATE OR MANIPULATE THERES literally no other reason why people lie. Some people lie just because they can and that’s the reason I would actually respect except they only do it because they don’t realize the harm. I’m speaking as someone who is completely free of the desire to control or manipulate anyone and Im so painfully aware of the bad karma that comes from Lying that I simply choose not to and face the truth instead, knowing its the path of least misery. My life has dramatically changed ever since I made the commitment to not condone speaking any lies for any reason and also making it known to everyone I deal with that I will be quick to cut off anyone that feels it’s ok to lie or manipulate. I came to understand this simple truth of why we lie and it’s become clear the only thing that can be born of lies is more suffering for the one who does it. I promise if we can all just realize this, SO MANY OF OUR PROBLEMS WOULD JUST DISAPPEAR. THEY ONLY EXIST BECAUSE WE ARE NOT AWARE OF HOW THINGS ACTUALLY WORK AND HAVE ACCEPTED BELIEVING WHAT WERE TOLD and treat that as truth. THE ONLY REASON WHY ANYONE LIES IS OUT OF FEAR AND WE FALL FOR THE LIE THAT LYING WILL PROTECT US FROM SUFFERING THE REALITY Of things BUT THATS TRULY THE LIE. IT CAN ONLY EVER CREATE MORE SUFFERING. TRUTH NO MATTER HOW PAINFUL CAN ONLY EVER BRING GOOD TO YOUR LIFE. BASICALLY ITS NEVER BAD TO TELL THE TRUTH NO MATTER HOW HARD IT IS TO SAY, ONLY GOOD THINGS WILL COME FROM YOU SAYING IT. IN THE SAME WAY ITS NEVER GOOD TO LIE NO MATTER HOW MUCH IT SEEMS LIKE lying IS GONNA BENEFIT YOU In THE MOMENT THE TRUTH IS THAT IT WILL ONLY BRING YOU MORE MISFORTUNE. IF MANKIND COULD ONLY REALIZE THIS ONE SIMPLE THING WE WOULD NATURALLY AND EFFORTLESSLY CREATE AN ALMOST PERFECT WORLD. WE ASSUME THE WORLD IS DESTINED TO BE UNFAIR AND UNJUST AND MESSED UP ALL AROUND WHEN THE TRUTH IS ITS ACTUALLY DESTINED TO BE A PARADISE BUT A HANDFUL OF BAD APPLES HAVE UNCONSCIOUSLY MADE SUCH A GRAND EFFORT TO CREATE THIS HELL WE FIND OURSELVES IN. GODS RESPONSE TO THESE “BAD APPLES” IS ANYONE WHO ❤️‍🔥GENUINELY LOVES❤️‍🔥AND SEEKS THE TRUTH AND THATS ALL I ASK OF ANYONE TO BE ABLE TO CONSIDER THEM MY FAMILY. AND I WOULD NOT HESITATE TO CUT OFF MY OWN FLESH AND BLOOD IF THEY PROVE TO HATE TRUTH. And I hope that no one feels Iike my enemy just because our beliefs are different because I wouldn’t. ANYONE WHO LOVES TRUTH IS MY LOVER BECAUSE MY LOYALTY WILL ALWAYS BE TO THE TRUTH THAT ALREADY IS. BECAUSE OF THIS I CAN SHARE A BOND WITH SO MANY PEOPLE THROUGHOUT SO MANY DIFFERENT BELIEFS AND BACKGROUNDS AND HAVE BEEN ABLE TO APPRECIATE THE THINGS THAT COMPLETELY TRANSCEND OUR DIFFERENCES. LOVERS OF ❤️‍🔥TRUTH❤️‍🔥 VS ❤️‍🔥LOVERS❤️‍🔥 OF LIES The ego hates facing truth and admitting being wrong. Awareness IS THE LIVING TRUTH that fears NOTHING. SOMEONE WHO LOVES LIES IS NOT INFERIOR TO ONE WHO LOVES TRUTH. BOTH ARE LOVED EQUALLY BUT ITS JUST THE LAW OF LIFE THAT GOOD CONSEQUENCES COME HAND IN HAND WITH TRUTH AND NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES GO HAND IN HAND WITH LIES. I LOVE A LIAR NO MORE OR LESS THAN A TRUTHER I’m simply trying to expose the reality of what motivates anyone to lie and the consequences that inevitably comes with all lies. I simply wish that everyone can understand the reality of what a lie is and how it’s impossible for anyone to justify any lie no matter how white. The white ones can actually do the most harm. For example, Satan clause❤️‍🔥🤥❤️‍🔥 Go ahead and lie all you want but accept that you did it because you were either afraid or trying to manipulate others or simply ignorant of the bad karma you prove to deserve. If someone catches you in a lie, And you double down on that lie 😱 instead of coming clean. The consequences are no joke. Don’t be surprised or confused when it seems like misfortune comes out the blue. MY LIFE HAS NEVER BEEN THE SAME SIMPLY BECAUSE I ACCEPTED THE FACT THAT I AM A LIAR!!!!!!! AND BECAUSE I ACCEPTED THAT FACT I WAS ABLE TO COME TO THE REALIZATION THAT ALL MY MISFORTUNE THAT SEEMINGLY FOLLOWED ME WHEREVER I WENT CAN BE TRACED BACK TO A LIE I TOLD OR A LIE I CHOOSE TO BELIEVE. UNDERSTANDING The CONSEQUENCES OF SPEAKING OR BEING TRICKED BY LIES GIVES ONE ALL THE MOTIVATION IN THE WORLD TO NOT DO IT. Big surprise my life is now full of good fortune, peace, love happiness and wisdom only because I realized the truth behind my Motivation to lie and the inevitable consequences that come with it. IT STARTS WITH FACING THE FACT THAT WE ARE FILTHY LIARS THROUGH AND THROUGH. ONLY BECAUSE I WAS ABLE TO ACCEPT THAT HARSH REALITY, I WAS ABLE TO ADJUST AND EVERYDAY IM REMINDED HOW THIS SIMPLE REALIZATION and SHIFT IN UNDERSTANDING IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WHY IT SEEMS LIKE LIFE CONSTANTLY SHOWERS ME WITH BLESSINGS NO MATTER WHAT WHEN BEFORE IT SEEMED LIKE I WAS CURSED NO MATTER WHAT. We are taught to deal with problems by throwing shame and resistance at it but there is nothing the ego secretly loves more than shame and resistance. most of our problems exist due to lack of understanding which creates lack of compassion, Which creates even more unnecessary misery, When all that was needed was a little self awareness mixed with absolute acceptance and an ocean of ❤️‍🔥SELF LOVE❤️‍🔥 To see that Perfection was always our birthright and we just have to flow in harmony with ❤️‍🔥TRUTH❤️‍🔥
@OhHapppyDaay 10 ай бұрын
We're all just sick of ourselves!!
@RamSamudrala 9 ай бұрын
There is no community.
@elizabethbird5929 Жыл бұрын
"... candy for the separate self." 🤩🙏💖
@josiahmontilla4101 Жыл бұрын
@sealegs83 Жыл бұрын
Our thoughts are in consciousness and made entirely from it. When we feel negative emotions (I am sad etc) we can be fooled into identifying with, and becoming consumed by, these detached parts of consciousness. Yes, they are us but our true self is the vast ocean and these are just the ripples on the surface. We should never ignore or deny the dance that is happening on the surface but the truth can only be appreciated when viewed from the depths looking out. It is also good to remember that we are not in control of what bubbles up to the surface. Our past will shape this display and we should not feel pride or shame in what is there. By trying to hold on to or hide aspects of this we become distracted and entangled in a fruitless mission. Our only route to happiness is to sink into the deep waters of compassion and show love to all aspects of our self. (Just enjoy the ride!) It is by showing love to ourself that we are able to show boundless love to everyone. If you’re ever not feeling happy it is because you’ve become distracted by the ripples again. This is always it. Just remember, no matter how sad or desperate things seem on the surface, if we allow ourselves to sink back into the pure, infinite whole then we can always cope and we can always do good.
@levlevin182 Жыл бұрын
@OhHapppyDaay 10 ай бұрын
Thank you. I've been praying about this all day. For understanding the deep sadness that I was aware of but refused to identify as. It wasn't easy, the habit is to be drawn into the feeling. But I did not succumb. It is a practice.
@kirstenschreiber4189 Жыл бұрын
Soooo wonderfully explained, ♥️♥️♥️♥️ thank you Rupert
@HemPat56 Жыл бұрын
Beautifully explained :-)
@WIDIPERMONO-d5m 16 күн бұрын
@muratyumusakkaya888 Жыл бұрын
Teşekkür ediyoruz. İstanbul'dan sevgiler selamlar ❤❤❤
@SorcièredesMarais Жыл бұрын
Awareness of suffering is a trail of bread crumbs that invites the individual to escape from the forest of self. You are that Awareness - Not the suffering you are aware of. - 🌈
@OhHapppyDaay 10 ай бұрын
I like pretty flowers 🎉
@innercompass9 Жыл бұрын
I normally find Rupert's work to be beautifully well said. I can't say that for this video. If everything is in consciousness and of consciousness then that includes the conflict and so is the turmoil. Therefore, there is technically no forgetting of itself. That there is no need for self-inquiry.
@JohnSmith-ks5xw Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry you didn't get it.
@innercompass9 Жыл бұрын
@@JohnSmith-ks5xw respectfully, I did get it. I've been listening to his work for years. I just think it's one of the poor videos that actually explains it
@calvinrakotobe5583 Жыл бұрын
@@innercompass9 Rupert always makes compassionate concession to the questioner. So the answer adapts to the level of the question.
@innercompass9 Жыл бұрын
@@calvinrakotobe5583 this is not about the concessions. It for me didn't address the question and he was all over the map undermining his previous statement
@calvinrakotobe5583 Жыл бұрын
@@innercompass9 The questioner believes that there is something called "suffering" (in other words, the forgetting or veiling of awareness), because she believes in the existence of something called "a thought". So Rupert take this fundamendal presumption - I am awareness but the body-mind can veiled myself - into account and shows her the third step of the non-dual teaching : there is only awareness (only the screen) so there is no need to repress, control or avoid thinking since it's only an expression of the infinite potential of awareness. Also the goal of non-dual teaching is to contradict every statement that is made till the mind is effortlessly and naturally brought to an end. In the realm of language or thought, there is only relative truth. Hence, we always have the possibility to contradict a statement that is spoken by a limited body-mind. Even the statement "I am" can be contradict. "I am" makes only sense in reference to what "I am not", hence it credits implicitly the existence of things in parallel with the Absolute. So words can never describe reality. That's why Ramana Maharshi always emphasized that the highest teaching is transmitted in silence. So really, we should not dissect every word that is puts forward in this teaching because don't forget that ultimately awareness cannot be described. Remember that the goal of the teaching is to be efficient, not to be precise. Has Rupert in this video be efficient in evoking the Absolute in the lady's experience? I think so. That's also why the transmission method favoured by the ancient sages was always spoken language. For if we begin to write down these non-dual teachings, we run the risk of seeing the emergence of religions and thus the accentuation of separation (hence the wars of religion), which is what actually happened 2-3 millennia ago. So I advise you to see Rupert's videos as piece of art. Look and listen from the Heart, not from the mind, and you will see that the transmission of the non-dual principle is really an art in itself : the art of evoking That which cannot be evoked, which is the true function of an artist.
@KezzaKezza 3 ай бұрын
Rupert, thank you so much.
@robynclements4242 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful ❤
@RajeshSaini-kv8xk Жыл бұрын
The best explanation. Rupert is the best. ❤❤❤
@peacenlove6502 Жыл бұрын
that was quite an thorough explanation by Rupert .....amazing stuff !!!
@PoosiePoo 11 ай бұрын
Great talk.
@I-am-now Жыл бұрын
How beautiful!
@matrazke Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@chandradasasapukotanage1126 Жыл бұрын
Thank you SIR❤we are fortunate to experience the greatness of LORD BUDDHA through your kind dissertation of awareness 🙏
@josiahmontilla4101 Жыл бұрын
and who are YOU referring to when YOU speak of lord buddha?
@benjaminthishandleistaken Жыл бұрын
@@josiahmontilla4101 You.
@josiahmontilla4101 7 ай бұрын
@katebeatham333 9 ай бұрын
Thank you. Love and blessings to everyone.💗🙏
@ellenrule3189 Жыл бұрын
@mauricepowers3804 Жыл бұрын
What I needed to hear. I am having such a hard time for giving myself and not being sad for the way I treated my children when they were younger. I've made amends to them but it's still haunts me. I really need help!!!!
@lindalangdon9406 Жыл бұрын
My friend when you come to understand that we are all messed up, you can forgive yourself. You mess up your children but who messed you up? Your parents? And who messed them up? Your grandparents? And so on, when does it stop? It doesn't in this world. All separate selves are messed up. Besides the world isn't reality. It's like the dream you had last night in your sleep. If you had dreamed you were a serial killer would you have turned yourself over to police when you woke in the morning? No of course not, it was only a dream and then you dreamed you woke up and were a bad mother. Be free, you are not who you think you are. You are so much more.
@mauricepowers3804 Жыл бұрын
@@lindalangdon9406 thank you!!! I know intellectually this is true, I am bombarded with the ways I perpetuated family behaviors! I am sober 37 years and stopped so much, but my own fear and anger came out as yelling all the time!! I am in therapy and I listen to Rupert often! Ty again!!
@OhHapppyDaay 10 ай бұрын
Forgive yourself. When we know better we do better. You were on a lower level of understanding then, probably acting out of previous influences. Forgive yourself and just Love. Beginning with yourself.
@jerklecirque138 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant question
@JackieJiddo Жыл бұрын
Yes. So it is consciousness/universal energy that can take on every form possible, and in this case sadness is how it experiences itself. From the standpoint of awareness all is equal so it does not care what form it takes. For us on the other hand taking on a negative form is actually insanity caused by ignorance. (it is worth to mention though that sadness, grief and so on can have it's place in our awareness under some circumstances, but we experience it way to often due to us being unconscious of what we are)
@Ardi_Kos 11 ай бұрын
Good analogy
@tanu4647 11 ай бұрын
Female speaker is intimidating. Well played Wanna be budding lawyer 👌
@jerryhoran6036 Жыл бұрын
Good question and explanation
@FreeFromDelusion Жыл бұрын
Pointing creates seperation. A subject pointing to the object. Labelling things creates seperation. This is label and that is label. Everything is just as it is without any thoughts judgements or analysis. The whole picture you see with all the sensations in there raw form without labels opinions. Any sense of being a person looking at these sensations is just another appearance. Using language creates seperation. Look without language. There’s nothing you need to do to be. Even labelling it consciousness is an addition. Just the raw experience only without question or judgement
@josiahmontilla4101 Жыл бұрын
❤️‍🔥👁️❤️‍🔥 ♾️🌀
@RamSamudrala 9 ай бұрын
True, but you just did what you said one shouldn't do. "Experience" is not "just is".
@FreeFromDelusion 9 ай бұрын
@@RamSamudrala can you expand on this for clarity
@RamSamudrala 9 ай бұрын
@@FreeFromDelusion Isn't your post also a pointing? And the statement of separation is yet another label. You also wrote "raw experience" but awakening/enlightenment, etc. is not yet another experience by the personal self/ego. Experience of what? And experienced by whom? Awareness doesn't need to awaken and in its infinite capacity is the sum of all experience. So enlightenment/awakening cannot be an experience was my point. It's just a comment on the limitations of language I suppose. I understand your comment but when you try to make the comment as you did, you fall into the very trap you're trying to avoid.
@FreeFromDelusion 9 ай бұрын
@@RamSamudrala Thankyou brother
@i-am-star Жыл бұрын
@HiluT Жыл бұрын
@alfreddifeo9642 11 ай бұрын
@bilimoriafirdaus Жыл бұрын
@WildSatsang Жыл бұрын
@valuecreation7492 Жыл бұрын
absolutely brilliant - thank you so much
@lovehealsall8051 Жыл бұрын
@moizzle Жыл бұрын
9:00 True happiness is sacrificed when consciousness, which is infinite, attaches itself to a construct it has created, such as I am sad.
@paulwalker6907 10 ай бұрын
All is One. The All in All and All in the All.
@nwenvyy768 Жыл бұрын
Wow rupert.
@johnb8854 Жыл бұрын
*CONSCIOUSNESS is neither what you believe it to be, nor desire it to be !* *Consciousness is the title of the "LINK" between "AWARENESS" ( "The Real Self" ) and the brain...*
@troyortego4655 3 ай бұрын
he speaks with such conviction... as if he knows...
@ZeeshanAkram1976 Жыл бұрын
its all about soul/spirit....the divine Self...
@bobgundu 11 ай бұрын
The “I am” is outside of the physical experience.
@MrRevel1 Жыл бұрын
It's usually events that happen to you that make you sad or happy.
@awakenotwoke7949 Жыл бұрын
Rupert is on treadmill with the King Lear/John Smith analogy. He says that consciousness sacrifices happiness for creation. Which is essentially verifying Buddhist claim : "To be is to suffer". you can all go home now.
@carol5205 Жыл бұрын
Being is all and knows Itself completely … not conceptually. ❤
@AdrianHollington-vm9qz Жыл бұрын
Almost gave me a headache! Do these people ever stop analysing and find a simple path that works and they trust? Brother Lawrence comes to mind, or in my case riding my motorbike or simply speaking in tongues for a period. They need to go and do something physical and let their mind stop and then see the changes and learn from their own experience.
@Magic_10001 9 ай бұрын
A lot of non dualists stuck in the who am I, analytical enquiry.
@JohnBurman-l2l 4 ай бұрын
Different strokes.
@Gabriel-dm1du Ай бұрын
@TheGeeyes Жыл бұрын
@ellenrule3189 11 ай бұрын
Michael James said the actions only have the results that are good for us as Bagavan wants to happen.
@sharhtoo3839 11 ай бұрын
When you are awaked everything become playful
@cabsrhere8897 11 ай бұрын
What confuses me is that Rupert says the following two things when describing the nature of reality which to me seem quite different: 1. The universe is God’s dream (Mary/Jane, consciousness/its activity), Josh Smith/King Leer) - this infers duality between observer and the observed, although of course the observed is made of the observer. 2. Consciousness vibrates within itself and localises itself as POVs for itself to experience itself. And when consciousness observes itself through a PoV, it appears as a multiplicity and diversity of objects (orange tinted glasses). This is non-dual. Which one is correct? Is the field of consciousness vibrating within itself and forming POVs to observe itself through or is the mind of God dreaming the universe within itself? Basically, are we experiencing ourself (infinite consciousness) or are we experiencing our dream?
@reginazirkelbach879 11 ай бұрын
In daily life we experience the dream as real. When we awake, there no longer is daily life. We are the one, Brahman, only.
@jesalmistry Жыл бұрын
Why use the terms “separate self” and “awareness”. Rather use terms “temporary self” and “eternal self”
@simka321 Жыл бұрын
Ah! The infinity that stretches between “I am sad (and that’s all that I am)” and “I am sad (along with a vast array of other predicates)” … an infinity that can be spanned only by deliberately considering the infinite spaciousnesses within which either thought might be embedded.
@richieroberts1588 Жыл бұрын
I do enjoy Rupert but found my head spinning out today!...King Leer and Sam helped at bit though ...😂
@AdrianHollington-vm9qz Жыл бұрын
Imagine a retreat on a council estate, bet most of these people wouldn’t turn up.
@scp234 Жыл бұрын
Awareness: witness, container and substance of the thought. Consciousness: sacrifices its happiness for the sake of creation. (Jesus: sacrificed himself for our sins.)
@loutcb Жыл бұрын
oooh i like that
@kavirraina 11 ай бұрын
Kashmir Shaivism is one of the oldest schools of non duality where Shiva is the infinite consciousness(IC) Rupert talks about. Shiva is the creator who has created everything, only to experience everything. But non duality can make life depressing and meaningless and the fact remains that no one really knows 'what is'. We all just try to see it in our own way, try to comprehend it, reason it and believe. The only way is through self inquiry and to be true to that, you have to leave this material world behind. And if one has come to this world to leave it behind... why come here at all? Cause Shiva /IC has only created everything so everything can be experienced... and if we all become the same, then how will Shiva experience the diversity in creation? It is not planned such, it is not planned at all... man/ego/Rupert can try... but it's incomprehensible!
@vilihendrix 10 ай бұрын
okay Shiva, funny arguments you have. But really, everyone must go home some day. For some, it is early, for some, later. Everything leads to liberation eventually.
@kavirraina 10 ай бұрын
Shiva is not to be confused with the popular Hindu god. Shiva is just a name for all there is... Infinite consciousness.
@vilihendrix 10 ай бұрын
i didn't imply that it wasn't
@carvingagiant 6 ай бұрын
@sumpf3651 11 ай бұрын
What was the answer? Is it consciousness which identify with thought?
@JoeDoig 2 ай бұрын
There is no observer or witness. The self awareness is illusion. Consciousness is illusion. There is only awareness. What is the present moment? What is awareness? Formless. Let's define it as I am. I am: the first person present participle. I am aware that I am formless. The formless aspect is experienced as consciousness (self awareness). Why? Because the formless aspect of awareness is awareness. There is no formless aspect. The formless aspect is awareness. So self awareness is an illusion. There is only awareness. So what is form of stuff and things? Thoughts, emotions, feelings, and the world of the senses. Form is the formless aspect of consciousness. A mirage of the formless aspect illusion that is consciousness. When in truth it is awareness. The first person present participle of "I am" can be misleading, because it states that there is an observer, a looker. A self. When is truth there is only observing, looking, or more accurately - being. This is the deep truth of awareness. I simply be. I am. The illusion is that I am aware that I am, when in truth I am. Why? Because of the awareness of the formless aspect of awareness - I am aware that I am formless. When in truth the formless aspect is awareness. To put it crudely, thinking the ocean is made entirely of waves, when in truth the substance of the ocean is water. The "substance" of all that be is awareness. But awareness is not a substance. Substance is awareness. This is why there can be no discernable self. Because all is observing rather than being the observer or the observed. This is quite impossible for thoughts, emotions, feelings, and the world of the senses to comprehend, and gives arise to Ego. Ego is the misidentification that is the pain and the suffering that is the alert that is the I am not self. The alert that is the misidentification that is the pain and the suffering says"Hello, I. No, not this! I am". Stating it's name and it's true name and true intention. That is, the alert to the misidentification and that it is in truth awareness. Ego Sign is sadness, guilt, anxiety, and arousal (frustration-anger and excitement). Surrender to the alert with a Sigh of Relief. Two half breaths in through the nose followed by a long slow Sigh of Relief out through the mouth. The illusion surrender to the illusion and the pain and the suffering dissolve to the presence and clarity of the present moment. Everything is surrender. In Breath surrender to out breath, out breath surrender to in breath. How else could there be the illusion of change, of impermanence? There is only the present moment that is awareness.
@anhumblemessengerofthelawo3858 Жыл бұрын
Actually, of course, Will is prior to awareness. You are aware _of_ Will.
@createbehappy8918 Жыл бұрын
what does 'consciousness has no choice' mean
@xman933 11 ай бұрын
So “suffering on the inside and conflict on the outside” is a creation of infinite consciousness to leave “suffering” as a “trace of itself in the finite mind, indicating to the finite mind where to go to regain its original happiness” Why this circuitous path that has brought upon we finite minds or localized manifestations of consciousness such as humanity such incredible pain and suffering throughout our history? Why were the finite minds or localized manifestations of consciousness called humanity “selected” or “purposed” by infinite consciousness to follow this path? The finite mind or localized manifestation of consciousness that is “I” certainly did not choose this path. In an infinite consciousness, there has to be infinite paths for a finite mind or localized manifestation to trace its way back to regain its original happiness that is infinitely less painful and sorrowful that the path that humanity has had “visited” or “purposed” on it. The efforts of those teachers trying to help finite minds on this planet gain enlightenment of this understanding seems to have been woefully inadequate and or fallen on deaf ears so that we continue to see suffering and conflict around us with no respite or hope of finding the way back to that “mythical “ original happiness. Infinite consciousness seems to be a cold heartless master indeed or maybe in the multiverse with 10^500 universes that have arisen , as postulated by String Theory anyway , out of infinite consciousness, we might be unfortunate enough to be manifested in one universe or on one world in one universe where the dismal path humanity is on is purposed to experience pain, suffering and conflict to inform the infinite in a way the infinite cannot itself. Maybe all we can hope for is after gaining the sorrowful experiences purposed for those in this manifestation, when we return to the whole when this material existence ends, our next conscious manifestation as finite minds features a path that leads with less pain, suffering and conflict back to that original happiness
@bobsmart8302 10 ай бұрын
The world is not REAL. It is a dream from which NOBODY wakes up except the dreamer, i.e. consciousness. When a gold brcelet or ring is melted, it is still the same gold unaffected by the ring or brecelet it was once formed as. There is no gold AND ring, just gold. That which never existed, never comes to be real and that which exsit never becomes unreal.
@zahra9075 Жыл бұрын
Can someone explain? I don't understand how thoughts are awareness.
@kderules Жыл бұрын
Because ultimately that's all there is.
@jacobjallah1211 Жыл бұрын
What else could thought be other than awareness when awareness is all that is. Everything is consciousness
@ddtandel6613 Жыл бұрын
If I understand correctly, thoughts are not awareness. Awareness is thought. 😀
@6e881 Жыл бұрын
awareness take the form of thought and forget itself, then assume itself as thought but ultimately it can only be awareness. We take the form of partial experience and forget we as awareness never deviate from awareness as it is.
@malabuha Жыл бұрын
Try to look around for awareness. Where is it? I made up a game by which you can become aware what consciousness is exactly and where it is. If you want, i can tell you how to do it
@holgerjrgensen2166 5 ай бұрын
Consciousness, is Nothing in itself, Consciousness can Only be property of Living Beings. Intelligence is Part of our Consciousness, what is called AI, is Programmed Consciousness, a Book, is also programmed Consciousness, Frozen Memory. Intuition made Rupert aware of being Eternal, but his 'non-dual' obsession, is lack of Intelligence. The Basic analysis of X0, is X1, X2, and X3, X2, is our Consciousness.
@roky6610 Жыл бұрын
Es 7na pena que Rupert hable tan deprisa en algunos de los momentos en que dice cosas tan importantes. No da tiempo a digerir tan elevado contenido. Un saludo
@pilargarcia6724 Жыл бұрын
@gregariousguru Жыл бұрын
This sounds a lot like when the Trinity is explained in many ways.
@mikefoster5277 Жыл бұрын
Yes, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Father being God (or infinite awareness) the Son being the physical universe (including humanity) and the Holy Spirit being the universal consciousness which links the two.
@JonathanDunlap Жыл бұрын
The internet was created for these kinds of discussions. Consciousness networking with other consciousnesses and to celebrate the diversity of forms of infinite awareness.
@josiahmontilla4101 Жыл бұрын
❤️‍🔥 ♾️❤️‍🔥👁️❤️‍🔥 🌀 🫵🏽 🫥🖖🏾 🫴🏽 🤯 🔥 ❤️‍🔥 ♾️
@Graanvlok 11 ай бұрын
She looks like Emmy Rossum
@tobiw.1 Жыл бұрын
I know this guy from nespresso :-)
@zoneofsilence Жыл бұрын
But why would consciousness merge into bad and suffer!
@brigitteh4825 Жыл бұрын
It's all a dream of consciousness. Consciousness itself doesn't suffer.
@sandycarter5300 Жыл бұрын
Not a good place to end the talk..more careful explanation needed.
@sonikwro Жыл бұрын
Nothing that exist.
@markbates891 11 ай бұрын
Kinda need consciouness to even make the claim.
@anthonykology1728 Жыл бұрын
hide and seek...
@AdrianHollington-vm9qz Жыл бұрын
When will someone challenge the cost of these retreats he has. Charging to get into heaven. All wrong. He quotes the mystics from the past, no way would they be doing this. How about funding the cost from all the money he makes elsewhere.?
@zoomby4380 Жыл бұрын
These extracts from his retreats are free, free to hear from anywhere around the world. 99% of the questions asked by participants are my questions. I don't have to spend time or money from Australia to get these gems 💎💎💎 of wisdom. (No advertising on here.) We are in heaven here within awareness/God/consciousness. ❤❤❤ Direct path to God.
@brigitteh4825 Жыл бұрын
He has a right to make a living. No-one is forced to go on retreats.
@Brent-wb3tk Жыл бұрын
disentangleberry spira, please stop dyeing your hair. ...look at it. We do. Slow down and hear yourself talk. you were non egoic, ..long ago
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