2nd area.. Ships? Oh? Erice? Well a Cute getup.. (Voyager.. Yes..) Onboard! Yep. &!! Mandricardo. Woop. Attraction?.. A tour huh. (Ushi? Usual.) Pirates.. Ships.. Not wrong about Drake's.. (No wonder for few customers..) Argo's Adventure?.. Oh.. That's another downer.. ??.. Eh? Voyager?! Jason?.. Oh. (Orion... Yep. & Robin Hood as other name.. Must be cosplaying & other servants.. Huh.) Lady Avalon? Hmm.. Sounds good. Gotta get things on track. (To the fight course.) After the fight.. Yeah.. Does seem.. Improved? .. Asclepius.. Huh. Nice tune of words. (Young & Old Li Shuwen.. Oh boy..) Hmm.. Does put of the characters.. ??.. Jason.. Oh... Oof. Huh? .. At least he puts a spark tiny there. Oh Atalante. I see. (Nice Asclepius) No matter what kind or to do better than other work.. ??... Oh. Hungry. Didn't expect that. Food.. Yeah.. Zero Variety.. Poor Erice. (Expedition?..) Eh? Avatar? Underwater World vibe.. & crowded.. Oh no.. Much Nemo's.. (Things really gone in a hays) ??.. Scáthach-Skadi. 3 new Valkyries.. Hmm.. Big order from the queen for Erice.. A managment.. Submarine.. Castle?.. Octop- Oh worp... Bad time. The 3 got this. In the fight, so that's their combat.. Flying & Shooting. & their NP. Quite the synch. After that, Scáthach-Skadi sure has concerns.. Aww she left & so they as well. For the Argos.. ??.. Nemos?.. Uh oh.. .. Erice.. Hm? Asclepius? Ah. Well. It's up for her. So that's her NP in the thumbnail in this fight. Pretty. After that, youch from the syringe. Avalon? Hmm.. Well good for things to explain before heading the next area. That's all fine in this area.. Oh? Erice? Another to had her onboard then. Nice.