History of the Gay Movement with Becket Cook

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The Remnant Radio

The Remnant Radio

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@s.edwards6485 Ай бұрын
Becket Cook is a man who knows how to speak the truth in love. I love his show and his book and am looking forward to the next one! Thanks for interviewing him. Blessings to you all.
@KathleenGleason-z8t Ай бұрын
I agree Mr Cook is a blessing
@mystrength5640 Ай бұрын
Becket Cook and Prof Rosario Butterfield are two Incredible Christians! God Bless them soo much ! Tnx for this video 🎉✝️
@dennissprague2572 Ай бұрын
Much respect for this warrior
@Caderdi Ай бұрын
In 1970s The Rocky Horror Picture Show brought the gay lifestyle to the forefront of the culture. It had a HUGE effect on people coming out, including most of my male friends in high school. It had a cult following, and people watched it so many times that they knew every line to the movie and, wore the outfits, had parties based on it, and danced to the songs. That was my former life before Jesus. I look back and am very sorry to have endorsed such a destructive movie. Thank God for his grace
@jdaze1 Ай бұрын
"I even I am YHWH (father), beside me there is NO SAVIOR" Isaiah 43:11, 45:5-7, Eph. 4:6, John 17:3, Jude 1:25 (kjv), Deut 13. "Put not your trust in Princes nor a Son of Man in whom there is NO SALVATION" Psalm 146:3. The brainwashing and deception goes even deeper than TRHPS, by about 1800 years.
@sovereigngodlisaloves9525 Ай бұрын
​@@jdaze1"son of man" is not in capital letters and is referencing mortal man in general.
@jamestempleton553 21 күн бұрын
Yes, the RHPC for me was a HUGE deal. It “normalized” crossdressing and brought into culture transgenderism, but so did Bowie and punk rock scene. But, RHPC was a major event and as a 10 year old I exposed to sexuality. It’s imbedded into to my DNA, I watched it hundreds of times. Jesus is the best all and end all, He saved me out of drugs, and disease. That life for me is a very bad memory.
@thecrossfiles Ай бұрын
This was a wonderful interview with Beckett! I just started listening to Becket a few months ago and very impressed along with the Remnant Radio guys! I was close friends with a Christian, who was in the same shoes as Becket, but he fully gave into those homosexual desires a few years ago. Please pray for him. I’m glad that Becket is taking a stand against the “gay Christian” movement. As most of us believe, those terms are an oxymoron. I know Christians who identify themselves as gay and say they love the Lord, but we know what the scriptures say about that. Basically, saying someone is a “gay Christian“ is saying something similar to saying one is an “Adulterous Christian” or “Fornicating Christian”. Those terms are an oxymoron because we can’t continue in unrepentant sin if we are truly in Christ. Without repentance, by the grace of God, no one will see the Lord.
@LouisaWatt Ай бұрын
As soon as he started talking about Rousseau, I was like; “oh, yeah… that makes sense.”
@donalfoley2412 20 күн бұрын
Rouseau was rejecting Calvinism rather than Christianity. He was right when he said that there is some goodness in us even after the fall but he was wrong when he said that we are naturally perfectible. He was brought up to believe that our nature had been completely destroyed by original sin, but then he said that we were born good and that it was society that made us bad. That was a new Pelagian argument , as if we could save ourselves without God’s grace, but with the add-on that we could do that by changing society. He was right to reject the doctrine of utter depravity but wrong to take perfectionism i n its place. And the idea that we should change society rather than our own hearts has caused much damage since. To say the least. That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t stand up against injustice in our society of course, but every time people put their faith in a worldly perfection of human nature they go towards hell on earth. Many people saw that coming at the end of the 19th century and they were horribly proved right in the 20th. Again and again. May we never forget!
@rhstclare1195 Ай бұрын
Thank you for this guys!
@elizabethcochran3395 Ай бұрын
Gotta love KZbin placing a context blurb from Wikipedia about conversion therapy. 🙄
@MrSeedi76 Ай бұрын
Strange - doesn't show up for me. Maybe because I'm in Germany? Or they removed it.
@elizabethcochran3395 Ай бұрын
@MrSeedi76 very well might be USA specific. That would make sense
@jamestempleton553 21 күн бұрын
I know, major 🤦🏻‍♂️
@PietGrobler-dt1ce Ай бұрын
We very briefly studied Rousseau at school back in 1972 as part of the reasoning/philosophy behind the French Revolution 0f 1789. Also looked at Voltaire and Montesquieu
@chaseh2371 Ай бұрын
This was a great episode, the conversation was well handled and the background history of the movement and ideology was very fascinating. I’ve been subscribed to the KZbin channel for the last few years but I finally subscribed to the news letter today 😂
@TheRemnantRadio Ай бұрын
@lucygarcia7199 11 күн бұрын
Love Becket ❤
@markanthony3275 21 күн бұрын
The first overt Gay movement started in Germany between the wars.
@boltvanderhuge4007 Ай бұрын
For another POV, you might want to interview someone from the Reformation Project.
@jeffandsherriefranzwa8970 15 күн бұрын
The disclaimer at the top of the page is very misleading. There has indeed been very irresponsible and abusive attempts to bring people out of homosexuality, but there are also science-based methods for helping people who have unwanted same-sex attractions.
@sashadence6409 Ай бұрын
There was a lot of difference between the romantic poets -- Wordsworth and Coleridge were deeply Christian and held very different beliefs than other poets called romantic (who were for free love etc.) like Byron and Shelley - they're grouped together as 'romantics' because they all reacted against the Enlightenment and its worship of Reason as God. Nietzsche's similarity to Rousseau wasn't his insistence that God was dead so much as he saw it as problematic that 'he', God, was, that is, it was both good and bad, that God was (he believed) 'dead'. His real similarity to Rousseau is that he saw God, specifically Christ, as destroying happiness by promoting compassion for the poor, the sick, the weak at the expense, he believed, of the strong, the healthy and the brilliant/talented. He saw Christianity as a plot to deprive strong people, specifically strong men, of their birthright of getting what they could out of life without concern for the "least of these". He famously saw the "pale Galilean" as having made the world "grey" by sucking all the joy out of life for those who weren't handicapped or other than a member of the "ubermensch" class. He didn't think human beings had killed God because he didn't believe in God to begin with. He was like Rousseau in not wanting to be restricted by Christian belief, rules or basically a Christian mindset. Yes Blake was a strange Christian alright but remember he also wrote "Jerusalem" -- possibly one of the most famous hymns of all time. He wasn't up for ditching Christian priorities. I think this is a misunderstanding of that poem you quoted. In "Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience", Blake was reflecting on 'what happened?' with the Fall, that is, the difference between the world before the fall and the world after. In "Innocence", the world is a safe place, for the lamb and the child, both images for Christ, and in "Experience", post fall, it is a place where predators rule. He wonders (but does not answer this question directly) "did he (God) who made the lamb, make thee?" Obviously not -- but he wasn't for a world ruled by tigers, unlike Nietzsche who would have celebrated the rule of 'tigers' -- those at the top of the food chain -- unrestricted by care for those at the bottom.
@markanthony3275 21 күн бұрын
Thanks for your overview, it's very helpful ! I am reminded of what God told us in Romans ch 1, which is that the first thing to suffer corruption is the mind when you reject God.
@markanthony3275 21 күн бұрын
I would suggest a book that you may have read...it intersects with your overview , especially the chapter that locates the normalization of homosexuality within a larger pagan revival that began with pagan motifs appearing in Renaissance art. The book is " Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth" by Dr. Jeffrey Satinover. I wish every Christian and every Christian leader would read this book.
@sashadence6409 21 күн бұрын
@@markanthony3275 Thank you! I'll ask for it for Christmas lol! Yes -- a huge misunderstanding in the current culture re: pagan. I think most people believe that to be pagan meant you worshiped, Idk, trees or the full moon or whatever but I think few realise just how terrible a place the pagan world was if you weren't strong. "Dominion" by Tom Holland was enlightening for me in that respect. He isn't himself, Christian, I think, but it's clear he wants to remain in a world where Christianity once ruled, in theory if not practise.
@markanthony3275 21 күн бұрын
@@sashadence6409 Yeah people do think that pagans still worship idols made of wood , stone, metal etc. They don't realize that about 1000 years of Christendom and the development of things like science ( by Christians) made the old idols irrelevant superstition. However, paganism did not disappear, but it went underground into an intellectualized form. Arch pagan Carl Jung summed this up by saying the new idol is "SELF" , with capital letters to indicate divinity . I think you will enjoy Satinover's book !
@j.j.5731 3 күн бұрын
Milk was the first openly gay man to hold public office.
@micheletisdale7467 Ай бұрын
If I could hand pick one person to be friends with from anywhere in the world, I would pick Becket!! 😊 I would literally call him everyday Lol Thanks for having him on your show!!
@marykimberlyhayes 4 күн бұрын
I wish he could have addressed the Lesbian angle. From past research I understand the Father/Mother dynamic creating the Gay male child. What is or are the triggers for the female lesbian route? Weak father, cold father, strong mother? curious.
@PietGrobler-dt1ce Ай бұрын
I must confess as high school students we also participated in some fruit raiding (peaches in our case).
@PikeTheFalcon Ай бұрын
At 25:33, it almost sounds like he makes an accidental Pokemon reference and says the Mew-Two movement instead of the Me-Too movement. If only Josh was here. All jokes aside, Becket seems like a really likeable guy, and I think he did a great job on this episode.
@rokasdobrovolskis 20 күн бұрын
Please watch "Europa the last battle" 12h documentary and "The protocols of the learned elders of zion".
@EthanAndLacieBeetz Ай бұрын
You guys should get Jeff Durban on to talk about his view of eschatology
@debrajohnson545 Ай бұрын
Interesting, I have never heard that unhealthy relationships cause same sex attraction. Have they done studies on identical twins i wonder? Same with people that have sexual desires for both male and female. What underlies that?
@HenryJuhala Ай бұрын
It is a debunked claim by Joseph and Linda Nicolosi and politician Chuck Colson several decades ago that is not scientifically or medically factual and has been soundly debunked. Yet the far-right religous people like Becket who know it has been debunked keep promoting it in ways that can be harmful and dangerous to gay and lesbian people. But this is Becket;s livelihood and he is not about to give it up regardless of the hurt and harm he does to gay and lesbian people and to broader society and no matter how many times his claims are debunked. As an example of how wrong this claim is, many siblings in the same family with the same dynamic turn out very differently. If the problem is the environment of unhealthy relationships with the parents of the family, why are not all the other kids in the family gay? For instance, I have a gay brother. He had a very healthy relationship with our parents and our other family members. Yet he turned out gay and our other siblings turned out straight. He was right in the middle of the family, not older and not younger. Or further to your point about twins. In the gay twins study, some of the twins studied were separated at birth or shortly after. Yet both twins turned out to be gay. It seems like scientifically and medically, it was more an occurance of predisposition from within the womb (God's creation) than from their environment since both were raised in very different environments, often even in different countries. And why do lots and lots of families who have all very straight kids, have family dynamics that are totally dysfunctional. It would seem if the dynamics of what turns people gay are related to child and parent's relationship, there would be many many times more gay and lesbian people than we have now. One would think if the claim were true then all those kids of millions of dysfunctional families would turn out gay, but they did not.
@jamestempleton553 20 күн бұрын
Listen to Becketts latest interview on this very topic.
@Kinugo1 6 күн бұрын
First let him give the overview and than ask your question.
@jordcin04 Ай бұрын
You should have Seth Gruber on; he can break it down and connect the dots very well
@longandshort6639 Ай бұрын
10 men and 10 women were shipwrecked on an island. They were found 30 years later as a thriving little community of over 50 people. 10 gay men and 10 lesbians were shipwrecked on an island. When they were found 30 years later, there were just 20 skeletons in the sand.
@ddrse Ай бұрын
Trying to survive is what's common to man. It would be selfless to give that up.
@ddrse Ай бұрын
Trying to survive is what's common to man
@ddrse Ай бұрын
Survival is what's common to man.
@ddrse Ай бұрын
Survival is what's common to people. It would be selfless to give that up
@Kira_Martel Ай бұрын
Impressive that an island could hold enough resources for each couple to have 3+ children and have them all survive infancy, but the other island apparently couldn't sustain even 20 healthy adults. What islands were these and how did they differ ecologically?
@PastorChris87 Ай бұрын
Michael Roundtree you need more twang in your intros lol
@TheRemnantRadio Ай бұрын
ha ha!
@Sanee-n1l 13 күн бұрын
I think we were born bad than born good that is why we needed a SAVIOR, Jesus Christ. Adam and Eve, why did they eat the apple when they had everything?
@rileyanderson7379 Ай бұрын
First and second comment
@boltvanderhuge4007 Ай бұрын
I don’t believe Augustine, and “sin nature” is not in the Bible. How about a middle position where a baby is innocent until he sins? He is born into an environment conducive to sin, including cultures, institutions, and even churches.
@DarylWood-bi7hb Ай бұрын
Absolutely correct. Unfortunate that this erroneous doctrine has acquired status as orthodoxy in most crcles. At its root, it undermines personal accountability and actually places blame on God for bringing us into the world with hostility toward Him and a default setting to sin (if not outright wickedness).
@leenieledejo6849 12 күн бұрын
You're right and there are more verses in the Bible that suggest what you say (not least Matthew 18:3 because the direct comparison would not work if children were "vipers in diapers" 🙄) but the "original sin" theory became a RCC doctrine and Calvin (see quote below) and Luther hung on to many RCC doctrines and practices. Mainline Protestant churches have followed, unfortunately. And tragically most people are false converts and so aren't curious enough (don't love God enough) to take the time and dig into Scripture themselves. Jews still believe (according to the Old Testament as they always have) that fully knowing the difference between right and wrong and thus personal accountability for choosing sin begins at 12 or 13. That's why it's the age of the bar mitzvah. An honest reading of Scripture (verses like "sins of my youth") and observation of children proves this is true It's pretty clear if you take the whole Bible together that we inherit the "sarx/sarki" (translated as "flesh" in the KJV & NASB but mistakenly translated as "sin nature" in Paul's letters only in the NIV & others) from Adam but that Greek word means "carnal/human nature" NOT "sin nature" and NOT "body" [which is "soma" in Greek]. Everyone needs to do a New Testament word study on "sarx/sarki" i.e look carefully at every verse it's mentioned in. Sin is a CHOICE. It starts to *feel* natural in people who have been choosing it for a long time but it's a choice. The "sarx/sarki" is not evil in itself but it's weak and selfish/ animalistic (if untrained) and that is why Jesus says in John chapter 3 "you must be born again/born of the Spirit". When we're forgiven and washed clean and born again/born of God (i.e are Christian by definition: John 1:12-13 & Romans 8:9 etc) the spiritual relationship with God is restored. Many people are walking around in the carnal nature but think they're Christians 😢. It's clear from Paul's epistles (especially Romans 8 but also Galatians 5 & 6 and a few more) and the 1st epistle of John that they are NOT. Calvin the idolater: "Augustine is so wholly within me that if I wished to write a confession of my faith, I could do so with all fullness and satisfaction to myself out of his writings" (John Calvin)
@thepopeofwhitetrash2320 20 күн бұрын
Yes well in 1972 I was placed in a Juvenile mental asylum for admitting that I was gay, and given electric shock therapy daily . You live in a dream world and part of it is via your age .
@ericedwards5034 Ай бұрын
Ellen went downhill after she came out on the show because suddenly all the writing was about her being Gay Ellen...
@ddrse Ай бұрын
So? Why don't you come out?
@ericedwards5034 Ай бұрын
@@ddrse ?
@ddrse Ай бұрын
@@ericedwards5034 God created everyone with a unique orientation. As unique as your god-given fingerprints. No two are the same. One of the letters is for you. You're included. No exceptions zero excuses.
@ericedwards5034 Ай бұрын
@@ddrse what are you on about? Because I said the Ellen show went downhill when every episode was about Ellen being gay? That's a lot of energy being expended over an opinion about a long dead sitcom...
@ddrse Ай бұрын
@@ericedwards5034 it sounds like you have a reason not to come out
@rileyanderson7379 Ай бұрын
@sherriepalmer2010 Ай бұрын
Why go through the vain philosophies of man's thoughts to get to the TRUTH? It seems odd & needlessly laboursome when it is CLEARLY written that if one does NOT listen to Moses (the 10 commandments) and does not listen and respect the prophets of Yah=God, then one WILL NOT even Listen to a ressureccted son of Adam.. We are literally told this in the Gospels, this along with the letters to the Romans, should say ALL WE NEED! Either YOU hold The Word of Eternal God as Sufficient and authoritative or YOU don't, and IF YOU don't then we ALL know that YOU prefer YOUR thoughts, Your Vainity etc. This is bufoonary and a waste of time! You Remnant Radio guys are definitely NOT doing "The Stuff" but rather entertaining sin, nay YOU are sympathising over sinners who sin! Apostle Paul, Apostle Peter and God HIMSELF would NOT do what YOUR doing!! REPENT THERFORE AND DO THE FIRST WORKS!! GO READ HIS SOVEREIGN WORD AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES WHAT HE WOULD DO AND WHAT HE WOULD SAY AND WHAT HE WOULD HAVE YOU DO!
@GrizzlyAndrew Ай бұрын
You hold no authority over men in the Church. Wear your head covering, and be quiet like the scripture tells you to.
@MrSeedi76 Ай бұрын
Not sure what your post even means? You think you should follow all 613 mizvot? Despite what Acts 15 says? Sounds like either "saved by works" or "sinless perfection" to me. You're also forgetting that "with what measure we mete" it will be measured to us. As well as "judge not" - so calling others to repent for having a different opinion from you, an opinion that's undoubtedly not in line with a lot of things in the new testament - sounds rather uncalled for. If we reach moral perfection ourselves, sure we might call others to repent. Till then I'll stick to: Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand. Romans 14 : 4
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