Paul Danner shew an unplugged injector. He said 'you wont see anything on the trace until a brief Wide-Open Throttle' is performed. It worked that way, one of his vids. There was no discernible issue until the engine was loaded with the w.o.t. The 'pigtail' at the end of the burn-time went higher than the firing KV; with a hashy, scraggly signature. Other technicians also coach you to reference lean fueling issues this way. Thanks for these vids.
@als1023Ай бұрын
Just what we need, a scope is expensive, we have 5 vehicles to maintain. This tools is a Great find ! Thanks Sherwood !
@johnchambers12Ай бұрын
@@als1023 i believe it is about as much as an EScope but takes seconds to set up and use and time is money so there would be no question.
@kassemadam3005Ай бұрын
You can get a dual channel picoscope for $180 I think. Its only rated for max 60v however so you would need to get a $15 20:1 attenuator if you hook up the scope to injectors or coils. I think that is more worth since you have full oscilloscope capability.
@als1023Ай бұрын
@@kassemadam3005 Thank you very much for posting, going to look into your suggestion.
@kassemadam3005Ай бұрын
@@als1023 it is the picoscope 2204a
@strikeryachts21 сағат бұрын
This is going to be a million dollar channel, this tool is a must and is good for pre-purchase inspections as well. My Snap-on Vantage has this, but it takes longer.
@christianparker9083Ай бұрын
Been on the fence about this tool for a few weeks. You may have just sold me!
@Jpilgrim308 күн бұрын
Grab one. I’ve had it for a few years now and I love it. Nice not to always have to grab the scope for a quick check.
@Jpilgrim308 күн бұрын
I love that GTC 505. It’s nice for checking spark real quick. I like that you can see the pattern, burn time, etc and compare it to the others without having to pull out the scope
@randylee1954Ай бұрын
I made one of these by taking a ford relay, cutting out the resistor, and wiring leads to the coil of the relay, I can plug that into ground and a channel and get waveforms. I used it today, stayed an hour late even trying to figure this out just to come home to this video! lol Thanks for tomorrow's plan!!
@Jason-cu1jpАй бұрын
I did exactly the same, only with a little Hyundai relay. Couldn't believe how good it was once the resistor was removed. I just chopped the crappy alligator clips off some leads I didn't BNC one end, male spade connectors to the terminals on the relay.
@stephenhayes3765Ай бұрын
Swapping coils is what I was taught when coil on plug first came out at the dealership. It’s a valid diagnostic technique
@jacobtravis812Ай бұрын
Unless it’s up under an intake manifold.
@esotericjahanism5251Ай бұрын
An ACDC non contact test can sometimes help too, just expose the coils, start the engine and check for which one doesn't light up the tester.
@LynxStarAuto26 күн бұрын
That can bite you! Some of these newer cars are so quick to recognize a circuit failure, they will shut off the injector of that accompanying coil, and can throw you for a loop wondering why the misfire doesn't go away. You need to clear codes and reset.
@markm0000Ай бұрын
The benefit over a scope is you can hold it in one hand and get a result in 2 second. A regular scope is a mess of wires and a tablet to see what you’re doing.
@johnchambers12Ай бұрын
I did this with a misfire on my personal vehicle, swapping the coil and then the plug and then in the parking lot of the parts store i replaced the plug and still made it to work on time! But i have to say i love this tool.
@badiyanАй бұрын
İ'm happy following you even I can't do auto work but your willing to show people your fantastic skills makes me on the moon. Thank you for your patience.
@theroyaltyautoserviceАй бұрын
I'm glad you enjoy the content!
@rlenoxIIIАй бұрын
Another great video with well explained explanations. I think it’s great that you not only the what, but also the why.
@AW-gj1muАй бұрын
Greetings from AU, I have been using this tool for a little while and find it time saving and accurate.
@TheBeast-tj9qoАй бұрын
I really enjoy watching this channel showing us affordable tools is plus +++ also.
@andrewhendricks4629Ай бұрын
Hey man thanks for the tip on this tool you are about to make me some money grat show hope your channel keep up the good content
@ysitrim88Ай бұрын
Awesome diagnostic video thanks for all your valuable information.
@theroyaltyautoserviceАй бұрын
Thanks for watching! Glad it helped!
@ysitrim88Ай бұрын
@theroyaltyautoservice You are welcome and I'm buying one right now from the link you provide.
@genehart2618 күн бұрын
There's another youtube guy that will run a compression test and sell you a new engine for a misfire. Thanks for this.
@chrisforker7487Ай бұрын
Looks like a great tool for the shop!
@spirokattan3655Ай бұрын
Good tool. Great tutorial! Thank you Sherwood!
@robertjospeh1097Ай бұрын
Good video and great find on the tool. Thanks
@rodvan-zeller6360Ай бұрын
I have that tool works great. Try the injector disconnect on the digital burn time menu screen, I think you will see a difference. Also, every time you hit the hold button it takes a snapshot, when you plug it into your computer you will see a digital file, I like using that feature for documentation.
@theroyaltyautoserviceАй бұрын
Thank you! That makes a lot of sense and helps a lot! Will try that out when back in town! 👍
@rodvan-zeller6360Ай бұрын
@@theroyaltyautoservice Welcome
@DavidChewning-mr4jpАй бұрын
Thank you for this product review!!!
@billyhorton5779Ай бұрын
Had a coworker whose wife's Dodge Charger had a dead miss. The dealer wanted $1200 just to diagnose it! I told him through the simple process of first identify which cylinder is missing by an old school power balance test. Then swap coils/ plugs to see if the misfire stays with cylinder or follows the swapped coil. At that point, I told to remove the valve cover and see if the rocker arms are even moving with it idling. Bingo, flat cam lobe! No 4 channel scopes or special tools needed! "When you learn to work with what you have, then you have everything you need".
@052RCАй бұрын
You're not getting the full story. There's no way a dealer would give a diag quote that high unless there was some type of special case. The standard diag. fee is typically 1 hour, and if more is needed they'll ask the customer if they want to continue. One of two things most likely happed. They didn't want the job for some reason, so they gave a high price to get rid of it. Or, something needed to be fixed first, before they can do a proper diag. For example, lets say the spark plugs looked old and in poor condition. Its very common for a shop to require the plugs be replaced first. Its maintenance that should have been done anyway. And the reason I say the dealer wouldn't quote such a high price, is they have to get the car in the shop first. They can't screw you over if you don't give them your car.
@theroyaltyautoserviceАй бұрын
Don't know about a $1200 diag quote over the phone. I totally understand what you are saying. I like that you had a diagnostic path and you got to the problem without any detours. With a scope, and the knowledge on waveform analysis, you could have accomplished the same diag in a far shorter time. And the only disassembly you would have had to perform would have been removing a spark plug. On a side note, make sure to tell your friend to look in the oil filter for metal debris. Those cams are very common to fail and once that metal gets into the engine it does unseen damage that will show up later. I'd hate for them to spend money on a cam job only to have the engine start knocking in 6 months.
@FREERIDE270Ай бұрын
No shop would quote that high for diag and definitely not for a missfire. Also I'm not sure if you told them the diag steps and they did the work or you did?
@jacobtravis812Ай бұрын
Thanks Royalty for sharing more knowledge. Love all your videos. I just wish they could make a lower profile flexible high capacitive probe to sneak under intake manifolds which is where paying good $ for one will come in handy in most all applications. It’s like these companies don’t take advice from real techs out there like at royalty or other shops like mine. I have a cheap waekon COP tester tool that’s $280 that has a flexible 1/16” think paddle. No it doesn’t give a waveform but it does show KV in realtime & duration in numbers on screen but the Waekon probe tip will not fit on my lab scope & was not designed too. I just wish someone made something like its shape & size. Or even 1/2” thick with a semiflexible extension attached to it to reach under those hard to reach coils under things. If anyone knows please enlighten me.
@brandongarnoldАй бұрын
Someone can get a hand held scope or a hantek 2 channel scope and get a coil over plug probe for less than half that price of that tool. Even a 2 channel pico and a coil over plug probe off Amazon is cheaper than $270 Plus buying a scope gives someone the ability to use it for other stuff as well.
@TrevUSA22 күн бұрын
Thank you. I just bought a 2 channel pico with tons of accessories and didn't want to buy another scope. Though the grab and go handheld nature as shown here does serve a purpose too I suppose.
@arneminderman377023 күн бұрын
Great video info!!
@hughkoontziv1362Ай бұрын
Great video thanks! Christmas is around the corner :)
@thelifescout8335Ай бұрын
Professor, if you can’t get any long form video for Mac, good ol Jim Morton is just as good. I’ve got his class manual from ASTE.
@toms66gtstangАй бұрын
HaHa, I'm laughing with you, Sherwood, about your lean demonstration not working. I took my team to a diag training, put on by NAPA, last week. Actually the instructor is from down your region, in Florida. He briefly went over relative Compression testing & most of my guys weren't familiar with it. The next day, I brought in my car to show them how it works. I pulled out my cheap Hantek scope & cheap knock off high amp clamp. I couldn't get anything to work, not even my cyl 1 primary coil channel. I really got roasted for that. I like how fast & easy that secondary waveform tester works.
@marks225422 күн бұрын
Just curious, how do you tell from the wave form that the problem is not compression or a rich condition. Thank you for all the great info!!!
@leftyspinnАй бұрын
That engine has a MAF so induce a lean condition by taking off a vacuum hose or pull the intake pipe off the aorbox after the maf. Will run lean and show what you want from the tool
@JamesSmith-xs7srАй бұрын
Damn, NICE tool! Whats the name/brand? Has a better pattern than my Counselor 2!
@theroyaltyautoserviceАй бұрын
It’s in the description! 👍
@423gamble26 күн бұрын
What do y'all think about the matco ignition coil tester? Can you do a video on yalls thoughts on that tool?
@royalmist2590Ай бұрын
I know what im getting on black friday!
@billbarney4937Ай бұрын
great channel. i use a 60 dollar plug in scanner but there is no display. having a display is a great addition to a scan tool. old cars you can run into a lot of open control wires due to the car manufactures using such thin wire. (engine compartment control wires). why they use such thin wire is too save money on copper wiring. i wouldnt own a newer vehicle
@garysgarage3669Ай бұрын
Great video! I want one!
@elora2525Ай бұрын
Video is basically a commercial for the tool but is okay the tool can speed up process when diagnosing coils as some scanner can be really slow. I had it in my shopping cart for 3 years but never pull trigger as my ROI will very low considering that I already own a DSO too and as quick diagnosis I usually get the feel for a bad ignition coil misfire as been a BMW dealership tech I have good access for checking vehicle history and if it has original coils .. I recommend to sell all and BMW recommends to replace coil with spark plugs as pairs as they can damage pre each other so I don't have eliminate a faulty ignition coilor spark plug
@wojtek-33Ай бұрын
As a diy guy, I use a $15 ELM327 scanner and the motor data obd app. Shows me real time misfire count for each cylinder in addition to all the other live data. No cool waveforms, but it gets the job done.
@alexlongpre4527Ай бұрын
Would be curious to see a waveform where the injector leaks or has a bad spray pattern
@blkthunderboltАй бұрын
It works with the Uscope and paddle probe too
@Mr2004MCSSАй бұрын
I have that setup too.
@shepherdsfleetservicesllc8147Ай бұрын
Great video
@ThunderbirdRocketАй бұрын
Nice 👍🏼 ! Thanks !!
@TekkHakkАй бұрын
Great tool I changed plugs, wires coils , and injectors , and still have a p0300 on a 2001 Chevy Silverado 1500, any suggestions?
@chucklenhardt7902Ай бұрын
Is that the only code it's showing? I sure hope you bought OE injectors I've gotten burned by buying ACDelco injectors off of Amazon and eBay and found out they were fakes lol. These scammers are getting really good at what they do!!
@brandongarnoldАй бұрын
If you aren’t experiencing any drivability issues and just a P0300 and a flashing check engine light on those years a crank variation relearn will probably fix your issue.
@TekkHakkАй бұрын
@@chucklenhardt7902 I actually did 😩, have a P0300, and P0452. Thanks for the help.
@TekkHakkАй бұрын
@@brandongarnold I haven't been driving it yet, I bought it from a friend year ago, and finally working on it, thanks for the help .
@chucklenhardt7902Ай бұрын
@@TekkHakk Do you have access to a scanner with bidirectional controls?. The other code is indicating a pressure issue within your evap system. I have seen the purge valve leak causing a vacuum leak thus you're getting the PO300. So just do a quick check with a can of carb cleaner and spray around it if that checks out you really need a scanner to fix that issue because you need to see what your tank pressure is activate the purge and watch your and tank pressure there are a lot of videos on how to do this My rule of thumb In the 43 years I've been doing this mess is to fix what you know is broke first throwing parts at it is not going to fix it it's just going to empty your wallet.
@bigdonnie75752 күн бұрын
Maybe odd question but could u use that wave to diagnosis say a lean or rich jetted carb?
@ddblaircoАй бұрын
thank you
@saneil559626 күн бұрын
Nice tool I’m uk where can get that tool thanks
@sethdunn9623 күн бұрын
Is it possible to disable TPMS using a scan tool? I would like to turn mine off on my 2008 4Runner. I didn't have them put sensors in when I got the rims and tires for it. I know you can connect a couple wires under the dash to short circuit the system, but I would prefer to just disable it if possible. I do have a LAUNCH scan tool
@markm0000Ай бұрын
That’s cool
@lukecartwright1803Ай бұрын
I like your belt storage tool. What is that called? Where you put your flashlight
@theroyaltyautoserviceАй бұрын We have a code that would save you 10% but I can't find it. I'll reach out to them and see if they can send it to me.
@geoepi321975Ай бұрын
Hi, the waveform of the ignition coil is dependent on the circuit according to the Kirchhoff's law, so first you must check the spark plug gap and high tension wire resistance and after check the ignition coil waveform 😢
@marksymons1967Ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure there's other inexpensive options that use a laptop and you buy the tool that plugs into the usb c socket. The tool will present the radio wave with suitable gain and the software display the wave on a GUI. Might even work with a smart phone plus app.
@theroyaltyautoserviceАй бұрын
Can you post what tools? I'd love to get them to try out as a lower cost alternative. Always looking to try out new stuff. Thanks!
@marksymons1967Ай бұрын
@@theroyaltyautoservice Here are some affordable USB oscilloscopes for viewing car engine ignition signals on a laptop or Android device: Hantek 6022BE USB Oscilloscope Specifications: 20 MHz bandwidth, 2 channels, connects via USB. Price: £70-£90 (approx. $87-$112). - Hantek iDSO1070 Specifications: Wireless, 2 channels, up to 70 MHz bandwidth, supports Wi-Fi connection for remote monitoring. Price: Around £155 (approx. $190). - MINIWARE DS213 Mini Oscilloscope Specifications: 15 MHz bandwidth, compact and portable, up to 4 channels. Price: Around £61 (approx. $75). - OWON HDS272S Handheld Oscilloscope Specifications: 70 MHz bandwidth, dual channels, includes built-in multimeter. Price: Around £150 (approx. $185). - Hantek HT20COP Ignition Waveform Probe (for use with oscilloscopes) Specifications: Designed specifically to capture ignition coil waveforms, pairs with compatible oscilloscopes. Price: £50-£55 (approx. $62-$68). - JYETech DSO138 Mini Oscilloscope Kit Specifications: 200 kHz bandwidth (lower bandwidth, ideal for educational and basic hobbyist projects). Price: £20-£30 (approx. $25-$37). - For automotive use, tools with 20 MHz or higher bandwidth, like the Hantek 6022BE and OWON models, are often preferable. You'll need the special probe for ignition coil waveforms, or fashion your own pickup/antenna to add to the probe. Worse case remove the probe tip to expose the sharp point, usually standard construction on oscilloscope probes, and point it as close as possible to the HT output of each ignition coil. This should easily pickup the 10-50 kVolt generated RF signal. Good luck!
@marksymons1967Ай бұрын
@@theroyaltyautoservice Here are some affordable USB oscilloscopes for viewing car engine ignition signals on a laptop or Android device: Hantek 6022BE USB Oscilloscope Specifications: 20 MHz bandwidth, 2 channels, connects via USB. - Hantek iDSO1070 Specifications: Wireless, 2 channels, up to 70 MHz bandwidth, supports Wi-Fi connection for remote monitoring. - MINIWARE DS213 Mini Oscilloscope Specifications: 15 MHz bandwidth, compact and portable, up to 4 channels. - OWON HDS272S Handheld Oscilloscope Specifications: 70 MHz bandwidth, dual channels, includes built-in multimeter. - Hantek HT20COP Ignition Waveform Probe (for use with oscilloscopes) Specifications: Designed specifically to capture ignition coil waveforms, pairs with compatible oscilloscopes. - JYETech DSO138 Mini Oscilloscope Kit Specifications: 200 kHz bandwidth (lower bandwidth, ideal for educational and basic hobbyist projects). - For automotive use, tools with 20 MHz or higher bandwidth, like the Hantek 6022BE and OWON models, are often preferable. You'll need the special probe for ignition coil waveforms, or fashion your own pickup/antenna to add to the probe. Worse case remove the probe tip to expose the sharp point, usually standard construction on oscilloscope probes, and point it as close as possible to the HT output of each ignition coil. This should easily pickup the 10-50 kVolt generated RF signal. Good luck!
@marksymons1967Ай бұрын
@@theroyaltyautoservice Just search for Hantek or Owen USB C PC based Oscilloscopes. Very affordable.
@marksymons1967Ай бұрын
@@theroyaltyautoservice Hantek or OWON. Under 100 bucks. hantek also do special RF probe for automotive ignition waveform testing. Good Luck!
@strikeryachts2 күн бұрын
Do a mode 6 video
@eric-tr7gfАй бұрын
how to tell me you were talking to Super Mario diagnostics without telling me you were talking to Super Mario .......😅🤣😂
@robertfrancisco1193Ай бұрын
can you work that tool from the side for intake covered coils ??
@theroyaltyautoserviceАй бұрын
It depends on the coil design. Any time you are using an inductive pickup the coil design is going to play a huge role in the quality of the waveform. Even the most expensive pickups used for some high end scopes have a hard time on some coils because of the shielding used inside the coil. Most vehicles, the answer is yes, but some you may not even get a good signal going straight on the coil from the top. Hope that makes sense.
@philh9238Ай бұрын
Wouldn’t you be able to see a fuel injector not opening by the pintle hump on the amperage waveform or voltage
@theroyaltyautoserviceАй бұрын
You would need the injector waveform in order to do that rather than the ignition waveform.
@marks225419 күн бұрын
If you have a wave form, you know there is no control issue no matter what how bad the wave form looks?
@crasher88Ай бұрын
how does it work on engine with spark plug wires?
@throughmylens5127Ай бұрын
Shows to have a spark plug wire sensor that goes on the probe
@theroyaltyautoserviceАй бұрын
It'll work great!!
@Car_Doc24Ай бұрын
It comes with the adapter
@Jimmyky77Ай бұрын
On my 2001 Toyota Tundra, I had multiple Misfire Codes, , , it wound up being the fuel pump regulator on the fuel rail, , , would that ignition analyzer have pointed me in that direction?🤔 Thx
@theroyaltyautoserviceАй бұрын
If it was running lean then yes
@Jason-cu1jpАй бұрын
Yes, would likely show a big rise at the end of the burn line on all cylinders I believe. Someone correct me if I'm wrong please.
@jimbopreps8187Ай бұрын
Ok, ordered mine
@philh9238Ай бұрын
Did you tell G just let it go man. The last 4 strands of hair on top
@throughmylens5127Ай бұрын
8:25 smell the plug see if it has a burnt smell
@JamesSmith-xs7srАй бұрын
Smell the glove! (Spinal Tap)
@gmtech2012Ай бұрын
I'm assuming that this was either a dead hole misfire, or a misfire that counts up pretty steadily. Any misfire that comes into my bay, is one that turned on the check engine light for the customer and then when I go to drive it I can't make it happen. I'll drive it cold then hot. Light load then heavy load. And sometimes it might happen. But won't happen very much. The engines are all direct-injected, and it's almost impossible to get any kind of signal from the coils
@052RCАй бұрын
Your GM scan tool can do a power balance test.
@martinarrieta248Ай бұрын
@randybloomfield5090Ай бұрын
@anthonyhernandez687026 күн бұрын
What's the name of the tool?
@theroyaltyautoservice23 күн бұрын
GTC505 Ignition Analyzer:
@mike-s8n8yАй бұрын
Assembled in Taiwan ,
@micku9954Ай бұрын
inexpensive and made in Canada
@james107394 күн бұрын
Of course it's bad it has an x on it
@ronaldbrosius7488Ай бұрын
Buy ASE WAVE U-SCOPE. IT does this and many more! Starter kit is only 199.00$ They sell a master kit for i think 499. Amazing tool, 1 channel scope with tons of pre sets, and shows you what the graph should look like.