These Concepts are Boring but it got me 300 LP

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Coach Cupcake

Coach Cupcake

Күн бұрын

Пікірлер: 27
@Ranked_Journey 8 күн бұрын
4:51 Jinx was hitting the wave, but Seraphine wasn't.
@Ranked_Journey 8 күн бұрын
You should consider making a beginner support champion tier list, like Coach Chippys' "BEST TOP LANERS FOR BEGINNERS - League of Legends Top Lane Tier List" Last time you were on the BBC podcast you seemed to agree with their champion first mindset, so helping new support players choose a good champion that will help them learn support holistically seems very productive.
@shibaraccoon8740 18 күн бұрын
Oh my GOD 1:30 was such a dopamine hit as a jungle player. PLEASE just assume the enemy jungle is right next to you if you are not tracking them, ESPECIALLY if it’s an eve for crying out loud. The number of times I say to myself “I know -blank- is going to gank but pinging won’t do anything, so let’s just watch this unfold” is staggering (Many times laners see a jungle walk away or they wait 10 seconds and just assume they are safe, so pinging them to back the heck off doesn’t work since the laner doesn’t have those concepts in their head, they are just focused on the wave)
@podefunder 18 күн бұрын
If you're a jungler you should be pinging obvious ganks or attempting to counter them. It's easy to say as a jungler "why don't my lanes pay attention at all times to where the enemy is" when that's the only thing you have to focus on as jungle. Laners have to CS, trade, position, manage wave, etc. - it's far more involved job and easy to get lost in the details. If you're at an elo where nobody listens to your pings as jungle, then you have only yourself to blame and shouldn't focus on teammates' performances. "I'm not gonna ping because I know it won't do anything" is a hilariously bad mindset that you should drop if you want to climb.
@CoachCupcake 17 күн бұрын
The good thing is your opponents are equally bad at dealing with them!
@LuchOutsider 18 күн бұрын
Great content Mr Cupcake. Hope you having a nice holidays.
@CoachCupcake 17 күн бұрын
Same to you!
@Ranked_Journey 8 күн бұрын
Great video. Almost want to start maining support because of you (top main).
@Lacedaemon300 18 күн бұрын
Keep uploading golden videos brother ❤ good job!!
@CoachCupcake 17 күн бұрын
Thanks bro!
@SorakaOTP462 18 күн бұрын
question. Is it possible to become so good at jungle tracking that you can can predict 95% of the time where the enemy jungler is through fog of war? Or is that too much work
@robenriven 18 күн бұрын
You cant predict everything in higher elos because some junglers play around that too so they change their pathing. The only thing that you can predict 99% of the time is the first 8-10min i would say. Im GM, i play toplane but i do it anyways
@CoachCupcake 17 күн бұрын
That's not really how it works, but you can make decisions that are at least net neutral 100% of the time if you can somehow keep track of the jungler and do everything else League requires of you. You can understand what efficient jungling looks like, so if they deviate from it and put you behind with an unconventional path, then they're putting themselves behind and your jungler ahead too.
@SorakaOTP462 17 күн бұрын
@@CoachCupcake The thing is in lower elos especially, is that enemy jungler will gank my lane even when they're not supposed to be there, they get a kill, and my own jungler does "his own thingy" cause he doesn't know any better. In higher elos I understand I can completely dismiss these options as viable from the enemy jungler, but in lower elos I get punished for free for overextending. Yeah I can keep living an illusion by keep saying to myself "it's ok I made the right dericion" but in reality it's not, I'm still gonna lose LP for that XD What I'm trying to say is, just because an enemy did a fundamentally breaking mistake, an illegal move, that doesn't mean it's gonna make them decrease their chances of winning when talking about low-mid elo brackets. In my games I just ward by default if I haven't SEEN the enemy jungler on the map. I'm not even trying to do some complex psychic math to figure out what enemy jungler was thinking.
@King_willie04 17 күн бұрын
Thank you for the tips Merry Christmas!
@CoachCupcake 15 күн бұрын
Merry Christmas :)
@TonyYang-v9x 19 күн бұрын
Quick question, how does different junglers come into effect when considering strong side/weak side at level 1-3. Say if fiddle starts blue on red side, should I consider it weak side when fiddle is bot side but he likely won't be doing any early level ganks? To bring it to a more extreme if the enemy team was shaco raptor start on blue side.
@bodracskamate7014 19 күн бұрын
Unless your teammate is saying in chat that “3 camp gank bot” you are automatically weakside for the first clear. And at 4:30 when the gromp respawns you are storng side until he is on your side.
@bodracskamate7014 19 күн бұрын
If shaco blue side start raptors 2 scenarios can happen. You lose lane prio and get pushed in so he cant gank. The second is you get prio and by the time he finishes his 3rd camp you put a ward and see is he ganking or not. If yes you respect and dont die if no both bot are weakside but you have push.
@shibaraccoon8740 18 күн бұрын
Shaco is a champ that is known for abusing lanes early and fiddle is a power farm champ. Fiddle CAN gank but really why would you want to unless you see a really free kill. Just take basic info about each champion and the match ups for jungle, when you are reviewing. Just start small and just make it a point to acknowledge the basics, you will learn them overtime really easily this way… think of it almost like flash cards!
@CoachCupcake 17 күн бұрын
Great question, and yes the threat of the enemy jungler and your botlane absolutely factors into how we treat these windows. If they have a Shyv and a Yuumi then you can ignore them basically the entire lane. What I talked about in this video is just a more general concept where we don't have to factor in junglers, jungle pathing, jungle start locations etc. and just focus on what's in front of us more.
@Marushko 18 күн бұрын
15:00 is that boneplating i see? :P
@CoachCupcake 17 күн бұрын
vs. double short range opponent and playing on my windows, unfortunately haha
@McKadesArKade 18 күн бұрын
thanks for the video and sharing everything
@CoachCupcake 17 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching :)
@CrystalArrow-r2z 18 күн бұрын
Felt called out in regards to the never surrender bit. I can get really annoyed with the game and sometimes I just leave games if I feel its over. Just been slapped by the leaverbuster so won't be doing that again.
@CoachCupcake 17 күн бұрын
The more time you spend on the rift, the more time you learn and have fun. If you can reach this relationship with the game you'll be set for the rest of your league career!
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