These Issues MUST Be FIXED Before Enlisted Goes On Steam!

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The two biggest issues with Enlisted
/ heyquadro
/ discord

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@Dregomz02 4 ай бұрын
They better fix the bipod dispersion over objects and windows since it's still broken and gives you worse accuracy than without bipoding, it's just weird how they are ignoring that issue for so long especially since they are selling multiple squads that can utilize bipods (and even in advertisements they are using bipods) . HE and explosives also sometimes work and sometimes does not and deal zero dmg against ground or some objects like wood or concrete. They better give us not just premium slot but also way to buy two additional slots for f2p players, 4 slots is barely playable.
@Heavyflamer66 4 ай бұрын
Bro, yes, I hate only having 4 squads
@InTVS 4 ай бұрын
dont forget bazooka's exploding in windows for no reasons due to poor collision walls, like half of the bazooka is already out of the window but it still detonates in your face lol
@Dregomz02 4 ай бұрын
@@InTVS oh yeah that too it's especially painful for the axis
@Dregomz02 4 ай бұрын
Also soldier tree leveling and xp need to be halved for tier 3/4 squads.
@AuslanderRaus1488 4 ай бұрын
just today i was firing an 88 or american anti tank but had HE selected, firing into one of those wooden longhouses on the pacific map . absolutely full of guys and no matter where i aimed i wasnt getting a single kill, was very annoying
@stevepirie8130 4 ай бұрын
Yeah facing BR III fully spaded squads of experienced players who know perfectly the positions to spawn rape the bejesus out of your team is a painful experience at BR I. The constant arty, tank HE, air strikes on top of the rest of the destruction and noise is a bit much when you’ve not even unlocked your first engineer 😂.
@mrsanatra1 4 ай бұрын
No matter what these people say,, this game was more fun before this BR crap. When bolt action vs bolt action was more of a occurrence, planes could wipe out blocks, tanks could be destroyed way easier & AI were aim bots. Made every objective feel like a real accomplishment to gain & a lot less people left matches
@mucicafrajer9882 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, it was more fun back then, but it's still fun now imo. At least if you only play low br, in my experience it's actually now easier to get vehicle kills and generally you can still have lots of fun in the game
@psychobeam99 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, silver economy is shit. Thanks for pointing it out.
@crazyonmyblock5956 4 ай бұрын
@Pandacorps 4 ай бұрын
you just get too little for the silver to mean anything
@alex-agix 4 ай бұрын
I quit due to this greed grab
@SirJohannRoyale 4 ай бұрын
how come every match i get 1200 to 2000 silver and more than 100 kills per match and i bet you guys are the one who don’t push or defend zone and also the one that literally just camp in a corner lol the economy is fine you just need to get better at getting xp lol.
@psychobeam99 4 ай бұрын
@SirJohannRoyale Fuck you buddy. I'm always on the goddamned objective by my damn self holding that fucker down. Stick those assumptions of yours where the sun dont shine. 2000 Silver per match is bullshit when you consider how much of that shit you're going to turn around and spend. So assuming you do that good, you'll have to play 3 matches with that exact same score to buy one gun at Tier 3 or higher and 4 matches to buy one tank. Yeah. Great economy when you have to buy and outfit multiple soldiers and squads.
@Mapasheeto_ 4 ай бұрын
If they were to implement 3 brackets, Id rather do it I, II-III, IV-V. Theres not enough tier 5 ppl playing the game to secure full matches or short qs if u only gonna take BR V ppl. That, or ull end up with those ppl that take just 1 or 2 soldiers with BRV weapons and uptier their whole BR 3 lineup because 80% of the playerbase has no idea of what they are doing. That also gives new players a "safer" environment to learn the basics, aside from the "sweatlords" that for some reason find it fun to go low BRs just because they cant win against anyone else.
@centralhunter9169 4 ай бұрын
I am surprised that Quadro did not talk about greyzone tanks in Enlisted, that’s my least favourite problem in Enlisted.
@rayferguson4556 4 ай бұрын
Def in my top 3 biggest complaints right now..not sure how they could fix it besides opening up the map. Wither way its super annoying
@Dregomz02 4 ай бұрын
Greyzones need to be shortened to max 30m. And engineers need more powerful AT guns (AA too)
@oblockobama2682 4 ай бұрын
@@Dregomz02the at guns are pretty solid from my experience. they could buff the control of it giving you a wider span though. Maybe have it to where the guy in march position can pivot while you are using the gunner or something
@pedroquevedo406 4 ай бұрын
​@@user-cg9cy1el5u The only ocassional problem with going plane (my personal favourite too) is that there are certain matches in which matchmaking system team you with new or ocassional players, so there's no one on ground capable to defend or capture points and you lose anyway, while the gray zone enemy tank goes top in his team. Some people suggest that we need AT soldiers immune to the gray zone or selective battle zone around the tank, also paratroopers with some fine AT guns in the supply box, so you can land next to that silly tank and cut out his "joking time".
@JohnDiabol 4 ай бұрын
Hear out my solution for a fix for the BR system. Instead of 5 tiers we get 3. Early war, mid war and late war. There will be no up tiers or down tiers ever. You will only get matches within your bracket. Early war 1939 - 1941, mid war 1942 - 1943, late war 1944 - 1945. You can make this both more historically accurate than it is right now and on top of that you can also make it more balanced.
@thugnastyx1 4 ай бұрын
then If you wanted to be historically accurate you would never have an instance where the us fights germany early war. Resulting in everything US had until 1944 play specifically against japan.
@JohnDiabol 4 ай бұрын
@@thugnastyx1 for as long as the British and US tech tree is merged, this is not an issue. British troops fought Germany in France and Norway in 1940. But ideally, yes. I want as much historical accuracy as possible and no US troops fighting the Germans until mid war in North Africa.
@flarvin8945 4 ай бұрын
But weapons' BR is not necessarily tied to when it was used in the war. High BR weapons, like the Fedorov, would be available in 39-41 matches. Which could lead to balance issues, and poor new player experience.
@JohnDiabol 4 ай бұрын
@@flarvin8945 there would have to be some rebalancing of the game. The Fedorov is one of the guns they implemented into Enlisted that acts the least like it did in real life too. In real life it was incredibly complex, unreliable and expensive. It reloaded via stripper clips most of the time because magazine production was never that big to begin with. They only ever made 2000 Fedorov Avtomats between 1916 and 1925, so it wasn't a high production weapon by any stretch. It fires a full sized 6.5mm round and had a nasty kick and recoil, you don't see that in game either. I would rebalance the Fedorov, have it reload from stripper clips like they did in real life, giving it a very long reload and give it a lot more recoil. A lot more. It's really a unicorn of a gun, they were not widely used at all. Some of them were pulled out of storage for the invasion of Finland because the Soviet union was lacking in machine guns, that's the only time they were used at all.
@flarvin8945 4 ай бұрын
@@JohnDiabol there are plenty of weapons in game that don't act like they did in real life. Production issues and costs are beyond this game. And reliability is not modeled, because it tends not to be fun. The BR is an attempt to balance the game, because being historical accurate is not balanced. And unbalanced matches is not going to attract a bigger player base.
@niagarawarrior9623 4 ай бұрын
it took a year and a half but i finally convinced 3 friends to re-download Enlisted. they were so hyped they ALL bought battle passes. BR 1 - 2 was fun, but slow and grindy. Then we got to BR 3 where suddenly the game play melted into a pile of unbalanced crap and now none of them play. just to reiterate - they bought battle passes, played for less than a week (until reaching level 3) and then entirely gave up on the game out of frustration. also, there's a lot of work to be done with vehicles and their spawn points. especially the APC. For me at least, its a 1 in 3 chance the apc will spawn well off the road and instantly stuck on a trench, or spawn partially in a rock, a off-road gully or on a stone wall. i liked the APC squad but i had to remove them from play out of pure frustration.
@branislavsaly3341 4 ай бұрын
Plus APC have an issue that it will spawn enemy squad right next to you and can kill you or you can kill them all. It has no range when enemy are around you cannot spawn there like rallies.
@thugnastyx1 4 ай бұрын
I had an issue where it spawned me litterly inside a house with the universal carrier.
@RichardinSiam 4 ай бұрын
You guys never played Heroes and Generals where rocks were a faction that did the most damage. They had invisible gophers that could stop a tank.
@king_Williams2319 4 ай бұрын
Yes that up tier describes my entire existence in enlisted
@anthonyburning8603 4 ай бұрын
Yep we were also talking about the silver point not so long ago on our discord. We were saying that a 1.5x would be perfect , as you don't earn enough money to increase your vehicles stars as long as your weapons and other things currently
@-LarzuK- 4 ай бұрын
A big problem with the current enlisted for new players is the first few squads the game gives you by default. Instead of giving you an engineer squad and allowing them to passively earn silver and exp by putting in rally points, it gives them a sniper squad, which basically contributes nothing when it comes to winning games. It simply causes many new players to stay behind instead of advancing to gain territory. For a newcomer player to have the first squad of engineers at their disposal for free would mean a big jump in the quality of the games, which currently end quickly due to the imbalance. A new player, even if he has all his units with bolt-action rifles, could build rally points and learn how to quickly place defensive structures, cannons and anti-aircraft with an engineer. Consequently, attacking tanks and APCs will have to be more careful, since there would be more guns placed, and the same for air units. And it would be much more vital for players to spot where those cannons and anti-aircraft guns are. Therefore, the games would be more interesting and both veteran and new players could enjoy quality battles. Today, flying an airplane is practically a walk in the park because no one builds anti-aircraft units. Let's let the new guys savor those juicy points for shooting down planes by allowing them to build anti-aircraft guns from day 1.
@hughjanus8126 4 ай бұрын
Idk you get an engineering squad pretty quickly, I think they should have to do the short grind instead of just getting handed basic stuff out the box. The game is what it is, it’s not supposed to be easy, and it’s not really hard with not many hours invested in it.
@darkosphere3252 4 ай бұрын
@@hughjanus8126it’s not a hand out bruh. You gota grind up that engi squad to even unlock the at or aa guns. It’s literally just to encourage rally point building instead of back line sniping which for a new player makes them about useless. And nets them no points so they don’t earn anything better… do I need to spell it out more?
@-LarzuK- 4 ай бұрын
@@darkosphere3252 It was perfectly clear, that is what I wanted to refer to. It is a small change that the developers could make today and as the days go by it would help change the atmosphere of the battles a little and retain new players.
@hughjanus8126 4 ай бұрын
@@darkosphere3252 … dude, you just put some key spawn points and play the objective and you max out an engineer squad fast. You want instant gratification lol.
@darkosphere3252 3 ай бұрын
@@hughjanus8126 you missed the point XD the point was people should be given engi from the start. Out here proving my point. I’m sitting comfortably in tier 3 rn as well so idk what instant grat you’re crying about
@ConcernedPmGhost 4 ай бұрын
BR2 my beloved❤
@N8_DoubleYou 4 ай бұрын
This has been discussed to death on Reddit. Although the silver could possibly do with an increase, changing the BR system would lead to everyone fighting bots again. There were 6 campaigns with 2 sides each = 12 separate queues. They reduced it down to 8 (2BR brackets X the 4 nations = 8 queues.) Add another BR bracket, and you're back up to 12 separate queues again. We don't have a big enough player-base to support that.
@Dregomz02 4 ай бұрын
You are already fighting bots as the us br4-5 vs JP br4-5 and sometimes ger is also bot at same br. With steam population boost we will def have ppl to fill more ques
@N8_DoubleYou 4 ай бұрын
@@Dregomz02 Look, I don't doubt Steam will bring more eyeballs to the game, but it isn't as though it's a new platform. It's been available on PC since day 1. You admit there is already a problem with bots but think somehow adding steam will compensate for fracturing the player-base by another 50%. You would need to grow the player-base by MORE than 50% to have 3 BR brackets and have fewer bots in games than there are currently. I'm just skeptical steam will add that many new players. (12-8/8= 0.5x100=50%)
@NapoleontheLesser 4 ай бұрын
I actively ignore any bs that comes from reddit.
@stevecaponio4484 4 ай бұрын
I keep all my stuff at br2. It's the funnest spot for me.
@debayanghatak1521 4 ай бұрын
I think this might sound like a 'minor' QoL issue but the customization system needs to be fixed big time. They should make it summer, winter, forest/tropical, desert and urban (from the confusing system that we have now) and streamline all the missing pieces scattered here and there. Plus, half the time they end up replacing one piece of customization with the other (after a small patch/update) making the buyers regret their purchase. I don't get it why they don't get the time to dedicatedly focus on this niche issue granted it can be such an important source of revenue for them once the game hits Steam.
@DarthTelos 4 ай бұрын
The BR V Germans being split between the two fronts is an interesting reflection of the fact that WWII actually happened that way
@ace98curtiss 4 ай бұрын
The change in average queue wait times when they removed the campaigns was negligible to begin with. That shouldn't dissuade them from adding a queue to rejuvenate BR3. It's irritating because I actually used to main the M4A2(campaign era)purely for its agility and the memes of crapping on superior german tanks, and I could get by because picking it had zero effect on the competency of my team. Now if I take it out in a BR3 lineup, I'm still faced with the challenge of out-dueling top tier tanks, while now ALSO being handed less experienced teammates on average. The 1 up, 1 down, BR queuing wouldn't be perfect, but it's as good as it can get imo.
@kubikcz7501 4 ай бұрын
As a new player (F2P) the silver economy absolutely sucks because you are not getting enough silver per game and it's extreme grind just to get basic stuff as grenades, mines, pouches ... not talking about the soldier and vehicle prices :D :D Can't imagine how much time it would take to open and buy every weapon/soldier/vehicle for each fraction.. Maybe like 2 years? With getting 1st place on team with perfect score and stuff :D BR is even more stupid since it's literally broken (doesn't work) since you get even higher people then BR 3 into low tier games (people running around with Thompsons and Flamethrowers in my BR1 game :D really annoying when you have just bolt rifles and some SMGs) BTW Thanks for your videos and tips it's great that somebody actually explains the game since the game doesn't really help you :D Got 80%+ win rate thanks to you after a week of playing :D
@Dregomz02 4 ай бұрын
When they are going to expand and add new factions like France it will get even worse
@Mapasheeto_ 4 ай бұрын
You cant get ppl using weapons/vehicles over BR 3 if you are using just BR 1. Every nation first Flamethrower is BR3, also both M1A1 Thompson and the M1928A1 Thompson are BR 3, also the BSA 1929, USMC and the Hyde Thompsons "premiums"/golden order are BR 2.
@ADB_UWIM_2807 4 ай бұрын
Wrong. In my BR 1 and 2 games I've encountered Panzer IV/70s and Calliopies ​as vehicles Ju 88 and P 47s as aircraft mg42s heavy mortars etc. All of those are BR IV & V@@Mapasheeto_
@mrsanatra1 4 ай бұрын
I started playing this game a year and a few months ago, it took me 1 yr to level up america, then a few months for the germans before this BR update. (Im also F2P) i feel so bad for you new players, this game was easier to navigate before since you could pick the campaign you liked and learned it better as well we didnt have BR so you could use all weapons mostly on all maps. Now its a sh*tshow in my opinion
@Mapasheeto_ 4 ай бұрын
@@ADB_UWIM_2807 You must have something BR 3 in your line up and you havent noticed. Ive played around 250-300 matches at BR 2 and have never found anything over BR 3 in any of my matches.
@antonfelice5284 4 ай бұрын
1 thing annoying issue is the kill cam or revealing the enemy after you got shot, as a reconnaissance player, i find it frustrating getting in a better hiding spot.
@quiteindeed6809 4 ай бұрын
Silver gain and stomp matches are major problems. I remember doing some calculations for the bare minimum loadout for BR 1/2 and finding that a free player would have to play 5 matches every day for about two months or more just to fully equip all of their soldiers with TNT/grenades/backpacks/pouches for just one faction. I wouldn't want to invest in that sort of grind either. Stomp matches are what I assume happen when low server population combine with mega sweats or people playing together. Akin to old Tunisia allies or Axis Berlin matches, utterly unplayable for the bottom 5 players on one side because there is nothing for them to do, and utterly unplayable for the enemy team as they can't live long enough to do anything. These matches typically boil down to one team leaving or just rotating vehicles and spamming sniper and mortar squads. At least you can do something without draining tickets that way.
@jonathanfabela739 4 ай бұрын
1. A barrier to stop attackers from advancing beyond the objective. If they do times six damage is done to them. 2. Maybe a pve for new players to grind Weather (like blizzards, sandstorms and thick fog to the point where you can barely see anyone a few feet from you.) 3. New mods
@privateytaccount1991 4 ай бұрын
The weather and pve sound cool
@ryanmichael74 4 ай бұрын
Great video you nailed the most important issues. One thing I hope for is enlisted to do some polishing and fine tuning I feel like there’s a lot of little things that need improvement.
@LobsterDado 4 ай бұрын
the points you covered were good, I hope they fix these things another suggestion I have is further improving the AI
@nikribg 4 ай бұрын
I couldn't agree more. I really like the game and I've been playing it like crazy but as soon as I equip a BR III rifle with 10 more firing rate (currently as a Soviet) I get smacked with Tigers and Stg 44s so I just ended up maxing all soldiers and am playing only in BR II. It's pointless to say it gets boring as heck to grind to unlock new weapons for hours and hours on and not being able to try them on. And even if I decide to equip one I'm broke and couldn't afford to equip my squads properly to be even remotely competitive to BR V players. I feel like soon I'm uninstalling Enlisted unless something changes.
@ADB_UWIM_2807 4 ай бұрын
I have come to repeat my call for event squads/vehicles and weapons. For them to be either: periodically added to the shop for high silver; periodic event to earn event tickets to unlock them (even if you can only get say 2 for squads and 4 for weapons); or adding them to the tech tree. Imagine as a new or steam f2p player getting stomped by paras and you can never unlock them via grinding. Or never getting real APCs through the current event (what we have in the tech tree now are transports not true APCs).
@thomasgarza9304 4 ай бұрын
Totally agree. There's plenty of amazing things about Enlisted as well as glaring flaws. However, three year veteran of this game and I absolutely agree with Quadro. The new silver system is a literal hole you dig yourself into. Bronze and Silver tickets seemed to go quite a bit further in the "old" economy. The battle rating ended up being a total nightmare for both new and experienced players. My friend who got me into this game is a day one player, and his experience now is that every match victory comes down to him scoring at least eight thousand points. It's an extremely rare scenario, I'm sure, but my friend genuinely starts to feel bad about how much he can actually bully his opponents. Again, he is a day one player and I'm sure that is quite rare but with the current matchmaking system, he cannot be stopped.
@Yo_67 4 ай бұрын
Definitely agree with all of these, especially the BR 3 problem. I personnally refuse to play BR 3 because it's either an uptier, and you get stomped, or a downtier, and you stomp. This just makes for pretty awful games, and since all BR 3 weapons are outclassed by tier 4 and 5, I almost never get to use them.
@EZIPZ_ 4 ай бұрын
honestly playing tier 5 is Russian roulette, in this case it applies whoever has more tier 5 players wins, literally most of the games I have played as a German, my team ends up crushing the enemy, especially if it is against the Soviets
@anguswilliam2141 4 ай бұрын
I have my troops set to BR2 so I don't get upranked to face BR5 because it's not worth upranking classes when most troops still have BR123 gear. I still think the old system was better. The matches ran better for some reason BR5 gear was fairly rare. Now it's a rush a lot of the time. It does feel a little more like CoD which is not a good thing with all those run and gun play styles coming in. I have not seen some maps since the update as well. The train heist is one I don't see any more, for some reason.
@rck60s 4 ай бұрын
I have stopped playing BR3 as it is really a disadvantage due to the total inbalance.Your suggestion is good but I would rather see 1-2, 3 by itself and then 4-5..That way players that make it to 3 can be assured even battles and maybe better maps to play on..I am really tired of only playing on Moscow as a Russian player playing BR 2
@olekzajac5948 4 ай бұрын
6:08 The only reasonable solution to that is implementing a simple +1/-1 matchmaking with the following brackets: - BR I-II - BR II-III - BR III-IV - BR IV-V This way every BR can be up-tiered and down-tiered and we don't have to ruin the Japanese faction by adding the unnecessary BR V to it. And no, the devs' excuse of choice - "splitting the playerbase", doesn't matter here in the same exact way that it doesn't matter when discussing BR decompression in War Thunder. The players are willing to wait longer if the game is good, and the playerbase will eventually grow big enough to shorten the queue times.
@snoopie2253 4 ай бұрын
The silver economy lowkey doesn't make me want to research further since I won't have access to fully equip my soldiers if I'm starting out. The BR system would be fixed if they just separate BR V into its own hell hole, while BR III and BR IV are lumped together. That way even BR III tanks or weapons can still feel effective.
@Justjay965 4 ай бұрын
Also if your enemy has Soviet players with kv1 then you can't do anything to them because German always get new or noob players who won't build who won't hold a point if there a multiple points to capture because they think they will make it big if they run around between points Plus got damm Soviet tanks you need a perfect throw right on top of a tank to blow them and don't even try to hit them with br 2 tanks cause if you missed first side shot oh then it's over Also I mainly play br2 as I have yet build up silver to progress past br2 tech and procurement of supplies haha
@TonyGonzales2 4 ай бұрын
That’s more of a German main problem. Despite having the most OP tank, the Tiger, lots of laser beam STGs, FG-42’s, MG-42’s, and an OP AT rocket launcher at early BRs, the teammates can suck so much and still lose.
@darkosphere3252 4 ай бұрын
@@TonyGonzales2mp40 is also godly and early.
@Justjay965 4 ай бұрын
@@darkosphere3252 I won't say godly at distance you barely able to chain 2 kills
@Justjay965 4 ай бұрын
@@TonyGonzales2 because early br you don't have much op stuff it is situated at the end
@jamesbrown9209 4 ай бұрын
Don't like the new update. Graphics is better but gameplay is to speedy almost like call of duty.
@blacktemplar7102 4 ай бұрын
a good balance would be that every tier can get matched 1 up and down. Match with 1: 1-2 tier, 2: wiht tier 1-3, 3: from 2-4 and 4: from 3-5 and tier 5 lineups only can meet Tier 4-5 enemys. on this way you can get up and downtiers how are still balanced but more important you dont need to fight shit like paratroopers and ather unbalanced stuff...
@ADB_UWIM_2807 4 ай бұрын
Paras unplanned. See cuz of Enlisted's shit event only classes for F2P players most my paras are BR 1 or 2 and the weapons drops are equally BR or 2😂. There are free high BR paras but given they are event only not every one unlocked em. I know people with no paras cuz they missed events
@smallebige 4 ай бұрын
Tbh I would like they give us more silver Also I think there should be a help tab or a non optional tutorial explaining how the br system works a game like enlisted requires something like this
@jonsmith430 3 ай бұрын
Honestly JUST some sort of change the BR alone would make the game more enjoyable. Ngl, haven’t played much since the merge happened solely because the only real BR options are 2 and 5 if you want something close to balance on both sides. I don’t wanna play 5 all the time cause it’s real sweaty and I don’t wanna play only BR2 because its not varied enough in general gameplay. Real shame cause it’s such a fun game on the surface but I said if anything burns me out after the merge it would be the BR system, and I was correct unfortunately EDIT: also having the maps BR locked is another huge turn off. So when I do play, I’m playing exclusively Tunisia and Moscow (feels like 75/25 split tho) and I think that’s the true scandal post merge having 60-70% of the maps locked away
@tannertaylor9432 4 ай бұрын
I'm just tired of only getting Normandy maps regardless of what Br I play. Especially since they added it to BR I-III ques. Also they need an auto camouflage for tanks. Desert yellow grants and crusaders are always at a disadvantage on Norman maps, and grey German tanks are always at a disadvantage in Tunisia
@BillA-ew9yi 22 күн бұрын
Personally, I think the tiers should be +1/-1. So 1 can play 1or 2. 2 can play against 1 or 3, 3 vs 2 or 4, etc. I am fine with being a 3 and going up against a 4, I can hold my own and im not totally outclassed. And if Im put in against 2s, neither are they. If you do it your way, no one will play 2 or 4, theyll just all equip the higher tier gear and call it a day. a +1/-1 will actually encourage people to play at all tiers.
@Elinshir 4 ай бұрын
I've been playing for a long time now... Ya I've had a few friends quit when they got too br3, going up against br5 equipment is rough especially since you're average player won't have maxed out every soldiers gear when they're forced into the next teir lol Also ya Germany has been rough to play as... The 3 way tier split you mentioned would solve quite a bit of frustration for newer players imo
@nickjohnson4741 4 ай бұрын
The issues should've been fix before the merger..
@kaze6813 4 ай бұрын
I think BR3 should be in middle (not randomly facing BR 1-2 or BR 4-5)
@odd-ysseusdoesstuff6347 4 ай бұрын
I’d also like a little bit of suppression when being shot at or shooting the enemy, similar to HLL, it would be cool if we have them as an actual game mechanic cuz the machine guns rn are currently glorified assault rifles lmao
@gonkhoasteau2691 4 ай бұрын
I love your BR idea, 100%
@EclipseZer0 4 ай бұрын
I come late, but I just want to say I agree with everything you said, except the proposed BR brackets. BR5 would be filled with more bots, and BR1 and 3 would always be bad and pointless. Each BR must have a chance to uptier and downtier in order to not be "abandoned" due to "feeling useless". I'd much rather see BR1-2, 2-3-4, and 4-5 brackets. And eventually if the playerbase grows that BR2-3-4 would be split into BR2-3 and 3-4.
@RemedyOne 4 ай бұрын
Fixing the BR3 with its own queue sounds like a good idea BUT we don't know why devs went with this kind of setup and we don't have the data on player counts on all BR tiers to know whether separating BR3 will go counter the whole idea of what combining the campaigns was supposed to accomplish. We have to look at player counts at each BR level and how matchmaking distributes those players for each match for you suggestion to make sense. I think BR3 works as a "player numbers filler" to fill the "gaps" of player ratios in other two queues. So if you look at it from this perspective, making changes would be detrimental.
@qiaonasen3559 4 ай бұрын
Yes i think what you said should be fixed and sorted out before the steam release. If they don´t do it then negative reviews will appear on steam but that could also mean that they would have a more push from the community to patch these fixes out. Tier 1 should only play tier 1 and BR 2 and 3 should play in the same match just as tier 4 and 5 could be in their own category and after Enlisted have grown with a steady increase from steam then i think tier 5 vs tier 5 is more of an option. Also i am quite new to enlisted and have mostly tier 3 and 4 for all factions
@dirtyskieschemifornia3091 4 ай бұрын
It is frustrating a bit. I unlocked the crusader, but couldn't get it without hours more play time. And equipping a new squad costs more than it seems they should. No doubt intentionally so u get premium...
@arijevacgaming921 4 ай бұрын
They need to bring back Lonefighter's official, as quite a lot of ppl prefer that over squads... And i hope they will do that when they release the game on steam.
@michallv 4 ай бұрын
Yeah I don't envy new players from the perspective of silver economy. My largest issue are some matches where the US seems to have P-51 and P-38 on every player and I just can't find a good counter. My one plane is at a huge disadvantage in any fight and the engineer AA sucks. Also the rockets seem to do more damage than a 250kg bomb. Germany sure has a better tank, so much so that it feels too dirty to play for me in most matches but then one good run with the P-38 and even it turns useless. All that would be fine if there was any way to take those planes down.
@ValiduzZ 4 ай бұрын
Its like... Almost this was a good idéa from the start??? Its almost like... WarThunder did the "not on steam but oh shit we need the playerbase on steam." thing first and it turned out fantstic? Its almost like they should have listened to CC's? #Shocked.
@hughjanus8126 4 ай бұрын
For instance, playing at like tier 2 I think all my allied squads are rated at 2, but if I equipped one machine gunner in 1 squad with a BAR it bumps me up to 3? Makes no sense
@wuzze8312 4 ай бұрын
As a germany main, i hate loading up a normandy map at tier 5. I honestly always expect a loss. Won my last normandy map, but it was a sweatfest, last obj with 0 tickets, sitting around 300 tickets for the last 3 objs. i think that vehicle kills are very rewarding, however i had 4.5 zone capture score with 150ish kills, most of them objective attack kills. Got second place to a dude with 0 capture score 90 kills and 12 vehicle kills. Not gonna lie its a bittersweet win.
@gravitatemortuus1080 4 ай бұрын
It's been brutal. My win rates in Germany are way down. I swear one battle in a tier 5 several on my team had bolt rifles. Not sure if this is supposed to be possible, but they were there. Problem is allies o seem to have more tier 5 on their team in most battles. My battles vs the soviets is mixed bag but sometimes a win.
@whiplash8277 4 ай бұрын
Agree totally about BR. As for Silver, I wouldn't complain about more, but it doesn't seem something critical in my mind. Dev's should also create a "slot" where after we completely outfit all BR squads of any level, we can save them with all the squads at that BR. Would make going from playing one BR level to another BR level as quick as making one selection that places all the squads you have set to use at your chosen BR, instead of having to wade thru the long list of squads to gather all your squads together.
@HeyQuadro 4 ай бұрын
errr youre explaining the preset system thats already in game :)
@whiplash8277 4 ай бұрын
@@HeyQuadro- Could you explain how to access this system? When I go to change BR's I have to manually pick each squad I want every single time. I've not found any preset with all my squads bundled - squads I've already put together at that specific BR, so I guess I'm missing something, cause when I go into my squad list I have to search for each type of squad I want. I was referring to a system where if I have 7 squads at BR5 for Germans, inf, eng, assault, tank, attack, fighter, anti-tank..., they are all still associated with each other so when I "click" a 'button", the German BR5 squads I previously assembled are then reassembled automatically, as I previously had already bundled those squads together. As I stated, it takes awhile to wade thru every German assault squad I have - all BR's are in the same list and I have to then go look at each squad to see which BR5 assault squad I desire for the upcoming map. I must be dense I you're informing me the current game already has this feature? Where might my dumb ass find it? If I find such a thing already exists, I'll hit ya back acknowledging my error.
@HeyQuadro 4 ай бұрын
@@whiplash8277 I have a video on it. I'm not at home right now so I can't link it but its called like "Enlisted Presets" or something
@hellsraider7746 4 ай бұрын
thanks Quadro and yeah the silver economy is terrible for new players, having to grind out research on a tank or plane and then have to buy it with silver? You don't get enough silver to do this as a new player. Br system does need a fix, still getting my br2 germans in br5 matches. I play cross platforms now because console only is dead, console player base has dropped off alot since the merge, going by the 4 enlisted ps chats I was a part of that were maxed out at 100 players in each, now less than 20 in each with only 1-3 players online at any time. I really hope the steam listing brings alot of new players to the game and keeps them, enlisted is a really fun game.
@user-ix6ri9vl1p 4 ай бұрын
3 other problems: 1 - kill cam is garbage. 2 - render distance when on planes is super low. 3 - tanks driving on terrein like a weeled viecles, they stuck even on a small pice of junk.
@cowterminator 4 ай бұрын
ive been looking and i might be wrong, but how can you tell what teir match youre actually in? it will say I-III when i press battle but how do we tell in game? Thanks
@power50001562 4 ай бұрын
By the weapons on the kill feed, you can tell what people have in their loadouts
@buddyboy7276 4 ай бұрын
I think the way to fix the BR is the game still have up and down but only with 2 BRs For example BR4 can have a game with BR 3 or 5 but only one at a time. The game will aither be 3/4 or 4/5. So BR 1 will always get games with BB2 but some BR2 players will have a game where its BR2/3
@cameronpatton8243 4 ай бұрын
yes and no i think it should be br 2/3 and br 3/4 that way its keeping the extremly high players away from tier 3 and extremly low players away from br 3
@naterbertue9273 4 ай бұрын
oh i had no idea it was coming to steam, was convinced it would stay on the launcher forever. i know the game will have negative reviews. You can spend alot of money on troops that may seem pay to win. nonetheless I like the game i really do and i have not spent a cent and ive been grinding it out super fun to set my advanced research grinding it out setting up troops.
@saika4043 4 ай бұрын
they definitely need to get rid of skill resetting costing silver, i came back to the game after a 1 year break and started with 200k silver.. 1 week later i am down to 60k after reskilling 3 whole nations and its outrageous. You shouldnt make buildcrafting cost currency, basically punishing players for experimenting with skills to find out what fits them best, its objectively bad and there is no arguement speaking for this.
@Arystanbek98 4 ай бұрын
It needs way less micro transactions Like I have completed several assignments to get silver, but I can't claim all the rewards in a single go without battle pass It literally tells me to come back tomorrow
@nunya8412 3 ай бұрын
honestly, the most egregious thing to me is mobile game ui they have. i think most new players are going to instantly be turned off by the shitty menu within menu system, the pop ups, etc. nothing is coherent and its just confusing and cheesy looking for no reason. dates the whole game and makes it look bad. i dont think most people will even get far enough to feel the crazy silver restrictions.
@helevu9162 4 ай бұрын
br 1 players being pushed up to 3 is pretty miserable tbh
@slick_96 4 ай бұрын
I don't like having maps locked off based on battle rating
@ADB_UWIM_2807 4 ай бұрын
I'm gonna feel it when Japan goes BR V. Since its gonna be 3-5 weapons and 4-5 vehicles (2 aircraft and 3 tanks) at least initially since they hardly ever realse that muchbfor a single faction. So what you'll have is Japan with a few BR V weapons and a few items/vehicles in mostly BR IV linups going against Normandy sweat farms. Even the current choice of BR IV veichles for japan is questionable as the allies have better options and Darkflow is going out of their way to give shit aircraft (compare the bombersband heavy fighters available for the period versus what we acc got). P-38s start in the air and can take out easily any BR IV Japanese aircraft just taking off.
@oliverpunter9025 4 ай бұрын
Quadro you should try out Japan again. The imbalance between the br2/br3 is crazy. Japan seems to be on defense 9/10 of games, do you know why?
@olekzajac5948 4 ай бұрын
If it was 1/10 battles I'd be happy, it's more like 1/20 or 30 battles for me... The main issue with Japan right now (besides the devs wanting to ruin it by adding tier V) is that their tanks are artificially up-tiered. The Ho-Ni III should be at tier II, the Chi-Nu and Na-To at tier III and the tier IV should see the addition of the Chi-To and (optionally) Chi-Ri. Then Japan would have something comparable to the Shermans (the Chi-Nu) but actually at their BR instead of a BR higher.
@oliverpunter9025 4 ай бұрын
​@@olekzajac5948I'm definitely behind this idea!!
How long enlisted release on steam and what is means Q1?
@JohnDoe-cz5yz 4 ай бұрын
BR 1-2 uptier is manageable IMO, the worst thing are higher BR tanks. But playing BR 3 with with BR 5 crowd is like playing a different game. The one I don't like.
@thomaspeters846 4 ай бұрын
I made a post about exactly the issue of BR3. Thank you
@bluestraveler2980 4 ай бұрын
Make sure that the game is on a SSD and not a HDD or you will get massive load-in lag up to a minute .
@Dsaberz 4 ай бұрын
I stopped playing BR 3 above and stuck to BR 2 because it's the most fun I had.
@mimodesu7689 4 ай бұрын
just recently started the mm is just bad i dont understand how im supposed to fight BR 3 with my BR1
@DarthTelos 4 ай бұрын
Personally I’ve always felt the HUD looks like work in progress or placeholder.
@matsdeneire7195 4 ай бұрын
im currently playing germany but im not really an expert in this game, would you reccomend me to play mostly tank or plane? if so what tank or plane would be best to go for?
@stevepirie8130 4 ай бұрын
The first 109 at BR I was great for me as it can shoot down BR III planes. Certainly made getting the IAR plane easy. That plane is amazing btw. I’ve gone for planes and only researching tanks for now until I get a decent tank unlocked. Your problem with early tanks is they’re wafer thin armour. Same for Japan, I’ve just unlocked the Zero and it’s a beast in the sky out turning everything. Their tanks are open topped allowing crews to be sniped. Just my preference mind you. Maybe you like tanking.
@ihatehandleupdate 4 ай бұрын
If you really have to choose I think planes are better, because they can kill both tanks, infantry and other planes and they arrive at the battlefield faster than tanks do.
@jkjkrandom 4 ай бұрын
I'd recommend which ever you feel is more fun but do do get the better planes faster, the tanks aren't really good until the pz. IIIj1 or the puma which ever comes first in the tech tree. Though the pz IV n is one of the best br 2 tanks The planes on the other hand get a bf109 right away and the IAR is a really good plane, if you like bombers there's also all the ju 87s that are very good
@sadstormtrooper8826 4 ай бұрын
Planes are great in the hands of even a half decent pilot but you shouldn’t stay in the sky the whole game. They’re good at clearing objectives and destroying tanks, but you can’t capture or hold an objective from a plane. Tanks can also be super powerful when positioned correctly and good HE placement will always get results, but have the same problem of not being able to capture or hold objectives. Both are powerful in the right hands just in different ways. Just try not to sit in them all game or at least build a rally before you do. My personal preference is tanks as I find planes difficult to use. The Pz 3 N is great at low br and the tiger 2 H is king of high br.
@oblockobama2682 4 ай бұрын
they need to give console players full mouse and keyboard support if they actually want them to have a chance against pc players. I’ve played both and the difference is night and day. controllers are not only more clunky but you don’t even have enough binds to effectively command ai or use stabilizers in tanks. I imagine this would also help queue times and fill lobbies with actual players and not bots
@SirJohannRoyale 4 ай бұрын
😳 someone need to get better 😅
@wangl601 4 ай бұрын
Oh?!!!! Gaijin, you do know that you can not "premoderate" comments on steam and remember what happened about half a year ago? Now you know what to do, fix your game, HARD
@thatoneguy-qw6jj 4 ай бұрын
Funny story me and a buddy accidentally ended up in a br 5 battle with br 2 teams because I forgot to remove a br3 rifle off an enginer (we won but it was extremely close lol)
@nickmcgookin247 4 ай бұрын
Why have a br 2 weapons in ter 3 of tech tree
@alundra009 4 ай бұрын
Im all in your suggestions
@slumphub 4 ай бұрын
Why has the apc event reset the past 3 days i had 17k got off was gonna finish the next day then it was at 1k now its at 20k i could of got 3 points but now i only got 1
@gravitatemortuus1080 4 ай бұрын
Playing Germany has not been fun lately. I will look over and several squads in a tier 5 game have bolt rifles. It's usually not pretty. Not saying all games but more than I like for sure.
@panchivoro 4 ай бұрын
between cheaters, gaijin greediness, and the infinite amount of grind, i cant see this having a good reception in steam
@jonathanbourke305 4 ай бұрын
You got one thing really wrong about the statement of (paraphrsed) "BR III players stopming BR I players due to downtier." This only happens IF AND ONLY IF your team has any idea what is going on. I don't care what weapons/gear I have over BRI/II players; if my team is noob and the enemy isn't, we lose. The TRUE gap in this game isn't BR equipment, its time played.
@HeyQuadro 4 ай бұрын
well, sure, but we can't account for skill unless we implement SBMM, which IMO is not a good idea for a game like Enlisted
@CubeInspector 4 ай бұрын
I quit enlisted bc of being put in with br3 spawn campers 3 games in a row.
@ihatehandleupdate 4 ай бұрын
I really feel like that at this current time, the merge just made the game worse than it was. Sure, it might have some improvements, but the silver system and the new BRs just completely f'd the game. You find so many unpolished bs in this current version of the game, that if you aren't a veteran and didn't get used to it just looks very amateur and trashy. Robot-like animations, steering wheels fixed in place, MGs with infinite ammo etc etc. Not to mention the historical accuracy that just might as well not exist. Moroccans in Normandy, italians in Stalingrad fighting alongside the Volksturm against the Soviets with weapons that are almost post war and weren't even close to entering WW2 service, half of Japan having paper weapons and not even scratching BR V, a load of inaccurate uniforms and a lot of out of place equipment and tanks. If that guy who does the innacuracy count with the CoD games were to do Enlisted, he would be dead by the end of the video. I'm not saying everything should be 100% accurate, but at least some of the issues would be nice to be fixed.
@anguswilliam2141 4 ай бұрын
It seemed way more accurate historically before the update. I hope they haven't irreparably ruined it.
@LanceDay-md3ob 4 ай бұрын
in real life the german sometimes would be out numbered 10 to 1 with old men and teenagers vs 1000 soveit artillery guns per mile on the other hand the soveit life expectancy for a private in stalingrad was only 24 hours yikes 😮
@Volpeusz 4 ай бұрын
i simply loose money by just buying new weapons even if i sell worse soldiers from lower tier. new player have almost no way to have money to buy stuff, new players will faster research rank v than buy rank 4 weapons for everyone, not mentioning soldiers from top tier. he works weird, the best it works when you hit someone directly, like with is 2 it can kill 15 people instantly, but if i hit the ground with he 2m frome someone its a miracle if 3 people die, its so bullshit, even if he in this game are very fun then things like that makes it suck a bit. also there is no reason to play anything than tier 3 on downtier or tier 5 because one way or another you get fucked, like i went tier 2 and i need to sweat worse than on tier 5 because i get put in stalingrad in berlin 6 times in a row, isnt that fun
@Francisco-ow6bl 4 ай бұрын
Campaign system was leagues better. I used to play many campaigns, no I only play Normandy tier 5
@WsuxYT 4 ай бұрын
The battles should be Br 1 - 2 then Br 3 Br 4 and finally Br V them alone...
@MrBalrogos 4 ай бұрын
1. no ablitty to use bipods 2. Brace works bad canot aim down 3. Tannk Hull mg dont work 4. Why M2 Carbine is not an assault weapon like STG44 in Nazi?? 5. Garannd too much smokee cannott see target 6. why no Tunisia for BR5???? 7. Pershing taank where? 8. US AT weapons where? 9. US APC where? 10. No airplaes couter exceptt otter plane but its limited to 1 slot 11. MGMC is dogshitt AA vehicle 12. Allied vs Ussr campain where? like polish fghtt vs soviets for example i Grodno 13. Allied other campains wwhere? like monte casino
@MrBalrogos 4 ай бұрын
Normandy city maps where?
@ST0NERSWRLD 4 ай бұрын
quad thanks for adding me kill myself lol man that’s some content , keep up the vids man ima keep showing love!
@RichardinSiam 4 ай бұрын
I hate the silver system. Seems like things cost more.
@HeyQuadro 4 ай бұрын
they actually cost quite a lot less than before! But its an experience thing so youre not alone in feeling that way.
@RichardinSiam 4 ай бұрын
Great channel when I left HnG to play Enlisted you were the best information. I think it costs more, I have ground almost all of US, Germany and Russia some of those upgrade costs are insane. The BR3 thing was useful to know. I play 3 for map selection but Germany gets stomped at BR3. @@HeyQuadro
@josephneider7332 4 ай бұрын
warthunder problems be like...
@ostrobogulousgaming 4 ай бұрын
I think 1 kill should give at least 100 silver and 0.01 Gold so u can actually earn from kills and build up gold just by getting kills.🎉
@SirJohannRoyale 4 ай бұрын
are you a hunt showdown player?
@ostrobogulousgaming 4 ай бұрын
@SirJohannRoyale actually never played it. Why is there someone with my name?
@SteelBrandon 4 ай бұрын
Their solution, spend more money on silver.
@Sheriff0108 4 ай бұрын
I'm a new player (with some experience back in the day, but not much) and while your matchmaking for BR 1-2, 3-4 and 5 is better than the current one it's still not good enough because I don't see a reason to actually use anything from BR 3 in that case (same for BR 1, but it's what you start with anyway). I think it's pretty simple that BR matchmaking should work basically similar to war thunder system with a some +-BR matchmaking and while here it's only 5 total BR it's just +-1. Meaning on any BR you can be matched with players only one BR higher or one BR lower. Meaning that for example on BR3 you play a match with either BR2 and BR3 players or BR3 and BR4. Of cause the player numbers might be a problem here since it's obviously not very popular, at least now, but it's something that Steam release possibly will help and keep these players playing instead of abandoning the game after a few because they get obliterated by better equipped veterans and leaving negative reviews like you said. PS There is no point in playing at BR4 right now, right? If you will play against BR5 anyway...
@power50001562 4 ай бұрын
The point is that it incentivizes you to get to the next tier in order to fight back
@Sheriff0108 4 ай бұрын
@@power50001562 More like just skip that BR entirely and only change your equipment when you have BR5 stuff. Can't see myself spending quite a lot of silver just to try things out knowing there always be better stuff in the same match
@user-wt3vo8sw2e 4 ай бұрын
The 2 bracket pseudo BR+-2 system we currently have isn't great, but restricting it to 1-2, 3-4 and 5 limits the variety of battles way too much (2-3 ?). And BR5 on it's own??? That's Counter Strike with extra steps… IF i wanted to fight hordes of AR's enlisted would be the last game i would look for that… An uptier-downtier system by definition places you in a position where you are NOT at the same power level as your allies/opponents. That's the point of it. Fighting the same things over and over again is boring and the stomp matches you talk about are caused by the BR imbalance between the teams, not by BR3 not beeng competitive at BR5 matches. What you sxpect to happen when you (the matchmaker) let one team have 7+ BR5 AR spammers and the other is consisting of majority BR3 ??????? That's the problem here. My solution would be decompressiob with BR6 and a true BR+-2 system similar to war thunder's BR+-3 system. With that, we will get 4 interlocking BR brackets: 1-2-3, 2-3-4, 2-3-4, 4-5-6, and we can have BR+-1 battles when a BR is overcrouded. (we need limits to the number of players at the top BR of all battles) With that, you can seperate Assault rifles from smg's and rearrange the tanks to have for example Pz. IV J at BR4 (maybe, the russian 45mm doesn't struggle to kill it (the Sherman struggles more with solid AP)), Panther at BR5 and Tiger II (H) at BR6. Anyways,.. i talked about this even before the BR system was even implimented, and the forum feels like i am screaming into the void. Let's see when DarkFlow will ever fix any of this… (and when someone suggests anything else than restricking the BR brackets and eliminating uptiers-downtiers completely…)
@circle8810 4 ай бұрын
lets hope they do that
@kiwirambob 4 ай бұрын
Ping is to high & Laggie for OS players ... if $aijin is involved , that means its a Dollar game , Not paying for high ping & Lag + P/L , Dont be a fool & add $$ to this game
@marclrx2495 4 ай бұрын
disagree totaly br 3 is amazing it's balanced in a cool way also we need soviet vs japan maps
@clarkkent2047 4 ай бұрын
Until your facing kv 1s as br 2 germany those things are borderline invincible
@thugnastyx1 4 ай бұрын
@@clarkkent2047same could be said with t60s against pz4js.
@marclrx2495 4 ай бұрын
@@clarkkent2047 a well placed explosive pack or 10 will kill it ... eventualy
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