These Stats DON'T MATTER

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@PAZswagger 2 жыл бұрын
Hopefully this clears up the air on the topic. At the end of the day, you need to improve. Instead of looking at only your stats, make sure you look through your replays as well!
@overwhelmed2879 2 жыл бұрын
I like the music.
@overwhelmed2879 2 жыл бұрын
Accuracy is my most valued stat.
@kaoslim Жыл бұрын
Are you the guy that said “play the way that works for you and gets you wins and ignore the haters” ?? I’m paraphrasing
@semisolaire5866 2 жыл бұрын
I had an example for this the other day. My Lucio basically just camped a spot where he could boop people off the map, and successfully took control of half the map forcing everyone into a bad choke point or risk being in a montage
@Brandon-sc3rz 2 жыл бұрын
fear of the boop does more damage than the boop itself
@fizzymilk2528 2 жыл бұрын
Thats awesome could you share the spot
@Jyeoi 2 жыл бұрын
The really stupid thing is, pll keep going to the same spot where they get killed, shot up, choked up... I mean dont they learn? Theres always another route....
@THE_MOONMAN 2 жыл бұрын
@@Brandon-sc3rz yesss this is why I play him. I used to always do zen for range or Lucio if it's close engagements. Now I usually swap zen for kiriko but ye. People really do fear boops
@gwynbleidd8723 2 жыл бұрын
this dude was probably me, having fun with Lucio but always stressed to be banned for spawn camping enemies (yes you can be banned, no matter the reason, just need numerous bans, so against squads it can be a lot very quickly. happened to me once or twice )
@SuperScopeRawks 2 жыл бұрын
Many low rank people think having a high healing stat is good, but it really just means your team is taking way to much damage.
@skindred1888 2 жыл бұрын
In the lower honestly is pretty shit for supports. Because your tank and DPS play such bad spend all game healing them with slim windows to actually attack the enemy.
@Seraph_op 2 жыл бұрын
I would say that Players saved is important even though only you see it. 20.000 heals don't matter if everyone keeps dying, amount isn't the only thing timing also matters and I see a lot of Supports with very little awareness or bad reaction time. One number can't tell a whole story.
@KcGanjaBoy 2 жыл бұрын
This was my game the other day. I had bap on team that played like merci. When he was told to just swap to merci if he just heal and don't do anything else, got offended and swap to zen and go mele enemy rein
@Seraph_op 2 жыл бұрын
@@KcGanjaBoy zen can bully rein with melee when done properly
@THE_MOONMAN 2 жыл бұрын
Literally why I have a hard time climbing as support. Every other role it's so easy to climb. But support I placed and am now STUCK in gold
@Akinon93 2 жыл бұрын
The amount of times I've been called bad for having relatively low healing is insane. Ignoring the loud af genji, reaper, or etc right behind us that my team never turns around to blast, so healer spends half the game dead
@deusvult6920 2 жыл бұрын
I had a dps on my team complain about never getting healed. I told him if he actually peeled when I asked even 1 of the 8 times I've died from their genji I'd be able to. Then he said I suck. So then I said well you won't be getting anymore heals
@dominikoza123 2 жыл бұрын
@@deusvult6920 rule 0: never piss off a healer/support in any game. Guess they forgot about it
@msacco01 2 жыл бұрын
You trash talk your support? And you ask why you are getting no heals or buffs. Karma
@kahssie 2 жыл бұрын
@@dominikoza123 its true! had a dva who decided to put themself in a tiny angled stairwell, no LOS, impossible to get closer without putting myself in line of fire and getting one shot as mercy, and our other supp was an ana which is even worse because she needs LoS to help. DVA never left that area until she died, immediately says "Gg no heals". did this the whole game, to the point where both ana and i blew up lol. How can you be so dense that when BOTH supports are telling you your positioning is bad, you cant accept it and adjust? Instead of spending your time trash talking your teammates with no logic. Blew my mind. "DVA is supposed to be aggressive!!" yes but being stationary on one spot even after you get low is not aggression, its foolishness 🤦‍♀ we both told our dps, we arent gonna support the tank, we just support them directly
@cynthiahembree3957 2 жыл бұрын
@@dominikoza123 so true applies to every game to
@AeneasMTG 2 жыл бұрын
I think things a lot of "streamers" and "pros" overlook is that you need to adapt to your rank. At lower ranks healing is important because your teammates don't use cover. You can't make them better, so you gotta do extra healing. Once you start moving up though, you need to focus more on being an actual support and getting those sleep darts, etc. Telling bronze players that healing doesn't matter is a recipe for disaster.
@cynthiahembree3957 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah the amount of times I’ve heard the it’s called support not healer argument when I’m low and standing right next to my support is astounding. Yes do other things like sleep darts, anti etc. but there is a time and place
@vladvlad2987 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed I play in low elos and which ever team gets the most heals always wins. If you heal more teammates can have bad positioning, bad aim, make mistakes, be bad and still not die making you win the game
@creeperstkoed6282 2 жыл бұрын
I disagree. Grandmaster players who do unranked to gm streams don't really change their playstyle that much. If you want to be gm, you have to play like one. An ana who plays like a healbot in bronze is leaving the game up to their teammates, but an Ana who is playing like a gm will both be able to accommodate their team's faults and have higher impact on the game by using utility properly.
@AeneasMTG 2 жыл бұрын
@@creeperstkoed6282 No one said to heal bot, my point was that you need to do more healing at low ELO cause ppl don't use cover. You can still take angles, do DPS and use skill shots as well as use cover yourself. But winning 1v5 isn't possible
@AeneasMTG 2 жыл бұрын
@@creeperstkoed6282 Also it's been confirmed that there is rank in the unranked queue, so they still get paired against high ELO players
@engineergaming3830 2 жыл бұрын
The feeling when enemies go out of their way to kill u as pharah but ur team suddently is hit with amnesia when the enemies have pharah
@michabodnar7739 2 жыл бұрын
Mfs going reaper genji into pharah and refuse to swap
@osen9881 2 жыл бұрын
Omg I always tell them to kill Pharah if I have a character that can't kill her
@klaps2463 2 жыл бұрын
@@osen9881 go bap or ana as support and Dva as tank
@sanddollar500 2 жыл бұрын
i swear as a mercy main i never get a pharah on my team but theres always a mercy pharah duo on the other team 😂
@raycutler2524 2 жыл бұрын
@@klaps2463 Mcree is also amazing with eliminating her
@dunce7373 2 жыл бұрын
I love getting flamed as Hanzo or Widow when I'm getting consistent picks on supports and DPS. "Look at your damage LOL!" Yeah, I should just pick reaper and pump shotguns into Orisa for 15k damage, that's how you win according to teammates.
@dunce7373 2 жыл бұрын
I know "impact damage/kills" is a bit of a meme but seriously, 2000 damage that's being put on a pocketed tank is not the same as 200 damage that kills a support or DPS.
@Pabsz 2 жыл бұрын
I didn’t really realize the importance of positioning as support until I started actually looking at how I was playing around our comp and the enemy comp. It definitely has helped a ton
@lincolnaszhal5527 2 жыл бұрын
Healing stats don’t matter because your teammates go upfront and die faster than you can heal 😂
@TheBumbles9 2 жыл бұрын
Face this problem all the time. They run around with no plan whatsoever or dive for the sake of diving only to get popped instantly. And then they say shit like “thanks” or “support diff” end game and what not and I gotta tell them that it doesn’t matter what I do I can’t save lost causes, and I can’t out-heal bad positioning.
@OatmealTheCrazy 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheBumbles9 "I'm not Mercy, I can't heal the dead"
@justinrivera7800 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah after healing for a while I was like hmm how can I take it to the next level…and man positioning was the way to go. Understanding the maps and playing at a set range is so beneficial. People are so worried about the win loss ratio but it’s definitively not just that.
@KoalityOW 2 жыл бұрын
You are the best at breaking down and digesting these topics. The way you can take a simple question, expand on how chaotic things -REALLY- are, then bring it back to simple is so effective. Definitely sending any new player asking these deep OW questions here. Easily Jayne level amazing educational content 👍🐨 ---side story--- Years ago I rang on a team with Paz last minute for a social tourney thing. I WAS A PLAT TORB MAIN. This mans knowledge and patience sticks with me to this day. Paz really is that guy both in game and in these videos ♥
@PAZswagger 2 жыл бұрын
KOALITY THE GOAT Thank you for your support all this time brother 🙏🙏🙏
@StocksNShares 2 жыл бұрын
Actual clean precise CORRECT information. Way to often videos like this are wrong. But you hit every nail on the head. Good job.
@PAZswagger 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you o7
@XiaoYueMao 2 жыл бұрын
i noticed this as mercy, my first few ranked games ever i had above 10k healing, more than the other support always, but after awhile i started getting ~6k healing and my other support (usually moira or ana or lucio) always have more healing than me, then i look over and see my offensive beam is at 73% which is a good thing, people mistake mercy as *THE* main healer but the reality is many supports should and can outheal her, as unlike other supports which can heal and provide utility at the same time, mercy has to make a choice, support with dmg boosting, or heal, and the dmg boosting is often a much better utility, more dmg means the faster you win a team fight, meaning the less heals your team needs overall
@muddy_puppy_mofo 2 жыл бұрын
u can do both if ur good ngl. 13k healing + 70% damage boost is prob normal
@Chr0n0s38 2 жыл бұрын
I'm going to make a minor correction. Stats without context don't matter. Stats with context do matter. Dying a lot, but killing someone else and contesting the point at key moments (at the expense of your life) is very different from just dying a lot. Unfortunately this context is hard to record. Best thing to do is look at your stats across all games. With enough rounds in, the various contexts start to negate each other and you can see the bigger picture.
@iSuckAtGamesGG 2 жыл бұрын
yeah like for example people look at mercy's with low heals as terrible mercys when in reality that mercy already had a bap on their team with 10k heals, the mercy spent 60% of her time on damage beam, and she has like 30 assists from pocketing their ash and mcree. i feel like they should make it to where if u damaged boost someone ur damage stat should go up in equal amount to the extra damage ur providing
@AntLeonardi01 2 жыл бұрын
I agree that stats don’t matter, but if your solider has half your junkrat’s damage, he’s probably dying too much and not positioning properly… so at least it gives you a ballpark of team contribution.
@goodboythings7343 2 жыл бұрын
Or he's confirming more kills while junkrat is only feeding damage to heals and take
@TEACH_OW 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly for instance, I was playing with a friend who was playing junkrat and I was Sojourn. He started talking shit to me about how he was carrying because he had twice the damage and more “eliminations”. However, I asked him how many final blows and solo kills he had, I had more than double. I was focusing on their support and the DPS where he was focusing on the tank. I provided more value despite have half the damage output
@TiMonsor 2 жыл бұрын
the vis is about healers, dps is another story
@muffinmaster9037 2 жыл бұрын
I thought about this before so im glad i found this Video. Its crazy how the people on your team who die twice as much as you are always calling heal diff or damage diff when the enemy tank ist playing shields while yours is not.
@muffinmaster9037 2 жыл бұрын
Or the other way arround in the healing case
@grangergonzalez9821 2 жыл бұрын
The major mistake Overwatch 2 made is take away objective time as a stat, because I assure you, as A DPS Reaper main, I always have higher objective time than my entire team combined, and if anything my team is in the wrong, I kept looking at where I could have gone wrong but there was nothing, it was just that the tank and their pocket mercy go for kills instead of map control, and the other DPS has twice my damage with no actual contribution to the game
@Azyne 2 жыл бұрын
Always remember, protect your healer Tanks and Damages and stop going into fights on your own
@napo5489 2 жыл бұрын
believe most ow players should learn this xD
@AbbyAZK 2 жыл бұрын
Really really informative video, loved the insight on deaths per x and positioning, this game is so beautiful in a way that you're always learning something new everyday so thank you for that Paz, keep up the great content! :)
@kylewelsh_krossdesu7700 2 жыл бұрын
I'm glad so many of these videos are coming out because I've been saying this about many games for years and most people just brush me off.
@jeerkku 2 жыл бұрын
As a support main I've often ran into the situation where I essentially need to play the role of the 20k healing andy just so my other teammates can have as many opportunities as possible to break the enemy compositions. If I severely out heal the other support, they can focus more on sleeping, i.fielding, discording, suzuing, booping, and so on. The best support for that ironically is the worst one for any kind of play making, i.e. Moira. All of this to say I am the main heal
@austinquick6285 2 жыл бұрын
Ty for clearing this up. I tell all my teamates all the time, I don’t care what the numbers are, as long as you contribute to game winning plays. Period.
@PAZswagger 2 жыл бұрын
There is a reason Kiriko is the best right now and not Moira...
@VicInCommentSection 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate the video and as a 6-year, hard-stuck low gold support player, can agree to a certain extent. All the support players I play - Ana, Moira, Baptiste, and Zen - have at least a 51% win rate. However, my Ana healing is by far the highest; none of my other healers can even get 5,000 healing/10 minutes, sadly. My Ana healing is usually 7,500/10 minutes. It's a wonder my teams win when I heal with anyone other than Ana.
@OatmealTheCrazy 2 жыл бұрын
On the other end, when I was first playing Kiriko, I would often have plenty of games where I was just absolutely chucking out heals. I'd often have like 20k in a 13 min game....that were almost always losses. Legitimately like 3/4 losses as opposed to other ones where I'd win about 70% of the time while only healing maybe 13-15 in that same time
@beterybunny234 2 жыл бұрын
I completely agree, and this comes down to what I call 'team ecosystems'. Each team has a different style of play, and each rank has a different ecosystem (or style of play) all together. This goes back to the video of not looking at ranked players who aren't close to your skill level. Moira is great as draining, healing, and focusing characters so the DPS can pick up the half dead characters I focus if I DPS. This only works if my teammates know what exactly I'm doing. If the ecosystem of one's team is too spread out and gets tilted and toxic there's very little a support can do at my rank level. If a tank feeds and refuses to group up, my team is done for. If my dps teammates skill isn't where it needs to be and they aren't positioning correctly and keep getting picked off, my team is done for. At my level of skill, the only thing *I* need to worry about is keeping myself and my team alive. Which Moira is very good at! However, as I go up in rank I will have to think about how the ecosystem is changing and how to adapt.
@kalebnolan8343 2 жыл бұрын
If I hear “ana just heal” one more time I’m switching mains to zen
@OatmealTheCrazy 2 жыл бұрын
As a zen main, I approve
@kalebnolan8343 2 жыл бұрын
@@OatmealTheCrazy as an ana main, I assure you I would make you mad 😂 but as a team tho… 😂
@winterpage1480 2 жыл бұрын
I agree that stats like healing/damage per 10 are not worth a fixation that most people have, but win percentage and deaths/10 don't really give an indication of good personal performance. It's telling you how poorly your team as a whole is performing. Even though the single player does play a part in that statistic, it is also heavily influenced by the four other people on your team. Unfortunately, there really isnt a single good stat to indicate game sense, but thats why we have so many stats in the first place.
@callmeconvay7977 2 жыл бұрын
The only other important stats are you utility's accuracy. If you're missing entire anti-nades and sleep darts, you're in trouble. This oftentimes reflects in your deaths/win rate, but it's very helpful to see "I only land 2 or 3 sleep darts a game, maybe I should focus on that" when looking at where to improve.
@martinbat1164 2 жыл бұрын
unless u only hit the tank with sleep darts which is less useful than hittin a different role
@callmeconvay7977 2 жыл бұрын
@@martinbat1164 the tank is absolutely the best target to sleep, unless someone's ulting or diving you. . .
@Koko-ey7ke 2 жыл бұрын
@@callmeconvay7977 what ab a support? if the support is slept cant heal tank theyre dead
@callmeconvay7977 2 жыл бұрын
@@Koko-ey7ke sleeping a support could be better, but it's much harder to do and the value is more variable. It's hard to finish off the kill and the other supports mostly have utility to keep the fight going with only one active support. Lucio speed to disengage, Kiriko suzu, Baptiste lamp, etc.
@jayku8857 2 жыл бұрын
This video is very useful. Tells me alot about how me and my friends have been looking at the game vs how it should be looked at.
@IceColdSight 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly want to say thank you. As a brand new player to OW2 and OW in general Im feeling stuck in a trap of looking at my stats too often to justify my wins/losses and to judge how well I did instead of looking at more important things like actually winning the game Breaking away from this is difficult but hopefully Ill get there
@SocialExperiment232 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you it’s good to hear this sometimes. The attitude of needing improvement is the best one to have.
@PAZswagger 2 жыл бұрын
@HegeRoberto 2 жыл бұрын
This is something I have known the because I played OW1, it perfectly makes sense how certain supports are super situational and provide some sort of other effect than healing, like Kiriko being able to make you immune to damage for a few seconds can save you from a Dva or Junk ULT, no other support can do that, just Lucio with his own ULT. Seeing these stats instantly made me understand that whoever made the decision to add them to the game actually doesn't know or understand the game and the playerbase.
@linusgustafsson2629 2 жыл бұрын
I am really enjoying the rank reset with overwatch 2. Gave me the chance to be put on bronze with healer, which I'm great at, and silver with tank which I am horrible at. Going to be interesting to see where I can get at DPS, since I actually suck at aiming so among the roles, I'm worst at it depending on which character I play. Only thing I have going for me is that I adapt to the team composition and enemy picks. (Always fun playing a game where the enemy has a pharah and your team has a junkrat and a reaper. I'm sure they will take her out someday).
@titustaylor5545 2 жыл бұрын
they didnt actually reset u got bugged
@javiersanchez6048 2 жыл бұрын
ehh, I have played junkrat against pharas and it is possible to win. But because I have play junk a lot :)
@SamuraiMotoko 2 жыл бұрын
I have a friend that like to insist that you may heal like 1000 per minute to be a great healer, and I keep telling him that is not really the point, but that is his random metric
@dxpperwoke 2 жыл бұрын
wish my teammates would understand this instead of yelling at me that im not good at supp
@dropz5030 2 жыл бұрын
The only important stat is your "Diff stat" 🌚
@Chinsanity23 2 жыл бұрын
I hate when I have a moira on my team thinking they’re doing the most.
@masterchief9177 2 жыл бұрын
I also main Healer when I first started playing OW Back in the day, at times I just switch and play mostly DPS nowadays with Overwatch .2 But... At Open queue at least whether that be casual or competitive, I always seem to switch to Tank or Healer. (If we don't have any, OR if teammate X isn't doing his/her job /// or probably is doing their job but is legitimately struggling since Tank AND especially Healer seems to get targeted a lot in player fights by the enemy team or certain enemy player) Often times I seem to not get any protection priority if two+ enemy players or certain specific enemy genji/sombra etc.. is only attacking me first and foremost. So despite signaling or flying away as Mercy for help from my teammates, MOST of the time I don't get help thus resulting me dying a lot, trying to get back from spawn across the map if i'm lucky, otherwise I'll get spawnkilled by Sombra or Flanking/camping Reaper. Then I get teammates (Not all teammates are toxic or intentionally trolls) but.. again, I get teammates who spam "Switch to X, Play Your role, Get Good, Skill issue, Reported, I need HEALs, I need HEALs, I nEeD HeAlS etc..." in chat. At that point yeah I guess I should just play with a solid LFG gang, or with friends, but I don't have much time as I once did due to life with college and all that, my original gang I've meet back then that helped me almost past my Diamond Rank to Masters has already moved on. So I'm stuck with that at the meantime, as a Solo player experience overall. Small rant and all. I doubt I'll get any attention, nor will I be surprised with the replies if I get any. Probably ' TL:DR' right? Just a throwaway comment, I'll forget about it without notifications unless I come back to it. Thanks yall if any did stop by to read it.
@torchy_ 2 жыл бұрын
as a support main, i thank you
@Seraph_op 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks I already knew this but needed a reminder. Deaths per 10 are 100% my weakpoint, I hate doing too little even if it means dying 1v3 which results in me getting mad at teammates for not doing enough. If I had to give it a name I would call it Overwatch-ADHD.
@oniongaming6815 2 жыл бұрын
Tbh the higher you go in ranks, the less you will make in a game But that doesn't mean you shouldn't swap to counter cause its the first step
@leediaz5690 2 жыл бұрын
As a moira main, i always diving a out of place Anna with a distance where she cant grenade the both of us
@johndywick179 2 жыл бұрын
Funny I actually learned this after two weeks of playing and actually having a chance to use all the characters. Therefore now I win a lot of the time and notice when I have to much healing I mush change the outcome with a new hero and see if I can change the tide of the game and sometimes it works out, and Sometimes the other team is better than mines.
@Changingtesting 2 жыл бұрын
Another example I like is that a lot of kills do not mean they are beneficial kills, I’ve had games where a doomfist would just dive the enemy team alone and get plentiful of picks, but these kills weren’t capitalized on so it did nothing but just left our team without a main tank, causing us to die more often, yes the doomfist was getting picks in the backline, but those picks weren’t beneficial in the grand scheme of things
@dookyswanson 2 жыл бұрын
i would love a video about team comps and the heroes that fit in each one
@ريّان-ذ4ت 2 жыл бұрын
it is also important there is high and low value dmg/healing. You can have 20k damage in 1 game but very low kills because you're shooting the enemy tanks who keeps getting healed the entire time, similarly you can have 20k healing done but your teammates keep dying because you're healbotting your tank. Widow for example can have very low damage stat but can win fights by getting a couple of picks. Torb usually has the highest elim stat because his turret does like 10 dmg to everyone your team kills. Moira similar thing with the elim stat.. etc etc
@coolitten4937 2 жыл бұрын
I had a genji game (before the nerf) where I had barely any damage but I had a lot of killed and like 2 death, I was also half substituting the tank with deflect
@DodgeThatAttack 2 жыл бұрын
yeah, very often people claiming their stats are better so their team sucks have no good utility, are playing stat farmers like moira and bastion, and are feeding the enemy ults because of it. I find damage per elim much more useful because it shows youre contributing to the team, since elims count for everyone who took part in the kill, not just contributing to themself
@Jyeoi 2 жыл бұрын
Yea i agree too many ppl look at stats without understanding. If a squishy has 200 hp, and all game i hit 100% of my shots and kill this single squishy all game 20 kills. Thats only 4000 damage stat. Ive seen guys with 6-8k damage but with no kills... Kills > damage, Teammates alive > healing
@gurgodarkk 2 жыл бұрын
Literally had an argument about this with someone yesterday, for example you can be a Junkrat who just spams granades at the enemy tank and general direction of their team and get dmg OR you could sneakily go for a pick that can lead to a team wipe (less dmg but potentially way more effective).
@texdoc89 2 жыл бұрын
Man the life of a support main honestly sucks in this game right now, I've maining Moira to climb out of the low ranks because I can't count on my DPS to kill ONE DAMN TIME THE ENEMY MEI OR PHARAH so I keep getting picked off. Now that there is one less tank as support you no longer have someone to cover your ass so you either listen to the clueless Genji mains who complain they need heals from across the map in the 1v3 fight they just picked or.... kill the damn sombra who won't leave me the hell alone, of course I choose my own life but now I'm the bad guy because I didn't heal him. That and the whole " 3k XP just for thanking a support during game for heals" bahahaha didn't even know that was a thing until I decided to go Tank for an hour the other day.
@jasonjacksonii1805 2 жыл бұрын
Stats are the most important part of the game. When you win and have great stats you can be extra toxic. When you lose as long as you have the best stats you can be toxic. With bad stats a player is at a major disadvantage in the trolling field. This is an element of the game you appear to be ignoring, and this is why I am GM and you are not
@THEKING-ix6rw 2 жыл бұрын
As a torb in gold I avg 12-15k dmg and 6 deaths or less needless to say I’m climbing pretty quickly but is that good
@nighthawk_ 2 жыл бұрын
That last song sounds vaguely like the Mt. Moon music from Pokemon LeafGreen and FireRed.
@zadinal 2 жыл бұрын
Oh man this drives me nuts. Team complains in not doing enough damage as Sombra but I have equivalent elims and cancelled two ultra and my ult won us a team fight. Other things can happen guys....
@420chuu 2 жыл бұрын
high damage but low elims is another great example. it’s usually because dps shoot into the tanks instead of killing then healers/dps
@jackb7685 2 жыл бұрын
You could normalize it against damage dealt by the enemy team and friendly mit
@gumarks_ 2 жыл бұрын
I usually compare my stats to other players in the match (both my team and the enemy team). It's really a situational thing (you have to consider how the game is going overall), and it depends a lot on what hero you and the other players are using, but knowing how these variables affect the stats, you can see if you're doing well or not in the match. For example, if I have a shit ton of damage dealt as a dps, but the rest of the dps in the game have similar damage stats, it's probably just how the game is going, not that I'm having an insane performance. Same goes with healing. Also, it's not the same playing, say, a Junkrat or a Widowmaker, you will probably deal a lot more damage as Junkrat (considering you're having a similar output for your team with both). And about healers, aside from healing per se, a support hero can contribute in very different and unique ways to their team, so it's important knowing how to use those abilities. For example, a Zen may have lower healing stats that the other healer in the team, but his discord orb and potential damage can be VERY helpful, if used correctly. It's important to put that into value.
@younggod5230 2 жыл бұрын
If we take seriously the proposition that stats should look about the same every game for every character, then every game would literally just all have to be the same
@creeperstkoed6282 2 жыл бұрын
This has ALWAYS been a problem, especially with Moira, the amount of games in OW1 that I had a Moira say "I hAve GolD DaMagE, DPS KiLl SomEThInG" while I'm on widow is innumerable, I know you touched on why healing is situational but for those wondering why damage is also situational its because there's essentially 2 types of damage, burst and non-burst (I don't remember the actual name) burst is something like widow, hanzo, cass, they deal damage all at once or really quickly this means while you have less damage if you are landing your shots you still have high kills, thats why a widow with high damage and high kills is likely not being as effective as a low damage high elim widow, as her whole goal is to get that headshot burst, on top of that, I'd say there are 2 healers where it's super easy to have both the highest damage and heals being zen and Moira, back when I was a zen main a loooonnnggg time ago I would regularly have 10k+ dmg and about 6-7k heals, and have gold on both, (I was also bronze at the point but it still stands) and Moria mains that get pissed of at your dps for this reason, please next time think about why your dps arent getting kills, just saying "cause they are bad" is an excuse, sometimes there are things you can do to enable them to get the kills. You by no means are a dps and shouldn't play her as such, Moira is about balance and shifting from an offensive to a defensive playstyle and thats not game to game or round to round that a moment to moment desicion, that being said (and this applies to every role) you will have bad teammates that just suck at everything they do, or there are enemies that are just to good for the people you ended up with, it happens reflect on what you can do better as changing how you play is the only way to improve. Just remember the 20-20-60 rule, 20% of games you will win no matter what you do, 20% of games you will lose no matter what you do, but 60% of games you have an impact on the outcome always think about why you lost even if it was one of those games where you get rolled.
@Bigcountry4415 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t even think deaths per ten matter. An example in my last game (it was and unranked). The game was just over 9 minutes long and I died 7 times, however the rest of my team died 8 to ten times. I’m not going to survive a 1 vs anything over 1 while playing support. I never died until at least 3 of my teammates died and I’m not going to stop a team kill by myself.
@BenutzernameXY 2 жыл бұрын
You are a low elo player
@Bigcountry4415 2 жыл бұрын
@@BenutzernameXY no I’m a no elo (just won my 50th game in unranked) I still don’t think I’m wrong. If your team is going to be wiped out they are going to be wiped out.
@Hero-co9yo 2 жыл бұрын
I wanted to check my stats, but when I did I realized my stats were 100 hours behind where I am now because since Overwatch 2 my stats seemingly went down for no reason other than Blizzard
@crossdix6972 2 жыл бұрын
I know my reason why i have a 37% win rate is cause i cant aim and i seem to never improve even after 8 years of video games
@John-yk4bp 2 жыл бұрын
They need a stat for impact on the scoreboard fr
@DoneSonGoku 2 жыл бұрын
1:18 this would be great if they didn't throw out levels or stuff in the game. Sure your last recorded level is in overwatch but you can't see that level if that player's social/career is hidden or if you just don't have time pre round.
@Groot9000 2 жыл бұрын
I get those games where I get low healing BC my teammates thought it would be a great idea to run into a dva alt
@fallkey4822 2 жыл бұрын
Congrats on 20k!
@_Libosido 2 жыл бұрын
Mostly important stat whats matter, is "value" _(of your actions)_ . But value is different for each rank. For bronze up to gold, raw stats like heal and damage are X-times better than hero utility => value for low ranks is dmg+heal output. For me as the main support, is not the rocket science, because for mostly utility you need follow up from your team -> if team doesnt commit to atk on sleeping target/anti heal grenade, you get value only from dmg/heal as Ana, if dps player cant land shot or you have yolo players what dies in frontline alone, Mercy rez or dmg boost is useless, same works for Zen discord orb, speed aura from Lucio etc. Low ranks are "different game" because it is the world, where is lack of map awareness, no co-op, not using any cover, not counterpick, no voice com, pings are ignored etc. and this is reason, why "tips from pro-players" never works in low ranks.
@tosutaa 2 жыл бұрын
gonna send this to the reaper player that was doing 1/3 the damage and had 1/5 the kills as the enemy reaper but blamed us because we weren't healing him when he was 2 miles away trying to 1v5
@maxie_pad279 2 жыл бұрын
I usually do 1,000 damage or healing per minute so if you're 5 minutes in you should have 5,000 or more in damage or healing
@murilosotti3401 2 жыл бұрын
Other thing that is important, if you are going to compare damage, compare it with yourself only and over many matches while playing mostly the same character, there is no sense comparing the damage of a Widowmaker and a Reaper for example.
@TiMonsor 2 жыл бұрын
when team says «enemy healers have +5k healing on us» they dont think about the comp. They had hog, he takes billions of dmg, they heal him = here are the numbers that u get.
@omarunzainkun11 2 жыл бұрын
It misses one important point. Stats does matter but only up to a certain point. If your other healer is doing 15k healing and you are doing 2k healing, lesser kills and lesser damage than your other healer, you are doing something wrong. I know this is obvious but in rank you know how the obvious is highly imperceptible by most players just because they are tilted on that very moment.
@javiersanchez6048 2 жыл бұрын
man, we're assuming you don't have 0 on all stats XD. In that case of course you are not doing anything
@omarunzainkun11 2 жыл бұрын
@@javiersanchez6048 hence why I said you will be surprised how many players put on steel face when being called out of the "obvious" and outright denying it and made up all kinds of story.
@slimesoup7944 2 жыл бұрын
I got yelled at today for having 10k damage 30 elims and 8k healing on bap when our mercy had 22k.. our tank kept trying to take weird 1v3 or 1v4 fights and complained about not getting healed enough and it just frustrates me that people think that healing is actually that important.
@Firelegs101 2 жыл бұрын
I had a moira flame me bec i had lower healing stats and we were winning. My teammates were confused because i was hitting some good sleeps and nades lmao
@GodLoverOdin 2 жыл бұрын
Brah, you out here spitting facts but i dont think ya need to tell people that
@sortout1 2 жыл бұрын
Holy fuck I really know which stats to improve on as I’ve come from games where stats tell the real story of the player
@holdenwoofter5896 2 жыл бұрын
Perfect video imo. Simple, to the point, and helpful to people who struggle with this.
@AspenFrostt 2 жыл бұрын
what sucks is the way ow battlepass and battlepass stuff is structured, it rewards new players for throwing by padding numbers instead of playing the objective or paying attention to the game, they just shoot or heal bot instead of making plays
@dojo45789 2 жыл бұрын
I had a healer getting super mad at me and our other damage dealer cause we couldnt kill anyone since they had pick classes that our lucio and zenyatta couldnt outheal, and refused to do anything other than sit by the rein who was never doing anything other than standing at the corner with shield up then running it when it runs out
@ml3677 2 жыл бұрын
The game didn’t even start and somebody from my team started complaining that I don’t heal. He said, “Kiriko you’re not a DPS hero you’re a support hero”. Yet I dealt more damage than him!
@kurniaprimaputra1313 2 жыл бұрын
A bit disagree.. me in low rank use damage stats and elim to choose which player to be prioritized with attack boost as mercy.. As tank, support with low healing and damage stats could indicate that support is frequently ambushed or picked thus I can prepare a countermeasures.. I dunno about dps tho..
@actuallynotsteve 2 жыл бұрын
No you're wrong, you get gold medals and then use voice chat to tell your teammates that you're absolved of any blame because you had 15k per 10 heals
@MySOAP12 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I'd rather have two heal bots than a Lucio and a zen when I play tank. They're support, not healers but healing is still extremely important in overwatch. Especially too tanks
@Zanodia 2 жыл бұрын
Getting called out for having low damage on Widow but you are popping the squishies like balloons.
@fersanthevaultdweller2024 2 жыл бұрын
I love playing Lucio it's so fun but I feel players don't understand what a Lucio does like sheet, sometimes my team are having fight like 4v2 or 4v3 cuz I'm harassing the enemies especially healers that they can heal and ignore me or harass the widow that's either dominating them or they are actively ignoring yet they still lose and just want me to pocket them as a heal bot Lucio sheesh sometimes I have gotten matches with more elems than my DPS with DMG score being lower and with a decent healing stat but they only look at the healing stat when complaining
@dextrex9726 2 жыл бұрын
What if it’s a Moira has 5,000 damage and 120 healing, and the enemy team has over 20,000 damage done altogether against your team
@Badspot 2 жыл бұрын
Ignore your own stats. The most important stats are your teammates' so you know who to blame after you lose.
@extinctparadise363 2 жыл бұрын
Let me share a Dorado game I lost in comp recently- my team: orisa, torb, reaper, kiriko, zen. Enemy team: hog, reaper, mei, kiriko, Moria. Everyone on our team had over 40 Elims except for our kiriko who had 15 elims with 43 assists 11 deaths. Our orisa- 53/17/11. Me as torb- 55/6/10, our reaper- 47/7/11 and our zen at 40/40/15. The enemy’s highest elims was their reaper with 33/0/16! Their mei was 27/9/18. And after that everything on their side fell somewhere in there. We lost in overtime. I’ll tell you why we lost, their ultimates would team wipe us. Giving them easy cart progress. That is why stats don’t matter. A game where my team has 40+ elims each, and still lost! 😥😓
@idiomasentusiasticos7954 2 жыл бұрын
I was playing Mercy and a guy got mad at me that I had 400 damage. He was pissed that he was carrying the team 😂
@Enigmata23 2 жыл бұрын
One of the best ways to realize how stats dont matter is to play support. Heal botting will get you no where.
@seraphin01 2 жыл бұрын
Good video and yeah I must say I thought that Stat board would be great coming into ow2, making clear who's not pulling their weight etc But overall it was not giving the right infos, sometimes the opposite At first I was playing supp like in ow1, I would easily go over 20k heal with mercy or Moira for instance and yet kept losing games consistently I thought it wasn't my fault, I had shit team etc, after all I'm always first heal and more often than not (except with mercy) more dmg than second support But while looking back now I see why I win or lose games, it's not my dps player dmg count or my healing count, it's my death per 10 indeed as well as the number of picks from my tank and dps and me too. Numbers of games where the enemy dmg is actually on par with ours but we get NO kill. We might as well do no dmg, at least we wouldn't feed enemy's support ultimate Meanwhile what doesn't show on stat is how many sleep my ana player got on ulting enemy (or regular), the amount of blocked heals from nades, the numbers of speed boosts that won us the fight and so on So yeah that stats board is actually not that great.. It's a decent indicator, but it doesn't tell the whole story
@jellocook 2 жыл бұрын
i have a higher deaths per 10 on characters with higher winrates but i have a 5.24 deaths per 10 on ana and i have a 49% winrate what could be causing this
@coloradoliftedyeti6328 2 жыл бұрын
Holy fuck as a new player to this game I have been doing it all wrong 😬🤦‍♂️ status don’t matter and here I am thinking they do 🦦
@theburnix 2 жыл бұрын
Had team mates in qp raging over heals and how our supports had less than the enemy supports,
@iSuckAtGamesGG 2 жыл бұрын
i have a sub 6 deaths per 10 as kiriko but i also have a 38% win rate lmao. i dont healbot either, but guess thats what happens when ur kunai accuracy is 20 - 30% lol
@paulduchamp4736 2 жыл бұрын
Stats do matter, what need to be taught is how to read them and interpret. Statistics are to be taken in context, what hero you were playing, what comp you ran with and how the game plays out is will determines what stats you should have. Ex: if you see your mercy 6k damage and 17 kills, something may be off. What would be more correct would be to say that stats are not the only thing you should look at. Ot fives a general understanding of the match, but to see what went wrong or right, you'll have to check when these stats came in actions. And also, positionning yes.
@thuggwaffle8825 2 жыл бұрын
I’m a diamond 1 DPS main but I’d much rather have a mercy on my team than an Ana… Having a team that’s hardly ever being topped off on heals is obnoxious and affects your confidence going into team fights or 1v1 situations.. If I’m 165 hp instead of 200 going into a fight it affects my mindset.. Ana players generally don’t heal you to 100% and it drives me crazy
@StalkingCheez 2 жыл бұрын
never been this early! would love more kiriko tips! I think she’s my new main
@PAZswagger 2 жыл бұрын
I definitely will be uploading gameplay with her soon as she is hard meta lolol
@QuickS4nd 2 жыл бұрын
@@PAZswagger Do you think that's a good or a bad thing? And could she be a subject for nerfs?
@danielgertler5976 2 жыл бұрын
Moiras op as shit in lower ranks though because people aren't good enough to counter her and everyone freaks out in a moira 1v1 so it becomes easy pickings for her
@MurderBirdExpress 2 жыл бұрын
This was my first question when playing OW2 when joining the discord, because coming from a player who played Paladins, as a support main, it was always satisfying to have highest healing number in game, but Paladins, at that time, was completely different compared to what OW2 is now. Thanks again for clarifying this conundrum.
@PAZswagger 2 жыл бұрын
Glad I could be of use!
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